STATE JiEWS.. nAlLllOAD GLIDE," F U JB I O H T I N ;.E: OTI&UEIXAJV i:0 list. 51 I C L LL1 HI C O U II A D V. U T ? 1 J3 i E W T h: leDa-oivl rAf.jcaiy AKeiubJ . oprlt . lv ft ift ee eame rooster. cnkes cn o,v - i t.x:-- ritvtiisboro young man iihb . A candle box and started u the The WftJf sborO-fftrttMia turnthg alt r ; attention t the nomination of ' idates for position on the State There kreaLpeniteiiu axxne-auar oi hp Salisbury Street Baptist Church, of pVlp'b, w'lfre a revival has been pro fug tor .ono time past. runt of a" hen in' Caswell county .ut nobody had any-respect for has llst laid an t'Kg the village editor has measured and pronounced as large as his fist. CaDt James L Robinsonis booked for a speech at Cherokee Court, urging the adoption of the Constitutional amendments. Blue Ridge Blade : The editor of the Concord Sun is very much put out be rause the highest-ecclesiastical author- A Vina declared there in no devil A sect up here has been -...nhins-that there is -no hell;.' Of course if you take -away fellow' homestead, you had as well bury him at once. The Wadesboro Herald says that two negroes, Peter Medley and, Jo Pratt, working on Mr. John Spencer's plan-tation-both drunk engaged in a tieht o.i Monday night, which result rd in Medley's being knocked down with a club and Pratt being so severely ( ut that he cannot recover. v r . The funniest thing in the world is to see a regular old "stiff" at the baptii ;ng 0f one of his children A very says thM some of the Morganton "stiffs" me very backward in this respects ; Two of them dodged a baptizing last utk, nd the two who attended look id rs if they were being marched to the slake and would run if they were not afraid to. Another saw mill gets the best of it. Up in MorgantonT last week Mr. Robt. (iudger, v ho has charge of Mr. Pres well's saw mill, understoqk to.siopjthe saw after the water had been shut off, by placing his foot on the side of ihe saw, and now he hasn't got but eight toes to 'stump)." This from the Blade. The Blade says that one of the color rd convicts at work ouf the. Western Insane Asylum at - M organ topruet, vwth a horrible death" last week. They were hauling some very heavy logs up a steep hill when the wagon Overset :n he walked beside it and one of the legs fell with its foil force across his body, killing him instantly. He never spoke but once, Wilmington Review. Mr. James F. Brorkett. residing on the corner of Second and Church streets, is possess ed of a very curious freak of nature in the fchnpe of a small boarr nineteen months old, which has hams and shoulders, but no sides, with his tail very near the centre of the back, and his hoofs closely resembling those of a deer; his tracks would at, .any 'time be taken for those of a deer. There is a seam passing around the middle of the body, which makes it appear as though the two halves of the nog had been sewed together, and it is said that when angry he acts very much like a young bear. llilUboro Recorder: On Tuesday Inst whilst Mr.. Paisley Kirkpatrick was at work in his saw mill, four .miles west of town, the saw struck a wedge used to open the ends of the (awed boards, which fjf w back and struck Mr. K. a heavy blow on the forehead over the left eyeknocking him senseless. It was feareathat the tkull was fractured, but we learn his condition is improving. Two years ngo h'.r. Kirkpatrick was nearly killed in his (stable 8 by a fractious horse, and lay many months in a helpless condi tion, and now his life is again serious ly imperilled. SOUTlilUAEOLINA NEWS. Dr. J. J. McCants, of Columbia, died on Tuesday and was buried on Wed nesday. Strawl r rries have appeared in the Charleston market, at seventy-five cents a quart. Mr. Lesley, a young man living on the farm of Dr. W. T. Field, in Pickens, one day last week, while fell ing a tree, was unfortunately caught under the falling tree. His head was severely crushed, and he died instant- ly. The Abbeville Press and Banner says that the dwelling and out-houses of Mr. John T. Cheatham, near Liberty Hill, were burnt one night last week. Loss $4,000 to $000. The only daughter of J. C. Pike, tf Orangeburg, died last Monday. She drank some concentrated . lye five months ago, which, it is .said, caused her death. The Aiken Courier Journal reports the marriage of Mr. Win. Howard, of Edgefield, born in 1792, and a veteran of the war of 1812, with a young lady of 18. A Hist for Bores Some time ago ihore lived a gentleman of. indolent I al.ita, in Sussex, who made it a busi "''s in the winter season to visit bis friends extensively After wearing "ut. his w.e!coinc in hia immediate vicinity lat winter, tie thought he would viait an oM Quaker friend, me twenty miles distant, who had "ten ji schoolmate of- his. OnUiis arrival he was cordially received by the Quaker, he thinking his viPitoV ad taken much pains to come so far t0. see him. He treated his friend witn great attention and politeness several days, and, as he did not see ay sign of his leaving, he t became uneasy ; but he bore it wirti patience "II the morning of the eighth day, " ne said to him : . My friend, I am afraid thee 11 never ish me again." nrL ' .. .. , "n.yes, I shall," said the visitor, J nave enjoyed my visit very, much. '.'certainly come again."- , Nay," said the Quaker. . "I think inee will never vifrnni aIfil ' P What hHikes on thihk Hkvt never come again?" ajiked a ia.irpif..,f If theenever doea' leaved 'aidtn vtuaKer "how canst thee come "gain 7" Jr"e visitor left.; IVE INVITE CASH nvklt5me.r8 and Promise' sell as low as Vr.yy n Charlotte. ' feb24' T C SMITH A CO. "Seven Up.?': cents Cigar in the City, at , , CAILWay SUPERINTENDENTS mnrrma y i . j Wilmington, Dec. 16, 1875. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. &7 -5ft:19. tlns ir vy vuio. XMUJWiy as ioilows : PASSENGER, AifD" "MAIL TRAINS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Filmineton. at . . r-nn . M rrf,riTeJ Charlotte, fr .. . 4 . 7Dra. Arrive Wilmington, at - - 7:00 pm FAST 'FREIGHT and PASSENGER H TBAINSDaily, . , ,, , Leave Wflmlngionrat - V 5M'pW Arrive at Charlotte. ... m m t Leave Charlotte, at - - - 5:30 am Arrive at Wilmington, -, 10:40 a m SHELBY DIVISION Daily, Sundays cepted. ex- Leave Charlotte, at - -Arrive at 8helby, at Leave Shelby, at Arrive at Charlotte, - CONNECTIONS. 7:00 a m 11:30 am 12:30 p n 5:00 p so Connects with the A. fc R. Air Line IE unariotte at 7:30 p. m. and 6.30 a. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmingtor Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington. Columbia A Augusta Railroad at 7 a. m., and 7 p.m. - Time from Wilmington to Atlanta 24 hours. Close connections both ways and on to the North. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please notict changes. S L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. decl9 C, C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEFT. Chablottk, Columbia & ArousTA, R.R. Columbia, 8. C, Jan. 23rd, 1876. j On and after Sunday, December 19th, the following schedule will be operated on this road; MAIL AND EXPRESS GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, daily, 4 15 p. m. Arrive at Columbia, 9 00 p. m. Leave Columbia, 9.20 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, o 15 a. m GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, P.40 p. m. Arriye at Columbia, 3.30 a. in. Leave Columbia, 3.45 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 8.30 a. ni. Comfortable sleeping cars run on this train between Charlotte and Augusta. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN CHAR LOTTE DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia daily (Sundays : excepted,) 8 00 a. m Arrive at Charlotte, 6 30 p m. GOING SOUTH, Leave Charlotte, 6 00 a. m . Arriye at Columbia. 4.00 p m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, G.00 a. iu. Arrive at Columbia, 4 00 p. ni. GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 8.00 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, A POPE, General Ticket Agent. ja28 Pieflmcnt Air-Line Railway. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danville R. W , N". C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W, CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. n effect on and after Dec. 19th, 1875. GOING NORTH STATIONS. MAIL, 5 45am G25 " 8 20 " 10 58 1 39pm 1 49 6 51 ' 9 3op m Leave Charlotte, ' Air-Tane J net n, ' - Salisbury, ' . Greensboro, ' Danville, 1 Dundee, ' Burkeville, Arrive at .Richmond, going south. BTATIOKB. MAIL. 5 50am 9 00 " 1 35 p M 143 " 4 28 ' 6 54 8 52 " 9 15 " GOING WEST MAII 410 pm Leave .Richmond, " Burkeville, " Dundee, " Danville, " Greensboro, " Salisbury, " Air-line J'ct'n, Arrive at Charlotte, GOING EAST. STATIONS, MAIL. Leave Greensboro, 1 1 00 am Ar Ar Ralegh, 349 pm 6 40 " Arr 11 05 pm L've 8 20 ' " at Goldsboro STATIONS. ACCOMDAT N TRAIN. L've Grf ensboro, 7 00 p m 5 00am Arr 6 00 am Arr 7 30 pm Lv 2 00 pm Arr at Raleigh, Arr at Goldsboro 11 15 " NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. (Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro, 4 45 An-ive at Salem. 6 45 p m Leave Salem. 8 15 a m Arrive at Greensboro, 10 33 " Passeneer train leaving Raleigh at 11 05 a m connects at Greensboro' with the Southern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 7 30 p m, connects witn Northern bound trains n Greensboro for Richmond and all points Jiasc race oi Tickets same as via other routes. Accommodation Tram leaving ureensooro at 7 00 p m connects at uoiaso ro witn Northern and Southern bound 'lramson tne Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lynchburg Accommodation leave lUTn- mond a 9. 0 a in, arrive at Kurkeville 12.6b p m, leave Burkeville 1 20 p m, arrive at Richmond 4 34 p m. No Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Milea. P:inrra that have arrangements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please print as above and forward copies to uenr Passenger Agent. t For further information aaaress JOHN R MACMURDO, Genl Passenger Agenr, Richmond, Va. dec 19 Harris' Empire Fertilizer. The following is self explanatory : MR HARRIS, ; Dbak Sni .We have been selling your Chemical Fertilizer, known as UAKKis EMPIRflCOJAPUlJNJJ, ror neany one year, and mast say that we have heard nothing bat the most ravoraoie repoixs ; in ijtci, m forrBertfiw bq nave used tit -tfre 'metre fthan pleased and wUl use double the amount the, following season. , W,e consider jt the cheap est Fertilizer that the Farmer can use, as be can with, your cnemicai maw aoou juut Tnn at about the same cost as one ton of. ftnost commercial Fertilizers. Yours truly, novo wiLsuw . : V s i , . . . s. f ' Puttr Linseed Oil,' i-uoricaiiuB w , nu TanBerV Oil,'- at ; i ' McADEN 8, JanH Drug Store. JURY GREGORY'S MIXTURE n , ) NORFOLK, VESTERH 1 THE following vessels !i aye been put upon this line for Liverpool, and ill be followed Toy othejra.'pur intention being to keep one or more Ships always upon the berth r SHIP RHINE, 1.093 TOXS; SHIP ATLANTIC, 1,252 TONS; SIIIP - 'OREGON, 1,133 TONS; SHIP KIN BURN, l,lu5 TONS ; SHIP : r.v--,:irir"-vPwcE,-,i,s6o tons.- Arrangements have been made by which through bills lading can be signed at interior points, and the goods will be re-shipped at Norfolk free of any charge whatever ja281mV ' REY OLDS BROTHER3, Agents, Norfolk, Va. THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTTE anfl ALL POINTS NORTH and EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. C, January 3rd, 1876. T1HE CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with L the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the RTt.,CJkLE3T0N' P"ents to Shippers of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS of X5AJ0TTE' AND ALONG 'HE LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MAN Y ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any ether line that bids for their business. For rates, cla rifications and all information, ca'l on the andtrsigned, A- -TOPE General Freight Agent, C, C. & A. R, K., Columbia, S. C. N M JOHNSTON, Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, jan2 WILMINGTON Fast Freight BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 Fill. ASD from wtljhnqtok WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Route to all GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Uities. ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta Railroad, WilmiDgton & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No d ravage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For f irther information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents or tne EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agt. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore aBd New York Line, Wilmington, N. C. tf. C. C. UISPiVTCH LIKE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, .offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IIISrSTTIREjTCIE K.JLTES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND tiimie as q,ttic:e:. INFORMATION FURNISHED JNO G YOUNG, Soliciting Agent C. C. sept30 G. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally. yaf Consignments solicited, ana returns promptly made. apo Rockhridge Alum Vater, AND BUFFALO LETHE A WATER, RECEIVED fresh from the Springs every week. We are the authorized agent for the celebrated Springs, and have perfected arr ingemenw w receive iresn supplies every week direct from the Springs. Excelsior Saratoga (rater on drangtit ana fn bottles. Congress Watery iHathorn Water and Star Saratoga Water in bottles, for sale at McADEN'S ju 11 Drugstore. Butter, Butter. FRESH arrival of that Superior Virginia , Batter, equal to any Goshen, at TEAUS-ATLAUTID LINE. C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, N. G. NORTH CAROLINA LINES. SEMI-WEEKLY. Points South and East. NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Une from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AND FBOM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS or East bound Freight, to Baltimore UTON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. D., Charlotte, N. C. T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Removal of Lumber Yard. THE undersigned haye removed their Lumber Yard to Rock Island Factory lot, and will keep a supply of Lumber, Laths, and the best Cypress Shingles, al ways on band : also a large supply of light wood for kindling, put np in bundles. They are prepared to fill bills for houses, either loDg or short leaf lumber at short notice. Dressed Flooring a specialty. B J 8HANNONHOUSE & SON. jan8 J. S. SPkKCKR. O. D. ALIEN, SPENCER & ALLEN, Gh R O C IE E; S AND Commission Merchants old stand or STEX HOUSE, MACAULAY 4 CO.. - ; '"" " - r Tkitx ) 8TaiT," f') i CHARLOTTE, N. C. Consignments solicited and prompt HUBS, SPOKES R I M S THE undersigned offer for sale their en tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs, Spokes and Rims, the machinery being all new, and purchased for cash, of the best makers in the United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine Shafting, Belting, Ac. v For terms, apply to T W Whisnant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to the undersigned at Wei fond 8. V. PS WHISNANT & SONS. sept21 tf J A ELLIOTT, Formerly with W J Black. J W SEMLBT. Late of Americas, Gs. NEW MM aRiffif. GOODS. ELLIOTT & REHLEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, yjfILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in the city. nov5 n 0 W. R. Burwell & Co., AGENT3, CHARLOTTE, N. C. febl2 A NOTHER LOT OF The celebrated Magnolia jlauis, ja9t ar rived at STITr, WAESH & CO'S. feb23 SAMUEL GROSE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DEALER IX SASH, Glazei anfl. Uiih&il, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL POSTS, WALNUT RAILING and BALLUSTER3. EVERY DISCRIPTION OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb25 TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLOTTE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : John E Bbow.v, John W Wadswoeth Allan Macaulay, Baxter H Moors. V Q Johnson, D F Cannon. Hon W M Shipp, Robt I McDowell, Phillip Schiff, 3 P Smith, OFFICERS : S P Fkith, President; R I McDowell, Vice President ; C N G Butt, Cashier. janl5 AT COST FOR CASH, Till lie 15th of APRIL, 1876, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGGOODS. AS I HAVEc-A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AND MUST BE SOLD, AS I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER to ANOTHER SEASON. J. L1ND Y, declO yE HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT A lot of fine White Beans, Oats and fresh Mountain Butter. STITT, WALSH & CO. feb23 COB M MT5KDEL, A BACM3AKTES. TACOB M. MENDEL & CO., U MANUFACTURERS O? 3 I G j&. 3& S WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, TRADE ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. oct!3 The Last Gall. ALL parlies who have not paid their Tax es, are hereby notified that no further indulgence can be given. I will be compell ed to settle in full with tne uounty Treas urer in a few days, and, in the meantime, if steps are not taken to cancel the taxes now - sj r i v..1 , to-J rK V, reinaminn uuiwiu lor iucjwio iuit- iu, uo claims will certainly be put in the hands of a Deputy for collection. It win , De a very disagreeable duty on my part to be forced to sell the nrorjertv of any man, but as I am legally liable for the taxes still due, the col lection of the same will be enforced without fear or favor. This is positively my last call to delinauents to come forward and settle without delay. I can always be found at my office in the Court House. M E ALEXANDER, Sheriff. '; feb23 lm ; Democrat and Home copy 2t ' i . it) v . :o:- JLL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER for 1875, and pre viously, ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEIR ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED AT ONCE OR THEY WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS or THEIR ATTORNEYS FOR COLLECTION. I LIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. January 11th,; 1876. G. S. H. APPLEGET Rear end R M Miller A Son's Building, 4th Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ARCHITECT 3 AND AGENT FOE ALL KINDS IronFriiilsofBiiiliiLGalTaiiiiei Cornices, Iron Fences, Crestins. AND ALL KINDS GALVANIZED WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any Person. Office hours from 9 to 12 m., and 2 to 9 p. m. G S H APPLEGET, wishes to inform the public at large, that he is prepared to furnish Plans of all kinds of buildings, with working drawings in full, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the State, he being a practical builder, having an experience of 15 years in three of the largest cities of the United States He can answer any question or give any information in regard to the construc tion of any part of the building, as he is fully qualified to go and do the work him self. With 15 years as a builder and 14 as an Architect, he knows just what is neces sary lor a mechanic to get along with, and with this experience you will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the business. You can judge for yourself as to whether a man is an Architect without be ing a practical builder. Some in this State claim to be Architects when ther have no knowledge of the business and caii only be called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last six years he has been employed m this State, and has done all the best buildings, with only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the State, where persons can see his work. In Charlotte he would call attention to 8 P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims & Dowd's Store, and a number of the private residences here. He refers to all who haye employed him as Architect and Superintendent, as to his ability. He can furnish, if an v desire them, the name of parties and buildings, bat can not do so here for the want of room. He can bdow as many fine buildings as any other man of his age, and will take pleasure in doing so, 1 Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine his drawings, which he has at least 500. He guarantees to have 50 to 1 of any other per son in the State. All are invited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited. nial5 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN- WATCH MAKING. NO BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK DONE at this ESTABLISHMENT. ALL WORK DONE IN A WORKMAN SHIP MANNER AND WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATIS FACTION FOR TWELVE MONTHS. GOOD 30 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOR $3.50. WATCH MAKERS SUPPLIED WITH ALLKINDS OF MATERIAL. RUSH H. BIXLER, Tryon Street, opp. Butler's Jewelry Store. mar2 ' Removal. MY Boot and Shoe Shop has been remov ed to Hoi ton's new. brick building on Trade Street, pver Walker's store, where I will be pleased to see all my old friends and customers. Thankful for past favors, I re- pectfully solicit a share of public patronage xj. Auoiin. Corn ! Corn ! ! I CAR LOAD CORN, FOR SALE BY w . feb29 M . CIIOWELL Canary Seed, TT EMP Seed. Rape Seed. Cuttle Fish Bone, XJL Hop ionic, Liiqum jsxt. tseei. febl2 . W K BURWELL & CO. German Hf INERAL WATER, Natural Friedrich ' ' ill shalse Bitter Water in bottles. W R BUB WELL A CO , niar9 Springs' Corner T0YSHD0YS! I . HAVE A LARGE. AND WELL ASSORTED LOT OF TOYtf ATO FANCY GOODS, EMBRACE - v INQ ALMOST I EVERYi; . THING INJIYLINE ; . j OF BUSINESS, ...4,H .v, AND ALL' . ; 1 OF THESE I ;- " WILL SELL at GREAT-S) LY REDUCED PRICES. COME . . r AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. I HAVE., ALSO-p : BAISINS, CIT, APPLES," N UTS, LEMONS , ORANGES? icOAMS, SOME VERY FIRaGHAPES, &C, &C-5 &C, &I .1 , jn EE is THE PLACE TO GET CAKES & PIES. D. IKE. RIGIiETEL! decl5 LATEST STYLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT TAN HESS' GAlLlfiT nov27. CCIDENTS OCCUR 1 Almost daily from the use of inferior oils, none yet from Astral Oil undoubtedly the safest Lamp Oil in use 60 cents a gallon. jan27 T C SMITH fc CO. THE VERY L ATE S STYLE OF- H A T S, JUST IN AT THE STORE OF J AYOUNG&SON. ja29 NEW MEAT HAVING rented the hew BRICK STORK of J W Wadsworth. opposite City- Clock, I will open on the 9tb instant, , First- lass - " 1 M B-A T M A B R E T : r- Will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Fresh 3eats of the very best quality will ' make Sausage and Souse a specialty ; also, Oysters and Fresh Fish daily. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in quality and price. . 1 will also continue to sell First-Class Meats at my old stand at the City Market, ' wnere my old customers -will be -faithfully waited upon by Mr Sam Wilson. . J YY AUAMO. nov7 . .-',- LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, AS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central HotelTrade St.and ia receiving his Winter 8tock of Goods' for Men's Wear, and will make vhem'np' at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market. Merei Shirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. AH goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am com pelled to d o a cash business. J S PHILLIPS. oct!7 Final Notide. ON the first day of October instant, F B McDowell, Esq-, purchased a half inter est in the OBSERVER establishment, and it is absolutely necessary that all outstand ing claims due me up to that date be settled, either by note or account at once, as I must close up my old books. All claims due me individually, contracted prior to wac umi, remaining unsettled on the 1st day of De cember next, without reservewill be placed in the hands of an officer lor collection. --.. ;CHAS.KrE8, oct26 lm ' ; -arn- SLATE roofing. STOWSON, having permanently local . ed in Charlotte.- is fuilv prepared to put on Slate Roofs in any part of the adj a- cent country. MARBLEIZED SLATE ' MANTE1J A SPECIALTY; All work gaTanteedVrice Reasonable. Shingle Roots taken off and1 relaid with SLATE, when desired. Orders will reetate promptattentiotCwben addressed to P. O. Box 118, Charlotte, N C. . ''feblO-tr.-' : VINEGAR; 25 Barrels and Half Barrels Pure vWbIt Wine and Cider Vinegar, at" IB M MILLER &5B0N8 4L mar7 ANDREWS & JONES . M,b24ia;A--M,,c AgentBs H 0 UAKlfi ViS, returns made. norlO j ftbl9 deeil Commission Store.

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