-, 1 CHABLOTTE 0E3EEYEE, ri' " Iff .jEI ' vr fCMCBXHXOft BATW. The Obsxtxb Job Department oee been thoroughly inpplied with every wnnL nnd with the latent stii: i cfTyP,ni Daily 1 yar, (Pid) In advance,;: .$3 00 erery manner of Job Work ca taw be doa 1 mom" "I -iVi tvk m2 7a with nestneu, dlspatcn ana cae; .We can rornun at snort Weekly, in thexjtinty) in advance, $2 00 i oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 j fimonths, ,105' BLANKS, BILL HEADS, LETTER H2 1T3, CABD3,: s .l '.TAGS,XEcnpT5, roe t.iterai reoacuons ior cmos, CHABLQTTB, 5. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1876 NO. 2 179 U I- tr" PAMPHLETS, CHECKS, Ifce, e - i - 1 -. 4 " . . . : , - - - r , fcnnimn Jin "Hi'1 i '"' i..,.., . j,, - o-" ' . . . ' , , ' - . . , . - " ' .v- 1 1 111 i ,-i, -fit-'A . i " - v i f j , i . s e . T?s - rr r ? i I 1 1.1 a . . ' ill i .l., M : xi till . . 1 ii r- "f- i 1 11 - - - . 1 n 1 ii . ' a, sw jr 1 'v x ill - . - - r L - - 1 - 1 .. - W I I A I ,H ! I xTX III A AT 111 ' II J III J IU J R - 7I' II III . ' ! . , , - .... . ., . ? i - y " 'w 111 n .11 ii ; : -m i r w 1 wmmm mmm . f i , ..i .t. . ; . : .- , . - 111 1 1 im 1 11 " " ' '' 1- , j, ,1 , , , - , n. B O W- M. SMITH. mlllS BEING TCT CWETiEXSLTTSlVE S M, IW ift. JftOaJ B E: Si i x in iuc dw, u uur iwiiuiCT ior ouyinR uooaa peine eaaal ta anv w f1 mntiiant that we can sell BOOTS tod SHOES A8 ClfEAP as toy BUnJ ??New Ywk fSoblS We boy only from Manufacturers and defy wm petition. ' ODe of the firm is now North. ;imniD''Bf1fiPRTNa.Tnmr.t.i.i.w plete. will be the largest in the gtate.,,. Al1 wk;!8 HfXcryiMe!?in ,i tiw-ri A -v OHiRLOTTE, 1ST. feb5 HAS RECEIVED, HIS S 3? -OP- LADIES CENTS, MISSES CHILORENS BOOTS, SHOES i GAITERS, AND - HAS NOW IN STQREr.THE BEST ASSORTMENT TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. Jail goods marked down to bottom prices. PLEASE CALL JfflL BE (M1CED THAT WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. NEW IRON FRONT -SMITH BUILDING," TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. FUR ffT I" T U II E WHOLESALE BED ROOM AND PAR LOR OF COFFINS OF ALL mar7 - L b . ft Bfif. 3RL . ' "3E3C O IS SOW NORTH, AND WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING MILLITsTEK Y , "I f " kid cmmm 'ANOTrMTD! r i ? i K V PRICES TO SUIT niarU 8 r- '' ' W. 8. FORBES. UOLESALE BOOT .BdlIOE HOUSE V ; ;T T "rr' 1 V Northajid 'Softli paofinaan Georgia. D -B A I. E, R S & RETAIL, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF 3P TJ K. Rt I T TJ K, 38 3 BEDDING, &C, No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C, JUST RECEIVED OF CHILORENS CARRIAGES. SETTS, AND A FULL LINE GRADES. ONiHANDi t : ' v HOTEL -STORE 3F 3F PURCHASING A 9 --air '' t v- 5 1 siSrliSrtfow K a. EMBROIDERIES, fi: -.t. DRESS GOODS, ,1r V ri THE4TIMES, AT THE YC rrt 1! ltartH "n.ii 'e-ni i-j-c TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Noon Dispatches. FOREIGN. SerYianrt onteaegraa Alliance Feyet Among the Carlists Marh's i Probable Return The Great French ' Flood London Failures, &c, &c. LosDosr, March 17. A dispatch says that an alliance between Servia and Kot&riegjta wa? agree?d;;upcn y.ester- BAYoioQiIarch i7. The fever is in the hospital among the wounded Car lists. y T i t ! ' : ! :, .oi-TREAtMarch 17. W, '.Marin, of Illinois, Caleb's brother is here; with 9.yliWoi Caleb's return; tp Washing- ; Paris, March 17. 9:30 A. M.-The Seine and Morne are both higher. .than yesterday. s The plain from' Maisbn is afloat to Villeneuve. St. George's is one immense lake. Boats traverse the valley from Villeneuve to Choisy. The Senators and Deputies represent ing Paris, have voluntarily devoted two month's salary to the relief of thesufferers. 500 houses were aban doned Wednesday at Nogent, Sur Mar rie and Singapore. The war at Cape Polmas is about ended. The latest fighting was three weeks ago, when Greboes attacked the town of Topman, and was repulsed with a hOavy loss. ' The United States steamer Alaska, has arrived -at Cape Pat mos. The Captain was instructed to negotiate be tween the Siberians and Grebpres. There was to be a meeting on the 26th of February, when it was thought a treaty would be signed. Mr. Roberts, ex-President of Liberia, died at Monrovia, on the 24th of Feb ruary, and was buried with military honors the next day. London, March 17. After the regu" lar business hours yesterday, there was renewed distrust among the stock operators, and a general relapse in prices. Two failures occurred this morning; the liabilities of each small. Business is restricted. Home Rail road is depressed by the large quantity of stock thrown on the market in consequence of the late failures. Foreign securities are strong, and in most cases better prices are realized. Discounts are quiet. WASHINGTON. Evidence of Frauds in the Navy De . partment Another Investigation on Foot, &c, &c. Washington, D. C, March 17. Gos sip : Witnesses have turned up who admit receiving five, seven and ten thousand dollars for their personal in fluence with the Secretary of War, to secure payments of claims, No part of these fees were for the Secre tary or members of his family. The committee may convict the Secretary of bad conduct in the transactions with Wiard, in the gun bursting ex periments, involving the unlawful use of at least $72,000 of government money. District Attorney Dyer, ex -Senator Henderson, Col. Broadhead, and oth ers, have been summoned by the com mittee to testify regarding Babcock's abstracting official papers. Kilbourn will succumb. The investigation will cover Grant's purchases of property from members of the pool. Secretary Belknap, Judge MaCarthey, of the Su preme District Court, and ex-Congressman Eldridge, ara involved. Sec retary Boutwell, during his adminis tration, ordered a subordinate to bal ance a discrepancy of $200,000,000 found in his books. A half million was extended for the benefit of mail contractors on one long and compara tively useless mail line in Montana during Cresswell's administration. The sentiment of the Republican caucus yesterday, was for a fight over the re duction of 10 per cent, of force and 20 in pay; also against any of the reduc tions in the Consular and Diplomatic Bill which has already passed the House. Gen. Peck will testify that four, traders!) ips were taken from him, and given to a person more or less con necled.with the;ring, , - , i V-,', ,'jT ' ' - '- NEW YORK. Suits Against thelPreiident of a Min ing Company. , Nkw YofckMarcli 17i Suit i as bjeen instituted in the Supreme Court of this State by the Union Consolidated Min ing Company, of Tennessee, vs. Julian E. Eraht, its former Superintendent, charging hfm with defaulting the corn pan y.iti- the course 610yeargVou of IfS.OOO", anblrcnargrtig' his , brother, Charles Robert- the. former Secretary and John Thomashxj't the' Presi dent "untiljast November-.with con- at 'acd aiding in the frauds bf the first named defen eThe method of the alleged ,; frauds, , is asserted to have ' been : through what is known in England, and to some extent" id; this countryi as.i'he store? system'' by w h" rcltila fm -Ara .pa kl.fr om thl com pany's store in merchandise, instead of. cashiivjHui ii ' " " Mid-Night y Dispatches. EATBIR PROBABILITIES. WAsnixOToK, March 17. For the South Atlantic States, clear or partly cloudy weather, with north erly to westerly winds, rising barome ter and falling temperature. WASHINGTON. Believed That Marsh Will Return Spencer Being Investigated Con tradictory Statements, &c-, &c. . Washington, D. C, March 17. Senate. No session. It was private bill day in the House An agent of the Department of Jus tice has met Marsh in Canada with offers of safetv and it is believed that Marsh will soon be here. The Spencer investigation was taken up to-day by the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections. John J. Moulton was the only witness examin ed. In every material point he swore directly to the reverse of his deposi tion before the Alabama Investigating Committee. He admitted that he signed the original deposition, which was presented, but denied that it had been read to him or that he knew its contents, and accused the Alabama committee of having garbled and mis stated his evidence in essential parti, culars. He admitted that he had been appointed Deputy Revenue Collector at Mobile under Levi H. Mayer since his deposition was taken by the Alaba ma Committee. He stated that the members of the Alabama Committee were well known gentlemen of good repute. The investigation will be con tinued to-morrow. ST. PATRICK. Celebration of the Day in New York, Washington and Elsewhere. New York, March 17. There was a grand demonstration in honor of St. Patrick'6 Day. About 30,000 were in the line of the procession and were re viewed by Cardinal McCloskey, by the mayor and the common council. Washington, March 17. There was a grand parade in honor of the day. The various societies were reviewed by the President and Cabinet. Other points report the day as having been duly observed. MARINE. Damage from a Steamship Collision' Liverpool, March 17. The steamers King Richard, from Baltimore, and the Athletic from Dundall, collided here to-day. The King Richard is considerably damaged. She was run ashore at Tranmere. lies in full water. where she now i r FLASHES. 7 Chicago, March 17. Telegrams throughout the Nsrthwest indicate a two days storm, ending last night. It was the most widely extended for along time. No casualities are reported. London, March 17. A block of ship ping warehouses, in Portland street, Manchesterwere burned this morning. Loss several hundred thousand sterl ing. . A About Lamar Lamar will turn out to be the most dangerous man to the Republican party in the present Con gress. He has that supreme wisdom of the politician ability to know when to hold his tongue, and strength en ough to hold it. He is shrewd, steady, alert, cautious, prompt and wonderful ly strong. He is a man of fascinating address. He has the stately courtesy of a Hidalgo of the Moorish conquest, and is as communicative as Private Dalzell. He is all simplicity, and con descension, and frankness, and defer ence ; and if I had my way, I would trust him with everything the Repub lican party owns in the world as quick as I w.ould trust my hand in a sweetly purring buzz-saw. He is the Lucifer of the rebellious hosts. Overhaul your Paradise Lost, and, when found, make a note. Editor Comly of the Ohio State Journal. The moon shed a silver sheen on all around; dame nature lay like a sleep ing beauty, her bosom heaving as the gentle zephyr swept over; sylvestrian harp-8tiirjgj,& wakened by the breath or nature, broke forth in strains of the sweetest music. She sat beside him on a rustic seat; her hair falling in rich wayes down over her shoulders, and her head resting on his breast, as she looked up imploringly into his face and beseechingly , said: "Please tie my shoe." "Old Jeff," the horse that President Jefferson Davis owned during the war and brought to this place by ' him at the evacuation of Richmond, is now owned by Messrs; Chambers & Co., of this city, and is used in the service of the United States carrying the mails front the postoflTce to the railroads.- Time has made ny t jcbangea, Jn? his appearance;; he was years ago a beau tiful' iron-gray, but now almost- per- fectly white. DanvUleExpreis. : - . '.- .. .... it ': ' 1 Belknap I is still looking haggard and low-spirited VHis wife,r bowever, is as "gay as ever! and does i not allude to the national scandal. .The counsel tot. Belknap . are confident? they can break down the impeachment and in dictment. The courts of the District are' so completely, controlled by the White House and: Boss Shepherd, that Matt Carpenter is not without hope. Ten Cent Column. ; Advertisement will be inserted in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each insertion. No advertise merit taken for less than twenty-five cents. Eight words make a line. - h FOR SALE Large lot good Brick. Ap- pij 10 AlA.UlL.Ls HJSATtt, JJUOTT. marl8 lw : " - FOR RENT A house and lot on Trvon Street, adjoining the res ideoce of R M Mil ler. Apply to J J SIMS. mar!7 eod6t LAST Notice to Debtors 'Persona indent ed to Israel Fink, on , account, are notified mat unless they settle, their accounts will be placed with an officer and so'd to the highest bidder at public auction. JOHN I ELMS, A marl7 2t For J L Brown, Ereca g' 2000 LBS Country Bacon, for sale' at L. J. WALKER'S. . mar!5-4t. FOR SALE Three hundred Cross Ties. twenty-fiye thousand pound Iron, and ten thousand pounds of heavy hollow Metal Pipes, which might be used for gas or drain ing purposes. Apply to marl2 lw ., , J 8 MEANS. NEW ADVERTISE JIENTJ Just Opened, A New Meat House on Tryon Street, op posite the Commercial National Bank. We propose to keep first-clas3 Meat. Baef. Pork, Mutton and Sausage, and propose to pay the highest market price in cash for Beef, Mutton and Pork, and will sell as cheap as the cheapest, for cash only. J'tiEJMA!S & MANN. marl8 2t Lost. LAST night, between Sugar Creek Church, and Charlotte, a lady's shawl, for the re covery of which a liberal reward will be paid. Apyiy at THIS OFFICE. m.-18 It JEPORT OF THE CONDITION Of "The First "Wafinnnl RonV rf rV,o. lotte," at the close of business Friday, the lum aay oi juarcn, ism : ASSETS. Loans and Discounts, $703,436 62 Overdrafts, 12,413 03 U 8 Bonds to secure Circulation, 150,000 00 Othr Stocks, Bonds and Mort gages, 174.225 04 Due from approved reserve agents, 35.570 55 Due from other National Banks, 4,883 52 Due from State Banks and Bank ers, . 50.924 40 Real Estate, Furniture and Fix tures, 33.179 35 Current expenses and taxes paid, 1,967 90 Premiums paid on U S Bonds, 18,000 00 Bills of other National Banks,' 18,904 00 Fractional Currency (including niciceis), ' . 199 31 Specie, 19.236 93 Legal Tender Notes, 175,000 00 Redemption Fund with TJ S Treas urer, 5 per cent of circulation , 6,750 00 $1,404,690 65 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in, $400,000 00 Surplus Fund, 70,000 00 Other undivided Profits, 53,351 71 National Bank Notes outstanding, 135,000 00 Dividends unpaid, 100 00 Individual Deposits subject to Check, . 401.763 71 Time Certificates of Deposit, 325,672 11 uue to otner .National Banks, 10,241 29 Due to State Banks and Bankers, 8,561 83 $l,40i,690 65 State of Noeth Carolina, Co. ofMeck'b'g. I, M P Pegram, Cashier of The First Na tional Bank of Charlotte, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. P. PEGRAM, Cashier: Sworn to and subscribed before me. this the 18th of March 1876. JOHN F, ORR,. Notary Public. Correct Attest : R Y McADEir, ) . R M Oatks, J- Directors; J L;Beowh. J marl8 Democrat copy. Lost. LAST night, between the shoe store of Smith & Forbes' on Tryon street, and the Trade street crossing of the Statesyille Railroad, a SIN&r E CASE GOLD WATCH, with a hair guard, at the end of which was a pearl pencil and a gold key. A liberal re ward will be paid for it if left at the book store of TIDDY & BRO. marl7 tf Bring 40 Gents AND buy a gallon of Pratt's Astral Oil the best lamp oil in use. mar!7 T C SMITH & CO. NEW GOODS ! Watches, Clocks Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, AO. J WILL SELL A GOOD WEIGHT CLOCK for $3.50, and everything else at prices to suit the times. I will pay the highest Cash Price for old Gold and Silver. ' -v 4 . JST Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, re paired and warranted for 12 months, at V. J: T BUTLER'S, . ' ; ! Carolina Jewelry -Store, ' feb2r.: Charlotte, N. G. E HAVE ON: CONSIGNMENTS ' A lot of fine White Beans Oats and fresh Mountain Batter. . ' t ' , STiTT. WALSH A CO. T " feb23 1 ' H A ' -" Newf,Goods !' ir: K Fresh lot of that nice Cocoanut Canny, -ci. just received, at -m a.- 'r w -... Everybody r EVERYWHERE should have a good light and use a safe Lamp Oil Pratt's Astral Oil meets the case--40 cents a gallon. ; ! T 0 SMITH A CO. . marl7 . BoleAgeats. Silken Gloss - - - - STARCH for Laundry purposes the best in the market.; mar!7 T O SMITH A 00. i ; Our Trade In FIVE Cent Cigars; is increasing daily our stock is amp!e-t-some of the best in the city at the price, i T O SMITH A CO. marl7 ! Sixteen Hundred AND twenty-seven and a half gallons of Astral Oil Just ireceiyed and offered to the trade at 40 cent a gallon special dis count to the wholesale trade. '-' T C SMITH & CO, Sole Agents for Charles Pratt A Co. marl7 i , Beyond a Doubt THE Boss Half Dime is the best 5 cent Cigar in Charlotte. i T C SMITH A CO. mar!7 I Try a Dollar Bottle OF Gregory's Mixture for Dyspepsia and loss of appetite. rarl7 T C SMITH A 00. - A2TD For py a in i ii a n- ia'jiirv.; Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children. THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PEICES. I r You! are Speciallj Inyited to. EjcatiMe1 Onr EGANT GOOI8, -: OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. mal5 A CCORDINC to Notice Given on the 12th of March, a part of our Goods have Arrived, and are ao Cheap that everybody canrafford to buy. We have the Prettiest NECK TIES In the City. Deautl ful DRESS GOODS, PRINTS. Ask for the GpvyCptton King Shirts for one dollar and ALEXAN DER, marl5 COMPLETE ALSO 1000 PIECES SPEIN(i :PEINT8 J t ....... . OF . , j'; SECOND SUPPLY OFNEW SHETLAND SnAWLS, ALL CO LOUS , AND Pm CES r BLEACHED DOIIC LOIVEII THAW r - EVER nCFOIIF, OFFERED If TniS KIARIIETf J ' f.: - ' LAKGE AND COMPLETE STOCI OFJ' l LATEST 8TTLES STflAW AND FLOWEBSi THAT CANT EE EXCELLED AnYXYlllZlJlt: j it :a fM'.HA ? ; 30)0) "PIECES CfRU ALPACAfL : maris 1 i.-'tii j lit ATTHB: Cheap Cash Store VOlTctt find aloe Country Baeon'Hams, I Shonldere and ' Sides, Family Flour, Coffee, 8egar, Molasses and Syrup, Corn Meal. Oats, Ground Feed, Buckwheat Flour, Butter, Eggs, Chickens 'Potatoes, both Irish and Sweet. la fact air kind- of 'country produce. -STITTr WALSH A 00. . marl7 Cigars ! Cigars ! A Lot; of fine aaw? byth'ox Snuff and Tobacco for sale aU- l jr,sr -roarl7 .STITT, WALSH, ACQ'S. Carbbirc' Soap. S A POLIO Bath Brick, Joavln's Kid Gloye Cleaner. Lnbih'B Extracts. Cherrr Tooth Paste, German Colognejust received marl7 W R SUJKWLl&A UO. Baker's Sifters, LACTOPEPTINE, Quinine tPil sugar coated, Gelatine ' Coated Quinine Pills, Eiexir Cinchona, Iron; QolntnQ and Strych nine,, Oompd; CturUcHElxir, Pills of Phosphourus 1-50 th of a icrain, Wilbor'i Cod Javer Oil and Lime. Baker's Cod Layer Oil and Lime, 'Tarrant's Aperient, MoUert Cod Liver OiLSinuaAna'.Iiyar. Regalatox, Sim mons' Hepatic Compound, Allen's Lung Balsam,' Brown's Troches.' Brown's Ess. Ginger, White's Tooth Soap, Congress Wa ter in bottles and on draught. Matt Hop Tonic, Libeys Ext. Beef, fine Salad Oil. marl? W R BURWELL m CO. - 1 I a half, worth Sa.so. SEICLE & CO. STOCK OF SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOU OUR 4 V f&sl i.'. J S -a CHIP HATS A STOCrt Off I A. i 4 1 . 1N '