- I ( STATE NEWS. irf -Or 'if-orphln A,yluro at AsheVille.. 4I, rii M A. t 1 A . t Ao.fi1rilled.tKr coldrin Ot&tirt"?r -wngtonec. 16. 187Li V have"-- iWifWr-? 4CHANGE0F BCHEDTTT.TC v- county John C. McKinnen, j forer-jrea dent of Richmond 'county, is a mem leroftheslato, Hon. W. M. Bobbins, of Slateaville, will deliver the Annual,, Address be re the 'Litearyi Bofeietie p ofAWke: Forest College, next June i? tj On Tuesday g.jJ. NkOQ.pf fA i-' ajFASSENGEE 3r int township," Pender tounty.'meef m ' ! TBAINS-Dally. " ; i u mioWnnA rkf hftvinc deatrnv. ed by fire his baraniq. stabjprlttd at $3,0C0. ' - Ch '' r The Baptists of Jforth, Carolina have 100 000 tnember,whitind colored, 750 churches, and 450- ministers ; 36 students for the jninistry are in tbeir seminaries.. ' V4t A colored man by5 the, name of Henry Mitcb,ellJ sometimes called Henry Morris, was accidentally drown ed in the Cape Fearfnot far from Wil mington, on Tuesday iiigbt.ivis. .fi At the request of Judge Kerr, Judge Seymour has consented to bold Orange: Court to try Geo. Swepson,' Esq.,' on the first Monday fin;M&y and.the arrangement only, awaits ' consent' of Goy- Brogden.. .; ;. t p n- T -.; , W il m ington Review i" Mr? J oseph JI Dulles, an' old . respected citizen, , "of Philadelphia, died ohr Sunday last, aged 81 years. Mr. rDullear was a na tive of this State', But had been Iri busi ness in Philadelphia for many years, being a member of the well-known house of DulfesWelsh fe Wilcoi. . ' i ' ! The Winston Sentinel- says that on al.t Sunday morning, Qeorge Morris, an employee at the Winston livery guble, while rubbing down a horse in one of the stalls, was a little surprised when a black mare In an adjoining stall reached over and grabbed him by the small of the back with her teeth and lifted him over into, her stall and commenced pawing at him.' The Salem Press says that in the neighborhood offcSamuel Alspaugh, on Muddy Creek, ..Forsy the county, a Email colored boy, some 18 months or two years old, was walking along hold ing to the skirtt of his mother, who Tvas carrying a bucket of-lye; the m other turning suddenly hit the child's chin with the rim of the bucket, spill ing some lye into the' child's mouth, causing hia. death in a shortjime. Wilmington Star: ' We bear thaVa gentleman from the' country bought nt one of our prominent dry goods stores, yesterday,' all the" necessary tnmmings,&c foV a coffin : and upon being questioned about the matter, stated that the receptacle he was then preparing to adorn, would be for his own individual use. Upon being ask ed if he expected to take his depaiture from this . mundane sphere any time soon, he replied that ne had no pre monition jof the timej?when he should be sum mohed.to'jhi&ie off this mor tal coii.-'i-bufc he could Very conye- niently spare -jtha money to purchase the articles jnst 'at this time, -whereas he could not foresee what might be the condition of Ji)& finances when the dread messenger should come.; hence he thought it better to "take time by the forelock" in Buch an important matter. . . SOUTH CAROLINA NEW3 The shipments of fertilizers over the South Carolina Railroad to the end of February, aggregate 25,196 tons, ex ceeding by 2,000 tons, any previous year to that date, since J87P,, , , A gentleman residing in Anderson county, has informed the editor of the Intelligencer, that all the colored men who were under verbal contract to work on his farm . this year left him, and assign" as their reason that they do not intend to work for any man who belongs to a Democratic club , The Grangi says that " Mrs. Susan Mills of Rock Hill, au estimable lady expired last Monday- morning after a lingering illness. several months. She wrts the daughter of Mr. Alex. Fewell and at the time of her death in the 38th year of her life. . She leaves four young children and a host of friends to regret her untimely end. Lancaster Ledger : we learn mat a man named S. A. Black, who has been working, the Haile .Gold Mine for about two years, left a short time ago very suddenly for his home in North Larolina, leaving his employees con siderably in arrears... .It .is rumored that Black took off several thousand dollars worth of gold ih a crude state with him. . , . - . : l- Winnsboro News : Intelligence was received on Wednesday of the sudden death of Dr. David C. Means. He had ridden 'over t(T' ther' residence of 'his brother Mr. E. J. Means, and Was on his return home, when, it is supposed, he either fell from his horse and was Killed by the lall, or died from an apoplectic fit. Letter from the ev. Garland H. White, President of the Colored Potple's New Movement. Washington, D. C., March 15, 76. Mk. S. A. Hudson: . ; Dear Sir '-Your has bt en receif ed;. I am glad that you thinks favorable pi the movement, and hope .you will bring your friends And the colored people together and 'organizeto ;com bat rorruption in the coming electicU Colored men all over the country are rising in their dignity to repeal the un just aspersions-cast upon . tben by the leaders of the .Repnblican rarty,r artd they arenow prepared tcdo battle against corruption in high places. Will the people of' ydurteectiori give' them a helping ,Jian by ; voting to put down this corrupt administration that has so dipgraced the country fil hop they wiil, and by o doing ftecUre for them selves the goodtwisbeijof .thf '.good " peopUithiwtajm;lbey rntret lie and whoae interests are-f ; identical ;.'with Enclosidlb elsyiiand in a few days I will send ; von . a bamDhlet ad dressed to . tbe colored people'of4h country rCA' fAkm'-M& mkWtt Take courage siff ndeayor" to n-lightenaUl.withlWhQmijou-c eJn contact. fQrm'ir clubind-atnh? 09m- ing elect iohiie iUn the cause of pon- esty and good governments V7.J$ ) Yours respectfully, i ' ii ij'v '- Garland JET. Please have circular nublisbedf tAd- dress me at;-Halifax."N. Wy itime Mtcr.tbia date aa lo .tbe prppnety of my eominrtoi vour' dace to. addrtas the, people on tbe: nolitical issues of atji and to carry forward the great "uvemeni. f . t u t jy-u; : - our-AKiNTJfiNDENT'S OFFICE. M'- vn ana aner Sunday, Dec. 19, trains will fatfftfWt Bailway as foUoWsT ' PASSENGER, ANP $ MAIL-TRAim Ajrive at Charlotte 1 f i w . 7-so nm Arrive Wilmington, at. - - 7KX)pm Leaye Wilmington, at i'.'" S ..5:00 p m Arrive at unarlotta. m . J. in-w.n Iave Charlotte, at -"J."-',1 5:30am Amye at Vflmington, - 1 10:40 a m SHELBX DIYI8ION--Daily, Sundays ex Y'i IS's . cepted. t teave Charlotte, at ff "? 7kX)'am Arrive at Shelby, at L , .110 a m Leave Shelby, at1- -- i jf'W--"- .12:30 p m Arrive t Charlotte,- - ''4 , ' -r 5:00 p m f a f 1 1.4 ; I cxjnnections; '. Connects with the ' k'. ti Air-Line in Charlotte at 7:30 p. in. and 60 a.'m f Connects at Wilmington, with Wilmington ifcllvelddn Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta. .Railroad aty7 a: m., and 7 p.m. '-.v y-: r.' '"Ms. Time from" WilmingtoC to Atlanta 514 hours. Close connections both ways, and on to the North. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway J schedule wiU. please ; notice changes. . : 8 L FREMONT, , , Chief Engineer and Superintendent. , A.,T. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Charlotte, N. C, March 8, 1876. J ON and after Friday, March 10th, the following Schedule will be run over this road : GOING NORTH. Train No 1 No. 3. Leave Charlotte, 3.15 a.m. 2.30 p.m. " D. College, 5 05 " .4 39 ' " Mooresville, 5.43 " 512 " Arrive Statesville, 6.45 " 6.30 I GOING SOUTH. Train No. 2 No. 4. Leave Statesville, 2.50 p. m. 5.50 a. m. " Mooresville, 3 57 " 7.16 " " D. College, 4.35 " 7.38 " Arrive Charlotte, 6.20 " 9 50 " Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Statesville with Trains over W. N. C. R. R. Trains Noa 3 and 4 will run on Satur days only. Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory. Mor ganton, Marion and Old Fort. All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, ' Alexandriana and OaldwellV. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named 'Flag Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. ;. ; . . , (J J GORMLEY, mar9 ' Superintendent. TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK, OF CSAIilOTT- BOARD OF DIRECTORS : John E Bbown, Hon W M Shipp, John W Wadswoeth Allan Macaulat, Baxtik H Mooie, V Q Johnson, D F Cannon. Robt I McDowkli.,' Phillip Schiff, 8 P Smith, OFFICERS : 8 P f MiTHPresident .; R I McDowell, Vice President ; C N Q Butt, Cashier. jan!5 M U R D E R ON TRADE STREET! THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between High Prices and Groceries, has been dissolved bv the death of the former who has been killed by T Coleman & Son Thev are still alUe and WIDE AWAKE and are up with the spirit of the times, and will sell HOOD KlfiL.lA.UL.JU U UUHKiuio to Farmers or City Customers, at the very closest Dossible nrofits. so when you want the mo9t goods for the least money, don't fail to eive them a call. Believing that large sales and small profits pay Detter man slow saies ana oig proms, we rely on this to make our money. Remember we are doine strictly a CASH bnsiness and don't ask ns to make TICKETS. T. Coleman & Son, At the Wide Awake Grocery, marl4 We Were The First mo Eell Kerosene at 30 cents, and will con- X tinne to do so. T COLEMAN & KUJN. narl4 Home copy. MURDERER ARRESTED! THE PUBLIC SUMMONED TO THE ', INQUEST., TTAVING increased my stoclc or JJamny il, Supplies, Grocories, Liquors, &c,,I am repared to offer great, inducements, to casn M facilities for .obtaining sncn as ftAnamiterrrES'Cs. na;jiii nas o Country Prbdiice, iare" not approacbable Kerosene 23 cents, by the gallon. Fresh Epga, 8 '"dozen for a dcllar. Delivered free inaiaVlhe city. roarl5-tf. .' l'i i "-. B. N. SMITH. Harris Empire Fertilizer The follovgriself explanatory : MR HARRIS,'tr mj ; DaSi . We have been selling yp Chemical Fertilizer,1 known as HARBI dr IS EMPIRE COMPOUND,' for nearly one year, onri mnt HHv that w have heard notniQg hot the most favorable reports ; in factthtf hnxm nrhn have ,'nsed- it 'are .'more than .iAul and will use double the amount the frtllowine season", s We consider it the cheap est Fertilizer that the Tanner can nse.as he uh wnr chemical make about four Tons at about the same cost : as -. One ton of most commercial f ertilize ra. ; ioun wmj. T nov5 WILSON & BLACK. 1 . " v. tj u rv;UJ Pnttv. Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oiland Tanners Oil, at, 7 .l"rt 9 MeADEN'S, -s Drag Store.. - e - . THE -GREAT . SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, wVIAtCHARLESTON, S. C. BITWIEN'-CHARLOTTE ani CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA ' Columbia, S. riIHE CIIARIXJTTE. COLUMBIA & , the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and port of CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS of CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OF RAILWAY8 CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MANY ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the AS3URANCB THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids for their business. ' For rates, classifications and all information, call on the undersigned, A. POPE............General Freight Agent, 0., 0. & A. E. R., Columbia, S. C. K :M JOHNSTON, i.... Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. W. W: PEGRAM, Agent, C, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, X G. jan2 WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LINES. SEMI-WEEKLY. Fast Mail BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FJI. AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Route to all GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North Philadelphia, New York, Boston, providence, ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Antwerp and Other European Ports. Thoaa T inea mnnwi at Wilminrtnn with the Wilminston. Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight No drayage in Wilmington ana to transfer irom wumingion ouum. wi gr: anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For tnrther information, apply to eimer or me unaersigneu Ageuw ui mc uuc EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. r. DLi UJii & t!U., Uen 1 Agt. jxew xors ijioe, o oowuug ureeu, x. x . A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Line3, Wilmington, N. C. -tf . C. C. BISPATCH EjIBJE, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points. South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled .transportation WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTEKN (jlTlJfib CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, KUTHEKFOKlTUJN, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IIsrSTJKJiTOE GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA time as q,ttio:e:. INFOE MATION FURNISHED C. D., JNO G YOUNG, Soliciting Agent-C. sept30 G. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally. Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. apd Rockbridge Alum Water, AND BUFFALO LETHE A WATER, RECEIVED fresh from the Springs eyery week. . We are the authorized agent for the celebrated , Springs, and have perfected arr ingements to receive fresh supplies every week direct from the Springs. . Excelsior Saratoga' Water on draught and in bottles. Congress Water, Hathorn Water and Star Saratoga Water in bottles, for sale at , MeADEN'S ju 11 . Drug Store. . S. Sr-KHCEB. di D. ALLEK. SPENCER & ALLEN, Gh O O IB B s ' A . : ---OLD STAJTD OF . T3TENHOUSE, MAOATJLAY & CO., Teadi Stbiit, . -4 i CPARLOTTE, N. . Consignments solicited and prompt f i 1 wtnnn mada " - -4 Nu r niiotIO ly r i -i i -t Butter, 4s Butter, i ERESH aWivalofLthat Snperidr Virginia ,Butter equal toanyoshen,'at - 88 CARTER'S, dedl ' "Commission Store.' ' ALL. POINTS NORTH and EAST. & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, C., January 3rd, 1876. AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with its connecting 8TEAM8HIP LINES at the Points Soiti ani East. NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS andSATUBDATS or East bound f reight, to xjaiumore ran Jtiver aoa oiDer rja9w.ru Bremen, Express that morning. facilities for the 01 Jreigni, irom TO RATES ANY COMPETING LINE, AND UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, Geneal4 Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. Charlotte, N. C T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Removal of Lumber Yard. rnHE undersigned have removed their JL Lumber Yard to Rock Island Factory lot, and will keep a supply of Lumber, Laths, and the best Cypress " Shingles, al ways on hand : also a large supply of light wood for kindling, put up in bundles. They are prepared to fill bills for houses, either long or short leaf lumber at Bhort notice, DresBed Flooring a specialty. B J SHANK ONHOUSE & SON. jan8 AT COST FOR CASH, Till tie 15th cf APRIL, 1876, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CASSIMEBES, BLANKETS' , , LADIES' 3 DRESS GOODS, , SHAWLS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. , AS . I HAVEol! LARGE STOCK ON y HAND AND MUST BE SOLD, AS I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY i v ft THEM OVER to ANOTHER 'SEASON, "4 ; l t declO HUBS; f SPQKES R I M' S THE undersigned offer for sale their en tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs, Spokes and Rims, the machinery being all new, and purchased for cash, ef the best makers in die United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P, Engine Shafting, : Belting, &c . . For terms, apply to T W Whisnanat Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to the undersigned at Welford, 8. C. . . ' .PS WHISNANT & SONS, septa tf ; I I ELLIOTT, , Formerly . with W J Black. j w buui. Late of . Americas, Gs. m FIRM aii WGOODS, ELLIOTT fi: REHLEY, GROCEBS and LIQUOR DEALERS, y ILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are I inyited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in j the city. - nor5 GD W- H. Burwell & Co.? AGENT3, CHARLOTTE, N. C. feb!2 JNOTHER LOT OF The celebrated Magnolia Hams, just ar rived at STITT, WALSH & OO'S. feb23 SAMUEL :GR0SE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, charlotte,:n. c. DEALER IN SASH, GManiUnEtei,! DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL3 POSTS, . WALNUT RAILINGJa n d BALLUSTERS.l EVERY DISCRIPTION OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb25 White Peas. JUST Received a lot of White Peas, at W M CEOWELL'S. feb!9 The Last GalL A LL parties who have not paid their Taz- xjl es, are hereby notified that no further indulgence can be given, l will be compell ed to settle in full with the County Treas urer in a few days, and. in tbe meantime, if steps are not taken to cancel the taxes now remaining unpaid tor the years is4- 70. tne claims will certainly be put in the hands of a Deputy for collection. It will be a very disagreeable duty on my p&xt to be forced to sell tbe property of any man, but as i am legally liable for the taxes still due, the col lection of the same will be enforced without fear or favor. This is positively my last call to delinquents to come forward and settle without delay. I can always be found at my office in the Court House. It H AliEA. A.N UHxt, Shenii. feb23 lm Democrat and Home copy 2t Hei Crop Ciba Molasses. T7ARLY ROSE, PEERLE8S, QOODBICH and PINK EiJ4) i'OXATUJas, Kice. Fruits, &c, Tobacco all grades, Clay Peas, and Corn, S. H. Syrup, and in fact all de scriptions of Merchandise- If you wish to buy close, send your offer, and communicate with JAS T PETTEWAY, Merchandise Broker, marl 2m Wilmington, N."C. PARTNERSHIP. fTiHE undersigned have associated them- X selves in partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business ot general dealers in Hardware. Ac RICHARD MOORE, HJJNKY 1, VV LhUK.. Charlotte, N. C, March 2, 2876. MOORE & BUTLER, (Successors to Richard Moore.) HAVE ON HAND ahp abk RECEIVING HARDWARE O CK S -or- I jnaius, ALL KINDS. -If fc SHOVELS AXES. POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES A SPECIALTY, FROM $12.00 TO $60.00 IN PBICES. MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE AND ALL KINDS OF TDTWORK. Repairing promptly attended to. Of ders solicited. KespectrallT. - - MOORE fe BUTLER, , . : . . Near Court House. Agents for Burton's Doubled Hoe. . Best in lino " ' UIMV ' Hay ! Hay ! ay fXKJSi Car Load Timothy Hay4 for ,t ale by marff -,,,, - F0RrLEN!T. SEASON. THRESH FISH every morning, , opened raft JL 6 o'clock, at . E H WHITE'S, . , , t - -i Basement, Springs' Building,' ' . fo29 ,--,r . East Trade Strett IE 3T IES y : :"'.jSr " h 3 2 fli t K J , l I- 1- A H C O V 9 . ft p r Mi 1 "t, :o:- A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER for 1878, and pre viously, ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEIR ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED AIT ONCEfOR TpEY WILL BE PLACED '1 t. , . i . I . u-: -. IN THE HANDS or THEIR ATTORNEYS i FOR COLLECTION. .. KLIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER. i January 11th, 1876. G. S. H. APPLEGET Rear end R M Miller & Son's Building, 4th I - ! Street. - -- CHARLOTTE, N. 0. AND AGENT FOR ALL KINDS iron Frdits of BnilflinjL GalYanizefl Cornices, Iron Fences, Cr6stini& AND :f, - ALL KINDS GALVANIZED WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any : Person. Office hours from 9 to 12 m., and 2 to 9 p. m. (i o U APPLEGET, wishes to inform the public at large, that he is prepared to furnish Plans of all kinds of buildings, with working drawings in full, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the State, he being a practical builder, having an experience of 15 years in three of the largest cities of the United States- He can answer any question or give any information in regard to the construc tion of any part of the bunding, as he is rally qualified to go and do the work him sen, wun 10 years as a Duiiaer ana 1 as an Architect, he knows just what is neces sary ior a mechanic to get along with, and with this experience yon will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the business, xoa can radge tor yours ell as to 1 1 . j lL!t.u I.V. U.. ing a practical builder. Some in this State claim to be Architects when they have no knowledge of the business and can only be called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last six years he has been employed in this State, and has dene all the best buildings, with only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh; Ooldsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the estate, where persons can see his work. in C'narioue he wouia can attention to P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims & Dowd's Store, and a number of the private residences here. He refers to all who have employed him as Architect and Superintendent, as to- his ability, He can furnish, if anv desire them, the name of parties and buildings, but can not do so here for the want of room. He can show as many fine buildings as any other man of his age, and will take pleasure in doing so. Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine his . I drawings, which be has at least 500. . He guarantees to have 50 to 1 of any other per son in the State. AU are inyited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited. mal5 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE -IN WATCH MAKING. -NO BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK DONE at this ESTABLISHMENT. ALL WORK DONE IN A WORKMAN SHIP MANNER AND WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATIS FACTION FOR TWELVE (MONTHS. GOOD 30 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOR $3.50. WATCH MAKERS SUPPLIED WITH ALL KINDS OP MATERIAL. RUSH H BIXLER, - 1 Tryon Street, opp. Butler's Jewelry Store. mar2 JUST RECEIVED ! .-. .i. .,. 1 .CAR LOAD "MOLASSES, All Gkadis. J CAR LOAD CORN. ,,s JO P-A-GS CHOICE RIO COFFEE. ' A LOT OF CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, at A CUTHBERTSON & LONG'S. mar 10 STOLEN: s.-.t I nigM..o the .13th. tast.frpm,, tbe .ums . lu rear u widiuiuiui a i huui dark bay mare, about 6 years old, "with aad- s old, with ad I 1 ,TOardI ind thief. . Aot I die marks on her. back.. A LiiiDerai, i will be paid for the mare and thief. Any information can be left at the store or Uuth- rhtoK A Loxa. . . KUiST. BIMnSOJS. m&rl5-tii . .-t . . i- - f ! wB patk on consignment. A lot of fine White Beans, Oats and ; fresh Mountain utter. : ,. ,, ,i 4 ,iOXiim f . iJi New 'Gbodsl a j Fresh lot of that nice Cocoanut Canny, Fresh lot of that just received, at JO. i PUREF0YS. i t1 - "! 1 i I O AO V EUTML n aj T ft -rt " t-jt 3 i have a large - and ' ttell 'Assorted lot of toys and FANCY-GOOm. EMRTlAfe- . e 1NG ?ALlIOiil JUV 1 X- tTHINQ IN MY LINE OPUSINESS. ... .,,..!, -,i-fc,AND:ALL? ' OP TILE S E I J.JE , WILL SELL at GREAT-. LY REDUCED PRICES, COME r - AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, I HAVE RiMK CITROBp' 1PPLS, Nm-s,: LEMONS,. ORAnGEScCOMWS, SOME VERY Firi3GRAPES, ;. 't. . ... :rl 4- 'T 'fV' V? THE PLACE TO GET CAKES & PIES. decl5 ;-"(-" ,iV-W .!' : n Wis--21'sQiJV Xr-ti ; . r v. " ; ,i,r 11? tri"1!"iB "ir r.TWi LATEST STYLES; CALL AND SEE THEM AT YAH NESS' GALLKBY 3Ui '-'I-- nov27. LE JUST IN !AT THE h STORE XV J A Y Q Li N G & SON ja29 J1 .'"tK! NEW MEAT- ;'; cm -ikK !':.'- HAVING rented the new BRICK STORE of J W Wadsworth, Opposite City Clock, I will open on the 9th instant, a First-Class ,t, '-.-, r M,E A T M A R K E T Will keep coostantly on hand all kinds of Fresh ifeats of the very best quality will make Sausage and Souse -a specialty , a'uo, Oysters and Fresh Tish daily. satisfaction guaranteea, Dotn in quality and price. " :- vti jiftirni I will also -continue Of eU FirstOlass Meats at my old stand at tbeCity Market, where my old customers will be faithfully waited upon by MTSam Wilson; 1 - ' nov7 i.- i- . , .,. 'jff.'n .s i j LATEST AERIAL OF N E tOlDS J. SJPHILLIPS j MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER I GENTS .FURNISHING . GOODS HAS removed to one of UerNew Store under the Central Hotel.Trade Stand i receiving his. ;Winter Stock- of Goods, ;fo Men's Wear, and will make hem up. a short notice in the most fashf liable "man ner, cheaper than the same okas of Goo d have ever been onerealn tnis marxe-u Of fterei SMrts,- a ;SpMalty. Catting and repairing done promptly. A goods and work must be paid. , for .on deli ery, as I am compelled to do a cash bnsiaes OCtl7 ?, y;-fmi f t. i ' 4 " 4' ., , VINECAR. '; tv si 4 Ka-tiiWv, v'i f 25 Barrels and Half Barrels "Pure" While Wine and Cider Vinegar, at "4 T If If TT T WT L envot fehl9 SLATE ROOFIIIG It STOWSON; having permanently loo . - ed i' Cbarlott.r is fallT -prepared put on Slat Roofs in any part of the adj MARBLEIZED' , SLATE MANTEL - A ; .-4- SPECIALTY iyA.l J All work sruarinteed; Prices BeMonable. Shingle Boots taken off and relaid with SLATE, when desired. ' s- Orders will receive prompt attention, when addressed to P. O. Box :.118, Charlotte,1 N- . CHOICE LOT f NORTH CAROLINA A HAMS, at t ? W M CROWELL'S. - - jj --' -- " -,J - - - i Aridersori?s v - SOLACE Tobacco' fine Imported and Do mestic Cigars, fine Chewing Tobacco. English r'Tooth rsc. ."V.'s; rw--'-i-j-t-r mitri ITTiniTi 1 Rrnjn tl inn vjiniiiAiiiODi BRUSHES, EngM Hair Brushes;-Colgate 4 JSoapafClothe roahw, 1. it B Tooth Paste. Goeaell's Cherry Tooth Paste. Hoyt'f ; German Cologne, just to hand. mar 17.., W tt jtUKYVJa.u a w 4 i 1 to, 'fl ,0 . . ,4 JVi