BTi a mi t jmsciLArt tots ind after Sunday, Dec. 19. tra T saiiibury on Saturday last, a horse f 10.5b. bat ft c nL, at'the revival at the 8wairi Street 15aptiet Church of. Raleigh, which is still in progress. m The Radicals of the 7th District have keen called to meet in Salisbury on the 30th of May, to nominate a candidate for Congress and appoint two delegates to t lie National Republican Conven tion Moses Trexler, in Morgan Township, Rowan county, accidentally shot him gelf last week. In setting a gun down it was discharged, lodging ajoad of buck-shot in his person. He died gliortly after. John Conner, was convicted at Chat ham Court last week of horse stealing, ar.d sentenced by Judge Kerr to 20 years in the penitentiary. His con federate, Riley Beale, was also convict ed and sentenced to the same time. Raleigh Sentinel, of Wednesday : To day about 2 o'clock Gen J C Gorman ai d Geo B Enniss had a slight fiatcuff tn Fayetteville street, near Carmer's drug store. Two or three blows pass ed, but very little, if any, blood flowed. c command the peace. The Charlotte organ grinder has teen over in Salisbury this week, and his presence their leads the Watchman to make this remark, which is appli cable to other places besides Salis bury : "Our people feel towards organ grinders as they do towards onions. They like to enjoy them, but don't like to be caught at it." The Watchman says that Salisbury is at the mercy of the fire, and in view ot this fact it suggests to the city fath ers to have built Beverar portable tanks, on wheels of course, to hold from 500 to a 1,000 gallons of water each, keep them full, and centrally located, and in a few momenta they could be run to the scene-of any lire within the corporate limits. A Ealeigh pegro played a joke on himself the other day. He was fool ing with a pair of handcuffs and put them en his wrists, wnen he accident ally eot the "clink on 'em" and found himself handcuffed. Much to his mortification he had to walk through the streets to the SherifTs office, to get them unlocked. So says the News. The Star says that the grocery store ol Mr. Thomas H. Smith, on the south side of Market, -between Front and Second streets, was -entered Tuesday night and robbed of articles to the value, as far as can now be ascertained, of between $300 and 400. The most of the property was subsequently re covered, and three negroes David Davis. George Lee and Jack Lee were arrested and committed or bound over ' Daily, Sundays excepted: Leave Wlhnington, at t - . . 7.00 a m Arrive at Charlotte,' : iff j . , 7:30 pm Leave Charlotte, at t - s ... s . - ; 6:80 am Arrive Wilmington, at ; s - ? - , 7.-O0 p m PAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAINS Daily. Leave Wilmington, at 5:00 p m a-rrive at Charlotte, - - - 10:30 a m fave Charlotte, at - - . feannm Arriye at Wilmington, - - 10:40 a m SHELBY DIVI8ION-Daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Charlotte, at Arrive at Shelby, at Leave Shelby, at Arrive at Charlotte, - CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. k R. Air-Line Charlotte at 7:30 p. m. and 6.30 a. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington ft Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta Railroad at 7 a. m., and 7 p. m. Time from Wilmington to Atlanta 24 hours. Close connections both ways, and on to the North. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will Dlease notice changes. B L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. decl9 Salem Press : An old gentleman 50 years of age weighing I4S lbs., and drivine a tair of horses, one of which weighs 1,420 and the other 1,270 lbs., got his wagon wheels locked against the corner stone opposite Mickey's store, the other day. He didn't use anv of the language eo common among wagoners on such occasions but anolvine the lash to his horses nulled the atone up and went ort his way rejoicing. Salem Prets : - We learn that at a meetine of the last Indian Council Hev. T M Riehts. formerly of this place, and for a number of years Mora vian Missionary in the Cherokee JNa tioD. received the appointment as Principal of the National "Female Boarding School in the Nation. There are about one hundred boarders at this time. Raleigh News, of Thursday : Addle Cheek, Esq., a most respectable farmer of Oranee county, was yesterday alter noon robbed opposite St. Mary's school of ninety-nve dollars, jur. unees. was sitting in his wagon with the reins lied over his head, when two negroes approached from opposite sides of the road and one of them asked him a question, and as he lifted his arm to stop his horses, the other negro ran his hand into Cheek's pocket and made off with nine-five dollars. It seems these rascals had watched him 20 into the bank, and noticed the Docket he had nut his money in. The robbery occurred in broad daylight. Mr. Cheek's waeon was in company with half a dozen others, his being the last wagon in the train. THE -fittEAT SOUTHER HtHGHT LINE, uullb'.i siii ', ! ii f t' " ' ' ' -' " VIA CHARLESTON S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTTE anJ ALL POINTS KORTH aai EAST. t CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. C, January 3rd, 1876. HUBS, SPOKES RIMS THE undersigned oflfer for sale (heir en tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs, Spokes and Rims, the machinery being all new, and purchased, .for cash, of the best makers in the United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine 8harang, Belting, Ac. For terms, apply to T W Whim ant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to the undersigned at Welford, 8. C. P 8 WHI8NANT ft SONS. sept21tf 7:00 am 11:30 am 12:30 p m 5:00 p m in A.,T. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, Charlotte, N. C. March 8, 1876. J ON and after Friday. March 10th, the following Schedule will be run over this road : GOING NORTH. Train No 1 No, 3. Leave Charlotte, 3.15 a. m 2.30 p. m. ' D. College, 5 05 " 4 39 " Mooresville, 5.43 " 5 12 Arrive 8tatesville, 6.45 " 6.30 GOING SOUTH. Train No. 2 No. 4. Leave Statesville, 2-50 p. m . 5.50 a. m. " Mooresville, 357 " 7.16 " D. College, 4.35 " 7.38 " Arrive Charlotte, 6.20 " 9 50 " Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Statesville with Trains over W. N. C. R. R. Trains Nos 3 and 4 will run on Satur days only. Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory. Mor- ganton, Marion and Old Fort. All cnarges must oe pre paia on rreigm offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and CaldWell'p. Then heintr "Flae Stations." tne tympany is not liable for loss, or damage to freight aftr it ia unloaded at either of the above named "Flae Stations." . 1 1 B . - No freight will be receiyea Dy Agents ror shipmcntunie8s tue name ot consignee auu destination is distinctly inarsea luereou. mar9 Superintendent, TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLOTTE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Johk E Brow, How W M Shipp, Bobt I McDowell, Phillip Schiff, 8 P Smith, John W Wads worth Allan Macaulay, Baxter H Moors V Q Johmsos, D F Caknoh. OFFICERS: 8 P Smith, President; R I McDowell, Vice President ; U u uutt, casnier. janl5 J. 8. 8PKKCKR. G. D. ALLEN', HE CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with I the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the port Ol (JlAKLil.3TUM, presents to ODipperS Ol uuuun, ABU innmninaaioui CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MANY ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LfflE, With the AS3URANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids for their business. For rates, classifications and all information, call on the undersigned, J A ILLIOTT, Formerly with W J Black. J W REMLKT. Late of Americas, Ga. Mf ?M ani HE? GOODS. ELLIOTT & RELILEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, ,TILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. Quality guaranteed and prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in the city. nov5 jNOTHER LOT OF Tha oalohrabw? farnrtlia TTams inst ar- W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, N. 0. rived at 8titt, walsh & co's. A. iX)PE ....General Freight Agent, C, C. & A. K, SL, Columbia, S. U N M JOHNSTON, Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C jan2 WILUINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LINES. SEMI-WEEKLY. Fast Freijlit Route to all Points Sootk anil East. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans- portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FBI. AlTD FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. NEW YOBX. Clyde's Wilmington Line from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AMD TR0M WmnifQTOK WEDNESDAYS andSATUBDAYS SAMUEL UR0SE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DIALKS IH SASH, GlazeiaiiUiiitei, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL '.POSTS, WALNUT RAILING and BALLUSTERS. EVERY DISCRIPTION OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb25 G. S. H. APPLEGET Rear end EM Miller A Saui Building, 44h CHARLOTTE, N. C - ! . AHP AGEST FOE ALL KKDS - , Iron Fronts of BiiMil GalraM Cornices, Iron Fences, Crestnms.' A1TD ALL KINDS GALVANIZED WORK Which he will sell Cheaper than any Person. Office hours from 9 to 12 m., andf 2 to 9 n. tn. QSH APPLEGET, wishes to inform the public at large, that he is prepared to furnish Plans pf all kinds of buildings, with working drawings in fall, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the Bute, he being a practical builder, having an .experience of 15 years in three of the largest cities of the United States- He can answer any question or aire any information in regard to the construc tion of any part of the building, as he is fully qualified to go and do the work him self. With 15 years as a builder and 14 as an Architect, he knows just what is neces sary tor a mechanic to get along with, and with this experience you will at once see that he has a pretty good knowledge of the business. You can judge tor yoareeii as to whether a man is an Architect without be ing a practical builder. Some in this State claim to be Architects when they hare no knowledge of the business and can only be called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the last six years he has been employed in this State, and has done all the beet buildings,- with only a few ex ceptions in Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the State, where persons can see his wprk. In Charlotte he would call attention to 8 P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims & Dowd's Store, and a number of the private residences here. He refers to all who haye employed him as Architect and Superintendent, as to his ability. He can furnish, if any desire them, the name of parties and buildings, bat can not do so here for the want of room. He can show as many fine buildings as any other man of his age, and will take pleasure in doing so, Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine his drawings, which he has at least 500. He guarantees to have 50 to 1 of any other per son in the State. All are invited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited. mal5 .us 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PARTNERSHIP. WATCH MAKING. A ', - I HAVE . A LARGE ANDuWELl, ASSORTED LOT OF TOYS-AXD . FANCY ' GOODS, EMBRAC ING ALMOST EVERY THING IN MY LINE OF ? BUSINESS . ' AND ALL OF THESE I WILL SELL at GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES, COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. I HAVE ALSO RAISINS, CITRON, APPLES, NUTS. LEMONS, ORAHGESr GOGOAPTS, SOME VERY FINE GRAPES, &c, &c5 &c, &x HERE 18 THE PLACE TO GET CAKES & PIES. D. 1YL RICLER.: decl5 LATEST STYLES FRAMES. CALL AND SEE THEM AT YAN NESS GALLERY uov 27. THE VERY LATES STYLE or GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North and Sooth Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or Ifiast oouna raguH vu m. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, rrovidenoe, u aii jiiver uu wuwr io.u ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia & &?ta Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Ra, way and Cap w River Steamers, with their connecting Jtoaaa, onenng iraequaucu .v...vo . . --r-delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamere on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express thatmorning. No drayaee in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark 11 VET SI H!v4An r.inao For fnrtber information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Age. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green N. Y. A. D. GAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Lines, Wilmington, . O. -tf. I fT)HE nndenigned haye associated them' A ca: in selves in partnership for the purpose of rrvina on tne DU8ines oi eenerai aeaiera Hardware, Ac. RICHARD MOORE, HENRY T, BUTLER. Charlotte, N. C, March 2, 2876. -NO 1 A I1 0 MOORE & BUTLER, (Successors to Richard Moore.) I HAVE ON HAND abd ark RECEIVING HARDWARE -or- ALL KINDS. L O C K S NAILS, SHOVELS AXES. POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY. BOTCHED OR BUTCHERED WORK DONE at this ESTABLISHMENT. ALL WORK DONE IN A WORKMAN SHIP MANNER AND WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATIS FACTION FOR TWELVE MONTHS. GOOD 30 HOUR WEIGHT CLOCKS FOR $3.50. SPENCER & ALLEN, AHD Coamissioa Merchants, OLD STAFD OF STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO.. Thads Stbeet, CHARLOTTE. N. C. tjf Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. novlO ly C. C. VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for lTansponauon ui xicigut, -.-r . ,tti -r i c,nrf7!TxT nTTTTSl WILMINGTON AND ALL. KOBmEKH SSXSi CHAgKrlSZEATSa ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, aa well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. STOVES A SPECIALTY, FROM $12.00 TO $60.00 IN PRICES. MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE AND ALL KINDS OF TIN WORK. ReDainne promptly attended to. Or ders solicited. Respectfully, MOORE fc BUTLER, Near Court House. A zents for Burton's Doubled Hoe. Best in use. mar3 WATCH MAKERS SUPPLIED WITH ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL. RUSH H. BIXLER, Tryon Street, opp. Butler's Jewelry Store. mar2 the TO A. R. Nisbet & Bro., AT Harris' Empire Fertilizer. ihstjraitce jixjd bates SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS B. F. Miller has been removed as one of the trial justices of Lancaster. The Republican State Convention will be held in Columbia, on the 11th of April. Messrs. C hisholm & Ferguson, two very worthy blind men, have estab lished a veritable broom factory in this State, at Welford, on the Air-Line Railroad, in Spartanburg county, where they manufacture as fine an ar ticle as can be purchased anywhere in the world. On Saturday night last, between 9 nnd 10 o'clock, an incendiary attempt w as made to bum the liquor store and bar-room of J. Alfred Ctfrroll, in York ville. The fire broke into a' large blaze, but was chacked by some color ed men who were passing and saw it. Three United States soldiers one of whom had hen piected from the bar soon that afternoon, were suspected, n rrested and imprisoned. Union Times : A difficulty occurred in this town last Friday, between Mr. Howard and Mr. Brown, both Photo graphers, which came; very near being fatal to the latter. The cause" of the difficulty we are not prepared to give, tut it appears thati both men were going up to their room together, and when ahout eicht or ten steps irom the bottom Howard struck Brown, who fall tn ih bottom fof the 8ta,irs striking his tead near 5the tetop, against the steps. He was taken up insensible and remained unconscious for nearlv three days. He is improv ing slowly, but it will be some time before he will be able to attend to any business. -: . : s J J 'tM The following is self explanatory : TUT TTATmiS. DiAaSia. We-have been selling your Chemical Fertilizer, known as HAKKlo ittvtdtuw pampoTTND. for nearly one year, a .v,., dot? that. w have heard nothing v. ,. mnat fvnrable reports : in fact tne .a Vi iw used it are more tnan pleased and will rise double the amount the : Wo pnnsidAr it the cheap-1 IOliUWIUg ocaouu. - est Fertilizer that the Farmer can use, as be ca make about four I uau. niiu rr of oKnnt the same cost as one ton Oil mr.t. rnmmercial Fertilizers. Yours truly, nov5 WILSON & BLACK. GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, JNO G YOUNG General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C Soliciting Agent C. C. D., Charlotte, N. 8ept30 Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers in Grocers. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars, Snuff, Tobacco, Pipes, Musical Instruments, I Strings, tc, Trade street, unanoiie, a. u. Would call attention to tne iact mat iney now have in store, the largest and most ex- tonRtve Stock or Wroceries in unanoite, which they are offering for CASH to whole sale and retail buyers at prices, as low as they can be bought from any responsiDie house in the city. Consisting in part of Molasses, Coffee Snears. Teas. Soda. Brandy Peaches, Crack v . S-l 1 ' 1 1 J m-. n era. uvsters. anuy,, auu tuiuiu other articles not mentioned. ju20 Democrat and Heme copy. Bring 40 Cents A ND.buv a aallon of Pratt's Astral Oil J. the best lamp oil in use. marl7 T C SMITH & IU COST FOR CASH, Till the 151t of APRIL, 1876, READY-MADE .CLOTHING, JUST IN AT THE STORE OF J A YOUNG & SON. ja29 LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW 6 0 0 D S J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER I GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Stor Tinder the Central HoteLTrade St,and receiving his Winter Stock of Gooda f Men's Wear, and will make tjbem up short notice in the most fashkttable m a : ner, cheaper than the same crass of Good have ever been offered in this market. Otf Shirts a Specially. - Cutting and repairing done promptly. A goods and work must be paid for on deli erv. as I am compelledtodoacashbosLie ' J S PHILLIP8, oct!7 VINEGAR. cassime;res, blankets, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 25 All Kinds CROQUET ! ! 25 SETS or- 6. W. CHALK & CO., TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTJS, N. C. GEN COM & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Pro duce generally, Consignments solicited, and returns promptly made. apo Rockbridge Alum Water, AND Q R O Q XJ E T 9 "buffalo lethea water, AT REDUCED PRICES, AT PUREFOY'.S t wrnrrvTrn fresh from the Springs every Jti week. We are the authorized agent for the celebrated Springs, and have perfected arr ingements to receive fresh supplies every week direct irom tne Dpnngs. Excelsior Saratoga water on oraugui, wu , bottles. Congress Water, Hathorn Water and Star Saratoga Water in bottles, for sale at MCAUiur. o ja U lTug own. Removal of Lumber Yard. THE undersigned haye removed their Lumber Yard to Rock Island Factory lot, and will keep a supply of Lumber, lAths, and the best Cypress Shingles, al ways on hand : also a large supply of light wood for kindling, put up in bundles. They are prepared to fill bills for houses, either long or short leaf lumber at short notice. Dressed Flooring a specialty. B J SH ANN ONHOTJSE & SON. jan8 COUNTRY Produce, Dried Peaches and Annies. Fresh Butter. Eggs, Chickens, Cabbage, Sour Krout, Ac., cheap for cash. mar5 . oil 11, WAin s Lard, Lard, Lard. T EFINED Leaf Lard, a fine article, for XX family use, try it at W M CRO WELL'S. mar23 SHAWLS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. AS I HAVEoA LARGE STOCK ON Hay ! Hay ! Hay ! rVNE Car Load Timothy Hay, for sale by J STITT, WAlH & W. mar 5 MEETING OP CITIZENS! INQUEST HELD ! VERDICT of JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE 1 THANKS OF THE PUBLIC TENDERED TO THE WIDE AWAKE I marl'2 Petition fob. Receivers Railroads Liable to Taxation Richmond V? i March 30. The trustees of the Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad, under the fifteen million mortgage, to-day filed petition in the United States Circuit Court, asking on behalf 6f the foreign bondholders, the appointment of Chas. Perkins, of New York, and T. S. Bock wer. of Virginia, to, act iointly as re ceivers. Ths fiutrecae Cfcurrpf&Pf peals to-day decided thatfau or tli W & O. R. bonds, and Richmond & Coy ington, are liable to State taxation. - a tttj a papt A. SHERRY WINES, M. French Brandy and Whiskey, all of the verv best quality, for medical purposes only, at McADEN'B Drug Btore. janlj , Silken Gloss QTARCBor Laundry purposes the bes ij in the marKet. . . marn T C SMITH & CO. cigars Cigars V Xot of fine Cigars by the box. 8nuff A and Tobacco for sale at ZToyn r STITT, WALSH ACQ'S. 3 UST ARRIVED,' 0 Dfcls:-of those fine Eastern Sweet Potatoes for eating and planting. HALL & PRO. Our Coffee Roaster HAS arrived and we are now prepared to famish best Rio and old Gov. Java Coflee, roasted fresh every day, afr mar!9 ' Toys I Toys ! NEW TOTS, just opened, at w n wt. rf-w r , a feb19 ' , Corn, Oats, T-EAflBana-Meal. Bacon. Lard. Country t- L ' V. .WV -a. , . I and Bnsrar uurea uams. ac at luwcm. prices. " .T ; ;. STITT, WALSH & D. mar5 rov Son WHEREAS, Upon trial it has been that the defendants, T Coleman have murdered High Prices and Whkbeas, The people of Unariotte ana vicinity feel grateful to them for so doiBg, therefore be it Resolved, lit, That e do hereby tender our thanks to them for so doing. Resolved, 2d, That since we find they have this week received a fresh supply of Canned Goods, Crackers, Candies, Four Ace Hams, Breakfast Bacon, N. O. Molasses and the best Golden Drip Syrup in the city for 65 ctnts; also Early Rose Potatoes, Pickles, Pickled Pigs Feet, Hominy, Grits, Rice, Flour, .the best old self-made pure Cider Vinegar, Buckwheat and as they always keep everything in the Grocery line, fresh and at the lowest prices, and are very ac commodating to the public. Resolved- 3rd. That we will Dattonize them, knowing that in so doing we can .rely on setting fair, honest dealing and full weights THE PUBLIC as JURY or INQUE8T. mar!9 CIGARS ! CIGARS ! AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. T AM Manufacturing Cigars of tbe very ! best material, and have nothing but the very best Cigar makers in my employment. Satisfaction guaranteed. WALTER BREM. marll Cheap Cash Store T70U can find nice Country Bacon, Hams, I RhnniHom and Sides. Family Flour, nnffiw Rntmr. Molasses and Byrup, wrn , n , , , -Ml Rnttr TTm.'. Chickens! Potatoes, both Irish and Sweet. In fact all kinds or conntry produce. - STlIl-. walbq at w. man GENUINE Imported Cigars at W and 121 ca ts, at WALTER BREM'S. marll ' HAND AND MUST BE SOLD, AS I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY THEM OVER to ANOTHER SEASON. J . L1NDY , declO Net Crop Cote Molasses. EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS, GOODRICH and PINK EYE POTATOES, Rice. Fruits. Ac, Tobacco all grades, Clay Peas, and Corn, S. H. Syrup, and in fact all de scriptions of Merchandise. -I If you wish to buy close, send your effer, and communicate with ' JAS T f KTTlSWAi, Merchandise Broker, marl 2m Wilmington, N. C. JUS l1 RECEIVED! j CAR LOAD MOLASSES, All Gradis. 2 CAR LOAD CORN. BAGS CHOICE RIO COFFEE. LOT OF CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, at CUTHBERTSON & LONG'S. mar 10 ' " ' Barrels and Half Barrel. PtrrrWh it Wine and Cider Vinegar, at K m MILutf ours sr. febl9 . - SLATE BOOFIHG. STOWSON, having permanently loi . ed In Charlotte fully prepared put on Slate Roofs in any part of , the a cent country. 4 MARBLEIZED . SLATE M ANTE Li A, SPECIALTY. ah -mnAt cmaranteed. Prices ReasooakU. Shingle Roots token off and relaid wit k SLATE, when desired. - Orders will receive prompt attention, war addressed to P. O. Box 118, Charlotte, . n feblO-tf. 1 ' - L COB K KIK9IL, A BAVMOAWM. JACOB M. MENDEL & CO., MAircTACTuaxBS or C 1 G A L 8 WHOLXSAIJC BKALXBS IV TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, AC, TRADE ST., cHARiyrns, V. C. octlS ' "DRABS, COPPER, ZINO A TIN OILERS AJ , , . H j - 1 . . ; Largest stock that has ever been brougnt to this market. Forsale cheap, two doora above Stenhouser Mealay ft Co,, at the re tail store of ' , BREM, BEOWN ft CO. oct26 - . . Y . TEA IMPERIAL, Oolong, Young Hyson, Gon 1 Powder and English Breakfast Teas, direct importation, at McAden's Drag Store, cheaper than ever. . .'.. anH OiirTrade In FIVE Cent Cigars is increasing daily-reur, -stock is ample some of the best in the city at the price. T C SMITH ft CO. mariT We Were The First Everybody Try a Dollar Bottle fTIO Sell Kerosene at 80 cents, and will con- A tinue to do so. . T COLEMAN & SON. marl4 Home copy. VERY WHERETshouid have a good light ; Jj and use a safe Lamp Oil Pratt's Astral Oil meets tbe case 40 cents a gallon. T C SMITH UU, marl 7 Sole Agents. rvF Gregory's Mixture for Dyspepsia nnd loss of appetite mar!7 T C SMITH ft CO. 4 9 . f i, i: si it