jod 7Rifrfiwc. The Osnom Job Department a thoronchlx aappUecL with every need- want, and with the lata tlee X Type, anq every manner t JoVJCork ..can now be don with thm4" i fl'spry and cheapness. "We canfiamjih aieaort settee BIta!7K8.BIULHSAIa -if LETTEBHElDBiCAJDtDS, TAGS, RXCXIPTS. FOSTERS, PAMPHLETS. CHECKS, fteu, Ae . trmcBirrioji bates. v. i( i'aily 1 JCWi (postpaid) in advance, $8 00 6 niov " 4 00 3 moa. " " 2 00 1 nion. " " 75 WIIILT IIUTIOH. iVkly, tue county) in advance, $2 00 ' oat of the county, postpaid, 2 10 C-notb5 " 1 05 Fir Liberal reductions for clubs. VOL XIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1876. NO. 2 212 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, CI tmm AND W. M. SMITH. ITS & BOOTS HEW XOlNT FBOUT; 8MITH' SBTJIXjTXTCB-; TBADE STREET. THIS BEING THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE BOOT and SHOE HOUSE in the State, and our facilities for buying Goods being equal to any, we feel conident that we can sell BOOTS and SHOES AS CHEAP as any Baltimore or New York Jobber. 'e buy nly from Manufacturers and def competition. One of ihe firm is now North, purch&Mng our SPRING STOCK, which, when com plete, will be the largest in the State. All we asii is a cull from every Merchant in North and South Carolina and Georgia. CHARLOTTE, 2ST. G- febo The Handsomest Line of GKEILTTS' O - EVER OFFERED inthis MARKET. CALLand EXAMINE, NEW IRON FRONT " SMITH BUILDING," rnar28 FURNITURE WHOLESALE BED ROOM AND PARLOR OF COFFINSOF ALL mar? III Hi n ml 1 ?! mi; hi inn Below you will find full Price List of goods kept in My Line! TIE CHEAPEST PLACE IN CHARLOTTE TO BOY GOODS! QOAIt&'rOOL. COTTON.4 SPOOLS for only i5 cents, worth 50 ; Immense Stcck of Kid st $1 25 a pair, cith 2 CO ; 20.CO0 yards Embroideiies, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 cents and upwards, woith double the rroney; 00 Silk Parasols at eier effered before (o the public, these Parasols elegant Stk of XjniH Fans. 15 cents each double tLe inciieyr Bkck Gienadircs! Black cents a yaid.-.a reat bargain, call soon before they are sold ; one of the choicest :cct: n cf French Floc.s,at 75 cents. fpry worth $2 CO; 5.CC0 Ladies Trimmed and Untrinnud Hats, which cannot be denied ia the beet and cheapest Stock in this town ; Mottccs ! Motte s ! Motte ts ! 3 for 25 cents ; White Split Zephyr, at 121 cents an ounce ; Beautiful Stcck of Ladies' Embroidered Cuffs dollar ( ouet in town ; large Stock of Drars mtnt of Bkck and Colored Silks, $1.55, $1X0, Piques ! Pique 1 Piques J only 15 cents yard centsa yeid ; 5(0 jards Sa.h Ribbots, only Bustles, only CO cents each ; Linen Lawn, 8wis Mulin, Striped Nainsooks, Organdie, taiiity, at picci &tt defy' Chretien r all eeuts etch ; every Sw ace of Groe Grain Ribbons, only 25 cents a yard ; has Orna ments at 26 cents each ; Silk Button,, all colors at 10 cents a dcn ; Real Hair Switches, only U.25 each ; Pique BonBets' for children, Li ties, only 26 cents each, a great bargain to cull for your I claim to have the SHOES, W. S. FORBES. fOESES. ITEJIS TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. D BALERS. & RETAIL, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FUHNJ TUKE, BEDDING, &C. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE , X . C. , JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE or GK1LDREN5 CARRIAGES, SETTS, AND A FULL LINE GRADES, ON HAND. 25cer.U: ladies.' Bilk AEcru Lace Scorfi, Glcyep, all new shades, splendid quality $2 00 each, which is the greatest bargain never will be bought again for the money ; ; very fine Silk Fans, only 50 cents, worth Grenadines 1 Black Grenadines! at 20 and Collars, at 40 cents a sett ; the best one Goods, at 25 cents a yard ; very fine assort $1.75 cents a j ard, worth double the mcney ; ; Eciu Laces ! Eciu Laces ! 15, 25 and 50 25 cents a yard; the largest assortment of Victoria and Bishop Lawns, Bard Muslins, Malta, Soft Finished Cambrics in endless Linen Hemruedstitcbed Hankerchieft, at 25 75 cents each; 560 Towels warranted all the largest Slock of Ladies' Scarfe, doc't fai largest assortment in town. STOKE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ioou Dispatches. FOREIGN. Eadical Display in Pari3 London failures New Prussian Ministry The Situation on the Mexican Border Business in London, &c Paris, April 23. There was a great radical demonstration over the funeral of Madame Blanc. 200,000 people lin ed the route. Hugo, Rospail, Bars- dale and Gacnbetta, attended the fun eral. London, April 26. A G Robinson, steam packet agent, has failed for naif a million. Berlin, April 28. Delbruck'a revolt caused by his opposition to Prince Bismarck's railroad scheme, will make a new organization of the Im perial Ministry necessary. New York, April 27. A dispatch dated Brownsville, 25th, saya the revo lutionists moved out of Matemoras this morning, 1,000 strong, under com mand of Diaz, en route for Montery. Gen Gonselles remains in command. A great many desertions from the National Guard is taking place, the de serters escaping to this side of the river. Last night a squad of cavalry remained in the saddle for the purpose of enforcing the neutrality laws, it hav ing been reported that contrabands of war would be crossed the riwer for Diaz. They are doing their best to prevent it. The movement of Diaz is regarded as little more than the usual outbreak that takes place in Mexico during the Presidential election, and it is not anticipated that any fighting will take place here. A band of counterfeiters were arrest ed at Ringgold barracks yesterday. Affairs in Camargo, on the opposite side of the river from that place, are reported quiet. London, April 28. The Times to day in its financial article says the dis count business is very great, rates being fairly a matter of arrangement. The Dowager Countess of Derby, is dead. Algiers, April 26. The iusurgents are surrounded by French troop9, and cannot be revictualed. They must surrender. London, April 2G. Eugenio Lopez, a merchant of 55 Old Broad Street, has failed. Liabilities 50,000 pounds. WASHINGTON. Important Emma mine Documents The Committee Favors Spencer The Irrepressible Pacific Railroad Question Biaine Don't Satisfy Everybody.. Washington, D. C, April 2G. The Foreign Affairs Committee has receiv ed important Emma Mine documents from Europe. The contents will be kept secret until Schenck has an oppor tunity to explain. The Elections Committee took final action on the Spencer-Morry contest, from Louisiana, this morning. There will be three reports; the majority of six are for seating Spencer, of the minority three for retaining Morry in his seat, and Baker for declaring the seat vacant and referring the election back to the people. The Pacific Railroad Committee agreed to report favorably ob the Sen ate bill extending the time for the completion of the Northern Pacifie Railroad eight years. Iu the Senate, Morton is speaking in favor of his resolution to establish a government in the District of Colum bia, to be elected by the people. Echoes from Blaine's explanation, indicate that it is not entirely satisfac tory to all the people. CALIFORNIA. Dom Pedro Shung Display The Bo nanza Mines Pronounced Still Val uable. San Francisco, April 26. Dom Pedro to day arrived at the Palace Ho tel. He avoided the crowd and music at Oakland by going in advance of the regular train. The Stock Report publishes an inter view with J C Flood, in which the lat ter emphatically denies the report re cently circulated that the bonanza mines are petering out, asserting that thev never looked better, and would continue to pay dividends right along. He says that all reports to the con trary are false and malicious. MINNESOTA. Lawyers Arrested on a Bench War rant from Washington. St. Paul, April 26. Wm H Grant and Francis X Brossan, fermerly law partners, were arrested here to-day, qn a bench warrant, issued from Judge Cartler's court in Washington, charge ing tliem with complicity with one Lippincott, in issuing fraudulent SioUx half-breed scrip, whereby the govern ment was defrauded of a large amount of money and many hundred thousand acres of land, entered fraudulently. Grant and Brossan will be taken to Mid-Night Dispatches. WEATBIE IBOEABILITIES. Washington, April 26. For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, falling barometer, northeast to southeast winds, warmer, partly cloudy weather, and in the Gulf States local rains will prevail. WASHINGTON. A Batch of News and Gossip Con gressional Proceedings. Washington, D. C, April 26. Ames will appear before the Missis sippi Committee to-morrow. The Attorney General is about mov ing for a receiver for the Hot Springs lands, confirmed to the United States by a recent Supreme Court decision. Payment of interest due on the 1st of May, commences to-morrow with out rebate. Grant, Bristow and Je.-ell have gone to Baltimore to the wedding of Saui'I Shoemaker's daughter. General Ingalls was before the Clymer Committee to-day on the Moth question. His statement excul pated himself from any unlawful con nection with the Moth contracts. He pronounced the statement of Don Piatt that he was inimical to the Cowles process, and all the insinuations he had made, unqualifiedly false. The Secretary of War told witness, that Cowle3' contract had been stopped by reason of the charges made by Don Piatt. Don Piatt took the stand. He said all he knew of the good or bad character of Gen Ingalla came through his client, Mr. Cowles. II G Faut, financial agent for Cowles & Brega,from March, '72, to January, '74, testified that there had passed through his hands on account of the firm, over $400,000, of which Djn Piatt had re ceived nearly $23,000. Davenport was before the Commit tee this morning. He was allowed until to-morrow to procure his vouch ers. House. The Senate amendment to strike out "express'' in the bill to pro vide for separate entry of express pack ages contained iu one importation was adopted and goes to the President. The Committee on Conference on the Diplomatic and Deficiency Appropria tion Bills, reported a resolution in structing the Committee on Rules to investigate the chargo that officers of the House have been lobbying against the reduction in the Legislative Ap- priation Bill ; adopted. The resolution was presented by White, of Kentucky. He also had read a letter to himself, containing vague charge of poisoning, against the engineer of the House ; re ferred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. By Gibson, a resolution for a committee of 9 to investigate the offices and officers at New Orleans. An amendment that the sessions be open and the report made this session, was adopted. The Legislative Appro priation Bill was resumed ; only eight pages remain to report. Adjourned. Senate. A resolution was adopted, calling on the Secretary of the Treas ury for full report of the number, com pensation, duties, &c, of internal reve nue agents. The Committee on Claims reported favorably on the bill for the relief of Richmond Female In stitute, Richmond, Va. ; calendar. Cameron and McMullan dissented. The Committee on Buildings repeated favorably on House bill for public buildings at Memphis; calendar. Nor wood introduced a bill for the relief of the Macon and Western, Southwestern and other Railroads in Georgia ; refer red to the Military Committee. The Silver Bill was resumed. Executive session. Adjourned. - - MASSACHUSETTS. The Eepublican Convention Strong Arraignment of the Party .by the Chairman. Boston, April26. The Republican State Convention assembled here to day. John S. Sandford was perman ent Chairman. In his speech he said no one who has watched the current of recent political events has failed to see a wide spread dissatisfaction with the management of national af fairs; and as a consequence, there have been large and significant deflections from our ranks. We have seen the Republican party routed in its strong holds, and the National House of Re presentatives occupied by our oppo nents. It is idle to disguise the fact that there have been periods within the last four years, whea a national election would have brought im m inent hazard of a Democratic restoration. Have you any longer a doubt as to the causes which have wrought this change in our fortune ? Surely we have not abjured our creed. Our dis tinctive policy and aims were never more clearly affirmed; our traditions and the names of our great leaders never more reverently held. No; the protest is not against the record er creed, but against the methods j of ad ministration ; against the dominant influences and tendencies that, hate debased the character and tone of the public service ; against a leadership that ha widened po wer and patronage lie good; against a partlzanship nar row, intense and violent, that has usurped the place of broad and en lightened statesmanship, and repelled occasions of recognized character and ability as an element too repugnant to be tolerated; against a tide of finan cial morality that has corrupted the standards of official honesty, and turn ed places of public trust into oppor tunities of private gain or public plun der. The Republican party will be re creant to its commanding duty, nay, invite the penalty of deserved defeat, if it does not place itself with unhesi tating courage, in front of the move ment for reform, and carry it forward with uncompromising zeal. The duty and remedy is not to scuttle the good old ship, but to pump out the bilge water, discharge the recreant, and summon to command the true and worthy men. There is nothing in the temper of the country, however, nor in the recent elections, to justify the presumption oq our part that we have done much to be forgiven. The issue of immediate and radical reform confronts us; we cannot evade it; we can afford to make no mistakes. The committee on resolutions re ported the following : Resolved, That this committee leave the delegates of Massachusetts to the Republican National Convention, un pledged and umnstructed in respect ot individual candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States, appiause but expects and requires them each and all to work and vote for those candidates, and those only, whose character give unquestionable assurance to the whole country that they will be faithful and zealous to maintain the equal rights of all citizens under the Constitution, to bring about the resumption of specie payment, at a date not later than that already fixed by law, and to effect a thorough and radical reform of the civil service,to the end that the administration of public affairs may be characterized by effic iency, economy and purity. Carried unanimously. SgHon E R Hoar, R H Dana, J M Forbes and Paul A Chadbourn, were elected delegates at large. The Con vention adjourned. The friends of Mr Bristow consider that they have secured a majority of the four delegates. It is stated that Mr Dana and President Chadbourn are out spoken in his favor and that Forbes although previously mentioned on the unpledged ticket, may be con sidered a Bristow man. Mr Hoar is unwilling to pledge himself but is un derstood to lavor Baine tor nrst choice. FLASHES. New York, April 26.-$190,000 in silver bars were shipped to Europe to day. KEW ADVEltTlSCiTlEftTS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. A regular meet ing of Charlotte Lodge, No, 17, Knights of Pythias will be held in their Castle Hall, in the Temple Asso ciation Building, to-night. Prompt atteadance of membesB desired Visiting brethren cordially invited. Br Older of the C. C, W. L. BOYD, 8pr27 It K. R. & S. fresh oranges, lemons fc apples, Canned tomatoes, strawberries, peach e3, pears, quinces, ac, ac, AT CO OQ ANDREWS D W H CO o w O . o (A a m H o W CD I i M JONES' DEVILED HAM and TURKEY, COOKED FRESH BEEF, IN 2, 4 & 6 POUND CANS, PICKLED TRIPE, SPICED PIGS' FEET, CHEAP AT ANDREWS & ;j ONES'. apr27l 1W1H01 TO-DAY AT 1 O'CLOCK, J. A. YOUKG & SON ILL BE READY TO FURNISH THE PUBLIC WITH THEIR HOME-MADE SHIRTS. CALL AND PROCURE SOME OF THEM, AS MANY ARE SOLD. FULL STOCK or OTHER KIND or GOOD3 IN OUR LINE. ' j ' ' .-, - . r-r '.i. v - - - - -i - JOHN A.' YOUNG & SON. apr27 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. I Take pleasure in announcing to th9 Citizans of Charlotte and surrounding country, that I have now on hand a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, including all articles kept in a FIR iT CL 133 Q ROCE & Y d TO & S. All the d fferent grades of 8ugar, Choice Coffee, Thyme. Rice, Pepper, Cinnamon, Natmetc, Tea, Spice, Mace,-Cloyea, Sal mon, Lobsters, Sardines, Wainut 8aace. Catsap, Mustard, Riisins, Currants, Citron, Lemons, French and Turkish Pranes, Dried Pairs and Cherries, .Pruuelles, Almonds, Walnuis, Chocolate, a variety of Crackers. SMOKED SALMON. DUTCH HERRIN'G."GREEtf P3A.S, TOMATOES, C30ICH FAMILY FLOUR BvCOS, LA&D, SUGAR CURED HAMS. MEAL. 8ALT, GRITS, BEST VISEGA.R. FINE N. O. M0LA.33E3, POTATOES, And many other articles. I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, and guar antee satisfaction in prices and quality. Give me a call. Respectfully, JF- ROTH8CHIt, AT THE OLD STAND FORMERLY OCcUPIKD BY KOOPM ANN A ROTHSCHILD. S9- GOODS DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF THF. CITY. mar22 TTrlEl CITY CLXJB IS THE &&&E WO Breakfast, 25 Cents Dinner, 50 Cents Supper, 25 Cents Table Board, $4.50 per week apr22 NEW ARRTVADS New Stock Gents' G-aitersIand Bootsjt LADIES I MISSES SHOES S SLIPPERS.! THE LATEST STYLE OF JJJST RECEIVED, C H F A P . OPP03ITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. aprlo WE THE BEST STOCK DRESS GOODS, IN THE CITY. ALSO Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Boys' Plain and Fancy Hose, a great variety colors and prices. A large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing. AN ELEGANT STOCK OF GENTS AND BOYS HATS. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND VERY CHEAP. VERY TRULY, apr23 JUST RECEIVED, i"m:"m:"E3 3X2UZ -JKTO THIRD HIGH BACK I. AD I KS' ' (NEW AND . 1. MVA r ji la if J fe! 31 - 300 PIECES 'imiVBBiUTmX - r , a ' y.nhfifi pjiiaJ sin"! ' . i... j fv.H.-T!! irilJ bad .. , ' -V , . . -".hi l- -'ujnn'i iuti xol,,,lol iuoX Democrat and Home Copy. apr24 IL A I MM AN- -OF- ECSLUT SUPPLY OFj TUG K COMftS, BSLlTSr baa ELEGANT.) ; h : . ', fc in ' J; ') 1 if ca-s ir Sd Sen t k hOl apr23 .' ,r 1 Washington. for its own ends, and not for the pub