CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, JOD PRINTING. V TheOBSK&YiB Job Department aa bees thoroughly -supplied with every needed want, and with the latest style of Type, aril every manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. Ws ean furnish at short notice BULKK8, BUX HEADS, LETTER HB aDS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES. HAND BILLS, PAMPHLETS. CHECKS, 6c, &e TOSCBIPTiaa BATES D Uy 1 year, (postpaid) in advance, $ 00 " G mos. " " 4 00 " 3 mos. " " oo " 1 mon. " 75 WXKXJ.Y IDITIOW. Weekly, Jin the county) In advance, $2 00 out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, 1 06 fcir Liberal reductions for clubs. TOL. XIH. CHAKLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1876 NOU 2 227 . BOOTS AND HOES. Corn ! Corn ! (VV,'0 CAR LOADS of CORN, for sale at apr30 STITT, WALSH & CO'S. Security ALADDIN OIL at 35 cents a gallon. 3 gal lons for one dollar. prlG W R BURWELL & CO. 5 Cases MALT HOP TONIC. W R BURWELL & CO. aprl6 H AVE YOU SEEN THE SUGAR at mOLTON & CO'S apx8 (ALL and see us before jou J buy your Groceries. Mates, Ro3S & Jongs. apr23 The Handsomest Line of GKEZLsTTS' O-AITERS, -AND- EVER CFFERED inthis MARKET. CALL and EXAM 5 MS. NEW IRON FRONT ' SMITH BUILDING,"gTRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, 3Sr. C. mar28 WHOLESALE & RETAIL, DEALERS IN BED ROOM OF C man ALL KINDS OF XJ -R 35T I T XJ 3 BEDDITNG, &C. No. 5, West Trade'St., CHARLOTTE, N . C . , JUST RECEIVED A FUJfc. LINE OF CHILD REN3 CARRIAGES, AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A FULL LINE OFFIKSOF ALL GRADES, ON HAND. MILLINERY mm J J U JUf KP I B :o: :o:- -AND THE OF- -AND- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Keen Dispatches, FOREIGN. Religious Liberty in Spain Another Conference of Chancellors The Bodies of the Consuls Still Unhur ried Fearful State of Affairs in Turkey Sunday Law in Ireland Prospect of the Surrender of Wins low. Madrid, May 13, 1S7G. Congress has passed clause eleven of the Constitution providing for religious liberty, by a vote of 220 to 94. Berlin, May 13. The Imperial Chancellors had a second conference to-day. Couut Andrassy and Prince Gortschokoff had previously conferred for four hsurs. It is stated that Prince Gortschokoff will not accompany the Czar to Ems to-tnorrow, but will re main in Berlin a few days longer. A dispatch to the Reichsakzeiger con firms the report that the bodies of the murdered consuls at Salonici are still unhurried. The excitement of the Mouametan population is so great that it would be dangerous to attempt the funeral until the arrival reinforce ments for the troops and additional men-of-war. Constant ixbrLE.May 12.-MehiRuch di Pasha has been appointed grnd Vizier, and Hussien Ari rasha, Minis ter of War. London, May 13. A resolution in favor of closing public houses in Ire land throughout Sunday, passed 224 to 167. The government opposed the resolution. The Liberals cheered vo ciferously on the announcment of the result of the division. A correspondent of the Times tele graphs from Constantinople : "A gen eral panic prevails here. The low classes of Mohametans are purchasing daggers and rerolvers with money supplied by persons who are plot ting the overthrow of the Sulton and the governing of the christians. The Mohsmetans in Sultana thr eaten the Greeks and and Americana, Lidding them prepare for immediate death. Travellers are leaving en masst. The European residents are sending their families away. The presence of Eu ropean squadrons and the organiza tion of volunteer European military companies, is alarming. The Bulgarian insurrection is ex tending. Disorders are apprehended at Rustchuk. Botson, May 13. A London special of the 12th says : "It appears to-night from what information I am able to gather at the foreign office and the American Legation, that the chances for the surrender of Winslow to the United States officials under the ex tradition treaty, are improving. It is impossible to ascertain the precise terms of the reply sent by the British Government last Saturday to Secre tary Fish's note on the subject, but there is little doubt that it conceded the justice of .the Secretary's argu ment, and the strength of his position though of course it is not directly so stated, and that England will oppose the demand of Winslow and his coun sel for his discharge." London, May 13. The ten days for which Winslow was recommitted naving expired, application for his release was renewed this morning. It was again opposed by the Govern ment and he was recommitted for ten days longer. Attorney General Hal- ker said that if secretary lush s an swer to Lord Derby ' note had not been received, the Government would not raise any further objections to his release. CAN BE FOUND AT THE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL STORE. IEESIP23CTIF'U"XiTj'Y"i 3BL3 3F 3R 3S3 3LU Mid-Night Dispatches. KIA'lilll IRCEABILlTLtS. Washixgtom, May 13. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, rising barometer, cooler northerly to easterly winds and partly cloudy weather will prevail, with light rains along the South Atlantic coast. WASHINGTON. The Mississippi Committee to Leave Soon Centennial Goods Bad Out look for the Crooked Men A Door keeper's Troubles, &c. Washington, D. C, May 13. Bout well and the Committee to investigate the alleged political outrages in Miss issippi, leave for South as soon as the Senate decides the question of juris diction in the Belknap case, which is expected next Wednesday. The Com mittee have examined Ames and Mr Dalton, recently confirmed District Attorney, for the Northern District of Mississippi, but will examine no oth er witnesses here- The United States steamer Supply has arrived in Philadelphia, with cen tennial exhibits. The Government will bid for the Harper3 Ferry property, which will be offered for sale on the 20th July. District Attorney General Dyer re plies unfavorably to the letter from the Attorney General regarding the pardon for McKee and Msguire. Pierrepont refused to see Maguire ; to day; sending him word that the only way to communicate with him, was through his counsel, Judge Treat; and Attorney General Dyer also declined to interfere in behalf of Avery. House. The Judiciary Committee was discharged from further considera tion of the charges made by Albert Grant against Judge Wylie, of the Dis trict Court. Luttrell introduced a joint resolution authorizing the ap pointment of commssg&CTners to ascer tain on vvhat terms a commercial treaty can be arranged with Mexico. Referred. The troubles of Col Fitzhugh, door keeper, culminated to-day in a num ber of personal explanations. The sense of the House was marked as the to propriety of demand ing a resignation, but r.s some serious charges were involved, it was due to Fitzhugh that he have a hearing, and the whole matter was referred to the Committee on Rules. The Post Office Appropriations was resumed, and salaries discussed. Adjourned. VIRGINIA. PrcceediDgs of the Southern Baptist Convention. Richmond, May, 13. In the South ern Baptist Convention to-day, Rev Dr Twinkler, of Alabama, presented a report on women's work in foreign lands, and urged that the policy of the board should be to multiply their ser vices as far as possible. The report sketches some important work being done by the female Missionary Socie ties of the churches, urges some prac tical suggestions for their management. Rev Dr S S Helm, of Kentucky, read the report of the Committee on In dian Missions. The report earnestly urges that past success and present de mands require that the Indian Mis sion work should be prosecuted and greatly enlarged. It speaks of the im portance of schools among the In dians and urges the prompt establish ment of schools among them by the board of this Convention. Dr Helm sustained the report in an earnest ad dress. Rev Dr Dawson, of South Caro lina one ol the most venerable minis ters of the body, recalled some pleas ant reminiscences of Mr Monroe's In dian policy, and made an earnest ap peal to the whites to give the gospel to those whose hunting grounds they possess. Rev. Dr Buckner, the vete missionary of the' Convention among the Indians, gave some very interest ing facts to show that Christianity is a better police force among the red men than the United States cavalry, and that the tribes which have been chris tianized are peaceable and law-abiding He brought out the great necessity of schools among the Indians and went into interesting details to show the entire practicability of at once proceed' ing to re-establishing a manual labor school among the Creeks. The reports were unanimously adopted. colored Protestant Episcopal congre gations to representation, which had agitated the "South Carolina Diocese for two or three years past, was settled last night, after a warm discussion in the Dioceasan Convention by the re jection of the application of St Mark's Church for admission to that body. The majority of the clergy favored the application which was rejected by the vote of lay delegatea. FLASHES. Poet Eads, May 13. Arrived : The steamship Hudson, from New York. She is the first ocean steamer which has passed the jetties. The draft is fourteen feet six inches. Cincinnati, May 13 Allen and Goss have signed articles to fight Septem ber 7th, near this city for $2,500 a side IVEVV ADVEKTISEMEJVTS Soda Water and Ice. SODA WATER on draught and ice ia any quantity, can be had at all times to-day (Sunday) at J W Adams' market, next to the Second Presbyterian Church, may 14 It J F ELLINGTON'. TOWN TALK!! FRESH GOODS ! JUST KEGEIVED .A.T ZT. ROTHSCHILD'S. TN addition to my well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, I haye just received ! the following articles: Extra Quality Green Peas. Choice Yellow Peaches in 3.1b. cam, Pine Apples in choice Loaf Sugar Syrup, Bell Brand Peara in 2 lb. cana. Sugar Corn, Im ported Sardines in half and quarter boxes, Patapsco Baking Powder, French and Turkish Prunes, Foreign and Domestic Pickles, Dried Pears, Tomatoes, Fine Family Flour, Meal. Bacon, the celebrated Four Ace Sugar Cured Hams, New Orleans Molasses, beat Cider Vinegar, another lot of Imported Krout, Sngar, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and in fact every thing kept in a FIRST-CLA8S GROCERY STORE, all of which will be sold cheap for Cash. Parties buying by the quantity for TIC NICS, &C, will have the benefit or a liberal discount in the prices of my goods. Respectfully, pa- GOOD3 DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF THF. CITY. niar28 THE CITY CLUB IS TME &GE TO IJVE. m.HEbest FLOUR for the price, in Char- X lotte at the WIDE AWAKE. Just received at the WIDE AWAKE : O. G. Java Coffee. Rio Coflee, Golden C and Porto Rico Sugar. Also, crushed Sugar, A Sugar, Golden Drip Syrup 65 cents; N. O. Sugar House best quality Molasses 95 cents ; barrel rickles, something: extra and nice ; CREAM CHEESE ; Tin Buckets, Oil Cans ; Tin Cups ; Cedar Buckets ; Painted Buckets ; Tubs : Market Baskets, something nice in this line and cheap tco. HAMS ! HAMS ! ! HAMS ! ! ! Sugar Cured Canvassed and Country Hams, ilso Country Sides and Shouldeis ; Higgins Soap 10 cents ; Baltimore City Soap 5 cents per bar ; Brooms 20 cents ; Brooms 25 cents; Brooms So cents ; Brooms 40 cents, at THE WIDE AWAKE. may 14 NEW YORK. FOREIGN. A Battle in Turkey. Eagussa, May 13. Salonica ad vices report that a battle was fought yesterday near Birses in which 700 Turks and 100 Insurgents were killed. The Turks at Scutari celebrated the Salonica murders. PENNSYLVANIA. Fist of Southern Centennial Judges. Philadelphia, May 13. Among the American Judges selected by the Cen tennial Commissioners, are: E. H. Harrison of St. Louis ; C. M. Chaffat, of South Carolina; Col. J. R. Radford, of Florida; J. M. Bennett, of West Virginia : Hugh Waddell, of Georgia ; Col. E, D. Richardson, of ;Miss.; Dr. FJ. Hazelton, of Missouri; H. F.Bryon, of Maryland; Gen. Imboden, of Vir ginia ; J. A. Anderson, of Kentucky ; Dr. C. B. Whitley, of New Orleans ; The Liberals to Remain Inactive- Justice Downing Dead Wont Hear Bowen Colored Episcopalians Re fused Admission to the Convention New York, May 13. The meeting of the Executive Committee of the Liberal Republican State Committee to-day, adopted a preamble and resolu tions that they fail to recognize the or ganized existence of the Liberal Re publicans of the country, and advise the Liberal Republicans of New York to await the action of the Cincinnati and St Lous Conventions, with the purpose of supporting any unobjec tionable candidate thereby presented, or in default thereof, participating with others in an independent elec tions in whatever possible movement shall promise the delivery of the Na tional Government from the range of corruption. Police Justice Joseph Downing is dead. Rev Dr Taylor to hear Bowen's Beecher. Emanuel Eirseig, rectifyer, was ar peremtorily. refuses private story about Jas. B. Eads, of Miss; Dan'l C Gilmore, of Md.; Prof. W. C. Kerr, of rested to-day, and bailed in $10,000. North Carolina, The question of the admission of CANNED GOODS, IRESH Columbia River Canned Salmons, Fresh Canned Peaches, 2 and 3 lb cans, Canned Tomatoes, at mayl4 THE WIDE AWAKE. Our Ice Box IS now ready and. on Monday morning we will be ready to supply our customers with Ice, at as low figures as any house in the city. When you want good nrm Butter, ust on the Ice, call and get it at may!4 THE WIDE AWAKE. Sunday School Picnic. rnHE Scholars of the Presbyteiian Sunday -L School and their friends will hold their annual Picnic, near Moore's Ferry, on the Catawba River, on Friday, May 19th. Scholars and their incited guests will be furnished with tickets. Train starts from the C, C. & A. Railroad Depot at 7i o'clock, sharp. F SCARR, mayl4 2iw superintendent. Rehearsal. ALL persons to take part in the PARA DISE and the PERI, are to meet at the Opera House on Wednesday, the 17th, at 7 o clock r. M. Musicians are requested to be punctual. may!4 2t Breakfast, -. 25 Cents Dinner, 50 Cents Supper, 25 Cents Table Board, $4.50 per week apr22 E BEST IT THE OIT1T I NEW STOCK LADIES' SLIPPERS, AND JUST RBCBIBB, Gents' Gaiters, Prince Alberts and Oxfords, PLEASE CALL AND SEE THEt . maylC OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ice Cream. M. RIGLER takes this method of call ing the attention of the public general ly to the fact that his ICE CREAM SALOON, will be opened for the season, on Monday loth. may 14 D. C. C. RAILWAY, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Wilmington, May 12, 1876. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, May 14, trains will run oyer this Railway as follows : PASSENGER, MAIL & EXPRESS TRAINS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave TFilmington, at - - 6:20 p m Arrive at Charlotte, ... 6:40 a m Leave Charlotte, at - - 6:30 pm Arrive Wilmington, at - - 7:30 am FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAINS Daily, except Sunday. Leave Wilmington, at 5:3& m Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 11:45 pm Iave Charlotte, at 5:20 a m Arrive at Wilmington, - - 11:50 p m SHELBY DIVISION Daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Charlotte, at Arrive at Shelby, at Leaye Shelby, at Arrive at Charlotte, 7:00 am 11:30 a m 1:50 p m 0:00 p m CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. & R. Air-Line in Charlotte at 6:40 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington & Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad at 6:20 p. m., and 7:d0 a. m. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please notice changes. S L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. mayl4 CORN, CORN, JUST RECEIVED, OXE CAR LOAD CORN FOR SALE BY W. M. CROWELL. mayll Best Brands of Canned Ms, AT fANDREWS & may 12 JONES.- THE BEST IF TJE& IE n? FOR 6 1-4 CENTS, CASH. 9 may3 TAIL ilfiiSIIISe .0: :0:- NEW and BEAUTIFUL SELECTION of LADIES TIES, LARGE AND RARE SELECTIONS OF Riew Flowers and Ladies' Mats. JUST RECEIVED ! 3000 PIECES PRINTS. AT 6 1-4 CENTS. 7 150 WHITE and COLORED AT STUNNING LOW PRICES. may IS niayU

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