". '3.1 .3 !! f n E I G II T I,.. EL, S msCELLAIf COIJ8. M I J C E L.X. A.iE The Democrats of yilap;i have, rec ommended Col. Thos. LI Keen an,' for the position of Attorney General. Harwell Newsom Httt 1eJ hung at, Albemarle on the 23d, for rape. He 1 he Albemarle; Times recommends Gen., Ransom, as the President of the Stale Utiiversitv. at Channel Hill. -4 i n.e dedication qi tne new jisraemisu. TerapMe in Wilmingtori, on last Friday was marked by the most impressive cernionifkH Citizens of -all- nationali- ttoo vnanoii )vorer puDiianes i a rumor ,tq the effect tht3en. JVYiHiam jucauc, luiuciijr in iuio cny, is lo succeed Col & L; Fremont as Super intendent hafAljjajCentral Rail way. This rumor has beep current here for- thefsff ttrb'r'eeka.'We forbore to pubHiirilsijecauHeaf itmfdaaonahle doubts "of its . correctness. We are now authorized1 1& state that the rumor is incorrect and' that there is' nd siioh chaneihMcfeiliofi'fect which Col. FremooW htariV friends in this State will i'rratified tole'arn. i Gen McRaej already hold Whe Y tire5 finest positions Ih Hliri'tSoAttVilmington i ,L- A correeponderltdf the New York , writing f fonr ;pJt;J'1p.f. represents that at the recent menaonai celebration in that city, a red-hot speech wr dKyerpd W (hrf Rer. Tay lor ujKmmml the lost cause wold1.p raoTedihat slavery jwaa .divine' itituUonihich ought to be revived, that the Yankees wete a different and inferior race, and more to the same general purpose. The Qharlotjp Q8ivjcb, in iif report of MlrMbe4uoWsp9ne of three expressions; which, we suppose," are eiven in the limes account of to occaidrj5v ij ptiilfifc; xaggented Bhape. "Wb'ether4 "truly or falsely re ported, however, is not jn the least cODseouenee; iaajhQtrtlerftjices of memorial oratorVftVeamayyecohsid eiably exalted above the ordinary and every-day faeling.ef the people. It is no rare thing in the South, and possi bly in 4he Narthf -rforTte rfnvwffial orator Jo iieOboe to tftat cbMMnUh is described aa being : hh friends of peace in war and tne friends of .war in peace; so that they make up by ex-trvagancd-UoctirtiB!ifS8 now, lur thelpfeacealiei rilptiitfcri which thy manifested twelve years ago. We is that of a Minister of the Gospel, and the. netmtefrit4;tie told that these men of peace very often emnlov ' hard laneuasre -wiihout, in their exemption, ffom .responsibility, reflecting th its' real" strength and nieauing.,.:Jf-any.auch unwise utter ances were made by Ah Charlotte ora tor as have been reported, the circom slanae eoafirmi lis! in '"the inipreseion tbatth minhtefsof religfon ought never ia prticipato inkporitics, except to the extent of voting their party ticket on election day. The' very se clusioainvfhtehvthev ltfejand labor, the Burilf df their lieV itheir'aUocia- ticn with women, and others whose innocence makes them ignorant of the world, all render the clergy incompe tent to take any active part in pojiticl flairs" withlout nffaiirj their own usefulness; andmSking thev muddle of politics a little more muddy. We abiure the Timet nob ttMtornT itself a bouttbef exported- eWaratiofiS. If made, they do not represent the pur pote or the principles of any Southern class. With the Southern people, the war is over and ended and its imme. diate issues of secession iVevwufcpeld. They hate pledged tbemselrea1 wHhe amendments which make the Union, the freedom of the negro and the equality of all citizens perpetual ; and as for holding the soldiers of the other side in contempt, tnej afc ' eager and anxious to cast their votes to make General Hancock Prsideiil whnT the Times, nt tfotibt, for 'all W flfohing 'loyalty," will oppose. Petersburg Index-Appeal y f X.; ; .v i . t Ihe Gnlf Stream ai aa Illustration. Seveial years age ex-Gov. Vance, in a lecture that afteiwards became fam- oug, com paVediihk Jews loithW Gulf- stream, mat stream 01 numannj lmd freui time.Jrtimemmorial pre- ccneu its uwa vmmibq fun iwcu j u ope rated by well-dfi6ed trtlutjdarier from the great ocean of mankind- But a short time ago we noticed in one of our exchanges (the Religious Herald of tliis city, we think,) an editorial in which the same illostration'was used without crediting it to Gov. Vance. Slill more recentlriHonR, Vance, of Nofth'CafoMhV, htt atfTiied the Oulf stream rsr an illuetration of how the sou theii people 'knight ' by kind ne 8 melt the northern iceberg.vthat come floating down this iray on the gulf Mream ofypreiudifo ;and putsion. 1 WjireuponaiviAugnsta' pa W tells Mr. Vance that he probably Ktole the illustration from a Dr. Camp Ml, of Georgia. r tyr. Vances use ,of the Gulf-stream WiMo different ffom that of his brother that he cannot fairly be charged with having used it improperly jDr, Campbell, was proba cy indebtebTto ex-Gov. Vance for his use of it. And the Religious tierdld (if it was that paperl had , forgotten, that Zeb. Vantrig1nadte imiJ4 INo happier illustration was ever used by ny orator, we suijpoee Ae1 4t is one hich, having once hef n seen, would inevitably comeback to the mind, we deem it a properDCCMUMlcureaaserA ov. Vance's clainv ; to it.. , Can, any hody trace it farther? RicKmoyid Ds patch. f fp r SOVTH CAK60XA ("EPISCOPALIASa2 1'be Questic! tof the admission of colored ProtesUnt Episcopal Congre gations to representation, whiebr-iiaa agitated the South Carolina diocese for lo or three ytaaslparaaTfttledSn Charleston l3th-'!ntra!tertC wTfffl aiRcu8sion, in the diocesan conven tion, by the rejection of the apptu lca- "on of StMatk's AtMircbec. sion to thAtodvjTThe kasiiri ityji the cler?v favored the annlication. which was rejected by the voteofiih lay delegates. -hi ;v4 0 A'JO id Mothers are not ih thi . Lapland Mothera ar6 not in thel iiabit of stavinsrat. home withr their babies. The Lacs are a verv religious j. ne .lads are a very religious people, , takofeDrwuLrwy-TW hear theiir &ikTl lamiiy arrive at the littleijaDO - W w . V churefeodreir arHlf l"e uther shovels a snug little bed in ine enoWf an(j then mother wpsUlhO baby in skins and denosita it therein. .hen the father pilthelaoo aouitil ll. and the dintr in not. Sn crnarrl while lV Pwerfsi-id-'tUad'ofoiaH inufuhen nurch. Often aa .manj aa,thUty a-. W BCVU MIU HUB III . i'UQ -""v aoout a cnurcn C., C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DKPT.j ChabjJottx, Colombia & Auotsta, R.R. j On and after Sunday, April 16tb, the following schedule will be operated en this road :.-!- MAiL AND' EXPRESS GOING NORTH. T - a i t t-eavo Augusta, aaiiy, 516 :p, Arrite arCorambiar m. ""WOO-'pTm. Leave Columbia, jo.15 p. m. .15 a. m. a . ' m . . . i veawunariotcei GOING SOUTH. Leave, Charlotte, 9.40 p.m. Arny at Columbia, , 3.B5 aiu. Leave Columbia. 3.45 a. m. 1 Arriraatugusta; ; , ;s .JiO a.m. Comfortable sleeping cart run on this train between Charlotte and Augusta. ACCOM JODATION . RAIN , CHAR- LOTTE DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia daily (Sundays excepted,) 8 00 a. m ArriTeCl4rWtt, j 1 f f - 6 32 p. m. ' boiNtfsWft Leave Charlotte, ; . ' i . -. 600 a.m. Arrive at Columbia, 3.37 p m. TRAIN AUGUSTA ICfcXrMMODATION rDlVMIONqOING NORTH. Lewr AuKita? a : 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, 4 00 p. m. V10 9.0INO SOUTH. Leave CklQmtW ' 9 50 a.m. Arrive at Augusta; lU A 1 7.15 p. m. ' Rorriklaily-except Sundays. J AMES' ANDERSON, 1 ;AJt - Gen'l SopV : A POPE, General Ticket Agent. J28 ; Fietat Air-I fiailm .l.v.''rtr'.i,1 i) 'l ft f . Richmond & DurynxK, Eicbmond & Danyhxe R. W., N. (J- Divisiok, ao4 North Wktbw .N.C.' W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Dec.' 19th, 1875. A OOIKO M0KT8 STATIONS. KAIL, 5 45 a m 625 " 8 20 " 10 58 1 39pm 149 " 6 51 ' 935pm Leave Charlotte, Air-Line J net n, balisbury, " Greensboro, . Danville, " Dundee, " Burkeville, Arrive at .Richmond, oonro south, STATIONS. Leave .Richmond, " Bnrkeville, " Dundee, . KAIL. 5 50 a m 9 00 4 135 pk 143 " 4 28 654 1 8 52 " 9 15 GOING WIST KAII PantiUe, Greensboro. Salisbury, IV- Ajr-IneJ'ct'n, at Charlotte, ' "GOWd A8T. 8TATIOHS, KAIL. Leave Greensboro.il 00 am Ar 410 pm Ar Raleigh, " at Goldsboro stations. ' rr 349 pm 6 40 " Arr 1 1 05 pm L've 8 20 " accomdat'n teaijt. L'ye Greensboro, Arr at Baleiah. 7 00 p m 5 00am Arr 6 00 am Arr 7 30 pm Lv 2 00 pm Arr at Goldsboro H 15 " NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. B. (Salcx Branch.) Lea ye Greensboro, . .4 45 pm Arrive at Salem, 6 45 " Xeave Saiem, 8 15 a m v AarriVe at Greensboro, 10 SB " Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 11 05 a m connects at Greensboro' with the Southern bound train : making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation train leavine Raleigh at 7 30 p m, connects with Northern bound trains 1 1 Greensboro for Richmond and all points Ease Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro t. 7 on n m connects, at Goldstx ro with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the fomiTheton'and Weldoh Railroad. ' iynchburg Accommodation leave Rich mond a 9.C0 a m. arrive at Burkeville 12.86 o m. leave Burkeville 1 20 p m, arrive at Richmond 4 34 p m. Mo Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. Patwa thttfc-liauw aiianeeiiiema' to adver tise tBejds Pleas printas above ana forward copies to Genr Passenger Agent. JTe further in formation address ' JOHN R MACW DRDO, Genl Passenger Agenr. Richmond, Va. dec 19 ; A T X, O Railroad t. V " 1 f VrtU ' SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Charlotte, .N..O. April 8, 1876. and after Monday. April 10th, the VJ folldwisg Schedule will he ran over this road : GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, 6 30 a. " D College, 8 20 , " Mooreaville, 8.68 , Arrive Statesville, 10 00 GOING; SOUTH. Leave Statesville. 2.50 p. " Mooresville. 3 57 ' . sD.'CoUege, ' Arrive Charlotte, 6.20 m HI. ' Trains make close connection at Statesville with Trains ever W. ' N. v: it.K. Tickets on sale to Newton. Hickory. Mor- Mnlnn 'Murinn and OldlOrt. a u rhireM most he ore paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen- Al.andriana and Caldwell. TheB being trlog Stations," the Company is not lisble for loss, or damage to freight aftr it is nnloaded at either of the above nmH "Winer Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee ana destination is distinctly roaraeu vurwu.. J J UUitaiLJl.1, aplf i. :i .iSaperintendellt. G HjlCK E N S 100 line Fat Chita, t2 JUST ARRIVED ANP FPR SALEATs r t i k s 9 -4.. --.-- h I csi 1VL.L. i,.ano T WMIB JIWH J W 9t iTOXALDSON'S INHALER hestinuseatA MeADJN'S P" , 7T"xi 'f t 1 j ?i i i ' fflRYthe new Charlotte Favorite, only 5 ilfcentSr'drhe8tiewan Jackson Cigar.S & 10 cents, t WALTER BREtffl. marll THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTT j aii AIL POINTS SORTH ail EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & Columbia, S. CHARIX)TTE. COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with . the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the pbrtbf CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MANY ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SODTHERU FREIGHT HUE, With the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall he as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, business. For rates, classifications and all information, A. rPE............General Freight Agent, C, C. fc A. R. R., Columbia, S. 0. N M JOHNSTON,.. - Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. W. W. PESRAM. Aflrent C. J jan2 WEMGTON NORTH SEMI-WEEKLY. East Freinfet Rome to BALTIMORE. I Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FBL akd raox WTurrMorroK WEDBTESDAT AND SATURDAY -O (HViKfl THTinnOR TULL8 OF LADING to all noints in North and South n.mim. nnrie. nA ilahamo Par Korth Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with Railroad. Wilmington & Weklon Railroad, River Steamers, with their connecting Koads, oOeriog aeequaiiea oMMior uiPi delivery of Freight to all pointy a. the Steamer, on the- Line, on arriyal W W ton stoD at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. XTn mmmp ;n W;ifninrtn nnA in franafpp fpAm WilminfftOB South. RstCS ITUar nooA oa Tnw a kv &n nthpp hoatfl. all goods via Wilmington Lines. For inrther icrormation, apply to either r ia BBoersigaeQ ajwuw mwuhw. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. B"ltimore Line, W Booth Street, Baltimore. WM. P ri.Ynn . rxi.. liPn'l As-t. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore -tf. C. C. UHSPJ&.TCIHI lallHKp VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH. CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for .transportation WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITII2S . .CHARLOTTE. STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, liLrixlx5xiJlUlu GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, aa well aa all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and - MISSISSIPPI. iisrsTJijrsroEi attid rates GUARANTEED AS LOW Ag VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND TIME AS ilEEOK tST I N FOB M ATION FURNISHED UPON, APPLICATION TO C. D., JNO G YOUNG, Soliciting Agent C. sept30 pOR SALE. A good Gold Watch. For particulars in quire at OBSERVER OFFICE. apilltt ' TlENSON'S CAPS1NE PLASTERS And Allcock's Porous Plaster for sale at McADEN'S, Drug Store. aprS JUST RECEIVED THE latest style of Paper, and Envelopes to match, at PUREFOY'S. apr!6 ' : h 1 Use Fitter's JgHEUMATIC REMEDY, W R BURWELL. Sole Agent, To whom address all orders. mayC Extracts. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, fresh and J? genuine just received. W a uui&vraiaj at w. jnay6 ' Something New. FRESH Pickled. Oysters, in quart jars, ready for use. Try them and then you will be-sure to like them. i- - For sale only at . W M JROWEti3Sr" mavO -CH - TT MISS LOU STEWART, has removed her business to Mrs Fink's residence on B Street, where she Will continue to renew and work over, in the most fashionable styles, all old hair, braids, combings, Ac Hair of deceased friends or family hair to be kept as a relic made up in beautiful style, and. at yery low prices. Ladies Hair cleanr ednd'-all danruif remoyed, in a very satis factory manner. Hair Dressing for balls, and parties a specialty. apr23 AUGUSTAJRAILROAD, C.,- January 3rd, 1876. of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS of as by any other line that bids for their call on the undersigned, C. & A. K. K.. Charlotte. N. G. CAROLINA IMS. all Points South and East. NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmiag:teB Linei from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. If., aim raov wnjaxarow WEDIVESDATS andSATlTRDAYS or East bound Freight, to Baltimore ran raver ana cxner wwm Bremen, the Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta and Carolina, Central Railway aad Cape Fear lu on wiuiuui Tbapa or Overcharges . oromptlv paid. Mark u New lork L.ine. b isownna ureen. xx. 1 and New York Lioea, Wilmington, N. C. the o: JTeigiutirom Tft F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, WUmington, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Hay! Hay Hay! 0 mc r.p Timnth. H.T. for sale by eniTT, WAi aa w. CIGARS ! CIGARS! -. XT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. T AM Manufacturing Cigars of the very best material, and have nothing but the yery best Cigar makers in my employment. Satisfaction guaranteedV WALTER BREM. marll A FINE LOT OF Sole Leather Trunks AND TRAYELING BAGS, JCST 15, AT J Mc ALEXANDER'S SHOE ST0BE. mayo Ice ! Ice ! T have made arran ements to furnish the A citisem of Lariottft a attrrottnding towns with Joe, daring the warn seasen, at the following prices': For 100. lbs 2 cents per lb for 25 lbs and Upwards, but below 100. 2 cents; .under $5 lbs, 3 ceata7 Ieoan he bad at the Ten Pin AVeyfSrom dajlight until midnight of each day. w it apr22 lw Stper w'k lm COCHRANE. HUBS, SPOKES AND RIM S . mHE undersigned offer for sale their A tire machinery for manufacturing Hobs, Spokes and Rims, the machinery being all new, and purchased for cash, of the nest makers in the United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine Shafting, Belting, Ac. For terms, apply to T W" Whisnant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by letter to the undersigned at Welford. 8. C. P S WHISNANT & SONS. sept21tf A KLLIOTT, J W aSKLBT. Late of Americas, Gs. Formerly with W J Black. HEW IRM ail HEW GOODS. ELLIOTT & REHLEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, TITILL keep constantly on band a com-. plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. Quality guaranteed and prices aa reasonable as any reliable establishment in the city. nov5 SAMUEL GROSE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C, -BKALia IK- SASH, GMMUlM DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL POSTS; WALNUT RAILING ahd BALLUSTERS. EVERY DISCRfPTION OP BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb2S TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLOTTE. BOARD OP DIRECTORS : Joux E Baowir, John W Wads worth Ho W M Sairr, Row I McDowell, Allah Maciulat, Baxtkb H Moobc. V Q JoHirsoa, D F Cahhoh. Phillip Schifp, S P Smith, OFFICERS : S P Smith, President; R I McDowell, Vice President : U ti Butt, uasnier. janl5 Saratoga Springs AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. t)BANCH OFFICE of these celebrated D Springs is now open at Mc Aden's Drug ovu. JyT "d SJSi1 . ... - aprll Taxes. T?VERY nersons liable to pay Taxes in the Hi Charlotte Township, will call at the office of the undersiened, and make their returns. W F DAVIDSON, mar3L tf Chair'n B'd of Trustees. Tfl-DA Y AT 1 O'CLOCK J. A. YOUNG & SON WILL BE READY TO FURNISH THE PrJBLIC WITH THEIR HOME-HADE SHIRTS. CALL AND PROCURE SOME OF THEM, AS MANY ARE SOLD, FULL STOCK of OTHER KIND or GOODS IN OUR LINE. JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. apr27 ; . Just Received. "TTIRESH 8oda Crackers, 8 lbs for one dollar, A fxeaa jausbroosa uracaers, xresn Biraw- bery Cakes, fresh Ginger 8napps, at VY at UKUWiSiJLL. B. may2 ; Just Received AT McADEN'S DRUG 8T0RE, nf Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from vr the Springs; 10 ea&er Rockbridge Alum Water a large supply or iodine and Alook Maaafrom tne Jeeoan Atim spnngs Fine French T) RANDY and WHISKEY for medicinal JJ use." - f Vf A DUfinAliL Wi nrw w ttVT aa uv a ft. may 6 COPYBOOKS, INK. Pens, Pencils, Slates, Blank Notes, Drafts and Receipts, Crayons, Ac. Re ceived this day, at , PUREFO Y8, aprlfiv, ... -,. .- , U) . LiehtrtiAaFIVKillec "t?lVE CENTS WORTH WIlX DESTROY A OWE QUART OF FLIES- " TU SM11H A CO. mayll . . - : -j . EfiGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. I Ilicbiiai RcssBtl Fitalees. ;.' J Sll kiViSV f : mayO B1II0M G. D. II. APPLEGET I Rear end R M Miller A Son'a Bonding, 4th CTTABLOTTE, N, P. J s . ARCHITBCTi 1 ; AND AGENT TO& ALL BKM , Inn Fronts of BiiliiULfialTaiM ALL KINDS GALYANIZEb WORE: Which he will sell Cheaper than any,. Person;' ' . Office hoars rom-9 to 12 m.t and 1 to G B E APPLEGET. wishes to inform Che public at large, that he ' is prepared to rurniab nans or au a in as or tmiiaisgs. with working drawings in full, which will be found much plainer than those of any other man in the State, he being a practical builder, having an experience of 16 years in three of the largest cities of the United 8tatear ' He can answer any question or give an Information in retard to the construe Uon of any part of the building, as he is am sell! 'With 15 years as a builder and U s an Architect, he knows just What is neoes sary tor a mechanic to get ' along wltn. ' ana with, this experience you will at one see that he has a pretty good Juiowleage of the oosmesa. Ton can juage lor yourseix as to whether a man is an Architect without b- iaga practical builderr Borne in this State claim to be Architeeta when they hav no knowledge of the business and can only be called draftsmen, and need some one to in struct them at all times should they under take a job. For the iast six years b las been employed in this State, and has dene all the best buildings, with only a tow ex ceptiona in Raleigh. QoMsboro and Greens boro, and almost all over the State, where persons can see his Work. , in unarioite ne wonm cau anenuon w a P Smith's Iron Front Building, and Sims A Dowd's Store, and a number or we private residences here. He refers to all who haye employed him as Architect and Superintendent, as to his ability, He Can furnish, if any desire them. tne name of parties ana ouueungs, eat can not do so here for the want of room. He can show as many fine buildings as any other man of his age. and will take pleasure in doing so. Any person visiting Charlotte is invited to call and examine -his drawings, which he has at least 600. He guarantees to have 60 to 1 of any other per son in the State. All are invited to exam ine them whether they are going to build or not. The ladies are specially invited, ma!5 THE MILD POWSB CURES HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS years, awerrvrnere proyea tne moat SAFE. , liiFU liCOWO- MICAL, aad ElrnClEMT me cines known.. Ttoejr are just ; what tne people wantyftgvtmj time and moneyTaverTingTicE- neaeand sflTeriay. JEach aingfe pea flee the well tried prescript lo n of an eminent physician. Nos Cures Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Innammation, 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In 25 25 25 fants 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 Dysentery, Griping Bilhous Colic, 6 Cbolera-Morbus, Vomiting,.. 25 25 25 25 7 Cougns, Colds, Brencnius, 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,. 25 25 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver- tieo 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach, 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods...... 25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 25 IS Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 U Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 25 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 25 16 Fever and Agne, Chill Fever, Aues, 60 17 Piles, bund or bleeding ou 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak JY63 19 Catarrh,' acute or chronic, Irrfluensa 60 20 Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 60 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing..'.,; -60 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 50 23 Scrofula, enlarged elands, swei- lines 50 50 50 50 60 00 50 80 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak- ness, 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 26 Bea-Sickness. sickness from riding, KldneyiDteease, Gravel, ness or involuntary, discharges, 1 29 Sore Mouth. Canker....... Uriny Weakness, wetting the uvu, 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms, 32 Disease of Heart. oalDltations. etc 1 50 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms. 8t. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 35 Chronic congestions and' Erup 50 50 tions,.. FAMILY CASES. Case (Moroceol with above 85 large vials aad Manual of directions, 410 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and HOOK, : . wo VsT Tnese remedies are seutbr the ease or slngrle box to any oart of the eooatrr free of cnars:e on receipt or price. Address nusirnREYS' BomeoDathie Medicine .Co. Office ft Depot. No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all ffrwifcists, T J 8I9ITU ft CO- Affents. nov9eodly Charlotte N C. OUB FRESI MILK CRACKERS CANNOT, BE SURPASSED.; .. w -rv rt 71 rr r. - i mi J0NT&S: : S 6 AS may 12 . THE FlflEST UltK CRACKERS YOU JCVERSAW, AT ANDREWS 4 JONES'. Fresh Milk Cn&fajTs. ANDBEWS & JONES'. may 12 Do Not Fail to Try OUR CHOICE MILK CRACKERS. ANDREWS & JONES. nayl2 '' '. .. FRESH 4RKIVALS. WlSS&tiSZfSSgiSt iog ToDacco, Chewing Tobacco and Cigars, mayiz , x jo. auoiia. id T have at aar aiere A nov4iecitBiof Ike JL feathered, tribe half . turkey, aad hflf guinea-iowi. uau auaee n. . . snayiz - tt avmab. . .6" woe UVERJf , PAYxW and, reftealdflgicy AJ and sweei sparaung ana ncn: T C SMITH & CO. maylS 1 . . .1 i - til CALL AND SEE THJ3SA. 1 nor 27. v THE VEIY L ATES STYLE !- iBui ISj.'? JUST IN AT THE .STORK J A YOUNG & SON. Ija29 LATEST or C ' ..5 N E 7i ft 0 :0 D 8 . . '. . . - . . ; C ' i J. S. PHILLIPS; KSRCHANT TAILOR and DEALER I GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, , AS removed to one of the New Stor under the Central HpteUTrade St,and receiving his Winter Stock of Good f Hen's Wear, and will make ixm up short notice in the most fashigTiabla ma ner, cheaper than the same class of Goo have ever been oflered in this market. OfW. Shirts a Specialty. Cutting and repairing done promptly. A goods and work must be paid? for on deli ery, as I am compelled to do a csn ensue J 8 PHILLIPS. SLATE ROOFUIG. Q TOWSON. having permanently lo ed in Charlotte, is fully prepared of the ad' put on Slate Roofs in any part cent country. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTE -b A 8PECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Prices .Reasooabh . Shingle Roots taken off and reUud wit SLATE, when desired. Orders will receive prompt attention, whit addressed to P. O. Box 118, Charlotte, N. 0. feblO-tf. S0METHNG NEW 1 CHARLOTTE A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED. 1HE Undersigned begs leave to inferm Lawyers, Clerks of Courts, Principals of Schools, and the public generally that ha has opened a BOOK BINDING ESTABLISHMENT In Charlotte, at the Store on Trade street adjoining Dr McAden's Drug Store, where he is prepared to de ail work in that Use, in handsome style ahd reasonable rates,' and a, connection with Which be has a splesnU Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, All new and at greatly reduced prices Paper hanging a specialty. Soliciting, a share of your favors, I am, Yery Respectfully, H L KOELLSCH, Formerly Book Keeper at W. A S jao23 fJHE NEW REMEDY. Mfrrill s great Antebillous prescription Herjatlne" or Veeetable liver Medicine for Dyspepsia, Neryons Headache, Constipation, Billious Attacks, Heartburn, Jaundice, Chronic Diathesta Boui -JBsoaaaeh Leas o f Appetite, and ali diseaaearkangfrom a,dis- oruerea Laver. -f ur ssie at i- tic A VERTS " atpr8t' .ii:-. uDrug Store. WrNDbw xsiJM; 1 1 . n.- ., I Patty, Linseed Oil. Lubricating Oil, aa i Tanners Oil, at, . McADEN 8, janli lOTgaMre. coax umxL, a aamraawraa J ACOB M. MXNDEL A CO., MAjniiaciaaBiifeat 5 TOBACCO. E&tfiT. ' WrES, AC TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, V. C." . - M.J gRASS, OOPPKR, 55NCTIN OjtKB8 Largest fttock that has ere fcem brdttf 1 to this market, k Fox aalaeheap twe doai above Stashouse, Macaulay & i&t at e re- Z ALEXANDER':7 :itin woiLUMfiif o ausau ,tn. ! lo iaL ioo-4 latum dsi J 4 C. I j . f . k . anil C MB I .1 V n vX i YZnZm CH ixA 'Aliddin SecurJ OU at the lowest market pdm-J1 McADEN'S apsS Drugstore, . ; . '..- s . ! '14 -. W MUIIVAL i

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