" ' " - 1 "" 1 7:1 i. i i h.ii f J-VJt jyri The Courts. - - , I CI. II w I J -x fl ,B.Tn a.i4,a.l - - ' 1 n ri. ..1 IIil Aimllllll Ll L'l bUVU. -JUed t On and after this date, mam win open auw close intWi isflfcejas l"TO r. I Northern: lvVfea rja.L net 9 00 pm Bonthern " 8 30 " Jpm CO. East D., 4' : 8.30 " " 5.00pm I in 9 able XQ give wnawen rt,f"'!rJ Anrt6n;lo;pLperJary, was Bound over to court. Aa&'Hppver, colored, was bound over to keep the peace, and this cora during the day. i . The EnteTtataineirt Tbnrttray- Wight. - An fi,H-AefttH!4(ti?f cart of this paper -thtrjuorn i a gann wnH5S54f?n vtl rL" irT promised us by af number or the laf. dies and children of Charlotte, will certainly tike place at the vpera House on next Thursday n"gbi. , We are requested to urge all perform era.' to fatten 4 piractnally at half dec21tf R E McDONALDP. M We are hawv to learn from the-Wllming A.1rV of VefAst a ih nr fori nn. LJOBw OlCU V VWfc w vuu -m . r mVnt's retirement from the 8uperintendency - f ""V . 3 1 Mail and passenger leaves 5.45 a m , arrives 9 15 p m Freight and passenger leaves, 9 30 p m arrive. 2.05 am AXLASTA ICHMOHD AIB LINK. ', Mail and passenger leaves, 9.15 p in ., v ?j arrives. ;5.5am Freight paaaejger leafes, f fc8i5 a m P r5 arrive i35piA 'r okALOTTa, eOMJMBIA A AVOOtTA. Mail and passenger leaves 9 40 p m j ' ! ' ajriivea, ; 5.15am freight and'passenger leaves, 6 00am arrives, .w y has proved hjmsslf a faithfttlgnjadiatt of its intenatn and it affords U3 a true pleasure to state i tbar ta',wi!l not sev.Ws COnhec.lWn sento t:neral ad nxbsloajfiO cents ; tbildren iindr-Bftei ears '23;rfcea; 'TfCketa on aaW atiKoiellsch's' -'bbtfsf 6$. t The ' worthy object Jbr which the entertalament ia given, xxwcmends itself . o ..the uliberality of the people of 'Cfiarldttp: and wi ! hope to see a large attendance. . .. 1 ecu . "Jdga 8check and" Jtfdg Buxton were enged bacXiltMi? .flWttiejrcBiHi, ftndjn gaiar home aappesedtto harejnet hera.- ' Oor fotnrer felldwHwam,!irLTark, iVlsQiaIUUY Ac lU k tecUyJasfe.n'lght.; ,,', , , . KUOaaangc V I lfQ ,K tfiiBwkr,v tk--ptawtogi- was Malielans Attack ot a Deer, and Its lleatb. On Banday afternoon, the" pet deer ber HNVJ DUl.V'ib. SURMWK UITI'II ts)f4impwrQqmrtijifa on OlttVrehi gareMi; An wbelr-Bfsittle ljigtit3ateiar4X4Ttliestmar it turned upon her and made a savage at- uci, Dealing tier to ino grouua wuu umicvi.. arrives, Freight and passenger leaves, arrives, Western Division leavea arriyes, tHHKSSf arrives, Satarday aeoemmodation arrives, leaves, restern Division leaves . . 7.09 5.20 a nt rerfstetW:l!frtWdat"the tntraTJtatel. 00 p m I vW "in .cnv reisrnaa, !oooynjn, rromraiiaipBia7 wnera-1 n- aas neerr, ai Emu' uu:t. a m 6.20 pn v.ouam 2 30pm A HautaakereavAaaaaaa. .Ol1 iS 3 -Hi. J uJy, er tWCJaronfcX3enlil o7th I her3 triaf.Ua., &!tfqrST;,l. Atlantic Tennessee ft Ohio Railroads Tom Thumb and his erowd at the Opera House to-night. t - The Board of Aldermen held' naeeting, yesterday afternoon : proceedings' to-mor row. ! ( The Catholic Picnic takes place to-day; The traia leave the C. A. Depot at 8 'elock this meraiag. ' The Xatla Enteam CambiaaUan is playiag to good houses at the Arch-Street Theatre, PUladelphia, .(f ft - f ! The Young Men's' Christian" Association will hold their .semi-aaanal election of tncera to-aight. , All the members af ur gently requested to attend. "' ! The churches were well attended, Sun day. Thar were services at all the usual places, ; and Wi fhsfTpastora. Therayer meetlngs oi tlcYilL, C. Al, of which there were fonr, were likewise well attended. ( Capt F. 8. De Wolfe; Commissioner, will, n the 3d of July, sail all the realeatata tn this eity of the late Peter M., Brown.' em bracing a large amount of highly valuable jarlwalttiihraat froperty. Hon A M Waadell, of Wilmington, will deliver the address at .the commencement eierdses of ;the Tnontasytlltr amale Col lege, on Jan 6th. This will be followedby the delivery .of diplomas, fcc., closiagtwith; a coaoert at Bight Jhe pablic . ara, inyiUd' to attend. The Board of County Commissioners was itf session at the Court jHouie,' yesterday, to and 'tjy .ilihe; time trus wks oter, was on a high and holey old drunk, he'refosei'to go to jail, and called JSamrnr nams'. He wepi ipr ner and sbaior him. ue called in herp and off that all started. Sear the jail Lila again stopped,' saying that she hoped she might go to the.ptace 'where. all aich dofi- najly go, if. she budged another peg. Deputy Sheriff Farrow cam up here, and took charge;' A tap1 or two on the head, and the prisonar. walkeof nto jai considerably the worse, however, for th-wear and tear of the anconhterV for she had on'no cTotbas above the Waist. Lila'is a very hard4 case, meetfhgs. A few, Tery few.get. together, and not only appotatLfthoTdelegati to the 'onvtfiitroTr, hntin3i 'IS them rafim:i'mhenTfiaon4 Convention, it is only a ratification meeting. A uisn at all observant of the process by -sTtJTURfcS. Her screams of distress; were, heard by two fiegr&es lti' the locality who 'came- to tfia res- jleaeji and probably -saved her rom serious The deer bad been a source of con- ..- ix , Sk & a . j . annoyance to the neigbbornooa, injury. ,Tl sideraple a and Col. Morehead being informed of the laity-TTrnTfioAtir shot H:i aadt Knt it, to its ,fH&ml leveral. W..fe MrtiM.Ki.h.fnr.lh.1,.nn.nin.nf ih iimispian is aooptea, mere wn V V VM bS j -. which these meetings ar organized can ell invariably in advance wlio -the iroraines will be. Hence there is frequent complaint, nothing but the party lash and outside should be heard. Now how to affect that object is the ques tion. , I think the ipllowiog vian will do it:. Let the1 primary xufcsafrrgS be t&h if ustral;' and neither appoint delegates nor attempt to instruct them. JJut sjiiaply pas a resolu- tioa dec aring every Conservative in good standing to be empowered to represent the township. A towrjahiB. entitled. iQ,onJj one vote. When,i jf.lied,, let any Con servative froRilbHdwnsn4p answer; and at' "tjnce'fnVrtei alpresent Irom'tnapoiatO meet and select a chairman, and after con sultation instruct him for whom to cast the tion impossible. Then in any event, all the owBsbipa will be represented aad actual .de sire ot tHt county arrived at. acn ard. anil co'ntigUbus territory in the Charlotte Township, cast as many or more votes than other township in me county. ' That "being a fact, this township should be entitled to foctr votes, each1 Ward acting as aft indepeir- chooses. ill be no lofgrimiiti, Jbmhejft w)l be D,ntoi grounds fJr it. ' PEOPLE. rorklosed firm. Salea4S,500 nPlliy 1!$ 1245-16 Jniri23l4Aug Klf iH: Oct'i2f82a-17-16; Nov 12. Nev3l2g; Dec 123. FINANCIAL. New York Money dull, at 2ia3. Sterling itteadrl at!jai jaoJd; firmeral 12W 'Gfdvem mentii aciiye aa'trong. lew 5s 17$ . &aties du'l and nominal. C HARLOTTE. MARKETS. ; T, s ; ' i ", s t ' i ?i H , OBSERVER OFFICE Chaslottk. N. C, May 15, 1876. The Cotton Market. tiemaba !s:fg!ftnd: offr- isgs i s'niaiL, gales Jigjit. The market closed dall and unchanged. Wo quota 'as fol lows: --:-' " i - : " Inferior - .-ngar-af Awex aad. Fraita in'lep bp Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner UonLirs zaad&falis to i the dancer of Jteping-flors and fruita-tn sleepingfVams It mentioiuamlj.4a4tacJkeported by Dr, reitter?iUastnttrjg the fUt resulU of the practice, which, as a precaution to-our aadarai w pablish r - -r -' of akiiig4f tttaJbt-ibales'-oraa oleander 'JoCabrrCfMbty?n 4Wi9 AGP. 4 oraites'o6awd MinniaawiA to . wa tea- at-ai gat.- with a bat? iot iateafraS qadjh3s likelsrvai" fonad Hmi! fnZSk m jaorotag ,-Aaathef eeatieuianrhaihigwjue byathwrnUM room; Vol th mdstvrole headache, and felt So dfowsv that he could hsrdly ratralnPfrom Sleeping. He at once put the ffowfert oufof the room, 'opened the windows, and soon after felt easier:"' The Sletfpy JMate; i O.i It was on yesterday, aad it happened oa Trade street near the Market House. An old genial looking darkey from the country was sitting aidewtys upon a mule.Cconvsrs lni whhacompanioif1 the same Color. The mule from his apparent want of inter i-est had evidently sqcb the sights of town be fore.. .He. had either traveled a long.way, or had been up tb night before,' f6r ' he was very -sleepy. - Bestine bis chin tfpon his knees, he erjeyed an undisturbed repose, Irsave when the rattle f a. pat sing dray ; or the whistle of an engine would cause him for a moment to pen his eyes ; he would then rive a lazy don't-care sort of a wink and go on with his nsp. The low connden tial conversation at his side did not disturb Vim A smdiybo itoja mf&$ tMctjhio iowl cast of expression ;ara liia few feat-vnobaerjVfd by Uiepaitwa arviLdiswlay edf a sporflye blow 'giin blaring an arrow with a sharp pointed pin! im its end, and For the Observer. Mecklenburg; Bible Seciety. I burg Bible Society met and w is opened with 104 11 1-16 pEtoed Middling Receipts for the day 44 bale. Receipts at all ports. COQSbales Consolidated, 8,900 bales. DAILY PRICBJCURRENT. , Rice is advancing. t . , Corn in good demand and scarce. " . Bacan.in jfood. denapd law rjces Flour 'dull and heavy. " Butter and eggs plentifal. Oats dull and plentiful, , Lard in good demand. urg Bible society met and w is opened prayer by W M Hunter. Members present, Capt W B Brown and W M Hunter ; Ei- officio members, Maj Watsoa Keid and Gen J A Young, Another supply of books had been order ed and a book purchased to record the min utes, . ., i'.i-:J nim ;;U WMHuriJar reported 'that the committee to send a live agent to awaken interest in the bible cause had not been able as"ye"f to do anything, and .tfcey, with DrScarr, were continued with instructions to prosecute the work. ' ataaysmtertiedi Tetaatl were made and suggestions aa to the importance of bible distiibutTon as a means of grace. "aftctay them, through thy4rathVay'ford is truth. Revs G k While autf rneo Whitlield were Q TTT T tW(l TT Breakfast Strips, I '.(Clear Rib Sides, onouiaers, f , I in Hog Round. kd ;". Extra Leaf, Ordinary, BUTTKR Ff esh Couatry, .Qbsben, Chhesb- " Northern, Pineapple, Floub Family, Extra, Buckwheat, Rica Chbibe 9al0, Meal per bushel, ' Gjts per lb. ScaAit Loaf 13al5. Light Brown, 9ial Khevy brown, MOLASSES ft a!8 14jal5 12ial4 lOiall 13al3i 1618 141al6 30a35 45a55 Adv&i&em&fia uiIlTe eri'edria this Ciimmat th4"rat$f ten cents per line, for each insertion. Ao advertise ment taltin'fdt less thaii fUfcnfy-jSt cents. ESglU wordiihake a Urn. '" . 1 - , OPERArHOUSE ! POSITIVELY OXE DAY ONLY J F ELLINGTON announces to the pub He that he is : ready to deliver Ice any where in the corporate limits of the city," at the usual price, under twenty-five pounds. ' ' ' i maylG It i:- . ,... ! TUESDAY, MAY 16th. 1876. Net AMion THE undersigned have associated them selves in the Auction and Commission business, and solicit consignments f Mer chandise of all kinds. " ' ' '.' ' ' " Special attention given to the sale of all Jtiads of Country Produce. w B N SMITH, J A McLURE, ArJCTXOSjp. mayl6 L'. t ' u1 FamilY;F!our Hi I'.K'-.yIOO 0HOICE FAMILY FLOUR, warranted at c; C. RAHWAX, TWO PERFORMANCES, AFTERNOON at 8, EVENING at 8 o'clock. DOORS OiES AT 2 AND 7 ,9'CLOCK . SYLVFST feR BLEEKlER, .M The great original and renowned GEN TOMB THUMB ASD WIFE - Together with the Iofioitcelmal MISS M l I E " R E N, And theBkatoriaiPtLeoOmanon, ' ' .WuiWrjV'vaiety of FA9GIN y PBfcORM ANCES Consispf : 40$G3, I)UET8t DANCES.' DIALOGUES , , tX)M.AC0dLAJJfiHABLE ' :'t ll! 1 15al8 3 per sack , - v 3.60o3.75 3.25a3.36 Good to prime ila&i ' : '1 7o86 Piiie i CTUsedl2ftlS 9ol0 r gaJ. hear complaints regardfng' the valuation of property, and among other business.appoint- en 8. Watson Raid, Esq., to compute the "State jSatti: county $sxeaT ofMefklenbufeg. jlja ipard will be i 8a4orf to-day and fo-morrow. Dlaat Kaew It wasXeaded." I JL , The Uttle pistol has coma into jM4ice again, thia time in Statesville. Young Julius sowers was roonng witn it, wnen it was, discharged, and a yonng man named Moos, caught it on the fly. The doctors think they an save hi hand. Sowers -didn't know it was loaded." All on Friday last. Mcetlar ef the. Pleneera. The members of the Pioneer fleam Fire Company NO. 2, met at their ball, last aignt. The following new members were voted iato the company : L Bailey, Alton Maikee, Qao A Warlick,' W T Scott J Q Heltis and W N Wilson. Committees were appointed in refereace to the forthcoming celebration ef the 20th.of May, aad after the traaaactioa ef lOma routine business, the meeting ad jeurned. "' u . dress a', the next meeting in Ancust, at Steel Creek. The minat.es v,re ordered to be publi&hfd in jie wbsjchvekj, ana ptrnwral. . Adjearsd to meet at same place at regus lar time, first Monday in June, at 11 A. M. S W REIO, ' W M Hi xiek, Chairman. retary. f H 9 fTl 9 "1 CS New Orleans, Cuba, Black Strap, Hqhes;-'-! ; r ; , v In Comb, 15a20. 65o70 50a60 25a30 per lb. Strained, 17Ja20 electee tedelhYIJthe aanrjjlroalfgitl 1 Z OoTaen' (sylipl'l dreaming, lor be looked uxe .it, and wbfn stAck .by hr pin in a, tender place awoke with ar start, suddenly stood from under the rider and left for home. The boy wan ted io laugh, and catehiag ; hokl of a lamp post near by to support him, be kicked enerceti rrjr ' eally." while tears of the .most exqaisite agony rolled down his caeexs. lne old darkey arose with a bewildered look and aot lamp-post. A leatleeaan told us tnat at a late he saw ao excited: cldarkey pursniag a small boy in the neighborhood of the C, ,C.. Ja A. Railroad depot. iTais scene we Cotfck -Kfocca, 40l Java. 5.5. Rio. 20o23 PTea Black 1.0aar.2S- Green. 65al 25 Mixed, 50al.25 Poultry From wagons. From stores. Turkeys. 75al.0O. 1.00al5 SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICeI Wllmirigton, May J.2, 4876, CHANGE OF SCItiPjr LJLy , , t On and after Sunday, ,.May.44tiajiia: will run oyer this Rawaj-'aaa, fiwjib f i PASSENGER, 1IA1L ipfiElS TRAINS i Daily, Sundays excepted. : '' Leave inimingtorii at - - t28pm Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 6:40 am" Leave Ghariotte, aL . . - . - , fi3Dpm FAST FREIGHT a n d PASSENGER; '' TRAINS Daily, except ENinfay. " Leave Wilmington:' at '' '" - 5:30 a m Arrivftat Charlotte, , r, . - ,11:45 p m Iwe CbarlotteTar1 - - - 5:20 a m Arriya nf Wilmington, : - u 11:30 p m SHELBY DIVI8ION DaUy, Sundays excepted. As given. before tbe Poeta4e of tb Earth , dorif, their Al.lnaveil. Tajrea.Ytam ;:iour Aroan cne (VYoald. At each entertainment the Ladies will wear several new ana eisgant Lost units, Mag nificent "Diamonds. Ac. Admission only....?. so cenu CMldenxindar 10 years;m....25 eeuts wTy,i..r..v,-wM.-. to cents ChfMren rintftr 10", JaArs to reaarve ?..;:;...;..;....45ctnt Ladies and Children araonaiderat. ly advised td attfnd the Day Exhibition, and tan avofde crowd and odnfuaion of the vntogsMori3anee: ' ' Karvet seats fet saTe at H I. KoeUsh'a.book atore. GCO JlirCHEL, Agent. maylJ4(ti, . . . , . Leave Charlotteaf Arrive at Shelby, at Leaye Shelby, at Arrive at Charlotte, 7:00 am 11:30 a m 1:50 pm 6:00 p m CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. & R. Air-Line in Charlotte at 6:40 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington A Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad at 6:20 p. m., and 7:30 a. m. Sft. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please- notice (manges. S L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, may 14 ., u Best Brands of Gaocefl Guote, AT ANDREWS & JONES. mayl2 : w Guineas, 20a25 Fish Haiti have just described thechae. ' In Raleigh, on tbe. morning of tbe Mr. Elisha Q: Brown, of ' Richmond. rill probably account Jor jand Miss" Le Jeffrey; of Raleig iltb,. "Va., Nw Candidate fer Ctveraelr Eqaal hlghts. , ,. ... . The attention of our, readers is directed to the card of the Rev.' James Anderson, col ored, who announce himself as a candidate for our next Governor. His motto, " Eqaal Rrght,J' is a good one, and shows at least one q ualiflcation for the important positioa he seeks to attain. Th Rev. Mr. Aaderstm has eighty thousand voters of the same race and color, 'and his claims' khould neit&ar be treated with Ievttynox ttal:ig0fad-. . : Rated aaA.Kt-RicetTed utiWmim.itia- ihe raU B feus arranged for 'centennial visitors by. the Carolina Central Raiioaad, and connecting lines orajjoad sdUam boats. Paaaeager go' frem here to Wll aaingten via the Carolina entratIand there have the choice of several different lines' to Philadelphia. Mr. Gregory will tarnish rates and giyeany information ideairad His line pre pose to give 60 daJelatMhd ceatezi Bial. ' Iho Caaadi Thrstl: - W are afflicted with qpapeslwbich com pares with this troableseme plant. It rears its head ia eyexynooaj corner of our eity where othins- ejse could ,growTand prvads1rsnrjtUdslfsd's into' tth errand Lewloiisieswitfcjisnjjs aaiajwhlast. We woald be glad to see the city government pass an ordmanee making H penal for prop tri? owner W'allow it grow W tfelr j .s a a a . . - . aos, of Arcaiae streft Jiaaos to - aaalt war ajjesi it aea ftund in the streets, 9i ob eet' rwic-property. By" snch coe torn tos&WLSfr nd w 6othr that we kaew of. r.0 Heavy Selxare of the (Dreekedk:- ' i Special Agent Wagner, ; of . Washington City, and Deputy Collectors Coite and Walk er, of Statesville, accompanied by a number of picked np men, have just returned from a raid through. Wilkes county, ia search of blockade whisky and illicit distilleries dur ing which raid they inade the heaviest seiz ure eyer'.ffcled$n NortbT Carolina. ' Tney iband on the premises of John Ik WhJtting- ton, who lives on Reddis River, ia "Wilkes, 34 barrels of illicit whisky. Tbey loaded up 24 barrels of this, and carried it to States ville, and. brek the heads oat of 10 bar vels, for which they donld find no transpor tation. 'They also destroyed two stDls be longing to the saine perton. Whittington himself; escaped. B is a - coantry mer chant, and has an excellent farm besides. It is surprising that he shjould have had so little sense as to have kept this amount of blockade liquor on band at one time. ' During the same trip, this party broke up 20 odd stills besides the two mentioned, and poured out about 100 gallons of whisky in addition to tbe 10 barrels destroyed at Whit- tinsionrs place. '.. The C'anatry Dea;. A darkey am tp town en Yesterday, rid ing a male and , followed ,by a d There waa iaothing straage in the appearance of either the dark iiy'oMmf mule, bht thi flog eP?f W1 a,4eral1f4r ei subaTj)irejssaiJhivery walk,adsaetji ed conscienabai the wholetewnad tfch spired for his destruction. But MT tie' was greea he was hjlowad. The town dogs hem a fcbsfe)frifci'an'f iateIyWoced Tks,wva to jsuitryaijdnip(sli flew to the" mule fer protection but waa' sent back by-the atnre'i keels 1 TV rr t t i . r nlnr mad. He Snook a consequential little terrisr'.bTiBaaap ef the a!K dakil life was neaxlyextiact, chawed, ojf tear of a fice th at was reachiag for the nub of hi tail and bit to the bone Jhe foot of a poinUrwho was Crushed" riiag ana meaaing as l? hisneart would break, sneVed his teeth at the rest of the apkr who kept at a respectful ; distance, tbca cantered dowa College street, and was soon oat of sight lya--A C'eateBuial A Relic ef Other Newspaper. In these centennial lirats, relics of other and better da vire Q&aaicially broaght to light, and among them w have been handed a well preserved copy -or TheiYmifyitaia Herald, and York Advtrtiser, dated'. Wedaes- day, May 12th, 1700. It is a twelve column folio, three columns tenth page1, andappa ratly carries its age well. If nothing ANNOUNCEMENT A,. j. -.'HJ C; t(1i c rt"fi'.-jl. i5l- t l win fceare anounce iuy self .as canadate for the guvenent election Nex'foll A I will give k'qaeirightto a!l ;yourts:re'spectfully Key J arises Anderson colord maylG Oxaiit Mackerel, White Fish, CoiPlsh, Herrings, per bdx 25a30 30a 35 20 per bbL ; 14al8 12 '30 S SPECIAL lOTlGE3. fnrlTf'H T'" i?"? Ta ISwme.fIWs9B. DinfffeW tiasj fef n a e Jn journal to frt' sjnee stbat Weak Neryes, Loss of Appetite, LUaill It wis ariiftedLatToiM Panlsflvif ia. Dyspepsia, Derangement of tb t JUJ a.ii-jiJ y.-Ii ii' . I and all delicate Female' CAmp- Caste Our tdrrttpo4reat; "M.Mi 9.," at Gas- tonia, writes us under date of the 15th: "News is scare Aftfiftr place, but sach as we 'Buacom' lawyer found a young man by the name of. Year tieUam arh jraa too sharp for him. He asked if the still-house waa ualnUrafo iellarWilply tV th the sturwai rhninriT, bfltlEe house waa net ; which caused a good deal of laughter. Moaey i scarce ; farmer busy boiine doll ; the weather lne. caaWaHtit Mgttoj annshln warn ; .inercurj tood at 84 Tm b wuk won nhi vh;a a conseqaeaiial little Just at this particular season, beforeJagack beries are ripeand when ratiqns are not lying arouna loose, people wno nave anytning would do well to wrap it up in a rag ancFsit down on & We .were, talking, vsetsrday, with llrlf iRiam. wohvM,ust out of town, on the other side of the fairgrounds, andr nil said ihat jast now', any j chicken in whose bosom the lore of life had. been im planted, would, if it were wise, sleep. with, at least one eye open, if it didn't, it would be pitted .TEekrftM old heUchlHaVe bethembtlera f Spring Wclftns fbr generations, pasfe are aot aiaisv i ,TJey may clack abduck.a loot Meak-ivwl U tieV bntlt' is Wgotiier night a tbief barnessed Pii JW.nich had .thirteen small sfll's chickehk.bna itW. rirUi a. i - m x T j i t i "T t m 8'K3CIA?14 iiO do ndVgo for chicken alone, but the same night the ttteflofc JsxtoMa iUi trib-an.d stele abb vK l4nfehll8 oftoin, w,IiicB 'he carrfetl-dn'l shct distance arid shelled, leaving thVs lying there asjumonument of his lack of this sort of thing waa to go on, and we conreaataaj it'ls rnally a iBftrtery?fb'o4 price to tubscribers, niceen minings per annnm old paper and tbe journal of to-day is, that tbe editor, who ever he was, seemed to have np opifiipoB ffj hi oyn, as yidjcated by, he entire aDseace oi any eaitoriai ruauer, ana thongh published at York, renn., not a syllable of local pews MLgiren ia tbe copy oeiore us. Prominent among the advertisements are the following s . j(i y WAS committed to my custody, on lne 8th day . of :-& pril inatanij netro JACK : a or 9 inches, speaks well. and is of smiling countenance : He had on nappe Jfcgea, faanawqrg T "T" : ',; 1 ,- : i w f. x-t-, ? Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills for the cure of X.iver Complaint, Bilions Affections, H sad- acne, ana eSEecialiv bick HeadacJie. Hain v ftgidjeopachgBack oatt1l8rSck, Costiyeness, e Kidneys. ainrs: For by all druggists at 25 cts. a box. Sensible' Advice. ii ill Corn, by ear loader stacks, 77i80 ,..'.; "" . . . ,f ..bulk, 724a75 From wagons in bulk, ,, 70a73 " store',... ,". .80a8e Whkat From wagons". From Stores , White, lAS' " ' . . 1.25 '' ,'Bed. ' J.05; . , .' 11.15 OATS-White:, 5a50-: "' ' ' 55a60 - ' Blaok5 45a50'' ' ' "' 55o60 RTBJ- QQt. 100 Peas Pure clay. 90 1.10a25 MirH RlVidD ftl HO GKft24i-1.75 T 1.7$alO0 Ar-UWecVPeffTlmothf , ' 7.'i5 Fbcits Oranges, per hundred, 3 50a4.00 Lemons, 3.25a3.75 Apples ( Northern), per bbl., 5.00a6.00 Apples (Green Mountain). 1.25ol.50 i I 4 ij tutyemw, per uuarf, p ou J i i Driiff ApSlesJaer Vb:. - 9al0 ' Peaches, 10ul2ial5al8 Potatoes ( 8weet,per bushel, 100al.25. 1.25al.50 t Irish, per bbl., 2,50a2.75 Odious , . per bushel. " .Red, . ' ' ,, pOalUo '' Navhitfe Oafofas on-the tikhet. OFFICE In Dowd A 8' New Build- ing, Up Stairs. :-tf. " " ' " il foil tea com ixV tested frr, vemsneT reeenxis? w wyv mm BeeTrrrrgs, and a pair of good shoes. The owner is de sired to come, withia four weeks from this date, or he will be apld osrtnibia ftes by M1UHAJEL UKATBKLL, , r i iv . i : , .3 Gaoler. York town, April 20, 1793 Only one enterprising merchant makes an effort to secure 4rade. an d patroajg.tarvBgh the columns of the Herald and Advertiser, and he does so after the following style . Jmt Received and iVoiw Opening by ' JOHN DRIER, ZH'H, i at his store, next door to Captain Andrew Johnston's Tavern, at the siga of'- " the Blsck-aear, You are asked every day throucb the col nairis of Tiewspapefs and bjryonr ' Druggis to use something for Dyspepsia arid Live pjmplfuotthat-you, know nothing about you Wt lisWraet ipeildXng- Mokey -'WilbiJ ""-it; puwcrg iiuw1 w five biuo- factory piridf tbatGreAy 'August1 flower will cure you of Dyspepsia aittr-layer Com plaint with all its efft.4ncL asSoat&tom- ach, Sick Headache, Habitual,. Ciiativenesa, palpitation of the Heart, HearttburiK: Wafterr brash, coming up of food after eatmirvkw. spirits Ac., we ask you to go to your Drug gists. T C Smith $ Co, and get a samplq bot tle oftfomrsiAisi$owe and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents; two aoses will relieve you. i A. . 'A rr7ff,l '- NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness ojqarpkefsT exhausted leeling, no energy or courage; the result of mental ever-work ludescre tions or excesses, t some draui upon the system, is alwtys cured V HlfltfPHREVs' HOMEOPHATIC. SPECIFIC No. 28. It tonfer Oryafidf nv?gpra.tes the systerq, dis- tucKiwt .wuoapHiueuBT. imparls T?h xnr Ppiirh nr pal strength ana energy ,-8topsHh?drtlrj and PMKDT S81 rejuvenates the eWtirelwcri. -Been used 20 Whisky Rve years with, perfect, success, bv -thousands. "M1SKI Faian MkAts ( . i . ' i- Beef,. .. Veal, f . ' , jLamb, '.I'-'Pork, Taliow Beeswax Liverpool American, HiDESr-per lb. From wagons. From stores, ' Dry Flint. 9 ' ' 11 Green, 51a6i 7o8 1515i 4a4i per lb. 25 ..i 35 per lb. 8Jal2i 10al2i 12ial5 12Jal5 124al5 8ul0 25a30 per sack 2.25o2.60 l.S0al.45 Bags isa per y ard . L. i-vL viaiAfLdwder.f hprf; iAd auitablato season. Waehrfti y' UHr-'preeeirt '-and- b'l-a i W ' COIf8ISfTING OF Superfine and Middling Cloths ; Rattinets printed cottons: calliceesand Linens; Jeans: Fus tiaaa $ Royal Rabbi, dc.-liaitn masyVher articles too numerous to insert. ' .1 H-JiL'Jiil 5VKj '9 ;Jodrfrir bV w'hithWe We ll net Ueiuiaamea, tae u isitasHotnany -days, in tht psper. Wa take this ooSaflon to say taMx QM?.1!! thjs frlTQe should cateh his ey.Hna, eoAra'rVotfr custom, but nope to meet nini at tbe Ceatenaial.aqd tell. him how mslchlbaUef our merchants undersand business in the latter part of tbe nineteenthatflrjr.wi yVj , i s AltogetheK the papers id a buriosity, and niujb-be,aaea to aypiecjated. , JJTa wjonki oopy some -other, thiirgs from .th quaint, olotrrae journal, but it muvt WTetuTned to the ownerjnamediatelyja.n.der A ptaaity of .00 ft'jilliU j 1 COMMUNICATED. J ! tram '' ' Msndiy, stay UlSTB. KilU .T;rtJ:(! -,'.6 ihis.u fl Permit suggestions concerning the mode and man nerof hiding, primary mfjUDgs.. It is a fact wlLlnUw,Ufiear,tVirgoilhat the mass of voters never attend the township or $5.00 per package of periect, succcsa UAL BEYS' IKlnB. vials and 2.00 tail ofa veewiftsbf prfc Acireg9'H OPHATIC MEDICINE COMPANY.562 cBROdtDWAY, NEW'HfORK. ' i t .tnAj Vf. 1 .IT nr. 1 ' Wool Tub washed, . , i . Unwashed, WINES AND LIQUORS. Full stock on market with light demand t maletolt Rates. -' , 2 75a3 00 2 25a2 50 Whisky Rye 1 30a4 50 1 75dl85 Wises Sherry Port Maderia Scuppernong TOO o HWn. TKLEGRAPnlC MARKETS. u: :i.'i.ZAA :it' , 2 50 . too , .tfOa 15 60o3500 "- ?po ?6o . . Blackberry per bottle Claret per doz Champagne per basket -.Ale per dVz Porter per doz . TJRY GOODS. --i ' Jobbing Trade.' DoniSTio- r ,OakAroveA4 4ier yd. ;7i7l i 1 7ir8i 7 Ulmore-j-OatB sfve. and higher; Sc-4the(noo to pTjmloal. "fije 5jl at 72a5. Provisions firmer. Pork quiet at 22.00; bulk shoulders 8; clear rib 11; bacon shoulders 9JaJ- clear rib 121iJ. Lard firm- firm Whisky dull at llj. Sugar quiet and firm at9Ji!0. -7fa8 lOlalli 9a 11 oalli 'Huall lOalOJ 22 29 97iol08 l:!mQ3 net receipts New York Firm; aales 1.4S5 ba'.ej, at 13 3162; consolidated net receipts S.90a; nent 4i4. Baltimore Quiet; mid 12; gross receipts 54; exports to the continent 344; Coastwise 120; stock f5,Cj f PblladelpIAd-iDVill 1$ ftuift&tyt eiamtini l-atn vfld I viNew Qclaasui-InaotraVaxid Mf? net A VW&&Pi &f& sdl M' V.1 d n JlwUutiull and heiryjn V; net in r -i ff f-hft" i faVn - :!. , 7r8 v-Y;; " 3-4 , dea viand or Catawba 4-4 Osnaburgs Sealslaod r . ;.i ' ; . Randlemaa plaids i Georgia;:: a do -Georgia Truck for Trousers Constitution Jeans Yarns per bunch LEATHER There has MdnejTFjdeelneinall lines of leather. Ttrb TfiiAer rfWJw steady, with light demandr.: We quote jobbing rates as follows : : . ( r G D Hetniock per lb. 22a23 Good 2527 French Calf, Cornelian per lb. 1 75 Kips. 55o60 .'Upper, - ' 350 HameaaXeather, per lb. : n : ga White Oak Sole (middle creUot ) 36o4 :4hiav3,J'- 3Sa40 Counl9rrtoes' ..1 u r9 far centf er. bnsh U . mite JgeaDsSQ centaipsr -peck; to dose out the iai, "Jell il'ij 'SjiijrLx.iL ly: intaatfia lot in!" v! i -til .t rrrrti i viV'tii A Fresh TJPPI.Y of Engtish Breakfast Tea, jost received. W R BURWKLL 4 (Xh- aprlfl . H.-: ; :! ' Y'AjV. H, Brem, Jrr Attorney and ConaelIo at Law CHARLOTTE, BT. C. Ginger Ale on Draught. TEN cents a glass rich and- creamy healthy and invigorating equal in qual ity to the very best Belfast Ginger Alei .: , A (J SMITH & a, C ANNIE D 60 ODS', T A Lb.I CANS FRESH MACKEREL. SOMETHING FRESH & GOOD ; A 2 and 8 LB. CANS FRESH PEArjHESTOJ4A330S. , equal tp "' ' ' eeti CORN. CORN BEEF, DEVILED HAM; l6b- 8TERS, TONGUE and TURKEY. ' SOME VERY FINE CRE A.M CANDY; CHOCOLATE, BURNT ALMONDS, KjLX 1 0 1 AljlAr,L JTKUir, THE BEST in the MARKET. ORANGES, LEMONS and THE APPLES. BEST . SODA. CRACKERS mIN THE1DITY. r - ft. M. ttieLEK'S, Two Doors beiow 1st Natioaal Bank: my5 seats-.' Clear Rib Bulk Sides, PRIME SMOKED SIDES anipODU towWk Hams aifi Breasts, av low Tr;aas-To rsra teadc JORTIV. HALL & CO., COLLEGE STRBJST, "StEAH TR IDE . may?' ' J FURNITURE!" SETS, ,ir. ,!an(D sill ;cn9:t.ail4 n .o lieasteaas. ii if. :1M T A I - r 9l ureaus, T I N A FES, BA;5iy:CARRlAGl3. Ac. WE ARE OFFERINO BARGAIN'S TO " CASH BUYERS. 1)..A.M1TH-&C().. - EAST TRADE: STREET, apr2$ ff:; . i ail 1 1 ' 7 J.UST RECEIVED j.. SHOE STORE, !' I A plw L ;T 0 Ltifti es C eat eniial si i ppers, AND - GENTS' II AND, tADE BOOTS and SHOES. PLEASE CALL AND'ifEXAMINE EISH:G1R TOADS i.-.-. .'Jii' . yi:.'uiuu lu liicj 3"!'-l ienoiftiii jiiiji!. i ;. I:..; .'n'fi i.:: . Vi - '.'v -j.iJ t j. i t. , . J i '. .'.a i , ji ( i , . i J ;,.' ,iw MaaM HtTiO)is. JpW wJ lW Co., ' r 'cbLLK&Ej Street. maf7 CO R3f,,: C0RNT" , .; - v i JUST RECEIVED, P&tiM!ti(J?$R SALE l is ' A: - j. ;.( d; . , ,. ! ! s i ;.! x- i! b- ' i?'.' FIBSTLASS-GOODS AND FAIft.DEALiNQ, ODB SPECIALTY ' iLNDHITvVS & JONES. mayl2 S (HEA!FEST vmrv 1 Tr t-am,. . ; m-. UlJiSv' it? 521) l' ; ri". l JL', ij u as 3SS 'J&; eV i Jii .:fii'ji 'l 1 ! ' .. TO PURCHASE AN ' -.:! ' i f : ENTIRE SEW' STOCK PREVIOUS TO THE RECBte&F THE 8AM! " WlLD-aElft, ifiAT WJl.mTEHAin), . i i' 3S I .'l(K' m' 111! .. boo atJiti mi.'u IN ORDER TO MA K PLACE-FOB SEW GOODS. ! G Xj Xi A 1ST 3D , 3 Stl(trE7:Sv 1 1 a s , e a HBN,;&':ifo)B8:Bii! it mi. hmMmb oaiia t b if p' ifrf "cWfe J ' ,. mi