CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, ICaOIIRKRI BATES. JOD PRIHTIWC, The OBsravm Job Deparatieat aa be thoroughly upplled with every neal want, and with the latest style of Type, aiiTJ every manner of Job Work can now h don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We ean famish at short notice BIiANKS. BILL HKAM, LETTER HK U, GABDB, TAOS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, FAMPHLETS. CHECKS, fto., &c P Jly 1 year, (postpaid) in advance. " R mrta " " f$ 00 4 00 2 !3 6 mos. 3 mos. 1 mon, it monuiT .xsiTioa. Weekly, in the county) in adfanc, n 00 '' out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, " 1 Liberal reductions for clubs. VOL. XIII; CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, IS7G NO. 2 229 a, , m g BOOTS A Sf t Sill O E 8. TELEUKAFHIC NEWS Corn ' Corn ! fr.WO OAR LOADS of CORN, for sale at I STITT, WALSH & GO'S. Security 4 LADDIN OIL at 35 cents a gallon, 3 gal- IV Jons ior one uonar. aprlC W R BURWELL & CO. 5 Cases M ALT aprlO HOP TONIC. W R BURWELL & CO. AVE YOU SEEN THE SUGAR IIOLTON & CO'3 IT 11 at uprS SHarp T HAVE jostreceiTed that SHARP SCUP 1 PKRNONj? YIN BOAR. The -best lor saving Pickleay-in""our market. Come and buy it and try it. - Also a lot of E. O, Elliott's Choice Family flour, B N SMITH. niaylG FlttST-lLASS GOODS AND FAIR DEALING, OUR SPECIALTY. ANDREWS & JONES. may!2 . Cinchonidia. SUBSTITUTE for QUININE cheaper and equally efficient in curing chills. ! TO SMITH & CO. mayll The Handsomest Line of GKEZfcTTS' O-AITEHS, -AND- EVER OFFERED inthis MARKET. CALLand EXAi?j NEW IRON FRONT mar28 SMITH BUILDING,"2TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, jr. C. FVltNITURU CALEBS Noon Dispatckes. foreign. The Squadrons for Salomca Mills Suspended. London, May lG.-The French squad ron for Salonica consists of 31 guns, and 1,720 men. The German .squad-, ron ia 90 guns and 3,000 men. Manchester, May 16. The Man Chester Printing Mills have closed for an indefinite period, owing to the low prices of calico, and 500 employees are ousted. WASHINGTON. War mouth Arrived and Kellogg Ea Route Congressional and Commit tee Proceedings. Washington, May 1G. Warmdutli arrived last night. Kellogg is en route1, but missed the. train. The object of the gathering is not clearly known. In the Senate, Mitchell of Oregon, is speaking in favor of adopting some measure to prevent the influx of Chinese immigration. The, New, Orleans Committee ia con sidering the scope of their power of investigation. Morey ia clearly out side of it, but the action of troops in obeying hi3 directions reflect on tha commander of the troops who is a Federal officer in New Orleans. Gen Dunn ia testifying in the Ken tucky Central Railroad case, Gen Meies in the Moth contract, and Davenport has turned up again. The House is considering the report on Public Printer Clapp. LOUISIANA. Ay HOLES ALE & RETAIL, DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF BEDDI1SG, &C- No. 5, West Trade'.St., CHARLOTTE, N . C . , JUST RECEIVED A 3? XJ J, J, I 1K B OF GH1LDRENS CARRIAGES, BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A FULL LI TIE OF CCFFIKS OF ALL GRADES, OH HAND. Grave Troubles Between the Races New Orleans, May 10. Trouble is reported at Laurell, West Feliciana Parish. Three negroes have been kill ed and two whites are missing. Elev en hundred negroes are said to be under arms. Whites going down from neighboring counties in Mississippi, and a serious fight is apprehended. A Republican correspondent at Bayou Sara, gives the result of the Saturday's affair, as eight colored men killed, four hanged and twenty wounded. No whites were killed. Gov Antonie has a telegram from the sheriff of Bayou: he says that 17 colored were killed and many wounded. A number of armed whites are approaching this town. He wants military. VIRGINIA. 6G3? O "3P3HE.E5 Accident to Excursionists One Killed. Richmond, May 1G. Later and au thentic reports of tho accident to the military excursion train on the Peters burg Road, sj.ow that the report tele graphed last night wa-considerably exaggerated. The news was based up on information received from the first parties arriving from the scene of the accident. It is now known that no one was killed. Some eight or ten were more or less injured, but none fatally or even dangerously. All the excursionists, including the wounded, were brought to this city before 1 o'clock last night. SOUTH CAROLINA. TOWEL RACKS, "WILL ' COMMEUOE The Charleston Merchants Oppose the Hiwaiian Treaty. Charleston, May 1G. The Chamber of Commerce to-day adopted strong resolutions "opposing the passage of the bill carrying into effect the Hiwai ian treaty, on the ground that the re moval of the duty on rice will serious ly injure the rice planters and throw out of employment thousands -of col ored laborers. A delegation wai ap pointed to proceed to Washington and lay the facts before the Senate. OHIO. The Democratic Convention Prospects. Cincinnati, May 1G. The hotels are filled for the Democratic Convention to-morrow. John G Thompson claims the Convention for. Thurman. Allen has rooms at the Burnett House. His friends are strong. His friends believe he will carry the Convention. It is conceded that Geo H Pendleton will be permanent chairman. NEW YORK. -AT Greatly Reduced Prices, -AT THE- CENTRAL HOTEL STOHE M. KOPPEL, WASHINGTON. The Cabinet on Louisiana Waite Gone to Raleigh House Proceed ingsVarious Items of Interest. Washington, May 16. The steamer Powhatan will convey the West Point Cadets to the Centennial, July 1st. The Cabinet had a long session and considered the colored troubles in Louisinia.' The Comptroller of the Currency calls for the condition of National Banks, May 13th. Taft and Sherman are considering the propriety of arming friendly In dians to help 'suppress hostilities in Arizona. , The Commissioner of Patents has written a letter to the Secretary of the Interior ia regard to the examination of Conkling in the lock scandal. Austrian Minister Orth is ' here and upon settlement of his accounts, will resign and enter the campaign for Gov ernor of Indiana. ' ..- No decision has been reached in the Door Keeper's cast, nor is., any expect ed for several days. Taft is before the Committee on Ap propriations with new- estimates; he says the amount can be reduced five millions without injury to the service. No Southern nominations. Justice Waite has gone to Raleigh, Bradley to New Orleans, and the other Judges to their respective circuits. Acting Governor Antonie, of Louisi ana, telegraphs himself unable to re spond to the call of the sheriff for aid to preserve order. General Dunn testified to-day that the adjustment of the Kentucky Cen tral claim had been referred to him. He is satisfied the claim is just and made a favorable report Noeffort was made in an3r quarter to influence his judgement. Mr Pendleton had made a brief oral statement and print ed argument in the case. House. Vance reviewed in detail the report on printing for the last sev en years, costing nearly $12,000,000, holding that it was at least a half mil lion per annum more than necessary, The charges against Clapp are incapac ity, negligence and embezzlement, There was a sharp passage between Singleton, of Mississippi and Garfield, in which Garfield's veracity was im pugned. The House proceeded to vote on the resolutions of the committee first, that the Speaker be directed to certify to the authorities of Clapp'B alleged delinquencies, with a view of indictment ; adopted, 137 to 74 party vote. Second, instructing the Judicia ry Committee to enquire whether the nublic printer is an officer who may be impeached; adopted without divi sion. inira, instructing me vom mittee on Appropriations to insert in the Civil Appropriations Bill, a clause changing the system of printing; recommitted. The Post Office Appropriations was resumed. Lewis, ofArkansas, offered a resolution instructing the Commit tee on Rules to inquire into the pro priety .of consolidating the officers of Doorkeeper and Sergeant-at-Arms; adopted. Adjourned. The Louisiana difficulty was under discussion in the cabinet meeting to day. The President read the telegram from acting Governor Antonie to Governor Kellogg, now here. The result was that Gen Auger was in structed, on requisition of the Govern or and local authorities, unable to preserve order, to give such aid as he deems necessary to prevent bloodshed and violence. The testimony of Seelye to-day was mainly an elaboration. Ue accuses Morey of tampering with the mails in the canvass of '72. paryt, then we will put forward candi dates of our own. Thank Heaven this is not a hard cider campaign, nor a wood chopping campaign. In this Centennial year I only ask that I shall stand up and vote and be counted " Park Godwin wa3 the next Speaker. He believed when he saw a toad iu putting his foot upon it without asking whether it was Democratic or Repub lican. That the whole political system of the country was demoralized, was apparent to all men. j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS K-HIGHTS TEMPLAR. TAKE 1TOTICE. Chaeloiii comxahdxky, No. 2, Bib Kkiqhts : You are hereby order ed to meet at your Com mandery tnis evening at 71 o'clock, f o r work and in fraction. Visiting 8ir Knights in the citv. are cordially invited to attend. By order of the E. C, 0 W ALEXANDER, mayl7 . Captain General The II. I. Kioiball House, ATLANTA, GA. ON and after the 15tli of thi3 month. Kates of this hotel will be 3 per day ; Single meal 75 cents ; $75 per month for couples. Special rates made for families. No charge for baggage to and trom Depots. Elevator runs at all times. Q. jMcGINLY, Proprietor, may 17 taw 2w ' IVlrs. BEASELY, (FORMERLY OF CHARLOTTE.) IS prepared to entertain her friends, and such guests as may desire to patronize her Boarding House, at 815 South 19th street, Philadelphia, during the Centennial exhibition. Terms, $2 00 per day. mayl7 it Corn, Corn. TUST RECEIVED U CORN, at ONE CAR LOAD may 16 W M CROWELL'S. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVENING, M Y 1STH. FRESH GOODS ! JUST SCEITTSID .A.T J. ZEoOTHSCHIXjID'S TN addition to my well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, I have jmst received the following articles: Extra Quality Green Peas, Choice Yllow Teaches in 3 lb. cans, Pine Apples in choice Loaf Sugar Syrup, Bell Brand Tears in 2 lb. cans, ugar Corn, Im ported Sardines in half and quarter boxes, Patapsco Baking Powder, French and Turkish Prunes', Foreign and Domestic Pickle3, Dried Pears, Tomatoes, Fine Family Flour,' Meal, Ba'con, the celebrated Four Ace Sugar Cured Hams, New Orleans Molasses, best Cider Vinegar, another lot of Imported Krout, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and in fact every thing kept fa a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, all of which will be sold cheap for Cash. Parties baying by the quantity for TIC NICS. AC, will bare the benefit of a liberal discount in the price of my goods. Respectfully, mir28 GOOD3 DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART 07 THJC CITY. THE CITY CLUB IS TME $?Ei&E TO 1ME. Breakfast, 25 Cents Dinner, 50 Cents Supper, 25 Cents Table Board, $4.50 per week apr22 E BEST T0 T2T THE CITY I NEW STOCK LADIES' SLIPPERS, AND Paradise and tho Peri, This pleasing and instructive entertain ment will take place at the Opera House, Thursday evening. Performance to begin at 8 o'clock. rue objects or tne entertainment is a rand charity and it appeals to the liberal citizens of Charlotte for aid and support. All performers ana musicians are urgent ly requested to be at the Opera House, at east by half past seven o cloctt, r. M. PRICE OF ADMISSION. Reserved seats 75 cents General Admission 50 cents Children under 12 25 cents Tickets on sale at Koellsch's book store. maylG 3t HEW YOBK. Failure Race Postponed. New York, May 16. Messenger & Wrieht. wool dealers, have failed for $200,000. The Mustang race which was to have taken place at -Fleetwood to-day, has been postponed on account of. bad weather, to Thursday, same time and place... - Mid-Nigiit -.Dispatches. WEATE EE I EOBABILITIES. WAsHrkQToif, May 10. The Liberal Republican- Speech of Charles Francis Adams, Jr. NewYokk, May 16. The political conference resumed its session this morning at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The meeting was called to effder by President Woolsev, who announced that the committee appointed yester day was ready to report. Mr Carl Schurz, Chairman of that body, then read an address and resolution, which are the work of that committee, and which were adopted. The reading of the address was greeted with applause throughout, particularly when the cur rency question was touched upon Hon C F Adams, Jr., arose and said; "This conference differs from others that I have attended for the bast eight years. They only had a vague idea why they assembled, but our address, grand and magnificent, sets forth why 1 we are nere, ana wnat eur oDjects are. Now I will tell you wnat 1 want; want political and financial reform; honest government and honest mon ey. I Cheers. There are two treat Domical orders in tnis country, witn either of whom I can act cheerfully, nrovidinc they nominate men who will . i i . i amt my meas, ana -woo .are. aoove r proach. l Deiong 10 me noaung or in m 1 deDendent voters oi tne couniry. - a '. a a . Among the rresiaentiai candidates-, there is one whose name Btanoa urn blemished before he country to-day, and bv nominating whdm the Repub- Iicau uarty mix emu nuo mtg ui sioii honest man. and that man is Secretary Bristow. rApplause.l Among the In the Smith Atlantic and East Gulf i Democratic party, also, there is one States, rlslne and stationary barome- man, skilled in political life, agentle- ' i. .n,-..t nrl man ot weii-tnown cnaracier ana nign DWU'""" ' itanding, Gov Tilden, whom, if they generally warmer, paruy ctuuuy ncw er will prevail, following light rain in nominate. I will support as the next best thine to Bristow. Cheers.! If JUST RBCEIYBB, Gents' Gaiters, Prince Alberts and Oxfords, PLEASE CALL AND SEE THE if. may 13 OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE 33 EJ'S T 9 Best Brails cf Gannel Mi AT f ANDREWS & JONES. mayl2 A Fresh SUPPLY of English Breakfast Tea. just received. W R BURWELL & CO. aprlC T H, Brem, Jr., Attorney and Consellor at Law CHARLOTTE, IV. C. IP5 IE& IE 23" T? H FOR 61-4 CENTS, CASH. may3 OFFICE In Dowd & Sims' New Build ing, Up Stairs. :-tf. FOUR ACES ! SUGAR CURED I HAMS BY TEE TIERCE, AT - R, M MILLER & SONS. aprl5 CHARLOTTE Cedar Grove Dairy. PERSONS and Families can be supplied with pure, good fresh Milk, dehyered morning and evening at; their doors. Or ders through the Post OflBce-will be promp tly attended to. HMSOSSAMON, A S Wibqatx, Proprietor. Superintendent. aprl4 Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! HAVING purchased the interest of W. H. H. Gregory, in the Ice business, I am prepared to furnish Ice to the citizens of - 1.1 . 125 T fcl 1 Vaanone ana parties living uuug mo uuea of Railroads running into , this city, at as low figures as it can be purchased elsewhere. Retail house in the cellar under the store of Loynes & Co., opposite J T Bulter'a Jewelry fitore. i0-o : H i .-. . s. ; . ; House open daily from 6 o clock A, M, to 9 o'clock P. M. Sundays from 6 A. M., to 10 A.M. PH DEWEY. 8Dr25 lw 3t ner week lm Greenville Daily. News.Spartanburg Herald copy j times. Buckwheat Flour. A Lot of Mountain. Bnek wheat, at STITT, WALSH & CO'S. apr30 nT&OWSKT & MOTEILg9 .O.-:0:- NEW and BEAUTIFUL SELECTION of LADIES TIES, LARGE AND RARE SELECTIONS OF . ew flowers and Ladies' Mats. JUST RECEIVED ! 3000 PIECES PRINTS, AT 61-4 CENTS. 150 WHITE and COLORED -XT- STUNNING LOW PRICES. the Carolinas. good men are not nominated by either maylC may 17