TvH5E-;;rnCwl,TlY: , '..,' 4 CHARLOTTE, N. C, .ii I A December 20th. 1875. On and After this date, mails will orpn And . close In this office as follows : r . Northern, delivered 8.30 arm., close 9.00 p m Southern. " 8.30 " " 7.80pm VAlr.Line,j " 8.30 r w " 8.30pm I States villa, fi j" 830 ; " 9.00 pm CO. East D., " 8,30 " " 4 30pm 0.0. West D 7.00 pm " 9.00 pm Money Order and Reeister hours from 9 4 ? $ a'V '-..'BE McDonald, p. m RAILROAD DIRECTORY. RICHMOND A DANVIM.V BAILROAD. Mail and passenger leaves 5.45 a m arrives Freight and passenger leaves, -r arrives, 915pm 9 30pm 2.05 am ATLAHTA sicHXdXB AIE USE. Mail and passenger leaves, 9.15 p in arrives. 5,45 a m Freight and passenger leaves. 8 45 a m arrives, 4.55 pm CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA. Mail and Daaseneer leaves 9 40pm -, r x arrives, 5.15 am Freight and passenger leaves, ' arrives, CAROLINA CXHTBAL (EAST Mail and passenger leaves, arrives, Freight and passenger leaves, . ? ;..s arrives, " Western Division leaves 6.00 am 6.30 p m rrv.) 6.3C p m 6.40 a m 5.20 a nt 11.45 p ru ISXs a in arrives ATLANTIC TEKKES3KE & OHIO. 6 00pm Mail and passenger leaves, 6.30 a ra arrives, 6.20 pm Saturday aecommodation arrives. 9.50 a m 1 1 leayes, 2 30pm Knn nf tha AMyrninifw1Hnn tnlna man Honed in the above, ran on Sunday, and the mail and passenger trains are not run on Sunday, on either the Carolina Central or the i .1 n i. all Tk-ii i auioub jLcuneaaee x vmo Aauxoaua. CAT X BULZiCTIN Church and other relixicus notices tj-tlay Yesterday was a day of "beastly" dull ness. ' "Leafy June" has done nothing but show its teeth so far. It looked right lonesome in the Court House, yesterday. Precious little to be picked up, yestarday, in a reportorial way. So anxious to see a show. It's a sin to talk about how a gcod theatre would draw just now. Mr Forbes, of Smith & Forbes, has gone on for the second stock of goods for that firm. WelL now the 20th or May has passed, the 4th of J aly Is coming, and what are we all going to do about it ? . A heavy rain which fell, yesterday after noon, settled the dust and cooled the at mosphere to a pleasant temperature Mr. Henry E. Chilson, of Salisbury, ar med in this city last night with the remains of his wife, which he is taking down the Carolina Central Bailroad for burial. In the case of Edwards vs. J. M. Strong and wife, in the 8uperior Ccurt, the decision was in favor of the defendants, and not of the plaintiff, as was stated in our issue of Thursday. The Charleston papers have recently an nounced the deaths of Judge G. W. Logan and W. H. H. Houston, both prominent and esteemed citizens of Charleston. It is neither our Jawg nor our Henry The new schedule oyer the Carolina Cen tral, Eastern Division, has gone into opera tion. The train now leaves Charlotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrives, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. A party of eight schoolgirls, as bright as dollars and as happy as larks, stayed at the Central Hotel last night. They are just from the Greensboro Female College, and are going to their homes in Anson and Rich mond counties. The Paper Faund It. Two advertisements, one stating that a watch had been lost and the other stating that the watch had been found, were brought simultaneously into this office an evening or two ago. By their not coming singly, $2 were lost, but the newspaper found the watch though the advertisements never went in. , Persenal Col Walter L Steele arrived in the city last night, and will remain over here to-dav. Col Steele is fairly befere the people for the nomination for Congress, and his friends are quite sanguine of his success. Jas T LeGrand, Esq., of Richmond coun ty, registered, last night, at the Central Hotel. A Guard House ef His Own. A bar-keeper in the city established a cala boose f his own yesterday. A customer became intoxicated Tand noisy, when the bar-tender took him into the back lot, threw him down, put a crockery erate over him and then covered it with rocks and wood until the prisoner could not move it. He was kept in there, looking like an animal in menagerie, until he sobered to some extent and promised to be less boisterous. Ceaylcts Off far Raleigh. 8heriff Alexander leaves this morning for Raleigh, with eight prisoners, the crowd which was convicted during the present ' term of Court and sentenced to the peniten tiary. All the convicts are colored, with the exception ofWHH Houston, who was convicted f forgery and sentenced to 10 years at hard labor. Houston is very much dispirited, and is in ill health besides. The 8heriff will be accompanied by a suf ficient guard. Deal Gently with Him. "Our Sammy ".ne of the two orphans, leaves for the penitentiary, this morning. His stay will be brief, however, as he is just going as one of the guards of a lot of ftllows who Win BUy lonier We canQot hint from this community, andhay. serious fears that some evil will befall hisa We wish to say to Inniss, of the New,, that he " must hunt kirn up and exercise a guardian care oyer him; over our .rphan ; over Sam my; aver our Sammy. Hie JDeg;.KUUn; Tis. City Marshal Alexander gives notice this ' morning to dog owners that they can find , i; B?llr1 tneir brutes at the hardware store of Moore & Butler, and that after the 10th instant all cettarles, dogs will fall by the edge of the sword, and that without rem edy. If this threat is to be faithfully car ou we could hope that few dog eollars u.TH bo,,b.. for there .are' scoree of w!ca :hw ;eedmg killlg vas if aa41yVM their masters and their masters' tia children need bread. It is to be hopedhat - there will he a thinning out of the dogs - during the slaughter season. ; : f Meckienhnfjr Rt public ans. AcorrespcuJent of the Winston Repulli can, writing from Charlotte, says that 'Hhe Republicans of Mecklenburg say that Dock ery and Settle are their choice for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. W. A. Smith also stands a fair chance of getting the nom ination for Lieutenant Governor, and his friends are urging his claims at the ap proaching Convention." A Boy Falls Under a Train. The Danville Keics states'that on Wednes day morning last, as the mail train on the JNortn Carolina Bailroad reached High Point, several little boys were, as usual, hanging around the depot, and as the traiB was coming to a stop, little Willie Oilchrist endeavored to bounce on and get a free ride. He missed his footing and fell beneath the moving card. He had one of his feet cut off below the knee, and but for the stopping of the cars just then, would have been crushed to death. Experience keeps a dear school, but her lessons are the last to be for gotten. : What lie Thinks of Charlotte. Rev. C F. Harris writes to the Central Protestant, at Greensboro', that on a recent expedition he epent the night at Charlotte. and says of it that it is ' a'beautiful city populatien perhaps 8,000. It wss a famous town of old. Most of your readers know that the first Declaration of American Inde pendence was made here. For many miles around the city there is gold much rold It is thought the mint there will be re-es tablished. I saw it with its eilded soread eagle jut over the principal front entrance te the building. May the authority that bird represents keep defaulters and rogaes out of that house eveimore." The Schedule Changes. The Piedmont Air Line is preparing sche dules and trains which will regain some of the travel which it has been losing. During the past season a great deal of the travel which should have come this way has beer going by the other route. It is the natural route between New York and New Orleans, and having a good road, and well equipped as it is, should eatch the erreater Dart of th Southern travel. With a nicker ti mn firm closer connections it will do this. It will carry passengers through from Atlanta to Richmond without change. By the Virginia Midland line there will be bit one change of cars between Charlotte and Washington City, and that at Danville at 8.30 a. m. By this line, also, one can leave Charlotte in the morning at 2 20 and reach Washington in time for supper the same night, and in New York in time for breakfast next mornine. This arrangement reduces the time between Charlotte and New York six hours. The Ceurts. Supa-tor Court This court was encaeed pretty much all day upon the motion docket. A great many motioas were made and judg ments taken, and niach progress was made with the docket. The Kiser case came u again duriag the day, for the award of the three children, and they were eiven to the father. Ke gave the mother permitsion to take them off alone, and see if they would ge with her, but they would not. The scene is said to hay been verv tonchisr The mother implored them to go with her 3 U , .... ou uve wan uer, out they would not con sent, aad seemed glad whea she ceased her importunities and allowed them to go their way. They would not e?en kiss her urion parting, until told to do so by their father Court adjourned, yesterday afternoon, for the term, after having disposed of a great deal of business. Judee Schenck leav9 Tnr home this morning, and will pass through here Monday, on his way to Clinton, Samp son county, where he will hold court for Judge McCoy. The Mayor had no cases, yesterday, and ice Magistrates no criminal cases. Speights at the Festival. Speights, of the Greenville Newt, is the gayest of the gay. He sees fun in every thing, and fixes it np so that everybody else can see it. He was oyer here, the first of the week, and the Subjoined extract from his paper of yesterday, indicates that he went to the festival. Heading his article, "Charlotte," he proceeds to say "We spent a couple of days in this 'metrop olis' of the States of North and South Car olinathe 'hornets nest' of the South, and in short, we must admit tht far irn. nine hospitality, we admire the people of nu a gooa time, because the .ivuuS jueug unnstian Association had tampered with the ladies, and inveirled thei . . f 1W1 till DOnent Of thA mnml taihi, into getting up a Festival' for the bial in Charlotte, and on every side we heard ot this festival, and were invited to go and contribute. yye ventured a dime on a turn of a spoon in an ice cream churn, and busted, and of course s j j mwre OI ine "stival, only frem uwr, ana we wished we were young once more, and could smile on the beautif al tar-heel girls, who 'stuck' to the citizens and persuaded them to go way down into the bottom of their pockets and pull out their scads. We concluded, however, that iuung mens cnnstian Association would be a dead failure but for the beautifal jwuug iBuiw oi cnariotte, who run the ma chine for them." Blddle Institute. We haye received a catalogue f Memorial Institute, for the sessions of 1875- 76. This, as is well knowa. is an institn tion for the preparation for the ministry, of young colored men. It is under charge of ine northern Presbyterian Committee of Missions for Freedmen, and is located near to this city, with Rev S Mattoon, D D, as President. The catalogue shows that there are now 5 students in the theological depart ment, is m the classical department, 20 in the preparatory, and 83 in the English and normal department. We ara anion ihn.. who look upon this eollege with favor. The students are well-behaved, and we believe that under its present raanarament th i lege is doing much for the advancement, moral and religious, of the colored race We make the following extract from Pr Mattoon's circular, contained in this cata logue: "The institution is consecrated te the glory of God and the welfare of a needy race. It stands as thm oi us ximd, in the South, of nnr Prhvf. rian Church ; and it certainly, is one of the mo8 important agencies in the hands of the cnurcn, and of the Great Head of the Church, for the accomnlialimMifc nf r,i among the four-and-a-half-niillions of freed men in the South. It commends , itself to the prayers and gifts of all good men." The annual clotin? -rntaM fv next week, when the following will be the programs : Sunday, June 14th; 8 o'clock r u, sermon, to graduating class, in the col ored Presbyterian Church; Monday and juejdayf Jane 5th and 6th,; examinations ; Wadnasday, Juno 7thf 10 o'clock A M, ad JTi l?f T A P DiokOB. of Chester. S C ; St d I t ttasof the graduating Democratic County Convention. In accordance with a resolution passed by the meeting held on the 3rd ult . a Con yenticn of the Democrat! party of this county is hereby called to assemble at the Court House in the City of Charlotte, on Saturday, the 15th day of July, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of nominating can didates for the Senate, House of Represents tiyes and county officers ; and to transact such other business as shall come before it. It is very important that each township shall be fully represented in the Convention, and to accomplish that, the voters of the j several townsh ips are requested to meet at their respective precincts, on Saturday the 1st day cf July, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and elect delegates to represent (hem in the Conven tion. The chairman of each township must see that this notice is fully published in his township, at least ten di.ys beford the town ship meeting. By order of the Erecutiye Committee, JOHN E BROWN, Chairman. Democrat and lUme will please copy. The Methodist Picnic. The train of the Sunday School excursion ists, bound for Lmcolnton, left the depot in this city, yesterday morning, with about 850 persons on board. The accommoda tions were excellent and commodious, con sisting of five first-class coaches and one box car. After a delightful ride, the party arriy. ed safely and was met ac the deDot at Lin- colnton, by the Methodist Sunday School cf Shelby, which had already arrived and the Methodist and Presbyterian Schools of I Jn colnton. A procession having been formed, the crowd marched to a beautiful groye near the town, where the pleasures of a picnic vere entered into and enjoyed very greatly until about 1 o'clock, when dinner was served. Seven or eight hundred people par took of this, and after it was oyer, a large number dispersed to the Methodiat Church and others up town. At the church the as semblage was entertained by music, and by speeches from representatives of all the schools. The hour for departure having arriv ed, the party xchangd adieus, aad all were soon on the homeward-bound trip. All were well pleased with the manner in which the day had been spent, and the occasion was one of no insignificance, being a social meeting between Charlotte, Lincolnton and Shelby, and one which will be remembered for a long time by the participants. The picnicers luckily escaped the rain which fell in the afternoon, having returned to the town before the raia began to fall. COMMUNICATIONS. Base 11a U in the County. Messks Editors : Since Providence seems to Lavs gone into ecttacies over the sn-r'iUo.1 xrint.rr . .,., Pinerillein the recent base ball contest, we respectfully submit to them the propriety of remembering the old and qaaint adage, "Don't cheer until vau are nnt r.f ti wood." We doubt not, it was a slip of the memorv of the Monroe dent, in that he failed to mentioa the fol lowing significant item, viz : That on the very day of the contest at Piaeyille, over wnich they make such a hulla-balloo, the Second .Nine of Piaeville mercilessly ran over the Second Nine of Providence, to the tune of 28 to 10, and that in five innings, as at the end of the fifch, Providence cried "lake him off." SECOND NINE. Pineville, N. C, Jane 1st, 187G. To the Public. Messes Editors : I wish to say to the public, that I certain ly did hear Mr. Eastlake make the assertion alluded to m a paper of a recent date, and on two occasions, on one of which there was another witness besides myself, who heard him make the same remark. Respectfully, W. T. HEFLIN. Charlotte, N. C, June 2d, 1876. MARRIED May 23d, at the residence of Mr A Miller, of Yadkin county, by the Rev Wn C Wil son, Dr Julius M Howard of Mocksville, and Miss Chottie J Milltr, of Yadkin county. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral services of Pearl, daughter of W W and Belle A Ward, will take place at the residence of the parents, at 10 o'clock A M to-day. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. DIED. At his residence in Roxboro, on the 28th inst, Coi John W Hunt, Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Peraon county. Aged about 58 years. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills for the cure of Liver Comnlainf Rilinna A - m muwvivuoi XlcaU' ache, and esner.ia.llv RiW TToaHanka T0; the Side Btomacb.- Back or Intestines, Sick Dcyoiacuj uuuainess,- uimnesi of Sieht. WeakTyeryes, Loss of Appetite, Costiyeness. DvSDODSifl. Derftncpmfinf. nf fhn TTi,1 .,.. oj-n j'i?:r:r zm " "ii ucuuiie remain cnmn ninta For safle by all druggists at 25 cts. a box. Let all those Who suffer from Neuralgia, read the fol lowing and be governed accordingly. It will never fail. Charlotte, N. C August 8. 1874. Drs Greene, Lindley & Bentley : Gentlemen I had snffpreri ;m with that painful and torturing disease. Neuralgia, and used numbers of remedies, but nothing crave ttia relief your Neuralgia Specific did eight months ago. 1 used only one bottle, and since that time I hate not had it at all. I therefore confidently recommend it to all suffering with this disease. Mrs. H. M. DAVIDSON. may311w r - r Sensible Advice. Yon ara aBked everv dv thrnno'h t.ha rnl .f TV ri w Umns Of newaniinni and hv uniir Tlrnonia to nsA Hlimethinc fnr T)vartonaia nnii l.iv. Complaint that you know nothing about i ji: j j, - ... juu B uuuuurngeu ispenuing money witn but little success. Now to give you satis factory proof that Green's August Flower will core you of Dyspepsia and Liyer Com nlaint with all its effivta onnK a... . r ' wmwu M0 UHUi- ach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, palpitation of the Heart. Heart-burn, Water brash, coming np of food after eating, low oymta otii,, we asit you to go to your Drug gists, T CBmith & Co, and get a sample bol tie of Green's Angust Flower for 10 cents ana try it, or a Kegular Size for 75 cents: two doses will relieve you. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital or dnsiinn . - - vS..uu . a wean exhausted feeling, no energy or courage the result of mental over-work Iudescre- tlens Or eXCf KaPa- nr anmm .v. system, is always cured by HUMPHREYS' UOMEOPHATIC SPECIFIC No. 28. It tones ntvand Invigorates the system, dis pels the gloom and despondency, imparts strength ana enerev ntnni fh ir,;n i w -. auu rejuvenates the entire men. Been used 20 fears witn perfect success by thousands. o1 dealers, ,pr!ce $1.00 per single vial, or $5.00 ner nackaea of fin -viaio ' . rJ. vial of powder. Sent bymail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' HOME OPHATIC MEDICINE COMPANY52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. mayy FiHAHGlAL AND COMMERCIAL. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. FrWay, Jane 2, 186. PRODUCE. St. Leul3 Flour unchanged. Wheat dull and lower; No. 2 red fall 1.40. Corn inactive; No. 2 mixed 421ai. Oats dull and tending downward; No. 2 33J. Rye and barley dull and unchanged. Whisky, none on the market. Pork firmer; jebbing 19 50. Lard and balk meats nominal and unchan ged; bacon, only small jobbiag trade. Hogs strong; bacon 5.40aG5. Cattle quiet and un changed. Baltimore Oats dull and heayy; South ern 4 12. Rye quiet and firm at 75.80. Pro visions quiet and firm. Lard dull and un changed. Coffee lower; jobs 15al81. Whisky dull at 11 J. Sugar active and firm at 9J. COTTON. jsew i or a Firm; sales 1,275 bales at 12al23-16; weekly net receipts 1,820; gross 11,544; exports to Great Britain 5,200; to France 200; to the continent 80; sties 7,640; stock 181,071. Baltimore Dull; mid 11 J; stock 4,385; weekly net receipts 143; gross 391; exports coastwise 198; sales 1,085. New Orlana Qaiet and steady; mid 11; low mid 10; good ordinary 9j; stock 120,579, weekly net receipts 4,501; gross 6,382; ex ports to Great Britian 1.998; to France 2,057; to the continent 3,571; coastwise 3.478; sales 15,600. Philadelphia Dall; Mid 12; weekly net receipts 641; grosj 1,182: txpaJts to Great Britain 85G. FUTURES. New York Closed quiet an 1 Grni. June lla29-32; July 11 31-32al2; Aug 12 1-163-32; Sept 12 16; Oct 12 2o-32a27-32; Nov 111; Dec 11?. FINANCIAL. New York Money easy at 213 Sterling Govern - steady at 8. Gold firmer at 121. ments dull and strong. New S's 17J quiet and nominal. States C HARLOT TK MARKET OBSERVER OFFRfi Chaklottz. N. C, June 2. 1876. The Cstton Market. Offerings are small with light demand. Sales light, The market closed quiet and easy. We quote as follows : Inferior 4j,9i Low Middling lOal-lG Middling iof Good Middling 11 (extra) 11 1-32 Sales for the day, 62 bales. Receipts in all ports, 2,155 bales. Consolidated net receipts, 13,532 bales. Stock, 405,820 bales, DAIL.Y PRICE CURRENT. Bacon dull. Coru in good demand small stock on market. Flour in small demand. Lard, fair supply with some inquiry. Chickens and eggs scarce and in good de raand. Butter easy and plentiful. Honey in good supply and hard of sale. SELLING PRICES. Bacon Hams, Breakfast Strips, Clear Rib Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round. La ed Extra Leaf, Ordinary, Butter Fresh Couutry, Goshen, per lb. 15iol6 14al5 114al2i 9al0 13al31 1618 14Jal6 20a25 45a55 Cheese Northern. 15Jal8 Pineapple, Floub Family, Extra, Super, Buckwheat, Rice Choice 9al0, Meal oer bushel. 3 per sack 3.50a3.75 3.25o3.35 3.00o3 25 per lb. 5a7 Good to prime 7Ja8i 86a90 Gkits per lb. 4a5 bcoAB lioaf 13al5. Light Brown, 9all Molasses Fine Crushed 12ol3 heavy brown, 9al0 per gai. 5060 Golden Drip (syrup) New Orleans, Cuba, Black Strap, 65o70 50a60 25a30 Honey ner lb. In Comb. 15i20. Strain! 17A9f) Coffee Mocca. 40. Java. 3.1. Rin. 202S Tea Black 1.00al.25- Green. 66al.25 Mixed. soii Poultry From wagons. From stores Turkeys, 75al.OO. Geese, 40a50 Ducks, 25a28 Guineas, 20a25 1.00al.25 6O06O 30o35 25o30 30a36 Chickens, 15a30 Eggs 12ialo 18a20 Fish per bbl. 14al8 Mackerel. White Fish, Cod Fish, Herrings, -per box Corn, by car load, in sacks, " bulk. From wagons in bulk, 12 10 60a65 GjtAlK- 77ia80 72Ja75 75a80 stores, 90 Wheat From wagons White, 1.15 Red. 1.05 Oats White., 45a50 Black 45a50 Rye 90 Peas From Stores 1.25 1.15 55a60 55a60 1.00 Pure clay. 90 1.10a25 Mixed, 80a90 Gboukd Peas 1.50al.7 Hay Uncopped Timothy, Fbuits Oranges, per hundred, M. . X JiXi.J 1.65 3 50z4.00 demons, 3.25o3.75 Apples (Northern), per bbl., 5.00o6.00 Apples (Green Mountain). 1.25al.50 t-'ranbemes, per quart, 30 .Dried Apples, per lb.. 9al0 JTOTAIOSS ' Sweet.per bushel, 100aL25. 1 25al.50 Irish. ier lhl 9 wo 7s x VUi . I u ONIONS rxr hnshel Red, 90al.l0 No WhU Oninns nn ilia m.rlrnl Feesh Meats ner lh Beef. sii.ioj. Veal, 10al2i Matton, 12Jol5 Lamb, 12iol5 Pork, 12iol5 Tallow- golO Beeswax 25a30 8 alt pe,. gack Liverpool 2.25a2.60 American, l.S0al.45 Hides per lb. From wagons. From stores, Dry Flint. 9 11. Green, 5Jo6i i7o8 Bagging per yard, 15al5i Wool per lb. Tub washed, ' 25 Unwashed, 35 WINES AND LIQUORS. Fnll stock on market with light demand ,a WkolesaleTlats3. BaASDY Peach per gaLJ 2 75a3 00 Apple t 2 25a2 50 Whisuy Rye 1 30a4 50 Corn 1 75a 1 85 Wines Sherry 3 00 j Port 3 00 Maderia 300 Scuppernong 2 50 Blackberry per bottle 100 Claret per doz 6 00 Champagne per basket;15 00a3500 Ale per doz 3 00 Porter per doz 3 00 DRY GOODS. Jobbing Trade. Domestic Oak Grove A 4- 4 oer vd 7a71 7-8 None Woodlawn 4-4 7ia7J 7-8 0ia6! , 3-4 5Ja53 Oleavland or Catawba 4 -4 7ia7i Osnaburga lOalli Brown Drills 9a 104 Bleached Shirtings 5al0 Sea Island 7a9 yauc fining 4iaoi Kandlemaa plaids 10 Georgia do 101 Georgia Truck for Trousers 27 Georgia Jeans 22 Yarns per bunch 90al 00 Print9, Wamsutta 5 Amoskeay 51 All best brands 5o6 i Coates and Clarks Thread 671 LEATHER. There has been a heavy decline in all lines of leather. The market is now steady, with light demand. We quote jobbing rates as Sallows : G D Hemlock per lb. 22a20 Good 25a20 French Calf. Cornelian per lb. 1 75 Suser 1 65 American Calf, per lb 1 35a I 50 Kips. 55a63 Upper, 35o40 TTflrnQ TnfriAr nor 1h White Oak Sole (middle weigol s) 3640 (bcavj ) 38a47 Keystone Printing Ink Co. MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS, (Bok and News Black a Specialty.) 135 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA. OUR INKS are of a superior quality, being from the best ingredients and under the personal supervision of a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will GUARAN TEE EVERY POUND OF INK SOLD to be of a SUPERIOR JET BLACK, QUICK DRYING and ENTIRELY FREE FROM BETTING OFF. OUR PRI0O.H ARID PRflU -in tr. sn PT?IJ qpENT. LOWER than any other Inks rnauu- mhuicu in me umie'i states. A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for his Inks in times past. Put up "in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address KEYbTONE PRINTING INK CO. 135 North Third Street, j-n2 2t Philadelphia, Pa. 200 CASES HOME BITTERS, JUST LANDED, and FOR SALE LOW. LANDED, ' w R. 13. MILLER & SONS. mayl3 Ice Cream. DM. RIGLER takes this method of call . ing the attention ol the public general ly to the fact that his ICE CREAM SALOON, will be opened for the season, on Monday 15th. mayi4 COUNTRY BACON. A FINE LOT OF NICE COUNTRY HAMS AND SIDES. S T I T T. niay27 WALSH & CO Just So I Jus CALICO AT 6 CENTS. HEIGH-HO! HEIGH-HO! Calico at 6 fonts. FOR FIVE DAYS MORE ONLY. A. W. LOYNS. may28 New TailoriiiL Estallistaeiit. Pierre Dedroit, E RCHANT TAILOR Opposite Central Hotel. Trade Stref t, CHARLOTTE. N. C. A select Rtclr nf FrpnrVi "Pncrllo'i and Scotch Goods, always on hand. maySl EIGHT CAR LOADS Common ai Fine Syrups, -AT- t LOWEST XIAKKET QUOTATIONS Jolin W. Hall & Co J COLLEGE STREET. may7 ; - "FURNITURE!" PARLOR AND CHAMBER SETS, JBedsteads Bareaus, TAB LES, T IN SAFES, BABY CARRIAGES, Ac. WE ARE OFFEMNG BARGAINS TO CASH BUYERS. D. A. SMITH & CO.. EAST TRADE STREET. ' apr28 tf THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS' itlOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general use for twenty years. Jbivery wfaereproved. the knost SAFE, SIMPLE gCOftO H11CAE and EFFiClEMI? medi cines known. -They are Just what tfae people want, saving time and. money averting sick. ness and suffering. Each singfe pesficc the well tried prescript i ii of an eminent physician. Vos Cures Cents 1 TAxravo fV,TicafinTi Tnflqnimah'nfi r-n 'Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of in fants 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 DvsMiterv. Grinine. Billions Colic. 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, 25 coughs, Colds, uroncnitis, 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,.... 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver wgU, - 10 Dyspepsia, Billions 8tomach, 25 11 Qnt i "L ; r., 1 T : a A. tigo, 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 25 uupuresscu, ui uuiiu feriuus xo xo uroup, uougn, .uimcuic .Breathing, 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 25 25 17 Piles, blind or bleeding ' 60 ao vputxiauuy, ana core or Weak Eyes 19 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 20 Wbooping-Cough, violent coughs, 2t Asthma, oppressed Breathing,:..... 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing' 23 Scrofula, enlaiged glands, Swel lings, 24 General Debility, Phisical "Weak ness, 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions,".'.'.'." 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth. Canker 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 Deo r.n 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms 50 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc. 1 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Dinhtheria. nlcArnfori snm fVnvt zi 35 Chronic Congestions and Ernrv tions so FAMILY CASKS Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and 600 These remedies ar Ant hv the case or single box to any part of the country, free ol charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office & Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Drnsrcists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents, nov9 eod ly , Charlotte, N C. offe$! Coffee! TTAVIKG purchased the entire fixtures of JLJL C Hashagen, I am prepared toserye my cus tomers with all grades of Choice Roasted COFFEES ; OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, MOCHA, LAGUIRA and FANCY RIO, al ways on hand. Coffees Roasted twice per 'Week. I SUGAR Cut l oaf, Standard A, Crushed Extra C, Granulated and brown pulverizsd. Little Pig Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Beef Tongues, Wilson's Cooked Beef in 21b 41b cans, Columbia River Salmon, Sardines, T obsteri, Deviled Ham, Pine Aple Cheese, Preserves, Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, Coru and Green Peas. Pickles.JCandy, Jellies and Canned Pine Apples. The best assortment of Laundry Soap, Pepper, Ginger, Allspice, Cloves aul Cream Tarter. p3 A full supply of all grades of Teas. Fancy Famy Flour, a specialty. Pure Leaf lird, at 1 L W PE ROUE'S, McMurray & Davis' old Stand. jun2 50 BOXES BULK CLEAR RIB SIDES, JUST LANDED, AND FOR SALE LOW -BY- R M MILLERI& SONS- may27 City Tax Notice. A LL Dersons residing in th Pif nf rim. lotte, on or before the 1st Monday in February 1876. and all bndiM rnliti ? corporate, who owned or possessed taxable urupcriy in ine cuy on tneaay aforesaid, are herebv notified to. retnrn fa ma t m m in said city, within 30 days from this date, a list of their' taxable property, polls and ura mwuiw lor vae nacai year, preceding aoiu muDuny in r eornary i7o. vy oruer 01 ine iioara or Aldermen, F NA8H, my20 Clerk fc Treasurer. $35,000 WORTH OF , DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, HARDWARE, Ac, &c, Ac, TO BS SOLD AT a os t FBOM THIS DATE, AT WOLFE, BARRINGER & CO'S. , The attention of Country Merchants is called to job lots of Dress Goods, Maslin, i - This entire Stock must be sold be lore the 1st January, 187T, and now is time to secure bargains. Very Respectfully, . WOLFE, BARRINGER fc CO. jnnl lw FRESH CANNED GOODS, 2 LB. CANS F11ESI1 MACKkliFi SOMETHING FEESII & G00D ' 2 and 3 LB. CANS EJJESK ' PEACHES, TOMATOES TROPHY SUGAR ' CORN in 2 LB CANS, almost equul to green CORN. CORN?BEEP, DEVILED HAM ion BTERS, TONGUE and TURKE SOME VERY FINE CREAM CANDY CHOCOLATE, BURNT ALMONDs CRYSTALIZED FRUIT &C THE BEST in the MARKET ORANGES, LEMONS and. APPLES. THE BEST SODA CRACTrans IN THE CITY. rOK f.M.K AT D. M. RIGLttK'S, Two Doors. beiow 1st National Bank. msy5 Ilorrah, Hurrah, Hurrah. THE LATEST STYLES OF CONSISTING OF Macloiiaw, Canton, Texas, India Panama L I IT E IT , and a Hue assortment of Welt mm Hats JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE CHEAP. AT J. A. YOUNG & SON'S. Call as tbey are going fast. -&s$ may 25 1 PD NO. 1 MESS, NO. 1 EXTRA, -AND- EXTRA FAMILY, IX KITS & HALF BARRELS, JUST RECEIVED, BY Mayer, Ross & Jones. may 16 .HTCflOI C F HARRISON, Auctioneer. J1HE Jfollowing remaining goods of C. HAPHAGEN, Bankrupt, will .be sold, at PUBLIC i UCTION, coiumencir:g on Wfd nesday, May 31st, 1876, at 10 o'clock A. V , and continue from day to day nntil all nre sold. The Goods consist in part of 1 large Com bination Lock Safe,' Hall's Patent ; 2 large Fairbanks Platform Scales; 3 Platlorui Counter Scales ; 1 small Meat Scales ; 1 large Desk ; 5 boxes Soap ; 2 boxes Hygenic Bit ters; 5 cases Claret Wine; 2 cases Hock Wine ; 2 cases Angelica Wine ; Blackberry and Ginger Brandy ; Cerman Kummel ; Apple Brandy; best Corn and Rye Whiskey ; Flour in Sacks ; Store Furniture, and re mainiig lot of Shelf Goods, too numerous to mention. Remember the time. Call and te cure bargains. J DrJLS, Assignee. may31 21 Latest Publication "THE LAND OF THE SKY," f -o- ADVENTURES in MOUNTAIN BY-WAYb BY CHHISrilK XMD, AUTHOR OF "A QUEmOX Of HOSOR," iC, AO. FOR SAVE AT XKX CENTRAL HOTEL NEWS-STAND, ALSO DAILY AND WEEKLY FA PER, AND MAGAZINES maySl niENCENTIAL 1 TENCENTIAL! THE FINE FIVE CENT CIGAR at ju2 ANDREWS & JONES,