JOB PRINTING. SOBSCKIFTIOH EAfKS- Daily 1 yew (postpaid) in advance, 6 nios. " " 3 nios. " " " ' TU OsaiBVxm Job Department 0M. thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles ol Type, axft every manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness, .fry We ean furnish at short notice ; vW;- -s BLANKS, BILLHEADS, r - -r.: 1. , LETTER UZ IDS, CARDS, g ft , TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, rj PBOORAMME3, HAND BILLS, ' ' PAMPHUKTS. CHEOKa, Ac, 0 3 00 4 CO 2 O i mon, 7 TIULT EDITION. . ' Weekly, in the Coanty) hi advance,' :$'2 'CO out of the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months a .Of liberal reductions-for clubs. i ; 0XIII. CHARLOTTE N. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 13,1876 NO. 2 251 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: 0teertct fflttita BOOTS AND s n o e s. MILLE8 A 80IiS. JNO. H LEAK. MM MILLER & LEAK, : '.-! ' ' ' ' ! ' ; ' - Tobacco Manufacturers, CHARLOTTE, N. C. BRANDS, (;01 D-BASIS, NONE-SUCH, HORNETS' kNKST. jull New-Auction I. Commission House. THE undersigned have associated them selves In the Auction and Commission uusiuesa, ana soucic consignments of Mer chandise of all kinds. . . , Special attention given to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce. B N SMITH, J A McLURE. J A McLURE, Auctioneer. mayl6 JUST RECEIVED. A Fine lot of CIGARS from 2J to 15 cents at Retail. Also, a good assortment of unr. vyiinu luiiAt tu low lor casn. T H AUSTIN. , mayll BOOTS, SHOES, ann aad sums; THE BEST STOCK IN TOWN, AND THE BEST GOODS FOR THE MONEY. CONK AND SEE US, EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND LEARN OUR TRICES TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Noon Dispatches. FOREIGN. Essayist Dead Boat Capsjzed Cfiri-J detrac from the weJl established re S3 1 to the payment of money to Mr Kerr, was unqualifiedly false, and that Mr Kerr stood fully exonerated from all implication affecting his personal hon or official integrity. The committee had found nothing in the whole oro- ' J gress of tho investigation to impair or -Re 5 ? UKW IKON FRONT -SMITH BUILDING," TRADE STRElARLOTTE,; N. C. i u ay 30 FUlt-NITURE D E A L, E 11 S "WHOLESALE & RETAIL, DEALERS IN otis ' Reports About Royalty ward Ottered, &c, &c. London, June 11. The Manchester i - Guardian's London correpondent says E P Hingston, the English essayist, died on Friday. Same correspondent says it is re ported that Albert Grant has sold his newspaper, the EchL A pleasure boat was capsized at East Bourne and 17 persons were drowned. A telegram from Calcutta indicates that in the enquiry into the murder of Margary Fulton it is not likely the re port will be published while the pres ent complications exist. La France, a Paris paper hostile to Turkey, publishes a dispatch that the elder son and mother of the late Sul ton are murdered. - The PosVs Berlin dispatch says the insurgent leaders have accepted an armistice and appointed YVesselitzke to arrange guarantees with Northern powers. A Vienna special to the Daily News reports that the Turkish gOYernjnent of Herzegoyinia has offered 2,000 florins reward for the capture of the Russian organizer of the insurgent forces. The Faufulla newspaper of Home intimates that' the' temporary ; retire ment of Prince Gortschakoff is proba ble. WASHINGTON. Blaine Improving; Measures for His Comfort The House Wont Ad journ for the Cincinnati Convention. putation ef Mr Kerr for unquestioned personal integrity and unsullied puri ty. Clymer remarked that the con clusion reached was the unanimous judgment, not only of the committee but of th House and the country. Danford, of Ohio, a Republican member of the committee, said that it RHODE ISLAND. Mill to be Closed. Providence, June 12. The Trustees of A W Sprague & Co., Manufacturing, Company, order all their mills shut after runing off the present stock. TheLo well Hamilton Print Works have stopped, but will resume when the condition of the market warrants it. FLASHES. W. R. BURWELL & CO. - i t ,n t ir Charleston, S C, June 12. A heavy easterly gale which prevailed here dur- member ol the committee, said tnat it . raost of the day prevented arrivals afforded him real pleasure to be able deDftrtures bv sea. No injury to J. A 11. A w.,s-4. I, I w . ' lo Buoscnuu iu u.c leyvn, uui u shipping i9 yet reported Ul LI1C UlllVriUIiailC Ul XO.L XVC11. but because it was an act of simple justice to that gentleman. . He spoke of the unfortunate circumstance that Death of a Thirtx-Six-Year-OW Horse. Doc. the property and faith ful servant, of James F. Stewart, of pressed itself against the threshold of of Greene township, Clarke county, tuu uiuuii y a,o iv mi mil) c jwtuv ALL KINDS OF FTJRNITUEB, BEDDIMG, &C. No. 5, West Tradet., CH'ARLOTTE, n.c, JUST RECEIVED a FULL LINK OF CMIDRENS CH. BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A FULL LINE OF COFFINSOF ALL GRADES, un hahu. mar 7 ? v crat from Indiana, giving the nomina tion to Green, a Republican from New York, and said that had it not been for that circumstance, the committee would not have deemed it worth while to even enter on the investigation. He was happy to say, however, that he had ao idea that so far as tbe corruption of Mr Kerr was concerned, there was a single scintilla of truth in Harney's testimony: it was a false hood taken advantage of by a bad man for the purpose of attempting to black en the reputation of a good man. Ap plause. He spoks of these investiga tions used by bad men like Harney, as being the very worst instrument that can be used in a country like this. The testimony of Harney was but the na tural outerowth of these inveatiga tions bv Mr. Stewart in the spring of 1844, thirtv-two vears ago: he was four years old at that time, making him thirt.v-aiT vfiaramld this snriner. Doc. was a dark dapple dun with black legs, he was of medium size, fine form, pond stvle. and an eve that did not seem to dim with age. spirited, yet of a docile position, ana naa iew equais m speed &va strengtn. xnis remarka ble horsenever was sick an hour, never missed a feed for loss ofappe titfi. never had a puff or blemish on his limbs, was supple and had good use ot himseii always. Mr. oiewart rpt.irpfl him several vears aeo with a lif nensian. of eood pasture in sum mer and warm stable with 'abundant food in winter, and well he deserved this humane treatment from his kmc and grateful master. WHOLESALE Ss BET A TTj;: DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, &CT Egyptian women have the prettiest hands in the world, and both American nnrl Parisian Ladies are noted for the nf thpir hands and feet. The VUXll III 11LCC3 Ul lire iiunoc imvi - Washington, June 12. Mr. Blaine slept well during the night and con tinues to improve. Ropes are stretch ed across the streets leading to his residence to prevent his being disturb ed by the noise of paising vehicles, and men are stationed at the door who deny admisiion to all persons. In the Senate, a motion to adjourn over to Thursday next 011 account of the Cincinnati Convention, was defeat ed; yeas 16, nays 23. Proceedings regarding Blaine, both in t.hft House and Committee, were postponed on account of his sickness The House is very thin. The Repub limn hnr.hes were nearly vacant. At nnfi o'clock. Mr. Blaine was still im proving, and had freely taken nourish ment. The doctors say he will recover and be as strong as ever: been 6een this sessiou, mousing around and dragging the public life and private correspondence of citizens into publicity, publishing even the bank accounts of officials without charges and without specifications Mr." Danforth continued, length, and concluded here to be able from the heart to say latter, who are exquisitely nice in ev ery detail regarding the adornment of their person, give particular attention to their fingers and nails. Those who are able to afford it have a person call ed a manicure prepare their hands ev ery day. The process takes something lib-o half on hnm and the result eives at great theoft skin, handsome almond-shaped .i rriari nails' and the white half moon which is J t 1 1 L CIHU I - 0 t 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 ... P 4-ck nml OUUinCtl Oil Hie 1UWCI ptUl' Ul tut imii Tipvt tn the skin, irom twelve 10 that whatever shadow this momentary tu ' I Lll 11 I J Vt.VXiM.4fcJ l iv--. w " J imputation might 4iave cast on the experienced manicure, and about six davs 01 tne aistmguisneci geniieniau, nunuic j, w. --, Hid-Nigbt Dispatclies. -wOw- the Speaker of this House, 'days which come of fear are numbered al ready.' It is the unanimous voice of the people, through their Representa tives that the aegis of a long and hon orable life has protected him from the envenomed shaft of malice, that the cloud is removed and that if his sun goes down it shall go down in full hon or and in the esteem of all honorable men of whatever class or political feel ing." Applause on both sides of the House. Garfield, of Ohio, suggested that the vote on the report should be taken by the members rising. The suggestion was adopted, and all the members, 210 in number, rose in the affirmative; none in the negative, uarneia tnen asked that it be entered on the record that the report was adopted unani mously. The Speaker pro tern direct ed the clerk to let it be recorded on the record as the unanimous vote of the House. Leavenworth, of Ohio, suggested as are said to follow that profession in Pans alone. Knmfi old fraud savs. "Get UP with thp sun if von want to be healthy and wise." It is easy enough to follow this advice in the winter, when th sun acts spnuihlv. and doesn't eet up until seven o clock; but when lie commences 10 get up at four o'clock, we have observ ed that the wisest men give him abemt two hours start, and let their wives accumulate health and wisdom. SPEI1TG-S' COK-ZCTETR-, CHARLOTTE, IfcT- O. jun8 LAGrER beer, WINES, ALES AND PORTER, OEIGhIr .A-lsm DOMESTIC. BELFAST W ADVERTISEMENT I Washihgtok, June I; For the South. Atlantic States, veering to South and West, stationary highly proper, that the House should Masonic. MEMBERS of Excelsior Lodge No. 261, A. F. fc A. M., will attend a Reeular Communication of their Lodge to-nigkt, at 71 sharp, at their Hall in Masonic Teiaplc Building. An Auction of officers for the ensuing year will be held, besides etber business of im portance. Members in arrears to May 1st are special ly xcqueated to attend prepared to pay tkeir j13 It Secretary. Malt Hop Toxic, $3.50 per dozen, rJO cents per jun8 GINGER ALE, $2.00 per doz., 20cts pr bottl LUDWIQ & FISCHESSER, Tryon Street. TTIE CITY CLTUB lb TMM 9LACE TQ W1JVM. . Kct to Invest Ycur WEcney in Shop-worn Coeds, as at the Central Hotel Store you can find all Articles New and Fashionable, which can be sold Icwerthan any House in Town. temperature, cloudy and rainy weath er, and lower preiiauMiDwisibly pro- ceding an area of low bVro'meter. WASHINGTON. Bristow Disavows Saying it, and Blaine Disavows Believing that He Said it Hill's Petition Army ADoronriation Triumphant Exon eration of Speaker Kerr Colored Catholic Church" Dedicated Kerr and Blaine Both Better, &c., &c. Dennison publishes the details of an interview. Saturday eveninc, sought by Bristow with Blaine, for the pur .... 1 I mraa nf A i aa xt n Winer that. Bristow had ....u'....Ja... vnv f 1 !.- hWlhS MUillll .VICUIS itl r - 1 ' . -tniTi . .t'(ltl, I DIIUA ,uuis t--j - 1 . j ... i:'4 n . - 1 insugaieu iue uiveHngntiuu ,Yrd; Uan.ifulBtcck Iucs, y.M wide. ,t 121 cenl. (a gun, ba.gan,,, ; urequaueu vi Kid Ch.W at $1X0 rer iair; 10 quarter BleaU.d th.eti,r, 3 ja-ds for $1 CO; 20.000 En!troidie..5.10 .nd 15 cent,, Mld for double the money ; 5.CC0 yards 0 s Giain EilUx, 10d IScen.s ,er yaid ; Vrrnienu Sock of Parasols at$l.COea ; l.dies ralbrian Hc, enly 35 cents rr pair; 5(0 Ladies Untrimmed Hatstf all kinds ,0 ,el.ct fu n the counter, at CO cents each, sold Inhere at $LC0 ; Extra heavy Black GrcGrainfilk fcr Drescs. only flXO a bld; Ibe bit CO cents Ccmt in this town ; Un; Stock cf Keck T.mi,e, 5, 10 .d 18 ccr.ts ,-c, yard ; 4X ya,d be.t I Ah LineB, at 75 ce,S , er yatd. sold elicbtte.t $1.25 ; All Silk Whitelllu.icn. only 35 cent, per yard ; Vc-iy fine French Flowers at 10 cents. Blaine disavowed having entertained any be lief in the rumors to this effect Thfi President vetoed the bill tor the relief of Michael V Brock, lftteWivatV fCoi D., 10th Tennessee Volunteers. Merrimon presented a petition of D II Hill, for the removal of hi3 clisabili ties. A quorum was obtaiaed with difficulty, and tlie Senate adjourned to Thursday. HODSE. The Army Appropriation Bill 4 was reported. It appropriates $23,000,000, which is $10,000,000 less than the estimate. The joint resolu tion proposing to modify the treaty furnish to Mr. Kerr, in the most form al manner, a certified copy of tne pro ceedings. The clerk was instructed accordingly. Adjourned. St. Augustine's Church, colored Cath olic, was dedicated yesterday. Arch Bif hop Bayley, of Baltimore, conduct ed the ceremonies. Sixteen acolytes, all colored, attended within the sanc tuary. The 10th of September has been fix ed for the trial of the safe burglary conspirators. Mr. Kerr received vUitors . to-day, and ate a hearty dinner. The hourly bulletins have ceased. Blaine continues to improve, and his appetite is good. NEW Y0KK. Railroad Kates to the Wet. New York, June 12 The Erie, Pennsylvania Central, New York Cen tral. Baltimore & Ohio and Grand Trunk Railroads, to-day reduced rates for West bound freight from 75 cents to 25 cents per 100 pounds to Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Buffalo, and proportionate reduction to all Western points. Kates; both coast and West bound, for freight and pas sengers, are now cut terribly. The Grand Trunk and Baltimore & Ohio lines claim differential rates. The For Rent. Apply to TTOUSE with six Rooms. jul3 W It BURWELL. Family Groceries, ALWATS ON HIND, AT T. H. AUSTIN'S. juH To Citizens of Charlotte. MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 Charlotte, N. C, Jan 12. 1876. J 1 a ti,i Loaf nf ffnmnipr is rtneH us. caus- AkJ V r ing the rapid decomposition of animal and vesetable matter, wnicn euiminaies ele ments obnoxious to health and life, and as the City Charter creates an official doty ' to oil oiiava Ws rollars. TriYies. s tables. nti,r .l n ra nf hk( nnaracter to StJCD UW WtUW t I be cUansed and purified at the expemse 1 . U .n.n ay at ftPPliniPr H Tl n inLl V 1ULS MAC iuc w t, i . . w.. r , " , represented to be in bad condition, all citt-roT-i.rtfnll rnnested to so clean and purify their respectlye lots within the fiv og. tVint. thpv mav avoid beine reported for laaintaining, escape the penalty therelor, ana nave iue same icmuTcu expense. at.u nerjnns inplndins railroad cor porations, are requested to remove all stag- ...t frnm thir nrpmiseS- and to de- i;nut r . " - L t Rnntpk thistles, and ailaatnus or tree of Paradise, on their respective lots or ht r TAttYTOrpAlT in the streets. na junnoiuix, jal3 5t Mayor. Removal. TV I3S LOU STEWART, has removed her 1T1 b Breakfast, Dinner ou ei118 KmmAr vmko TaMe Board, S4.50 per week apr22 a .n 1 - ' s N Is xow in NEW YORK MAKING PURCHASERS for QtfR 'J' " -1 l'ili'JJ.k WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING BY EXPRESS NEW and me to defy Competit(offj WJ.: ill h except for commercial pursuits, paes- . . - .......i-j -. vuhn nnv one else, it enables ed. Clymer,-of Pennsylvania, from AS I BCUgnt OW,iw.jmi- rr.ifl'.i ,..-;-..-v. tbe Committee on Expenditures in the WrP-elp'tetfft HM f- report ' in the case of the charge against Speaker Kerivu :The report states ttdt I after a full inquiry intd the facta, ffnd after a thorough examination of Imu ran :e Harney, the only witness mak ing the chatQisO: of Augustus B Green and divers other witnesses, it appears, that in;.186G, while a mem ber of the House of Representati ves of j ihe S9th CongfesSj Mr Kerr aid, in the i--kf aW&t. frrirtwile. nomi- "EffT "IrV TES- (O) J JJ JjSll dLM m nateGreVn for an appointment in the ever: had found no diflaculty m reach- mw v a M - -""i ' ' '' ' ' " ; iM the conclusion that the charge as Trvon Street. with China, giving each government ti thatthewar win be lone near the Charlotte Hotel, lately occupied by reciprocally cdutrol. of immigration, prospect is that the war win g Dr HinBt wncw Bhe willcontouetore- v . J and bitter. nPw and work over. in the most fashionable styles, all old Hair, Drams, comomgn, , ; sc. A U.J ? ' 11 -l Hair of deceased friends or family hair to be kept as a relic, made up in Deauuiui eiyie, and at very low pricas. Ladies flair clean ed and all danrulf remoyed, in a very satis factory manner. Hair Dressing for balls and parties a specialty. junb OHIO. te'. ;m$ept$ Qf Candidates Un changed 'i he a or tu uaroana jjeie gation Arrived CUtciItnati, June 12. Blaine's sick ness has caused great anxiety, and ap pears to have worked against him, in winning the doubtful delegates to his . ,. mi! . 1 1. - Support, xnere seems no urea, m cue x. - 'Ta: Y7a fT,h and . 1 l iu et. -i n,;a resevoir on ice, and the water is as fresn ana original strength of the several parties, sparkiinK M from the Springs, and equal in 1 " 11.. a. v 1 Vx ? , 1 1 si I n: . or cnange lu HiB ugutc iui ui ballot or- progress- in the combina tions. - The North Carolin a delegatio n h as arrived at the Grand Hotel. AT ONE HALF THE PRICE THEY WERE IN THE EARLY' SPRING. New Plaid Dress Goods, REDUCED FROM 50 CENTS TO 33J. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OP - Ladies' Chip and Straw Hats in all Colors, Sundowns and Flowers. New Supply of Ribbons and Trimming Silks, at Greatly Reduced prices. . 1. 3 Saratoga Springs AT CHARLOTTE, N.3C. t-u a vniT fiinPTmB nf th?B celebrated Springs is now open at McAden's Drug tore, ine water is urawu uum uw-- it medicinal properties, april , TRY the new Charlotte Favorite, only cents, or the Btonewall Jackson Cigar, .or 10 cents, at vvaiiiivn dbjuum. m. fmarll Black Worsted Mourning Goods, Gents? Hate, latest Style. Fresh Stock of OlotMng. ALL GOODS IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT WILL BE SOLD aX' THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES-TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES7 . y 'j i 3- ' .-i.s. : -o.i-j i ,fc;ii'.' !).h9 bios' dsidw jonl3 jan4 "