ii ihpo(tilot,s laud on the lop seme sedy ' L ! these were ibe'gift3,of ihe'ods toi "I h ee misers b gift, aMr on ly three 5 if ,Uri j To h ye. to foigetto 4i-jMid tbe .?j;UT, To kve in peril .and iabUter-sveet paiivi And lb en, forgotten, fcq down and die;, re moment of win, whole f eatns of,ram4J Hun rigbt ia rolled to Uiedoorofjlhe,sfcj. To love ? To tit at her feet and ioweep ; v To clinib to bftfrt iifeyoof facein her hair;. " . ' To nettle you there like a babe in its Bleep, . AiiJ, too, iie & Dftte lontjleve it cutf .'.-,. ,1...., . ...(.... .j... t.. lore? 'Tis to suffer. "Lie' close h1 my l.ikeft falr sbip In ; TiaTeavKy darlingi I cried ' Your round anus' , oulreacliing' td "heaveri ror tcsi ;:,. - Make signal5 to death." V : Death came-; ana love aiea. - - To forgci? To forget, ruonut horse aiid clutch sword, , , ; 'fake ship and tuake sail to tha ice prison ed seas : Write books and preach ties,; .range lands, or go hoard A grave JUll &f gold, and bay wja.esj-and. . arms jess. Tltndie, and die cursirg, and call it a prayer! Is earth bnt a top a boy god's delight. To be f pun for las pleasure while man's despair Eieaks out like a wall of the damned through the night?. bit down in the darkness and weep with nxe On the edge or the world. Bo love lies Aod the earth and the sky and the sky and the Eea . ' Seem shutting together as a, book that ia read. Ytl what Lave we learned? We laughed with delight " K In the morning at tchool, sad kept toy ing with all 'J iint'a silly playthings. Now. wearied ere night, ( We must cry for dark mother, her cradle the pall. Ji,ati'!n Miller, in The Culary fur Aitffust. STATE HEWS. Mr. M D Myers, is Town Marshal o Monroe, instead of Mr. J A McCall, who couldn't give the bond, D A Murr, Deputy Sheriff of Cabar rus, left last Friday fo Raleigh, taking .'.ivc prisoners to the penitentiary. All had been convicted of larceny, and the sentences were two and five years. J J Pickard, of Monroe, who recent ly wrote a letter to the Wilmington j'ost, condemnatory of J W Griffin, Micrifl" of Union countynW; wris a letter to the Monroe Enquirer begging Sheriff Griffin's pardon, retracting all that was objectionable in. the commu nication; ?ard premising o-l m ake ail tne reparation in his' power for the harm he haa done. The following is a part of what he wrote to the Posf: "Our Sheriff let a crazy man hang himself in jail in Monroe about two or three months ago, his name was Ste phen Hasty, and .the rata eat part of his eyes out and part of his nose off during the nigbk but it was all right as the sheriff is. i Democrat his name is J W Griffin." The following is a communication in the Concord Sun : .1 tne student of the yadkin miller n spring, constitute; do deent it nec&ssary to 8ayj8prnethiig about the May" walk that was held at the Academy at prospect on the 23 third of June they commenct business at o'clock they all .assembled in the Church airtheringiagof the bell at the Academy' they ail went ut and marcht with the students into the church the queen was Mi88, id nash they crown ed her Lord of all thenrT. Page Hicort made a speech an then they taken Dimier,at the ringing of the hell -at the Academy tires aJtJ went into the church there service was , opened by Jdha Mauney he addresst the Audience on the subject of Education then M S Jar kers band made the best music i ever hard made by a string band then fj.eeches an Composition's next then Mr. T. Wright made the best speech on Education that 1 ever hertt then Btrvices'S Closed at Five o'clock-there was tears shed by the old Folks When ll'cy crend her Lord of all. THE STATE CANVASS. 1 - acarbjron Z is-ou . the. sUimn Jn Johnston. The Petertb Carolina is od oT-4it-tickefy jSt uoipmittee, of Wilmington, w.&s called to in eet ,last. Monday V eveni bgl 'to' ar range for a gTard; ratinCatieme.eting. Concord SJrgAnized Tildtnt and Vanie Club Cveeek.tlt hifsfiOOraewi beta, and thiJolp'wing are thtf fficers Tresjden t Iongomry , .Yice-I'reeidents-fW p in:4f W A Patterwnf-f S IJeatDiiySpcnSta, ries W S emiTWM-&iti&M oodhousef! Treisuterwim- W G DurKftm. Eaa.mrf of the Shelby Banner, announces himself as an independent candidate for the House of Eepfesentatives from Cleave land. -He gives as his excuse that an attempt will lie .made to jjaCk the Com. ty. Convention id tjje interest of .w..i.: t. L. "11,. rA, another man.? It is "especially uufor- Uinnte that a journalist, one who is expected to bg-if. lst tt everake a sup toward breakliiheparty.nrgan iziUion, should Iff .the firnt manti the State to step outsido the-party ranks Riul make a fight on his own -account. SOUTH CABOLINAwKEWS ' The Ilanihui g ; riot la already-Levng used for holUicarVparpoesV0ie . re- groes of Charleston held tilndtgna ' tion meeting, Monday night. The Wilminpton, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad has promptly reduced ment at Mariont-vhto ttoted an addU tional tfll nf 1 1 mil la rn St. at. thn Inwn. 8hin meetinr nn lh 24th of June. . , B - - The body ,ot. a colored. b,oy, about fourteen years1 old, was found otinhe Irack of the Wilmincton Railroad. nuuanmee males irom uoiunouu sun-ri; Qay morning, shockingly mutilated by passing train, one; leg being severed pom the body and the head shocking cot and disfieureoK disfigure dC K.B.Elliott, chairmrii of the Re publican party of South Carolina, has issued a call lor a convention of, "rep resentative men" of the colored race 10 take into consideration what he talis the "unprovoked outrages upon ur colored brethren throughout the 'state, inttv Vho Voan dingersHhat lfreatfti H(s to fi acdount .of tUi -devrjfi "on to Rephblican principles." The meeting is to -take place at -Columbia, 0Q Thursday, the 20th inst. C. RAILWAY, tVOurjiKiKXKNDEHT'S OFFICE. .1 w umington, May 12, 1876 CHANGE OF SCHRDTTT.H!. . "On and after Sunday, June 4, trahjjj - will rua oyer this Eailway as follows : TASSENGEH, MAIL & EXPSS TRAINS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave TTilmington, at , .6:20 pm Arrive at Charlotte, .. , :40am Leave Charlotte, at r. ;-, . i ' 6:30 pm Amvei Wilmington at ; : - 70 am FAST ; FREIGHT a n 1 parswwotpt? DRAINS Tri-weekly Leaves "Wilming ,ton and arrives at Charlotte .Mondays, ; Wednesdays, and Fridays ; Leaves Char lotte and arrives at Wilmington Tuesdays. inursdays and Saturdays. . Jeaye W ilmington, at - - 5:20 am Arrive at Charlotte,. , - - 1 1:45 p m Leave Charlotte at.. 5:20 a to Arriye at-Wilmington, J H:80 p m SHELBY pJVJSION Daily, Sundays ex- ceptea. Leave Charlotte, at - . 7:00 a m Arrive at 8helb&tii -5 11:30 am Leave Shelby; at ' . . ' " I . 1:30 p m Arrive at Charlotte. -' - - 6;0Q p m "'J CONNECTIONS : Connects with the A. & H. Air-Line in unarwtte at 6:40 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington & WeldOn Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia fe Ancmsta Railroad at 6:20 n. m.. and 7:30 a. m 4 ' 1 Papers publishing Carolina Central Eailway schedule ' will nleaae notici changes. '';'.! ' - o u r j.uwuiY, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, may 14 A..T.& 0, Railroad. i - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 -mAJk Charlotte,'N. C. April 8, 1876. p ON and after Monday. Arril 10th, the following Schedule will be run over this road : - gotno kort'tt: Leave- Charlotte. " - C 30 a. m " D College, ; 8.20 " Mooresville. f 8.58 .. Arrive Statesville, . f 10.00 " V GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville. 1 2.50 p. m. " Mooresville, 3 57 " T rV-.ll .rro S A. 9K 4 VJU.Vfc, Arrive Charlotte. 6.20 " ' Trains make close connection at Statesville with Trains over W. N. C. R.R. Tickets on sale to Newton, Hickory, Mor- ganton, Marion and Old Fort. ': All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section: House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations." the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight alter it is uxuoaaea at eitner -p; the above named 'iFlag Stations." . ; . No freight will be received py Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J GORMLEY, apl 8 Superintendent. MBUt Air-Line Eailiay. Richmond & Dakvtlle, Richmond & Danville R. W., N. C. Division, and North Western N. Ci R. W. CONDENSED TIMETABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Jane 4th, 1876. GOINO NOBTH f STATIONS. KAIL. KXPfiEES. Leave Charlotte, " " Air-Iine J'n, 11 Salisbury, " Greensboro, : Danville, " Dundee. " Burkeville, 5 55 a m 612am 8 30 a m 10 58 a m 1 36 p m 149pm 6 49pm 9 5(3 pm 2 15am 2 40 a m 419am 6 17 a m 8 54 a m 9 01 a m 12 45 p m 319pm Arrive at Richmond, jftofNQ south, i 1 STATION8. MAIL, 5 50am 9 00 am 1 39 pm 1 43 p m 4 35 p m 7 01 p m EXPRESS. 1 10 p m 3 54 p m 8 05 p m 8 10 p m 10 25 p m 12 32 a m 2 29 a m 2 42 a in Leave Richmond, Bnrkeviile, ; " Dundee, " Danville ii " ureensooro. " Salisbury, i V Air-Line J'n, Arrive at Charlotte, 906 p nil 9 08 p mj GOING east. GOIKG WEST. BTATIOHS.' L'ye Greensboro. 1 0 55 a m 12 14 pm 3 22 p m Arr 4 20pm L've 2 54 p m L'ye Co Shops, Arr at Raleigh, Arr at Goldsboro. Arr 1143 pm L've 9 15 a in 6 00 pm stations ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leave Greensboro, Leave Co fcbopa Arr t Raleigh, Arr at Goldsboro, 630a rn 10 30 a iji Arr ,10 30am Lve 8 30am Arr. 8 00m 6 07pm 10 5 p iiLye 3 00 p m NORTH WESTERN Nf, C. R. R? ; V", ..' (Salem. Branh.) - Leave Greensboro, ' 4 4 pm An-ive'at Salem, , , 6 45 , ".: . Leave Salem,. v ; , . . 8 15 a m Arrive at Greensboro," 10 S3 " Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 11 43 a m cqnnects at Greensboro' with the Southern bound train ;' making the quickest time to all Southern cities: .Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 8 00 p m, connects with Northern bound trains 1 1 Greensboro for Richmond and all points Ease Price of Tickets same as ya. other routes, r . ' i u r, i Acccjamedatlon Train leaving Greensboro At 6 30 a m connects at G01sbcro with Northern and Southern bonnd;Trains on the t Wilmington and Weldon Railroad I Lynchburg -Accommodation lea Lvnchbura "AccOmmodatioil leave Rich raond at 10.25 a m. arrive at Burkeville 1.45 p, rn, leave-enrKevuie o a in, arrive, air " Express trains will oiilysmate the follow in k stoDS between Kicnmona ana unariotie, Ze Chula; Burkeville, Croyeri Wolf Trap, Ringgold, Dundee, Danville, ! Greensboro, Thomasvflle,r Salisbury and China : Qrove. Tickets will, tberefbre. in no case be Bold to passengers by this train to other, than ' the points inenuoneu uuuve. ; No Change.of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 285 JUfileB.! .f '; tPaDerfthathave anwfiKements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please print as above and forward copies to Uenf Passenger Agent. $ For further information address r rr JOHN K MAUJVliUKLIO. ' i 5 5 Geni Passenger Agenr, Richmond, Ya. Jun6 I (HtEENSBORO :FEMALE -COLLEGE .;3REENSEORO, NC. ' u i o THE Fall Session will begin on Wednes day 23d of August, and; "continue. 20 weeks. '-'i " " ' 1 Board line! naive of washinir and! 1 1. 'Tights) - ?75.oo Tuition in regular ungiibn course For catalogue, apply to Tlei T M Jones, President. N H D WILSON, President Board,of Trustees, ju20 2m I - . 1 r-y - r r.r' " '"' te 4. EN80NStciPiNfc PLASTERS B And Allcck's Porous Plaster for sale at . MeADN'S, - tDrag Store. apr8 THE ' GREAT : SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWIEH ; CBaBLOITI aad ALL PflmTS ; NORTH an! JAST. ' i '. : : 1 .:,-.-. i;.:- ,! . : . , . . - CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Coltjmbia, S; C.j January 3rd, 187G. I1HE CHARL.OTTE.' COtUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in Mr.i.h'm 1 the BOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and JtfKLJiSTON Pre8enta to Shippers inaawiTJs, AiSiJ AlJNti THIS lilJN Ka ( OJN , thk MAN Y ADVANTAGES of the GMAT SODTM With the AS3TJRANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as! by any other line that bids for their business. ; For rates, classifications and all information, A. POPE .M.General Freight Agent, 0., O. & A. E. K., Columbia,' S. C. JOHNSTON,.... .Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, N. C. ,W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, jan2 WILLIINGTON Fast Freigll BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE;., Tuesday and Friday, at 3 PM. AND FRClf WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Route to all GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all points in North aud South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Liverpool, Glasgow, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Linen connect at Wilmington with the WilmibitoD, Colombia & Augusta Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway aad Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. ISO drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington feouin. j&aies guar anteed as LOW aa by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For fnrther information, apply to either of tne undersigned Agents of tne Lane. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. r . ULi DE & CO., Geq'l Age. New Xork Line, 6 tfowlmg ureen, JN. 1 . 1 A. D.CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore aad New York Lines, Wilmington, N. C. '" if. i VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Iransportation of -freight, Irom WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN- AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEV1LLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, arid WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. J : iirsTJK-AjrNrosi jjstid rates GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA TIIMIE AS . QIQE. . - . . ; INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO f ' F W CLARK, JNO G YOUNG, - Soliciting Agent C. C. septSQ,., HUBS, SPOKES AND RIMS fRHEmndersigned ofFer for sale- their en is -tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs, Bpokes and Rims, the machinery being all ' . . y . f xl I A. new, ana pnrcoasea ior casii, 01 tne oest makers in the United States, will be sold at a great sacrifice, including 40 H P Engine Shafting, Belting, Ac. ' ' For terms, apply to T W Whisnant, at Carolina Agricultural Works, or by. letter to the undersigned at Welford, 8. C. ; ' - PS, WHISNANT & SONS. septZLtf , City Tax Notice. IN pursuance of the advice of counsel, I am directed by the Finance Committee of the Board of Aldermen, to notify all per sons residing in this city, to return to me at pnee all of the following Stocks and Bonds held or owned by them on 1st Monday in February. 1876. to wit : C, C. A. E. R. Stock; N. C. R. R. Stock ;A C, C. & A. R 11- Bonds, IN. U.K. K. .Bonus; Atlantic and N. C. R. R. Bonds and Nation al Bank Stock. F NASH, i jn!14 City Treasurer. Saratoga Springs , a ! , AT . CHARLOTTE, N. C. , BRANCH : OFFICE of these celebrated . Springs Is now open at Mc Aden's Drug Store,! ' The water is drawn from - block-tin resevoir on ice, and the water is as fresh and sparkling as from the Springs, and equal in it medicinal properties, aprll'. I, U: Ice Cream. A' 1 it. d: m. kIGLlEK takes tnis metnoa or cau- 0 XUK Hit? BbtCUIlUU V biXV Jummw gviivitM- ly to the fact that his wtKAM SALOON, wilt be opened or tbseasoOk on Monday 15thv-f. ' , , , mayl4 v, "'' I " " 1 Its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at the of COTTON. AND THE MERCHANTS of 1 OF RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE- j call on the undersigned, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, K. G. : NORTE CAROLINA LINES SEMI-WEEKLY. Points South and East. . NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line ; from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. SSI., AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAYS audSATXKDAYS or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Fall River and other Eastern Cities. ALSO - Bremen, ANY COMPETING LINE, AND Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N; C. ,D., Charlotte, N. C. T T SMITH, X Agent C; C. RailWayV Charlottei ; CIGARS f CIGARS! I WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 I , . . AM Manufacturing Cigars of the very I best i material, and have nothing bnt the very best Cigar makers in my employment Satisfaction guaranteed. . :i : WALTER BREM. marll ! E. J. Allen, HAS jnst received a splendid lot of Fine ! Stone Rings, Fine Gold Bracelets, Ladies Gold Sets, front Buttons, Sleeve Buttons, &c, ju25. Mrs. BEASELY, ' j i- . : - (FORMERLY OF CHARLOTTE ) IS prepared to antertain her friends, and such guests as may desire to patronize herj Boarding House, at 815 South 19th street, Philadelphia, daring the Centennial exhibition. Terms, ?2.uu per aay. mayl7 tf J A. XLUOTT, j.V Formerly with. WJ Black? J W UMLXT. . . Late of. Americas; G. EW M; ani. EW GOODS. ELLIOTT & REL1LEY, GROCERS akb LIQUOR DEALERS, 'TTTILL keep constantly on hand a com plete Stock of Goods, to which the trade are invited. , Quality, guaranteed, nd prices as reasonable as any reliable establishment in the city. -' nov5 stairaxts. ' I iti Jr Alexander CHARLOTTE, K.C., Below Tryon Street M. E. Church. rilllE building has recently been thorough A ly refitted and renovated, and the Pro prietress, Mrs Dr A W Alexander, is prepar ed to accommodate permanent and transient boarders. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. MRS A W ALEXANDER. DR. A W. ALEXANDER. TntiL haa his office in the Alexander House, and will be pleased to see his old customers and new ones. Dental work will be done at rates to suit the times. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. feb!7 t : St. Charles Hotel, STATESVILLE, N. C. Otho M Barkley Proprietor. This House ia most eligibly located : newly furnished, and possesses ac commodations unexcelled by any House in the8tate. Breakfast and Dinner House at the Depot. jan22 , MANSION HOUSE GREENVILLE, 8. C T HIS house is located on the Air-Line Railroad, abont midway between Char lotte and Atlanta, at the terminus of the Greenville & Columbia Railroad where tourists may stop and enjoy the comforts ol a first-class Hotel, recently renovated and refurnished. CALNA N & ROATH aug314Jm Proprietors. PRIVATE BOARDING, YARBORO HOUSE. SOUTH Elm Street, Greensboro. N. C. One square from Depot. Unsurpassed accommodation for Traveling Patrons. B. Terms $1.60 per day. septl2 eod 6m MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS! Watcher, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. 8PECTACLES, AC. J WILL SELL A GOOD WEIGHT CLOCK for $3.50, and everything else at prices to suit the times. I will pay the highest Cash Price for old Gold and Silver. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, re paired and warranted for 12 months, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Carolina Jewelry Store. jul!2 Charlotte, N. C. SAMUEL (JROSE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DEALER IN SASH, Glffiiaiillliilazei, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, NEWEL POSTS, WALNUT RAILING akd BALLUSTERS. EVERY DISCRIPTION OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND SOLD. feb25 MACKINAW A NICE LOT OF MACKINAW STRAW HATS, OF THE LATEST STYLES, JUST IN BY EXPRESS, AT ALEXANDER'S SHOE and HAT STORE TRADE STREET. may20 Attorney and Counsellor at law. CnARLOTTE, W. C. OFFICE In Dowd & Sims' New Build- ing, Up Stairs. ESTABLISHED 1841. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION, BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF BANK VAULTS & DOORS. ALSO TIME LOOKS. HERRING & CO., 251 & 252 Broadway. New York. 56-60 Sunbnry St, Bosten. may23 eodZm ; TRY THB FAMILY FLOUR. 4 RMMILLER&SONS, jal9 . - ... 1 , 1 Htmae, 0! ear Dib Balk Sides, fME SMOKED SIDES Ui SHODLDEBS. Snjar Cnre3 Hams and Breasts, At LOW riGC&KSjTO THC TKADK. JOHn V7. HALL CO., COLLEGE STREET, NEAR TRADE. : may7 - ' ' ' Latest Publication ! "THE LAND OF THE SKY' ADVENTURES IK MOUNTAIN BY-WAYS - bt cnmisni &in, AUTHOB OF "A QUKSTIOJf OF HOXOS," C. AC. FOa SALS AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL NEWS STAND, also- DAILY. AND WEEKLY PAPER, AUD . i MAGAZINES. may31 -H JCJCLjOJujL CANNED GOODS &C, &C, 2 LB. CANS FRESH MACKEREL, SOMETHING FRESH & GOOD; 2 and 3 LB. CANS FRESH PEACHES, TOMATOES, TROPHY SUGAR CORN irf?2 LB. CANS, almost equal to S green CORN. CORN BEEF, DEVILED HAM, LOB STERS, TONGUE and TURKEY. SOME VERY FINE CREAM CANDY CHOCOLATE, BURNT ALMONDS, CRYSTALIZED FRUIT, &C, THE BEST in the MARKET. ORANGES, LEMONS and APPLES. THE BEST SODA CRACKERS IN THE CITY. FOB BALE AT D. SI. RIGLER'S, Two Doors beiow 1st National Bank. may5 B. If. KILLER A SOBS. JJfO. M. LEAK. MILLER & LEAK, Tobacco Manufacturers, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GOLD-BASIS, NONE-SUCH, HORNETS' N K3T. jull Hurrah, !?5?iah, Hurrah. THB LATEST STYLES -1 F 1 5 RAW GOODS,. cMsiixa or MacHnaw, Canton, Texas, Ma Panama Lrisr-u 1st , and a fine assortment of FELT 5 SILK HATS, JLVT RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE CHEAP, AT J. A. YOUNG & SON'S. Call as they are going fast jall2 Rejoicing News. LADIES AND GENTS, N honor of "00) XEB'S" nomination for Governor, I will sell for the next three days, 2000 yards more of Calico, at 6 cts. per yard. ' : DAILY ARRIVALS Dry & Ciotbing KEHARKABLT ';CSEAP,: LOYNS' STORE. SEASIDE RESORT. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, iBEAUFORT, N. C. JUNE 1st to OCTODER 1st Many New Attractions UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT . .... ... , : : v, 1 . . ' ; Save time by addressing . . J. M. SUBLETT, B RASS, COPPER, ZINC A TIN OILERS. Largest stock that has erer been brought to this market. , . For sale cheap, two doors abore Stenhouse, Maoaulay fc LoM at the re tail store of . ' ;-.. ; BREM, BROWN A CO. FURY, the -new Charlotte Favorite, onlr ' A -cents, or the Stonewall Jackson Cigar lorxu cents, ax WALiTiut juuui'B. marll VERY LATEST8TYLE i . - - or 1 v 1 JUST IN AT THE STORE OF , J AYOUNG&SON. LATEST ARRIVAL OT . j s ttfi litiyi'l r. s -. t .. -V. J5i'.-!ii.I !!'" NEW GOODS J. S. PHILLIPS,- MERCHANT TAILOR and DEAUiliJX GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS remoTed toone of tbe New Stores under the Central Hotel,Trade 6t,and is receirin r his "Winter Stock of Goods for Men's Wear, I and will make viiem up at short notice In the most fashionable man-" ner, cheaper than the same onus of Goods baye eyer been offered in this market.1 .- OfW Shirts a SjecMti. Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deUy-t ery, as I am compelled to do a cash busiaess. J S PHILLIPS. . OCtl7 t ' " - ' ' ; ' SLATE ROOFING. STOWSON, haying permanently lecat , ed in Charlotte, is fully prepared t put on Slate Roofs in any part of the adja cent country. . , , MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS A SPECIALTY. AH work guaranteed. Prices Reaaoaakl.' Shingle Roots taken off and relaid wiik 3 SLATE, when desired. Orders will receiTB promptattentioa, wbm addressed to P.O. Box 118, Charlotte, V. O. feblO-tf. S0METHNG NEW CHARLOTTE A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED. rpHE Undersigned begs leare to inform Lawyers, Clerks of Courts, Principals ef Schools, and the public generally thai he has opened a BOOK BINDING ESTABLISHMENT In Charlotte, at the Store on Trade street adjoining Dr McAden's Drug Store, when he is prepared to do all work in that line, in handsome style and reasonable rates, and in connection with whieh he has a splendid Slock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, All new and at greatly reduced priees . Paper hanging a. specialtjr. - Soliciting a. share of your fayors, I am, . .. , Very Respeotfully, " 71 kOELLSCfl, , : : Formerly .Book. Keeper: at W A JL- CHARLOTTE . - Ji ... .. .. , . T... , . Cedar Grove Dairy. .11 PERSONS and Families ean be supplies' ' nItU r.u uul ' f.U UilV AlmA Jkm . num' uv uno iMUfwwm j. e; morning and evening at their doors. Or-. . -. aen mrouga ut jtosk man wiu umprvmf tly attended to. H M SOSSAMUlf. HMSOSSAMC raprl'' miTK NEW REMEDY. Merrill's ! sieat ' Antebitious presoriptten "Hepatine" or Vegetable layer Medieine ferki. Dyspepsia, eryousueaaacne,uonupaHeer -, BiUioua Attacks.; Heartburn, Jauadlee, Chronic, Diarhoea, Sour 8tomach,;XeeiI 9f. Appetite, and all diseases arising frpmia-, ordered Liver. For sale at , , , ( (... - )lc AVER a - apr8 j Dtug Store.- "Ty INDOW GLASS, Putty, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Tanners Oil, at UCAUJUt janU Drugstore. Cot M XXX9XL, A AVMATf JACOB M. MENDEL A CO., . ' . j uAMxrwxcrmMXM or C I G rAit 8 wiouuli sunm n . TOBACCO, SNUTP, PIPES, AC. ' TRADE STn CHARLOTTE, N. C. , . TRADERS' HATIOHAL BAM, OF CHAEHlTTB. i B)ARD OF DLBECTORS : , I ': Johjt E Bbowv, " Jemi W WitstroM 4 j Auuur Macavxat, v--- BAZTKB H MOOBXr i V QJoinoi,-,.-, t , Ho-WMBHrr Rort I McDowbjv Pnixxir ScHznrt- ; 8 P 8 KITH, D r CAjnro. OFFICERS t S P 8 kxtb, President; R I MgDowdx, Ti.' i.-t :: ' I President ; ON G Butt, Cksbler, r,i - -jaaxo L J i.x ? i -irlt i. f Boarders Wanted I k.Mnow prepared io aceommouate a few1 Regular Boarders. ' Location conveeieat if to business part of the city. Tenet $1X9 per week. W M CSOWELL, 4ul7 . In Iff Ml u !- .V fi f - M ; i n if V

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