' f I: 1 A. aim n i v 4 BJCHMOSD DAHYILLB KAILROAB. Mail nd passenger leaves arriyes Throagh express leaves ; arrives Freight and passenger leaves, - - , - arrives, 5 55 a to 9,08 p m 2.15 a to 2.42 a to 7 20 p to 2.05 a p .ATLAVT JOOHXOIOI aib trk? I If all andpassenger leaves, - I JS.42 a i F t-". t arrive, . -2,10a 'Freight and passenger leaves, ' 7 30 a t arrives, 6.Wpt Mail and passenger leaves 9 40 p P 4 .l&a m! A 00b m I Freight and passenger Tn Tb. A Hat. Freight and passenger arrives, Mo., Wed AFrii j Western Division leaves ;arriyes 11.45 p TJ0O a 6 00 p to arrives. 6.20 pin Bf one of the accommodation trains niert- LOCAL HIPPLES. . . , i A UttU sparring between lawyers atj mf.i. iA4 .,, Ment;iLui was invited to address Grange at Black Jack'XJhm-'dij JS, TQ. prevented him from.acceptme. v, 1U ! : iAiiJri? v'v.t?" i j a i'. U vve cive up : on id watermelons i r r v i w ' " Monday, ; jrJa-.v-.i,..4i j--",'da I si UrtaeMnoto'TiiTW lilLV I MMTItliai -'Hll'IHIlllPr TllinilHIUBH OttiaViiai to-day. Are you quite sure" your name is not on the list.,. . t T l I f i I i the Hornet' Nest Biflemen, inspires us :T . 1 t n a 7 ca rnnitv. cboum ai. (wwj: m our city, anaa wormy ciuzen, iox ltflbtjwl o.uu a m I tfened in the above, run onBnnday, andthb t4re gould be a pair of bright eyes 4 we jrndthiiwu BundlrZSSIlroT the the bottom of it;!we would not be surf them: Take apiece of board sixteii AtlaiiWTenbeswse&OhioEailroads. nrised. P. 'A "A I X A O M i iiieativbn&''&h6 vh&kiiml$m 1 .! Mi" rt ,Tham,it'ir(uneih leweryayv I I ''.'. .o . - ...,'fi (.. n ,.i'-'rfT')l.:ttf 11 .j-hotrfTj.-ii sisai lli-f: bna' ,n a KiinAaijnn spni M rr:Trrr--?r:'yr!'-'r - -1 can oeaveun meJBoramg ana; reuurt i n:ynt ., ni'vr-T i uoiiiihomatoo'wi th& health of the city waa irieVer bjtte the same dayiiT ."-air)'! ; ; y - - :r m-T when the Wilminclnn S&ar ravr tViAtl "f ".-.fT VV4w of interest: , - , Vnr dered off the market on.Mondav.v ,J.e, I ' 4 1 A dub df uJiearum with martial zeal, apd we begin to think ,T. v zlT. n A-TTlri T. ! rl , tJ . rxlarithaAatw'afitlWlaii tht6 tanil&h 'bicabli ftulpaltri iL J I.. The 8oth CaroUna ptpelrs'tfcmaue to speain. ihehighert . terms ;o Carolina Military Institute, which h heretofore- been' Ja'tromzeci extehslVefy A young man who went tg Jbjoni very late one night hot long since, hav uig fciade-: bdvefal ibdfW tempWd that matches were not as good as they Returned. l .Mr L.Vanlairham.iirMl family have returned frotn, yis tt0:$heeljpr tives of Mr. V.,- in Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. T. J. Jackson and daughter' Miss Jie now jn p h city drom a sojouWt"'Cottage Home, Lincon counr. Crdp ltfiKeckleabnrg. . The news corned to taSjtpm all paiti of the i cdunUy, that (tfieirpp8i are in fine condition. . Cotton has suffered very litlie ak yet from the drought,, and and. com haa yet-timd!mAtare. 1 The . rains of the past few days seenirU4tb 'have infused new , lifei into Tegetatioa generally. i ,Jor;ip:;wi iniii everyday, istb newwest sheet rbHahv ed Western Carolma. iHa-kUtge eolumn. johOi and is very cheap. Now w the tune to make u -ourlubBrT r.i Mm v oa vuijr v'Vaj per unnum ana our carqr- paign -rates are ; even o cheaper, thah that, ,KZ'AL-',t. in -ilO-oiooaa Engtoe ..Repaired. ,i ).:.! v m The engine of thePioneer FiWCoin pany, which has been in tbe machine shops of the Mecftenburg Iron Works for somemejfor jpairgwaslfinisjd, yesterday eyemng.djwj.bftjon the streets to-day. It lias.Jieen jSupplied witn;kn entire rset 'oTnew flriesrTd is thought to W Inrai ate WMdiFte- 'der. '. . Ur!0 Via n fTfTfftTnnf Waifn I aiHnDur8 in return ior. ft naua.aozen 'fMm AtMlill All dlllUAjlUelons uMWtoffrm& As the festive moBauito has betrun AQreenil&rVTdtmf:' Ciw t ..i. lt . , . - . authority. : of thiMStoiWc th le6f -W. biLea&rlya is left in a room at night, aioti a moBj quito wUIbe f6dnd 'there in thfhorn2 Our cbrrae . hat Mr Max welliWarJick.JDfJ few dayBfroi?fee4nl Sinl fSSir cane. All four pf them died about ai hour'ifteif hlSSSA iV, an us to warn n stock. raiaeraA and ifarm ers against allbwmg their cattle to f feed upon the young cane. . iuga m uaaton county, we etatea mat Crowdef'f Iouritain:Toilahh had.de clared fotCol, ; wfo.Unate, It should have been 'James Beid, Esq, and ndt'Coi; foWlCJhe?ryviireowny ship did not instruct her delegates on this tUatfCol. nSl h'as'fotrr1 out:of fiye of ,teAtOYnghipa$iajtrp;ctedrto Tote; for him for the House.. ,,,, ,.UaI0d Th following T.tbf sang of the J therniometerj estdayy fttrlherdrug M., 82 v. ., - . 1 In our report, yesterday, of a case bfe- ffiian ocaoiilf nn a. rilnred inrLWP ilk. advertently committea an eiroasig the name of Mr-Bjnn.-The proper : Ir: ITT. 7X3"- ii.'tmeiQiiiaa pmjmjis ij uus cnlMrAl man We therefore anoloc to.Mr Braurv.who The Carolina ( HoeAmon. .mentions ir, the arrival of our fellow-townsman, Donald Macaulay.: in s that burg. Ab J the cotton business is down to zero fliifel nowikactlywXallffacyd there at this timefa one of those things j which flo fellow can( find out; but if Vance aad Settle lu Htatesvllle uage Settle have .1 i: wji,yevini ndtbeiL column. speak in Statesville on next Friday, the 11th, and we hate nd do&bt but that a large numDer from ' this city and along Republican' ta ora at This Tiiaf TMrT- lio I AtUUIlVIMia V. VA1JO A1BW1VV a meeune at Monroe U)-aav. w raiuy w f 8EEVKE will tryi andliavb,'. ahfe6oTterl ! ' . . . . . i v,as ywso w.ux.;4tiL i nuclei auu Mi"iiiuiiun b- uauci ww lax. luu- i The summer CstBsaef tne Man irFm ... l,y . Ja.l J ill JI J .(l iluHm.Ml W1 w"u VPP u" int? thfrstreets with a flowlfli? dusler 1 oldJr! ' i j Jr ,! Tnl! , , ... , . . . . ueausoi persRfrMafln.Ii9ispa on nis iace ; ne ieeis ior nis nanaxercniei, ou reaches for the nether end of his coat tailyesika .-twjst jukL ottruh-ltlis" plays an ropen-back shirt in the opera- Upnanjd ; proves ion. ,v . , lI r .iH'.l J Dramatic. On yesterday morning a witness waa put unonthe standrto show cause why ne wished to nave certain nnrtiea hnnnd I . : - nvAr tn eah tliA natA TTa ra ktall I TrT-jr. ,vf . T T fTv - y'AT) tneairiaai iaoKmirBenuemaiT. amnwiam he stepped on the witness stand, show ed signs of emotion. Hesproceeded in an excited manner to state his reasons, then suddenly began to amie his ease,; jaod4 befoi the-presidmg1 MfeflWatfe icould interfere, he had bound the par- pies over to Keep tne peace nenceiorui and forever. One of, the counsel com pared him to the king in a tradegy. B.iryi AreeiUd I'll Z II fJ now beiriBhipp't'pit m Maine, from : -'n. .lea oneSadr-Line lallrCaJLrjt 'iths eulphateT of bimom, h' hear-" -. cCtheeta! andis used n the -.al:it" :n-bf..Tift"3ed-nd $ugjr,f TLe 'gektl, . JJarlwho tWking ihe SanieraVBay found atvooten'exceda in purity that founaln kriy othet locality in the tJnited States. He r shipai , fdttul;twp ! .'. .... ii , .jiiini -jti if r Mecklenburg' Bank milii' Still Current fi 'of nieronsrr r selling the bulkof the load he j-D!oftAwnz:iWhen-utine tance they1 told- hmt they wottiq carry them the rest of tbe way themselves and Ihan'deUhima nve1 dollar' bill in pay i iTVt' ltl" I - ill II. f j 1 1 ilim"a five ment. He gave them 1 four dollars in cnge,mM.wrfoulId five doilotoXra th4xbaaiA TtT enburg in:return Jbra half-a-dozen niai nauco, ' Jin. :- l)yiiWi message cametto two youpg,Wera:n&;flhlt t their sexviceii Weri.T'mtilv needed about 12 miles in he country jto plead the case of a colored mdiyidual who hid unfortunately gotten0 hi'to trouble inlconnectiih'Witk 'a httle' madf ers of theeak? aTrivd,they fotrnil Ih'e L.i xi --i-.i nG-vi'tT blacksmith; jahop.JKWaitmeflieir arrival. Seats being scarce a 1 I . . . 3 j 5 V tne anyii,ianti- :nasauviaer piacea one end of aJ bpatf m a W&ek, of the wall, and jalt joti Wfieulaffwene concluded, the $ occupant of the anyi Uitochedjbrth in a strain of suchstedge1 posing counseL induc.ed.the amiable life, and that he,-, (the justice,) per petrating a fearlul outrage against jus tice and the laws of-tbe, Sute. With smiles of satisfaction thev received their feef-two waermelofasrleft,.UrttT:. ing in the city about half past eleven o'clock at nighfcn OS J J03 brt'todiaij5r: t will give the namea?orarfef post offi At -6 o'clock, A. M.,......73 i ces where' tills paper circulates, select- In.. 7i!l!iWMra'1 1 edttrsMtfi IMVfifi. II' w,tIP w aa -m i ill 3CJ-AA t '- . . jthe monMaatdouiof Hayes kfcOT Qtt of yny'.fcoimtry frrrn DpvAaokowrthaMd Afte met a party of negroes, railroad hands, what he had left, provided hewoulg, justice YTtr TO;i"wTOnQt ghiltr, had never stolen any thing in his ii Has" mcf eV&l am irrfifcfy 1 f cula tioo within .the past jmonth"&r-8o;od" mailing book fcXe Steieavil.e iiteerid aspe, t-wha St-linn m''': Wjf&L! P?n.mii- nr,... ltmIsdh egfclCjITTO Sweet KomeJ2(fihrrm,aFoirdt-li 01 WiM rtHff n?f 8 the wttoIb estate orKorttiUkroTina, Desides . ', .nui h.mi iaitl -J&t- I inn lariBS n luuweri uiuv. - iruiod Quite a number of Charlotte matrons are mrxmeriDg atifptkirt hisiJiow, of course, ve have grass wioer'f flftfyx MlVPS members can stop playing checkers long enough wit! Wect imikb &'WeWm& 1)blHlberfbre Jahd' after nenatehe,nrx DVJ UU1 V(T AW IT 111 W WVVU VMM W VM4 cesucpntain;iQ same .nmperi sqjuace, wcnes. .. . iKsna - As -soon as the above problem hi MiiWtM soiv,rBil MM hat the victorious mathematician fig ure pJItiJOlvQfiOrr'fiie fes xen Death of Cel. E. W. Jones. --- J " " " wu;wki u :rwuuuv-iniMuwmt 7 7C rTKi .trrri of the State. He lias represented his nntv ho TaunoiotnH mVmW nf vrvuuv v u vu ivii,uiiuAv w iiuiuiiv ui lie movements of nisimerand was one most trusted landmarks, of .a 1 r if. r m i . T I genuoauif isriast paMngmway. He had attained a ripe old age. and after spending-a-Ufe of much useful neaalvaaiaBed tofKti j4 WliaAvMifil . U'iff'tl. .f.ifii ,1 Jli irk Ti -lor.aii ii im w(irn. i nfi sumrnnn wm nra unexpected, for his health hadbeen in a precttfrous tJbhditiori tor some time , . jKi.LAlliiAia.J uuk auu naa nu uuuut icituv ij I c m.uj, tH()!L47. UOOU A J JH .r. .i.S 1 .7. -!aMH T;j iJi drifB mCiatHi Trktre-Want a tA'd': We learn from a friend inJaston courlbat despite aN.drbpghtCQf 42 dayU qiBtwrwill makfiiirtrh I to all theae-wno have faithfuny-delved I. , .,r trms 'oJitii7. f-x UtH'rttA. "ti Zmmh&l'&ti Kly ylWlMcidncJ of grain for i2trL- JL'lk?. . me pmijterH m inat section, DecausQ oi . 'j.K. .e; iu.Tji.L.'.. . ..... neintensny oi tne arougnv in mat h cality ; butcth tbekfilheg and South western portiorif., the yield will be am ple encagbj trjoiupW IbedelHericy in the neighhprhoo-pfi1!) iQit. The cotton crop promises well, and if the season cwtwuesfavorable, will ehaWe the farmers t&iud&ii .expenses, and have a little left over for Christmas be sides. The crops in the neighborhood of Long Creek are particularly fine Trade has been very good all sum mer, and promises to be brisk, when the business season fairly sets in. Everybody is alive for Vance, and i some prominent man would set the ball in motion, a large rnd influential club, capable ef doing great good in the campaign tnaj now , op mb, would loon be) orgAdfed. iVeibbpe . a JH I tnat uaston.wiiL not uuiseroain-i 11W actixl, Mic eh t4reVy som kcW deeJ fdf organized forces, to rout the enemy in . - - "". tne approacning connict. The'CourB. alAiOO-I Il'l'5IO' ' r a j j ... was. up. lor, cLninkeness . and - ais coridhoU tradlfirief itADCtf of t( ne suomittea in Dotn cases, ana was fined$5aoctFWtIof:at5ll Mfcnlrf i K BeyrlMMwdon and McI)thM:LGJoa& iuVft pece warrant against F.AMcNinch, Jas A Johnston and Bobert Smith. After I i J X" a "a a. - V A aiw. aeciaea ii)jitvsanot3uiMenf w sus tain the cotffcMftVel&djo to State vs C C KMri defendant waived ah exanu.tten,varAd:wa8iibcArnd:, crrej to Court iatthe m,of fp 'eii'cfi i i'n,L.'k- . ir-tal.. 3.i!"-lari --jil Li 1 r istjorvj mtce9 aiaon, ana jucvgnai Hro of th he parties engaged in the af itift :i rfe&ri BrtmWMdl frav'wft JameftrL iJn,pwee,g)eforefJutnir dictment of Smith against 4 ones iae as-- sauhpliatidl hdlterrfi IlTie.-eTider$e'1oT Smltn was substantially the same. aj. thalnveointneepotft of b& auray-inn the daily edition) Uamble'SStore 'll. - - . F - .. t V ...,.-,,J..' KaJ flrH Trtn Afl wa . a rvnro noii-irkf aw viim- 4ftfa"hd beat any :i(the:artilipants. In ftiit, it appeara ltTroml-of4h evi- his d son:fShille Kiitol jdivs Sktnith rush towards Jones, but no one Saw the nisfcolln the hands of Jones except Snvnf4JiCs who renched : it from him as soon as wafle" ofcili heard Tofaea tb rlf heard Tofiea thrfealeii wuim y Bjr tuiyuiing TO, 11 Mil p re vi nns to his rushing; ti Joneaisvith jctenched nsts, except Smith himself. Smith tes tified that the pistol wag drawn by Jones before he (Smith) rushed at' him but WMtootpresemedlo XA'itA u.ir.iu Jones was bound over m a, sum nf 1200 to appear at the next term of the Superiora J?Ourt ThftLcns,Qf excited. good deal of interest. Prot Canghman b Lee turer The lecture tjf 'ti gentleman, on evening.. Jrrofessor vauehman opened ; his " re marks by showing Cation, based upon bn sdund woral prinf ciples was, to the happiness, well being moral education has been, is, and ever will be, the great builder up and sup porter of nations, citing numerous ex-. pires, which, after having attained the sumilf;grep4,aiesatid!lht eight of civilization anu prosperity naa sunn; step by step into the . whirl pool of psjoo?ncaime .tfetada-idrrUiftrcjn Hpt "ftttBff Court House lasV; evening,-- and enlightmenolf, mankind. He rfctrWPwepfea'waykrf)o thgsiC abysfeCbf ? time, because the great influence of moral and rplicrinns frlnon.firn Vinrl r.Ans- ed to be mflrTkJranHICiald IfiltlOTUlT C!tt,lffttet- fast our country was following in the iftfityokftPS ft ?e&nalinnttay Jin geiii eral diffusion of edication, based upon sound morals,Mlughotit!jthe rrttfe country; and that it specially behoov eHhe;youjlg'.meli ofltheidiy.'to 'beritlr places of those who would soon rest who now. occupied seats in the high places of the nation. Prof. Caughman then stated .that he was aiuhoxized to recejve donUons,- Columbia, S. C; an institution dedi cated to the education of iho'chpirte'ii of South Carolinians, who had lost their liyes in the late war, and that he hoped all those present who felt selves able, would contriLute some thing torpid in, the advancement of t causfawottUy. Th4udienee though 8 mall, responded liberally, something quite unusual at lectures in Charlotte. We regret thatwaidt of i apace compels us tobQbrief...,,, .,,r Non-ialr8fe.XThiB id afflictions to destiuctive objth to business and pleasure "arise from vtaat wbtbid condi tion of the body which is relieved by an atiaaifeWtl IdM rf hkAH Vegetable Fills. Try them, they will do you good. Com p. px. Corj d alls :.:;! 1 1 ' 1 . : 1 ' I -1,,.,.! , I i , t ' ( Sores which are, St auuovine.ta the f- flicted, - " ' ' 1 " ' 17 r' PROOF. Cateell's Vi Roads. Tean l . ) DwmberrfcJW'iH ifestrs Greene, Lindky terMey : ' mult i o fvnJBiu x- Bvr airw or tried anything that came up to your Com p. XftPprydaiis. Wy. opinion ,is,;,Af,Biy pae una uiu our,eif iua it can i, cure uey nao Det tef tft'dofctdring.V Yonr" oVt servX1 ; iqafoiq -.H l,-. , , ' J f WILLIAMS. aogtiV ia TO . t DyBpepai.:: .d.u--r! ff?s-:iai.l Americana ira'iiaiiti(Hiliirl nhtcKi: in t-kla disease and its effects : such as Soar Stomach. Sick HeaiJtecbe.flabi))kCosttvensa, Heart burn, mteriraah,cJnjg:un of the ifood wwavv. a-j .aa a.a, leaglCvWiq. UUW Ul UtC mouta7, pftlpitatlOD Aftfr rt and ilj dia eaises of th:8tomach and Ltver.' ' Two' doses or Ureen's Aognst Flower will relieye yon at once, and there positively is not a case in the United aSlAje itill OaUW6,H yoo dothittifjarDruggisahltft C.nrnd ger8stirttfia"Bottlri&r TOcents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. .LY.UOilL-) HT.f: Vital weakness or depression : a weak exhausted feeling, no energy , pr courage: the' result Of mental over-work Iudescre Uonsor excesses, or some drain upon the liviroratea th svatfehi. al t 'aJJ f ... VLri! i .1 ??. "2" Itrength and eheffify- fejuvenates the entirS ) men Beeir Wed 20 years with perfect success , by thousands. Sold bv dealers. Price $100 Der anuria vial j or $5.00 per package of five vials "and fc2.00 vial of powder. 8ent by mail on receipt of Drice. Address HUMPHREYS HOME. OPHATlCnMEDlClNHCOlftjfANyjai BROADWAY, HTY0kK. i mays ERWIN BOUSE, L P EE WIN, Proprietor i KUTHiSF6yDT6,! n! c: ' RateaHlO, per, day-f 7 , per; . keek4 $20 U 1UUUUI, J -.! iJnl27 lm 11T! t't' ' ' '. i m y swirl .TmCJiiu I'.-ii iTT s' -I! L PRODUCES. Baltimore Oats dull and weak; South ern prime; 34a6.t! Bye steadyJ.iPiOTisidds arid lard ancbanged. Coffee unchanged. lV.,l8-rionr dull for Ml blades ox- cebtmedihn fall extrttf."' Wheat firitr-1 Nti ' fM red fall I:l7ft'es1.ii 1.17 bid; Angdjtt .Ifi'- L 7' " 4 Corn steady and unchanged: Not 2 niixedi 42aJ cash. Oats fiuner: Ncy-2 SO, bid fed .rt 1. 10. Pork dull at 19,25. Lard firmer at ! With, bulk doll and iioininah'Tid olterhies.1 f Bacon aaiei'ShouWer 81a j; clear rib ad siwr Btues vsa, ftuu Avgaxi. auks inacure. Cattle unchanged. I ; ' " Cfll lvl. r- New York Firm; sales 1,472 ba!est 12 12 eeklyi pjefe seqttlptrlgrosa 428; Bxpttrfit -Ad A Grtaf BriUitf ?at.l90r'.'to France 4,763: to, the .confinerit 20(5; 9,250; slot: Baltimore Quiet- and firm; - mid - 111; lfbck 1,372; weekly rit jtjctyptijn gross 23$. sals 1,121; spinnefSW tilSdYtl to Great BnlataSj&.exMftwisftlJ 5VPattaMe1pllaflrBti kltfwttlljrMei talaOdi, tc'A bna rffMKtm.ii lis ot rfcrti r. New Orle'aiis-S'tron nld lll; low mid 108; good ordinary 91; stock 44,656; nete eeiptsSOTTsrTrMSalesOO exports tinent 1,2401 ;j a and AYf ia ww 11 k) I ii '.Ne.w. Voi k-ClosoJ atrong. JanDay...M.M. ........... Febrnary. ...... ................. Sales 7j000 i I' ll 27-322 11 31-32al2 12Ja5-32 129-32a5-16 127-16al5-32 f' May Jaly..M... 12ja25 A.ngnst. ib4r;ii;;i,tJ.Jitj5AMM-$2 October..!..; lUa25-$2i November........... 11 21-32all December-....;................... 11 11-16323-32 UJI,11. !('. :'!lAlf HiJ j' FINANCIAL. i NejVJ ; (jYrlfr-Money easy at 2. Sterling Gold strong at 12a J. Government dajll and steady. New 5's 17i. States quiet .Mil it.Mi'nal V' - ) 1 g-.yffllfflKrO? MTTOvf il 3H1 mil 1o F OATOBSaRVKB OFFICB.iU Charlotti, N. C, August 4, 1876 little maud. Sales for the day 8 bales. The mar 'MIAT f. A 'SCiT-) t r-f RTT 8 li A YOJ a. inferior 4ia9 Low Middling 'io.llli MlddUnsjJLJ. iiXM&Uh&i-iJP1 "V&b-l Good Middling 10 Receipts or the day , 8 bales. .:VU !'i -A IJAlaLV.PKlCB tURHEN i . Bacon steady wilh light,4.emanL r t I . CWMgstoeklafl Wtnj3d;7 I Lard in good demand. j Flour, quiet with small sales. Chickens scarce, ia fair demand. 2;r;;: j Eggs searce and in demand. " ButtercarceTind in fair demand. j SELLING PRICES. per lb 16al6i 14al4i 12al2i 9JalO 13al3i iar:15al6i '.- 14iol6 20a30 45a55 15ial8 Hams, Breakfast Stripe, Clear Rib Sided, Shoulders, Hog Round. La ed Extra Leaf, ' i(.ir j Ordtaary, hH.Jl BUTTKB Fresh Ctuutry, Gjshea. Cheese , NortheftMJ.il ' per sack FallarIry1J-Uw 'i 3.60o4.25 Extra, -4 5?; j-i h .r,M5.25dS.85i Super, " 3.00o3 25 i .Buckwheat!, s l Ut.ii'' Kicx Choice 8 eta, Uood to prime 6? Mkal per bnshel; Mill ne-hm!. i r';"' llr OOalOO , j- . ... i ouOAB oat I3al3. irine Crushed 114al0 Light Brown, llalll. heavy brown. 103 all Molasses per gal. Golden Drip (syrqp) ,. , v , -60060 Orleans,'' -: s' Gubft," i.iait' '60a6Q BlackStrap, i ,"iqi26tE2H "I Hohxt per lb. In Comb, 12al5. Strained. 13al5 Corru Mocca, 40. Java, 35. Rio, 20a23 Tea . . .Black 6075. . Green Kar.25 VriUififl: f.i f If s ! tMnt M PouLTaf From wagons. From stores. , .Turkeys. 75al.OO. , A 1.00al.25 Guineas, 20a25 , .25a30 Eoea--: ; 12J15.' : nii-u I8W20 Mackerel,; ; 3:)-i,VI ,o UoM wiute ifisn,-,. ,t ia...,iia,u i t- 12 GaUnri-1' . Fiwtol V U n. Front waeoaa-ia bnllr. i 70 W HXjff- ,From;wagqiM f. i j Froni Stores n..:. .White 190-; ( A 1-25 ,u-"-'"Oi,i -'"inx - Red. lOS . 1.25 Oatb White., 35a40 5a60 60 Black 374a40 fM Pure clay. 90 Mixed, 80o90 GaouKh PSA3X50ol 7C . Hat Unchopned Timothy, 1.10a25 85vl.00 1.75a2.00 185 hundred, 3 50a4.00 till lO ! f.$5o3.75 ernl.perbbl ,5.00a6.00 Apples (Green Mountain), 1.25al.50 ; Cwuberries, per quart, -301 . . , , , . Dried Apples, per lb.. 9al0 " Peaches, 10al2al5al8 potatos-- i.iA. a. ' '-:;...!' -; . L ; 8weet,per bushel,. 100al.25; 1 26oH.SH) r ? . , f , Arisn. per tl... 1 X9 IYI.9 OS per bushel 60a75 No WBIteOinonS on the market FBZSSMXAt8-l i per ib 8iaU'l 10ali 121aW ,r- 12iol5 - 12Jal5 8ol0 25a30 'prRAcli 2.25O2.60 J. !. i Bebfi.-l , - l !,Veal, Mutton, , r-r Imb. a c p T ALLOW Beeswax SaIt HI. -V.'O I Liverpool American, 115al.30 Hid as per-Jb.-r.vFrin ragon?. From stores. 11 Green, 5io6i -a going per yard. 7a8 15al5i per lb. 25 jV35 Kltas '.ii )1 .us s .... Wool Tub washed, ) Unwashed, . ,. , .i .y , DRY GOODS. Jobbing Trade. Domestic Oak Grove A 4- 4 per yd " 7d7 7-8 Norm --! trt f7io7 8 ,8! VS. f n !61d 6lo5i 7ia7i lOalli 9al0i Cleavland or Catawba 4-4 Osnaburgs i r Brown Drills Bleached Shirtiags i ( ? Sealsland IIl i Quilt Lining .Georeia do. . .. '. 5al0 7ia91 4ia5i :1Q 1A1 ' Georgia Truck for Trousers weorgia jeans ., . !, ,,, .( -oo I.! Yarns per bunch Prints Wamsutta. Amoskeay r' All 1 a I J - - r . a . j ri : , Mai 'i WINES-AND LIQDOR8., ' ' Full stock on r(arketl with light. demand f . nruXesale Hair. x.f Bbahbt PeachpergalJ " '275fl3D0 WHiiurr-Sye1 t Corn . . .. , 1 75al85 Port Maderia',; , V UU 300 Sr.anfi&monff 7. "V". 5 al . f , Champagne per basketfe'lS 00a35 00 There baa been a heavy decline in all lines Facrrs Oranges, per Apples (North bf leather. The market is now etady. withj--- Pgpt djwnana Wf SVUf JQViateata G D Hemlock rJter lb. ' . 22a20 wi a a a w mkk? ! Good .0 .X .HTTO-IH.H ) TJ25o20 i French , Calf. Cornelian, per lb, m J 3 j AfeeVfciri'Catt- btir 'i.S5at 60 JL ; Harriess Lisather; per 1R';; " V . 7; . 30 i Fre BAILEY',S N.C. Bye Whiskey, old Salem, N. C;, Corn .Whiskey; 'by the gallon, dnart; 'pint or drink; at ' ' B N 8MITH'S." Also 3 New.FireSafes at reduced prices. " .kl IV.isJVj I - , ..,7;'-.'' .' ;;. : - ' - . W" . !'' TEllllIBEE SlUEBEIl WnBSETHAH.Sf.AnCHTRR , .rx-. .a B L A C 1 ;fWi,l;," L-, .Y.Ar Vance and? Settle1; ai ad') labSlST itSianiamVnrs eaWiaXSislti " ! TEKRIBLEntoCrtTEMEKi';JaNt) I a AAaflLdl at Jim a.fc ! " " W THE Rldf'WAS CAUSED CRAyATjvypjCH HE . PTTT?nTTASTCn.TCPnf in aul sir- 'XTJr'SiTftlfx.-nan.yj akMiU '- -at a. .I :, J,- iJlOii in .! !,' f 3a fnort?iitRa? TTTT preseryilrail ' f-f ! They will. Lave tbtm ! Everybody buji Chibaf tan 1 jfnltiheditliorliQtice, at J A YOUNG & oONS. j - sin (Til - : r - .aori'-i.-; 1 'i'Si'DAlLx ftlECEiVlKG , i-::ja .-rrt.-nolC .toil ,J l! ; x TOGCTHEK WITHr ,UijU A LARGE, VARIED 'AND,6TLt SELECTED STOCK OF ctJLiti vx-VaAyikJ.a " (. ;.! .iji;;iiid J vm A iWhich I am selling at close figures to ac oonimodate my ' cusomtts. ' 'Unch'iW' best Lawns at 15'eefits'pet yrdVvPlinK'!colored LaiMi9at;i5:eents pes yard ; theiatdstetyles of Calico at 6i to 74 ;ceatiper yard : i Robe Pjfijlta'Of J.hef late&fc desigBSyilaleat. gmdt-S of rercales an a Cambrics. t tiwi: ; ; i -.'A !- i;v ,. wiirrE,Goqw3. i 'Such as JacnetwIss'MtlsrillfPlain arid Striped Nansopk, VictoHr' Iiiiw'iis'a'iid1 'PldiiMai4hWVeiViaweserifciBS.-' . j feest 4- Qaa-rtei" Bbeet,mg : at 8 Hid 10 Btntt" bortesde-'GibghairiP, very cheap. Bed Tickinle at 10c, 12fc, 15c, 2Jt , 25c endSOc frer s irarasois ana umDreiia?, jii greai variety and style at greatly fedv ced- prices. A large assortiuettTrf TnTtt ks end Valises, . arrtot assort Brent oITlnTrowliJ,ar Tabre LinTflof all qualifies. A full line T A XJQTO ft. C. m ! H i 5! .1 . "' .M ).', "!'! 'f i '!''.. i Jai. A general Stock of Furnishing Good?, to be sold at prices to cuit tbe time?, nid to make Childnns' Bpotasnd-Shoe,. Thankful for thepestfavorr, I respectfully tannacf o tAtir.nnonin ; T II I V. JUST IN,TNP AUGUSTA MKL.p TWO LABGE ONUS I OB 25C. WILL WHOLESALE , THEM r AJ FRICES to DEFY C0MPETIT10NP - CALL EARLY AT ' " Stitt, Walsh & Co; , ! aug2 'A 'A.Ul ..;!' 1 - ;. . . i iSoices, Sbices. A NOTHER consignment of those fine xi. English Spices, for sale at - aVa a n a -.v.r. jura? , , , , urogutore. SEASIDE RESORT: THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, JUNE ilst to OCTOBER 1st Many -Sew Attractions 1 SSUl. UNDER iHE MANAGEMENr Save; time by addressing HU ;j.:,KStJBLETT,' may25'2m inn ktp. odmw 4 H 1 i i ... O A FN ED'GO'ODS I -A - 1 9f, apdt ia;Llio CANS FJBESH Si, '4 Hi ww.aww. aaa aw t r. -fJl 'tin MSUJUiil'H Vk'JL' tR'.Hj ua.;f W-i ia-ball S jRjRn Kwi3''4 iifunTi PRINTS 3 ULEAGHtD SHttl iNb HI .11 ()?: . .!'!"!.: i' -jvkI frMh C01MTRY CORN BEEF, DEVILED HAM; LOB4 Wil BTEKS, TONGUE and TURKEY:. MEJERTEINE GBE AMXJANDY- CHOCOLATE WRNT .WONT1S jCRYSTAIiTzED tKtHlHC . ORANGES, M0NS;,;AnF PBLESi . XOJEt. BALaVATJ- t ftTro Doors ,6el6ir 1st National Bank: 1 mays 'a-s-Ui-ji. . 'Ten Gent1 Column. ul M. rij viejM a ant'R column -at 'the ml of on nn ... 'A ... - - wcw I JIM J0V1 t EightvordU imakeabne. UhJ,Ve'. THKjint Waternielons of ihe R received to-dar. bv nat no .,." n. iUTwdelorUsy. HlMll'SeMibn bf Misssee Li School will commence 'Taesdav .M aug4 3. . V ;.' ! ' ,;.f - VI:.' exercises Wilt btf' reSQmpd h 8 . Foi'Cateloetieiddress 1 ! r 29th. TU'J .il i n M . ....... .. . . J6l27eTattr ' ; Charlotte ifv BiTHB Fhllesion of Ms Mary wTT: School will commence on the 1st div0' Septem. chO0l Hotise; corner 9th 1 "I Pine, Patrons pleawtekewnice H aug5tf gvSH STA' - WANTED I want aniiiaah.j.nfTrr ApFlyat he New, Inshrance BuildiDr l . tfg5tt' ' . " . , I i ill I i i t ' 4 "iol v;fOU A L Oil '! .tr-rti-'t, . PR0PISRT1 FOU SALt ''AijNEWLYaJscovered mine at Hunt.,, il villH Ni C. on the A., T. & o. k.S!i 13 miles NbttJiofCbartotte.baidiiiine h, nPVe4 only ,23 feet, and many 0M miners, -have 5 examined theminp Ja . ad pndt.fac tt Very fine. Also Prof w ? JU5tr,it Kaleigbv UeU L Hunter, of ij pinion and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte havii seen the mine , nd ore and pronoun, i, very fine. " ' 11 Ui Wilhithebe-recommendation and man. mot that couid.be brought up we now otte'r this yaiuable property for sale, includioe between. Oand bO acres of laud in aua arduhd said mine, of which there are soZ 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber half! mjter.a, saw-miU. ' ,Anr one wikhincr to t inaw;r,,., .r. . , toine can jo.so by calling at our Office ;W,hen,l.we say specimens, we mean to .how juu suiueiuiug uw. is woixn looking at For further information, address U a , , , a.ra. ll'-TtM.A'lT- ' ' " 1 1 a ... 1. .. 'r;Lti,W,,.;,KERD"UE ' -iljMvMiY & Davis' Old Stakb RIO JAVA, 00 c Q n 2 0 1 r r 0 c 33 o 3- '(A-b,-; .iijl x;o"-ir'.. 9(T) inoW njh. s H iii::; sj mill (i ih 1 ot 1 1-0 ''J JH Mil!) ft'l Kill, b r;?t H ii k -H aa4-..-'.ni5 ; J.' .:: 7, ; ' 1 'i . i all i",r lR'5i' LAGUAYRAj MCCHA, ' rai:i:ni.')7. HMint-itir-Ilr Railway. Bicoto. iik JoDA.rviaAf -Richmond & .DAimtLB BJ W.; N.C.' Division, ani ; j-i.fatoaiB WBscsatsN?. R. W. '"'ni e'jiiii'it.r ! 'I:!"!' "" " i'-' CQNpENSED TIME-TABLE. Iii eifect on and: after Sunday, Ju'y lGth, OOIKO KOBTB i!i -STATIONS. MAIL. KXPK&8. Leave Charlotte; :. .. 5 55 a m 612am 8 30am 10 58 a m :1 36p m 149pm 6 49pm 9 36 p m 2 15 a ni 2 40am 4 19 am 6 17 a 111 8 54am 9 01 am 12 45 pm 3 19 pm Air-Lane J'n, . Salisbury, j .,,' ' Greensbord'' V Danville; ' " Dundee, " ; '' liBurkevUle. - it i, 1. 'Arriye at Richmond, QOtNa SOPTH. ;rtAacio: !2l MAIL, IXPBESS. 1 10 pm 354 pm 8 05 p m 8 10 p m 10 25 p m 12 32 a m Leav Richmond f 5 60am 'A w jBurkeville,. J; , , 9 00 a m i?., Danyille,,,;, 4.43pm PtJi-eefasbctd, 435pm Salisbury; J '701pm Air-Line J'n, 906 pmj 2 29am Arrive at eharlotterT P 111 . ,'.!.' r.i' I ' " ' 1 hi n 1 lii i a ra QOia ast.. OOIKO WKST. Mail- MAIL. L'vis'GreefaBBbro.1 10 55 am fi12 08pm i "3 38 pm 620pm Arr 410pm L've 3 05 p m Arr 11 29 pi" L've 215am f li'ya Co Shops, ; Air at Raleigh,' ArratGoldabora T ios;,'s , ACCOMMODATIOX TRAM Leav'Greensbbroi' Leavd Co Shops, '' Arr at Raleigh, r Arr at-Goldsboro. . 6 30 a -ni Arr Lve 6 50am 405am 1130am 6 03 p cd Arr 6 46 p " USOp.miLve 215pm ti NQRTH WTlStNr N, . R. R- ,: .(Salkm .BxAxeH.) Leave Greensboro, J 4 45 p m Arrive at Salem,1 A.'. 'i . 6 45 " XeaTaSalsnii 1 m r! ,1 ,.u ; .8 16 a m rrve-atGreeiMbw,,! : 10 83 " rasse&g'ieaygeigh at 11 29 connects at Ureensboro' with ttie souiner und train : Tnakine thetiQlckest time to all South enl'cities.! r. Accommodation train 1 leayirift Raleigh at 6.46 pi m, connects wi"1 J-XTV.. W a 1 r.. Ow..kaM for i.i KichiAond and ,ali joihts Ease Price 01 pickets same as via other routes. Afccommodation Train leavine Greensboro asi at 1 6 30" ' 'a m vcohrjects aat Goldsbr ro witn Northern and Southern bound Trains on toe !l i avsa.aMaJfafwaa uve auvu amkmavmw . . XyncbpAh1ihtiaaflotl leave xonl at 10.25--a fcifilVea Bdrkeville 1- mond 1 fpm, leave Burkevule 5 20 a m, amve - Richmond 8 80 am.y Kb Chanee of Car Between Charlotte f. .y vaAdSichino&d82 Hilea. to adver; Use the schedule of this company will please f riot as above and forward copier to Geni 'assenge Agent. a Tor farther rnfbrmatioh address ' - ; i r JOHN R MACMDRDO, jri'lt'.V.,5tv0ttl3nupMUget Agent, 1,. jjjfeDO.i: iT iti ItiaU J-frf 1 it. - i . iii "A