- -1 STATE HEWS.'? TT .0 UA1XR0AU toiJiPE. FREIGHT LINES. nOTELS & RESTAURANTS. ItII8CELLASEOU8 ADVEC II S E JB att 2m. milforJ county ;, has been j visited . :, i, nod rains, and the crops are in :finewlthy condition. riic North Carolina Denial Assdcia- on will meet at ureenaDoro, oeptein Mr Charles E Borden, son of Ca.pt. wi: : i. f Wilminirtnn WMth J ...ntit.M' in Ins oromina. fortu mate cuiu" -.7 iT" 7 , i hfi ftDDOintment to the caaet- tion ..in at ------v . ;rd Congressional insincs. r,ilei"li Sentinel: Last Friday, Billy ' Thfl Radical candidate for.L.ieu f" ant'Governor, and Ike Young, the " .pnoe candidate tor congress m inis nut in an appearance m Mead ,ws township, in the southeastern " .,; of Johnston county, for the Lrpose of epeech-making. The peo p ;hflt Dortion of old Johnston r;t take any stock in William A.; So Wev to the numDer oi aDoui a nun rfred provided themselves with horns I a iivfl him a serenade. Billy tried f. iTncrh the matter off at first but afterwards got mad and cleared off, living Ike to play a lone hand. Since he close of the war William A. has ceased to fancy horn music except when the notes are all liquid. It is id by well informed gentlemen that Smith has completely lost all of hia influence in Johnston, and in some nortiona of the county, aa in Meadows township, the people have not patience enough with him to hear him speak. Curi eat Matters at ths National Capital. neKu Klux Money The Payment to Davenport Illegal Grant, Ackerman md Williams, Censured. Washington, D. C, Aug. 5. The Committee on Expenditures in , the Department of Justice report that after a full and careful consideration of the facts developed by the testimpny and the laws under which, the judiciary fund is appropriating the Ki?Kiux fund, from which Davenport got his money, they feel compelled to report tlmt (he President aod the two Attor ney Genoa's Ackerman and Williams, who supplied Davenport with the $34, 000 from the latter fund, diyerted it from its proper purpose to one entire ly foreign to the objects of the law. 'Ihe resolutions recommended legisla tion which shall prevent such abuses. The minority present a report in which it is claimed the money was properly expended. Last call. "This is the fourth time w ithin a period of six months," remark ed his Honor as Juiia Lincoln tried to lean over the desk and touch noses with him. . "Remember me five dead children, Judge, and call it three times," she entreated. "It's four by the clock, Julia, and I gave you fair warning last time." ' I didn't hear you say a word, Judge, cause I was so busy thinking of me five dead children. Did you ever bory five dead children. Judge ?" 'I never buried any live ones,and if I bad lost seventy five members of my family I shouldn't feel called upon to get drunk." ' That's so, Judge,, that's so. I believe you and me are the soberest t folks in town. I want to hurry home now, and if I ever come again you may send me UD." "Julia Lincoln, have you canned any huckelberries this year, or made any raspberry jam ?" solemnly asked the court. "Not a jam," she wearily replied "Then your harvest is over and your season is ended. Yeu are going up for three months, and when you come out and walk amone us again youH have to pickle onions and slice up pumpkins for winter dessert or "go without any thing. Please step Tack and make room for the fat lady in waiting-' De troit Free Press. ! Plucky Postmaster. A postmaster in Calvert county, Md., recently received several' specimen copies' 'df a western republican newspaper, with fancy posters, circulars, cards, &c.,the whole containing enereetic ' advice how to elect the republican- candidate for President, together-with,' direct appeal to postmastera'to aid in, the great work.'1 To which the Calvert postmaster responds": "We. are' 'all Tilden men here, and do not want to know how to elect Hayes; therefore I have treated the naners . and -circulars as I hoDe the reorle will treat Hayes and Wheeler laid them aside.?'. That postmaster evidently intends to attend to postoffice matters of a legitimate character. Baltimore sun. Guilty before God and man. Bluford Wilson, at hist testifies, fairly and squarely, that Grant, the great head of the whisky-ring, m every possioie way hindered the prosecution of the thieves his bosom friends and accomplices. Associate, shield and abbettor of revenue robbers and pickpockets what a position for .the Jrresident oi v tne United States. And what reform, we may expect under his catspaw and caudal continuation, Hayes. Appointments of Judge Fowle, Elector at Large. , Wilmington, Thursday night; Au gust 10. 7. '; Salisbury. Monday night, Aug. 14. Troutman's, Iredell county, Tuesday Aug. i5. , . ; Morgan ton, Thursday, Aug.17. " Oraham. TueedavJ'Auff. 23 " : Friends in the respective localities "in please circulate notices or tne ap pointments. Vauce and iSettie'ippdintments.i; Thursday, August 10th, Taylorsville Alexander county. . . ' StatesviHe, Iredell county, Friday August 11. ;' - - Mock8viUe, Davie cxunty, Saturday August 12. Yadkinville, Yadkin countj', Monday August M. -i4il-i"-r Dobson, Surry county,.. Tuesday, -August 15. ir: ;.- . .V-,:; . " - W inston, Forsy t h e county, Thursday, august 17. i.-k, Danbury, Stokes county, Friday J Au gust 18. ." rrK- . Ashboro', Randolph county, Monday, August 21. . : ' ',, . : p ;....;;i .,: rr j It is requested that further appoint ments be made in the counties Dt Ran dolph, Moore and Chatham, to the 28th Of August.'''-''-'- iwi'Wh? Gov. Vance and Judge -Settle' .will then go to Mt. Airy,' Georgia, rail and epter Clay county abqut th fiab of September. . ' ,MrJ Hon. T -T )Tann o,A dim T - Vf Leach have appointments irJ the : west, commencing at WayneBville; Haywood uiny, on the luth. . . Western papers please copy, .f PieflmoBt Air-Line Bailway, - Richmond & Dahvhx, Richhokd & DAyiLLrB. w., N. C. Dmsiow, and . , .North W esteem N. 0. R.:W. CONDENSED, TIME-TABLE r ; WTC.6501 OD0-? Sunday, July 16th, oonta NOBTH STATIONS. 1 VAIL. XXPRKSB. Leave Charlotte, " Air-Line J'n, " Salisbury, " Greensboro, ' Danville, I ." Dundee, " Burkeville. Arrive at Richmond, 5 55 a m 6 12 am : 8 30am 10 58am 1 86 pm ..149pm '6 49pm .9 36 pm 215am 1240am 419am 617am 854am 9 01am 12 45pm 3 19 pm GOING SOUTH. STATIONS, t 1 MAIL, XXPSX83. ' " , , . . . " . f Leave Richmond. 550am tlOpm BurkeviUe, 9 00 am 3 54pm ' iWS? 139pm 8 05pm -. Danyille 143 pm 810pm Greensboro, , 4 35 p m 10 25 p m Salisbury, 7.01 p m 12 32 a m . A,'-in J'. 906pm 229am Arrive at Charlotte, 9 08 p ro 2 42am GOING EAST. GOING WEST. MMBM.aaK.lavBaiHHaiaaM ' P .STATIONS. , . MAIL. . MAIL. L'ye Greensboro. 1 0 55 a m Arr 4 10pm L ye Co 8hops, 12 08 p m L've 3 05 p m Arr at Raleigh, 3 38 p m Arr 11 i9 p m Arr at Goldsboro. . 6 20 p m L've 2 15 a m STATIONS ACCOMMODATION TEAIN Leave Greensboro, 6 30 a no Arr 5 50 a m Leave Co Shops, , 11 30 a m Lve 4 05 a in Arr at Raleigh! , 6 03 p m Arr 6 46 p m Arr at Goldsboro. Jll 30 p m Lye 215pm NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salkm Branch.) Leaye Greensboro, 4 45 p m Arrive at Salem, 6 45 " ieave Salem, 8 15am Arrive at Greensboro, 10 33 " . Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 11 29,a m connects at Greensboro' with the Southern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 6 46 p m, connects with Northern bound trains at Greensboro , for Richmond and all points Ease Price of Tickets same as via other routes. - Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 6 30 am connects at Goldsbcro with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. ' T U U . 3 i 1 T - 1 monU at 10.25 a m, arrive at BurkeviUe 1.45 p m, leave BurkeviUe 5 20 a m, arrive at Richmond 8 30 a m. No Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. ' Papers that have arrangements to adver tise the schedule of this company will please pnni aa aoove ana iorwara copies to ueni" Passenger Agent. For further information address JOHN R MACMURDO, GenI Passenger Agent, Richmond, Va. " jul26 ScpERiirt-ES dent's Office. - Chablotte, N. C, Aug. 8 187C. In order to accommodate all who desire to hear Got. Vance, and Judge Settle speak at 8tatesyille on Friday next, Round trip tickets (good for that Uay only) will be sold at one (1) dollar each. The train will leave Charlotte at G.30 A. M. and leave StatesviHe immediately after the speaking is over. Purchase your tickets belore getting on the train and thereby save tm ney. Tickets are now on sale at tne company's ticket office. -; u L ii Superintendent. Aug 8, 4t Cleveland Mineral Springs, (FORMERLY WILSON'S.) Near Shelby, u.ihs'wtst of Charlotte, N.C. THIS well nown watering place is now -Opetf for the reception of visitors. The Carolina Central R. R. passes within a mile, and backs will be at the Station to convey passengers to the Springs, and from there to otner points wnen aesuea. At Kings' Mountain, venieles will be, found to bring persons from the A-L R. R. Cold and warm baths, white sulphur, red sulphur and chalybeate water. Band of music and other sources oi amuse ment. An occorui.hahed pastry cook and baker has been secured- Fare first class: REDUCED BAT1.S OF BOA ED FOB THE SEASON. Per Dav. $ 2.00 Per Aflr cek Per Month, 28 days. 12 50 35.00 , T W BREVARD. Proprietor, niay24 Maim SWamm WATCHES AND JEWELRY, TRYON STREET, ' welry, is REPA1 RII' iKD-WABBA NT ED. i " i: YvW RECEIVErr,i 5 A newahdtautiKiV'aVsorimeht of Gold and SilYfnGoefls.' '-'which haye been bought cheapaad will be to d to-snit the times. x . , . v. . JullJ' . f W- EKJU-BT. Late of ; . with WJ Black. Americas, Qa. PI liRM;Ii HEW i GOODS. EidTTjREHLEY, GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, w ILL, keep constantly on aanQiacome reasonable as any reliable -establishment in the city. nov5 iThB Comme i cial EestanraEt AHD BILLIARD 'ROOM;. PURE LIQUORS AND THE BEST ! txt n-vtv rt A nt BILLIARD TABLES aIN THE STATE. ; vi:XwfviVW'r8 A GAME .ptfri ONLY 15; VENTS A oam.. Trade St., unaer omnu wwo jul25 I 0 El 10E! ' . ul2i . - olete Stock of Goods,, to which the trade are resevoir on ice,.and tbe water is as iresn ana " 'utiiu, n h :i :.. sparkling as from the Springs, and equal in mvited. 'Quality guaranteed' and prices as it medicinal properties, , , , THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, ... -, VIA CHARLESTON. & C. . . . (. I . . .. .. . : .. " t . ; . ' ' - . i - - r - ' - :U i ;-V .:f ::;.. ;.s. 1 - BETWEEN CHABLOTTi ai ALL POINTS NORTH ani EAST. CHARLOTTE; COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, ; fjv, Columbia, S. Columbia, S. mHE CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection i'witi 1 the SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting STEAMSHIP LINES at Ihe port of CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers VaAKLAJlxK, AND ALONG THE IiUNES OF RAILWAYS CON VSRGING THERE ON, THE MANY ADVANTAGES of the - - ak: -r-:v GREAT SOUTHERU Witt the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION A8 COMPLETE, as by an j other line that bida for their business. ' '-' For rates, classifications and all information, call on the undersigned, A. POPE.... ....... ...General Freight Agent, C, C, & A. R. R., CSolumbia, S. C. N M JOHNSTON,... .v.......... ....Soliciting Agent, Charlotte, Nj a W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, C & A. R. R., Charlotte, "N O. jan2 WILLUNGTON NORTH CAROLINA UNES. SEMI-WEEKLY. Fast Freight Route to BALTIMORE. I Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE;., Tuesday and Friday, at 3 PM. AKD FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GIVING THROUGH BILLS OP LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall Kiver and other Eastern Cities. ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other Europeari Ports. These Linen connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta Railroad, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamera on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to care without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from WilmingtoB South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. For f nrther information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Lane. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. F. CLYDE & CO.; Gen'l Age. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore tf. VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation of Freight, from WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, , GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THEJ . ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. " RAILROADS, as well as all points in . . GEORGIA, ALABAMA and ,r,v MISSISSIPPI. XlST&TJTbJJSTO'B -AJNTD RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA TinsEE as INFOE M ATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO , . W.CLARK, JNO G YOUNG, Geneal Freight Ajg't, Wilaiingtori, N. C. Soliciting Agent 0. C. D., Charlotte, N. C. . r . , ( . 1 t t smith; septSO Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. HUBS; SPOKES AND ; ... - ic'i -u--f, 1 .. 11 I M S . THE; undersigned offer, for sale., their en- tire machinery for manufacturing Hubs. Spokes and RimB, the machinery being all 1 new, anojpfiichased ifocasnof the best 1 makaraia-ihMWted 8tatewttlle'-old at L f co-fi fnolndinir AH TT P Knirine a gica, oowuiwi am.w0 r Shafting, Belting, &c For terma,. apply . to a w wnisnanj, a Carolina. Agricultural Works, or byletttr to the undersign ea at weiiora, . u. P S WHISNANT & SONS., sept21 tf Saratoga Springs ATi(HARlAyiTE. Na - BRANCH OFFICE of ' tt.ese celebrated Sorines is how open at Me Aden's Drue Store.1 The water is drawii Ifr6m block-tin aprll Rockbridge : A LUM SPRINGS WATER, Bedford Alum A arid Iodine Mass, Buffalo Litbia Water, i Saratoga Water, Ac.,' for sale at - -f - ' - ' Vi',' '(i '! f' i SCARR & CO'S, , U lh J " ' Drugstore." , Notice. r mHETifth Annual keeting of the 8loct-: X' holders of the Mecklenburg BuUding A lojn A8aociatipn; of Charlotte.- N. a, will be held Tursday. evening,' Augnst 10th, at the Hall 0Ter Market Heuse, at Stfclock. J A ELLIOTT, ' aug6 41 , ., Secretary and Treasurer. jiOR sale: v . . A good Gold. Watch For particulars in auire at - -OBSERVER OFFICE.,. aprlltf C, January. 3rd, 1876. of COTTON.' AND THE MERCHANTS Of FREIGHT LITIE. all Points Sooth and last. NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line, from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M., AKD FBOM WnjUNQTOK WEDNESDAYS andSATEBDAYS or East bound Freight, to Baltimore aBd New York Lines, Wilmington, . U ANY COMPETING LINE, AND q.tjioe:. , E. J. Alfen, XT AS just received a splendid lot of 'Fine XX f Stone Rings, Fine Gold Bracelets, Ladier Gold' Sets, front JButtons isieeve Buttons, Ac. . ju25 Mrs. BEASELY, -i j (FORMERLY OF CHARLOTTE.) IS prepared to entertain her . friends, and such guests as may desire to patronize her Boarding House, at 815' South 19th street, Philadelphia, during the Centennial extubition. Terms, fuu per aay. Swiss Go n d e rised Hf ILK. Imported, v A choice and pure ar- 1YX tide, prepared for the express use f inyalida and families, J net receiveo at -Hi. v.A Spices. n ENUINE ENGLISH 8PICES, finest eve JT ofiered in Uiia Marlcet..' aiso Nelson Spaxkhng Gelatine, at & Notice.- rriHE Fast North bound Express train X leaving Charlotte at 12 a. m., t will leave from Atlanta A Richmond Air-Line Depot. Through tickets sold and baggage checked thronsh tn nil rminta "North and East, at th. Depot. 'X ; -JOHN R MACMURDO. - ju8 tf fy' ';iT G. P. A. C, . Alexander; .House, -V CHARLOTTE, kc. 1 ' - Below, Tryon Street M. E. Church. THE building has recently been tboronsb. - ly refitted and renovated, and the Pro prietresa, Mrs Dr A W Alexander, is prepar ed to aeconunodaU permanent and transient boarders. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ' ' ! MRS A W ALEXANDER. DRi Ai W. ALEXANDER, Dentist, has his office in the Alexander House, and will be pleasd to see hia old customers and new ones. Dental: work will be dons at rates to suit the times. Entire satisfaction guaranteed.. -febl7 - .--..A - :. St: Charles Hotel, STATESVILLE, N C Otho M Barkley Proprietor, This House is most eligibly located : newly furnished, and possesses ac commodations unexcelled by . any House in the 8tate. . Breakfast and Dinner House at tne Depot. . jan22 ' . MANSION HOUSE GREENVILLE, S. C ' fJlHIS house Is located on the Air-line Railroad, about midway between Char lotta and Atlanta, at the terminus of the Greenville & Columbia Railroad where tourists may stop and enjoy the comforts ol a first-class Hotel, recently 'renovated and refurnished. OALNAN&ROATH aug314im Proprietors. PRIVATE BOARDING, YARBORO HOUSE. SOUTH Elm Street, Greensboro. N. C. One square-from Depot. Unsurpassed accommodation for Traveling Patrons. Terms $1.50 per day. septl2 eod 6m Boarders Wanted. 1AM now prepared to accommodate a few Regular Boarders. Location convenient to business part of the city. Terms $4.00 per week. W M CROWELL. jul7 M1SGEL.LA1VEOIJS. NEW GOODS ! Watches, (locks, Jewelry, . SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, AC. J WILL SELL A GOOD WEIGHT CLOCK for $3.50, and everything else at prices to suit the times. I will pay the highest Cash Price for old Gold and Silver. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, re paired and warranted for 12 months, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Carolina Jewelry Store, jull2 Charlotte, N. C. T H, Brem, Jr, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. CHABLOTTE, N. C. O F F I O B In Dowd A Sims' New Build. ing, Up Stain. :u. WHY GO TO THE CENTENNIAL' -WHXN- YOU CAW SEE EVERYTHING WORTH LOOKING AT, AT IOVB OWN DOOK. TIMES ARE HARD, BUT WE ABE SELLING GOODS TO SUIT THE TJJLES. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ABS ; , v ! ' ----- We Contend Uhat Goods can be bongnt Lower at our Douse than at most of otner Douses in :-,:!;f?; .f.3"lieCity,.' :y. Just received Mackerel, Hams, Lard. Baoon,' Cheese, Coffee, Sugar, Meal, Flour, Molasses o,f eyery grade, vinegar, Pepper. SaltRicer,. ., i JSS Chow 1 Chow, Pickles 3 In Barrels Canned Goods too numerous. to mention KEROSENE OIL at 30c4a Gnlln, Xr Ground Peas. Nufs of lall kinds, Patanscd' Family Flour known to be the beBt ia America, Chesapeak Floor the won- der of every beholder.. . 'pm Tobacco Gold Basis. Gold Dollar, Nod Such, all of the best brands at oar HOUSe. ,,- - ,,-,;. . r.;;V-J !: '" i BSnuS, Cigars, Matcnes, Candles, Boap, Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns, Bolls, Lemons. Grapes, Apples, : Watermelons. - ; T : NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BAIU GAINS AT -THE RISING SUN, 0. S. HOLTON & CO. jn30 ' ' . BBLS. NEW FLOUQ . : . PUT UPJIN BARRELS , ii I ' 5 ABP-r- ASSORTED SACKS. FOR SALE LOW '.1- s; .a f i . ! 9' I ! i R.XM .MILLER . A , SONS,, i J125 XfiAl.l T4.--. : Clear 1Mb Dulfe Sides, PRIME SMOKED SIDES ani SHOULDERS. SEprCirelHaiis an J Breasts, ". i . . " AT UW lieUKSS TO TBS TSADC ' JOHII 7. HALL G CO., COLLEGE STREET, NEAR TRADE. may7 .; .r : . Latest Publication ! , 'THE LAND OF THE SKY," ADVENTURES nr MOUNTAIN BY-WAYS bt chsistiav sain, AUTBoa or "a qussnoir or hohob," c. rOS SALC AT THK CENTRAL HOTEL NEWS STAND, Also daily AND WEEKLY PAPER, A3JD MAGAZINES. maySl HomitaiD Simmer Resort, W ESTERN HOI EL, hickory; n. c. THIS House is now open f r the accom modation of visitors and the traveling public. Rooms large and well ventilated.. A liberal patronage solicited, Satisfactioa guaranteed. Terms $2 per day, $7 to $8 per week, $18 to $22 per month, according to location of room. Children and Servants half price. A W MARSHALL, Proprietor. Polite and attentive servants. No Bu Room or Billiard Saloon kept in the build ing. jul28 2ne EIGHT CAR LOADS CoMon aid Fine Syreps, LOWEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. John VV. Hall & Co., COLLEGE.STREET. may7 BIG RIOT -AND TERRIBLE MURDER WORSE THAI SLAUGHTER AT 'IHE BLACK HILLS! Vance and Settle ' . 'i- ; A T BOONBI TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT AND THE SPEAKING BROKE UP ! MANY LIVES LOST ! SETTLE WEN EXTERMINATED I THE RIOT WAS CAUSED BY A MAN ENTERING the CROWD WITH A TILDEf atsx VANCE CRAVATON WHICH HE PURCHASED FROM JOHH L mm & '80ft t- -oOo- P. 8. The CRAVAT8 provtd to be Tife preservers ! They will have them ! Everybody buys mem Clubs can be furnished at short notice, at J A TOUNO A SON'S. aug4 f3n a o v 1 a SHi si saxor 2p sMaaaxT t-'iianx ass aw iiT33 431iia isaa aiqi iq'liafJOA XjaAa isouib jo S3HV3 USaSJ amii aiiv sniouai usshj S3dVUO 4S3U3V3a HS21UJ HOI 09 OX 30V1J 3HX 81 saaxiiviiDdvan XVHX , D ; an i h mi Hvaa GBmiSBtffiO FEMALE COLLEGE, GREENSBORO, N.C . THE Fall Session will begin on Wednes day 23d of Aaknst. and continue 20 weeks,- ';';.: Board (inclusive of washine and lights) J s $75.00 Tuition in regular English course -' 25 00 For catalogue, apply to Rev T M Jones, President. ; NED WILSON. President Board of Trustees. ju20 2m i f ;- : Notice. HAVING cancelled my engagement as Manager of tbe Charlotte "Branch of the Erie City Iron" Works: I sd-pleased to' an nounce the establishment at aa -early; day in Charlotte, of Branch of. the-Sheckoe Machine Works, Talbott A 80ns, of Rich mond, Va. . vk i' '. i rj j i, with thanks for. the liberal support ex tended me the past two years and respect fully soliciting a continuance, I am i -yeryTespectfulIy, ' -- -. i ug2 Manager. Trusses.; fTlHE largesf and beat' selected , Stock of x 'rmsses in, tas state oi Morta' Carolina, just remvea at buara a ws, . jol27 Drag Store. VERYLATEST STYLE I ' - &rR t Urt Ui i til THE STORE OF JUST IN AT J A YOUNG & SON. LATEST ARRIVAL or NEW GOOD S J. S. PHILLIPS j MERCHANT TAILOR and DEAtJIR IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central HotelTrade Stand it receiving hia Winter Stock of Goods ftr Men's Wear and will make vh'em up at' short notice the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same entas of Good have ever been offered in this market. - i OU Sbirts a Spialtji ' Cutting and repairing done promptly. All ' goods and work must be paid ibs . on dBr ery, as I am compelled to do a cash boskiess. j s rmuL&m, oct!7 .; , . SLATE ROOM. STOWSON, having permanently locaV ed in Charlotte, is fully prepared to put on Slate Roofs in any part of the adja cent country. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS A 8PEC1ALTY. All work guaranteed. Prices Reasonable Shingle Roots taken off and relaid vM SLATE, when desired. Orders will receive prompt attention, wkc addressed to P. O. Box 118, Charlotte, A . O. reblO-tJ. SOMETHNG NEW IK CHARLOTTE A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED. - IJIHE Undersigned begs leave to inform Lawyers, Clerks of Courts, Principals of Schools, and the public generally that h has opened a BOOK BINDING ESTABLISHMENT In Charlotte, at the Store on Trade street adjoining Dr McAden's Drug Store, where he is prepared to do all work in that line, te handsome style and reasonable rates, and ' in connection with which he has a splendi c' Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, All new and at greatly reduced prices Paper hanging a specialty. Soliciting a share of your favors, I am, Very Respectfully, H L KOELLSCH, Formerly Book Keeper at W. & R. jan23 rjpHE NEW REMEDY. . . Merrill's great Antebilious preseripHoa "Hepatine" or Vegetable liver Medietas fr Dyspepsia. Neryous Headaehe, Cone tips tiosr. Billions Attacks. Heartburn, JaundiS. Chronic Diarhoea, Sour Stomach, Less ol Appetite, and all diseases arising tjrsm a sUs ordered Liver. For sale at . McADEJTS apr8 . Drag Store. "yiNDOW GLASS, Putty, Linseed Oil, Lubricating OtL Tanners Oil, at MeADEJTS, .' janU Dspg Store. ' COB X MXJrSXX, A SAtrilOAHk ' JACOB M. MENDEL" A 0On , ., ., , ; m AxxrrACTuazss os C I G ARB WHOIMALS BSALMS TOBACCO, SNUTP, PIPES AC. TRADE ST, CHARLOTTE, N. C. octl3 TRADERS' NATIONAL JAE. of cMAiajyTs: BOARD OF DIRECTORS : i Johjt E Baowir, Host W M Shift, JoH WWamws , AlXAH MACAtTXATi BAXtss H Moosas. i V Q JoHos?, D F CAraosr. Ron I McDowxxl, Phillip Schivt, .. S P 8xith, : , ' : .',. ; -it-i i. OFFICERS: . j, ,..,,;M; S PEshth, President R I McDowsxi; Tlee President ; o U turn, Ummucs. SAMUEL GROSE, Tryon Street, Opposite Methodist Church, CHABLOTTE, N. C, SIAU31 Dl DOOBS, ' BLINDS, MAiniLii EAILJNG BAiXTJSTEl Vt. EYEBT- DESCBTPTION OBUILD ; INa: LUMBER BOUGHT?" !AN I"'"-- , tSOLD-.-'': ri ifob25 - . " .,-n