Ui A BIOHKOBD A BAKVitW JUIXBOAB. VaII and passenger leaves arrives Through express leaves 5.55 a m 9,08 pm 215am 2 42 a m Freight and passenger leaves, 7 20 p m 1- itiun wcjtMosDJAi unlj.- u.tt nA ruMencer leaves!'-?' - $.42 a E0 1 arrives. 2.10 am Freight and passenger leaves, 7 80am io rAHUlr, ;ti 'arrives KPOOipm CHABLOTTK, COLUMBIA ACQTJSTA, Frlilnaaaeng leaves, 6 00 a m this arnves, oh1" ives, arrives. 6.40 a m 5.00 am Freight and passenger leaves, T.. Th.&Sat. Freight and- passenger arrives, Mo Wed & Fri. 11.45 p m 'eetern Diyision leaves 7.00 am in i Mati and wisaeneer leaves. 6 30 a n arrives, 6.20 piu Van of the accommodation trains men tioned in Aete,Tnrr8uoday,ndthe Miail andj SpaaMrtgO train aietoU mn on Sunday, on either the Carolina Central or the Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio Railroads. ijare Ojcent envelcfpibs cah be had, f 'We'Me Uepiect io.Mr' jS-N'niith', ?r a sample i tne very nne grapes, aar Stfr&W1 a?9 0 Tl grand. balt: of the seasottill come ;'-off to-night at (eyelajD Mineral Springs Charlotte will be Well, if not largejf Resented. : , . Large 6 cent Envelopes can be had avthePQejt I es VJtiiiiem en Uiuea ai the armory last night. J W Hall Es q. has been added to the list of honorary n1! embers. ' !. t. i The clouds still continue leaky ' and threatenirig, though it - may be sunny and dusty by mid-day. . ,It waa r0ported in the city yesterday that a fair one had such a strong - holt on oung bachelor who keeps' a faricy grocery , store Oil South trswie ; street, that he bad left town with a view of . i t- i i cnangmg nis conauion. H Mr E GrocaU, the Jnef cfiinfc tallbt from Baltimore, asks us to say that he has arrived in Charlotte and is stopping fqr 8W days at the Central, , . .The Danville New savs that if, Vance,! comes any where near the border of Virginia duriug the campaign, that the whole of Danville will turn out to hear We are reqriested by Mr. R. E.Duke, Manager of the Office of the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Compariy, to say that there has Jbeen, & reductiop.pf ten cents, in tolls, on i - - . - r - . . all messages, payable at this office. i. rTJbt Zeb. ."Vajice Cliib in this city..is T. HV.E it; dC ilrTriVf J sirs CTJEHNBSS now ahead of any other similar organi- anairom wnatwe neara.deemeatnem-liii- ' rfr ' ' V . . , I hpIvps fiinBW1 ITh fnllrtDirinoia to- zalion in the State, in numbers. AI I lasUtcwmbi itrached 442,ond is still erowhnr. Let Raleich or .Wilmin?ton.l beat that! The front of. Col. Maxwell's Sewing xcv,s , t?. Si-u.:.-i a died, and will be handsomely fitted up as" EMlBniry Charlotte. - n' ' " Theire seems ta be something fasci natangAbou runnuig,, grand double excursion, even if it is not an entire success in a pecuniary point pf view. We hear that Mr! X'fc? Tomlinson,1 oi the Hickory Press', intends to run an seashore before 'the summer is over; ' 1 CbirrlotttBU at Cleveland Sprlnfr i j A Mrs M'A Osborne. M m Nannirf Hill. MisaTanhie Orr. Mrs A B Daviri. Mrs J A Caldwell, Mra JkK Willis Peri-am. Mr R F Mr.Aden W LeroyJj5av?dsdn?Mi nkXolruan, Mr. Jatees II Gates, Miss Maggiei iMc Dowell. 4 The Temper ature. - The followingaa the ranee of the thermometer, yesterday, at the drug store ofhV.BurwellU C&, athhe 1 1 M . ; iionrs maieateaA3a .uaotjvo . ers to an article on the editonal page headed, !'The true way with thafiouth." The credit.waa unintentionally omitted. theeW'YorkflfeM and'is rfegardecT as oiierS'the:mcfcrjTithftW: .preaensive ar articles on the Southern at h&emanltted front any ,questiorjrthat rthenwswwe,jbhal,weriav..8fi smce thei-warrr f U ; Jn&uil Mming. ... ZTr . wej rjrKJ M.vsH0' i"wuw?ri ji t I miH rt J.4UrtliT-. negroes are working: in the piles of " 3 " P M sup o,.. in il HHifHtir it: T fT I n m her poverty, and desert ner m ne A&WMulU&MUm OfldliMJ est hours of need," suddenly ar1'Wraandjw;hich1uWas .dAifirfcfromitting to a dot, every jesliirerand move- tne old Rudisill mines, and which has " i , . ... een onqe,rltecI16vetJa4 1 some in- vtancesVpold in rnriaioroWa n0T,u?o is found. Each-ton. foM tr omethinir avav ft na .irtt, wmedWjustffy theuf chisef matAin. . w.WT!WSiWk8ie ?ne8 p&f jmge "Tw lir.emjembjre4hat the people laughdjirims ; whole ' tt11' 8peec and fentfeWi homes ,lhe . preventing pavuig.rj.l05 . saw.'W'j a;arjn )u J. Correction. . ... In. yesteraay. mornings, issue, we charged .the. peat office, tare, or , tfie one &tlAtethtieglhce,betkw3e k letter mailed here Saturday morning that caving Ihe condition of Hood's Saturday morning till Monday cri evening, a AVe . take pleasure m reliey- was connected with .the establishment lis city, died at his former home, near Lexington, a few days ago. Hel crone to' make a' shori visit ;t6 ins5 re had gone to make a snorx visit 10 uh rela tives, when he was taken sick, lingered about 'twfji wekstaa diMr'i Hed 1 i 1 1 1 -1 IT- imA and his diseasiumosedtohare consumption. ' A til u .1 Tllden and Vance Club at Mathews. Anpther TUdecandFafccelGlttblhaiB been formed in Mecklenburg Its or- 5 SS&E'S fiit Several of the number, wetlupderstand, are men who have hitherto acted with the Republicans, but-who! nowdeclare 2 i a if e ? L 'r-i.,. srT neir inwnwonii .ui; vitiag ; vf ; v;c, because ther knbw MM to be1 ah h'diiest man. J . sou iteia is us rresiaenc. To Move to" Raleigh.' Jt now definitely settled that Char loseof htoosrtaleed, and influential citizens. J Gov. Vance willleave his home in this ( city lmflie diately after the November election, where he will remain at least for four years ;and probably longer. As he spent several y ears of his life in Raleigh, the citizens or that place already know his worth, and will no doubt meet' our dtmguished,towrjsrnanvatth.edert hisL&invai with demifitiration8 bf Idstl never before witnessed in the history of that city.V ; ;r. The Consequences. Notwithstanding the frequent and forceible framings which are given : -i . it. r i- every Wwm ? ,LT1 in keenine un the practice. A few days ago a man was riding in a car ,on the C. U. & A. Kauread alone. Ine conductor ef him vell ahd;Ueirful, andretuynuigirin.,arfew mthutes, found mm 1DS BpeeuuieBa with his head badly cut and bruised. It was soon dis covered that he had put his head out of the window for a little while, you know. T f . 1 1 How They 'Enjoyed ' the tfMfihni H 1 Almost . every colored individual, male and female who could, rake to- lgether the sum of 25 cents, sacrihced it on the altar of pleasure, and went 1 to' enjoy the? Qdd FelWs' fiMtibiilj ; TT4 T . J T rt - o ported to have occurred on street cor Ber Petweeytw JerriesS f " Jinnie, you wuzn't at defestibul, fA , tM ' v, uie uiu iiuiu oaiu aa nuw he renf d e'd best not go.' ! J Drteribeea dare;"! ; s fins of Tanet'ifiomnai -fi t TtJl TiTTrTx774 S. ' i .) A Virgipian. whp is a j great admirer of our distinsruished candidate for Gov- , f WSOJna'jftVllWearitagOf Jifcfin i ft became known that the Jiotorious Horace Maynard, of Tennessee was to speak in Richmond, that the citizens of that place sent an "earhf :recjueiBt to i Upy. Vance tQ come ani,me.t,. him.-r Maynird opened ina1 speech of about ""v "voustnttuuiuxunifexivvuuiixuw. feckless statements and infamous slan- fera 6f S1 PfopHthafc; wert ever uttered inHhat proud and patriotie tId '.- people was so ponent could not treat him with respect, while the''tlielu?e!i6pfealy"expre8sed theic'conletripCWf th-e-fHnoR3ftirti6at wftienisb iriaresNarn1 dirifiiWy ithTM j t autc muse ituu axtci uia&iug a ten introductory Hremark,s,jand,4ejtpyessing his surprise that a man raised andhon- r dark- paus id his face was of an ashen hue, his eyes nrsx. looicea iromms ?PP0 4&ynard seemedjtp, coweijbejneath and 'tne excitementof "the; at his audi- DgP.it4WW trJSPe janie cene the moti xcitifagl'-a6d' iaterf cha character. With a look wtmipvetic l can.1- comi Jppreciate Vance's reply unless he had een Maynard ' IfforWa acquainted withyiKMuA'l'ii05' M"5 (lml Compaq; the iSpeakeihoabjistwy $60'sch16l1 -ItlfttnilrtrAftftAd vcmVA YlsL-n.rorlcno.hartAa rl ll-nrlA JSBriAoff aAn.inni. kiaThnMUVmi T" . "fc j 1 II . .- . . 1 . h ... . i uu"" ,"",,i?uf,oHuluife p"- Uers.ieaiklhgacrciss the stand anrni- til i.t i: i i rnent bis .opponrrt lttaa Idjsplayed m I J - ... . -- w w vw m r.. r the delivery of his speech, ;he contm- ued. i'IJft felikh have fevei seen : iiorT'dbesjha iekrM flinrfniHRan fliaTvfmalro'f?Ar:T;lrftAliJ- Ai . pWfffLnee J .WJlWPjo'-nany. ; jouiutesv forbf )U MedalsT i We Kaveeen presentecL W 1 tW Phifer, wttftairf old" eppper tnedaL ; Qiher.. otaUieaf rmight be one of his fields. ;Jthearg , the date of io, ana on one siae is ine pruuauie likeness ' of1 Gebrge 'It. OrFlhedppo- sitd-side is lyrcf :urmountei byei l.lfA werej a one. . time, campediu1 Mr"Pni j tutim&a XT VttMi k Una"! iiaiori fl v VtV into the possession of a medal, which 11 Uk JtUUUlk HUE size ItJthDold fa&KfftlcC sQv, dollar, and is also of copper. : copper, un one siae pi pleaded with success for her children! - - - - . . .. . ... I It is nrobablv a medal which wasstruoK " ? V'f f wue irienif iurj urivau t vwiwuxo, e English Pariiament.inthcB COMMUWICATIONS dviil w ha OMMUHKATETX h ynl.a J Victory ot Defeat Ho Coalition SfABTAKBpBGj C,, AUg. 9 1876. out tickel'alcairpargli you are xespectfully un rged not to permit the decent people of this BtatS to be misrepresented by supposing that the sentiment uttered by Geo; W.. ; vyi' liams Esq., of Charleston, represents the Wishes pJlft jBeinpcr 0 gytftlS GQ lina. Deovolente on next Tuesday the I5tb inet.; you will see straight-outrun.-' nominations of gentlemen, ' ' "natives here - . -ArMlio-lh'aaur Ouri,'' - who will be our Standard hearers, with- out fear, and without reproach, in this contest lor.civu liportaTk loeje is to be nn mmriUfhrnt-h. rers and scalawags. Victory or deleat onprcipl1iqt,Ationea,MOioiiIy At May God grant us success! T j i s ..i GRADED SCHOOLS BY PROF. J. COLTON LYNES. The graded school system was in tended to extirpate to pull up by the roots the old system which required a man to declare himself a pauper before he could avail himself of the advanta- ees of free rjubhe schools for the educa- . ... I tion ot ;hk j children. The. system, herein advocated, aims tor -cheapen education torall, by elevating the schools to so high si standard that they shall command the "patronage of the entire community. , Again. There is no cause for a con flict between., the -private and public schools of the cbuntry. If, in a town or cityf e-fadedsyterirfe'in ted and is properryjnanagaiand wisely supervised it may,by-and by, absorb the independent schools? I by 'A making' their teachers iteieachers. It will ac complish this wprk just at the time the community at largerdiscovers its real genius. And up to ibis point, the inde pendent schools can live in perfect har mony with the schools operating under the graded system.5 . There is no reason whyy cxteris paribus, , graded schools thus organizedshlclriot made, and recognized, to be tributary to the first class secondary schools 'and colleges in a coi (YV ( 'A ! JL The erne -sos roagnly outlined ?m the ffrecoiag ias Just been iiappily the firMroing,! asyjust nius&aldd it -Avgnkafh a) Mil878, Board of Education was organized un der a local law for the city and county ; levidd'; r2,00aobUlJied.fronl ah&PeA body Funafntf ab6uYl,bdttdm the State arjDroDriation. which latter comes t . l.trr. t T I 'J iJ ' If I ' l S Atlantic Railroad, tax on liquors, shows, 1 Up toavtiit)et?75,' flifelBottrd con teiiteditieV wife the -.ygwiuation management of what, are termed the elementary schools1'' That month, a cdrnmittee tmBietf iSelirjolswa iaendatiops reUtn-t 4ft,abprption of the RichmQttdi'.catlemy, (High Department,) Necly's . GjLrs' xiign lOOi, UrHU provmou UCiUg xuaue for that class of pupils outside 'thef jjitj at ejzibahndqSurjervJ y$j , VUe Board-thus : availed v itself of ther best tecljipg jtatenjn.the- pcBteyidre-j to June S0,iult, these-180 were paid for uiun ur uper. lermu j; xnia .wasxacsav- i Arvrv . rrn . . This a step- Operated fin nhis I ,A mi,ia!-w.'.U.Ii. Li i-xne xoaru reiieveu pirn gi nis auiuon biUs. ? Tliimadethef Motile eifat oncre'that j tha' .TtLmi WaS3iBnfWD Avifoiir dfr&Atfnr' ft AWv - 1 - .Hd I i " " " Wchools stood intact both as to teachers --n : - tti, i 1 fLtHAt ZtZZL- iZx m the systerrivt .The course of study in .tU. '. TIIV. O 1 1 ' X. I.i. thorough preparalion for colleee and I business"' . ' . . .. . local law, the most ample provision is youth.The' appoih'lmetiluas tOAcnooi houses, character and qualificationa:pf 6fc5htham. land the '.word GVLi yesterday, tne 8tn mst., you. say, "ine i tan take Green's -Angnst urA idLft&.&yLl iktl 4A rin&rm retthnirreHef nd cure. ? At " SnnfVi norn1lr.fi. will nrkt. mn sl fitrAiffht I JlldI lieyed the parents pf 18Q Iigh .School pUpilsflltuipr ling of $1,800 an amount .more, tnajn oi I aufBcieht tameetv.tbe sunermtendemxs came as-. lor tne ites. peopleand teachers view the subject uwn uie ngui stanu aiiu wicm will be no clashing between those who have children and those wbo have not, nor yet between those who instruct in i, those ; wnq con tnd academies to rhich we are all so largely indebted good to the largest num- In this city, at 4 o'clock A M. Aue 10th RobeH Anderson, son.ef CoLCbas "VY and i;we;-is dejapPji wQiflrch : RtrseVat lO'o'clock Ai M to-day. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited. r f Tn Dftvidntt vwif. ornifiatftKr imtanfc: Franklin w WOa. igedMyew5 1 . -r T--f I -3'rTT1"53 T 1 If you have 8ick Headache take a dose of Ur Bttii'a vegetable Fills ; we know you wil. nnd reuer. Is Your Iiife Worth 10 cents ? Sickness brevaifs' evervwhere. and everv- ; body complains of some disease daring their , life. When" sickl the object Is to get well : nqw tossy plainly thai, no- .person in this world. ?thaMs' Coffering, with- Dyepepsiai Liver Complain aQd its effects,. such as In- digestion, Costiyeness, Sick Headache, Sour Flower without voadoubtthia ! Smith A Co..'. and 8aniirt Vrttt fts and try it Regular hi ze 75 tents, five you. ', Two duses will re NERVOUS DEBILITY. i Vital weakness or depression : a weak exhausted feelinp, no energy or courage the result Of menial over-work, ludacre tlous or excesses, or some drain upon the systemi isalways cored by HUMPHREYS' UOMEUPHATIC SPECIFIC No. 28 pels the gloom aod, despondency, imparts strength ana energy Estops the draiu and rejuvenates the entire men. Been used 20 years with 'perfect success by thousands, 1 Sold by dealers. Price $1-00 per single vial or $5.00 per package of five vials and $2.00 X&S$i llUMPyHREYs Sf ophatic mkijicine company BKOADWAY, NEW YORK iuay9 .,..,,, . Bn,r, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TBLGEKAPHIC MARKETS. Thuraday, August lO, 1816. HHOOUCE. . Baltimore Oats dull and unchanged. Rye firmer; fair to prime 58aGl. Provisions dull and htajy; aesss 701; bulk shoulders o. Al A : u i rv. u . t 1 -l rv.. 1 . i ' . . , no iiaj. lath, rcnaen, jzjaf. Kxuet steady and firm. yV hisky dull at 1.13. Sugar steady. COTTON. Newr York Doll; sales 253 bale, av 12 5- 16al;. consolidated .net receipts 6,432; exports to Great Britain. 15,367; to France 300; to the continent 64. "usrm; midfSli; Id 'uM 11; good" or3inaryS(; net receipts 54; gross 46; sales 600; exports to Great Britain 2,484; coastwise 1,254 ' A New Yoik Closed easy. Salts 14,000 bales. January..-... MfMtaSH; February.:. March ........t H JM6a23-32 ' li 27-32a7-8 i 12 l-23a32 April.. ................. .....M...... . UWI AV May 125-16all-32 June i ial742 Jaly..... 12 5-Sa21-32 12 9-32 12 l-32al-16 August September! Vlctober 11 21-S2all-16 11 9-16al7-32 11 9-16al9-32 Nayember. ... December.. - FI N A NCk A Im New Yerk Money easy at Ha2. 'bteriing I ot a rl,l nur .tm Govern- meiM? gffflffffi gffiii riURLOTTB MARKETS. '' :: ."OrBaEBVEB office. - Chabxottk. NC August 10, ;1876. Thelrten. Market. I The demand for cotton continues fair, withrtlight DflFerings, and no changes in. quo- laHowing is atrepe-rt of the condition of the cotton erop, takes from the July report of I aepanBiB oi ngriuuivure ; j Oottooy ir thesfewetlf Jalyv wasm a condition oX beaUh trowihr-leeOfa-WSble than in July of last year well cultivated and reasonably clear 6r grasa.. ! Durifigi the last half of June its growth was rapid, and bl6dms we're .,freeiy ' reported in: the mors Soiilh erp'; .feel .No, 'ptnplaiu taof brought arftremvedi; rains ha vSTbeettifrequeat, and. in a large arerd excess of the requirements for the highest condition. In rainy dia tricts the uplands and Bandy lands gifebel ter promise at present thanthe bottoms. -In SouttOgignM) Cloida 8tormKere especially severe between June 11 and'is ; in scHue localities,: eeven days of ; cbntinabs rain.1-' wvjx-v f i-w.? .-liofj il L In cuH8eWitb'Ust'year; North Oaf olina"! Geofii,' kild Texas report higher con tAldition: all the other States lower nzures - f than in July pf 1875.- The general average I . . , , of 1875 "'y.PfTO the present average of condition is 97 r the unit of comparison being normal growth and unim- P'H.tTOfWiaPia. MiOf fif''l :j teachers are the o i kci a- oaiuuic wvnw. Seft lithe States that Laye made fmprevement are bo mcorpOratedlNorth'tarolinaf FrdrlSa, Alabama, Missis- J sippi, Louisiana, TexasArkansa?, and Ten- I naoBAA !rt:. I... l,M f V.A 1. J nK of, last wp bgk .Carolina hps declined from 93 to 90, in consequence of I 'i tasingaws xor condition are; as t louows NdrtB GaroiiBa0? South Carolin.v 90 Mississippi ;$0 . Lbuisians, I 92 ; Texa,i jrrAnsa, 97; Tennessee, 103 f l 'is j Vj The figures yesterday were as follows ifeAor...:..i.-:.s..;,.i...:v..;.,.;: tnferldr 4Ja9 Low Middling ........ J. 10i liai-ie iflddUr..i4.'J Qod Middling JLli5.-iL?i Eeceils for the day, 19 bales. 1 i 1 1AILY PUICB CURRENT. Bacon steady with light demand, Corn, light stock, fair demand Lard meood demand. t .!--- ; Flour, quiet with small sales, r- ?j j i! cnicsens scarce, in xair aemanu. Eggs scarce and in demand. Butter scarce and in fair demand. . " - Hone v. good stock, little demand. Sugar active and in demand, with upward tendency. . Baook ? r . per fl Hams, 16al6j Breakfast Stripe, 14al4J Clear Rib Sides, 12al2 , Shoulders, , s , 9ial0 . Hog Round. 13al3J j it t Extra Leaf, t , 15al6i "X Ordinary, UJ0I6 BuTTxa Fresh Country, - 20a30 s Goshen, . 45o55 CASISX-. "Northern, Pineapple, 16iol8 3 per sack Family, Extra, Super, Buckwheat, 3.50o4.25 3.25a3.35 3.00o3 25 per lb, 5a7 Good to prime 61 RiO Choice 8 cts. Meaxi per bushel, 90al00 4a5 Fine Crushed HialO . heavy brown, lOf all GbitjJ per lb. Stjoab Loaf 13al3J. Light Brown, Hall MoLAsess per gal Golden Drip (syrup) 50o60 65a70 50a60 26a28 htw Orleans, Cuba, BlackStrap, HoNry per lb In Comb, 12al5. Strained, 13al5 Coftsb Mocca, 40. Java, 35. Rio, 20a23 TA-r , Black 6075. Green, 6oal,25 5 Mixed, :,60al5 Poultet - From wagons. From stores Turkeys, 75al.OO. 1.00al.25 Geese, 30a40 Ducks, 25a28 Guineas, 20a25 Chickens, 12Jal5 12i15 Mackerel, White Fish, Cod Fish, Herrings, per box 45a50 30a35 25a30 15a20 1820 per bbl. HJaH 12 10 60a65 Egos Fish Gbaih- Corn, by car load, in sacks, 73a75 " bulk, 70 From wagons in bulk, 70 store?, 90 Whx&t From wagons. From Stores White, 100 1.25 Bed. 105 1.25 Oats White., 35a40 50a60 Black 37ia40 50 Kti 90 1.00 PAS , Pure clay. 90 1.10o25 Mixed, 80a90 861.00 Gkoukd Pkas 1.50al.75 1.75a2.00 Hat Unchopped Timothy, 1 35 Fruits Oranges, per hundred, 3 50a4.00 Lemons, 3.25a3.75 Apples (Northern), per bbl.,5.00a6.00 Apples (Green Mountain), 1.25al.50 Cranberries, per quart, 30 Dried Apples, per lb.. 9ul0 " Peaches, 10al2ial5al8 Potatoes 8weet,per bushel, lOOal 25. 1 25al.50 Irish, per bbl., 2 O0a2.25 Okioks per bushel- Red, 60a75 No White Onions on the markc. Fbksh Mkats per i Beef, 8ial-l Veal, - lOali Mutton. 12iol- Lamb, 12al& Pork 12al Tallow 8aj0 Bubwax ;!25ao0 salt .per sac Liverpool 2.2oa2.60 American, 115al30 Hidks per lb. From wagons. From stores, Dry Flint. 9J 11. Green, 5Jo6i eoiHG per yard, 7a8 15al5i :4a44 Wool per lb. 25 35 Tub washed, Unwashed. DRY GOODS. - - Jobbing Trade. Domestic Oak Grove A 4- 4 per yd 7a7 7- None Woodlawn 4-4 7Jo7' 7-8 6a& 8-4 5ia5 Cleavland or Catawba 4-4 7ia7 Osnaburgs lOalli Brown Drills 9alOJ Bleached Shirtings' 5al0 8ea Island 74a91 Quilt Lining ' 4ia5i Randleman plaids 10 Georgia do 10J Ueorgia Truck for Trousers 2' . , Georgia Jeans 22 Yarns per bunch 90al 00 Prints. Wamsntta Amoskeay 54 AH best brands 5a6 Coates and Clarts Thread 674 A..', WINES j AND LIQUORS. Full stock on market with lightidemand Wholesale Rate. Beahdy Peach per gal.; ? 75a3 00 Apple 2 25a2 50 Whisky Rye 1 30a4 50 Corn 175al85 Winks Sherry' - - 3 00 Port 3 00 Maderia 300 ; ' ' 8cuppernong 2 50 Blackberry per bottle I 00 Claret perdoz 6 00 Champagne per basket ? 15 00o35 00 u Ale per dcz 3 00 Porter perdoz . 3 00 LEATHER. There has been a heavy decline in all lines of leather. The market is now steady, with light demand, .W juote jobbing rates as follows:; . J 1 1... G D Hemlock per lb. 22a20 Good 25a20 French Calf, Cornelian per lb. 1 75 , Suser 1 65 American Calf, per lb 1 35a I 50 Kips, -" 55a63 ., . Upper, - . 35c4 ' Harness Leather, per lb: ; 30 ,- fi. : .. -, . - . -v."; CANNED GOODS &c, &c i lb; scans resiFmackerel, SOMETHI1TG jTRESH & GOOD ; , ,,2 and 3 LB, CANS FRESH i i PEACHES, TOMATOES, t n :J TROPHY SUGAR iu; it-iis CORN 'in 2 LB. -CANS, almost equal' to ; green ."'n ri i Ji fLi sl. Si. CORN BEEF, DEVILED HAM, LOB i STERS, TONGUE, and TURKEY. T SOME VERVTINE CREAM CANDY CHOCOLATE, BURNT ALMONDS, CRySTALIZEfillJlUIT, &C, THE BEST in the MARKET. ORANGES, LEMONS and APPLES. .THE:. BEST SODA CRACKERS I -Hi it. iff THE CITY'-' -V ' foe salb;at D. SI. RIGLER'S, Two Doors below 1st National Bank. may5 Li ail TALBOTTA SONS, RICHMOND, VI E G INI A HAKTJFACTCBEBS ...... 'Portable, Stationary AKD STRICTLY PORTABLE F.KGINE8, CIRCULAK SAW MILLS, &C, &C. AGENT FOR BEoT COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, GIN FEEDERS, WOOD WORKIKG MACHINES, Bbasch Office, Charlotte, N. C. - For Circulars and Price List, address Wm C MORGAN,. Manageb, CHARLOTTE, N. C. aug2 C. C. RAILWAY, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, i WUmington, May 12, 1876. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, June 4, trains will run oyer this Railway as follows : PASSENGER, MAIL & EXPRESS TEA INS Daily, Sundays excepted. Leave TPilmington, at - 6:20 p m Arrive at Charlotte, - - - 6:4uam Leave Charlotte, at - buwpm Arrive. Wilmington, at - - 7:30 am FAST FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAINS Tri-weekly Leaves 'Wilming ton and arrives at Charlotte Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays ; Leaves Char lotte and arrives at Wilmington Tuesdays, . Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Wilmington, at - - 5:20 am Arrive at Charlotte, - - 11:45 p m feave Charlotte, at - - - 5:20 a-m Arriye at Wilmington, - - 11:30 p m 8HELBY DIVISION Daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Charlotte, at . Arrive at Shelby, at Leave Shelby, at Arrive at Charlotte, 7:00 rfm 11:30 a m 1:30 p m 0:00 p m CONNECTIONS. Connects with the A. & R. Air-Line Charlotte at 6:40 a. m. and 6.30 p. rn. in Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington & Weldon Railroad ; also with Wilmington, Columbia fe Augusta Railroad at 6:20 p. m., and 7:30 a. m. gft. Papers publishing Carolina Central Railway schedule will please notice changes. 8 L FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, may 14 BIG RIOT AND TERRIBLE MURDER WORSEf HAH SLAUGHTER ATjTHE BLACK HILLS! Vance and Settle AT h o o NB I TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT AND THE SPEAKING BROKE UP ! MANY LIVES LOST ! SETTLE MEN EXTERMINATED THE RIOT WAS CAUSED BY A MAN ENTERING the CROWD WITH A TILDEN and VANCE CRAVAT ON WHICH HE PURCHASED FROM JOHH A. YOUHO' SOU, i- -oOo- P. 8. The CRAVATS preseryeis I : ' They will Lave thitn ! them ! 4 i rovtd to be life Everybody buys Clubs can Le furnished at short notice, at J A YOUNG & SON'S. aug4 fSns hovij a h x si ,S3Nor v SAaaaNV AA9A9 jsouitu jo HS3HJ S3iaMV3 'S3aVr 3HOY3d 1IS331J aoi 00 ox 30?;m hhx si i . WESTERN HOTEL, ; , H1CKO R Y , N . C . ... .. . . ... Til 13 House is now open for the accom modation of visitor and - the traveling public.;, Booms large, snd well ventilated. A liberal patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, . Terms $2 per day, $7 to 8 per week, $18 to $2i per .month; according to location of room: v' v - v -; Children and Servants half price. - - t A W MARSHALL, . '. ' '- " t , i," 1 Proprietor, i Polite and attentive servants. No B ir Room or Billiard Saloon kept in the build ing. jnl28 2m " " " " ' - F OR SALE, i A good Gold Watch. For particulars in quire at ' OBSERVER OFFICE. : awll a " ' Ten Cent ColnmiL column at Ike rate of ten (10) cem, Z one, -jor each insertion. o ment taken for less than twtni .Eight words make a line. THE Fall Session of Mis MarvWT School Will mmmffln. .. 'W' . Vll LUC I (Int. Seutembtr. School Hnn X . "J if Pme, Pairons please Ukeiotice " 1 aug5 tf GOLDMINE PROPKUTI FOtt SALE. ville, N. C. on the A., T. & o. Ka 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said T" been explored only 23 feet, and many nu miners have, examined the mice ni and pronounce it very fine. Also Prof w Kerr, ot R ileigh. Dr C L Hunter, of I l1 colnton and Prof Hanna, of Charlotte w Been fSa m(n .nil M , j "ve very fine. ' - " With these recommendation and man ore that could be brought un nn. . i-- this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 acres of land in ! around said mine, of Wi;cl there are som 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber h-ii Any one wishing to bee tpecimens of gaid mine can do so by calling at our 0fflceI When we say specimens, we mean to how you something that is worth looking at. rui lujiuer tuiurmiiiiuu, auuress H. A HDHTER June 17 Huntersville, N.c, THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS neeii in general use for twenty years. everywhere proved the most SAttlS, SIJUPJH; JECOIO- M1CAL and EFFIClT nTedl! cines Known, xney are just what the people want, svin suviiis time and money, averting sick. ness and suffering. Each single speciflc the well tried prescrip. o n of an eminent Physician. nu vures l'nto 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 25 - Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fanta, 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billious Colic, 25 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, 25 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,. .. 25 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver- tigo 25 10 Dyspepsia, Billious Stomach 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods 5 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 25 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 52 10 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 2o 16 Fever and Ague,Chill Fever, Aeues, to 17 Piles, blind or bleeding 50 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyea,.... 50 19 Catarrh, acuteorchronic.InflueDza 50 20 Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 50 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing, 50 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 50 23 Scrofula, enlatged glands, Swel lings 50 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak ness 50 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 50 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from ridiug, 50 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel, 50 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 1 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker 50 g Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed, 50 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms 50 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc. 1 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 50 35 Chronic congestions and erup tions...... 5 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, $10 (0 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book C00 I3T These remedies are sent by the. case or single box to any part of the country, . free oi charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic medicine Co. Office dt Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T J SMITH & CO., Agents, nov&.eod ly Charlott e, NO & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. DEPT. ) ST A, R. R ) i, 1876. ) Charlott., Columbia e Augusta, Columbia, S. C, June 4th, On and ' after Sunday. June 4tb. tlt following schedule will be operated on this oad : MAIL AND EXPRESS GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, daily, 430 p. m Arrive at Columbia, 9 35 p. m Leave Columbia, - 9.fc5 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, . . 5.15 a. w. GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, Arrive at Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive at Augusta, 9.40 p. m. 3.35 a. n. 3.45 a. ui. 8.30 a. nl. cars run ou this train Augusta. TRAIN HAR- Comfortable sleepin between Charlotte an ACCOMMODATION LOTTE DIVISION GOING NORTH Leave Columbia daily (Sundays excepted,) Arrive at Charlotte, 8.00 a. ni 6.32 p. m. GOING SOUTH, Leave Charlotte, - 6 00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, 3.37 p m. ACCOMMODATION T A1N AUGUST A DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, 2.29 p m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. ni. Arrive at Augusta, 6.35 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays. JAMES ANDERSON, , , Gen'l Supt, . A POPE, General Ticket Agent. jun6 A..T. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Charlotte, N. C. April 8, 1876. J ON and after Monday, April 10th. the following Schedule will be run over this road : " GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, ' D College, : -MOdresvUle, Arrive Statesville, GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville.' " " Mooresville, 1 D. College,; Arrive Charlotte, 6 30 a. m 8 20 8.58 10.00 " 2.60 p.m. 3 67 " 4.35 " 6.U0 " l Trains make close connection at Statesville with Trains over W. N. C. R.R. Tickets on Bah toNew'ton. Hickory. Mor ganton, Marion and Old Fort. : , "All charges must be pre paid onFreigb offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson's,- Alexandriana , and , Caldwell c These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the above named "Flag Stations." . , .. fnr No freight will be received by Agents for shipment unless the name of consignee ana destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J GORMLEY, t gpljl ; Sopejrlntenaep.

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