jf 1 , ntcz &ht ho" o5 Arris " 1 rf nv ii.'1 i Tn Obaebv Job Pepafwaeoi : thoroxighly aupplled with" wjf-v aw want, and with the latest strlea of Type, aas very manner of Job Work can now U tfbn with neatness, dispatch and cueatna" , We can famish at abort notlc - ; r felANX8. SELL HEAPrt.' V r. y- ; LETTER HE IBS. CARDST. t, '- ' ' A TAGSt BSCXZFT8. FOSTKBi, 1 "t FBOQRA MM IS8, HAND BILLS, - Vi'1- PAMPHLETS, CHJBOK.S, - A - W mjS.LT BDUTM. hi-lily. 3Q the county) rn advance, $2 uo" out of the opuular, postpaid, 2 lj 6 months, . 105 lir Liberal reduiptfoajfor dufcs;! A r .Y-illi A f . . CHAELOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15 L876. NO. 2 331. . t? ENTIRE LHE, OE t4. -AT- WB-AI. LDIES MISSUS, GEIVITS BO ITS. AND CHlLBBlljs BOOTS SHOESiVE Of EVERY DESCRIPTI&N WBrFOUND IN the CITY, . ; Mil-- Y-) fi- HiVffJih OTJE PRICES . . FT ; t P ft K p. T - 1 0 H" (11YF IS A CALL BEFORE PURCHASIRQ ELSEWHERE AND SEE' IIOWXOW'YOIT CAN BUY B O Q ? "fe iAStT 3b;iS H O E S -' , jti; Tun p trictiy CASH. Better paj- Cash and secure Bargains than high prices on KKiiii i' )i - li-tr pec I Its' tULts. Em.einVtr the place. ' wit r:; ; i ; r: i: M II. 'OK ILOMjU'llH BUJKDIKQ," v u1i v f T U IJ BURGEdS'NlCHOL? WHOLESALE BED ROOM AfyD PARLOR OF COFFINS CF ALL mar7 ' 1 t fx i . it i t . ' 1 . . i i ,. 1 S 'Mwfl IV; ' i jajwgjg J rtjM7V JUSTjRECEIVED F1DIJ iiiH fiS1 PUIinnCHC PAQPIAOCC . .ji i s j r iiiiii liiii ii.it iiniiiiinni FIRST OF rrOC.T.p'BER, I :i Kli' I I Tri" U ti'V : ..;:.;. ? ...o..irri - 0 ih HOY , ' , ;.. , I .OPEN THE MOST ' ' -V; v : : ; .... ,.....;.... . i ' ' ' - v. .-?.! ' .c :A'" ':. J. .ttad .i. ..... f - " " ! ;i ; "i 'i 'in n ta , ,. . :! ! 'j. ,; i; ) (! J if ! i : .i ,-.'T if 'ji-. -. i ;X j. ; f . i.i :; ! ''if -1 ' ; ' i 1 1 - ? - 4 i i i t : : ; . : ; ii Mii Itlill'los i: ! .f ! ! '.- j ! iih!':; ii J: ! EV ER B EFOR f7 'i i - s CO'-Sf .1 1 .sat'. (i t i. 1 i '." .lh'':.'"J I'll 1!'. 'f.'i !l .i., ,tK.;i ..T liii-f'til iff li.'i i;lttit lilt' 1 1 .8988U1T 4t J7iWit jfu i( i V" ! M'h.' IwJ 1'!.' ? olJqo-s TO i . " ' t ! v Atzyfii ii,i--'J lilijio'i hii ii'ifio lijw I v lrJ i mvrrr nrrni : J'iall I gE TREET, xIN DEC! 'CENH A35 BpTf f nf Q - :t vjt'U, edt OJ J,Y,ai a'AT T tiiudli, oe!A. .J-Mi.tf i'i. i i touJv kJ w;ui bv;t:jnis r ' " - - ',J .... . STJMSIER GOODS, GEST AND jfeST StOCK-OF TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. 3. 1 1 A Li K U S . E. A. OSBORNE. & RETAIL, DEALEES IN ALL. IMIjqS OF BEDDING, &C. No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C, SDtTS, AND A FULL LINE CRADES, ON HAND. p8j:BPiJ .i ! f .1 . fivhl (! It ,!l' ; f , . ' : i -h f .;.'V('. ! -- -i; 1 --1i ) 'It'..' rt: '.. ..I 'i! ' '.(!.. '. " i; (r.i ! f(l ! ". II . ';.. )I(J A'vlil'J, KijU ! I I ' r:ntt I ' )'TI1I ! I! E OFFER E D tii'fV 'f 7 .7 1 lii.Jtl f 'i i: f( j ift hmiMnx'i 'iti 'I .- ( AOOWM 7,0') A!) Ic-..J J' fi - l,i -.I; . ' 1 .... & - V -- ' - r TELEGRAPHIC SE WS 7 rr1 f-": n mrr"? :t -r?-s- iooo . Bispatehes. ji- FOREIGN: Turko Servian War Turkisb.' Cruel t:1 ty Towards the Bulgarians Ser i vians Evacuating Alexinatz The . Sultan Commands Peaes Failure. ... London, .Sept 14. A dispatch fro.n Odessa, reports that the Turks of Phil ipopolis, Tartar and Razardgdik, haveassUQied a-iibreateniog' attitude toward the Bulgarians Christians,1 ever since the "coliaps'e;of the . insurreitioii and they 'have been deprived of their arms. The British ambassador at .Con stantinople has been informed -:fo the perilous situation of the christian population.' Among the r eace conditions pro posed, is this : Prince , Milan shall go to Constan-tinople and pay homage to the Sultan. No mention tof Bosnia and. Montenegro is made in the 'condi ti6na.1 l! The Sultan in rejecting' the propositions and referring it again to the Grand Council of the East, said it was necessary to make friends, and show Euglauti that no more atrocities would ' occur. The war should be brought to a close as soon as possible, Turkey giving fair conditions. .. If his present advisers were unable to effect this, he would find others who could. The effect of this allocution was stunx njng, especially to1 the Grand Vizier, who has kept his room ever since. The absence of the Grand Vizier is consid ered a hint to his younger colleagues to lose no time injlacting on the ideas of the Sultan. They will thus avert the danger threatening all. Much de pendence is placed on Mahmondd Dai mod, the Sultan's brother in-law, on whose advice itis supposed the Sultan mainly acts. '' A Times'' Belgrade dispatch says? All Servian troops have retired from Alexinatz except eight battalions! who are instructed to withdraw in case of attack. .'.. . j Miller & Sons, calico printer's of Glas gow have failed. Liabilities, five hun dred thousand dollars. NEW YORK. The President's Wonuerful Forfe- ! knowledge. New York, Sept 14 A Long Branch dispatch says the President, in convert satton yesterday, said that he was in possession of all the facts relating to the efforts of tkeGoverriment to secure Tweed, and their final success. Hq also intimated' that negotiations for thine extradition treaty betw&en this country, and England are. pending. Mid-flight Wspatclies. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. s WAsniKGtoSr, D. C., Sept. 14!, . For the South Atlantic States, south east winds, - veering 0to aputh west and northwest, followed: by. rising barome ter, and copier, clear, or partly clear, w.eather. . . . : . y. .i WASHINGTON. Report of the Cotton-Crop. ' VfiiGT0j'6ep$l ber.retuxn8 to the? Department of Ag riculture, as was expected, sho'w a de- cline for the remarkably high; 'figures 01 JUiy.in an iiie tutvu1 out4.co vjkvvyy Lbuisiadaiiln some! the uiore South' t-rtV'rtttnties of the ' cotfori belti 'the Mterpflilai has been rh(rjfe or lert'cfes; Btimewbat tibksftBeta 'She cqndir ftifoiW thm-drfrrng Atrgtist were quite varied. In some cases pro tracted drought with extrmeheatinjur ed the crop, while in others complaints of excessive rain were rife. Yet the extent of local disasters reported. The condition of the crop in North Caro lina 91 a ' decline ;" df 6 per cent; Georgia, 90 decline of 14 per cent.; Florida; 89 iflecline 'of 6 per cent.; Ala bama 83 decline of 7 per cent.; Mississ ippi 87 decline of 5 per. cent.; Louisi. anaSO-.afainf CflTr??2nt.; Arkansas 92 a'Toss of 1 per"'cebU'Texas'B7 a los3 of 9 per cent.; Tennes3ee 119 a lo3s of 1 per cent. ( ,., , , ,. ! FLASHES. ; Navv. York, Sept 14 The Architect ural Iron Works have suspended. Li abilities $200,000. Seven hundred men ousted. ' 1 ' AltJRN;' Y.l,lSept i4-Ge6: Lane, convict, aged 48, was accidentally killed toaycj Had, been 29 years in prison ' ' Philadelphia, Sept J4 Tb,fPb art maceutical Association assembled at, I6B tT f theColje QfltoaJr tjs morning, &r. Ered Hoffman, of New York, pre sidioSgi iQliteanoQ baa xauiqHA. WAsaiNTWepllresident has signed thelcom mission of J. N, .psqre.CqlleQtiQii 4p.Cu8tnj8 in Toarl Wivpr District.. MisS'-o.'-iK "13 " Chandler has returned. .Vi- - .. . VIRGINIA. v ' Fdntral of Ex GovvHenry A- Wise : i i Long' Procession. i Richmond, Sept 14. The funeral of Ex-Gov. Henry A. Wise took place this afternoon, from St. James' Episco pal Church. There was an immense turnout of citizens of. all , clashes and nationalit'es. Tlie procession embrac ed all the military companies t of the city, veterans of the Wise brigade, Catholic, Irish and German societies, Masons, members of the legal profes sion and ailarge number of xther citi zens.: All along the line of march the streets'.wefe "crowded with, peopfe fol lowing 5tlie procession, to Hollywood Cemetery,! where the remains of the deceased statesman and soldier were interred. Floral tributes were num erous and handsome. . The State and city . officials, including jGovi, Kemper and staff also attended, while State and city Offices were closed during lat ter part of the day. Federal and State flags displayed at half mast on the capitol. ( - f HEW YORK. International Rifle Match. Crkedmore, Sept 14 The wind is quite strong, Five thousand people present. 800 yards; Canadian 492; Aus tralian 532; American 525; Irish 502; Scotch 52G. 900 yards Austxaljaia,494 Canadian 466; Irish 485; American 515; Scotch 4G2. 1,000 ' yards Score not given j et, The Americans won by 22 over the Irish. The American total score for both days, 8,120 Irish. 8,104. Totals for the match-Americans, 3,12G; Irish, 3,104; Australians, 3,095; Scotch; 3,061; Canadians, 2,023. ; 'f he eleccion for officers for the en suing year resulted ai follows : Presi dent, Charles Bullock, Vice Presidenty A D ShepharcL, Gustavus; J Loon and Jacob D Weils; Treasurer, Chas A Tafte; Secretary, C A Marsh. Report of the Treasurer showing the" association to be in a nourishing con dition , was adapted. SOUTH CAROLINA. No Nomination Monry the Trump Card, . Columbia, Sept. 14. The Republi can State Convention, third day. ; No nominations yet. The time thus far has been occupied in making speeches; byM the friends of both parties, ' Chamber lain and Dunn, The object of the de lay is stated to be to ascertain - who has the most money. - . . . NEBRASKA. -' : :T ".ii! .1 h . Sheridan .and the Indians. . Omaha, Sept 14 Lt. Geri. Sh'ei idah passed here this morning eoi rpute to Fort Lramie, where he will meet Gjeti, Crook in a few day 6' (to arrange &r a vigorous prosecution 'of ' the1 Indian war thrd.ughtthe-ico the establish meat of . a large ieanton mentin the Pdwder Reiver contry-i The Condition 6p the South. At Saratoga, i,n the social science Associa-; lion recently, Charles Nordbpff read 't, ' J. jl n.. j:i:ir ft. ej'...tJ'. payee uu iu cuuuiuumui tu OU14UI, sho'wine the ill effe'cts of the continual interference of the general gov-ernm en t (he condition '.of.- affairs id Georeia Favorably W'ilh; those in some' other- States, jvhere affairs are', more influ-', encea irpm waaningiqnvv, ;j , ; This, was , debated arid its yiewe jgen;: erally ;Cocurre4 , ia. feyEliar,W)right, Edward -lAtn8.on,.Crge DK' Howaiidi Prof. Suinner . 'ofale Coneg6 . The latte? helie ved thaA. : we. jh'.'. the! o'rth should, mind' oiif pwi in;er.n;ierierence5 oy, ine x eaerai; ponii oians in , th a internal' affairs 'of the South em States. Ex.' ion. Pioneers! V'tri -i . lift ' .'' !; 1! I YOU are hereby ordered to meet at your Engitle House, tbla' (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock, sharp, for practice i ' ; , ; A' fuU turnout ia earnestly requested. By order F. A. McNINGH, ' ,. C, C. Mqobe, ,,: ; President. Secretary.'. . sentl5, . " ' ' ' ' Coal ! Coal ! 150 Tons of Coal ! I HAVE con traced for the delivery, of 150 Tons of Coal in pharlolfte. r"WHI sell it at lowest market rates for first-class Coal. . Address orders to me. care of S H Jlawes, Rlchm6ttdpYa. Qp to 8epteriber20tb'f after that to me in Charlotte. .itfM 1U ,7-; sept!2 tf , ;,j,j,-'f in) , u-Id v 'Lr'hi' ''''' ' .'in''-' ' i''-iiJi iirzzuZr Septemper y, larb,1 Select School. r MtSS "H ioORE will open 'her 8choolT oa Friday the 15thf pf September, "adr "mlttlrifif 6nlV a 1 limited' 4iatEfi)eT' of tmpils;' Tuition, paid half in vaft"cWi -Md deduc ,tinnr made lor" aBsenpe m&iess 'w cases or protracted sickness. .voolurjLijUKiC. 8eptl9 lw .u-)Iyni f.ora-un?il JL(OiM7MilDM "LITE WITHIN YOUR INCOME.' TILDEN. In order that the Citi zen? of Mecklenbarg ana especially tneresidents ofCnarlottr, may avail tnemselyes of toe tratbs of maxim, and in consideration "' of the ' "-'v 1' .:. if I have recently purchased a coatplte ; Stock or I. FANCY ! i ; j'--'.'': i .- . : -AT- BEDTJCEJ PEICES, And offer them at. the lowest market prices. fslIGAKS Cut Loaf," Powdered, A.. Extra C , and Golden C. Sugars.; COFFBES Roasted Javs, Grouttul Java , Ground Bio best quality. . KAW-O. G.Java, Prime Bio, Good Pao, Hunnels, Vss, Ccffee. ; t HOCOL.ATE Maillards Double Vanilla Bon.lJon, Baker's premium; ai-d t . German Sweet- CRUSHED' WHEAT-Scottish Chief Oat Meal, Irish Oat Meal; Kye Flour, Pearl Hominy , Pearl Sago, Pearl Tapioca, Italian Macaronij.ifVarmiceili, Four grades Bw.ley. SPIUES Cloyes, Allspice, White'! Jamaica' Ginger, Ground and Whole Pepper, Ground and Lark Cinnamon, CelfeEy Salt, &c. Slesa Mackerel (extra fine), Cod" Fiah, iJefesi, irrifori (Viil Pish '1?i.rria A I ',,!o Smoked Beef.: Smoked TongiieV " Hams and Breakfast 8trips.;' ' A Fine o pf, Chantry., Hams, Sides, -and ....suouideis. .. iiest I-eul tra in ,5 Jb. J " ' ' buckets piicl, tuba.- -1 Hc rstfoid'9 "Bread Preparation, : Sea Foam, ' --IvLiyai Baking Powder, Corn: Ytfufct ak. ',:., -,;.,: 1 - jell Tes in Goblets arid Tumblers,' Colt man's1 English Mustard i and ,-' Prepared' Fresh Mustard, Crosse fe Black -well's Chow Chow qtsand pis., C. & B. White . Onions. . . : i ,is American Plain and Mixed Pickles, Spanish Olives, Frenjn -Prunes, Preserved Gm . ger, Peaches 2 and 3- lb cavjs, Edam (on Holland) Cbeese, Cream , . , Cheese, Almoads, Shelled j, ; Almonds, BrazUTPecan, , ... i,, 1 . ': , aid other Nuts. - ., Wilson's Celebrated Cooked Com-Beef 2'and 4 lb cans, Kelson A Cox's Sparkling ; Gelat ne, and many mother anti-i . . cleg too numerous, to mention. We keen etriethr a FIRST-CLASS Grocerr ' The ladies fere always the best judges, and know better what is needed on a well regaiated table. .;.,! . . ,-; ,A. fiSSr ' We especially invite Au iadies t call and examine our 8tockt and 'e - wilt, take pleasure in showing dUrGdbdl. ' . - w . . 1 t i L 1 : r -. - ra . ; . aatr- Kememoer ine piace, oonm . -iTaae Street , under the Traders Natrona Bank. 1 : n .: JACOB DULS, Agerit. ' jer? t ooas aenvereu Jj ree.- , -j 4 aeptl? , .... :, , ; . :1, - ,; OIJ J FRESH CANDIES!!! t-: ,: - is. v i - 1 . ,'; -i in ."..'-' fiH ' :i-!;-'i "fit'lO hlit:i;l J JOST EECltiyjD A f IXK ASOBTilEKT, .. ii ... : . : :"'...''. -i .-ii ihriT '! t an . -1, . - '-s:. ',;) .,1 . :, . n 7.1 fhr.-t- . OF . . . , CREAM CANDIES, .- jjjti: ').' Jo 'i iu 1 fh.n y..idot4 iti- lO'i'iP!.:) U-Jl'! ffiJ ,J '.'-(iJ-j".'..! ""? VII! . lltibii:)Ui!s i:J ht; ,i-.''vt ifuui iiiirn- ,'JItU. :-idw ..".t uoiJnp ; .olic-'t j! .h?)'L .if.'otii: -Jfciti i:" ' " ' ; : J r.'.Jj .' A.i ,' - " 'W T-i'T'j! 'io vaA . ' -Si-'-.I. i T 'SO jit.!-r-.i60 'l l-L : 1 1 ' !.; :i i4i ; i'. FRESH -"A'E nionrs io J iit5 'i ; ; .i I.1-J J" '(' i 4 AT ' ' I'll .. , . . I. iR , ;i!h'l -v. 1 ,1 J !. D. M.-RIGLBR'S. eptt4 1 ' fPHB- HEW! REMEDY. ,; J : ' ' i ' 1 : - Merrill s great j Antebilious prescription "Hepatine" or Vegetable Liyer Medicine for Dyspepsia, Neryoia Headache, Cpnetipation, Bilhous Attacks, Hearthurr .' Jaundice Chronic Diarbcea, Soar Stomach, Loss ioj Appetite, and all diseases' arising from a dis ordered Liver. For sale at J y .j.udiivM6ADBN I j,. apr6. .:-'-'-r :r i Drag Store, MaWeFMrtj'fiii'Sale.' T WILL Sell at private '.sale-twenty-Eve A Of acres of land, situated- jvitbin 40Oi yisrds of city limits, just hfWj&lfTSt& pQAJt CREEK. The properly,- r40ntaia soma beautiful building sites, and will dq cut into lots of nve-acreseaon; er less, toBrn pur chasers; n For r further foWdatioiVapplr tfcoi-.-HH-.-jo hna v-jjaBiIORRBNiGE. .i iii'PWu noJJo niu looi'j ! Gil J ' u iiO." Th&mtGhanfje' :' yymvib fti 3i ,rfl:ii ft St Jl i.yd ;;A LLpersous Indebted l td me i bjr mote o ffl acqpuuj, mill pleasejfiowQ jBorwardiftnd. eaffl a oa T viaiwi tha mAitaw ... j . . j . 3 . r; Air notes ana accounts: la, my, haBds,fUn settled by thefistday - br'rleait October. ViUi be'sold to' highest ' bidder1, id front of the Court House, ftir What tJneyHltbrifag.! 1 J' li:.". fff uf.fi ' .'Vfo oJ '0'."tJSsii''. "d lng2aiji-)i.aiij ri . twi K';knjjiKANJB4 ALUM AND IODINE MASS, sept!4 T HORSTOn'S T OaTH RO W D E B S , .'.'? 'V. 1 '-.: " '. liilil .r:,l . !.(;-. WHITES TOOTH SOAP, JEWSBURS &BROWNS ENGLISH TOOTH PASTE,, , PUFFS AND PUFF -BOXES GERMAN OOLOGNE. W, R. BURWBLL t2: CO. septl4 -a -. in 1 J PURE WHISKEY AND . WINEii DF W. R. BURVELL 1 & C0 sepU.4 Paints Oils, Window Glans Putt, AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. - TO. R. BURWELL COd) n1 l" Tooth PERFECTION " W . R. B D R sept!4 5p i c es? Mustard Gelatine, ' voo -y f 'iQ : ' CORN STARCH, &c, &c. ' W. K. BUR W EL L & CO, sept 14 "' ' . . , :u.,;.: AH ASS0RTLIEHT OF l".1 .' AND ; PUFF , R BURWELL & CO i I septl4 Fifty BMshels Evergreen. ;Gr,ass .Seed, ; CLEAN AND SUPERIOR FOR THIS CLIMATE. W R. BU R W sept!4 .1 'jli niuii: mm MAEKET - .' -1 V . ' I'N- 'CANVASS NEW HOLLAND' HEIUIING, SARDELLEN, SWISS CHEESE. ; t Saliiioni SarfllneS, Lobsters, London Layer Raisins, : h -UK' FINE FAMILY FLOUR, B ' COFFEE, ,T,?BACX)W, : MEAL, , - . . . fi,u V tfiuuau, VbV-, M. . ii 41 1. 1 . !; 'liiuriu Kiu . ii. -a j f.M i.t: :t rr .PVJIJS.ANY PART OF THE CITY. 'Mm 11 mSlffiQB: GASH! fyh' li el .hi Jam l..:n .vu SVfKG'r xiAEGE 'A1 DJ. $H.fcTCCK OF fcl X Al L ICQCl S. ( N . -.'.Vi vie,-. ,-.) a 1: ii'- jii :;crt tii ; . ' ' iioV.i s 'HAND.'KD 'ilONEV 'BiEING VERY SCARCE; WE.HAYE DETERMINED ij 9yrfi;!! Ui-ivpoT-j ln:i5-.j ; ..... . TQLO?MTRTl!RECCK OF SUMMER GOOD?, AT CCSTI OR OAfeH. INIGRDER' TO M AKE llCOM FOR A- LA RGB 'FALLt PURCHASE ' OURi STOCK IS 0!ML'E!Ht IW'EVERY DEPARTMENT, AND WE INVITE j&M 8 .H3B to m.f.' 7 1 ' ill ''Li i Li'J-Ai llifl. - - MAS Qjsl C TlJS'JdjJT:.; AS U 1 ?JL -U ii l.in vi.'i A 'i-amij-' r. 7 !'!:' XtJ fTii .'. - J!'il t jsdnSlinv::A,;; -,ii!?m ,:,;it i'u.m in "riiWisjt w.lf.f . . I! ' ' ' ' jail i.'ii'on'r: '" .v'rn u '1 -rr-0-o If m ri , u ', , , it.' , 2 , ,noiM JBKOTlrutn W0tLf ad ' "jb,:'"' U cAssniEtffiiiiiiW'kM , i i- jniifo 'J ONE'HTJNDRfiD PIECES IMPORTED , i , BLACK AL P A C A S , i:r,i)C.tnt'. -J-i .''h .rT'iii; v-fj ; aj.-n 'lii ".ji'.-i- i'. .,.jJa-4.a ,R0UGHT AT. IMPORTERS, SALE AND 8TOCK t!) i -laes vVil OUI 10 SilnStU I t jr" .w j PLAIDS AlfD SOLID SILK!; ' JTiST RECEiyEr). " WE ARE NOW, RECEIVING OUR ,, r.'&ETOEMEN'S k'Ntl WHEN iLfiTSlN We5 WILL'.OFFEB TO OUR CU8T0MERS THE LARGEST :'-! BAKM08TiVAJED'STOCEi'EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET." ' s ft Joe? fwm4WuWJMMSittX xujat-a car miad-op" ---- Jj, ' lUJSiu Will r .'-.'.: ly ,u 'fdw i .11 UU U I W n 1V1..I K . I M mT - -BOUGHT DrRECTxFROM .THE j aa drvcdt .0 !hiji wsdwY w !aita eooll Of KV?0U'J jiB'flIr,7iilflOoU .. 1 ... ! L. . r i-f-V .. . f .' THIS EN ABLES U8 TQ OFFER. THEM AT TROUBLE "TO SHOtT GOODS OR SEND fi AMPI.E8. svjiJ.hd h.i 4ri ClAlJa .tANDuEXAJlINE' DUB,feTOC5fe. .i'19 "A ' V o H (4 ti9Vfcvr -'anus xooid" aiin lf9iijs;xvni.-i a iif vntU Ib.JJ mwuT lm - seplSr. siiDemotTfjiyishtrislI) ' Atl KINDS IFOR u MEDICAL USE. -LLC DRESSING COMBS. W E L L & G O ? LUBIH'S EXTRACTS BOXES. ''- 'v; ELL &! CO. York City 1 SMOKED BEEF, SYRTJJP. MOLASSES, BEST WHITE I l Ji' & H O JB S B 3b B-H, - . . . . 1 ... .,..,,.? ..; j, ":.:.; ii ;J;.fi. y 1 & it i n T els: O - WILL BE SOLD LOW.' i.OUR THIRD OP 6'J:; ". Kvr -inl'V ..'' ,. ti . ........... . , . CLOTHING " V." iff T u r Al --.J.. ' ' ' z'' THE VERY 1VOWE8T PRICE. O ,liO'. v" 'C- .1 V I- i '41 11 m v , v i r 1 1 1 1 'Hi , i1 IH fU: ft si) r i t. Ik V qt i li . F I, L 31 ;i' 5 ' L 1 ! t It i f 11 O. - ' f'- .'.-. - . 7- . . - . k.-