STATE, MEWS: : . - LOOK FOR SALE OBtUEM-T.i F B E I H T LI N E 8 40 Hickory is soon Jo have q tobacco warehouse. 7,iri;. A Democratic paper , is eoon to be started in WayneavMe, Haywood county, by I L Nelson of Ashfeville. Col. Thomas Ruffin, of Ilitlsboroia a warm supporter of Tilden, Vance and Reform. Gov. Vance at the conclusion of his speech at Graham, was presented with about two bushels of boqueta. One of them was perfectly magnificent. It was cove shaped ar.d had four silver quarters hung around the top as an ornament. It was set in a large, hand some pure silver goblet. -;.The goblet and all was presented to the Governor. "My God!'' said a Northern man, a he passed the market, and stopped for a moment to hear what was going on ; "what is North Carolina coming to, when it is possible for such a man ae that even to aspire to Congress J" lie was speaking of ' W"P" Carinady, the Radical candidate for Congress in' the Wilmington dlstri'ctr " PR0PKRT1 iR SALfc A discovered! mice at HunteA- , V ,e' 5- V on the T- Railroad 13 miles North of Charlotte, Said mine has hecn explored only 23 feet, and mauy old miners have emmined: Ltbe mine and ore and pronounce it very flife,. Also Prof W O Kerr. ot R lfcigh." Dr C L Hunter, of . Lin co.nton and fref Han ual of Charlotte have seen tbe mine and ore ?and pronounce it verv fine. ' i'K, . With these recommendation and man; more that coold be brought up we now offer this, valuable properly for sale, including between 70 , and 80 acres of land in and around said mine, of which there J 20 or 30 acres of valuable rJine timber, half a imie irora a saw-iniu. . 4 Any one wicbing to see fpecimens of said mine can do so by calling at our Office When we fay. specimens, we mean to how you something that is worth looking at. i ui iui mer juiurmauoii, aauress v B. A HUNTER, Jnne 17 ' . ; ' Jjunteraville, N- C. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Hamptons reception at Chester was the largest yet given him. It is rumored in Columbia that war rants for the arrest of citizens of Rich land have been seen. Judge T. J. Mackey spoke in Cooper Institute New York last Wednesday, and waa much applauded. He npoke principally of reconciliation between the different sections of tie U..ion. Hardy M. Parrott, a resident of Darlington, and well known, died of paralysis on Sunday last, aged sixty five jears. The Republican speakers sent to Greenville to spiak. for, Uaycs and WheeW i.n Saturday, refused to let Judg- Cooke, a Hayes and Wheeler man, apeak. In consequence, Judge Cooke quit the last plank m the wrecked radical barque, and is now fcafe n the Tiidenand Hendricks! ship. Greenville Reus. Company H, 18th United States In fantry, left B ackville on the 2 P. M. train'on vdnenday Iat for Ailendale on the Port, Royal Railroad, where they will be tati('-i.ed until alter the election. A number of citizens assem bled on the pit. t form of the depot to bid them farewell. t Judge Fowle. Oorrespui ience of the Sentinel Ualmgh, Oct. 14 No man who heard tie very able speech of Judge Fowle in Metropoli tan hall, Friday night, can fail to be struck- with its wonderful apprecia tion of the true situation and condi tion of the present canvass. I will not speak of its t fleet as a stump speech, or as a burst of eloquence; those who heard him appreciate that, and any words of mine would fail to give a faint conception to those who did not. But it is as the earnest, thoughtful words of a patriot that Judge Fo wit's speech merits its rich est meed of praise. His review of the history of the republican party prior to the war, was crushing; when Fowle and V ance and Graham and all our union heroes were striving and pray ing foi the integrity of the constitu tion, Garrison called it a "compact with death and a league with hell." Grreley wrote of it, '"Insult no sunny Bkv with hates polluted rag; ar.d Holden callfd for the man to "plot for t he head Lincoln." 1 he way in which this was shown up must go to r th-heart of every honest republican who heard him, and there were not a few present. Space fails me to review the entire speech; it was one of his be-f, which is praise enough. With a returning sense of justice to the south among the masses of the north, as we see evidenced by the ote in Ohio and Indiana, and with such uni'-n men as Fowle and Vance as our leatU isat home, the prospect for our beloved state is fait indeed; and tbe dny is not far distant when, as was so well said by the speaker last night, we of the South "will see not only the stripes on tbe flag which bore so griev ously upon us in the dark days that arc ast, but also those blessfd stars, the emblems of hope for the future." To Whom it May i Concern. HAVING taken S C WcjuCE as a partner in the Grocery "business, the business will hence toith be conducted under the name of M M & b C "WOLFE. I take this opportunity 'of returning my thanks to my friends fur the liberal patron age they have given me, and ask a contin uance of the tame. Those who are due nifc. on eld accounts will please call and settle fit once. M M WOLFE. oct5 tf ; il - THE GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. BETWEEN CHARLOTTE and ALL POIHTS NORTH aii EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, i" Columbia, S. C, January 3rd, 187G. THE CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA fe AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with 1 the 80UTH CAROLINA RAILWAY, and its connecting 8TEAM8HIP LINE8 at the port of CHARLESTON, presents to Shippers of COTTON. AND THE MEROHANT8 of CHARLOTTE, AND ALONG THE LINES OP RAILWAYS CONVERGING THERE ON, THE MAN Y ADVANTAGES of the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be as QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, as by any other line that bids for their business. For rates, classifications and all information, call on the undersigned. A. POPE General Freight Agent, C, C. A A. R. R., Columbia, S. C. S B TOBY Soliciting: Agent 317 Broadway New York W. W. PEGRAM, Agent, C, C. & A. R. R., Charlotte, N. C aug20 If You Want 8 OMK on aept2S like S&vs&ce or Pk Steak, Call MOSTELLER & BRO. NEW MILLINERY ! . N3SW GOODS I MRS. R. McNELIS, would inform the ladies of Charlotte and vicinity that she has. opened a first-class MILLINERY ES TABLISHMENT, in the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Roon?, Tryon street, where she proposes to keep constantly on hand tbe very latest styles of Hats, Flowers, Feathers. Ribbons Silks and Velvets, in tbe new shades. i A very nice line of Notions, Tie 8 and Neck : Wear, Infants Knitted Zephyr, Wool Sacks, Jet Jewelry and Hair Goods. Ail orders entrusted to hei care will be promptly attend to. Neat and stylish work a specialty. sept30 SAMUEL (jtROSE, Corner Tryon and St- nwsil Streets, lront ol John W Miller's, f 1 in CHABLOTTE,!N. i SASH, i lazed aai Dijtei, DuORS. BLIND,! MANTELfe, . JShWEL JfOSTS, toALMJ'l RAILING a n d BAjLLUSTEKS. EVERY DESCRFPTIok OF BUILD ING LUMBER BOL1GHT A-ND cjULD. f ' LATEST ARRIVAL OJP NEW J. B a BOB s PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HA8 removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hote.Trade St.and is receiving his Winter Stock! of Goods for Men's Wear, and will na4e thera up at short notice in the most tiuihionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market. Orflered SMiis a i Specialty. Catting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on df'.iy ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business. J S PHILLIPS. oct!7 I JUST RECEIVED BY- IS. ML H.gier V7ILL11NGT0N NORTH CAROLINA SEMI-WEEKLY. LINES. Fast Freight Route to all Points Soiitl and East. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE , Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FBI. AND FROM WILMIUQTOK WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington Line; from NEW YORK Tuesday and Friday, at 8 P. M., AXD FSOM WILMUTOTOJi WEDNESDAYS andSATUBDATS GIVING THROUGH BILLS OP LADING to all points in North aud South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Cities. ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Liues connect at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Colombia 4 Augusta Railroad, Wilmioeton & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers, with their connecting Roada, offering unequalled facditiee for the prompt deliver? of Freight to all Doiuts. sb the Steamers on these Liues on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freieht transferred under covered sheds to cars without ft j Via al Tft . Y"l - la. ll A. a n aft delay, and torwardeo oy tne r aBi treieDi express idui uiuruiujc. No drayage in WiimiugtOD and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rates guar anteed as LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmiugton Lanes. For fnrtber information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Age. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZATJX, Agent Baltimore aBd New York Line?, Wilmington, N. C. -tf. VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. i Through Freight Route to all Points South. A FINK LCT OF- This line being fully equipped for business, Tjffers unequaled facilities for the Transportation oi r reign t, rrom nn i;wTTn rrrvrn a nnn wTTAmwrrnw and atl northern and eastern cities ja yv irs vj x yjiwuv charlotte, statesville, asheville, ruthekfordton, ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well aa all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and "MISSISSIPPI. COAL! COAL! COAL! WOW LOAPIKG AT PHILADELPHIA AND TO ARRIVE IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE WITHIN TEN DAYS, 8 0 0 TO. N S , "FREE BURNING EGG RED ASH ANTHRACITE" COAL, THE BEST COAL KNOWN FOR STOVES AND CLOSE GRATES, ALSO 1 O O TONS, OF THAT JUSTLY CELEBRATED 'KANAWKA SEMI CURNEL SPLINT" FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY "BITU MINOUS COAL," MINhD IN THIS COUNTY FOR OPEN GRATES. SSr All Coal screened and Ined from dufct beiore delivering, ond irately weighed on Fairbant's t-tanu. ri Coal DeaJer Scales, pSr Satisfaction in quality, quantity and price guraritefd Helens to Merchanis and Hankers of Dan ville, Lynchburg anfl fiictiniond. 0 L VANDF GRIFT, Formerly of Alexander S Vandegnir, Danville, Va seit27 km AL91ANAC FOR. 1S77. WHOLESALE ADD RETAIL, JUST RLCEIVED, AT J. T. BUTLFR'S A LACE LOT OF Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry and Silver Ware. All of Which I will Sell at Prices to Suit the Times akd to Makb Room for My Fall Stock. Silver American Watches From Ten Bolars I p. W4 TCHES CLOCKS and JEWELRY REPAIRED AND WARRANTED For Twelve Months. AT J, T. BUTLER'S "UYfl WlTIilH YOUR IRCOME." In order hat Cfttfteni of Mecklenburg and especially the residents of Charlotte, may avail themselves of the truths '. of maxim', and in. consideration . of tbt , "JBF ARB T1MB8" I have recently purchased a complete Stock FAKGY ! FAMILY GROCERIES V '. -J' '' .;' "' : :-:t. '.! AT . EEITJCED PRICES, And offer ihetn at tbe lowest market prices. State Atilvals t I SUGARS -Loaf, PomiwedrA;, Bxtra ; . g.. and Uoiaan CJ. Uuian. COFFEES Boasted Jars, roun Javs Oround Kio best quality. KAW-V. . Java, mme Kio, Uoou ko, . Hncls, its. IXSm. CHOCOLATE Mail lards Double Yai!la Bon Bon, Baker's Premiass a4 Carman Sweet. CBcBBID WHEAT-Peottih Chief Oat al, Irish Oat Mtal, Bye Flour, Pearl Hominy, Pearl Sago, Peart Tapioea, Italian Macaroni, Tarmicelli, Four grades Barley. SPICES Cloyee. Allspice, White ' Jamaica Ginger, Ground and whole Pepper, Ground and lark Cinnamon, Celery 8alt, Ac. . t Mess Mackerel "fexlra Ene7,Tjod TIsH, Tem cated Cud ih4,ferrie Co s Celebrate bmoktd Heel, bmoked longne. Bams and Breaklast Stripe. A Fine ot of Country Bares, Bides aad ehouideis Beet Leal Lard in le. bucketa and tabs. Honefoid's Bued Pxepa.atio.v PeaTc sr , P.uyai Baking Powdtr, Con itai "Cakep. JEWELRY sept 16 STORE. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS "O A FULL, LIKE ol TUAVCL1NO Portable and Stationary &teum Engines, Saw Mills and Wood Working jnachinery, Cotton Gins, Feeders aud Presses. Corn Jellies in Gobletb and Tnn.bleis, CoUiutn' i-nglibh Mustard i and J. Piepareo Iresb Musiuro, Cru&be & Black well's Chow l how qis und pts., C. & B. White Onions. American PUin and Mixed Pjckles, Bpaniah Olives, nenoti Pruuej., PreerveU Win ger, Peacheu 2 and 3 lb tants tdam (or Ho i land) Cneeae, Cream (. heesf , Almunds, ahellad Almond, BraiM, Pecan, and oiher Nuts. Wilson's Celebrated Cooked Corn Beef 2nd 4 ib cans, NekOn S Cox's Bparfclinf Galatrne, and many other arti cles tou numerous to mention. JB&- We keep strictly a FIRgT-CLABi Grocery 'Ihe laciei ae alws the best jaogts and Know better what is needed on a well regulated table. i - T We especially invite tbe ladies te call and examine our Stock, and we will laxe pleasure in showing Our Goods. Kemember tbe place, couth trade Street., under the Traders National Bank. JACOB DULS, Agent. Gooes delivered Free. septl5 ' and Wheat ItSill, Turbine 4- JJi, J) 0; U lteel, Scales, afts, Euie ry AT Wheels. Ac, Constantly on hand f H0LESALE ONLY ! AT- TIDDY & BRO'S, AL'O A FIXE A5SOEKMEST CF A Voice from the South. The following extract from a recent spefdi bj Gov Hr Hip rd,-'of Texas, may be takt-ri ar antidote for the blood Hud-iiiuuflfr drtrinea preached by Morion and.hjs ielldw-patfioi8 : Y!U have been told that we are de riioris in hate, and glnatiathe thought of war and blood. Meri 'Of New -England men of the great north ! Wiil you believe trie vvhen, for th 2,000,000 ol peopleiJ. represent, fttwf- tlte wnoie South as well, I denouiit-e the utter ance as; an inhunjfarS'blAtideir: and a. damnable and unpardonable falsehood ajjahiet a brave and, God knowH. a loog- sullering people? Want war! Want bloodshed ! Sir?, we are poor broken in fortune and sick at heart. Had you stood, as. I ,bave stood, by the ruined hearth stonesfry the wreckj of fortiinp, which are scatlered all along the shore; hnd you seen, as I have aeen, the woif howling at (he dobr of many ft once Ii8ppy home widowhood ami orphan age starving, and weeping over never returning sires ;. and eons, who1 fell ilh our honored dead at Gettysburg and Manassas; could not hear, aa I have heard, the throbbing of the great universal southern heart throbbing for peace and yearning for the old and faithful love between the states;. could you have ic-en and felt. and heard - all these things, my countrymen, yon would, black or white, republican or democrat, take me by .'the. hand and swear that the arm thus m" unfitted against us, the tongue which utters the great libel in your name, should wither at the socket and become pal eied forever at the 'rootle I repeat again, let "our "epears" be turned" into pruning-hooks," to remain everlasting memorials of returning peace and good-will to the American people. FRENCH CANDIES, . t- GUM DROPS, - . - . CHOCOLATE DROPS, '-" . CQCOAMT CAKDY, -.-.5.,. t -. , f AND ALL KINDS Of TAFFI E S . ITSTJKLSrOE .A.TT3D RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, AND IN FOE M ATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, Geneal Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C C. D., Charlotte, N. C T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. JNO G YOUNG, Soliciting Agent C. sept30 Notice. TRADERS1 NATIONAL BANK, Latest News ! ; 1 TU6T Arrived: t Nice JSttek of FRESH U FRENCH tnJ PLAIN CANDIES, MILK CRAKElr. ; E ECTED C R E A M CHEESE, FRESH LEMONS, COCok-NUt, NEW CROP RISTNS, NUTS and PEA NUTS. NICE WESTERN APPLES, &C, THE FASt North bound Express tram, leaving Charlotte at 12 a. m. will leave f r km A 1 1 nn tn. A. Rinhniund Air-Line Depot. Through tickets sld and baggage checked through to all points jsortn ana r-asi. m iue Depot. JOHN K Al AtJiSfl i KiA', ju8tf Q A- September ! OF CHARLOTTE, BOARD OF DIRECTORS : octl3 ANDREWS & JONES, and Sarato .-i.-5 HARPER'S MONTHLY, S(RIBNERS MAGAZINE, GODEY'S LADY BOOK, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, BOW BELLS, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE, PLEASANT BOUR8, GALAXY, DEMOREST AND WAVERLY MAGAZINES for SEPTEM BER, at PUREFOY'S aug25 ,ngS Just Received John E Bbown, Hob W M Shipp, Kobt I McDowell, Phillip Schiff, 8 P Smith, Johh W Wadswobtb Allah Macaclay, Baxtkb H Moobk. V Q JoHitBOir, D F Cahjtok. CHARLOTTE, N. C. oct!4 at the ERIE CITY WORKS, Warehouse in the Sanders & Blackwood Building, Col lege Street. Adress WE HAVE SIN , STOKE AN TO ARRIVE, A Full Stock of Goods, CONSISTING IN PART, OF Erie City Iron Works, ;CIIARLOTTE,IsT. C. sept2 CHEAP COUNTER!! BARCAINS! JUST RECEIVED! CALL ASD SKE AT Barringcr & Trotter's. oet!4 Try Our rpEA at 0 cents a pound. T C SMITH fe CO. oct3 Mrs. BEASELY, (FORMERLY OF CHARLOTTE ) TS prepared to entertain : her friends, and J. snch guests as may desire to patronize her Boarding House, at 815 fcouth 19th street Philadelphia, during the Centennial exhibition. . Terms, S2 00 per day. mav!7 tf OFFICERS : S P Smith. President; R I McDowell, Vice President ; C N G Bum Caahier. janl5 For Skin Disease W Appointments of Gov Vance Judge Settle. :" Rei'daville, Tuesday, Oct 17. ; v ; The people are requested to' circu late of these appointments, and the public everywhere are ihVited to attend and hear the discuKgion. Western papers 'please copy . - ' Fresh EJ utter. : 1RE8H Country and Goshtn Butter, Cream Cb'efin. ;Cboioa iCountrv'. Lard. New Mackerel, Best Breakfast Bacon, Sour Aiont, white and nice. Low for Cash. AT McADEN'S DKUG STORE, f Cases Bnnalo uitnta waier, iresn ironi 4KJ the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply oi loaine uu Alum Mass from tne joraan Ainm cspnngB apr8 ' !AT,' CH AEIXTrTE,!?. c. BRANCH OFFICE of these celebrated Springs is now open at MeAden's Drug . fTfcA nAter is drarwn from block-tin I resevoir on ice, and the water ts as fre' ; and Qartiina na from tha Springs,? and;: al in it medicinal properties, If You Have Any HOOD f-t Hogs yon can get the -highest H nntritioua diet for Invalids. For sale J cash'priCe, from . at SCARR A GO'S, MQSTELLEE.&JSKPTHER. 1; , Drugstore to&38- i-'it" j' -'V-f- - Foir .Sale.,, , A good Cow. ad Calf.- Apply at- , 54 C L O T H I N G ! ! Pierre Dedroit, M E E C H A N T T A I L O R, Opposite Central Hotel, Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Has just received a splendid lot of ' Fin Doeskins, Cloths and CassimereS, which I Will maae, up at prices icthuu ui uuiea, uu guarantee satisfaction in style ana nt. seply- 1 ' Epp's sept SO .TAT' We Think tttB have a right to bwgonf'oar-five 'cent II v. - J TO SMITH & CO- Bluest one, 1?0R Soaking Wheat, at ; TO SMITH & CO'S. octS Teas ! CHOICE Green and Black Tea of tha finest quality. Also English Breakfast Tea, SCARR 4 CO. ASH with "Juniper Tar Soap," T C t-MITH & CO. oct3 The Prettiest "VTOTE Payer an3 Envelopes In the city, X and the cheapest. oct3 The Best pEN Cent Cake of Soap in Charlotte. T C SMITH & CO. Aromatic Wood fjlOOTH PICKS, at 15 cent per box. T C 8MITH & CO. octa. . yiKDOW GLASS, , .Putty, Linseed OIL, Lubricating Oil, Tanners OiL at i McADEN'S, anl r . - : Drnir8tw BACON Smoked, Sugar Cured & Bulk ; SUGARS AH grades; COFFEES A full Stock : SALT Fine and Ground Alum ; FLOUR All grades; MACKEREL bbls, i)bls and kits ; TEAS All grades j SOAPS-In great Variety; CilEWIHft-- Tobacco andEnufT; RICE and Pearl Grits ; SHOT, QD, Waterproof and Musket Cap ; WOODEN Ware and Brooms; WRAP PING PAPER: SODA Crackers, Cheese, Candy, Sode, Mustard, Candles, Blacking, Blueing, Grain and Ground Pepper, Starch, THE VERY BEST Pimento' GiDger' Axle 0i9ue Ink e" All of which we offer at low figures to the Trade, v JOHN W. HALL & CO., WHOLEdALE GROCERS, COLLEGE STREET, NEAR 1 RADK. oct8. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. OUR Mr A HALES, having having just rtturned mm New York, with a very large stock ol w4cbi wwryffB .ana we ttiink tne De&t eeiecuona, 11 not me largest Stock in thB felate. ? Bought irom first hands and at the lowest cash prices, we will sell as. low aa the tame n'bibona4it in the fciate. Our Stock h jiow complete in all the latest styles of Jewelry, $nd all gooas . nsuany .aejnia firttcl-6s Jewelry Store: " Give tn a call and see for yourself. ' . Ail work w the line., nestly dopet and warranted Respectfolly. ' HALES k FARBIOB. .,OCt5 . . . : , .'. : : ' NEW HOTEL IUI CHARtOTTE mHF. snbrcriber havinsrleased tot term 1 of vrs th-JilA-troperty on tbe corner of Trade and ChUrch ; sweety com monly known astheBtoney bouse, wm opea the same to tbe pnbhc refitted and Tetur nished. October lsi 1876. I propose keeping a first class hotel, and solicit, i&aredof th public patronsge. ilt Edge Goslien Batter SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, CALIFORNIA PEARS, NORTHERN AP PLES, NfW KAlMNo AMI' V K RANT8, NTJTT8 NE V CROP OF ALL K.LNDS, AT C S Holton & Co's. N. B.-Last but not Least, the Largest DOLL in the State, everybody invited to come to see the Ex hibition. C. S. HOLTON & CO. QCtU , . ' . COB M X3HDKL, A BICBeASIl 2 MENDEL & CO., JACOB M. KAjroTACTtruBS or C 1 G A R S . - : WHOLES AI PKALXBS i. ... f TOBACCO, 8NTJFP, PIPES, G lycrihiarearn 0 E Rosea for. chapped . bands and lips. T O SMITH & CO. ocf3 TRADE ST CHARLOTTE, N. C. ocUS ' ': ' a . gAPSago Cheese, valuable. Dypeptlce, SCARR & C0'8 DRUG BTORE. septSO SUTE ROOMG, . Cf TQWSON, hivint; pnnanentJy .loaV O. d in: Charlotte; ' ts-alry" prefred to put on 81at Rpoia any part joft tfce adja cent. country .t . MABLEIZED; SLATE : MANTELS 9 A All work arntPriiDM BesiVmftblt. Shmgle Bxot-taken atid 'rdaid :wifa BbATEt when 4itedc tq Orders wfll receive promptattmtjoiv w Jrs addressed to P.O. Box 118, Charlotte, 0. e0U octia sep80. tf. of3

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