jod printinc. - Taa OMxavaa Job Departmftnt ojui thoroughly supplied, with every neadeQ want, and with the latest styles ot Type, lift very manner of Job Work can now be don with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can famish at short notice BLANKS, BILL HEADS, . f ... : LETTER HE IDS, CARDS, . ' TA.QS.BKCKDPT8.POSTEBS, . . PSOQBAMME3, HAND BILLS, PAIIHLKTS, CHECKS; fce i m-. vtid in advance. $8 00 4 00 ,200 ; 75 won k v ,'iu r.h county in advance , $2 00 . wut o tbe county pobtpaid.s 2 10 - nu.urths, ' i --.'' 1 05 VOL. XIII. CHAELOTTE, X. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1786. Libera! reductions forluba.-, NO. 2 361. - tklkukapiiic NEWS :;:;: aid-Sight Dispatch k. -DEALER IN. Noon Dispatches. WASHINGTON. WI ATB1R PROBABILITIES. BOOTS, SH0ES 1 LEATHER. i .A.- Washington, D. C Oct. 23. , For the South Atlantic and East Irish People's Centennial Address I Gulf States, rising barometer, and clear Important Supreme Court Decision weather will prevail, with cooler north west winds in former, aDd north wett winds shifting to warmer southerly in latter. ; pin:: . A FULL LIVE OK FALL AN D WI NTER GOODS, on Insurance Contracts. Washington, D C, Oct 23. Chan dler and Tyler have returned. There is no solution yet as to the reception of the Centennial address of the Irish people to the A m erican people. Meantime the eloquent address most beautifully Irani ed .and ornamented with emblems of liberty, id stored in a room at the white house. FOREIGN. Cotton Spinner's Troubles Adjute 1 jraul liirara ratany- wounded m a Duel. AT LOW PRICES. i!l I tils ctt Splits lutU Ini Wii EtUfcciiciUu n MimiM T JElJi JLtt STEEET, CEAELOTTE, octl F U It N 1 TUB K 1 l A Lr K It S . BURGESS NICHOLS. E. I A. OSBORNE. London, Oct. 23 Operative cutton spinners, have decided . to withdraw The Supreme Court of the United their notices. Practically, the labor States to-day decided several import- dispute in ! North' and North eastern ant life insurance cases. The parties Lancashire has ended. ' were the New York Life Insurance Paris, Oct 23. In a political duel Company, and the Manhattan Life In- fought in Switzerland by Vicompte surance Company, against William C Barnet des Roches and Paul Girkrd, Statham, Charlotte Seyms and the Ex- Girard received a probably fata) sword ecu tor oi unaries l xseecn, ot missis- I thrust. sippi. It appears the parties severally insured were unable to pay tneir pre- FLASHES. miums, owing to the breaking-out of the civil war in 1861. The non-payment I New Yoek, Oct. . 23. Ho tie ward of the premiums in arrear, was set up I bound : Yarra Yarra for New Orleans, as a bar of the-action, aad the plain- J and Kathinka for Savannah. tiffs respectively relied in the existence , New York, Oct 23. President Orton of the war as an , excuse, offering to of the Western Union Telegraph Corn deduct the premiums in arrear from pany, has been ill some days,, and his tbe amount of the policies. physicians report his condition much The Court deliyered the following improved has already passed crHa of opinion : A policy ot hie insurance 1 nis illness which stipulates for tbe payment of annual premiums by tbe assured, with Outrageous Abuse of Power a condition to be void on non payment in nnt an inKiiranr frnm vear tn vear Wave tUe people Ot the Country am i;b - r.o. -H k.. u conception of the way in which the like a common fire policy, but the pre- - Mftrfthala ftni TTni,ftH tM Commissioners abuse their ; power in WHOLESALE & RETAIL, "' , DKAtKBS IS ALL KINDS OF BEDDITNG, &C. i n. 4 . - .... ' ' No. 5, WeBt Trade 8t., CHARLOTTE, N. C, i JUST RECEIVED J- .-rA. F TJ l RTB CHlLDREfiS CARRIAGES, BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A; FULL LINE OF COFFINS OF ALL CRADE8, ON HAND. rnar7 ... . " : --y'i f:'- FRESH FISH -AND- mi ' All- 11 i 1 1 Of The IF mestpllmery EmjporiHi miums constitute an annuity, tne whole ot wnicJQ is tne consideration I South Carolina r lnree spc-citncn for the entire assurance for life, and cases were raported yesterday. a..,.oQ fx. i;f rA l. a colored Democrat named the entire assurance for lite, and the I -r, . . . r,. .. r ' I Wnit.A wait unpftlnnir at a I Jfimncrniio. condition is a condition subsequent, meeting at Blackville on Thursday, making void tbe policy by its non per- A Radical negro attempted to pull formance. The time of payment in White from the stand, and was pushed D. i::,a :a ,- 1 j fLa ' aside by some white Democrats who such policies is material and the es- wgre Q ar by For faeing moleBted b. sence of the contract, and a failure to tbe Radical negro, the Democrat, pay involves an absolute forfeiture, White, was arrested under te Ed- which cannot be relieved againet an forcement Act. The Radical intinii- equity. Jf a failure to pay the annual datfd the Dem?caD-HDMn)0t H : , , , r ' . . crat was accused of the intimidation ! premium be caused by the interven- 2. A white man named Chapman, tion of war between the countries, in at BlackvUle on Tuesday, hurrahed for which the insurance company and the Hampton. He was immediately col- assured respecively reside, which lwed by a colored United States Mnr- e i j. u u shal and dragged before the United makes it unlawful for tnem to hold gtate8 Commissioner. His attorney intercourse, the policy is nevertheless was denied admittance to the place forfeited, if the company insist on the where he was confined, and on Thure- condition, but in such case the assured day night Chapman was still in x-.i j . u ui i f dy. It is so made a crime, to be a is entitled to the equitable value of Democratj and express a preference the premiums actually paid. Tbe for the Democratic candidate! ' equitable value is the difference be- 3. S. S. Williams and others were tween the cost of a new policy, and arrested in Blackville under the, En T . , - At ' forcement Act. An examination at as tbe present value of the premiums, nad before united states Commission not to bpaid on the forfeited policy er EatonV The counsel for tbe defend- when the forfeiture occurred, and may I ants showed . that there was, not a l : j : . i. I tittle of evidefaxje in support of the I charee of imtimidatibn. and that, oil Bank, corner of Tryoii and 4th Btreets. suit in equity. l he doctrine oi a re the contrarv. th0 mutual threats 6f TH08 F DRAYTON, vival of contrac s 8U3pendei during I violence were founded upon ; personal the war is one based on the considera- antecedent ill-feeling entirely apart tion of equity and practice, and can't from political, consideration, and . , . . ; v; . culminating in the threats of Bill Bull, be invoked to revive a contract .which tQe conipafnant, to proceed to Ellen it would be unjuat or inequitable to re- ton and throw his "weigh and man Vive, as where time is one of the is- hood" 1 into an insurrectionary sues of the contract, or the parties can- movement, ; aimed against life - , , m. and property. Mr. r- . . Com not be made equal. The average rate sioner Eton, in reply said: . "I of mortality is the fundamental basis may as welt state to you, and save fnr- by eiving the assured the option to re- iruc m,af BliV. B. M. PALMftK, miiiiaii I IIH l lllLfll ikm-n All bll III 1 not, after they f. orft ;nformftfi hv teatimonv before For Rent. A Cottage House for Rent. Apply to 8 M HOWELL or'Maj TH03 BE-iCS. oct24 2t ; ; , , : HEW STOCK. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, CHEE8E, GOSHEN BUTTER, FAMILY FOUR, LARD. BACON, UNOANVASSED HAM3: FISH, FICKLE?, per b I. and retail, and everything belonging to a fir clas Wholwale atd Retail (jfroctry. M1YI & S G Wolfe. oct24 Glass and Putty. i MiSS, PUTTY;;&c., at U SCARR fc CO'S oct2 Drug Store. and Pepper. f?RESH Powdered Sage, fresh Powdered X V epner. at oct24 bOARR & CO'S, Drug 8 tore. Flavoring Ksts. EXTRACT of Lemon, Vanilla, Ac, for houjefcold use. just receiyed, SCARR & CO'S, cct24 Drug gtere. Hyacinths. J U LIP, Ac. A choice selection of Flower BqIds, coiiMting of Hyacinths, Julip, Crocnres, direct from Holland, at New York Prices, for said at SO ARB & CO'S, oct24 Drag Store. lOO COMPLETELY MADE AND WELL FINISHED WAMSUITA 2100 LINEN URESS SHIRTS, READY F OR LAUNDRY, AT $15 00 PEE DOREN. E. D. Latta & Bro. SOLD DAILY BY E. H. WHITE 6IGN OF THE FI8H and FISHING FOLE. pS- N. B. C. O, D. fined. Ordeis promptly OCt24 (tolette, M.C, Oct, 1876. MY OFFIfE has been moved to the room over the -Ccnimercial National Oct24 6fc Real Est., Life and Fire Agency. SERMONS, -P.Y- T yive their policies or not, aner tney ieg &re informed by testimony before nave Deen suspenueu ujr Biuvc them that a conspiracy exjsiBmiarn none but the sick and dying would ap- well county against the lives and po- i. -i a n-Tl mi. nlv it would be unjust , to compel a "tical privileges oi tne coioreu men. ReSTDeCtfllllV InVltecL tO Call at tHe P1: tt,w . Jhi Mirv TKa conspiracy I am here to ferret iWijusvwuujrpiuyiwwu, I revival against the company. The ! . on4 wnTA W nnrts for Chief Justice, and associates Clifford, pUnishment; and" although the evU Strong and Hunt, dissented. The denceis weak, it" makes a rpartof a court reversed the - decree and judg- great whole, and, as such, feerbound , , i r it in duty not to reject it. and I shall, ment of the Circuit Court for Miss ;hereforei reQUireJ of these parties to sippi, remanding the cause lor turtner find Burety for their appearanee at nroceedine in conformity with the Court in the sum of $1,000 each." Can s:.. s, t.r ; - there be anything more monstrous upiiiiv.. r-j . i .Kon . . TTnnn thft px narte atatft. ments of Governor Chamberlain and FOREIGN. his willing witnesses, the United States decide that there is a conspiracy in Barnwell, and, because of ' that imag OF NEW OK LEA S. mm tit 9 WHERE THEY CAN FIND THE LATEST 8TY1E3 OF A TO '9 ELOTOS, PEATHERS,; RIBBONS 1 t V' t.'-t ' '.X -.w f IFioe ,lB)ress!,(Ebodsia rsWy i fts w ; V. 5 -i f JAOO '-mm u t it HiJ ' j ' Li )Such aataH colbrsioLCassimeresu i i Russia Insist pa a Sit Week s Amis- inary con8piracy, arreBt -and 7 hold to ticei-Attimntedt Murdtr of the hail anv icitiien who is accused of coh- Grand Vizier. k: w spjracy, even when the 'widetaceijad- f i . - - . i j - mitted to be weak. - Weak? .Why, i kBkuesels, Oct 2&-.r-A.'. special s from during the examination : by ( Commis Yienha to the Lenord; the organ here sioner Eaton; the complainant, Bull, 'of ih. Russian gover.nient, .i-ounce, khtfrtoJHMb. that Gen Ignttieff,mbM8dort Coa- .ebite: atantinople, will insist on a six week s to him with considerable as- armistice. He is instructed to explain perity: "You people, must the Russia's motives to the Porte. It is statements you tirst make t me, and flumwsiuu" . -n be hi ore careful what you say you old believed that bis reprssentatives will e?llg from hfi noteswhere- moderately couched, and not take form nnnn Bull takine the cue repeated bis of an ultimatum, and that the other original story. Bull jtold the He, and j taTiwVit him to RtiCk to' it. 11 nnwp.rt will support xvusomo uiuuu- i .vv , T-r "T v. TY - poweri wii. eup t-.t, ..TK, ,Krt- ra8tarices we have cited are ! sals. ' i , - j . : faiV samples of the cbaracter . of , the ! 1 iaw At A Renter a tftle- . ..MJJi.Uil.. JiU0VV gram from Constantinople announces that the Government has discovered a conspiracy to murder the GrandVVizier. anU JUlUUail X HlVUt, umo ituveiivH two Ulemas of higb. rank, and Ram iz PasbaVi -ithe culprits, hVyei Veerj 'exiled 1 to veriqufrlslahdsV'yrOth'er arrests are.j expected, j ,y if'.' j 1 f ! , JL.,t, ... 1 1 . . 1, SOUTH CAROLINA. NUMBERS 1, !2 and 8, if VOLUME 2, AT TES CiNTSACH, BY TIDDY & BRO. .oct24f, .-, : ' 'w ' -' ; Iarge'iSaleSaaadSm I THIS IS SOUR MOTTO. i Our low Trices 'for Clothingt Hats" and FuraisWag.Ccods, ! ' ' '" ' ', . . :-. ...r ...!..,', . RENDERS IT UNSAFE TO MAKE PURCHASES OUTSIDE OF OTXJR, ECOTJSE. ... All Wool Cassimere Suits from.......: :.$650"to $35.00 Figui-ed and Diazonal "Worsted Suitings,;:n.$ia.0a to 30.00 Black Cloth Frocks, (very fine) from.........4l0.00 to $30.00 Black Doe Skur Pants, ; from . wVi:, $50)0 to 12.00 British J Hose, from.......... .....i.u:...!.$1.00 Dozen up. i TOGETHER WITH A FULL' AND COMPLETE LINE OF tfedetwear, White Shirts, Silk HaadlercWefe, K$ok Wear, E. D. LATTA BROTHER, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, FIRST DOOR BELOW THE FIRST NATIONAL' BANK. oc24 PLATED GERMAN STUDENT LAMPS. oc!8 o o o o w o H t O o - CO Q O CD X O -3 W W M o OQ CU N H H 0 K o K c 01 B a a o u O S CQ o ?3 P3 O u Q W O o Q tti H 1 P5 K W r-1 CO o 00 . a o o P3 H CO iz; o o o PU H o" Oh -1 Q CO W a en CO H M O H O w 's-4 CO H H O 3 GO w w w o 41 "'5 h3 Oi a w B a. o o o as" oi" i4 IH w S' ' O Q 3 ! O- cc W '55 O -ooCQ - .00 So! Mnptj J 5 tfl CD Q w M pes "( E-LlTuS, COIECE2r & -boessl: "ARB' JUST JtECElVINa TfiEtB KtW i::-H ,'(: FALL AND WINTER STOCK; On Steek;f Eccght early and cheapj and will be sold at prices to suit the bard I tiaaes. r Ont ! Stec DEY GOODS is lull and complete. BJackr AJpaccaa and .Mohairs at . prjs , that will astoni8b yon. A nanasome , new igi. v' uuiwini Gtnts' Beady.Made Clotbing and Fnrnishing Goods Department, ready for ispecuoH taa the wices will defy ccmpenon. a jqh udo oi jjuum nuu - erai afsortmetit of mercbandise.; Blankets and Flinnela,extraordinarycheap. . xeVik 9K-rT TTfrirnre of tbe wants of Ifectienbnrc we ihonld be ableU fill thenr to '"the satisfaction of our customers and friends. L' ' ; " ii.n-.-L omi. IA rlw afcd ber dtcne lot of Carpits jnsi in. THE- f v !" it if Hl.t tj . I : i f WITT K0 W S K Y & R I NT EL S , tC H ABLOl 1 -El NIC, 'SEI TEW BFR loTH, 186. ' ' 'I , 'iVT-i'. : J'-- ' r.yj --'i F A iL h 0 1 It C U L a Kr: u' :i:&: o 7 t :0:- CHAMPION TEA DOUSE ii 1 -Jii-i -.j : - ....... ... . I;N ,nT HX I T..Y!..i- arrests, fot poHtical;purposesjind6r the Enforcement Act in ithis: "tate.7- EW 1 nA P V ElfrT IS JEM : ,','J ' ; ,, , "QJIJSS jl2B ;Mi0riaMe'iClothing BEA D"ST MADE AND, MADE TO OEDER. To the Trade and Consum: , .,,,.!) '."V : ,!" at an i '.!.- 1. . i . . J . : .? ' ii 1 ' : i . .'..-', IV U...C ; - 1 . . .. t ' , ..... ir GO .INTO A LONQ DISSERTATION, AS; !Tv - l4S,JnAW a w ' HV PRTfTKJa OF OUB BTOClt T&IS FALLj BUT HOLD IT BUFFICilCWX 1U ba.xuai EPRESWINGVbfiri If." t.L:uM brut .nt FROM THE CHBAPeW-'tOTBE yERY bu 00 mf!.,ri;CH0ICSTM0TUME.U J ; ' UrrWt VSVlTYOTTE ATTENON;'2 f?!: ' f !lWE AGAIN. STATE THATTHE .BUSINESS "T ill 1 t XL Merchant Tailor. wiU be , i Charlotte JARANTEED FUitJf. BINTELS, BUT SHALL -ENDEAVOE,TOD0 MOfcJWWA I OFFER TO BELL TH E-' FINEST BLACK CASHMERE: li ju o.r oi 4 sOTlD ELSEWHERE AT $1 50.-- .YtL'i k ;i: A.:ri H;t pbried !'' from ' Varjous tk potion's o ; . ooriod ipaio : - "I . l; bbrted lrc fivtrj-vr lliv Y.LV?&ip KV !.(( i Charleston countyr "A riotous: atration ot armea negroeH; Pleasant village, opposite unarieatonj Heffroei.DlIii3iVu J1 vuici.uu r centralMotei. whbsiuji iuib w, duijb,i-( fT -,f : . , , I -7., -- , , , , - . , . .'li.i - -1, . sm a MnmmnrsBn. swHrm fi i 1 1 1. sis ui a .... w su : : ." - ' m: inc ; 1 uLVLri'i imistii: n.M n. in rm ai as aa. a. --------- aah avbhii vw- - 7 -, r -1 . : . aem. 1 stvles and aoalitiea Youths and Boys Cloth- J r .ffllJ r l?TtwHli .UrAalffflST- U , f- V " J-l' i v'u l,r AXUi1 W ' to bel ing. The celebrate ,Wam,ntta, Shirts, hn; 1 tnid tT"a" 7' LtjpaVB i-nuw fcl.OO A YARD, 01" CHlBLfe3T0lf; 0ct 323.URiotOU3 ' ":. TT. -t . ' I '.nairatinna of negroes, sunnosed ! r ...... t I u If f Via riainVirnr off ill T .'the Hallol the Y. M 0. A.JtH4igt, Association. ' "Gun" Powder. octl5 'jrilt 1 3". . -lit scpt24 . ill: 3i 1! : ft f -it 1 If , .4 ; 1 tl ' 5 I- : V - - c: '.'I'!:',! "js.f)! ' .iii.-mujiv---' Tes!dent3,S?ho will petition jGferxRuger Thepublicare invited to attend. OCt2I , E,, j ; - jjWnt-,;a j fortroop8 . , -.. t; ... oct241t . , -