U. 00. ihuM )u i mmm v nit. Sate.. P6 fwwitcwvH? CHAS R. JONES, F. BREVARD MtlMWEIX. rautor rropneioTt. w 4 WATCH THE CONSPIRATORS- Card From CoU Pool, v - J " 1 y r s s , i Belaw'we'give a portW ofv . letter vJT. 2Vw.fe:IJf3r9eA written ;tflh'BalrejSn from: ; gj tf ! J 1 Sentinel: Whatever mj smoeratic Deomnstration in Philt. U fetters e tram the doting scrapie 'treason.". J -i I Mi at , INFLEXIBLE RULES. .I ( i . I hi . A . ! i . ; . s i i l;! ; We cannot notice anonymous communica tion. In all eases we require the writer's name and address, not for publication, bnt as a gaaiantee of good faith. fs p r : We cannot, under any clrctunstanees, re tarn rejected eommnnlcatlons, nor. can, we , undertake to preserve manuscript. - Articles written on both sides of a sheet of ' . paper cannot be accepted for publication.; ;,, !).! ; toocMc Mori KM." L I O f T)U. i'f. -irrr . . . . . f s ( I FOB. PRESIDENT tio't ofsome Soulherri'iJlad half of their fo lorn cause in this, and other States. We do I not fear their threats, but give thenmo our readers to. show the animus of Radical office -hldferalbd the infamous frauds and desperateeansihevjUu they liadHbe piwer," to retai r jib eir privilegeSjt'rdJbbing an(rpludiering an impoverished and dov?n trodden peo ple. Thecorrespondent says: ; d ' i'Jbti jSi!oiplLstOHaight that the North Carolina republicans, taking the South Carolina cue, now want troopsj sen t in to Jhat Ptaie.T it toe trppps can bev.4ised.vto re-ele6t jDbambenain as Governor of South Carolina there is no reason why they cadnot be used to elect,Settle Governor Of North Curoli na. And if they are furnished to Mr. Settle we may next expect a like draft ff Osur-jIarshal Packard to be honored, in order that he may be hoisted into the gubernatorial chai of Louisiaua. The statement was made. irWMHard's xlQiei.lUUuy iuia,acruuvu u-.oyuvn- ernrepublican 'politician that a certain well known negro pquucaii aiasu-iKer delphia. Cn hl u-p-TJi Ten, Thousand farr&lRmeri - cets ioA- ScTC Senata? Whyle,of Maryland. JTTV' EditoHs Sjsstisel: Whatever gins have been, I have frankly confess ed them to the party aggrieved; have 8 mcerely, I trus t, - repen ted of - them, and made all the restitution "in? my power at present tomjtbe r jityj yetf there is aniftftss ftah WNbttli Carpi linn whn fppl -flnv: crrfltif5oa.t.inn. jn .a ik,- a nrri n?n A I where. the . 8peakinzttoQt'' place, failed inflUhW tvfih i and to hold-lburnneasejiadience? gather- J I The Derribcrata of-Philadelphiarliad a monster Aemopstration on TuesqA, evenirKAf creii I thouaand - uniTorm torch-bearers appeared in precession, MifrH 1ft 11 X I 1 resisnation as 1 may be able to , cem- manoy:,. ? But when ienfjdeeDly dyed in guilt, persistenuy ana ? continuously day byday, denounce me before assem- Med t hensaffas of the citisceas of; a ortn CarolinS citizens whose"" fair" faniei it has been my pride yer to uphold,, j in ed there. ''".Hon. Geo.'M. Dallas preaid edat the inside meetinsr, and speeches were xhade bjt ex-Gov.? Joet Parker, of New Jersey: Hon. Wm. rinckney Whyte, of Maryland : Gen. Franz Sigel ana Uol. ISlcholas cmith, tne son-in- law of tba late Horace! Greeley Two defence of whom X have sacri&ced time a if 7, - -r- : and - 'fldffrpsftpfl hv 'local s snfiak era. 1-nf llifa 'nit.v was. now f ganiaing'bangs-'of Negroes to' be' cake to North .Carolina to vote ; -1 j s ' ! 1 SAMSIf ; JILP.BK" ,;j a ., i Trnth 0f thft Browri' Murder. OF NW YORK. f "J at FOB VICE-PBESIDENT, THOS. A. HENDRIOES, ! D EMOCRATIC T ATE TICKET We call attention tp the following card .of Mr, M. F. Caudill, in regard to the hanging oi certain persons in Alffe gb'anyandUWilkeaycouniies during the war. It chows conclusively that not only didi Gov Yarice have nothing to and means(from tluse .'sacrifices haye come all my woes), and whom I have never willingly wronged in word thought or deed -longer" forbearance ceases to . be ;a virtue, aiid I may be permitted to say a word in reply, if not in self defence. , . .: While J will not wri e.a line to defend my conduct. I willainrrn that not one dollar of any lund at my, , disposal went to tue enncnment of myself or ot any ine connected with me; not- onecent was'speni iiroihyiviciSaii pr ictice or on personal or family extravagance ; but that every dollar was.- expended in the vajn effort tobuil4,np ..magazine de $olf toorih'linain'vindica tion of her spnsnd that I was involv ed in my troubles before 1 Syas actually aware of my condition. V... I have no doubt my 'troubles have bf n discussed,J4f many republican gjiealeis and" aitfbny mbus" scribblers these I will dismiss with one single :re mark-ra: child can 88 easily cover Mount Mitchell with a thumb paper as radical speakers and writers can hide FOROOVERNOB: ZEBULQ2L Bir OF MXGXLENBTJRO. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR : THOS. J. JARYIS, OF PITr. The great Democratic column? are marching to victory. If you do not wish to be buried beneath their trea d stand out of their way. and -! addressed S by 1 ' local 'speak ers When Mr; -Whyte . was i introduced be waa receiyed(with cheers,- ithe-, band play ine ... "Maryland. ,. my Maryland Amongst other things Mr. ' Whyte said : l "George Wiiniril Curtis, the champ ion civil -service -fefoimori and the literary deity who directs the editorial' colamifc tixo'&iretiiMiktoMib decencyc and lijdecOruoi ;i while' Nast does the dirty work of the republican party with his libelous cartoons pn the covers; said the trther night in one j of his political addresses7 in New 'York "SJavery4a;abolisned, the war isended, and why j not tbei., democratic, party aisDanaea. , x es, slavery is abonsheu. ifeaven be praised 3 and therfr is ' hot a man in all this land,;from BafiBn's. ; Bay .or the Kio, Grande, outside; of a lunatic aeyt mm, wno.nopes or areams oi us resr, toration. It was a blight for i; which this generation was not responsible,' but it ia--ona.no earthly power could ever fasten again upon 'this land of. the free and this Tiome of the brave. So, too, the i 'war is ended.' , Yes feleverrIong rears; ago griniTisaged war smoothed tie:? wrinkled front and the brave ; soldiers North and South, tf.Ti 3 Hi R-Eisa'R-'NU i i Hi M SI i 5. i 1 J If ;? . EJJRE IEfSURAlUOE, I T ONDON! A-?uraaoe OorporatiOD" "Niagara" "Geoig'.i Hame" "National" "01-1 yXi iSbrth-StAUp"-i?i,vnchbtmr Insurance and Bankinar CVimroinv"-"FSromon'a VnnH lSoy"--l'Naftb AWt. iB'KYK HUTCHISON & SON, Agents, nOVl2.! ; ' .t v t Ctme all ' 0. K." ..k . t. ' " . S - 1SD THE- CHEAP STORE, --A- iR0DUCEG0HHISSI0N';H0USE ,k:'. i AT THListlHBlOF finlER i&ALrEXaHDER ON TRADE STREET, IN CH 1RL0TTE WE WILL be- PLEASANT to SEE a'l OUR FRlED3 and the TRADE GENERALLY. W. JrBEST -M CO. j tas p BSfjthefpUoipg aptsj octl3 t: .(: 0-, Scents.' v!! i'-!v.i T''j : Xfi'n'e lot 1 2 ' The fliiesi sisvt ahdt-heaDeBt lot 5Vru! :d -y siai,d Boys Ulolhiog ter brouui to ,j; ; t418 City. in, only' 20 cen'ts. 4USTo RECEIVED INB : One Car Load Oats. 300 lbs. Freslt Mountain ' f !) Come and prif iay Goods li t? Loo ;K and Shoes 0 ';01 Butter, Large lot Mountain Apples, (red and green skins) Look at my Gents'-and ladies? Boots , w W. J. iQOOD H3 i1IVV QMA CO. JJA1 .1 r.-J No time loet. . bnt nion-y :88Tedjpy. ex- ., j amittmmyetcck.y 1.14-4 Calic,' tiurpass all designs, ; . LGrJEii BEE'iR, WINES, AliES'AND PORTER, Goods must be sold, The news from the October elections haa ahakjBn theEadicaLcArup like. the shock of a great earthquake and with knees smiting and heads hidden, they still look the very picture of misery and woe. do with the matter but that in f fact iUtceir-:normitie?,ipeQ was .planned and conducted bra de- fand crime against good government auns oy yersuus wuuoe iimw " Wnm nMil nmnnir thnsA whn have been robbed or outraged; and solely den&uhced me, and in language to !, t rj. Taa T T.oali lhan ntliPrs fnr thft hnnnrahTA 'ran tie- 'he pllghtediaith Qf Appomattox, re- , ; : j man.bOaathAt hABlwarsca.llHaBnftdelturnedgladry tO tbeir homes to culti- tnan wnom no more cou8teuv auu fin,7-:Hn rndU vate anew the gentler artsof peace; staunch Union man has ever lived uv,itft w orh th& Hmv - "The , war ia. really over: furl those North Carolina, it willhe seen, vouches Settle, once United' States minister to I hattle,fiaga fpreyej; ;4et,loving hands ti.A liJwi rthro.tf.rlit1rl lininUiinn. Pern and rAAntlv ( if not. nmv naniot lay garlands on the graves of the dead f I. T V ".H f " " xt u heroes : sine a last sad reouiem to the We trust v apc... tuunoiiiorm I'-rasJl i " V T: Uarouna. Jf rom February, 1B71, to ucFoircui'",u ll"!U 'u'i " m February, 1872, Judge Settle as minis- book -of time-tbat the f historic pen t er. to Peru, drew-a $9,4p9.7i salary, and mav record the wonderful progress of fonatIetveJientboXthaJiJ,ime he A reunited, prosperous and happy peo rendered ho service to the government pie, knit, together again in an ever- tie pockets .fl.lSb'.sa, rendering no '?"us i:yw.wuvuu u.pweo., , fc8, equivalent service his action with the '8 Ladies' aiid Gents', Hate, latest, styles. 10 , Malt. Hop Tonic, DOMESTIC, BELFAST Aly Salesmen will serve, all . customers politely and will spare no pains to " please all. ' ' , oct6 Kesictfully $3.50 per dozen, A WXOYNS. cease ed veracity of Mr. Caudill. I m that Judge Settle will hereafter to charge Gov. Vance with any respon sibility for this occurrence, now that he knows the truth concerninu the mat- ter: i A'TbUW-tQ, cer&fy that I, M. F. Cau- dill, was living in Alleghany Aleghany county Drominent rDablicans have ; done i the about 12 miles from jGeorge Browtilgarak-iiforlltbthUictbra MM)dh the 1 .1 . H . - . 1 I .. ' . ... . - residence at tne time ne was; arresieu aa charged by Judge Settle. That I therefor andinatifiAs the war is over, and the verdict in . In- XW Monday, November the frScffihel. diana teIla -M- people wiU no VJb'clckM,! will sell, to SffiSShl longer be humbugged , ?nd cajoled! by ,1 Now that the Radicals have about -given up the State, the height of their ; .ambition seems to be to carry Meck- " lenburg county, the home of Vance. ; We don't intend to let them have even that comfort. Remember that the proper ticket ' for those who are in favor of Xhe constitutional-amendments, is "ratifica tion" and not "adoption," as many newspapers have had.it. - Any other .vwofd than " ratification" will defeat "your vote. : . am well acquainted with all the. facta of.the case. Said Brbwn was arrested byathaniel Price, f Ashe county, George Petty, of Georgia, and other citizens, for: harboring and finding 4a band of organized robbers. Price was a good citizen. before i the war " and a good soldier in the wan But when he heard how the robbers were pillaging the people and outraging the women (his own sister was reported one of their victims,) failing to get a furlough he deserted and came, horn arms in delence ot his . own spoils Pharisee-like,-: searching for the mote in amotherV-eye; and losing sight of the bean) in his own eye, he thanks God that he is not like other men, and especially that publican and sinner, Pool.) With a Jew. auch experts at salary drawing, the treasury of the United States would soon be as thoroughly "exhausted" as were the powers oJ Judge Settle in J870, when he saw his fellow citizens, men of the highest character, manacled, thrown into filthy prison cells, their liberties and lives at the tender mercy of the the shaking, of the ; bloody , shirt' or tne imitation ot rebel yells. " "The bloody shirt haa performed its function and is at last played put. It has been !flouruhed is the air so, long it has .become 'too. thin." It reminds me of the washerwoman's daughter, who brought home a customer s, shirt which had been' washed for the nine hundred and thirty-seventh iime, with this message frotn ,,, her mother i 'Please, , iir ppipther ' says1 this shirt won't stand no' more washing. The last time she did it she had to paste it agin the wall and souk soapsuds at it. e to take ncOfliious Kirk and JiKnaba. "Ex- It gpUo awful tender.' That s , the i family.! brtWiH on Jiir!w'SAr.d t ctnihnA trouble, now . with the .'ensanguined The 17 men were hung by Petty- and withniple" p6wers7as 'ah associate garnoei?i And so, since Indiana has his men by Price's orders, and were a justiceof the court, to prevent these out- played rebellious washerwom, Senator portion of the robber band: among rages,) folded his judicial robes around .Morton, has gone .to , Qalltornia.tq see them was old John Br6wn, aged about him and slept or jather sat by consent- what he .'can do .W.ith tne 'heathen 55 years, whawas of the band and be-bgt : till Judge Books (to! his ; eyerlast- nmee, for he can do no mpre wjtn a i a i i r.tin nft anpon man i. i wuv way mmr3 ! - Pickles. jgABEEL PICKLES, by the Dozen, at i B N SMITH'S. octl7 . ., . , , , Va I uab I e P ro p e rt y For Sale. . ) - - the 130). at 12 the highest n cnarrotte, three lots fronting on Trade SUeet, and run ning back to 7th street. Also at the same time and place', 1 will rent a valuable plantation,-within 24 rottes of Charlotte. On the place is. a large three story brick dwelling, containing Dine rooms with all neevssary ont buildings ; known as tbe Dr Gibbon, place. A plot of the aboye propf r y csn be seen at the Court House- J T A DA Via. octl8 lw . WHISKIES, BRAMDIES WINES 1 LIQUORS, OF ALL DX8pRIFXIQKS. ( IX Jl; ALE, $2.C0 er iJn -i. 30 cents per bottle. SOctsprboitl JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Tryon Street. Public, Notice 18 hereby giyen. "tin e'naDce of the pbwe Judge Cook; a Republican Judge of i South Carolina, is of the opinion .that - Chamberlain must be a lineal descend j ant of the unrepentant tbief on the cross. The Louisville Courier-Journal does not know whether he is such a fore the war a'notedtbief. Neither Price, Petty,nor any of the men engaged -with tbem were acting! as muitia ot tbe btatei-- -- . - M. F. Caudill. Oct. 20th, 1876. ; J.fTl LeacHj Jr. Test. j am personally acnuainted,witliM. T.. Caudill. He has i been regarded ta a gentleman of undoubted veracity in "The democratic torsootn I , What! a parts di$ irided iat has ; Inly Wholesale Lipop ;s Hpse, IN' CHARLOTTE. . : : ..- .... i ;. . ; : descendants! nffKbufenhinksr bevond -it ftrri "WVW JliA f V, o nnifiirik wb'K. ha lino. an question mat ne is au unrepentent "" -"""w rT y HiiofnliA nnnhf fnKonn Ilia oi-n.a f J. T. liEACH, Jf The Yorkville .Enquirer says: "Judge Mackey dares Chamberlain to meet him on the stump. He holds a paper, he says, with Chamberlain's own before tne world, and consign him to Why don't Judge nbn'orDeit said 1) asserted the 'powers of an un-exhans ted judiciary and saved outrage; and vindicated the majesty of bee$ pK .powf y. fpr n pwt.een, Wng the civil law, trampled in the dust by 7?". without patronage,, without .the ' arwi(trihoAii i aid of officeholders. ..now an army of body fund will have been paiWong n' before thehonorable judge Returns to, ft KnS .i .... j r .1.. tt-.-io Ohio, .with its six . thousand . taaiorlty iat under and in pur- power and authority con tained in tbat certain deed of trust bearing date the firskday of July-eiebteen hundred and 9efeJptvand.tade,tF an.d betwen tbel Atlanta & iichruond Air-lme Kailvav Company of the one part, and R A Laucaa-. ter, W K Easley ndhred An8tellof beH other part, antt'in coiiii liance with ,bedi- rections in. tbat bebalf contained in tbe de crfe of the Circuit Court of the United States for Ibe.Isorthern District of Georgia, mace at veeoDer-"lerni,t7o, m a certain suit in equity therein pending, in which j Skipwith; Warner afid Aug'rtte Jlichard aie complainants, and tbe Atlanta & Kicbuiord Air-Line Kailwav Company, and others are defendant Xnd ih and by which decree the undersigned John H Fisher wa- appointed a trustee under the said deed of trust in the place of the said W K Easley, who waa de ceased, and with- all of the rights, power and authority under the said deed of trust which weie possessed, by tbe said W K Easley in ih1sHfe;time.)vand in compliance also witn tne decrees or the Circuit Courts of the United States for tbe DiMrict of South Carolina, and of the Western District4 of fforth Caroline, cpnfir ruing the said decree made by the Circuit Court of the United States for the Jforthern District of Georgia? We, the undersigned, will on the fifth 9t E.S0'to CAPINJ FlAm' And Alio kA'h "PBumug riaSTrTSSle t-c apr8 1()H-J1. , WcvDk.'1S, ' - Drns Store. tpOR CASH, will, during the monibfcof Jctobcf;N(vembtr and December, i at in SETTS' OFFETH for $10 00 FILLIPS fcold and tor $100a upwwfdat A 1 r workVaffan udj o0i& a t i re at i -faciibtt.:,: : OFFIC E-In 0Se Aleiider Hour e, coi ner Tryon ane 6tb itHSi l! ;; ; mm i been , eol- i:tf,l!$3tZA?ll lisr-fXJSS ZZZf ftC&W i ffwnjtf Pi a ' Hiwifownro m JeBbSrg, atahdrchrrgeTwirfr 7f "raiwor attempted rape, ci TRADE sept5 r ' !' ! STREET.; cotrui aiiauiaiu lucoiaveui ucuikib.scu . ,j ttt l .. . .Railway-Company, extending from the city of Atlanta, in the State of Georgia, to the city of Charlotte in the State of North Caro- . . . ... i i i . i i i vr ill ucui kib. ilia iuiiv tuuuDauu uia- r t i ister io reru, ior wnicn nerenaerea no . ..r. c.; -TkWetteDe fair secefAJl I MMsgone and wiliigo OXrfii wrt v the penitentiary.' week festivities closed a blaze of glory with the hop at tbe National. It was 4 magnificent suc cess. Tbe spacious hotel and its out lying loir, ain of 5 galleryjand verandah Ver.tie'v rnQrjEl6frdent with life and light and loveliness. Fancy a vista from an opium-eater's gorgeous NEW HOTEL. MANSION HOUSE lina togetB-riitfil(ka ffaisJIfnrJl?, buildings, rahiriry tolling tock mate- y nine of thf date .r thereatier ac- Cor. Trade and Church sts opposite ls4 Presbyterian Church- i added to my own till every dollar I 3V" tr , IT " owe is paidf WiU the honorable judge ashes' t is5 rLew- domuchto refund his overii, saiar. rTshaking dflf the clogs pF.tue past as the T rA tiAraA& rA TAio How pure must be the record of the lioh 'shakea' the dewdrobs from his J fllC AlOXuntier & tU, l TO . uemwrauu panj ui xuriu .""uvitrTan6,:abd oing On ,conouerine Vftfiir rA. Mnfthki ' Ki myir Xinf I Ti?DV(t to Ut t Ti A V the said company at tl.e of tLe t& d d ei oi tins n .in-d. lhtermso' .'Ucli m ail re as eel to the higbt bidder lorcrh 2d. rJen percent, of ibeiuicLaee mny of the said premises will be rqulredlobe mum. iLacKev3 come out witn that narr and aream oir..n.ivsium. aii.raaianu wnn i when the unnremeditated fault .or si c6ttsignihfinfamotiii thief ttfid'Wafr gofden iairoWippWghAitrewh rigl; (tfcaEfri humble mmbemfol:ni8the rfa 1 tl b : .-.u . i ., iiA illiiiiLL-'1 'i V" S''1 hlies apd rosea, iandju 8 wept by breezes chief burden oithe political song sung1 . ti J t. ,i. ui- to the place prepared uch lawlees aiftkr,dr.rt.imfl.lftdfin. Scatter arorind L Lui, ftn, nJ nrl nfthf rit..lHd-nK.niJt. , ! !, nnlui . : ) people, we nope that when Hampton a wealth of spangled drapery, wreaths cicvreu, vuai vUKUluerjam WIU OBJ VI uuneis ouu OHcauieiir vi KMtoi IS caught? before be eacapea to his home , , in Buzzard's Bay and clothed in a strip- Pu suu aiong wnn ine ot.ners wno of pearl rbyaV, coatees . antltrtct- radicalism, presented by uitve sueuioe niooa oi tne people ana l-ing; -curia : anr ;ixiz.zbs jDpnnitie tne vance. 'WioUtAdtWlawA rtthA fflnthr whole dazzlintr scene with diamond- -jn.s t tl - . ci oi. ii tn thfi Athftr? and when it ia relied nn,rrtt I1AH.-V War!?fle iM ail on .n;oa f 4K MB krjgntIvThere! w;as;not. much : to , rest i - r r A.rtAiihr An hAmva in a &1 oytfiAn -k 0uyi4Y.u fa.v .Ltivuui ptAAi tlnrfl. 'llirow-in tinnumDerea waviOfir nf tmvprnnr nnswur. and a. r.infllt iiiniiiua iiiii ijirinir iuii hiiii vi -i iuii u i rrtA fm m w '.a-nanram r-a t n a Tarn mo i r l . :T-"r.-iT- i - laaola oturfo Atrna rnKtfti'n.innAhon1rak. U;tl IImAnf I largely 102 :V anC6v ion a. id. ouii a k. u m aaas W5 fti bj nuu v ad i iiuii 1. 1 nr. i I ill inn ii.li T BIS Hotel is' just oi'enfdlo " the public : and conptqnently everynin i8' 'fresh and nw. ; The rroprietora confidient t I that thpv ran Bt.isfactonl v cater to the in- i..ij.:j vj ..,.trM rf 4 winis n i iiiKir KUratn. uuu irrLcuiiuuY.auu-.i-r ' C3 . and place of vwm xh-Srii91! H uP(ni)W, premises sha4Betfodo4B.ld She pur- ift.J' H BR -x rhecr Tcril I ho unnircH t ()o Curtio time t D" IJ UOVejl Or '. sign a memorandum of his purchase. 3d. Tbe residue of such purtbate uionty will be required to be paid to tbt said trus tees at tb that the said or so conceala biniselt that the ordinary Drocess'oi" law camiuttwrerveU upon hlui : Now, therefore, i Curtis H Brogde, Gov erncp.ofvthe State, KrthCarolina. fey virtniof nthorrtj M faiyestla by law, rln issniahlfmy PT'9jli 'I'iil1. frirg a it- wnnljgils&iur V'Jii M,iiar"'for lbet i r.l.ijiyii andi(feIVfrf Jtd'sucCi pen-on ts hall be iilentititd by Mis Mary a iicattr, hs ibe pariy h conm.itted or attempted to ci nuiui arae t n htr (eison on tbe'll) b LA.UEUM. lfc.b. to tbt-litTifl ot MhUci - Mf i-aid fcliijiii ai tujustite iiiDt ne at our city of Kleij;l , ihe 23d day 'f August, 1878, and in the lolst year of m J B R&ATHKIY, Private Secretary- -i-u ;n ' ' wa .fllUI.BUB. Will, KOihhJ - f K1. nBlot.o We are sorrv 'for t m atp-jt antjf.r a co. I Governor j ee a?w' ' whole u-xelianoej has ' octll : 14 ' ' r ; ' Proprietors. uccii. u lkjiv wio - uuwiv eiuxu anu i as I r, 1 : : 1 ' i f ri 1 ? V X .1 1 .. I i I -r-r tt vTinr TIWlfWTW vuat liuiieu in duuiana. wnat-caik it an i tiiuiis. e.cthce of John H J l&ber. as ftes , vtrui i uuc toiu i nHBav.Tiiii tue cm mi i ! LlSrrta.tfeoY bktoieUVTwWiAn'&aVr u"5 The Tyrant Teembles ok his thbone T1 Merrill's ' great Antebilious- prescription '.nil n r.i-v i v.. r v n ; z u r" r . i i a -.7V?;,: ,.r dt; shattered famhnwa and fmlipanrnfl conclusion, mere w one crime ott,Win orinLVroiina,3r , .JL)ere 18 .. . . . I ... a tiH i DAraharintDincr trrtnrtrr.iriria I nnnnA nVonna fn. Vim TTia nTm lightning bugs: and flavor, with a 1 " T .V 7 TT-Ptf'1 n tHv'Iff. """ I I'Henatine" or Veeetable Liyer ilediciue for mvriad mingled odors each deli&oiislv which cannot be truthfully laid to toy Urtfirpm this time forward shouldhe, rSSffiSto Chamberlain is now crouching-Hke a f intoxicaiimras a breath from heaven's charge, for the wiiiul and deliberate p0 rna.as , good retreat as . possible, Biilfous - Attacks, " Heartburn, ' Jaunaice, wild beast in the Gr'.Sk over it nS felfffi"? tAi:1kL5uuC0--. ie:Ufit! and thenars with which he Baa acta ore:, to, hold on to thatwuldrivofrbm ordered Liver. Tot sale at . v'; niKLH-eHnim unci iflra an AiiTFaryad nmi ' . . i rnanAnainio sniontrH.Hf.iiH mHmnrv nil nim noaviv o nia rivrtirnM tn Atimra f. . ? i . i iuvt' aaHarlier niTonlil Hsitlklv l h.diiHM ftlv the events of the past eight years shal lTi W hlmW.U a aiall minor- not the courage to meet his political pity belles and beaurest and Jove- fP, JP t8 -fV liesttvnea of the Almiffhtv Artificer's I .sv. - r .rra l M''flwflViTiJi.. v'la-f rtoc) 7 t - s 1 : apr8 Drug Store. his political! opponent on the hustings even though Zi r--.; : , 1 DLiier Bi)ULiit:in otttLco mo uuiuiunwuij 1. inLLiH m parriH. out. wiiri, ,um T,nr.i t,i wusuia i-iuiu-nii" guardedby.baUofthemUiearjrhehai of the negro, in order that iese wtii' T WILL give twenty dollar ward, brought to irhake him Mng over a pros- ntineV 'V' ' leaders may be elected to offices of hbiy to thejstMdard..of, T4lden iapd:Hen- I for legal evidence sufficient to conviee trate State. A tyrant and an usurper. i ' "; - I ndJt M couiu not seuure iu uy utuer wYfcrin,i8,ina6 ne leitw.wieiJsUOTemeoTO M thSir WKflAI femiatilncKBlee. Tdreite-de'cbnfiaeWeVbfthe whitn nesk 6f PtblM . m " in apittt Aiiv.;.ia. ttA5t..u0 xrwn; ri;i;i ' ";'li;,:ii::.!','-!'VA1 -r ..-3L b. JJ. rUUli. . Brine out, vour: beet. ;men. and make vm Kt'i ii ii v,ii;ii he feels that he deserves death and fears it too, even though he could tra verse the country with as much safety You will be sustained by all good citizens of the country. Allow jthe warrants that are issued to be executed: the civil and militatyiautborities rriust I of December next, wben and where the deed of the undersigned, for the said remises will be ready lor delivery. 4 h. The biddings will be kept open af ter tbe premises ball bet st roelt dp4tand in cae anyhrc&aeff fcbkll aI '6omplj wi(8jjafi$iei8ttt? terklibti ises Btruck down to him will be again put up for fate upon the same terms of tale. Provided, howeva: that if the holders of any of tbe four tbousand to hundred and forty eigbt bond 8 secured by the taid deed of trust, should, at the. sale, become the pur chasers oFtbe;Ea5J fcremfeeiJulBbaltfbbitBai necessary for tbem to pay the purchase money tberefor, so far as concerns tbe pro portion thereof, which, as such tondholder, they would be entitled to receive if the net amount of such purchase money were dis ' r r r . m vt'v vi v i uu uiiiimjjAuvuviiVico 144 UQ i B.B 'BU T UbUCl 1 Lliai 1 III LI1H OfH TP I I MA I s.Vmw n a 1 a w a Af n 1 n n -f f a v M - - - - - ----- T m j . I ""yT0 i"." :(ur rn 1 VT'm i ' v 1 ih. dh. k. mw. 5 ! S utaiMi aaO arret wit&fitXlTTg It , t 9WWFU;ifii;e,,,om9,ig:gun? T UV'S" -Jft not lay hands en thewardlywretch that iaaU, and we fill sustain youJ wi mi tue luuuujr we xbaaicai omciais have stolen for the last ten years. tjtbnted i?qtilymwjij;all jpfthe herSnhe fi?d fobtfioosaSid; tdb4ini em wnn tee I rs Dr S( RIPTI0N : fhi'srjo'Ae ri i.tined ui ki.e wn is de scribed as ab ut iftfciiiT-tive years o A color black, build heiyy. height mediunt, with a short stubby te&rri cverinn his fact , ey inflamed and of a reoii?h at. 4- '1 lis1 BARRELS ' rarolitta Mnllets. FOR SALE CHEAP, BY 11 Al MILLER &sS0i. -. tt v?JL-'-4i Una fi mow in ilSUBOKB ASE HOODWINKED. At a meeting in the city of New York Tuesday night, among the spieak- I I" V erS tWAaiOolrtrtAt ftanar UnT . hrti kitfukir" r" IP? ?P"nA uoouea as Wi W,VW" O . VeieOratlOn. He ha itmnnaH i Tha JS warm wnAa : Kof I "lttl41U2J5LUl.5l'! . U4wu wa iWAJi iO' raei,:L i'jai'iiaiLi- movements were watcne , Whan It.wasr jh.CharUston- .ti-''I's.ntnmtf-ffBii ;fh Uu- tbe..capitoL clerks, from rouna ine Tsouihfcrfc' men Mi Some person in the crowd asked. Where do you tliihfe Chamberlain is, Judge 7 and to hitri (Judge Mackeyi i $4i liF4 . lrjflFt1ls,,,rieVi! wueuce auu sen tence of majestice roll as follows : ."..' Chamberlain is tb-day like yonder stand, where he spoke on the 12th day :oi(AUguetirDDiaexatie wrecKa A1 Xiiuat.11 1111(11 ; o: 'icticut ..MAiit. r... fp:u Tj r" isxtract irom ai a-ecent speech tii 1 m wvaw i w vko ri. -. 1 iunnn r -a tmrinn b- i 1 of 'this the -Kepubifcan oW L '-i galled, a reeMpg:Bpdicn.8areciiiLained groes 101 ineir ungratefulness to tho i aiXVKpnbll(:ps4:t7atid:re lonows: eatettm --lavine niarjAianiena AffixraorujifiuiBHajaa how 1 1 TT 1 aDonsn ix)gan. fie is as aangerous a ra .8J3T7TTT Pab ; Iguobile f6r you.yh.en vjptory .parches, , on,' 'your I morning a solitary- son of Erui wasr;;,,,, , ., , it, mX 1 )'' ,V; tn wenaine ms way turouen tne uapitoLt. ,,!,.! 't. iuji if.t u.,i.,:-f.. t-ik pauHBUi ana, seeaitai iiurj -Y eciphering thejl10 Sale of V a I uab le ot Georgia, and -.' .orted to the said VllV PrODGPlV M'ML. .0 .1.. STILJJ ONl HAjED;:ABODr300 lB0XES fiiij 'r.i: 1 rJortrirnftTit 64 nanafirll irA aiKirrif! ;fnr a few moments to be decipher ine the 19". inscription upon its base.' . He tqofei , of, th his baggagepaekfrbm Mil shoulders,' laid.it,rupQn the ground, and loo around ris thottlP to sMf any" wereojughl. Jfiujd jee no ( awartt tbat dDv on was nt he en, he commissioner fe 1 01 puonc instruction, aua . is now a r I ,. i.i..jir.'.ir n .t e f .a i ;-rcr !i!t. IJistnctroiZBew-iprk-JJuring the O'fi .! ..VU'lfiinU! or 0TJE .,. j B!K:;,'1?I Ji:i.vjiJ'i'i :t H')'" G , LD-BASIS; New York of nion "ft stqontUijrfcii-' moil m r3ivoaii"bri .ht'i r'nwt.) rf J SariJ such case, the bonds held by them coupons annexed thereto, sball be brought into the Circuit Court of the United 8t ites for the Northern District ot Georgia, and tbe sale to tbem will be reported court by touidejeigec by them id eUcU ibdridlhi held ur.Mftbs. WMMt a - f . 1 1 "... . 1 av uons ,n re anon inerew ana in relation m m tindersifened in a Deed of Trust. xut me nuposiuon 10 De ruaae 01 tne proceeds h hi. TKn... a 1 ... t ;ii of such sale. rn jrlanii ,r r.ii r , ..v, JUMiN H FlbHKK, 1 the HnnsPimH t .,t r.rw.rmuH Kir rir s E Brat ton. on (be corner of 1rcn 8Ld Jl iri...u.in V J . nr. i J oytmberisr, at the Court House door in Charlotte K I McDOWELL. octll tds R A LAKCASTER, Trnst8 ALFRED AUSTELL. J October 4 b. STa'-Jt oct3 till deb5 Ai--,, SCH VoLtber.capitoi cierKs trom a basemi :Nindbw,AWdaehly4ifeaar6p,pe ssed tnUt.MAt.nT-Tnrb. Tlririnp- th I.. ,.r t. .1 ,. ,f o ; v, , i I ,-- P Tw.r- " s m BQTSr S0E8, HATS, Onifl"1au uirrouur wvrroireu I a mT Ar TrinTTDTTfi r Use Astral Oil IN your lamps and save life and propertj' ina chaage of lamt rpqnired. w of his kTMTfroWFJUib monumc blessed himself, and ' bent 'his heac though in prayer. . He continued th's.p.0?ture some four or five minut w-w4 r L m-r a I uapito with the independen ahDfmkayWei in the meantime, and watched "M ey" with some curiosity. After he risen to his feet. Mr. . Drinkard ifrerat enendent democratic bri 4Sai4li6W'snd.1A.jfttf. record farr iKMieetyiand inclpendence. The New York Herald says : "Mr Efy's 4ife&ihati6Blf6he'fiPtomadM n- DllTlPthe ffelB'ef aWtctdeU ray7 ailhatrg'h it nuhlican rartv rl Will reeommnd i.n ia n bmaiiai. nav k fTia" nratuniinn. 02 thtfifeii "Cdngrfefis tb" kkW arfieVtaVwA-ljnrtjiB'ib replied : "Surel ttlOtftiEbn was .returnthem. taBlavery....,: . , v,.. . is. less.. Morton is :a malignant feVftlHJflfrjfbdif rrfinshe hard ma .uiuj .8ied,,!,,?.V SEa an' fight Ie'hadwia t, am tnarl . wll Vk A fAvVA) lilt 4 AW V A I Ltail 1 .A iV mM w4.U b j: . I Qfi' wllin T B A An Vi A n (M a am 4 . .' T v 8ftlU, VU. UlitJ UU1UCIA HiV vtu u icUf UUBUUUU1UUH f UUlUtUlb . UlttU JUOrtanr.' W BLaJjl. AliMftUOWD up ww prayers lor tne ouid te bowed reverently towards . rublinrf BeektoThold.i um aiWr, HU Qcjess. au,oBbanwaiiy &25T.a -iftt" niKyWjL tji 1 MtTXtKBJLteK: .AHMiistifiAiaaa?. OCtl2 : !--V: I- .. : ;. proached him. and aakedhiBkirviHJMM tteniQcrallOtspart pgathe what he was doing JcnedinfeVradffef pel Clfcy aild, materiaHya atcengthens its 'Attorney and Counsellor afe taw uftenaair-tf . - .. . n1 HbW&e'tweBtfis'alfMCed' cfemocrata 6T . ;,ira 4-.- tatve. bin Smith Ely, JrT, is as certain ,to he dur next mayor as the sun ia to rise on the If Anybody Else 'ES Wfbftfetift fciiial. iuabMi'rMke fcnppJtulurent CslaJr hii, r TCFMmi v c. oci3 COAL ! COAU ! Bats ever brought o Charlotte J will be CUPS AND LFATHER. r found early and late at rxy store on Trade street, ready end anxious to show goods to ray customers and friends. f!nmB and let me ilr vnn onnA ,JbIA A t.i TJ. MOlALBXAUDlifiA JO BArtXIl i-: ' - - , .... . - - ia - i A - ... :i I iv ,i-i'iii M r"rr1' " " o me at tne trace oi ' .1JI 1.1.J.VJL11. ITlll.t VlvlV.1.. r the colored mailer capital , than Lbeah.' ' Arcades ambo let them disappear. SY. ; iWw - . - . if! - - I ; andllin man." the s UUAr juid tpassfid, pti-Itichm 7th-ofNovember.- thef fdemcraiirr; trartri Jhatrit" haa in -uiB . crisis a candidate so peneciiv Ti i r j r I i.-Sa" I r:'i1ff1rAfiP(iH-iTTP JL'i iFJICE-Over the Merchants and Farm liratfOTial feantt. ' ' 'V-Wf r pn'af nwea to meet every requirement til thJiii!. ,Q9Uiwwi jrxawot. rrvjacuiarsin uJ!&ituatfon J',u vj snfm--t i .jauiiM. - . ucaAttvjttt.yjTif ill,. ., ,i"',ia o bstwai sia aHdixi dT t 'JiroiiUoq nr uJ irJLiJq ridnq Select School. . 1.. TK and MRS CHAPMAN twill Teceive a lipmrnz! - Mils. vm f w Mil uai t D uuo uuvi AlUrtU UI the residence of Gov Vance. Terms, in ad vance, six dollars per month. OttlZ Ul B0V1 J Have contracted for tbe delivery of l.'O Tons of Coal in Cbarlotle Will tell it ft iHItrrJMM (9V HHHss Coal. the Cotton Compress Co , Charlotte. N. C. 'J.,' ' FBAKK E PATRICK. r;eept2tf- - . EINEST NEW city, at - 6ctl2 r - Y0BK APPLES, in tbe .wi,,BN SMITH'S, iJ-k i it il'JOO .BfjnoiJ ioT.