15 . . - CHASLOTTE OBSSKVEi, cm juntos JU.TX&. ,-.-.,r ,it 1 jmr, (powptid) lu adTuof ; $8 00 S mw. ' 2 00 1 intra. M 76 eekly, ,'in the county) in adyance, $2 00 out oftheoounty, postpaid, 2 10 " 6 months, - 1 05 Liberal reductions lor clubs. v j 'v.1' 4 1 i-"T"- .ii-:'- T i 1 '' ii i 1 - ' - . ' 11 ' " - ' " 1 " ' " 1 ' . mm mm .,mw mm.. , V0L.XIIL1 W. L. BOYB, -DEALER IN. if BOOTS, SHOES A LEATHER. A FULL LIM3 OV FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT LOW PRICES. smith EncrxiuoiisrG, TEAIE 8TE EET, CB A ELOTTE, IT . C. oetl F U R N I T V It IJ l ' A L B ii BURGESS NICHOLS. E. A. OSBORNE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, fi''"!?'"' 'i - OKA LIBS IH ALL KIND OF FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. No. 5, West Trade St.. ; CHARLOTTE, N. C, JUST RECEIVED A - ' GHILDREHS CARRIAGES. BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A FULL LINE mar7 OF COFFINS OF ALL GRADES, ON HAND. PRIDE Of The IFinest Milliner j Esssporinm Respectfully Inted to Call at the WHERKTH 1 V CAN FIND THE LATEST STYLES OF 1 Cf3 4- FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS ? i 3 Ar p c W I i fioe': iresS ''fiSodsia"pecjaKj Such as all cdlbrs of Ciassimeres;; , a t'air") i 'Witt itj I QFFEE.TO SELIrTHE FIEST.BLAOK CASHMERE ATJIM. A. VABP, . SOLT ELSEWHERE 4 q Q Q S i Q 3 CHARLOTTE, C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1786 NO. 2 362. esw::-ies:oi?i?33b: 7A.fi i km h'- ; : . . V.i '! i'C si- oct21 TELEUUAPUIC NEWS iood Dispatches. FOREIGN. The War Aspect Frowing Serious- Turks Threaten Another Massacre .Russia on the Qui-Vive. Djunis, Oct. 24. The Turks Lave ad vanced their headquarters within five miles of the fortified mountain; over which the road to Kinsherafz leads, It is stifl lo be ttormed. Belokade, Oct 24. There is intense suffering in botlr armies. The majori ty of the soldiers are wearing linen' and have no blankets. There are 180.000 Bulgarian, and Bosnian , refugees in Servia. ''I Ignatieff has been instructed to in form the Porte, that the intervention of Russia, Oreece and Rou mania will follow a rejection of Russia's terms. Lokdon, Oct 24. The Post says -England will not present any infrac tions of the stipulations in the treaty of Paris. The Russian minister Ignatieff, has had a private audience with the Sultan to-day. It is stated that the Porte is ready to grant Russia's latest propo sitions, provided the integrity of the Ottoman empire is guaranteed! - ' Pjsstii, Oct 24. The Russians be lieve that if the Turks take Kinshe vatz, Russia will make armed interven tion. London, Oct 24. A Reuter telegram from Constantinople says: It is .stated that Russia has already indicated her willingness to agree to a six week's prolongation if necessary, rfor a six week's armistice. It is hoped that an agreement will be reached on the basis of Turkey's acceptance of such an armistice as announced in the semi official statement in this morning's Post. ' A special from Pesth to the News, represents that there is intense excite ment there, and a strong hostility to Russia. In case Russia commences the war it will be difficult for Austria to preserve a neutrality. A dispatch to the Times from Thera- pia announces that Mr Baring, Secre tary of the British legation is about to return from Philappopolis, being con- vinced that the commission for the punishment of the perpetrators of Bulgarian atrocities is a delusion and mockery. The war criminals are re garded humane,.- and moderate men are in disgrace. J -The old panic is re newed, and a most trustworthy gen tleman has travelled with the utmost haste to Constantinople to Inform the British ambassador that the Turks threaten new massacres, and have even appointed a day for the begin ning of ihe tl ughter. A Vienna dispatch tj the Times savs : iNot only irom Constantinople but from all ihp provinces of European Turkey, is there news of the growing excitement among the Mohammedans of the conventicles held in the Mog- queg.atul of the armamenti. The ministry is divided against itself and and the Sultan is too experienced to take the leadership of affairs. Thus the position is most favorable fos Russias diplomatic action. General Ignatieff, the Russian am-, baesador to Constantinople, may carry everything before him, or if he fails, may inbtance such an outbreakof Mahommedan feeling, as migh t justi fy almoBt any step on the part of Rus sia, SOUTH CAROLINA. More of the Arch-Fiend's Work. Chaeleston, Oct 21. Chamberlain has sent a written demand to the Ger man Fusillicrs of Charleston, one of the oldest military organizations in the Union, to surrender their arms, and inquiring whether they have dis banded. The Fusilliers were organiz ed in 1775, and have served during the wars of the and twelve. revolution and eighteen MISSOURI- j .' Unsatisfactory Appointment. ? St. Louis, Oct 24. Judge Treat has appointed Edmund F Allen one of tne Commissioners of the Court, as Chief Supervisor for this District who will report to lh3 Court the names of the Supervisors for the respective districts. The VtUr 1 tbedn4 theeause'of a good deafof;commeni fiere, and will probably continue jto be eo until , the close of election dayvi ' & 4 j U j y III. 4 4- '' Heavy Fog Railroad Strike. MNew YoM?,Oct24.--The fog ofSatur: day and Sunday, continued on Monday. Most -'vessels ! anchored v outside 1 the ferry were impeded, last night, ? - The engineers and firemen of the Jersey Central Road, atruckat: in-id-night, wherever" the" trains happened to be. The fires, were dumped out and the men left. , ! The fog has entirely disappeared TbeOAsEBYX Job Departmanl aw tboroacbjy -. sappUed with 'erery neaaet want, and wltn Uie latest styles of Type, tU every manner of Job Work can now be don -wUb neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We ran fornlsh at short notice ,, . BLANKS, BILL KKXD8, LETTKB HS VDS, OIBDS, .- TAOS, BXCEIFXS. FOSTKR8, : . FBOGHAMMiea, HAND BILLS, PAMf UUKTS, CILKCKS, &cM Ae SSid-iight Dispute hf a. WATER PROBABILITIES. VVashikqtoit, D. C, Octj 24. For the South Atlantic States, ria ing barometer, northwesterly winds, and cooler clear weather will prevail. WASHINGTON. Indian Affairs Chandler's Movement "Other Natters. Washikqtos, Oct. 24. Sheii l;n for wards to General Sherman a Visputca from Gen Crook confirming Uu-.O'fiPv- enne dispatch in all its details. Crok'n dispatch consludes: "I feel that tjjis is the first gleam of day-light we have had in this business." It44ctateil at headquarters that a plan of discover ing and disarming Indians tn ie fol lowed at other agencies. Taft has gone to Philadelphia for several days. Chandler has gone to New York to look after politics and will probably not return until after the eventful 7th of November. Interest due on the 1st Of Novem ber will be paid On the 25th inst., with out rebate. Col,Elmer E Washburn, chief of the detective corps of the treasury will re sign. His successor is unknown. First Lieutenant Joseph Girrard is detailed as professor of military science and tactics at North Georgia Agricul tural College at Dahlonega. Capt J G CLee is ordered to Colum bia, S. to temporary duty as Ct.ief Quartermaster of the Department of the South. . Secretary Cameron has gone to Philadelphia." INDIAN COUNTY. Squaws and Ponies Captured. Cheyenke, Oct 24. Gen Crook be ing satisned lied Ulouq'q and Red Leaf's bands of Sioux were about to de port with a view of joining hostiles in the North they having refused to com ply with the orders to come into the agency and receive rations, and alub borning remaining in camp on Shad ow Creek, from whence it is positively known they were in 'communication with the Northern Indians and receiv. ing into their camp such? as come in. He without awaiting the arrival of Gen Merritt's troops determined upon disarming them, and at day light on the morning of the 23d inst., Gen Mc- Xenzie with 3 companies of the 4th Cavalry, one batallion of which was commanded by Maj Gordon, and an other by Capt. Monck, successfully surrounded these - two bands; consist ing of three hundred lodges, and cap tured bucks, squaws and ponies with out firing a shot, and marched them into the agency after having been dis armed and dismounted. Spotted Tail who has evinced unserving loyalty to the whites, was made head chief, and Red Cloud deposed. Spotted Tail and Little Wound, : have ' promised to furnish Gen. Crook 'with all the -war riors he may need to co-operate with him in the . coming campaign, which will be inaugurated at once. Gen. Crook feds that a great object has been attained in this last movement and that we shall now know our ene mies from our friends. NEW YORK. Bank Teller Absconded With $36,000 Strike of Engineers.. New Yobk, Oct 24. Thomas Ellis, paying ' Teller of the National Park Bank, is a defaulter to the amount of thirty -six thousand dollars. It is sup posed that he stuffed a package of five hundred thousand dollar notes in his pockets. He has been absent, since Saturday. Five thousand dollars re ward. He has been 18 years with the bank. The Republicans of the .Ninth Dis trict nominated Genv Don Sicks for CpnkresaT . T --,:. . -n v.- "r A strike of locomotive engineers on the Central New -Jerse' Railroad, was preconcerted;' " The passengers .were left alternative to,' walk,. to ',tbe: next station or remain in the cars all night. - FOREIGN- ' " ; ' 'v, ' ' -- ' LbiiixiiT, Oct 24. A dispatch . from Belgrade to . Reuter's Telegram Com pany, dated noon to-day, says it is re ported here that the Turks liaveaken Djunis and St Nestqrl.iU if this is, true, Gen.Tchernayeff's army is in - great dangerj--'5 ' ,L 'A The Times f in va, financial article saycj if' Only, yp'rofound-pcace j,and a great ' revival of trade i can.tr prevent a fi nancial catastrophe in Austria J Even with these we: douotYif , nopes ofJthe Austrian finance minister can he real. ized that by 1878 the end of the period A&RAm Will' hm-roftrthpfT. U K iu5 a' Ah I " '!; V1 Report. ,Contr ad ietto!" ! -Atlanta;'- Oct.y24SmUh;' of .thia State hasc nVverb'een called t on for ri ilitia' tq, maintain the".njorcem en t act, nor has the Attorney General giv en any opinion on the subject. ..t - f ; NEW JERSEY. The- Strike Continues Great Incon venience to the Public. Elizabeth, Oct. 24. Thp strike causes great inconvenience. Business men living miles from the city are ob liged to walk way home. Competing roads have made all through tickets good. Feeling greatly against the en gineers and firemen for causing the public to suffer such inconvenience. NEW JDVrBTtEIET r.r-. IN. ider :o clore ont, e i ffrr Fcur (4) of the Celebrated fiudtbtiktr Wfgcns, at Factmry .rices without freight Call an I Mcamine ttenV. Folly warrant ed.' K 51 WILtER & gOK8. oci25 Democrat please copy. 15c Cotton Notice, A1 L persons on whem we hold notes payahle ?n Cotton, are notified Ibat un less Middling Cotton be dehverrd at our Store, be'ore November the 1st, we will de cline to receive it, and claim ca.h. R M MILLJ- Ji A 0K8. rct25 Democrat plcsae copy. Attention, Firemen. YOU are hereby notified that the Alarm Bell will ring at 3 o'olock to-morrow (Thursday) uiorninp, to summons the Pionter-Steam Fire C'oujdbiiv No. 2. to meet at their Ball. All members are requested to be DroniDtlv at thtir Hall, al Si o'clock, a. m- F A MrNINt H. C C J1oob, President. Secretary. cct25 It 0 A LrFTTRNI A PEARS, 1 AT- C. S. Dohon & Ce's. cct25. Xarge Sales asad' Small? tPrdfitis I THIS OtJR ETOTTO. Our. low Prices for Clothiag, Hats "aid FuiS$g Goods, EEXDERS IT UNSAFE TO MAKE PURCHASES OUTSIDE All Wool Cassimere Suits from..... ........$6.50 to $35.00 Figured and Diagonal Worsted Suitings,.... .10.00 to S30.00 Black Cloth Frocks, (very fine) from. ..$10.00 to $30.00 Black Doe Skin Pants, from ....$5.00. to 12.00 British J Hose, from..... ...$1.00 Dozen up. TOGETHER WITH A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF trad$rwearrWhite Shirts, Silk Eaadljerbhiefe, .Heck Wear, &c,5 &c &c. E. D. LATTA i BROTHER, ONE PEICE CLOTHIERS, FIRST DOOR BELOW THE PIRST NATIONAL BANK. oc24 i W. BORWBLb CO. Springs' Comer, Charlotte, H, C, DEALERS IN s, Medicines Chemicals. Oils. HTsLvuishi Glass, DYB-SttsSsjj FANCY ARTICLES, PERFOLIERY, BRUSHES. oclio o Eh O o o o w o CO I Q V. o o O fan 3 I o ID H u u 0 M w ill CO o rtt a 3 o 55 H M T3 a M O S OQ o OQ W w m O u Q W M o o o o N H P3 W i-i od O cc O 2 cc W o H CQ S5 M O o H o" Ph 03 o w w 03 ft' OQ ou H i o H o w -PS cq ii o o CO 00 M H O PS PS 4 GO s s PS CD - H h3 Ph 0Q JZ5 o PS z H t-t JQ o I I Pk o M H 00 W o Q a H PS o P4 W CO g 0(5 m'SPS 5 'MOQpSu i OD 9"K CAltfOBHU mU5, GRAPB8 HNFET AJD BtBT AgBOtTNCVT OF 1 ;.i FRENCH CANDIES, r, INiTHE CITY, AT . D. M. RiGLER'S. ' . . .. , . ! - , , . ... .... . oct25 f - j v j-r7 4 5 -1 -j SERMONS, jt so-"- Vf'- .'- -.-' w .'-I '-iiWJ.-f'i?;4 j.a vlmtOFiJCEWl OELEAKS.I jRiX'it:' i -NUMBERS l,' ittd t"ot VOLUME 1? i;:sALB.;AfiWvciiBACH; -A V- :H'"'flt y''lt '- J. lf'J i Ir '- TIDDY &' BRO t Cct2V ABEfjUST RECIITINO THEIR KEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Fci gbt ceiIj- end cheep, scd will be sold at prices to nit the bard, tippes. Oor 8tMk.f DEY GOODS is ivUl and complete. Black Alpaccaa and Mobain at: prim , that will tstocish yon. A baudsome new lot of ErubroidtricK, -very cheap. Drees Goods Tery low. G tins' Bedy-Vad Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department, ready for iaspectioa the prices will deiy ccmpetion. A lull line' of Boots and Shoes, Bats, and a gen eral attoit rant of merchandise. Blankets and Flannels, extraordinary cheap.,: . ' psr' "With a 25 years experience of the wants of Mecklenbur we ihould be abla t ill tbtro to tbe Eati&f&ction of our enstomers and fiiends. vj r, ;-.: If jcu call and examin enr Gocds we will make the prices ta suit tbe tines. ;A i ( trd ti dicn e !tt of fnl ' ' ' 1 e j ' - v ju21 W 1TTK0WSKI & B, IN TEL S, tCHAELOlTE, N.'C, SEITEWER;JllOfc76. FALL ClKCiU 1AR OF 18 76. K) :0: To the; Trade and Con&ninersl: s - B EIKQ TOO WELL KNOWN TO THE TBADE, WE .DEEM IT UNNECESSARY TO GO INTO A.LONG DISSERTATION AS TO THE MAGNITUDE, QUALITIES and PRICES OF OUR STOCK THIS FALI BTJTHOLD IT SUFFICIENT TO SAY THAT OUR! STOCK, BOTH WHOLES AI.E and RETAIL, 13 i COMPLETE IN ALL 5 DI PARTMENTS, AND TO WHICH WE tNVITE YOUR ATTENTION. . 4 , ,: j r . ,0 , WE AGAIN STATE THAT THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONTINUED AS BEFORE .. 4 r ' ".. i - - -i ' - .--.vf Tri:-'-? THE DEATH OF MR RINTELSr BUT .SHALL ENDEAVOR ,Tf CO MORI 0J A CAH BUSINESS THAN- HERETOFORE, TO WHICH END WE SPECIALLY IK V It A THOSE WHO WISH TO AVAIL THEMSELVES bf the OPPORTUNITY, of GETTEKjr SPECTAL INDUCEMENTS for READY' CASH, AND IN THIS CONNECTION WB BX3 LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE JOB LOTS 07 .DRX3S GOODS, CLOTS 1 : z.v-i. : s ,7-" a ' . , . i , . ' ING AND HARDWARE WHICH' WB WILL8ELL AT A GREAT SACRIJ1C3. ; ' jWE DESIRE I URTHIR TO BAY .THAT OUR PUNCTUAL TIMS - CUSTjSidU t ,!u f s,j !' J-A'3s .':i1f5t : , 1. , , Jf, ARE AS WELCOME AS SYER.S.YERY RESPECTFULLY," ?f 1 ' '