CHELOWE OBSEP.VEE, aily 1 yaar, (postpaid) in advance, , $8 00 6 lnua. 41 , .: ; 4 oq S toos. ? ' ' i f ,:2fn 1 mon, ' ( 75 wuiu KDmoN. : 1 , fekly, ,'la the county) in advance,, ; $2 00 out of the county postpaid, 210 r- 6 months, , , t t V Oft Liberal rednctioni for club&J ! , Cf.- -"16 At- DEALER BOOTS, SHOES A PULL LI FALLj ANDWINT;ER GOODS, AT. LOW i1) i till. Ill illBlltUMl llii SMITH "SlTliaiol . octl BURGESS NICHOLS. WHOLESALE i - V BED ROOM AMD PARLOR OF COFFINS OF ALL JBRADESf OH HAND, i mar7 PRIDE OF The Finest MilliDer j JEmporinin f , . - : :.. f .; '. .. - ', -f-B : . i j i . 1U 1 ' !M.. Ths Ladies , are Respectfullv'lnTited'to Call:, at ; the, ' , . ' : '.if j - ';. :K' CH c WHERE TH J . YCAN FIND -1 FLOWERS, 'FEATHERS, RIBBONS s ? r t . i- t1J1l f I'M. " t ' i; j.6pm " 11. i tt.: . y Fi n resv(E(9ods:a:peciaR .t...:-.; OFFER TO SELL THE. FINEST BLACK CASllJAAtl.WAts,Yi " t ' ' lj jsfiu 05 ?i'jis ?.nbf,A. 5 ; .,..n..., ' - 1 . -EfiE---.- oct21 i mL i . ' ill 'iiiii awwaawaawBHaMaLwfcaiafia 'iiTii'ii 'n mwmhmiiiii wi i imbe 1 X "l a 111 t'nu 4VHT yihvc M,-;. . iitjw vnur .. IN- .a0 LEATHER. KB OK J - .7 i. J 4. 3 -t J P PKICES. I; ElULlMtiEShjIES . E. A. OSBORNE. iHETAIi; i 11 , ! ; , ALL . KIND OF ; tBEDDI NG, &C ; No. 6, West Trade St., . i C H A S I O T T E , sN . 0 . JUST RECEIVED ; - ' - A , ; 6CTT3, AND A FULL LIME f.i J tra .) - i -.iui . , t Irv,;. r . , ' 'K ' ' ' ' i','J 1 KS V : ' J ' S.v!':j -(:;-i -.ff tW'f .r ? -i !t -1 y h il JJC i -i- V t ? i W I t-.St-i' ' I V , l,&' 1 t.,llr.!,lTHMr.i- hits i!9 i ,1Jti5l!t-l JJ hsSi Til ,'fojjsJ-n THE LATEST STYLES OF ; ' ' , h - 111 ( Ml C j - ( f . -it I.""- -it ' j' f -i ill i ; .... r;TJ ijfi l .'J l..).'J.I?'S'i: l4T.t !5 I. ii;) -S i;t ' , . .'l ...... Vfl , - u t rii j1 - : t ; :? 1 tin imtA -3 l All..; ,di 0 e i'.y f , ..VS...;. ji .-i. ...i. l'i (OWIL 1 i'- ' f f : . ,r - 1 ' 1 : - ' " '" """'"" """'" T" '' V'-V"'' iooD Dispatches. FOREIGN. The Everlastinff Turkish War Other News London, Oct 25. A . coi respondent of the Turkish army itxServia report thatthe Turks took ,Djunia after 10 uuura nara ngniing. The Times' correspondent at Vienna says Purie ia willing to accept six week's arurt iatice ;if re to irt mended by all the power. While affairs look bets ier at Constantinople, one can trace alt aroutiq l.ttrkeytheirorf .ring pre pared by Russia. . The master cottoH spinners of North EaitLilcishirenfet at 9&6hest6f and agreed to urge all masters to en force a general lock out as they con sider the terms adopted, by the opera tives of Oct 22nd unsatisfactory.' The Times' Berlin correspondent says the Russian iron clad Peter the Great, was re-called juet when leaving Cronstadt for the Mediterranean. The News' Belgrade dispatch says Prince Milan has received a positiye and final assurance of Austria's non- ipterventioa.v?T - s V Jf 'SCi y3 5 v t t. A Vienna correspondent of the Daily News reports that arrests con tinue in Cons tan tinople on accounkof the last cohtpTracyr It is alleged that the purpose of the conspirators was to forcibly depose the reforming govern ment. The forft. er Grand Vizier, Mah m 6nd Pash aiis i m p Ilea ted The oiein - bera of the cabinet were to have been seized at moment when General Ig- natieff arrived at the palace . and the boyp .ihoania, were; tthe same time to have made demonstration of revolt. Berlin, Oct 25. The Imperial banks of Germany and Russia increased the rate of discount one per cenL SEMUKfj0et'j49 cstaied" here that there the Servian government at tributes the recent repulse to their; forces to the remissness and incapaci ty of General Tchernayeff. The Ser vians deny the capture of Djunis by the Turks. CoNSTAkTixoPLE, Qct v2?.-Oerieral Ignatieff, the Russian ambassador pre sented his credentials to the Sultan yesterday and subsequently had a pri vate interview j with, im.: 'Several more arrests have been made in con sequence of ihe conspiracy: to assinate the Grand Vizier and Mid hat Pasha, - London, Oct 25. A dispatch from Paris to Reuters Telegram Company saya Intelligence baa been received nere mat me xurjtian consul ana nis wife are at Tiflis the capital city of Georgia an Asiatic: Russia have beeu assassinated. f NEW JERSEY. Train TLrowa Off the Track Con victed of Murdtr. Elizabeth, Oct 25. Deranged lights caused, the passenger train, with the' master mechanic, C Q Williams, as engineer, and RI Swack hammer, mas ter of bridges, as fireman, to run off the switch. Three, cars telescoped. 2 killed, 2 seriously and 15 slightly hurt. It is supposed a striking engineer laid the-trap. bt tbertMs no proof j - A f"i if & 4 'r . - . . . Efleb5SIreito, "colored was- coimcv ;ed of murdering her deformed infant. FLASHES. NEW.yoBK, Oct 25i Theo Nugent, ex-Treasurer of Citizens' Loan Associa tion of Newark, is a, defaulter to the amount of $12,000. -Gold opened at 9. ; d? ' ' Boston; Oct 25. ThejJnited States surveying schooner Ernest, was wreck ed at Isle An Hau't". 'All saved.Yf -L. id'?.?? 1 - - V' w WEA TB EJt I RGB ABILITIES. . . o ! ' .WashinqtonD. C., Oct,;25, For the South Atlantic States, higher barbmetBF or lowepHempei'af ture, 'North' to W&n$gd iclear weather will prevail. WASHINGTON- " r r v I' ?M ws, -Appointment. : WiuusnoVfip.k0 Oct. 25-j-SA master at Brinham, Texas, vice Allen, suspepded-r iLieu'tr;W R'Vase, is de- taUed'iffrofeBejPnyyit and tactics at the Military Institute of Aberdeen, Mississippi. ' at Balti Secretary iFiiJbaFi'dbfiCihomeitc morrow?when -he official cprrfi?pbn denie fegif dip IthfcVptlt) Meed and the reiected - address of the Irish peopleiil-b.iurnialitel'fdr-.pablictr tion.a , , .v ,,, Dr.j W P Johnsdrr; physician; is The President f has 609912 Tios At Baltimore. ' dead, i Aged ul .-J4 nO Sickles Wont Rnji-4-Failure cf Icscr- ? ancs Csmpany.' i i New Yoek, Oct 25. Tbejdefkatibu of Ellipayifig teller of therark Na tioharBaukreaches 'sixty thousand dollars. -T- -.' . J- '. ', 1",?' . " Phillip Ottmao, i a . wealthy Fulton Market butcher,is missing. Ilia friends suspect foul play,;' 1 )W ,' ,1 -f ' Sickles ''declines I Congressional nomi-f nation. The groundbeingretjred army oflicer and cannot serveV ! ' i .' ' - A Receiver 'has been appoiriffd for the Continental Life .Insurance Oom- pany on petition of a stockholdej; The officers of - the company-adtiibnte the failure lb general shrinkage in real estate and stock and;. bonds4r, JfitU judicious management and t curtailed jexpenses the officers think the policy nolders will not lose anythinc event- uauy. oiatemeni ior yo snowed lubui ties $5,537,827, and assetts $6294,371, leaving a snrplus of $7,456,044; income for '75 was 2,564,530 4 a timber of policies issued ior tne year ouu, malt ing total number of policies issued 74.170. ,''..' n One hour of eternity, one moment with the Lord, will, make us utterly forget a lifetime's desolation, Rev. H. JJonar. ' ' . "; ; ; . :"; Iu order to draw out the intelligent voters, i Republicans . advertised .that Government rations would be issued at Riceboro', on election day. They came, voted, and went awayhungry. The most bitter piece of satire on, a man generally affects him least. It is written and composed after his death, and is commonly known as an obituary notice" San Francisco Pout. A countryman, wandering with his wife through the art galleries of the Philadelphia Exhibition, stood before Riviere's picture of Circe and the Com- !)anions of Ulyfeses. ; He gazed earnest y at the painting, wondered what was meant by the handsome young woman playing on her lyre, while a herd of swine walloWed and tumbled about at her feet." He then looked up the pic ture in his catalogue and" pondered over the title, "The Companions of Ulysses." Said he: "Well; irtbat isn't the hardest slap old Grant's got yet."- Scribner, ;:' The story of life'is told in two verses by the Detroit Tribune, aa follows ; . An old farm ' house with meadow wide, And sweet with clover on each side ; A bright eyed boy who looked from out The door with woodbine wreathed about, : - And wishes his one thought all day ; "Oh l if l could but fly away. From' this dull spot the world to see, How happy, happy, happy, How. happy I would be!'" " f,-"!-' Amid the city's constant din;1' - -A man who round the world has been Is thinking, thinking all day long, vu . xi i tuuiu vfiiij uvc uuw uiuic The field path- to the farm.''. h'otise door, The old green meadows could, I see, iiow happy, happy, happy, r Haw happy I would be 1" ; In t he moraine of life we paint with the brush of fancy our beautiful ideal of the future lying out before us-a picture of cloudless skies and brilliant sunshine, of flower-strewn paths -ind tropic blooms-a picture where joy and love, and' friendship v and : fame stand holding out their: i beautiful offerings, and we the central figure of the swhole. But now dmerent the :picturespaintea each day of life by the brush of pitiless reality I "Not one picture'' bufy; many ; for the scenes are (- ever "shifttnsr;u:The skies are cloudedaQdv,the sunshine faded. The flowers are withered, and hide the thorns tk,1 longer 'Sorroiw' steps in where joyliad stood ; hatred takes the place ot. love.; lriendsnip. that we had painted ' wiih a , beautiful , .'face, takes, oji hl hideous look of treachery. At thel eyentideoi' life ; we', gaze' " at the: picture in the gallery pfjniembry, and comparing the ones, that. u fancy Eainted wi th , those stamped upon ur earts by the stern realities of .life, we wonder; where iancy go& ats Deautiiui false colorings. . -r Unmarried Women." 1 - j -.i ;?';, vi:: aj a ; s-. ; oil .r5;4o'is(.i Some of the best w6nie'n,; WjeXer knew were old maids." The i''' majority of old maids i. are not unmarried be- Cftu'sle nbbbdjf bas ''fevef "asked thetrij wom6ri living who have'-' reached the. age.!df tbii'ty itBtefti&tit)g ha'daw offer.' "Old maids are; genfefally Bpeak ing; wometi whb! iti theirf youth' were belles and beautiesl'arid who hev bjgft yaliie weiflSe.MoC n?jjULt6:k? sionl .'Whe through; the woods without! picking np a stick" for.the idle reasbtt t.hait: th,e- were ajtaid of picking; W crdofcexfohe. ;A"grl :wTiQ'.h61d3. herself tod high to" stoop , to wed'WherjS she, canubtloy at first. H; likely t6 becotne' W l A aA 6 A rro Ano'a 'irifit' rn ia. IS f adxrh'aTicWa baps tb,ose .rho were glsTwitw liex unhappily .wedded to1 Iiusbandtf WhO, ireunkindoc:liaBipate & pnaithful, and bx st'aengthened, by the sight to go phihe'r , way . alone.; Girla...are'frequen:UyipreJven marrying by circumstances they can nbtf wOa"AgedT relatives, -M.-wbose warning' and broken: 5 livfes "need. the fosterinV geritle'cat6'6f a daughter rnav stand between her'ahd happiness, KiidTvith a aelf sacrifice that tosts hef 6h? HeaVeb , kndwff how: imttchf ;eb heart cries k dumbljr on the altar of fitTHtarotyprnd .amphr-rtritlie dreadful stigma of old;;maid.l' Again death may have taken from her the r.h4ien of her h eart, I and: her nature may be tod loyal ane true to admit of her enshrining another in the placeof her first love; or she may. nave never she may; have "never lied forth ' the: deepest plinofhemature..' Mi-u met one woo caneu m and strongest feelings Tha.UaUed States Saaate. 1 he terms of twenty-fire Unit td States Senators expire on the 4r.h of March, lS77wvThey are Messrs. GolJ thwaite, of Alabama, Clayton, of Ar kansas, Saulisbury of Delaware, Nor wood,: of Georgia, Logan; of Illinois, uiigu, ui iuw, iiarvey, oi jansas, Steverison,- Of Kentucky. Morrill for rather Blaine), of Maine, Boutwell, of wassacnusetts, erry, 0t Michigan, Windom, of Minnesota: Alcorn, of iioojooippi, uiiuocuuK. oi renra8ta Craein, of New Hampshire.' Freiine huyaen, of New Jersey,' Ransom, of ionn caronna, jeiiy, ot uregon, Anthony, of Rhode Island, Robertson, of SduthCai-olina, Cooper, of Tennes see Hamilton, of Texas, Johnstou, of irginia,uavis, or west Virginia,'. and Howe,' bf. Wisconsin. Of .these 'nine are Democrats, who will, without doubt, be eucceeded by Democrats. Clayton. West. Alcorn I Robertson, Republicans, witl almost reriamiy oe repiaceu Dy JJemocrats; the ydcancy now existing in Louisiana will ; be; filled by a Democrat, and Haniilton.of Texas, Independent, has a Democratic successor. As the Sen ate now stands forty-two Republicans, twenty-nine Democrats and two Inde pendents'," the change above noted would, if no others were made, leave it very nearly balanced thirty-eight Republicans,- thirty five Democrats and one Independent. But the fol lowing States also elect new Senators this winter: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min nesota, .Nebraska, New ' Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Wis consin. Of these, New Jersey, Wis consin, and perhaps Michisan. are among the doubtful ones. If two t)f these should send Democrats, the Senate would stand thirty-seven Dem ocrats and thirty-six Republicans, with one Independent. It will be seen, thereforethat it is by no means im possible that the next Senate '.'shall have a small Democratic majouty. If the Republican managers continue to make arbitrary arrests in the South, they will nrobablv so ereatlv alarm Ihe North as to fling even the Senate into Democratic bands. N. Y. Herald. XEW, , 4lVEm'i!lE.nE IT. OPEftA JfOUSE, TWO NIGHTS ONLY ! OCTOBER 27TH AND 28TH. ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY. The Greatest Dramatic Evetffr'of; the Legiti mate iJraraar'J. he, Talented Yonng Artis!,' Ui:3FL0H2NCEEICH!i01TO SUPPORTED BY Boyd's Star Company, Enlorpeil by the-prsss, sostainel by the pabhc for their excellent performinces. Friday clr &tht The Great Historical Drama, ia Throe Acts, adapted from the French of VICTOR HUGO, LUCRETIA BORGIA, LrcErriA. Blbgia, Duchess of Ferisara. ' FLORENCE RICHMOND. Gknarro, a young Soldier of Fortune, JAB ilAKKlHUJN. The Ferformancs to conclude with the sidc P spliuting farce, THE ROUGH DIAMOND, OR Cousin. Joe's Tiip to the Centennial. CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY. : f Price of Admission 50 and 75 cents. Re served Seats, $1.00j - y oct26 3t. .... ' ;' -; - $25 REWARD. T?R0M a lot near "Five Points" ia the city J;' tof Charlotte : atn ; Wednesday October 25th,-I276, - otiii . i - ' ''A LIGfiT SOBReL H0RSE; ;' About seven years' old, with a ecar on the' ft fore lers and barefooted. .' -: . . -i , iT " ,, I will pay a iberaiTReward. for the return of the property, aqd'twenty-nye; dollars , for the capture of the thief; who Is supposed to be a light colomi negro boyrwno -was seen W - - ,: -- --. ; : , u; yjL ;p xxcsrane.s . , Great Jl$dueUoa .of, Bates 'Itates 1 " - .);; t CENTENNIAL! TICKETS Via Richmond fe AVashlngton Vail railwUl beeoki from", now until OctQhe"r31st, good until November ; 10th, 1875, at Abe .following greatly reduced ; rates , : From ChaVlbtte f l7..O0.Cneord $17.00, Salisbury $16 .00, .Lexington $16 00, Thorn asvillel5 50, High' Point X5.00, Salem 16.00, Greensboro 18.00, 'Keidaville 14;50y 'DattTille 1400 ' 'i ' ''f 5 J 'if- iAI" " i -sJEjcketa !caa ;be -procured' from agents at ahove Stations, and from special, agent on train. . MACMURDO , J L Waldrop, 3 ' Gen'I Pass. Agent. Gen'l Southern 'Agent. - ,iot z.:. r .-3-. J M ToittxsSDir, J Special -tv, , .Ttj Q,W0GBca9.ijif,i,Agentf oclQ Stmn i .. - f ' ,F - '"ji h l" ( r' J -," 1 1 STmt,,' Bjit y i I P P I m.s. J-.i t"t'T 0U4(-Jli rtrf ?f"TljT J i'rtiftat 'k Bttt- Assowimrr or lri Ul TjiJnixi J.'iU.i lit" .tAUh FRENOHiiQA'NDIES, v?a in the crry, at D. M: RIGLER'S. - . '" '. betato ,VI:i.a Lna ri.',t7 .Tlrt . f- ."ifrtM. T Itarge Sales aad: SminffProStS I Out toir Prices ibr ClothiB ' 1V"'' '!'':' ' "-:" 5' OF OTJR HOTi,;5;;.. ( .( All Wool Cassimere Suits from ,.-.$6.50, to $35.00 Figured and Diagonal Worsted Suitings,.....$10.00 to"30.00 Black Cloth Frocks, (very fine) "from..... $10.00, W$3aQ0 Black Doe Skin Pants, from..... Tr.Tr.v.-JS.OOrtoJl.OO'' British J Hose, from $1.00 Dozen up. TOGETHER WITH A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF tTaderwear, White Shlrt$, Silk HdkercHie llow, E. B. LATTA t BROTHER. A ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, FIRST DOOR BELOW THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. oc24 ; ' - ; '; ' " . SpTiago' Corn$r,: Charlotte k a , .DEALERS IN Drugs, medicines. Chemicals Oils. FAIICY ARTICLES, PfiRFuUERY, BRUSHES. oc25 . ... . : O Eh O CO a s. ts GO M P3 W M O ) DO. CD w h 0 s a a o H I i a o o o o CO I o w o w a "S o E oo O S ! QQ tJ-I o. ARE JUST RECElVISa THEIR KXW FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Icrgbt ecrly and chetp, and a ill be told at prices to shit the bard times. Our Steekef ' PRY GOODS is lull and completed Black, Alpaccas and Mohairs, at pricw., . . Hbat will estonieh yoo; -'A handsomer new lot of Embroidwiep, ,T - r. V .r;;'.! .'.; very cheap.-.1 -Drees Gocds very low." :" - ' . : K'1.-- '- .r : :.; -: 'i.. ; -. - f:.i:.-) ..-If. Gtnts' Beedy-Made Cloth ing and Fnrni&bicg Goods Department, ready for inspeetloa tad the prices will defy ccpif etion. A full line of Boots and Shoes, Bats, and a gsm- ' , , . . eral aerorticent of mercbandise. 1 Blankets and Flannels, extraordinary cheap: ; With a 2S xrars eiterictce of the then? to the tatisfaction cf our customers and filer.ds.J r ' ' - s - ' ",! jEO- If yen call and fxmjn cur Goods we will make (be prices te suit the timet. -f .. a: ;.:y.u .-,s s.mi f.u'j ELIAS,rCOHEN ROES8LI,, r '"Vai' A rw ard tatdtta e ::f of t'apa jhtf ia. W.J M fj SiAT ;1'a Till V - '-' Jrfp-V?"4'- '.' ''I 1 - .:t ? -n; i,; lo in?; W ITTKOWSE . , . CHARL01TE, N. C, F A L L (J I R C V Tot the Trade; -) slfti "! ! j i ! BEIKGTOO WELL KKOWN,TO THE GO iklO ' A' LONfl DISSERTATION AB PRICES OF OTJR STOCK THIS FALL, BUT HQLD IT. SUFFICIENT, TO SAY THAT i-- - j if 'viii'jiA .'rt'i-'r- - ' OUR 8T0CK, BOTH WHOL ES ALE and RETAIIi, 13 COMPLETE IN ALL TJlJ-' PARTMENTS. AND TO WHICH WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION. , t , ,jriJ. v rf !;!', i,WE AGAIN 8TATE THAT THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONTINUED AS BEFORE THE DEATH p7 .MR.RD3TELS, BUT SHALL ENDEAVOR TO . DO MORE OF A ni OTT T3YTaTXtTQCrnrTT ia TaT ttTPTJ tpiitrAT"rf V WtTTmTT WTl TBI QTtJtt ITT VIWVTTI' THOSE WHO WISH TO AVAIL THEMSELVES pf the OPPORTUNITY of GETTING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS for READY CASH, AND IN THIS CONNECTION WE BXGt ' a. itt , ,'a.v.'!! X.t !f-U' ' J i Jl'jtl ) () 3 il i4 I'l J,'i.S. LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE JOB LOTS QF j DRESS: GOODS, CLOTH ING AND HARDWARE WHICH WB WILLSXLL ATA GREAT 6ACB1TICS f ' . "it-p nTOTPH itTPirmyn r o a v mrr m awo yttt mint wtuv inaTft1iy1 ARE AS WELCOME rAS EVER.' t VERY ui, .m ;.ni'l iHm vf,'TTTf nT-M'w T ;i L'NH'u'i ir. -brI m?.Ti. "Tt .V " . Jil..wpt24 .Jn.-tlwS o.ft sTj rfi'-' "-'i1 ''-,nj -' "' ! j' tf ! -. ,'.. '-;. ts ' - .5--,- r - . JOD PRiriTINC. ; The Osskbvxs Job Department nai " tnorongnur auppuea witn every neaaaq want, and with the latest styles of Type, aXul vary manner of lob Work ctux now he don with neatneMi dispatch and cheapnes. . T , We van fornlah at ahort notle - - BLANE8, BILL HEADS, , ' IiEXTKB HK IDS, CABDS, ; ; TAGS, BECKIPT8, P08TKBS, i ?" PBOGBAMMKa, HANDBILLS, .f PAMrtlLETak CHECKS, ftc 4:e - .in ... ,fV.; ;t. . H -' s - ' " o a oo . r- . . n o M - H O in W O a w M ,o o of W W o w 1-1 ; R !ZI 4 M o s o - H , 0Q W O i o ft H H o P4 s o H O" o CD Q 2 J OQ a M 00 W OQ W H a a-- .gs'l Q H Pi K W O 0Q O 2 W CD LJ O u n rn .P5, op psprt fn w : CO CO aa Pi 0Q wants of Uecklenburc We should be able to til - I M 0..' Y &; R IN T ELS, SEPTEMBER 15TH, U76. , ,L"Air' 0.:E 11876. :0:- i -o:- ' ' i ' - J i ' ' ' - J and Consumers: . TRADE, WE DEEM IT UNNECESSARY TO ; TO : THE MAGNITUDE QUALTTITES and ji" 'l !i "' ft., "i i' t-f ' RESPECTFULLY, V ' . .... 'uxijrrwJ. vfiJi!'" in i.-. 3 rr .ir, 1J '.dimnTtt-u t .OOlAdXYliSOi.' r