"CHARLOTTE OBSERVER JOO PRIfiTiNC. , .'lajr'. C iU'ZxU ..J '.I :,. . ' ...... . J- . ' " i Utorusthly supplied with Te?y nea4 vmnt, aad rttb the latest styles or lrpe, aa8 vwy manner ot Job w ork can now be don . " N: neatnem, dlapatob and obeapneaa. r wltn Nn rarnlan at abort notice j We . '.. yrr.T. HEADS f . . s " 5 , TAGS, REV - Vg, XAKD BOLS. : uui mi toe count) , postpaid 2 1,0 . , , - i'iu vx.:;u -os ; Liberal reductions few clubs; NO. 2 366;: "4 - I - J - v..; -. ... . r , ' ; . i -- v - - ' . "-it "... . , - - 1 . . rx ..,.,. tu,; , T , . .-. . . ; . . . . - ----- , . . . , ''w lAr U i ff - v B 111 lit iu H 'II HI III Ni 111 . IP ; 1 K 1 H Lffl' K 4l H H ... ' TKLEUKAPHIO NEWS -DEALER IN- ' 4 - Nooiv Dispatches. FOREIGN. M . V .( BOOTS, .SHOES A LEATHER. - ! ,4 M . vs - C-C 1.1 i . i . - FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT LOW PRICES.' Oh, for the Wisdom of Solomon to De- ' cide ihe Armistice ftoeitioa. ' Lokdun, Oct 28. The TinieB dis patch from Belgrade, ; confirms the statement that self wounding"; is again becoming frequent among the Servian. The dispatch say a : paring the fight at Kreveta a distinguished officer brought half of a Russian battalion to the front saying he was compelled to leave the uiutr nan oeninu io prevent ine. oer- vians from running away. A dispatch from Vienna t'o the l imes states that Prince Aerspergt's reply in theReich- ecrath yesterday to the interpretation on the Eastern question k; not satis factory. Ihere will probably be an animated debate on the subject in that body. (V:': , The TimesV to-day, in its financial article.' eats the feetin& that the war iuu ai iliii in tin fuiL li is Lmt f tuaiift cs EEpstid tlSrt clines to stock operations for a rise. , Belgrade, October 28. The Servian Cabinet difficulty is in a fair way of being settled. It is probable that Nicolich will consent .to retain the portfolia of the Minister of War. A telegram from the Minister of Interior at Delegrad, to the Prime Minister at Ristich, in reply to bis inquiry. Bays.- Ihe luiks have not taken Pjunis." - . Londos, jOct 28. All the members of the, expedition -declare the' impro- sibility of a. A. closer reach nearer the North pole-than 400 mil e. Tbe'P5st reviewing the situation says: It only remains for. all the pow ers to concur in recommending ihe six week's armistice with a prolonga tion as proposed by the Porte. All correspondents concur in the pacific change of Russian attitude, but Rus sia's motives are variously construed. octl V, u N ItT:rU ft E A X, B B S. BURGESS KICHOU?. v N i E. A. OSBORNE. fBSSS:7fflIHfiSlS-e. tWHOllESALE & RETAIL, i . DKA LKB8 IB ) if ALL! KIND OF BEDIDIMG,&C. NEW YORK. No. 5j West Trade St.. CHARUOTTE, N, C. ; JUST RECEIVED 't Of Slid-iXigfit Bispatc hi WBATHtfiR- PROBARILITUS . ; J J Wabkisgtox, D. C, Oct: "28: ' For the South Atlantic - and Giilf States.' slowly, falling: baromer, with eoutheaetito southwest winds. Warm and clear, or partially cloudy weather will - prevail with . probably ram 4i North Carolina and the southwest. : . MISSOURI. Three Ministers Taken for Detectives and Shot.' ' 1 Sx. Loui g, Oct. 28 A special; to - the Globe-Democrat from : Little Rock says: Three Methodist ministers, while ridiug their Circuits in Prope . county were shot hyi Dlinges, and,; Hale from the, brush, who are illicit distillers'': H was supposed .that the ministers were Revenue officers' coming to arrest them. Oue is dead; and, the other two are dangerously,' if not fatally wound ied. - A large tiumber of illicit distillers live in that section, seven of whom were convicted this week. WASHINGTON. Iiidiah Commission Adjonrncd. . Washington; Oct; : 28. Charles II. Hurdley, Secretary,r . .telegraphs from Yankton that the Indian Commission has accomplished it mission and ad journed to theet in Washington, on De 'NEW YORK. jr. Bold Attempt at Blackmailing. New York, Oct. 23. The officers of the United States Life Insurance Company denounce the injunction proceedings against them as an at tempt to blackmail them. GH1LDRENS CARRIAGES. BED ROOM AND PARLOR 8ETT8, AND A FULL LINE OF COFFINS OF ALL GRADES, ON HAND. mar m BE OF i is : lit'. .', :.,. : . - - :'.?'-. ' The fFinet Millinery JBhippriam SECT "33 .'til The Ladies are Respectfully ' Inted (ciiM&iwiEisw WHEJIE THEY CA N FIND THE LATEST TYLES OF Edward S. Stokes Aagain at Liber tyTerrible Charge against Cen tennial Judges Dynamite Work. New Yobk, Oct. 28: Edward S. Stokes' sentence expired to-day, and he was released. A New York Herald's special fronY Paris says: . The Figaro prints a let ter translated' from a German news paper, written by M. Du Sommerard, chief cemmiaBioner of France at Phil- -1 adelphia, to a friend in Germany, in which M. Sommerard says: Accounts transmitted to me from my Depart ment, are of a most grevious charac ter. The Americana themselves set fire to the buildings containing the empty cases of the French goods, hop ing to destroy French merchandise, and ariiclea fur exhibition, store! in the galleries. A second attempt of the same kind has been made within the last mo: t. Worse than all this, the police e;. ployed by the Centen nial Board are purposely chosen from the worst and most degraded elements in the United S:ates. The keepres are thieves without exception. They steal openly from exhibitors in the French Department, and ail others. T"here ex ists an understanding between these kuaves and judge; The Judges call up r.-iirnpi fur a Viparin?- wnere com- tO Call at tlie plaiata are made at all hours, un known tj the complainants, and as the result is, no witnesses of the crimi nal's guilt being present, they are ac quitted; even worse than this if such a' thing be possible thieves count on the judges themeelvea to give them signal when a ducrcat moment ha ar rived to begin the pillage. The corres pondent says the article concludes with an attack upon the virtue and manners of American women An Insurance Agent has brought suit against the United States Life In surance Company, in the Supreme Court of Kings county, before Judge A doting young lather boast that bis baby son is so affectionate that he sits up with his parents nearly all night, and is so tough that he seems to have no conception of fatigue or of the time of day. ' "Ladies and. gentlemen," said an Irish manager to his audience of three, "as there is nobody here I'll dismiss you all; the performance of this night will nct be performed, but will be re peated to-morrow evening." . APPOINTMENTiS. Hon M W R axs6m will speak at the following places : Uurnavue, Yancey county, Monday October 23d. , Madison county, Tuesday, October 24th. , , : . Buncombe. Wednesday, October 26th. Hendersonville, Thursday. October 26th. , Rutherfordton, Friday, October the 27th. . ; Shelby, Saturday, October 28th. ; -i FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS ''' f. .!-f i Ml r ;.'. . 4. ;:4' Fine' mimm i 1 . ' .'.-.. '.,1 ; . .-, I V: : 'i-: fii vAX-J.-V.S: -i-:. j 4 ? X; f f - 5 " r- Sucht w ' - iffc : : , .-.!-,: wq Jp. I OFFER TO SELL THE FINEST 5 ; Gilbert, alleging id his complaint great aeninst John E. Deveritt arid James Buell. They are charged with a eon .piricy to transfer the reserve funds of the Company to pther-companies, ; for their twn advantage. "Jadge Gilbert has granted- a tem porary : inj unction, in order for the examination of Buell and Dtventt for trial by referrees. The free for all races at Fleetwood was concluded yesterday: Rorins won the fifth deciding heat in 2:20. An easterly storm, accompanied at the beginning with slight fall of snow, set in here this A. M. . i I ,rrim manff 4iooi1 f Via rarst r f I v rl A ct 1 11 HlMi'j aca v vuw v va " the Committe of Conference with rthe Republicans who would not combine with anti-Tain many, unless they throw Greene and Brun off the ticket. ; The report was received with indignation and p . resolution was- adopted, decid iog to hold no. further conference the Republicans. ; :;.;;.. The trunk, said to have been loaded . .::iii)A-jJ4' 3ra-v'-l;i-::ft;:x ; - v--" :..r-J ;"::;,. v- f.v-j rrs i 'rar-s 5-";;"Ltii i11jljt sl-";i.l4.u - mBLACrCASHMEREi AT 1.00 A YARD, JIoih( rbiTadettkia train yes foOfiaS . t:3i0g0LD elsewhere at $rcoir i terday afternoon, destroying the trunk and setting fire to the others, and de stroying abouf$40l worth of baggage The remains, of the intricate i clock like machine were found in the ruins The train was stopped to prevent-a possible destruction of the Ather cars TWO NIGHTS MORE I 1 BY SPECIAL EEQUEST. MONDAY AND TUESDAY OUT, 30 and 31 AT IK ACTION EX f EACSDIN ARY. The Greatest Dramatic Kveat of ths Legiti- . maie Drama. The Talented T - Young Artist, Hiss FLORENCE EICHU01IO ' ' SUPPORTED BY Bojd's Star Company, indorsed by the press, sustained by tha public for their excellent performances. &Ionday Oct. 30fclit Sheridan Knowles If aster Piece in Three ; ACtS 1 AIL t- eee our Stock Dress Goods, before purchasing: 5 They are cheap. - Any shade of . II . ! - ' ? - . J Biuaii.tii OUUOH3 joj may want. Flannels are cheap and we haye a nice Stock ANDER KID GLOVES, at . . ' oc22 '; You can 'get a pair1 of genuine ALEX ALEXANDER, SJEICLE k CO'. THE HtraCSBACE. Entire changs of Programme Tuesday nigbt. Piice of Admiaaion 50' and 75 cents. Jb!e Served Seats, $1.00. -oct28 3t Programme OF THE Torch-Light Procession. THE Stand to be erected in Independent Square ; processian will be formed at 5 o'clock, atoJd Fair Grounds, foot of Try on street, and move at 6 p. m. LINE OF MAECH. Through Tryon to lOih, down 10th to College, up College to 6th, down Gth to B, down 3 to 5th, down 5th to Myers, down Myers to Trade, up Trada to Graham, down Orabam to 10th up 10th to Uburoh, down Church to 2nd, up 2nd to Tryon, up Tryou to Independent Square, when the speaking will commence. Mounted clubs, societies and other inde pendent organizations, are requested to re port as soon as possible, to Capt W Mcoaiiih, chairman of tne committee on proct&biou, so that each assciatioa may know in time, the position they are (o occupy in the col umn of march. Punctuality in taming ont at 5 p. m., is particularly desired. Hand bills will be distributed, stating where each club. fec., is to assemble, prepar atory to being formed into line. TH03. V. DRAYTON. oct28 It Chief Marshal. GOLD BASIS CHEWING TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED BY HOME LABOR; TATRONIZE OUE OWN ISDUSTRIES, MILLER & LEAK. K i: H l V FTISEMEiTS. mm THE (HASlPlitf TEA HOUSE fixer TEA, v. ' - Of every Kind, UO AS 1120 COFFEE, Fresh Every Day, . CHOICE PIG Cn canvassed, iPABi C E A SB IEY FLO U K, Warranted to Please, ittESS r in ACKfcREL, So l Shore, verylaijrs MESS WHITE SHAD, PEPPER, SPICE, G INCSER, CLOVE, EOBSTEUS, CBOSSE&iBLACKW EEL'S W HITE 'ONIONS awd CHOWCHOW,' SPICED OYSTERS. Salniod, Sardines, ' ''. Fine Apples in Can : and Glass Jars, Canned Tea cues, Tomatoes, Fresli Cracker still kinds. Butter! and Cheese. oct29 . ; -; TRY OUR . FAMILY FLOUR. R 51 MILLER & S0IVS Keep it Before the People ! Q UGHT, to hare at least eix King Shlrti f the beat uhfinlsltnadeT- We axe agents fer the Charlottesville Mills ; (he best goods i jaaade fen the xapnfy. :.'A large nd cheap Stock f Hatsand.Clotbing. ALEXANDER, 8EICLE CO. 21 CO. f t j rr.rrr t 3 ! . f Springs' Corner. r Drugs9fl Medicines, Chemicals, Oilo. FANCY ARTICLES, PERFDEIERY, BRUSHES. oc25 o o o 2 2 o O i 5" 8 w H U CO o X o CO X H O 01 w W to M i ( .R to fa fa 0 d 0 00 s Hi w O O c W M o 1-8 (3 -a j" o CO 02 H W U H a o w H U2 8 o I t 21 o" O 0Q (V, CD 55 o o H O Of a8- w to o 0 CO K M p CO o W W o CO CQ CQ 5h S3 PS H s 6 CQ M m H ocT CQ Q H P w 2i O PS o -) z 1-1 M g 3 2 . a PCM C3 j tr Q . PSow- co OSS X. Iatt a rS Srq. ONE PBICE CLOTHIERS, yQft SPECIALTIES SEE -E0UETII oct?g ' ; . " ; h TK consenaence of the postponement or the A Hornwts' Neat. Riflemen festival, I will have ten gallons of select Oysters lor sale on Monday morning. JS ii wmifi., . oct29it : . , Our Mr. Trotter TTA8 last Vetarned" Irom tbe NortbJwith JJ. a New Fresh end t Attractive Stock of Goods, very cneap, as-) -. -.1' - . t j BARR1NGER A TROTTER S. oct29 ' ' THE SUH STEi RIS1HG, ":;';:.::;::w;r" : : C S H oi to n & C o ' . JUST RECEIVED! FINE Large Oranges, .California Pears, the largest Northern Appiet, New Prunes. Basins. Currants. Citron; Lemon. Cocoa- nuts, Gosben Butter, selected Cream 1 heese Fresh Country . Butter, Egg?, Ham,; Dried Beef,. Bologna Sausage. f Home made Candies. Fresh Nuls of all kinds. Bakery in full blast, Bread- Cakes. Pies,. Buns, Bulls, fresh every' day at day light, va---'t-It is no tfse'to say anything about 8ngar, Coftte and Tea, we will say that we have the very best in the city. . ; New Orleans Molasse?', Urouna rees ana Che? nuts.. .. With an endless Sfok of Toys and the largest DOLL in the 8tate. We will cease hoping that every old man woman and boy and girl in this counr.y will give us a call before puchasing elsewhere. oct28 I, s f v j;f Opposite Market, ailagciCrStipefij IL)niD.VOUA(iLS, AKr ' . : j' " .1 ' . . f M H 1 'i ' OYSmimCKERS,; a: i 3n.'iEa:.;;1331iaIes?.; H t ire xasT MdiYiKa THxnt.incw s FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Eccght early ana ebeep, and will be told at prices lofcUitthi.hard times.:-Our Steekef DKi tit dub is iuu anq complete. xiaca ipaccas ana jaonain ai prioi 'lhaf will istonieh you. A handsome new lot of Embroideriw, ; ' . very cheap. Dress Goods vry low. uts' Beady-Hade Clothing and Furnlsbtag Goods Bepsrtirent, resdy fot iwrctlc the prices will defy cenjfetion. A lull line ot Boots and hocs; Bats, andagsm eral etortn:nt of mrcbandise. . Blankets and Flannels,eztrsordinary cheap. si With 0 25 vem e JMritbee of the wtnls of Mecklenburr we ikould be able te ill tben? to tbe satisfaction cf our custcxBiers aDdftiends . i v - .1 . ' 1 j . . jj . :ti . 1 .1 d 11. ' ji TCU rail 81U f iiujiic tjux uuiui w e win mae 100 unca 1 uji iu ujuc ! : ' ' ELIA8, CUB EN k KOI88LX. A 1 tw ti d ) 11 c!cn t !ct of ( rr1a jntt 5. ju21 W ITTKOWSKT &RINTE L S , CHAEIOTTE, If. C, gEITEMBEK 16IH, M7. F A L L 1. c 1 use u iijA :r oif i:s i c . ':0 -o ,Tofcthe; Trade and t Consumers':: BEING TOO WELL KNOWN TO THE TBADE, WE DEEM IT UMKZCEBSAKY TO GO INTO A LONG DIS8EBTATI0N AS TO THE MAGNITUPE, QUALITIES sad . PBICES OF OUB STOCK THIS FALL, BUT HOLD IT SUFFICIENT "TO SAY THAT OUR STOCK, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL, 13 COMPLETE IN ALL DX PABTMENT8, A 1310 WHICH WE INVITE YOUB ATTENTiON. f, V'' . ' . , WE AGAIN STiTE THAT THE B DSINESS WILL BE CONTINUED AS BEF0BB THE DE ATH OF'MR1 RINTELS, BUT HALL1- ENDEAyOR ' TO- ..MORIS OF A CASH; BUSINESS THAN HERETOFORE TO WHICH END WE SPECIALLY DTYITJI THOSE WHO WISH T6 AVAIL THEMSELVES of the OPPORTUNITY of GJETIIMS 8PECIALJNDUCEMENTS for READY CASH; AND IN THIS CONNECTION WE BZ9 LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE JOB LOTS OF. DRESS GOODS, CLOTH INQ AND HARD WA'WHICH WB WILL 8SLL AT A GREAT 8ACR1TIC2. ARE A8 WELCOME AS EVER. I VERY RESPECTFULLY, - '.''-' - . wnicn were uneu witn uemennjai- pas eept24 sengers

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