. iOD pmriTinc. - TL Ousestxs Job Dtpurtmajol am . , thoroaghly sapplled with rery ' iMtedeQ : vti&t, nd with Ux Utort itriM of Typet Hfil - - -Try manner of Job Work eui now b don t with neatnes. dlipatch and cheapness. .; We can farnUh at ihort notlo J'-., BLA2TK8, BILL HEADS, ' , ; ; LETT KB HZ IDS, CAKDS, . ! 'TAGS, S2SC5XFTS P0STZS3, j ' ' . ; ' ? 'i , PBOQBAVIfta, HAKD BILLS, ' .l i t FA2KFHLSXS, CHECKS, 3 nw 2 00 iuoi 76 uw anmoa. -' i , .in tbe- county) in advaucft, $2 Oft 'vui of the county, postpaid, f 2 10 4 months, llti.? c- Liberal reductions for clubs. " T TOL-Xm. . 5-'At 5 A T . CHARLOTTE, X. . C.J WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1,1876. r NO. 2 368. r -.- . 11 - 1 e ---v; - - . L ; , - " . -DEALER BOOTS, SHOiES A FULL LINBOF" -ki-j .ai FALL AND WINTER GOODS, : s . i 1 ill hi!s ill tiiUitiLliiiiiiliiiiiiiluuiUE aBtjuitiM wtl BUKGES8 NIOHOI. WIIOLESAJ.E BED ROOM AND PARLOR OF COFFINS OF ALL mr7 r5? .-a , ftm.-SriMi! PRIDE OF fhefipestpllipei he Ladies are Respectfully Invited - to Call at the T i' WHERE THEY CA FIKD !1 FLraBSriMTIIMSifRiBBONS . li i 1 1 tt f J J - IT v i , Sucfias sail 'colors I OFFER TO SELL THE FINEST BLACK CASHMERE AT $ I -00 A "YARD, i A Change Business Contemplated (J j OT. Awn M 1h! I1TTTM : TOGETHER WITH . aonp ! at, :OTcrxfJ cost-, 4 ! mTsVoTk i itt JO THE CHANGW I HAVE 1 N 1 V IB W IAkujhb -tvi t ivr'na:k-iur ,v 8PEEDILY AS POSSIBLES JSU A S ' Vi?.-f tiMU ' ChineSe G 'O Q; -:Ikfe:;MH i S ;T E b P L P - X00PMAHK'3r OLD 8TAHD, OM i IN- 1 " & 5 ! i vLEATHER. 1. 00r: )ij " r i )ik. E.'AOBORNE & RETAIL, j DKALBXS IK ALL KINDe OF FURIff XrrilT JR. 33,5 BEDDING, &C. No. 5,,West Trade St., , CHARLOTTE. .N. ' C VT . . , ' ' I . . . 5 . . JUST EECEJVED x - -a- ! . k FULL ilKJB f : nini nnriin ninminri In bLu, SCTT8, AHD A FULL LINE CRADES, OH HAND. J1. nam THE LATEST STYLES OF, !... J l r iu i 1 It ) ( . of Cassimeres: i.ri. ii. t '- t V3, " ALABQE STOCK OF -S i fi 5 4 f BOUGHT ' Al if -1- f i r r. S IEmnd flLOTHINw . . ! a .mmm mm n. Ri i r- "w- n nr a mi- m-i'ii a i. k ai .. i jn u a a a. f jp't TELEliRAPHIC NEWS oon Dispatches. 1 TOREIGH. Bamored : Acceptance ;ty Turkey of . tne Armistica-r8eatenced for Vft graiiey Servifc Condition Improv ine. ' -r - Loneox, Oct 31. The Standard's Vienna telegram says : According to an ofiicial telegram the terms , ef the armisLiufere agreed upon, and its pub lication U hourly expected. , i -K -The''; Post ': gives prominence to an articla'iu official form indicating the terms of the armistice completed, and and a conference of the powers., to be shortly held.; i Eusia has waived Her objection to Turkey '8 participation ih ! nler ence of - deliberations respecting the reforms be conducted 1 by the six pow ers, and the result; to be submitted to Turkey 0; All the greatpo wers except Austria, have' assented to this plan. : The'Times'-' correspondent lat Bel grade telegraphs, that there is ho long er any delusion. Se.rviaowjb'h'e.. feet of Hussiaor at the mercy of Tur key." J ''' ito.-rt ; -.it Veensa, Oct.; Si. A coreespondent says, that the announcement of the completion of the armistice is prema ture."' r - . BiRCELONA, Fct 31. Admiral Fran cisco JPlano, commander , of the Porte of Barcelona is appointed to command the Squadron to co-operate with troops m Cuba. The frigates Navas, De Tolosa Villa, De Madrid, Leon .and Oonces- scion, have sailed for Cuba with four battalions of infantry. . i London, Oct' 31. The Telegraph's Belgrade dispatch says:; Prince Milan takes command ol the army. . Seven hundred 617 one thousand Russians were killed at Diunia! Minister Res- tics, in charge of . the.' Government at Belgrade; is empowered to treat for peace (Qr 'flkn armistice, if the opportu nity oners. It is thought he will seize the opportunity to make ; peace and free the government from Russia's in fluence,''"1 ' lathe Bond Street Police Court to day, the presiding magistrate after a careful summing up in- the case of Slade, the American medium present ed under the. vagrant act, sentenced him as a prisoner' under the extreme penalty of the law; viz: 3 months on finement at hard labor in the house of correction. The counsel for the de fence gave notice of the appeal, pend ing which Slades previous bail was ac cepted. r The sentence of the court was received with mingled applause and hisses by the spectators. St. Petersburg, Oct 31. To-days official Gazette states that Gen Igna- lieff the Russian ambassador at Con stantinople, has been instructed to de mand the Portes acceptance within forty-eight hours of the armistice, and a suspension of hostilities, otherwise the 'diplomatic relations between Rus sia and Turkey will be be broken off, and Gen ignatieff with the whole per sonnel of the embassy will leave Con stantinople. This ultimatum of Rus sia to Turkey wasdispatched from Liva- 3ia, where- the, Russian Count is so journing, to Constantinople yesterday. , Paris, Oct 31. Advices from Con stautinople dated last night, say that the armistice was not then signed, but Its 'signature ( was regarded as proba ble. .. '"I ' A FLASHES. 4 f Goldsboro, Pa., Oct 31. The Leran ton passenger, and a coal train collided. killing liva and wounding:thirteen."r AlbasyN iY Oct 3L-Pxinters union have reduced the -rates a dollar per week on all work. . J St. Louis, Oct.3I.JnoStratbersand Samuel Wilson, both colored, got into a quarrel, during which Wilson drew a large knife and plunged it into, Strath- ers' left breast, killing him almost in stantly. 7WiIsdh said he Killed a man in "Chicsgd about a year ago.-'' v i Ulitlight Dispatches. WEATHER iPRCBABILITIES. i Washington, D. C; Oct, 31 ? For the South Atlantic States, slight , changes inVpressure; and1 tern- pWtufft, easterly southerly winds,' and clear weather are proDaoie. CALIFORNIA. v TJafoftunatetPanic in a Theatre. 1 (;;,SANFBANcisco,; Oct 31.-A. false alarm of nre ? created a panic in ine theatre on Jackson street, last 'The building was crowded. Iri madel)v the audience to es- ngle nleihsbf J Wjni ber of persona were- tnrown aown ana trampled upon. The police dragged' ou 'bodies': of'O dead pesonVahd about thesame number of wounded. The Chinese refused to render any as sistance, and the actors continued the performance until, they w ere. stopped byihej.poUce,ij 'f NEW YORK. Heavy Eobbtry Indians , Joining y Whites ConTicted of - Forgery- Great Loss of Life and Property.-' . ' i i . z , Kew York, Oct. 31. The fancy store of Abraham Bis th off, 903 Broad way ; was robbed Sunday nigbt of more t han $1,000 worth of goods. ,-f. " ' . A Fort Larama dispatch en ovr 100 Sioux Indians enlistel under Crook; will go with, his, expedition. Capt Egan returned from scont found trail but no Indians. 'r I Charles Williamson alias Char'es Stevens alias Perrin convicted of forc ing bonds on the' NewYork Central & Buffalo. New York. & Erie Railroad Companies was fentenced to the Stale prison for 15 years to-day4 . . Mail advices front Ringston Jma ia says, at the Island. ptHartiuSt. Barb and Auguilla much damage was done by gales.' At the s former place several Vessels were stranded, one schooner, the Matt Bedell sunk at her 'moorings, the crew, escaping on shores Great havoc is reported, especially in the French, quarter As many as 215 houses having heen destroyed. t V ' In those parts alone at St, Barb and Anguilla the destruction of property is also great and much distress pre vails among the' poor of these islands Forty houses were blown down and destroyed, and 16 injured. WASHINGTON. Reception of ICentennial Pilgrims DiscontinuedConference of Grant Grant, Sherman aid Others. Washington, D. C, Oct. 31. Tuft ha3 returned. ; L"' ' The President has discontinued the reception ef the Centennial pilgrims. The races are postponed on account of rain. " ; " ' Jas J Norton, of Walhalla, S. C. has admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. Grant, Cameron, Sherman and Sheri dan had a two hours conference this morning before the Cabinet. Subse quently. Sherman and Sheridan ; had a lengthy conference at the army head quarters. Robeson, Tyner and Chand ler were absent from the Cabinet; The nature of the cabinet deliberations is unknown. . NEW JERSEY. Great Excitement Over the Trial of Priz e Fighters for Harder. Salem, Oct 31. Salem- Court con vened this morning, and at 2pm the State prosecutor moved indictments against James Weeden, John Clark, Samuel Collyer, Martin iNeavy and Richard Goodwin for the murder of the youth Walker in a prize fight They are all to lie tried together.a: J here was much : excitement and a rumor that indictments will also be formed against several prominent Philadel- phians for having been present at the affair, - 'i.-.; :. .: GEORGIA. -i:. A Suicide Winter Travel to Florida. Augusta, Oct John A Lee a na tive of Indianapolis ; . but for many years a resident of Augusta; commit ted ; suicide at tHe Central Hotel this rooming, ty shooting , himself in the head, r Mental depression the cause. . Winter, travel has set in for Florida, passengers by Augusta and Yemassee are -'not guaranteed- on .arrival, in Jbioriaa. new AiivtiirnsiifliJsrMTs. ZeB Varilce Xiiub h-.i'i' !. 'iispz,.'. :! yi&s-i Y;iui nHE membrs of the Club who .expect to A. appear in. Procession this .evening,, on horseback-., are .requested to 'report to President before 1 o'clock to-dav. "'"v " the " ' . 9 C. E. G BIER; President; . nov 1'. Attention Germans! The members of the GERMAN SOCIETY "Harmonia". are requested Jo meet this af ternoon at 4l'o'clock, SnAir,' at ; Germtnia Hall for participation in the Torch-light Procession' '-, j ' i; 2'')if ' h t :.' f' t Ct HILKEBy President. ! ' J Hiihkt Sect'yf ? -i,.u- ..tJ-m b:toa t ' Noticed i i l To the BnsVness Men of Charlotte fTlHTC Marohants and other business Vmerif JL are respectfaUy requested to allow such. or their cteras wno aesire w , " TWh.T.iVhfc 1rncasion.' to beexfcused from duty at 4 p m',1 So as to enable them to make the necessary preijarations i t r ; vnorl-Uiri,,! Chief Marshal.. Notice-to Marshals: I tHB AMistant Marshals are" requestei to ,0811 at the office of the Chief Marshal to nialinsSacOons. .-' Clnbs, can; at the same time, ! obtain .scarfs forsach of the members as, may.wisnjo participate ia the Procsion-. . :H wwvt .iif ?u rvi-.!jiij.nn'KftM mil .Hit .jf-In tl:fi0 IT CTKI O If I i F al I C3B I WILI receive in Sew days another large -lot ot Anthracite Coal sies.L Tv those Who desire to parcuase laeir, wiw( snpply. I offer special .indacemento, both in hn. ihr Afmil and in' Prlee. ' "- t ; ! ' All coal Bold bf -us ' guaranteed to be of the oestquaniyanuiau weign. nj-r1 oiaU'J aw FRANK E PATRICK, it I .u . . bmot Cottan OpnipresB Co-! ." jWA .oaca u-ot'n qr h hULusi - COAL! COAL! COAL! 4 j 0W IHTHK CITY OF CHAELOTIE. 1 and fur Bale CHEAP. 225TOaS, A XO.n RED ASHE ANTE ACHE COAL. I wilt sell at the reduced price of 9.90O if ; T . - r " per ton, delivered at jour Loose, for a' few day longer, so d-j not delay ia spndiog in your orders.' ; At gre&t Expense I have put up a large pair of Fairbanks Coal Dealer's Scales npan which all eoal is weighed, as well as being screened and freed from all Imparities before being deliveded. ,-' 7 1 YODNQ, Jr, is with me, and would be pleased (q wait on any of his friendr. - , .. CL VANDEGRIFT, nov 1 OPERA HOUSE ! InIuGUBATION or the FASHIONABLE SEASON. Carolina Richings-Bernard GRAND E5GLISH OPERA TROUPE, , comprising the following talent : Mas Cabouke Bichikqs-Beknabd, Prima Donna Assolata. Mm Henry Drayton ........Mezzo Soprano. Miss Hat tie Moore........ .....Ctatralto. Mr Harry Gtej, '. Prinio Tenore. Mr Pierre Beinard .Tenore Bouffe. Mr John J Brniiz Basro Can tante. Mr Frank Howard, . ......... Basso Profundo. Bignor J M Navom ,Oonductor. TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 8th, F. Von Flotow's MARTHA.' THUB'DAY EVENING NOVEMBER 9th, M. W. liaife's BOHEMIAN GIRL. Reserved. Seats, Orchestra Chairs Parqnette, .V. ...... too, .73 Sale of Seats commences on November 1st, at KoeUscb'a book store. i C(ct3ini74 5-7-S TEI POLITICAL CANVASS WILL TERMIATE! ON THE EVE OP NOVEMBER 6TH. THE PUBLIC ATTENTION IS CALLED ' i TO THE Commercial Canvass," 1 - . .... i " OF A W. L O Y N S ' CHEAP STORE WHERE HE WILL DI3CUSS the MERITS OF III8 MAGNIFICENT AMD. UNSURPASSED STOCK OF Drj Ms, CMflioi, Bcots, Stes, AC , &b&cv &c. oc .:: :i -1' I T"i o v.- ot;-" If .1. IS WHOLESALE ONLY ! Wa!aTi JXrSTOXB AX TO AKSXTS, A ?A! UJL1 UWUAVlR.WVWUBj vi f! ':-o?l CON8ISTINQ IN PABT. j , a3lBACO Smoked;' Sugar Cored A Balk SUGARS-AllKradestCOFFtBSrA faU Stock SALT Fine ; and.. Ground Alom-; KdtTR AriiTadesVMArjkBRBk bbla, ibbls anclkjts j; TJEA-Al(jTades SO AiPSIn great ' Va'riety f : CHBWIlia Tobacco andPnnff : RICE and Pearl Grits; Siiof, O Waterproof and Ifraitt Caas; WOODEN Ware and: Brooms: WRAP- PING PAPER ; SODA Orackers Cbta Caacfy,5 Soda,' Mnttard,0 tandlat Blaekinf I .5B71 jf.Oj- Gill' .VJlt Ol ii"!it"-n ' ' .loeloft yrtnd GromidPjsppe?, Btarsh, Pimento; Cifigir, Axle Urease; Jakjr Afc, J r.sev J , -i"' f--' -2:!lty'' All of which we, offer, at low iiraf te tk -..'.i v.v'ii -!Trad.!-rj' ' l-'I ' J' !Trad.! 1 1 WHOLES ALE-GROCERS, 1 1 COIBSRE,,KIAKAD ARE ADDING DAILY TO THEIR W e aad Ha in clothing; hats i and gents fhrnkhjg goods" . . comprising an elegant, assortment of 4 ' ' ' ' ' , " ; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS; from 75 cents, each, up; v ., J All Linen, Cambrick, 25 cents up,. wiui uAiuvius ana PiJiiUJk. tVJEa.t& in 100 ..ton -WamsottaraoOWaea Shirts, ,'ei&eW J ust received, 50 Dozen more TOGETHER WITH A LOT. OF Alpacca, Gingham, and Silk Umbrellas, from 90 cts up We are how prepared to fill all letter orders, and. will give them our best and careful attention, promising satisfaction in every. tnstanceT Goods marked In "plain figures. Same price to one and all. ; ' READY CASH the controling medlTrmv.'vr "0 1 R D. LATTA BRO , One Fce Qothiers. oct 27 j ,,; Spring Cornor, DEAJLERS IN Druos,i lYIcdicincs, FAHCY ARTICLES, PERF0LIERY, BRUSHES. oc25 V, o ft o t-pH o ' .''! -iV;-?V ,.r,-v-3 Si;ivf'i! -f - " ar. . ABB JUST KSCEIVIKa THKTJtaXW ;:!.'!'::: ':!. . , FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Bct-ght early and ebesp, and will be sold at prices to suit tne baxd times. Onr Bteek . ef i . DRY GOODS i lull and complete. Black AlpSccas and Mohairs at priets ' I that .will astonish you. A handsome' new-lot' of Eaobxok1rit,i f ,. V'"- ':i try eheaDrejfcjeTyw,; m . u. Gents' Beady-Made Clothing snd Furnishing Goofls Beparfmeirt; ready To huptetiom sad the prices will defy comfetion. A full line of Boots and Shoes, Gats, and a --' ; ' era! astortment of merchandise. Blankets and Flannels, extraordinary cheap." -s-1 r.ij:.- ii.i .ji;,s :."' , 1 jmT- With a 25 years experience of the (wants of Meckjenbuix we should 4e able te ill them to the satisfaction cfonr customers and friends, jr.- ,;; .,r,:sB.v,i.-, aW If ton call and examine onr Goods we will make the priees fe snlt thetlmes. ' -.. -.., . , ... ! J 'ELIAS; COHEN ROZS8LXB; JA atd hsidicB e lotof Carftts jastia-'. r.Tf-Aff ' n. -u') '."Si WT TT E 0:W'S:K CHARLOITE, N. F A ".L X C I R 0 UiJL A R O F 'L8ff. .'J0i : j . j .1:1 '''ic ;- ;.t ! . .jSm .j -:-. ...,' " - ; '.fi'j :v.j3 j;...'i!-j';.i;:,.i' T3EING TOO WELL XKOWN TO. THE TRADE, WE JJEEM ITJlECEESAB.TO go Into a'long dissertation j as to .th MAGKrrrjrac? qualities n PRICES OF OUR STOCK THIS FALL BOT HOLDIX SOTFICIENT, T SA THAT 0TJR STOCK; BOTH Wlf dtttSAUB And Rfif All 13 COMPLETE IN ALL DX- i. ,j i ?i3-t i,i.!j,( j L; H i .?A7V. fx '', .tfi" of. "ff avj j.tAs" PARTMENTS, AND TO WHICH WE IK-VtTEt YOUB ATTJSNTiqM;. . j, 3S"J' WE AGAIN STATe'tHAT TH BbsiNESS WILL BE CONTDTUED AS BEFORE THE DEATH OF MR RJJJTELS, J$WT .SHALL ENDEAY0B TO, DO, M0R 01 A CASS BUSINESS THAN HEBJCT0f6bE,T0 WHICH END WE SPECIALLT in vix those who Wish to avail-THemselves of tba ppppRTUirrrys.orQETTiNa BPECUL INDUCEMENTS for'READlr CASH; AND IN TIII3 CONNrOTION WE BIG LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE OB LOTS OF DREC GOODS, CLOTH ING AND HARDWABE'wHICH'W WitLBSLL ATA GREAT SACSIlCi f ; . 5 f)' WE DESIRE I URTHER3Q. SAX, THAT PURlPUNOTU AiTIME .CUSTOUfcES ARE AS WELCOMEAS EVEbT ,"viY BSrFUIXT," ' 1 3 p. VP f i' .uA Vi t.iWi rrf . ALREADY BEAUTIFUL AND CARE- ad so m;e?S t fie s every vaneiy. - British jHosJ&t ?1 per Dbzl ' 1 "s - s , First dpdr below the First National- Bank rrr: CharlpUOrlJf P.jV . - .V- -. Ghcmlcalc Oila - X w b ia m o H' rT G ."5 U u j,r. Ll - a o H W g 03 H 3 Ph g 3 U - u k. ? L-l -"9 ' ia 2 -'tt -i5?or ; 2 S Snar pS; ' W P Safa J::;&;;R;;I;.N T;EX;S , SEFTEMREE ISXHrnTfr; 1 !!. ,M T 1 '-i '.j r,i'w" . t-' JrJ urfs f,-uj Jf.'rj') oi ib) '"it vax. i. j , '.'! 'l J !-r- I,77?"?.7,T , b V h-l " " rj u ti . ro3 - X l-l b 7 30 M 03 M 4 Zi c w Ki- nc V; i t x:tf ill 1

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