UUAILLOTTE OfcSiJStVEiL jod printing. 1 Tha QBSxsvxa Job Department caa " thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with tha lataat style of Typa, anH . very manner of Job Work can now be don with neatneea, dispatch and cheapness. Wa ran fnrnlah at short notloa BLANKS. BILL HSADS, S LETTER HB VDS, CARDS, TaG8BE0KIPTS, POSTERS, 5 - PBOGRAMMTCS, HAND BILLS, PAMPHLETS. CHECKS, fte A s' w. ijx4tnd in icivnrim ' (HI ' 4 00 v ;; - oo ; tau. " ?q kx in tbf oonntvMn advance,' $j ot : , oai o the county, poet paid, 2 10 nintbs. ' J. 06 , Lihwrai retortion for rlnbs. VOL. XIII. CHARLOTTE. N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 1870 NO. 2 375. I $ y. A. I A. Si II i H A. A. I II - -1 II I I1 . if I II MX W II . . ! TW' I Bl V (II III I I H X'V'k . II i: Q l3 IO W 1 1 1 I 1 1 I III IH " Tin f A A- .Jl- ! ':, ,v. ; ' . t - -Ij -.. - ' "" - -. -. - - , . . - - ' . " - ' .' ' r- ' - i , , - , ,., , - -. - , .. , ,, , ,, n L. -DEALER BOOTS, SHOES A FULL FALL AN D Wl AT LOW All Boots and Siiies poiitfroi this TB DE STREET, CH AELOT,TE, JCT. G octl F I' B ' I T IT W 13 'BURGESS NICHOLS. WHOLESALE '3-- BED ROOM AND PARLOR OF ( OFFINSOF ALL mar7 . . PRIDE III flie Finest Millinery JEniporinni lie Ladies- sie Eeptctfullv Jivited tb Call at the WHELE TIJEY CAN FIND HATS FLO WEBS, FEATHERS, Fine, res oojs a SjieciaMy, Such as all colors of Cashmeres. , - - 1 ' m " 1 T OFFFR. TO SELL THE FINEST BLACK CASHMERElAT $1.00 A YARD, SOLD ELSEWHERE AT $1 50. A Change in Business Contem mvTKa rn r.Tnr.nMRTANaFS. r HAVE THIS DA Y DETERMINED TO OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK. OP , . FINE AND MEDIUM CLOTHING, TOGETHER WITH A LARGE 8T0(:K OF GENTS' FURNISHING jGOODS JLOTU-AXj ; COST. MY STOfK 18 NEW AND nm TRR'i.HaNOR f HAVRiin vifcW BPEEDILY AB POSSIBLE, NECESSITATED Mi SELLING TH AT AND B ELOW TIII3 IS KO DEVICE TO DBA W TRADE, VV1L.L ONLY CALL, I WILL GO 0 D S M KOOPWANK'fl OLD 1ST AN ; U S BOYD, S! IN. AD LE AiTH ER. v t 'I . i LINE OV NTER GOODS, PRICES. Haass f arrutef as Rejressilei i ' K A L is is EJ A. OSJBORNE. & REtAlt, DKAJ-EES IN ALL KIND OF BEDDING, &0. ' No. 5, West Trade 8t., CSARLOTTE, N . JUST RECEIVED C. ' A or puimDruc riDDurrc sj-- nun iiiii ii. i iiMiniiHni .i UIIILUIILIIU UIIHIIIIIWLUl SETTS, AND A FULL LINE GRADES, ON HAND. ; THE LATEST STYLES OF RIBBONS nOTTflHT AT THE LtVWET PRICKS. BUT AVH THTC DF.SIRf TO LO86. OUT A1 M CO S T BUT AN ACTUAL FACT, AD IF YOU COt VlKUHi luumai "" T BE 'S O L D TRADE .STREET.', CHARLOTTE, N. 0. i jZj &A AA---KA THE ELECTIONS. PROM OTHER STATES. NuefuLK, Nov. 7. Goode's majority 1,500. New York.Nov. 7. The Herald says: Twenty-one states have cast majorities for the democratic nominees and 16 for 'he republicans. O .e state, Colo rado, having p eviously cast her vote fort e la ter. Thus, Gov. Tilden wdl be our next President, and Thos. A. Hendricks our next Vice President. They have received 209 electoral votes against 160 cast for Gov Hayes and Wm. A. Wheeler, a clear majority of 49, 24 more than was necessary for an election. There is very little chance of lessening these figures, and none of changing the result. Our next house I representatives will have a demo cratic majoriiy of at least 25. The state of New York wa3 carried by the Democrats by probably 35,000, and the entire city dem. ticket was elected by majorities ranging downwards from 53 000. Among the states looked on as doubtful yesterday, Indiana, Connecti cut, New Jersey, and probably Wiscon sin, were carried for the democracy. South Carolina is in doubt, the voting, being very close and a victory claimed by both sides. The negro vote wag evidently divided between the two par ties in the southern states.. Washington. Nov. 8. The New York Times and the Washington Chronicle, the only reliable papers, question Til den's election this morning. Sanfrancisco, Nov. 8 It is likely that the republicans elect all four members to cngres3. Twelve out of forty-nine precints of the city give Hayes four majority. There is noth ing from the interior of Oregon or Ne vada. The democrats are jubilant over the returns from the east Tilden tele graphs Mayor Bryant that. he i elected. Detroit, Nov. 8 Two hundred and twelye towns give a democratic gain of 7,792. Indianapolis, Nov. 8. Two hundred and six'y points, covering 27 precints in the Ociober vote gave the democrats 753; the same ratio gives Tilden a ma jority of 7.86 Hn the state i Washington, D. C, Nov. 8. The electi- n of Hayes is still claimed by cautious Republicans, who count on carrying Louisiana and Florida. Hayes' majority in Illinois approxi mates 3Q,0l)0. La' e returns make Ten nison's election doubtful- v In New Jei8-y, the Senate stands 11 Democrats, and 11 Republicans; the House 29 Dem and 31 Rep, giving the Republicans 1 majority on joint ballot. The Democrats siil claim another member, but the above figures are re liable, and secures a Republican United States Senator. From Louisiana, as yet no definite returns, and matters stand as last night. Both parties claim the State. Returns point to a Dem. gain in the interior. Elam, Democrat, is elected to Congress. New Orleans pro' ably give 10,000 Dem majority. In Alabama the returns continue to indicate at least 25,000 majority for Tilden. Herbert in ihe 2d, Williams in 3d, Ligou in 5th, Hewitt in 6th, Forney in 7th, and Garth in the 8th all Demo cratsare elected to Congress. Returns are favorable to Jones, Democrat, over Bromberg. Shel y, Dem, makes im mense gains in 4th District, and is very hopeful of his election over Haralson and Rapier, rival negro candidates. The opinion of moderate men is that Florida will elect the entire Democratic Stale ticket by over .2,000 majority Democratic gains are large in all the counties, with three or four exceptions In California, the returns from San Francisco are nearly complete. Hayes will have a small majority. Davis, Rep, is fleeted to Congress by 2,500 maj. Theie are few additional returns from the interior, and none to effect the general result. A dispatch from Portland, Oregon, says that the State is undoubtedly Re puolican by a small majority. Private dispatches from VirginiaCity, --r i e it li: say xsevaaa is sure ior a xvepuum-au majority. Latest returns from .Oregon show a Republican majoriiy of 1000. Returns from 304 townships and five precints in Detroit, Micnigau, give Hayes a net majoriiy of 12 025 a Dem ocratic gain of 963 over 1872 i The sam towns give Caswell, Rep, for. Gov ernor, a net. majoiity of 6,631 ,. The Democrats claim the election of Wil liams in the 1st district, by KO0 maj. Returns from Pennsylvania indicate a Republican majority ot 7,000 in Aiie ghany county and a gain of two Repub lican Congressmen in the county ice turns up to 2 p. m., from 141 districts in 19 counties, in the western part of the S' ate, not including Alleghany county, give a Republican majority of 2,938. a Republican gain of 138 over the vote i f 1875. In Missouri, sixty four towns and precincts give Phelps 8840, Finklen- burg 6405. The World bureau here has the fol Inwinsr : NewYTork. 2 p.m. Hendricks te egrapbs that he has trustworthy ad vices that Wisconsin has gone Demo frnt.ift hv 1000 maioritv.' r ' New Jersey Congressional delega tion remains four Republicans and 3 T)fmncr&t,s: Pennsylvania Reilly is re-elected to Washington Nov. 8. New York Times and Washington Chronicle on ly of reliable papers question Tilden'a election this morning. San Francisco, Nov 8 Likely "re publicans elect all four members to Congress. Twelve of forty-nine pre cincts of city give Hayes four majority. Nothing from the iuterior of Oregon or Nevada. . Democrats jubilant over the returns from the East TiKlen telegraphs Mayor Bryant th it. he U elected. Detroit, Nov S 278 town gives a democratic gain of 9,038. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 8. Hamilton county gives Tilden 698 majority. St. Louis, Nov. 8. Phelps for Gov ernor is running behind Tild en. Lake City, No 8 Finley, Demo crat, is elected to Congress by 600 ma jority. Coltjmbcs, Nov: 8. Democratic ma jority 195, dem gain 240; Duvall coun ty republican majority 800, republican gain 530. Partial returns from other portions of the State show a democrat ic gain with prospect of the democrats carrying the State. Charleston, S C, Nov 8 Otficial count in the city of Charleston gives Hampton 15 majority. The News and Courier's estimates and .returns cover ing the whole State exclusive of Charleston county gives Hampton over 10,000 majority. That paper does not think it possible that Charleston county can give more than five thou sand republican majority, and it con siders the State safe for Hampton and also for Tilden who it believes will not fall behind Hampton more than ten thousand votes, arid outside estimate republicans still claim that a heavy majority in Charleston county will overco ne democratic gain and give the State to Hayes and Chamberlain. Washington, Nov 8 The Western Union bulletin that the Democratic Com claim Louisiana by 10,000. The Republicans claim Florida and Ore gon. Philadelphia, Nov 8 The dem's gain Buck 93; Lehigh 38, Columbia 231 Republican gains Snyder 51, Tioga nearly 1,000, Blain 477, Chester 1,065, New Orleans, Nov. 8 The follow ing special from a democratic source, from Clinton, East Feleciana parish, bays; Owing to the failure of the regis trar to fill his appointments a large number of voters were not registered. Seventen hundred and forty-three reg istered votes were scored off, of which Iaj e8 got 3 and Tilden the balance. The poll was conducted und Uniteder States Supervisor. Four hundred and forty-three voters who had been un able to register deposited their ballots n a separate box were all democrat?. The Rt-pu'olicaus refrained from voting There wrs no intimidation: the grcs3 number of votes was within 300 of the number at the last election. Many democratic voters were deterred by want registration. Whites and blacks ratemized and were all happy and jubilant. Ihe above majority ot 1,4U shows a democratic gain of 2,581 over '74 vote. Prominent republicans say the voting in East F eleciana was in formal and the votes will not be canvassed by the retnrning board. The Registrar sent there haying been run off and intimidated. Other democrat ic parishes will be treated the same wav for similar reasons. Ohio Republican by probably 8,000, Returns meagre. Wisconsin is republican by about 3,000. Arkansas elect the entire democrat ic Congressional delegation. The latest advices from Florida give assurance that that State has certain ly gane Democratic by 2,500 majority. This secures a majority of the electoral votes for Tiiden with South Carolina and Louisiana to hear from. The last telegrams indicate that South Carolina has gone Democratic The unfavorable returns received aroused the hostility of the blacks who provoked a riot on the streets of Charleston which was quelled by the United States troops, but not until one negro, one white and about a dozen of each race were wounded;' The white killed was a son of Geo R Walter, a prominent cotton merchant of Charles ton. Dispatches to the News Club state that the Republicans concede Tilden 184 votes with Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina doubtful. Ed. The very latest telegrams leave little doubt of Hampton's election in South Carolina.. NEv o t.tti fr;iH.Evr. THE LATEST THOU HEAD QUARTERS. E haye received this day, a stock of Fresh Canned Goods, Potted Meats, Pressed Corned Beef. Jellies, Sea Foam, Horse Bad ish, Mince Meat; Extract Lemon and Van illa, Dried Sweet Corn, Choice Cream Cheese, FJorida Oranges, Ac. . Also, a Stock of Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Try our TeerlcES and Oriental 5c .Cigars, Durham Smoking, Combination, Plug and Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Andrews & Jones. OPERA HOUSE ! :o: - THIS EVENING! Farewell performance of the Fa mans i Carolina Richlngs-Bernard NGRAND ENGLISH OPER Y TROUPE, On which occasion will be presented Verdi's Brilliant Opera, eatlt led It TEOVATOBE, Cast to the entire strength of the Company. ' WITH THE ORIGINAL MUSIC." FULL CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. ELEGANT COSTUMES. Reserved Seats, .; ....$1.50 Orchestra (. hairs, 1.00 Parquette, 75c A CARD In order to prevent a rush at the Ticket Office at night. General Admis sion Tickets can be bought at Koellfch's book store during the day. nov9 BeCcmiercialEictaiiieBiIiii FORMERLY known a the Insurance Bulding, on the corner of Tryon and Fourth streets, is completed, an! now offer ed fr rent, including stores, basement, rooms and ulHee on the 2ivl fljor and the ball and rooms on the third flxr. This building including its storei and office, is finished in a superior style. App'y toeitber R M Miller or Wm Johnitou. no9 5t Mrs. E. M. IVIpyer WOULD iiuform the ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that stia htis taken the room in the rear of Mis. K. McNeils' mil inery store and where she would be pleased see ht-r friend and customers, ani will guaantee a perfect fK All she asks is to Kive he-a trial. MRS E M M'YER. I THE MILD POWER CURES HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general use for twenty years. A.veryliere proved llie iMQSt S A FE, SIMPLE" ECOliO Ml'cTiTan'd "EFFICIENT? medi cines known Tltey are Just what the people want, saving time and miiey. availing sck nessaad iiflTerin;r Each sinjr'e specific the well tried prescript ion ef an eminent physician. Nos Cures Cents I Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 25 25 ' Worms, Worm Fevt r. Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In- fan rs 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billious Colic, 6 Cholera-Morbus. Vomiting, 7 Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis, 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,. 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver tigo, ......... : .... 10 Dyspepsia, Billious Stomach, 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods, 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods 13 Croup, Cough," Difficult Breathing, 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, eruptions, 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 Fever and Ague,V:hiil Fever.Agues, 17 Piles, blind or bleeding 18 Ophtbalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, 19 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 20 Whooping Cough, violent coughs, 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing, 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ; 25 53 25 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 100 50 lings 24 General Debility, Phistcal Weaki ness 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions, 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, U ravel, 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discbarges, 29 Sore Mouth, Canker, 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed . ' 50 60 1 00 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms, 32 Disease or Heart. palpitauons etc. 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 35 Chronic congestions and irup- 1 00 50 tions I FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual ot directions, S1U UU Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book uoo lif These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any nart of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homconatnic Medicine Co. Office Depot. No 52 Broadway, N. Y, For Sale by all Druggists. T K, SiHlTll A COM Agents, JAGER BEER AND ALE On draught, also in bottles at 125 to 150 at the MOZaRT SALOON. ; oetlfl EXTRA FINE BEEF AKD Pork Sausiige, HOSTELLER & BROTHER'S. oct28 If You Want CJOMK nice Sacsaeeor Pork 8tea, Cal aep2&:.;. ' m I j,.l , I.! II , , ,,, I , .1 I We Have a Fresh Lot ( Genaiiie Bavana Cigars, which we are J selling at 12 cents eacb, ; tl, . T C BMITH & 00. 31 DEEDS ARE BETTER THAN WORDS. E. D. LATTA & BROTHER, An all Wool Oassimere Suit....... ....... ...:..$6 50 A good -Chmchilla Overcoat,?....'.,.. I........ 7 50 Extra Merino Under Vest and Drawers, (per suit) 2 00 White Wamsutta 2100 Linen Dress Shirt, 1 25 3 pair good British Hose........... 25 2 White Linen Handkerchiefs, (very nice)... 25 2 good Linen Collars, v' 25 Beautiful Scarfs, assorted, . ... 50 The best Dress Hat in the Market, 1 00 Making the Winter outfit complete for $19 50 Jf Canes and Umbrellas in every var'ety ; Special and prompt. attention given to all mail orders ; Goods marked in plain figures ; Cash System ; Large sales and tma 11 profits ; We respectfully invite the attention of purchases. E. D. LATTA & BROTHER, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. nov7 ' W. BEWELL i CO. Springs' Corner, Charlotte, H. C, :deaxers in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals. Oils. r Taraisit, Glass, Bys-StuSs, FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES. oc25 CO o 1 69 h U Q a a O w a w o 00 oo W a o CO G n3 a rt O a M O S co o CO i us 63 O o.a 2 o cc o o ELIAS, COHEN ASE just receiving theibktw FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Eotight early and ebesp, and will be sold at. DK i G(ODB is lull and complete. Biaca a i pa etas sua uuuun oi jiriwi that will astonish you. A handsome new lot of Embroideries, very cheap. Dress Goods very low. Gents' Beady-Made Clothing and Furnishing the prices will dety ci mpeuon. A lull line oi eoora ana rnoes. nws, ana gm eral assortment of mrrcbandise. Blankets and Flannels, extraordinary cheap. "With a 25 years experience of the wants of Mecklenburg we should be able te fill them to tbe satiKlsction of our customers and friends. If vouTcall and examine onr Goods we will make the pnees to suit ice iimaa. ELIAS, COHEN & EOE68LEB. A tew ard baedten e lot of CsrptU juetin. ju21 WITTK0WSK CHAELOTTE, N.1C, -0 FALL C I ROD To the Trade and ( onftnmers : gEING TOO WELL KNOWtf TO THE TRADE, WE DEEM IT UNNECESSARY TO GO INTO A LONG DISSERTATION AS TO THE MAGNITUDE, QUALITIES and PRICES OF OUR STOCK THIS FALL, BUT HOLD IT SUFFICIENT TO SAY THAT OUR STOCK, BOTH WHOLESALE anil RETAIL, 13 COMPLETE IN ALL DE PARTMENTS, AND TO WHICH WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION. WE AGAIN STATE THAT THE B UfclNESS WILL BE CONTINUED AS BEFORE THE DEATH OF MR RINTELS, BUT. SHALL ENDEAVOR TO DO MORE OF A CASH BUSINESS THAN HERETOFORE, TO WHICH END WE SPECIALLY INVITE THOSE WHO WISH TO AVAIL THEMSELVES of tne OPPORTUNITY of GETTING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS for READY CASH, AND IN THIS CONNECTION WE BEG LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE JOB LOTS OF DRESS GOODS, CLOTH INO AND HARDWARE WHICH WB WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. WE DESIRE f URTHER TO SAY THAT OUR PUNCTUAL TIME CtSl0MEIL3 ARE AS WELCOME AS EVER. VERY RESPECTFULLY j ';.":? ; , - . , - CO 'A fa O CD W fa w w o 02 fa o o z IH - Eh M co" tJ t-3 M o . fa o t-l H in W o Q Q W H c fa 3 w w m Ha Pi o o tn O w GK' H i (4 O H O W cm Szj -fa'- o" CO CO W M Q H M U M H P O ' W fci i i W . CO M O o u a b-i H w txi O. 00 S5 O 2 a o P3 pig 4 , CO (9 w CD fa CDsh 2 fa CQ &c ROESSLER priecs to suit the hard times. Oar 8teckf Goods Department, ready for inspectio tad Y & R IN T ELS, SEFIEMBEE 16TH, U76. a O- L'AR - OF 1376. W M H CQ W o u -f o o o" to CQ Q o 00 CD CQ i Congress by 100 raaj. - . not9 octas : . sept24 ft i