Coloring Human air ibyiEating From the London EchO.1 The much-vexed question, How - to get. gold hair, is Kilved at lat. While the Get mans shrink from being' held a fair-haired' nHtion who knows."" but th mti'erere, what other nanons have gone through to win the hair despised bv Prussia ? Ladies have borne unheard of tormen's in pursuit of thi; fictitious gold. One who had iq be turned round in the sun for hours during the process, bore with stoic fortitude,; .the terrible headaches involved; each-' week,' nor ever complained of what she had' to pay, though, after all, she was scarcely even eleetr-p!a'ed. ; orhe run other risks, in robbing Teuton corpses of their j long, lair lockt; and all is , ineffectual while eyes and sin remain to give the lie to hair, jsow, no more dyes, mig raines, or wigs will....b6jueceessary, .1 - A 1 41. - iveryooay may sport ,tne ,,"giaq go'-d hair nay, Diue eyes, too, and snowv skins. Ah you have io do is to go and live on an island and eat penguins' eggs na tne more you eat ie lairer : you will get.' None need despir, for hair too dark to change to gold - turns red, and red hair, being more the rage than flaxen, toni mieux 1 he isle in question is one ot the Umzet group, on which the the surviors of the unfortunate Krathmore were wreeked lastyear.aid only rescued at'er six months' durance vile, 'i hey had little to et but pen : i i a i i i guin egga auu uouo less me eggs wiinom tne lsiana wouia oe oi no avail but the slight inc nvenienc of sameness in food would b- readily en cuntered by the votaries of fashion. A survi or writes : "The eggs did every one a treat deal of good. A most remarkable thing 1 ws that every one had fair skii'S and liht hair. dark laces and hair bei; g quite : chang ed black hair turned bsown or ml, and fairer people' quite flaxen.'' li some enterprising Englishman does not immediately s-et up a hotel on this enchanted spot we sh li never give John Bull credit for knowing how to make his fortune GOLD JILNE ,,,.. mmm jfor sale. tZihLC& mine fa, miner "hr ' 2V D Py old and pronounce it very flue T 1 niim 1 AT T' w- xwaiiroaa miners have 'lrmVi "uu ma,,r Also Prof WO seen the mine and owklanrf ",i yerw floe.; i. wj.. iJj ;7 nipro that could be brought up we now offer aw,mf!l . -2 and 80 acre of land in and ATd XD?fwhiPb there are some mriDAto8.? specimens of said hV. J caing t our Office ?-"!L?ai ,peciinente mean tohow 8Pmning tbat'ls worth iooki or lurther informatioi, address H-iA HUNTER, ;Honteravill. N O ft . Hi THE - GREAT SOUTHEBN -FREieHT LINEi VIA CHARLESTON, S. C. SETfEEN. CHARLOTTE anfl ALL POINTS NORTH and EAST. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. U., January 3rd, 1876. 'Jnne 17 in SAM UK J, 6R0SE, Corner Tryon And 8to0ewll 8treets iront oi John W Miller's, CHAELOXTE, N. C, -: . : i . SASH, rWasiUnitell, lOORS. B L T . W EL POSTN ! W 4 1 RAIHKG akd- BALLU8TEES. EVERY DESCRIPTION ' flic RTTTT T. IN G LUMBER BOUGHT. AN1 THE "POLITICAL1: CANVASS WILL TERYINATE ON THE LVE OP NOVEMBER 6TH. THE PUBLIC ATTENTION 13 CALLED TO THE i ; mercial Canvass, TffigSlTHCTffSSS AUGUSTA RAILROAD, in connection with n7,rotf4i.f f3JINA RAILWAY, and it8 connecting 8TEAMSHIP LINES at the CHARfiFNr??! fUi COTTON, AND THE MERCHANTS triJ".1L.lfJi .IHJC LINES OF RAILWAYS CONVER(3TN thttpw. iriJii MAJN x ADVANTAGES of the " GREAT SODTHERN FREIGHT LINE, With the ASSURANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shall be a, QUICK, RATES AS LOW AND SATISFACTION AS COMPLETE, by any other line that bid. fr their business. 'or rates, elassifipationa and all information, call on the undersigned, ERIE-CITY IRON WbRKS -OF A. W. LOY NS CHEAP STORE, WHERE HE WILL DISCUSS the MERITS OF HJS S. C. A. POPE General Freight Agent, C, C.& A. R. R., Columbia, S B TOBY.. vumt jjgouv on xiiuauvvay xew lort W. W. PEGR AM, Agent, C, C. & A. R. R;, Charlotte, C. aug20 MAGNiriCENT AND UNSURPASSED sxocr OF LATEST AMIVAL WILMIN NORTH CAROLINA Lift. Dry Geois, CIotiiDif, Boots, Sloes, oct3J &C , &C, &C, AFULLXM E of TRAVCHIVG Portable and ; Statlanarr ' Steam Engines, Saw Mills and' Wood Working Machinery, Cot t o n Gins, Feeders and Presses. Corn ana wiiea t Mills, Turbine Wheels, Scales, Safes, Emery Wheels, dec, Constantly on hand at the ERIE CITY WORKS, Warehouse In the Sanders & Blackwood Building;, Col lege Street. Adress Erie City Iron Works, CHARLOTTE, N. C. sept2 " . "UYE WrTHIN" ,T0UR INCOME,. In order that the Citisems of Meckienbur and especially theridemtaf Charlotte, ;i may avail themselves of the truths of maxim, and in consideration i of the : ;' "JBFJRI f ,TIMB8 I have recently purchased 4 complete Stock ' eMS-im a. FAKCY S FAMILY GROCERIES -AT M EALS, ok SEMI-WEEKLY. NEW j. s G j) 0 D 1 PHILLIPS, "SA XAJ-L0R ad DEALER IN aiMo p uiusi SJtlllSKi GOODS li removed to one oi the New Stores uuuer cne antral JUotjel.Trade St,and is -eceivinghis Winter Stodk of Goods for i wear -ana will mfeke them ap at oiiurt uouce in tne most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the Bame class of Goods wove ever oeen onerea in this market SMrts a Specialty. suiting ana repairing done promptly. All oodsrand work must be'paUd for on df liy- ciy. an i aui compeueato Op a cash basijess. octl7 ' I " T H. Bred, Jr, Attorney and Counsellor t Law, ciiaklotteI i. c. OR SALE. As they paw the bees parsing- thern se vta lound tHmiiiarlv, t' e ady ufer el a i i in it i "Good gracious! VV'e can't go there!" "Pshaw !" ejaculated hers lrd atxl master, "do .'t be foolish. Bees never molest any one that dof not ninlrst ftheni. They are perfectly harmie-s if you niil let them alene. All you feed is a little nrrve; when they come buzzing about you wa k rifht along and don't so much as make a motion towards them, even if they should light on your face. Come on, now; if you haVen't nerve just look, at me and see how simple it is." With a pardonable feeling of pride in her noble husband, the wife watched him as he moved stendily up to the tree where most of the insects were hiving a rehearsal a aGilmore's band, while a number were doing the fcikid- more Guard on the fence, and still others were sliding around in the air evidently on picket duty, humming, inn m V wen marcn around Jerusalem Seeing that her hucband was not an noyed by the little fellows, the lady followed him, but took the precaution to throw a light -shawl over her head and shoulders, lenving only a peep hole lor one eye. Running up to her husband who was walking along looKing at a nee which had just lit on his none, and wondeiunt whether the cussed little creature was ;oing to give hm one just for luck, and thinking now sweet he would look with a probot-cis reeembling a quarter sec uon of' a lobster she inquired: John, ain t youaUanl f7 not thinking ot anything else appropriate to the occasion, lie curlefl up his lip and the tip of his nose in disdain at the thought, and just then he got it from the tee upon ihe upper defk. His wile will never forget the exclamation he gave utterance to, and the bystand ers generally remarked that it was ex- nauative and lully did justice to the occasion. He struck at the bee vici t's'y, and in a second the whole oki Mnore guard, Jerusalem warblers hikI Uilmore band were upon .him ihf.v took him o;i the face and hands: .... ' niDoieu nis er.", prospected his back, and crawled up hi nose and sank n ore Fha'ts on the top of his bald head than there are on the Comstock 1 Ttf I. - I. - J l . i our. ii lie nau oeen possessed oi a thousand hands he could not have kept me enemy on, ana it nis name had been Job he could not. have helped calling down maledictions upon allthe 1 1 ... t "omen us ue neara nis wile auvisirg miner her shawl : "Don't hit at them, jor.n: uon't hht, theni I ' There as a general roar of laughter as the 'man of nerve" took to his hppl 'hi rins working nke an Oid.fashioned J jllc Alexander Si, Co,Pro's. hi wig a tmc, Willie IJI8 Wlie walked along Pecure in her bee-proof. win rranasco xtecora. Fast -fttifkt Route to all At all hours, at the MOZART SALOON. octl9 AT Foists South mi M, WHOLESALE ONLY ! r- - X' C rt, i -w .m . "ivn siUKii AND TO AKRIYB, A Full Stock of Goods, ONISUSG IN PART,' OF U .:.,AV A1VD SATURDAY. WEDNESDAYS andSATlRHAl "At ON Smoked, Sugar Cured A Balk gENSON'S CAPSINK PLASTERS And Allcock's Porons Plaster for sal at Mc A DEN'S, aPf8 Drugstore. BALTIMORE. Baltimore niiflnnt)i.m m ! portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday ami Friday, at 3 PH. AND FROM WTUtlNQTOK NEW YORK. CJyde's Wilmington JLine, from NEW YORK Tues ay and Friday, at 3 P. 23.. AKD F301I WILMIHQTOir v RESTORED. iSSSilt PriP?n,rFREi: rLi.f BPeSdy cure of nervonB debility DAVIlfeON CO. SfiKr - 7 M FRESH ARRIVALS. GIVING THROtTQH RTT.T CiV r.Amvfl n ii ai-.u ...j o,.. U"?'1?' Meorpria and Alabama. For North or East bound Freiebt. to Baitimon ruiiadelphia, New York, Boston, Providinee. Fall River and other Eastern Cltie. sUGAKS All grades; COFFEES A fall QOO YARDS BAGINQ Stock; sAL T Fins and Ground Alum ; Q 000 T;BS' WHKAT BRAN rwuKA11 grades; MACKEREL -ALSO- Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmington with the. w;imirfrinn rin.v.;. u k OFFICE Over the Merchants and Farm- Railroad. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina. rntrai R llnnv nH Huns Poor ers JSatiunal Bauk. I Rivpr Sfonmo.a uu u;. .: r.j. , . j tf ; i . .. 7 ' " vuuviu6 ua, uurriug uucuuaueu mcuiues ior me promni v j .c.Siji iu an puiuus. os me oi earners on tnese Lanes on arrival in Wiimin tori stop at Railroad depot, the Freieht transferred under covered sheds to cars witboui delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayaee in Wilmimrton and to transfer from WilminTtnn Sonth Tintoo r.o. uuw.i no ujr uj uiBw ooais. ljosaes or overcnarges promptly paid. Ma"is all goods via Wilmington Lines. Fr '"'tber information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line EDW IN FITZGERALD. Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. wm. jr. vijx ma & uo., Gen'l Agt New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Linei, Wilmington, N. C. F A good Gold Watch. Fffr particnlars in quire at OBSERyjiK OFFICE, anrll tf . j j ' : Saratogia Springs AT CHARLOTT3, N. C. 13 RANCH OFFICE of these celebrated J borings is now open at ;Mc Aden's Drug Btore. The water is drawn ffiom' block-tin resevoir on ii-e. and the water is as fr r And sparklins as from the Springs, "and j, al in it inruicinai properties. ; aprll " ! odis, 4 bbls and kits ; TEAS-All grades ; SOAPS In great Variety ; CHEWING lobacao and Snuff; RICE and Pearl Grits; !HOT, GD, Wattrproof and MusketCaps; Ware and Broom: WRAP. rixu PAPER ; SODA Crackers, Chees, '"andy, Soda, Muttard, Candles, Blacking, Blueing, Grain and Ground Pepper, Starch, Pimento, Cingcr, Axle Grease, Iok, e. Ill ! I .a, i oi woicn we oner at low figures to the Trade. JOHN W. HALL & C0.s- WHOLESALE GROCERS, COLLEGB STREET, NEAR TRADE. oc8 For Sale. A good Cow and Calf 'AkdIv at THts OFFICE sp30 tf. r ' NEW HOfrEL". MANSION HOUSE i . - Cor. Trade and Church sts opposite 1st fresbyterian vhurch Burlington Hawkeye: Themanwho clings to the edge of all the bed-clothes and wraps himself hp in them every nine u reins over is,. snow snout , ripe enougu to kicie out of bed, and the shivering fallow who sleeps with him is i-.ppointed a committee of one to do M he kicking. - " TERMS $2 Yth PAYj THIS Hotel is. just oienfd to tbe pnbli 1 and conMouently everv'thin is fresh and new. The Proprietors' el conbden t hat I hey can satisfactorily cater to the wants of their guests and jjeppectiully soli it a bbare of ibe public patronage J AJ& ALKXANI3EK A CO, cctll : ' Proprietors. THE LATEST HEAD QUARTERS. ll n, liaye receivfd tins lsy, a stock of Fresh Canned G.odp; Potted ;Medfe, Pressed Corned Beef, Jellies, Sea Foem,; llore Rad ish, Mince Meat, Extract Lemon and Van illa, Dried Sweet ( orn, Choice Cream Cheese, Florida Oranges, Ac . . .i-' Also, a Stock of Fine Cipars and Tobacco. Try our Teerhts and Oriental 5c Cigars. Durham Smoking, Combination Plug and Fine Cut Cnewinjt Tobacco. " r . Andrews & Jones. nov9 U1K NEW KES1 EDY, ; Merrills irteat Antebihous prescription "Hepatine" or "Vegetable 1iVer Medicine lor Dypepeia, Neryous tieadacbe Constipation, Billinu- Attacks. Heartburn, Jaundice. Chronic Diarhcsa, Sour Stomach Los- oi Appetite, and all diseases arising from a dis ordered Liver. For sale at I ; MYDEN'S apr8 j Dnift Svre. Pure White i Lead AND. Linseed Oil for painjing Stores an-1 dwellings bottom prices at ; T. C VITH A GO'S. ; oet22 ; . --i-i We have a Fresh Lot oet22 T O SSMITH & o. Wanted. A Dwelling house witfl khout 5 roonis and kitchen from January 1st, 1877 - ? Appjy to T COLEMAN, & SON. nov tf V ' Mcsatt BilHwd' Saleoa. AYSTERSin'tVtrystKwi'the . j , - ;. u, . n 02 ART SALOON."' octlQ , : ins, -iiit uv. JAGEIt BEER AND ALffv" ;:7T' On draoght.'a'soj'n bo7tie'aVli5 to 150' thL- MOZ ART SALOON. ' mm,-mow GAPSi AND ; LEATHER. HAVING just returned fromi market with the best assortment of Boots, hoes and Hats eyer brought o CbarJotte J will be fouv d early and late at n y ttore On ,'Trade fctrtetjjady nd anxious tol show souds my oustomers and friends. ' Come and let' me do yon pond.:- s 4 . " J. MO. ALEXANDER,' eepSO. : - 'j .'. i GOLD iBiASIS CflfiWINEr j TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED 'BY HOME -' LABOR. i PATRONIZE OUB OWW lDUSTBIBi. .''' MILLER l& LEAK. . oct23 ""-:.;;.. . - 5.LYateV ONE Thousand Pounds Mountain Cabbage '1,000 Sliced Prisd Apples, fresh Country -Butter and. Xgs, at --i 1 C. C, VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Poiuts South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the transportation oi f reight, rrom WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTF.RV r-TTTrcs Tn iUAfiwilJ!,, b'lA'iJUSVLLJUJ!., AbHJbVlLLE, RUTHERFORDTON uUL LMiin i i. L in i.M i v in 1.. .1 i . ,r.; ........ ' j l.L, v ajl.ijjd, oriiJi,XAiiUJS.V3, AIjJL. OXAIlUJNb UN TJ1E ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC TENNESSEE & OHIO, and W ESTERN N. O. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. . losrsujisroE- jnjd rates. GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE, ANdI TIME .A.S QTJIGSI. INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO Try Our rjlEA at 50 cents a pound. o-t3 T C SMITH 4 CO. FRESH FISH -AND- SOLD DAILY BY E. H. WHITE SIGN OF THE FISH and FISHING FOLE, N. B.-C. O, D. Orders filled. promptly oct24 sept30 T W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wihxiingttm, N. C. T T SMITH, ' Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Nice Stock Groceries OB HAND iSD AIT1K AT ST1TT, WALSII & CO. ocl9 Notice. THE Frtst North bound Express train, leaving Charlotte at 12 a. ru.. will leave from Atlanta & Richmond Air Line Depot. Thrbugh tickets sold and baggage checked tnrouxn to all points North and i4asr., at tbe Depot JOidN R MaUMURDO. JU8 tf . ; ' , , . . Q. P. A. TEAMS' NATIONAL . Ml, OF CHARioTtB. ; BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Astral Oil September! HARPER'S MONTHLY, SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, GODE Y'S LADY BOOK, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, BOW BfeLLS. i PETERSON'S MASAEINE, PLEASANT HOURS, GAL A XY, DEMOREST ; AND WAVERLY MAGAZINES Tor SEPTEM BER, at ' PUREFOY'S aug2 Johu E Bbown, Hon W M shipp, Kobt I McDoKiL, Phillip tecHin, 8 P Smith, . Johk W'Wadswokth Allan Macaclat, Baitbe H Moobb. V Q Jobksor, D F Cahhoh. ' GIVES tbe best, light- is entirely safe no chanre of lamps reatlired 0 cents a ! gallon. ' - . :j T O SMITH & CO. OCt22 OFFICERS: 8 P Smith President; R I McDowbll, Vice President ; O N G Butt, Cashier. jan!5 just Received AT McADEN'S DRUG STORE, 20 Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from the Springjt : 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water; a iargtr supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from" the Jordan Alum Springs apro Epp's HOMEOPHATIC COCOAU A light and nutritious diet for invalids. For agle u,,r. , - ; 8CARR fc CD'S. ' i ,i i'r 1 J '"-. V - ' Drug Store v We Think E have a right to brag ouour. Are tent Cigais they. are choice frdv 4: I "XU M1TH ft CO. : CLOTHING!! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT T A I L OR, Opposite Central Hotel, Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' Has jast received a splendid lot of Fine Dovskins, Cloths and assimeres, which I will make up at prices to suii tbe times, and guarantee satisfaction in style and fit. sep!7 ''-1 Bluestone, JlOR Soaking Whsat at "" octS I ' TC SMITH & CO'S. Teas ! ("1HOICE Green "and Black Tea of the finct quality. : Also English Breakfast Tt, Crop 1876. For sale by - : SCARE &OQ. septs) j-T.c.. COAL ! COAL ! ! 150 TONS OF COAL ! J Have contracted for the delivery of 150 Tons of Coal in Charlotte Will sell it at the lowest market rates for first-class Coal. Address orders to me at the efflce of the Cotton Compress Co., Charlotte. N. C. FRANK E PATRICK. sept 2tf . . s . Hyacinths. TULIPS, Ac. A choice selection of Flower Bulte, consisting of Hyacinths, 'Tulip, ( rocures, direct trom Holland, at New York Prices, for sale at SCARE & CO'S, oct24 , . Dr Pfc Hera JUST RECEIVED ' ; - t V . v ' At tbe MOZART SALOON, ' Imported Rhyne .Wine on draught, ; " octl9 . : :-i.-i-t,i .: .. . . . - Flavoring Ezzt's. TXTRACT? LVnVoh, Vanilla Aaf for -m- uuuBcuuiu usejust rpceivea, ' .. - - SCARE & CO'S,1 00124 ' C'X Drag Store.' 50Q BBLS and SACKS FLOUR. SACKS SALT. gO BARRELS MOLA93E9. 500 BUNDLE3 TiES- 500D LB3 BACON. 2000LBSHAMS- gO B0XE8 CANDY, ' gO B0XE3 OYSTERS. BOXES CHEESE. 200 B0XES CRACKERS, J00 -BXE3 S04P3. gO BA.GS COFFEE, 0 BARRELS SUGAR. LOW FOE CASH. Mayer, Ross & Jones. octsr WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, OUR Mr A HALES, having having just returned from Nw large Stock of Watches, Jewelry. &.. and we think the best Rplami.-ma if largest 8tock in the 8tate. Bought from first h cash prices, weWillsellas low as the same can be boughein tbe State. Our Stock it now comnlete in nil tho Ufo.f Jewelry, and all goods usually kept in e nrst-cix8s jewelry Store. ' uive us a call and see for yourself. All- work in tbe line neatlv done nrf warranted Respectfully. iiALS K FAKKIOR. oct5 EEDtTCED PBICE5, And offer them at the lowest market pricee. SUG AR-Cut Loaf. Powdered, ,v Extra Q , and Golden C. Sugars COFFEES-Roasted Java, Ground Java Ground Rio- beat quality. JXA W- 0. G.Java, Prima Kio, Good Rio, t Hannels, bs. Coffee. CHOrojLATfi-MaUlarda Doukle Taailla Bon Bon, Baker's Presniara and ; German Sweet- ; CRASHED WHEAT Scottish Chief Oat al, Irish Oat Meal, Bye Flour, Pearl Hominy, Pearl Sago, Pearl Tapioea, Italian Macaroni.' VarmielH Four gradek Barley. s SPICES-Cloyes. Allspice, White Jamaiea . iuger, urouna and Whole Penper. Ground and hark CmnamoS, ' Celery Salt, &c. Mess Mackerel (extra'fiae), Cod Fish': Defal cated Cod Fish, Ferris & Co'aCelebrated Smoked Beef. Smoked Tonguei Hams and Breakfast S trips, A Fine lot of Country Bams, Sides aad Shoulders. Best Leaf Lard in 0 lb. . . Ducketa and tube. Horseford's Bread Prepaiatiohj' PeaFcsm, Royal Baking Powder, Corn Ytast Cakes. Jellies in Goblets and. Tumblers, Coleman's English Mustard i and i, Prepared Fresh Mustard, Crobse fc Black well's Chow Chow qts and -i pts., O. & B. White Onions. Ameriean Plain and Mixeii Pickles, Spanish Olives, French. Prunes. ' Preserved OiA. ger, Peaches 2 and 8 lb cans Edam (or Holland) Cheese, Cream Cheese, Almonds, Shelled f Almonds, Brcil,Pecan, and other.Nuu. Wilsoa's Celebrated Cooked Corn Beef and 4 ib cans, Nelson & Cox's Sparkling Gelatine, and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. We keen a tttpqt ot.aoo - 'J .w-li. muuuu urocery. xne ladies aie t wt th. judges and know better what is needed on a well regulated table. We especially invite the ladies to call and examine Our. Stock, and we will tafce pleasure in showing our Goods. Remember the place, South Trade street, under the Traders National Bank:. Cooos delivered Free. septlS N ORT H Ell 'POTATOES! 10 BBS. EARLY HOSE 1 AKD ' '" " PEERLESS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE LOW BY BBLS. OR SMALL QUANTITIES. 1LSO, 9 DIFFERENT kinds CRACKERI. ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF CHOICE. FAMILY GROCERIES, CHEAP , FOR CASH,, : r. C O Li M A N & S O N. oct31 4 A LARGE -AND TRY OUR 335 5 3r' family; flour. .-.'. .'-A -lit? t'i;.vSSV',,.C iA:hi "l I'- It M MILLER & S0xS. , OCt28 Varied Collection If Anybody Else Q.QES to the Centennial, let them take a VA supply of our five cent Cigars along.. . octS TC SMITH & CO. OF SLATE ROOFING. XEW MUSIC JUST RECEIVED. Adn 1 for Sale bjr TIDDY & BRO. S TOWSON,. having permanently loaat. . ed in Charlotte, is luljy prepared to put on 81ate Boo in any part of the adia oent country. , . :.'..; :.:: : MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS A All work guaranteed. Pricei Beaopable. Shingle Roots taken off had relaid vitk SLATE, when desired. ; I ' .Orders will receive promptattntion7w bi addressed toP. 0, Vox ,118,! Charlotte, K. Qv. ,: . fehlO-tf. A Large lot Commoo and Pressed Brick, for sale, cheap by . ' - r 1 & M MILLIE & SONS.- ' .oct28 "nov5. IUEW S TOOK. SUGAR, COFFEE I W, '"ui'.-r. H .1IOLAS8E8; CHFESE,r.t tli r GOSHEN BUTTER,- t y - -j r . , , FAMiLy.rouR,,,';,;,:;.!,, , oer naying leased for a tOTm . wj"r ,f, r r .- the Hotel property on the ' c" ' UNCANYaSSED'HAHS. .' tendChurch streets, com- v" -rSH Plf!KLTca' retail, and everything f '"'-;! 'i . belonging to a'firifehur -'j Wholeeale'sauLsi -;c't iwi Pickles. "DARREL PICKLES, by the Doaen', at; JD B K SMITH'S. NEW HOTEL!:. I1YT CHARLOTTE rilHJS subscriber baying leased for a term ;X ot vears tt corner of Trade monly known as the Stonev nonae. will omn the same to tbe public refitted and refur nished; October 1st 1878. ! J propose keeping a first class hotel; and solicit br of the public patronage. , , ;-p&, ir J . 4 EeUil Qrocerj,' tp't Xil :'1:4 ' ol! -TVT Ti7 i? CS TTTTr Smokers are; Finding jlti r; ? $ c r; Lfl :- OUT that we keep thi best five1 cent'cfgar I in the sity, - " ' . -"v" t , . . 1 Glaczi and cPuitjr. pLASS, PUTTT,4o.,at ? i ! etiT 1 TC SMITH 00