rc 3S T H t; C ITT J Mit WW m U W " " w t-i '"."'' t I the following is the list of aJyer, tisementa, which appear; for the 6m time'thia morning : ' - - ' 1 " '. 1 "' - j " Baltimore Branch House Clotting, ?j . , . it.r . j :- a - I 8-J.O S Holton & Co, Noah's Ark ha arrived: :'r".'V I B N Smith, The Last News... ' i'Prof Newm an, For Saf eV 1 Mrs jFereuson, School Notice. ' LOCAL RIFFLES. Hurrah for Tilden, Vance and U amp ton! . ' I Catawba holds her own as the banner Democratic county of the State. , , The crowing of the Democratic cocks proclaim the dawn of day. It is impossible to give the detailed vote of all the surrounding counties we have received. Davidson township in Iredell made a gain of 68- Mooresville also did her duty. So did the whole county. Cotton has gone up over fine cent and a half since it was announced that Tilden was elected. 'Rah for lilden, The Colored Tilden and Vance Club a rermested to: meet to night Tor special business. Gray Toole, President. The distinguished honor of escorting Gov Vance to Raleigh, has been accord ed to the Hornets Nest Riflemen ofl : this city. . "s 'j , " The humerou's cheers for Hampton on our streets would lead a stranger to imagine that he was standing upon the soil of Squib Carolina. A colored . individual was heard to remark to one of the brethren that the white folks made as . much fuss about this election as if it was the Mayor's election. The telegraph office in this city has received more patronage for the last few days than all the stores and shops ; in the cityput together. Thatis judg ing from the crowd that has beseiged it, . . . Let us not forget that our grand vic tory in old Mecklenburg, was heighten- ed by 200 brave colored men, who broke ranks, threw off the party yoke and marched side by fide with" ns in the great army of Reform. Five Points, or Hyde Park, as it is now called, is still looked upon as the , refuge of the criminals in this city and a residence in that vicinity is still re garded as a bona fide passport to. the Penitentiary. . A cotton buyer in this telegraphed to a town in South Carolina asking the price of cotton. Receiving no reply or j some time, he sent another message in rather more emphatic language and then received this reply :; "We think we have elected Hampton." Married. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr Robt R King, in this county, by the Rev Mr McDonald, Mr H D Leak and Miss Mattie King. All the parties are well known in the city, and we take pleasure in wishing the young couple a long, happy and .prosperous voyage over the rugged sea of life. Mayor'a'Court. The principal case before the Mayor . yesterday, was And Norwood and Felix Beattie for an assault upon J. W. Poe, colored Democrat - back of the Central Hotel on Wednesday night. He was badly cut in the head by a stone, thrown by some parties' who Had concealed themselves near the alley through which he. passed. It is probably cer tain that the party who threw the stone escaped, but the above named were found guilty of conspiracy t6 injure Poe, and Norwood was 'fined $10 and cost and. Beattie $20 and cost. A Brilliant Success oyer the Red Leg ged Grasshopar. , ,1 In the majority, old Iredell has' rolled up for the cause of Reform. The has surpassed the expectation of her most sanguine .friends. " Taking into I con sideration that Statesville was the headquarters-of the red-legged grasshopper irf tbeVestern portion of the State, the public did not expect the bril iant tri umph she has just achieved. It jproves one thing, however; conclusively, that the population of this sterling "county are brave tr,lihertv-loving k4 in corruptible people. ' "wi'vi. int- The Rlehlngs-Berttard Opera Troupe. This excellent company ga ve a secon d performance jh the Opera House last night,' presenting Verdi's Grand Opera, VII Trovatore.f ; Notwitlistanding the uhdimiriishedexcitement in the i city; over the result of the elections there was a much larger audience than greet ed them on tKeir "first appearance. The company seemed in t excellent trim-and the play weift off.in'; sptendid style-TrTher ringing iwas perhaps the finest ever heard in this citv and" the .... .... ....,.,. . appreciative -t. audience . showed rtheir delight bfrequlnt and long c-nttHutd applause. So good was" alt f the singl ing that it would be I difficult to particu Iarize.. . MrsRichihBemard charm ed the audience from her first appear ance.. Thef duet by lr HarryGlates as ManricO, and Miss . Haiti ' Moore as Aitucena, was- loudly encored. 'After the close of , the last scene, the applause continued for at least five minutes. .. We ch eerfully recommend th e troupe as one of the, best that hasvisited the South,' arid shauld they see' fit 'tcrWisit this city again we . assure them r , hearty reception. - - - ftThe company go. hence tOlJpoJu,pb'iai, ana anerwaras . to Charleston .where' Auimtn.m nrc;. w longer.- No rnvdrbut "One. ,A '-genUeman in r Statesville vrite, that we were misinformed in reference to the arrest of drummer in tht place a few days ago, a d says that only one was arrested He further says ? A person, 'claiming to represent a cloth ing house in Wilmington, was here with sampless of goods, manufactured out of the State, and not the "growth and product of the .State." rand taking orders for garments, . and oflered to sell ivady-made clothing a j retail, who was called iponbly: the Town Marshal, un der an Ordinance, , to pay a license of $10, refusing do which. She was held in recognisance. Commercial agens, who take orders lor merchandise Jby simples, are not considered jTpeddlers' and are not amenable to the Ordinance. Capt. S. B. Belk. One of the most noi'iee ible: features of the tables giving the M ecktVnbiirg vote, which appeared, in. yesterday morning's Observer was the unanimi ty with which the voters, of M ecklen burg, black and white, Radicals and Demo crats said that the gejhtleman, wh ie name heads this article, should remain in the position of County Treasurer, Which iiefhas held continuously for the last eight or ten y erfri. j He only lack ed one of obtaining evefy. vote in the county, and this was (because be did not vote , for himself. ( He has shown himself a most faithful!" and competent officer, and no one could doubt his in tegrity. We congratulate him upon this evidence of appreciation of his worth, and hope to st e him remain in this position uatil old- age shall, unfit him for service. . , .- The Old Growing Young. One of the most, aniusing scenes we evf r witnessed, was pijesnted on Wed nesday night on the public square The boys were just in the5 humor for any kind of fun. A darkey, with a banjo was caught on the street and gave them all the music thy desired, 'the old man, whose joints! one would have Supposed as stiff as a poker, cut the pigeon wing in a manner that . would have shamed all the mbst accomplished efforts of the youth of the rising gener- ation., Ine hilarity was truty reiresu ing; for the old man seemed young, and all ages joined ih the dance that was both grotesque land ludicrous in the extreme. The old coon, cheered by the news no doubt, thought of bet ter days. They poked each other in the short ribs and knocked the double shuffle until the darkey, growing weary, put up his banjo and fled like a mad man for his home. Glorious Old Mecklenburg. We have the first county in the State to. hear from that has done a nobler work than our glorious old county of Mecklenburg. In giving her favorite son a majority of 840 jvotes, She has in deed accomplished al wonderful work, and especially, must the result be grati fying to Gov Vance, fpr it is his home, and the people have labored for him with a determination! that knows no defeat. Wei had powerful odds to con tend against, but we have overcome these odds and old Mecklenburg still retains the proud tit lie that she always had of being the birth place of Ameri can liberty, and a hornetfs ; nest to everything that savors of tyranny, op pression and fraud. fThe Republicans strained every nerve tb parry the home of Vance against himj and now stand awe stricken and dumbfounded at their childish weakness arrd disgraceful de feat. Mecklenburg has covered herself all over with glory and lamentations, and woe are heard 'in, the camp of her I defeated and vanquished enemies. The News Club. A number of gentlemen in the city conceited the idea ot organizing them selves into a club, fof the purpose obtaining the latest and most reliable news from all quarte. The idea was a. very happy one, as! has been shown by experiment. AH dispatches were taken there, as noon i as received, and kept "bulletlried for fhe ue of the mem bersi It hasi been constantly crowded and presented a lively scene. -As one piece of good news after another was announced, the occupants of the room showed their de)ight By the most enthu siastic shouts Staid; and. dignified old gentlemen hurrahedMike school boys on a bolidny. , Gov.. jVaoce made this his headquarters most of the time, and his brilliant wit and genial humor kept them in a high statd of glee between times. The community are also in deb-ed to them for most of the infor- mation received between' the issues o the (Observer. It will doubtless be ! come anr Jintitutiou of the City during future elections. A. Beastly Sight. A disgusting, and it the same time a rather ludicrous sc'tfne was presented on east Trade street on yesterday, in which two men and k dog were the ac tors. T,One ol the, iften was so drunk tlitat he could fiot na!vig te at a'l, while iL " L . . . 1 ' ' ..i uie corapat ion, wnu anempieu to "Hre for him was almost eyond going him self, butjstill had coriscL'usness. enough to aesire to;stj.ieid,. the shame 'of his dis tressed lirother from the public gaze. As the overloaded man staggered and Reeled, his dog imagi-ied. that .it vaa banter fojr .frolkLUut thtoei'ijc weight if the'dowW'-suloricient fo'ffiroV his master driwtf fevel-y time lie would jump against him. After.ithe man was down nothing coufd induct ;the.46g io, leave him.jkut ihej, wo rolled Over. in the dirt iogeihei:;? .the dog 'highly' delighted witn.theperformaace, and, the man, onable to keep the dog from licking his nii face, and .otherwise caressing him m the most intimate '.manner. It , was equal to a circns toihe crowd, none of tvhom.bad ihe heart to interfere "be, mmri. mm. zw&xp'buh? inan clubbed the social animal away, And put an end to the disgraceful spec tacle by draggu g Mhe . manwho had made a beast of himself from -off the UU1K7 UVQIi, if. ' if" Mjftuk Out-jfr frauda. Several dispatches' were received in this city j-estcrdayV bearing the import of the .'above hcadinglj and, the tele graphic dispatchMir 'another' 11 column, announcing Gen Kilpatrick's arrival in Kaleigh,. leads .us to believe that he comes to North Carolina, at this junc: ture, .with no good vjnten.ions. Gen Cox; thinks", the 'Republicans may at tempt to tamper with the election re turns, -and in , North Carolina, ; at least defeat the will of the people as register ed at the ballot box last Tuesday. To put such county commissioners as ;we may be able to reach to-day on their guard, we copy the following from Battle's Revisal, in regard "to their duties : Chapter 40 ; Sectioks 4 and 5 : The returns from the township or precinct judge of election to the register of deeds, ehall be made within two days after the day of .election, and on the third day after the day of election the county canvassers shall meet, examine the f returns, make the , abstract, and sign and seal with the county seal. The register of deeds shall enve'ot) and seal up the abstract, and endorse and direct it as provided in whereases, and betre 10 o clock, A. M.. of "he 5 h day after the election, shall deliver the same to the Sheriff of his countv. whose duty it is to deliver the abstract to. the ecretary ot btate within 10 days in eluding the day be receives it. Mr. Brown Disci ImB- COMMUNICATED" Editors of the Observer : I see by to day s ubsekver ttmt you arive me credit lor the large Democratic vote in Dewese township in this countv. P ease say that there are not less than one hundred Democrats, who stood by me in the fight, and who are entitled to as much credit, for our unprecedented ictory, as 1 am myself Very respectfully, John D Brown. Davidson College, Nov. 9, 76. Specil to the Observer. Statesville, N. C, Nov. 9th. Surry four hundred Democratic nn ority ; Aueghany three hundred and ninety two ; Htorton electd in Wilkes, Harris defeated by twenty six votes Aphe Democratic by three to four bun dred : Watauga increased Democratic maj-irity 'r Yadkin Republican by one hundred ; Amendments run ahead. H. THE STATE. We give below a!l information from the counties in the State in our poses- sion. Uur news lrom many ol these is simply confirmatory of that received yesterday, and where additional and more reliable information has been obtained it has been inserted : Stanley county gives Vance 480 ma jority. Buncombe gives Vance 724 majority. Ratification 790. Henderson ; Settle carries this county by 100 ; a Democratic gain of over 100. Rutherford ; Tilden's majority 230 ; Vance's 180 : a gain of over 400. Madison ; Rollins, Hepublican, elect ed. No further information. Catawba : Tilden 1428i : Vance 1421 ; RatificHtion 1431 : Steek 1591. Iredell ; Vance 1162;" Ratification 1282. Caldwell ; Democratic by about 800. McDowell ; About 420 Democratic. Burke ; Democratic by 600. Alexander ; a gain of 256. Union ; Tilden's majority 835 ; Vance 826; Lile3 for the Senate, 925 ; Ratifica tion about 800. Randolph ; Demorcratio majority of 200. Wake i Democratic majority of 100. Dmocraticxnajofity in R ickingham, Settle's native county , 560. Frythe elec's the entire Democratic ticket; Sheriff by 300. Gains are recorded in Carteret, Bla den, Pender, Halifax, Lenoir, Duplin Alamance 250 Democratic majority. Cleavela id gone Democratic by about 1200 majority a gain of 648. Lincoln about 400." Columbus gains 700n Robeson 400. Richmond carried by the Republicans bv a small yote; Democratic gain about 100. Life is full of sorrows and disappoint ments, but the most sanguine hopes of all those who tr Dr. Bait's Coagh fcyrup are always realized It never disappoints. Bftnembrr Thjs. Now ts th'time of ibe year for Pneumo nia, Lqng FeVt-r, Coubbs, Ooidx, auJ talal results of predisposition to toosumption and other Throat and Lung Urease Dochee'8 Geeman 8?ktjp has beeni used in this neighborhood f- rtbe past two or three years without a single fanure to cure. It you iiav not uned this medicine yourself, go to your Pr ugglxt. r i ; Smith & Co., and ask. i hern ibt its . wondeifui success m ng their customers. y Two doses wilt relieve the worst case. If you huye no faith in any luetlicihr jQSt buy a Sample Bottle o "Buschee'e (lrrhan Syrup for 10 cents and try it. Regular &ige bottle 75 cents., Don't neglect a cough to save 75 cents. . octlO .:;! Con. Ext. Corydalls ' Will cure thosetcauses of Chronic or Fever Sores, which are soannoyingt'j tbeaffl.cted. PROOF : TICftntfeUVX Roads, Tenn , 1 : Deceti.ber 26, lb74. J Drs Greenef iLiriflley & Bentley : 's; f Gt-nts 14 y leg has about healed up, and I ;think iit. wi 1 be b rrxtanent" I never taw tirariecf anytbinI ibt came up to y nr Coryda'is ,My.tepi"on is, tf.any one hue old sores that it can't cire i hey had belter quit doctpftsigV JVxJW .ob't serv't, , . nj ; u vl J WILLIAMS. . i KEKVocs "debiity: Vital weakness or depression fV weak exhausted feeling, no energy or court g the result of meutal over-wui k f"descrc lous r, Excesses, tr sonie drain Opon'the systpm; iS'al ways cured" bV H I M PH R E YK' IIOMBUPHATIC SPEf liflC. No 8 Jt tones up and invigorates the system, dis pels the gloom and 'despondency, imparts trerjgth ana energy stops ihe drain, and Rejuvenates the entire men. Been used 20 years with - perfect" success, by thousands told bv dealers j" Price $100: per single vial or $5 00 per DHjikagB 6t five" vials and $2 00 vial ot powder.: Sent bv mil on receii.t of ..rice, Ad'4e UUMPHBEVV OPA1IO MEDICINE CQ9JIPANV, 562 BROADWAY, YORK; - - may '-'", ' , -J-1 .,N,,4 flhAfiGlAL AfiD GQMMERUIAL. ' , TELEUKAPHIC MARK. IS IS. ) :- Thursday, November 9, 1816. ' PRODUCE. ,. . r , , . I ,-4-- 4 r L.ouisvflle Flonrin fair demand at $4 25 4 50; tatnily, $55 25; wheat stea-iy .and in fair demand: rd. 4i 20: amber. SI. H5: white, $1 28; crn qii and-u.cliniKi; rye stad; n(l iiiiu at 65; oats nouiint; j tUfe meats -houHler. n tiuinal: clar no :iet ojc; c.etr Mules 8Jc; bacon, ail offerings taken at yi-s- terdav's prices; lard stenay ana mwrut manJ: tiernn,.. Ill: ke. 114: whi-key m Kood demand; banning lu lair demand at 12i: Baltimore O us qaiet and unchanged; rye steady; provisions active and strong; iu-88 17J; bmk ide 7; Hear rib 9; bacon nhouldera 8i84; cler 9.b9JlO; lard, refine , Hinlli; ci ride active and tiriu bat not qu t ab.y bigher; whiskty heavy at 12; BUgar heavy at lUiUll. . . . ; B.liinire Firm: middling 12c gross r. - ceiois 1.349 bales: sties 7.2tl0; Biinrs oOo balt-t-; poits coastwise 310 bales. B8ion Quiet and firm; middling VJi; uet receipts 1.6 2 bales; groua receipts l,16i bales. FUTURES. New York Cioswl steady; sales 32,50o bal-s November 1 1 6-2-'a3-!6; Decern ' ei 12 7-32; January 12 13-32; February i2 19-32, March 12 -32; April 12 2i-32; May 13 5-3 ; June 3 9-16; J Ay 13 7-16; August 13 ll-c 13 9-16. . FINANCIAL. New Yrk Money firmer and offering at 4. Sterling doll at 2. Ooid weak at 9i9i iTOvernments active and steady. Ntw 5' 13. THARLOTlb MARKIiTS OBSERVER OFFICE. Charlotte. N. C, November 9, 1876 The Cotton Market The market opened excited and fluctuated all day, rising and falling with the arnva of fresh reports, holding unsteady, and closing more q-iiet but weaker, at a slight a tvance on yesterday's cUsin prices. We qoute as follows : Lower Grades 8alQ Uw Middling 102 Middlm Hall Good Middling llialli RUfAlL. MAHKET. Butter, scarce and in god demand. Cdickens, small siock, lajr derm-ii i. Kggs, ngbt supply, good demand. Apples, good stock. Honey, scarce, light inquiry. Buttee Fresh Country, 28 (40 Goshen 40 ctt Poultry - From wagons. Fromstorts Turkeys. 7ftal 00. 1 .00al i!6 Geese, 30a40 ;4550 Ducks. 0a25 25a3u Chicken?, 16a20 20a25 Ekjos 20 io Fbksh Meats per Beef. 8Jal Veal, 10al . Mutton, 124a. Lamb, 12ja Pork, 12iai Tallow KaiO Beeswax 25a0 Potatoes Bweet,per bushel, 40a60. 75al 00 Irish, per bu 8u Fbtjits Oranges, per hundred, 3 50a4 00 Lemons, ' 3 2fta3 75 Apples (Northern), per bbl , 5.0OaK.O0 Apples (Qreen Mountain), l.al 50 . Cranberries, per quart, 30 Dried Apples, per lb., 5 " Peaches, lOiiialoal Molasses per gl Golden Drip (syrup) 50at0 Hw Orleans, 67ia74 Cuba, 50afio Biack Strap, 52729 Coffee Mocca. 40 Java, 35. Rio. 09mJ.' Tea Black 5075. Green, 66a0 25 Mixed, 50ao.25 Fish per obi White Fish, 02 Cod Fish, 0 Herrings, per box . 35a40 Wheat Fromwr-jons. From Stores Seed wheat, 25 cts higher White. 1 25 0 25 Red. 1.25 0.26 Geain Corn, by car loaJ, in sacks, 75a0 . " bulk, 70 From wagons in bulk,, 70a80 DOM ESTJO DBY GOO DS. Shibtikos Woodlawn 4-4 8c " 7-8 7c 3-4 6t; Cleavland or Catawba 4-4 7ia7 Sa Island 7Ja94 Bleached 5 -14 Osnaburs lOlailj Brown Drills 9Jill Randlemaa plaids 10a 1 01 Quilt Lining 4ia6 Prists " Wamsutta" 6 Free mans 71 Amoskeag 6 . Garners 7 All others 11 Gikghams Gloaceste' 10i Linsets Half Wool llol4 Whole Wool 16a0 Jeans 9a40 Yarns per bunch 90ul 00 TfCKINQ' Amwskeag A C A 17 J Amobkeag A 1 )4 LewistownA 14 Worsted lAtrded Alpaca's 20a21 A mure Honey - In omb, 12al5 aqqinS peryard,'. j, IES VOOJ- - Tub washed. Unwashed...... Guiueas; 20a26 Chickens, J5a20 per lb Strained, 13al5 15oi6 4a4 per I h 35 25 . 2500 20a3 DAI1.Y PRICE CURRENT. . GKOOERIES. SUGARS. Cut loaf 131al3 - Granulated and crhedus li'ial2i A HJmU' KxC llialli ! Yellow's ' .. : J lOlalli MACKEREL. ' Bols (full weight) 911 Hi bbls 5.i6 'Kits- 'V " I.l5al25 Oats White., v 5060 Black 50 j,t- , 8P : ,1.00 Peab WINES AND LIQUORS. Full stock on market with light demand Wholesale Rales. Bbajsdt Peach per gal. n 2 75o3 ' 0 Apple 2 25ai 8 Whisky Rye 0 3oa4 0 ' i Corn 0 75o0 2i W ix es Sherry " 3 t : 1 Port : 30f .Maderia . 005 , Scuppernong 1050 I . . Blackberry per bottle 008 - . Claret per doz 6 00 - . Champagne per basket 15 00a3 00 Ale per 3 t 300 i ' - Porter per doz r'- .. ..t';.';300 LEATHER. 3 ; Them has beon a heavy decline in all lines of leather. The market if now steady .with light demand. Wt quote jofcfo i-g ratta as iollows : . ; G D Hemlock per lb.. 1 . 22a20 I G'hxI -. - f if:' 25i2J 1- French Calf, Cornelian per lb. 0 75 j -,-5. h-i;1.. ... - Smer ; - - - -0 6-- ; ...American; Calf, per lb . -, 035aQ 50 4 .-. Kips,,;.,i&"t 55a63 "Upper, v . 35o4 Hajrness Lther, per lb. - a ' Torcliaiits who purchased their first S lock of Boots S3 C3 O THIS SEASON, AT AS LOW Oil LOWER PRICES THAN THE FIRT STOCK COST. CALL AND EXAM INF OUR STOOK AND BE CONVINCED. uin, ' -' f .. . ' " .:'--.- - ......... . ,' . 1 4 ' e-! IQT RFnnVFfi l2-500 '..cases .bo'ts and shoes, ( m-J UO J LV-' L,VLU'J 500 ROLLS G. D. SLE LEATHER ff . OUR SECOND STOCK OF GOODS FOR THE SEASON IS NOW ARRIVING, AND BOtGHT AS THEY WFRF ON A DEFINING MARKET,-WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN, - BSEj X NEW octlO IRON FRONT A..-T. & O. Railroad. SUrRINTENrENT'8 OFFWE. ' Charlotte. N .. Sepl"3u, 1876. j ON ami after Monday. Oct 2nd. the following Schedule will be run over this road : GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville. G-00 a. m . " Mooresville, 7 21 " " D College, ' 8.0? " rrive - barlotte. 9.45 " GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, . 2 4p. m " D College, 4 32 n " Mooresville, 5.i4 Arrive Statesville, 6 30 " All charges uiust be pre paid on Freighr offered for shipment to Section House, Hen lerson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell'p. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight ifterit is unloaded at either of the abote named "Flag Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipim nt unless the name of consignee and destination is distinctly marked thereon. J J GORMLE v, oct 1 Superintendent. "R. & D. R. R. SCHEIiDE. RICHMOND, VA., Oct. 6, 1876. On and after Sunday, the 8'h int. tollowing Schedule will be observed : the TRAIN NO. 1. Leave Richmond ,., 7:50 a m Arrive at Danville 2:7 p m ' at (ireeT-sboro 6:30 p m " at Salisbury, : 7:55 p m " at Air-Line "Junction. 10: 1 5 p in " at Charlotte, 10:41 p m TRAIN NO. 2. Lpive Charlotte 4:55 a m Arrive at Salisbury 7:54 a m "' at Greensboro, 9:50 a m ' at Danvil e, 12:27 p ru " at Richmond, 7:47 p m J K MACMCRHO, oct8 G. P A. C., C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, ) 'HARUrtTE, Columbia fc Augusta R R. Columbia, S. C. June 4th. 1876 J On and after Hnnoay, JnDe 4th, the following schedule will be operated on this sd : MAIL AND EXPRESS GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, daily, 4 30 p m Arrive at olumbia, 9 35 p. m ieave t'olumoia, 9.f5 p.m. Arrive at Charlotte, 5.15 a. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Char'otte, 9.40 p. m. rnve at Columbia, 3.35 a.m. Leave Columbia 3 45 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 8 3U a ni. tJomtortable sleeping cars run on this train between hariotte and Augusta. A' tO.MMODATI N TRAIN HAR- UlITE DIVISION GOING fORTH. Iave Coiumoia daily (Sundays excepted,) 8 00 a. m v rrive at Charlotte, 6.32 p m GOING SOUTH, Leave Charlotte, 6 00 a. m. Arrive at .Columbia, 3 37 p m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN AUGUSTA DIVISION-GOING NORTH. Leave A ugusta, . 6.00 a. in, Arrive at Columbia, 2.vUp..m. GOING SOUTH; Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 6.35 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays. JAMES ANDKKSO, Gen'l Supt, A FOPE, ' General Ticket Agent. jun6 Nice Stock Groceries CB HAp AID AKKIT1, AT STITT, WALSH & f 0. ool Astral Oil GIVES the best light-is entirely safe no change of lamps required 60 cents a Ballon. . - T C SMIT I & C ). oct 22 ' Hyacinths, TULIPS, Ac. A eholee slction of Flower Bui os," Consisting bf Hyacinths Tulip, 'rocures, direct trom Holland, at New York Prices, for sale at SCARE & COM, ; j 6ct24 Dr y trra J UST RtOfilVED At the MOZAtlt SALOON. . Imported Rhyne Wine on draught, octl9 - : . 1- Flavoring Elxts. EXTRACT of Lemon, Vanilla, Ac for household pse. just reeeiyed. gCARR fe GO'S, oct24'-.r - - Prug Store. If You Want SOME nice Sao sage or Prk Stea k, Call on . MOSTElLER & BRO. ept 28 ,s , 's . ', : '--. T Fries h 3 A P Sago Cheese, valuable fox Dypeptles, at -. . - J 8CARR jfc Cfft DRUG STORH. ' eeptSO '1 1. '" EREE LUNLH . v y - ; t h ; C y, 1 1 Every, day from i0 to 12 o'clock, at the v,vui MOZART SALO'iN, ocl9 ' -f... Glass I arid qPiitt 1LA1 B.1PUTTY, Ac.Vt ' "1 ' 'W H J . , A , i s, a z i- 6CABR & CO S " ..TO S lipases, we propose to sell their ? ISJ S3 "3P JNUKL'H UKSUUTH CAROLINA. FORBES BUILDING 1 R A DE S T R E E SOOT 0 A D B & ARK DAltY bECEiyiKO A LAHGE COOTS, SHOtS, FOB THESE GUOIS AVE th e3 retail trade, AND Giiarantfcd Free frcnx any Sbcdy, WE REf PECTFCLLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE And We FUde CuiEclvts to'Clve ycu the mi cccis ice m mil mm, WE WJLL KOT BE UNDERSOLD. PLEASE CALL AK1 EXAMINE OUR STOCK. . Q H A T IS AM) BARGrAIBJS I lEiLBl SiESll, OPPOSITE WEM I HAVE NOW Fall Trade, a Fine Assortment cf FURNITURE, AT BOTTOM PRICES. THE All are invited to call trouble to show Goods. J octl JpAlL 1 1 see our Stock Dhss Gt ods, btfore siua'l e ilk Buttons you may want. F'anneli ire cheap an.i we haye a nice Sti ANDER KID GLOVES, at oc22 EYERYBODT QUGHT to hive at leist dx King Shirt ; the besr unfinished made We ape ageiits f- i the Cbarlotte--Yille Mills ; the best gocds made for the money. A large ppd. chfKI ft' f Hats and Clothing. OC22 Ten 'Cent Column. Advertisements will bf ivserteo in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each insertion. advertise ment taken for less than twenty-Jiee cents. Eight -words make a line. FOUND at Miller & Son's store on Thurs day, a brass-key with two other smaller one attached. Theycao be obtained ry ap plying at ihis office t ' .. PIANO TUNINTG anl all Repairiug in the h-t manner and ajfc.yfry low rates by Ed Voerge. Orders lett at Koellscb's book storrt will receive prompt attention. oct5 lm r OK 8a LIS set of bed ro tn Furuitur, walnut and raarhle,. almost new, at a dis C'Uint A isi a e xiking stove and other ar tictes of furniture -Apply to Prof Newman, opposite 1st Presbyterian Church. novlO It SCHOOTi NOTICE Mr v; Ferjtiison will open a school next Monday, the 13fh. -for B ys and Girls, next door tc Mr J R Hoi lann's, on-Trade stTeet, Trms $2 00 per month ' - noTlOSt " . " COAL ! COAL! ! 150; TONS OF COAL ! I. Have contracted for the delivery of ' 150 Tons of Coal lnCbarloUe- lWilI eeli it at the lowest market rates for ifSfst-clssj CoaL Addresi orders to me at the ofllc of the Cotton Com pr8 Co., Charlotte. N. : . a. t i Mi i ji 'iu W . ; ' sept 2tf ASK E PATRICK. .Brick. ! A . Large lot Common and Pressed Brick XX for 8a,!e, cheap by '' i s v ; - Y. tit M. MiLLXR & EONS. Oct 28 nnd Shoes from Northern O O JSC " T , CHARLOTTE N F B a it AM, AM WELL SB1EC1ED 8T. CE OF HATS, TRUNKS, 23 i tPEClAttY F'B ARE- H ft m T K U IS K 8 ! ! READY FOR THE ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW. and examine my Stock, JSTo IN conrect ion 'with the Furniture Businefs oi Mr E G Holers, at my old stand on frouth Trade Street, I will conduct ihe Un dertaking Business on my own account, giving it my penotal.it!einri'n. 1 will keep a complete Slock, from the Cheapest. Wood Coffin to the finest Metaiic Burial (?ase. ' Orders by telegraph or otherwise, prompt ly attended to. Respect full v, F Jil SHELT0N. pur has-'n. They tire cheap. ny shade of ck. You can get a pair ofget uire AI IiX ALLX A&DEF, SEIG1 E & ICS. AL XAVDEU, SEXGLE & (. O. TRY OUR 99 FAMILY FLOUR. R M MILLER & .80X8. oct 28 If Anybody Else t 1UI5S to the tMtt.piai, jet thrrn tke I" supply of.cur five cent Cigars along. TC SMl'JH St O. ociS SLATE ROOFIKGr STOWSON, ' baTing prmanntly 1c ed in Charlotte, is fully -prfird ro put on Slate Roof in any part of the adja cent country. MARBLE1ZED .. SLATE MANTE1 S A '.' " SPECIALTY. A 11 1 . . . . a 1 n T" 1' Shingle Rooii. UjfPD -off tud relaid v i k SLATE, wben ' itairfi).' ' ' . Orders S S retire pr p r1 'V !-''v 1 ' ' 1 .JJ...... r- r r, . " . 1 r: " .1. .. V uiurnm) ?.o r j. (Hjx lift q.,,. .w . - fr.h0-H. HTEJW STOCK- SUGAR, COFFEF, ' . jMOLASbES, i H F ESF,... GOSHEN BUTTER,' FAMILY FOUR, LARD. BACON, t,'J 1 UNCANVASSED HAM5. HSH,ipiiK'LEPr per b-J. retail, and every thing ' , : 4 belonging to a flrt-cls Wholesale and Retail Grocery. , , , . , - 1YILI & SC Wolfe.

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