Thd , following is ; tho list ; of ; ad ver tissmen ta," vrli ich ' Appfear for HHe first time thfi morning : rr, ' ' . . . 4 1 ... i . Pioneers, attend the Second Quarter ly, Meeting of. your Company, on next 1 Tueaday'.eveniDg,' 14thC. C. Moore, Secretary; - ! . . . ; EB!Latta!t; Brother Methods of Busineja'i.w .--,-,- r- -w j' r CfedB Hanna, Pres't--Bibre Beading, :! Preaching and Conference. T Coleman &..Son Reform Trium phant. . . ...... ' i Baltimore 'Branpii Clothing House Our Motto. Andrews & JpnesBemember, Head quarters. .n' Pegram (fcv'Ward.Cbmmiseioh Mer chants. ... . . , -. BrB Alexander Removal. Burroughs & JBpriiigs-For Bent. , Thos, F, Dray ton Beal Estate Agent. Snow. " - f We are informed that several men in Lbng Creek township, in this s county, are: willing to testify that-they jwitness ed a fall of snow on Frida morning, which continued for nearly, thirty min utes It is also reported .to li4e been seen elsewhere, but in no place did it continue so long, or were the hakes so large. ""There ia no other way 'of ac counting for this, except by the fact that ; there" was a falling off fVom the Merrimorj vote in the township-a thing: whieh has been as rarie in this year's voting as snows before jLhe mid die of November. j ; LOCAL RIPPLES. i f r "t ' '" ' ' - A.' Who's to be President of these United States? ; ' : About now'.is the time to nominate your man for Speaker of the House. The Baptist State Convention holds its annual session this week in Raleigh- By reference to our telegrams, it wil be seen that the venerable Pope Pius the IX is no .more. ; Croy Vance left; yesterday morning for Dallas, to attend Gaston court. He will probably remain there during the rest' ofthe week. The Raleigh News saya that Wm. W Flow, a lunatic from Mecklenburg county was admitted to the insane asy lum on Saturday. Whenever a telegram in relation to to the election begins "the indications are," &c, your anxious inquirer after news puts on a heavy disgust and leaves and . he is not to be blamed fur it either. With the closing of the Centennia Exhibition, enda the inquiry "going to the Centennial ?" And thus another handy introduction to a conversation has been lost to the public, we again fall back upon the everlasting weather Whether the election news was good or bad, the members of the News Club consulted the Milwaukie returns after the reading of every dispatch, and seemed to derive considerable consola tion- from one source at least. The newspaper men appear to have neglected their business like every on else, and have spent their time in hang ing around the telegraph offices, await ing for the election news; our ex changes contain nothing but election speculations. The V. M. C. Association Meetlilr.. Two services were held yesterday un der the auspicies of the Yourjg Men's Christian Association ; at fouij o'clock there Was a Bible reading a, fhje SeCbnd Presbyterian church, conducted byJiev. Mr. Chichester, and at night tjhe fame gentleman preached at thej Baptist hurch'to a good congregation. Mr. Chichester is a most active and earnest worker, and it is hoped and jexpected that much good will result. from the several meetings, which lit is de igned to hold throughout tie week The Bible reading take3 place to-mor row at the Methodist church,! and the preaching and conference at th'e Second resbyterian. Carry lug the Vute to Cclumbia A number of gentleme i from Green ville, Pickens and Spartanburg, includ ing Juilge Iho6. H. Cooke, aqd Messrs iStobo Farrow and D. F. Hradly, of the press of that State, arrived in the city Sunday night on.a special tra in en route for Columbia. They hrfd the re turns from these counties, wijiich they were carrying to Columbia toibe count ed by the returning board on the next dav. The whole party seemed to be in a jolly humor, and very confident of the success of the Democratic party o the Stare. They expressed a cfetermi' .a tion to see a lair count it it was possi ble for them to do so.' The J returning board are, however, allR jpuliean, ap pointees of Chamber. ain, -anti most of them were among the candidates for office in the elec ion, the returns of whiph wilt be placed in their hands. They anticipated an exciting day, bu no trouble in Columbia jyesterday. though it was, intimated thatl Chamber lain might do almost anything so long as he was backed by Gratjt and the United States' bayonets. The party left on the Colupnbia a few minutes after their arrival. . SucUj gesvicea.: The morning services in the various churches in the' city were, conducted by the pastors of each, except at the 2d Presbyterian,' where the ;Bev. Mr. Chi chester, of Winhshoro, S C, officiated After an earnest and. able sermon from him," Rev. Wi S. Piummer, D. D., of Columbia, .arose and made a few ex; ceedingly appropriate and touching re remarks to ibe congrega'ion. He re minded, them of how God had pros pered and increased the church since he first had the privilege of speaking t' them. Then, they were but a handful of people who collected in the Court House for worship ; now, the congrega tion was large and influential, and as- embled in a new and elegant church. He then alluded to the removal of some, whose means and . influence had contributed so largely to the build ing up of the church, and paid a beau f ul tribu ; e to th ier mem ori e3. His ven er ab'e appearance and earnest manner makes him one of the most impressive and powerful preachers in the South ern country. This being the beginning of the week of Prayer observed by the Young Men's Christian Association throughout the United States and Canada, a union meeting of all the congregations, ex cept the Episcopal, was held at the Tryon Street Methodist church. The capacious building was filled to its ut most, capacity, many being: unable to train nwoiiwil . t-.pipfrm.nhir. disnatch - w I Mltlj A V-'XV" . O f between Danville and- Salisbury that f SPJCCIAI .TELSGR AM3"- Florida Unqnestionsly Demr critic The Prmdent.of the News CJ;ub," late yesterday evening telegraphed t J P Jones, Mayor of Pens icola Fla., as to how thattnte voted n the ift-,ent election, and about eight'cloik p. ni received the following response : Pensacola, Fxa.: Nov 13. "Florida is unquestionably, -Democratic by at least one thou-iu d mj!ri ty." " lti (Signed) J P Jones. South Carolina Safe. In answer to a telegram for iiiforma tion in regard to the action of the re turning board in South Carolina yes terday, the following was received about 10 p m: ' The matter before the board is still undetermined, We are watching them Another telegram was received from Washington to the effect that the New York Herald posted a bulletin late in the evening giving dispatches from Columbia, saying that Marsha Wal lace of South Carolina conceded that State to Tilden by one thousand ma jority, at least. ? To Merchants who purchased tJiiifirM 8tock:of Bo 4s . isnd. shoes from oiihe n : ; ----- Hoiises, we5 Propose to sell their THIS SEASON, AT AS LOW OK LOWER PRICES THAN THE FIRTSTOCK COST. CALL AND EXMINF OUR STOt-K AM BE CONVINCED. Si) U ST R EG El VE D oi.k.1 CASES U0LL AND SHOES. no T U. D. ;5 LK LEAUiElt OUR SECOND STOCK' OF GOODS FOR THE SEASON IS NOW A1?RIVING AND BOUGHT AS THEY WEHP ON.A DECLINING MARKET. WE WILL Nt)P BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN : ? ; ; - t j - NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA. Oregon Heard From. It was reported on the train from Richmond last night that Gov Ran dolph of New Jersey, who a? on the N E W octIO 9 OS X T- '-3S& FRONT RON BUILDING 3P f R A DE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N 1 n-t t od ain seats, itie services were 01 a very interesting character and were conducted principally by Rev. Dr Plummer, who aijain made a most im pressive ta'k. After prayer and sing ing, the assembly were appropriately addressed by Rev. Mr. Chichester and Rev. P. J. Carraway, after whieh the President of the Association of this place made a few remarks touching the the work and needs of the Assoc'ation, and the meeting closed with prayer. Oregon had certainly Democratic - -that the electoral votes of ihat State would certainly be counted for Tilden and Hendricks. GOJVliVlUMICATIOriS. The Speakership of the Next Bouse. sides 8Jj9'; cl?ar sides 9ia9Jn. Hogs. steady with a good demand. Cattle in g;od de mand with fall prices for shipping grades. Louisville Flour q - n" and unchanged" Wheat steady; re'i,$l.'20; 9mber,$l 25; whi'.e, $1 .28. Corn steady and in fair denisn1'; whit, 43c Rye m fair demand at 65 e Ots quier and nnchanged. Provisions ste-idy and firmer, Pork dull; shoulders nominal; bulk clear rib sids 8i ; clear sides 8J. Ba con scarce ; shoulders 72a7i ; c!er rid sides 9.25; clear sides 9.50. Sugar-cured hams dull and weak at 15J. Whiskey ectire. but not quoUbly higher. Bjfg'mj V2. COTTON. New York Easy; sales 1,452 at 12Ja5-16o; consolidated net receipts 80,178; exports to Grtat Britain 20,478; to France 8,510: Conti nent 2, 169 nales. Balilmore-Firm; middling 124; gross re ceipts 1,887 bales; net receipts 10i: sales 76; exports coastwise 384; spinners 40. J Boston Q iiet; middling 12; net receipts 233 bales; gross rece pts 1,252. FUTUUE. VICTORY, VICTORY. TpSJf and. 7AHCE aw ELECTED, atd WE ate SELLIKG S .INTEJl SHOES C H E A P E R TH A NEVER i Ifee Sent Sine GENTS' HAND-MADE GAITERS IN TH ENTITY, AT LOWEST FIGURE'S A FULL LINE OF LADIE.V, MIsfcKS and GHILDHEN'S GOODS AT LOWEST TRICES. CA LL and EXAM I N E OUR STOCK. ADDITIONAL RETURN'S THE STATS. FROM Lexington, N. C, Nov. 11, 1S7G. Messrs Editors : Dear Sirs In view of the fact that our Leg slature meets at an early day, and in ordr to carry into enect at once ra:n Below we give the results from ad- ail the pledges made by the Democrat- diti-'iial counties as furnished ub frof ic party to a successlul and t listing special correspondents, and also as tak- constitupn.-y, we hope x mill hn tnnn Ih'it non fn old mip . . . , I Hill KAKJUJ till W V't l IWK' IV C 1 V XIH an irom our various e.xcnaneres in t,ne ,1,., oint t bt-ite. m ine mHmbers elect to make cood their Jar only five counties West nledirn. and carrv on to a succesful Sfw York Closed steady; sales 49,000 i naits; November 11 31-32; December 12; Jan- uary 12Ja5-32; February i2 3 5; March 1215-32 ' April 122 -32; May 13 27 3 Jane i3 13-32; July 135-32; August 13 7-32.4. FINANCIAL. X w York Money eusy, offering at 2. Sterling firm at 2i. Golti quiet at 9Jfi9. Uoverniuents active mid lower. New 5's 123 States dull. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. noyll s-1 BAEGaz sar i if of the Yadkin have gone Republican, termination, the work of reconcillia- viz, Yadkin, Wilkes, Henderson, Mitch- tion. re-renchment and reform so siic . . .. . .. . , cessfully begun. In order to do thu A Substantial Congratulation Our Baltimore Boys. I Amoniist the numerous! telegrams and letters of congratulation which Removals. r t- i i .air. it. a. Alexander nas removed from his old stand on College street in to the store house opposite the Char lotte hotel on Tryon street, where h will keep constantly on had a fre aud full supply of fancy groceries. Messrs T Coleman & Son have also removed their family grocery from Jotver Trade street to the store just North of Brem, Brown & Co's hard ware store. Gov. Vance is now daily recjeiving, was one from "the North Carolina boys" i in Baltimore. After teliing how much they were all tickled at thejidea of his being Governor, this important little poscript was added : " I'leaise send us your measure in full, as we desire to present you with the suit -0f clothes to be worn on the occasion of (vour inau ration." TheGoverncr sajs it's very insulting, and he's going to resent it too, and that immediatelyby sending his measure. t It may be added, in this connection, ell and Madison, and :iil thcje with de creased Republican votes. J Vatawp.a. . lhe official vote shows a Democratic majority of 1,421 fr the whole State ticket; 1.428 for Tilden : 1591 for Con gress ; and for the Ratification 1,431 This is splendid majority when it is re membered that the total vote of the county is but about 2,8C0 MITCHELL. Mitchell givfs 105 Republican ma jority Democratic g;iin of 33. CLEVELAND orTiri A I.. Electoral -Democrat ic 1 ,76'J ; Rrpub lican 4S3, Democratic m jority 1 280 Vance 1,755, Settle 52G, Vance's major ity 1,229. Gain for Vance over Merri nion CGG ; b ss of Settle on Caldwell's vote 21: gain of Democratic elector over Merrinion G70; Republican elec toral loss G4. DAVIDSON OFFICIAL. The official vote of Davidson county : Tilden's majority 9 ; Settle's 124 ; Smith All At Plnevllle. We have received an interesting communication in regard to the recent jollification meeting and torch-light procession at Pineville, which we are compelled to exclude on account of its length. The letter says that the little town was illuminated ; that a number of good speeches were made and they all had had a jolly time generally. Just give Pineville one more chance and she would double her majority for Vance. 'Alias Armfield's Death. We learn that Miss Armfield who was accidentally shot by her brother in Statesville Friday afternoon, an ac count of which sad occurrence was giv en in Sunday morning's isue, died on Saturday morning about 4 o'clock. She was buried in the town on Sunday, her funernal being attended by a large con course of people. The circumstances connected with this most unfortunate occurence, makes it one of the saddest and most heart-rending that ever hap pened in the State or elsewhere : A young and lovely girl, the pride of fond ana aoimg parents, is cut down in the bloom of a beautiful womanhood, with its high hopes and bright promises ; a life-long burden of sorrow k thrown upon the shoulders of one scarcely able to bear it a sorrow which will tinge every enjoyment with regret, and dark en every memory of boyhood's days Truly, it is one of the, saddest of all the sad Occidents' which could befall ; suffering humanity. that there are no cleverer stof fellows to be found anywhere, thari the North 32; Scales' 110; Ratification 3G Carolina boys.who left theirliomes after county Democratic men elected. the war to seek their fortunes in this Alexander city. Many ot them belonged to tne Postmaster Mcintosh, of Taylorsvi le best lamilies in our bouthep country. furnishes the Sentinel this report of the and, although brought up in amuenae, official vote of Alexander countv anu unuseo 10 Jaoor, accepted tne situ- Ti:den 839 : Haves 384 : Vance 899 a ton, went to work, and are now among, the most successful and sub stantial young business men of Balti more. Unlike many who! have emi grated from this State, tljey have al ways manifested a deep interest in the and of their birth, and their action at uded to above, is another proof of this, as well as an evidence at tne . great popularity of our Governof. Thought UlaTime bad, Come. Kilpatrick says that he came the North Carolina to ascertain really what the vote Of the State was. Be that as it may ; after remaining several days in Ealeigh.r he found it our and left. ..Whether. satisfied sor not, he did not state On leaving North Carolina, he took lko. Young, jthe defeated .Radica candidate tot Congress from the Raleiel .district withhim , and , the two stopped ?oyer awhile" in .PetersburgfAs ebon; , however, as the hoys ascertained T the arrival of the two S Badical -worthies - ; gaye' them' a I Berenae 3 withj tin; horns;?., It,, was? then .that Kilpatrick pictured all the -visions of ; the bloody Bhir the' had 'bo furiously -'waved oa dread 'realities f He' thought his time had surely come, land that the5 Rebels .had him. The poor .devil jvas geared nauiy; tne Petersburg papers ay , that he actually called upon the Mayor . tf the city for'protection-ivhen not one Settle 352; Vance's majority 457 ; Rob- bins 803 ; Dula 334 Democratic ma jority 44. Stevenson, Conservative, 720 ; Carson, Independent. 457. Ma jority 263; Ratification about 500 ma jority in Alexander. CALDWELL. Caldwell county, the Messenger eays will give about 900 majority for Vance, and even more for Tilden. P G Moore writes the Sentinel : "We may go 1,000 for the entire ticket. A gain of about 500 over the Merrinion and Caldwell vote. MCDOWELL. Official returns from McDowell coun- DistingtiishBd Men Pass Thro the City Their Views Of the SituirioD. Gov Randolph of Ni w Jrey, Mont gomery Blair and Mantoial plarble, 'ate the distinguished editor bf the New York World, passed through the city ast nixht from the North The party ty give V ance 4iIU majority ; lUden 4oU, are en route for Columbia1 and Talla- Vance's majority in uuricc anout tuu. we must have our ablest and best men to lead the way, and carry into practi cal effect the many theoretical pr. -mises made, vv ith only this object in view permit me through your able paper to submit o the consideration of the members elt-ct, the name of Marshall H Pionix, of Lexii.gtn, N. C, for Speaker of the House of Representa tives of the i-ext General Asse nbly of North Carolina. Mr Pmnix, by his course in the last Legislature, and the rrewt sen ics he has rendered to hi party in this last campaign, h--s made his name lanulrar with all our p onle. This, with bis line physique and noble bearing and hi known av-d established ability as a public i-peaker, mkes him m every rfspect, we think, well hfed tor the position. He has been an earn est and fearless hard worker for years in the in erest f the Conservative- Democratic paftv, and hus 'done as much, if not more (not to detruct from others) than any other man in this portion of the State o r otout Radical ism from its strong hold here in Cen tral Isorth arohna, and to plant firmly in its tead the great tree of Denv-cract under which we all hope to live and prosper in the future. I write this with the view of facilitating the great work before our next Legi-iature and with the hope that they will put the right man (Marshall H Pinnix) in the right place. U. K communicated. I Speaker ,f die House. Among the names mentioned for Speaker of the Houje, none stems to meet, with such universal approval as that of the rising young lawxer from Davie Charles Price. Having the un bounded confidence of the people of Davie and Rowan, they honored him with ii seat in the Scate two years ago. Since that time, he has ably rep resented the county of Davie in the Constitutional Convention, and has just been elected to the House of Commons His sterling qualities, his decided po litical convictions, his unfaltering and faithful services to the Democratic par- tv are highlv appreciated by the peon e of the State, and should enb'stin hi be half a cordial support for the position for which he is eminently qualified the Speakership of the House Mecklenburg. ... ?:.. . hassee. i rom all that could be ascer- a . tained, Mr. Marble will probably stop over at Columbia, and thq others will ero on, though the y are all somewhat reticent as to their plansijj When the train arrived; gat Salisbury a large crowd had collected to see and hear eortietiling fromtheijdistinguish ed gent emen. having beejn informed i v. - j ii. - 'rt...,. oi iueirv coming uy a wejefam . .1 ur y were serenaded, and Gy Randolph and-Mr Blair in response calls made short speeches. We leatjif from a gen tleman present that expressed Vance gains largely on vote of 1872 in Buncombe. BERTIE OFFICIAL. Settle 1.GG5, Vance 1,120, Settle's majority 546; Democratic gain 19. Rejection majority 540. PEKQUIMANS OFFICIAL. Tilden 832, Hayes 1,020 ; Vance 824, Settle 1,016; Ratification 822, Rejec tion 1,008. County Republican ticket elected bv from 150 to 190. A Demo- cratic gain of 56. MAETIKOFFICI AL. the greatest confidence ipi Mr Tilden's g Vance 1,316, Settle 1.149 ; Tilden election, and declared thfeir full deter- 1,334, Hayes 1.150 ; Ratification 1,315, mination to do everytbSpg in their Rejection 1,149. Vance's majority 1G7 power io insure a fair icount. Gov Democratic gain of 150. Randolph. was particularly emphatic, atid stated thai the people at the North could not be macje to endure anything which had thebppeararice of fraud. " i uThe, same gentleman jivhoii well known and thoroughly reliable inform us tnat ne naa a long conversation wun Mr Marble who is. just f om Governor OBANGE OFFICIAL. Tilden 2.428. Haves 1,668. For Con gressDavis 2,408, Young 1,651. Vance 2.410, Settle' 1,675. Ratification 2,335, Rejection 1,691. YADKIN Tilden nine hundred and ten, Hayes one thousand and sixty-eight; Vance Settle one SPECIAL OiifcJSUVEK OVF1CF. OaveiiOrre. S. (J., Njstubir 11, 176, The Cotton Marfect. The market opened weak at yesterday's closing quotations, declined slightly during the day, and closed with a downward ten dency at the following prices : Lower Crades 8al0i lw Middling 10i Middling 11 'Jood Middling Hiai Iteceipis in all ports, 53 933 "bales. l oiisohdated. 80.178. 8t. ck, 759,856 Andrews & Jones' lh THE FiACIS roR hoi'e Nortbern App'c, Seleot Fhiric'a Oranges, ri Leiimiig. Malaga Grapes. Plain and Yn;ly, llaisin?, ut?, Je las. Ac. Best Brands Canned Goods. L'ho'Cft Mince Meat, a' so gillet's Civani Dry H p Yest Guarantee d to give satisfaction, A. trial will prove it? merit, and win your favor. REMEMBER HEA DQUARTERS. novU Pegram & Ward, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Commission Merchants, AM) DK.lLE!t IN Flour, Grain," Forage, Itoo, SIIIXGLES, &C, College S'rcct, opposite R M Mill r A ??ons. PIIE undersigned hiving s-evtred their I co'i'if Ction with the t'barlotte, Cohjmbia Sfc Augusta Rai'na.l cmnpany, ch! the aoec 'ion of their friends and at qiiHintances to the busins thev have established on 'ol leenreet, " W W PEGRAM, novUeodtf W W WARD. Positive Notice. . ROGERS, I kAVE NOW READY FOR THE Fall Trade, a Fine Assortment cf FlKiMTlRi:, AT BOTTOM PRICES. THE ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW. (JiP All are invited to call and examine mj Stock, trouble to show Goods. Srlfl No o tl IN crnr:ciion with the FDrnitnre BusinefS oi Mr K G koKers, at mv old stand on ITn- routh Trade Ktrtet, I will conduct the dertakm Business on ray own account, giving it ray personal attention. I will keep a complete Stock, from the Theap' st Wood Coffinvto. the finest Metalic BunaJ Osse. Orders by t!cprapb or otherwise, prompt ly attended to. Respectfullv, K M SH ELTON. 1 JAIL t see our Stock Drcs3 Good?, before purchahing. small tilk Buttons you may went. They are cheap, ny shade of Flanneh are cheap and we haye a nice Stock. You can get a pair of genuine ALEX ANDER KID GLOVtS, at Al.FX M)I.I JSEIGl E & CO'.. EYERYBODT UGHT to hiv-p st lenst .-ix K'ue Sh rts ; the best nnfinlsktd male . We are pgents fcr the Charlottesville Mi' Is ; the I est goods ruaf'e fcr themcmy. A large n,? d epp Su ( k f Hats fnd Clothing oc22 . ALI XAM1DK, yEIf;i.r: & C'O Ten Cent Column. 1 "Inn" up your voice ' and stop coughing j t LL by taking Dr. Bull'a OoughSyrup. ii. B Rt member This. Now is the time of ihe year for Pneumo nia, Lung Fevt-r, Couaht--, Colds, and latal results of predisposition to Cousumption and other Throat and Lung Disease Doschee's Gesman Stkt;p has been usc.1 in this neighborhood f r the past two or three years without a single failure to cure. If you bave not uted this medicine yourself, go to.your Drugg'ft, T O 8iuith & Co., ami ask them of its wonderful success a mi-ng their customers Two doses will relieve the worst, case If you haye no faith in any medicine, just buy a Sample Bottle of Boschee'a German Syrup for 10 cents and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents. Don't neglect a cough to save 75 cents. octIO Tilden's 'presence, andjhe expressed eight hundred fifty; nine, Settle o the greatest 'confidence M his election ' thousand ; and r nine-threa ; - Robtuna He stated that Gov Tilden lhad received p'm.e hundred and five, Dula one thous up to yesterday . morhui Authentic re and and fifty eight t aiarier nine nun ports from every; county: in 'Louisiana drei and thirty-one, Jones one t housand excepVtwX and that his majority was arid seventy-five ; Hampton nine hun- then over 0,000. Mr Marble also cave it as his opinion from .information in 1 his possession1 that Oregon was alst Democratic. f,, , '.ui ' When the train arrivSed here, all dred and fifty: five, Hay nes one thous and and forty-two. , t SUEUY.- - Tilden's majority three hundred and thirty twp ; Vance's two hundred and three of the gentlemen llijad retired to forty-four : Bobbins three hundred t- -I- 1 it. . ... .1 i ' " l" ' I . . ' . Kieir oeruia in uie s-ecpiBg car ana no an(j 8eventyone; Marler's four hun opportunity of 'interviewjnff them , or Hmrl nA Avnt.v-t.hrPfl 0'. fti ysfv would have touchedi him obtaining any.further : inlprmation was J h-mdred and twenty-five ; Salification vinio tavVhislife. i given t A- 1 ' ,1 1 ihree hundred and twelve. Com. Ext. Corjdalis Will cure those canses of ( hronicer Fever Sores, which are so annoying to the afflicted. PROOF: CaotreH's X Roads,J Tenn., 1 December 26, lfc71. J Drs Greene, Lindley & Bentley : Gents My leg ha about healed up, and I think it wi I be permanent. I never saw or tried anything that came up to your Corydalis My opi on is, if any one has old sores that "it can't cure they had better quit doctoring Your ob't serv't, J D WILLTAMS. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LL nctes and accounts due the firm o( rem, Brown & Co., must be settled up at once. Owin to the denth of our Mr Brem our friends will please understand that we cannot carry over amy noes or ac counts now due until nexr year as we have often done in years past. Come forward and settle now, while there is money and don't force us to the unpleasantness of collecting "y law. Very respectful it, BROWN. A CO, Surviving partners of Brem, Brown A Co. nov!2 TBLEGRAPH1C MARKETS. Muiiday, November 14, 1876. PROPUCE. St touts Flour held above buyers views, but scarcely anything done. Wheat is higher; red fall,. $1.21; amber $1 !31 Corn is higher; No.2v mixed, 41i41ic. Outs higher; No 2, 311a 1 Jo bid. - Rye higher st 65c.-Pork dull; old $L6 50; new $16.75. ' Lard quiet aud unchanged; bulk meats easier; sboaldeis Sic; clear rib, side 8J; clear tides 8$ 3. Bacon higher; shoulder 71c;' clear rib Nice Stock Groceries OM HAND 1ID ARBITISO, AT STITT, WALSH & CO. ocl9 MEW S TO GE. 8UGA.R, COFFEE, MOLA8SES, CHFESE, GOSHEN BUTTER, FAMILY FOUR, LARD. BAfON, UNCANVASSED HAMS, ! FISH, PICKLES, per bbl. and v. retail, and eyery thing " bf longing tp a first class Wholesale and Retail tjjocery. MfASGWfe. O N H AN D ! gQQ BARRELS FLOUR, . t 2000 ASS0RTED sack?! FAMILY, EXTRA. AXD SUPER; ' " f i-v : BOUGHT BEfORE THE ADVANCE, : It it MILLER MoM', noyll ''i.' Advertisements will b ivserteu in thif column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each inse-rtio-n. I o adwrlUe merit taken for less than t ieertf y-Jice cents Eight words make a line. FOR RENT A new two story dwelling house, with kiiche 1 with three rooms and large garden ; rent to a paying tenant, very low. ti vll 3. Wm S NORMENT. TRY OCR 4 99 FOUND at Miller A Son's store 011 Thurs day, a bras3 key with two other smaller ones attched They can be obtained by ap plying at this office PIANO TUNING ami all Repairing in the bpst manner and at very low rates by Ed Voerge. Orders left, at Koellsch's book stor will receive prompt attention. oct5 Ira 8 HOOI. NOTICE Mr Ferguson will open a srhool next Monday, the 13ih. for Boys and Girls, next door t'c 'Mr J R Hoi land's, on Trade street. Twins f 2 00 per month " r 1 novlO 8t f ; ' FAMILY FLOUR. R M MILLER & S0!S. ret 28 COAL ! COAL ! ! 150 TONS OF COAL! J Have contracted for the delivery of 150 Tont of Coal in Charlotte Wrill sell it at the lowest market -ates for first-clsss Coal. Address orders 10 me at the office of the Cotton Compress Co., Charlotte. N. C. - i ' '. If Anybody Else jf'A OES to the ( emcrinial, let them tke VJ iupply of 1 or five cent Cigars along. T CSMl'Jli & CO. ocfS lf You Want SOMK nice Sac sage or Pork Stean, Call on IMufvTELLER &. BKO. sepi28 Fresh A P Sago Chee, valuable for Dyp' i'i'e'' O at 8CARR & (OS DRUG blOKZ. sept30 iKlite LUNtH Every day from 10 to 12 o'clock, at he MOZART 8AL(N. OCl9 sept 2tf FRANK E PATKICK. House for Rent FOR 1877. House on third Street,betweea Tryon an J College, containing seven roy nis and kitchen. Apply to -s?? K R 8 GRAY, ? ": novl2 St eod " at McAden's Drug Store, tt-:-?t : .. The latest1 News. IRESH Barrel Pickles, just in to-day. Choice Scijppernong Wine. 8 year old Peach Brandy. - B N SMITH. noylO 'j,,1 ; . , ' i 1 .1 is'-; ' EXTRA FiNE BEEF , Pork Sausage, v 'HOSTELLER &'BR0TdSR'S.-; Glass and Putty LA8S, oct24 PUTTY, Ac, at 6CARR & CO S Drug gwre. I, rpULIFS; Ac. A choice select 0:1 o." H r a lial 03, consisting of llyatnubs, im i. Crocures, direct from Holland, at Se Y'ork Pi ices, for sale at , gOARR & COV, oct24 -J- ' Dr in 211 JUST RECEIVED :" ' . " At the MOZART SALOON, Importnl Rhyne Wino oti draught,""; Est's. EyTRACTj of :Lm6o; Vanilla, Ac for household use. just received, SCARR & CO'S, oct24 . '. Drugstore. v,: . ; Astral Oil GIVES the best light-is pntirely . no cbange of lamps required 50 cents gallon., ? 1 -;.:. J i. - TO SMITH & CO-