I I . IHI)JIIILJUU: l l .y .... f .N job printing. Te QX8X8TU Job itejwitmani c -thoroughly snppUnd with rvry um4 wnt, and with Uie lafcwt trli of Typ. ax3 very manner of Job "Work can now be don with neatnwu, '"Tratfih aad eheapnesa - W van farnlaa at abort notice BLAJTX8, BILLHEADS, - LBTTJEB E IDS, CARDS, TAGS,RECTIFTB,lDSTEXa, PKOOKA IfMTfM, HAND BILLS. LihertlredocttoMforclnb,. VOL. XIII I " ;- U tT; CHARLOTTE, X. C, -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1876. ' so 8 -DEALER 1ST- BOOTS, SHOES A LEATHER. A FULL LINE OP i FALL AND WINTER GOODS 9 AT LOW PRICES. All Baits ii 'MSmtofm tlis Hoosa tats iignmi 1 octl 1 ')i i 1 r W? T n . ' ' "' -4- . . - w 1 1 CJ K l K A L E H . Donbting Thomas, Boubt No More. Good News Along the Whole Line. "Soma tlis Loal TMrel O'er Carolina's Dart Sea." Threatening Attitude of Russian-She Don't Wan't War, but Justice Must be Enforced. " London, Nov. 14.-,The Post in a conspicuous paragraph confirms the report that Russia is about to mobil ize her army. It is stated that Tf January to levy all her taxes in gold; this increases her tariff 2) per cent.' Most special correspondents take a gloomy view of the situation. The Post's Berlin despatches report that Russian journals say war U de termined on. Madrid, Nov 14. Two live lost at the burning the Cirion. A Reuters telegram from St Peters burg says: The Czar has ordered the mobilization of part of the Russian army. A circular of Prince Gortscho kofi", and Russian premier of Russian representatives abroad, explaining this measure says : The Czar does not wish war and will if passible avoid it. He is however determined that the piio- wpies or justice which have been re cognized as necessary by the whole of Europe, shall be carried out in Turkey J rv uuuer emcacious guarantees. Constantinople, Nov 14 Several English officers of the corps of royal engineers have arrived here. The third million Turkish pounds of the new paper currency is about to be issued. Montgomery, Nov. 14.-The Legisla ture convened to-day, nearly every member present. The democratic caucus nominated S WCobb, president of the Senate.andWN Clements Speak er of the House. Message to morrow. Methods of Business-Points of Lantage ! IX THE PURCHASE OF WEiTl f.E I ROE ABILITIES. Washington, D. C., Nov. 14. Fur - the South Atlantic' States, warmer southeast to souihwest winds, falling barometer, increasing cloudi ness and possibly rain, will prevail, attending a storm centre to the north ward. J E 9 W A V S tins KflKM. Dr. Price's American Ferfomery. MESSBS. STEELE d PRICE e moMjfoctureis of Dil PRICES' famous BAKING POWDERS, Special Flavoring Extracts, aad Per fumery, Are introJucing their goods in our-city. These goods unexcelled m quilityare attractively put up and will be sure' to win popular favor. r.ovIS Ii LOUISIANA. E. A. OSBORNE.' WHOLESALE & RETAIL, ! ALL KIND OF BEDDING, &a No. 5. West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C, JUST RECEIVED An Infamous Proposition from the Returning Board in South i Carolina Rejected With Scorn THE DEMOCRATIC COHORTS IN LOUISIANA MEET THE ENEMY AT EVERY STEP. The very latest information obtain. able by telegraph, up to the hour of guing io press, leaves the question of the electoral votes of South Carolina, materially change the result as tele- Tiie Latest Dispatch ! Just rr-celvet! a n? lot of Democratic a ajonty as Estimated- fAilo - Demccrats.CoDfident aad will Con- JUill 1 ilSVlfH Cl f S. car wnn Anything Eeasonable. New Orleans. Nov 14. n,0....t.t: L?dies v" oa!i an,i-see o-ir Cans sUfo then K :r' j WCJ luiurmauon mat rj i East Baton Rouge has gone republican &&rgtXliTi COUllter f -j j... .j,. xue uciuuithw ciann- ed it by six hundred. Tables ped up to Saturday night, of the oitv vote, put down 9,700 majority for the democrat!. The official count shows 10,016 majority for Tiiden. Additional returns irom other mrui r) i "V ll'.'l DrLATTA & BRO'S. To which we invite the iatemted attention and careful .crutloyof THE PURCHASING PUBLIC. MJBTEtO8: POINTS! E HAVE BUT O PRICE FOR ALL. YNE PRICE MEAKS OP NECESSITY - . J the LOWIST PRTnir. x CA8H savet expenses of! collectiom and losses from bH H.k. "7E receive cash payments from all. E give a guarantee protecting all. . fTlHE guarantee protecU ,he buyer who -1 maynotbeajugeofgoois. 117 E buv our pAfiH f. fit-of - -. , , : : : U mense quantitiea for CASH. VV wUhWerV SSr?1" ' ' wun a very small 'DrMntKinf t WE have our Senior Partner as a residemt T?IS wi" 'I6 the mvstry to an intelli-" DUVpr in NonrV-b- J i KDt mind. DOW We am uniMiiH n Ci , " auu ucmti a uuie- n .r i . , . a w Dell iecline "actuation in ZZiZZEX? SSS. & Dresa U.b, .t Ton Prf7.C TE " per dosen, two good Linen Collars for 25 Wffnnt.,., , "i iinen Handkerchiefs for 25 canta every one its quality aud price. B W .uan any nouse m the tiute. - " N receives favors that are denied to Y17E cut off every item of unnecessary ei- others. ; if peuaiture and conduct our business r tt i T upon the onlv RVSt.PYW rf fat xt KU I tun, large exDeriencfi. rearlv rmiral selves and customers, viz: "Buyine and Sjeat lacihties, we use for the people otsiiiug exclusively for Cash." unnug prices, ana make the 4w-uua uunr wurca a premiam im gold. Ti- n A .i: t: a . . Fnmishin,r.V we have a mag aificent variety it E. D. LATTA & BROTHER, Of Dress Goods. A C1IL0RENS CARRIAGES, BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETTS, AND A FULL LINE m.rr F COFF,WSOF ALL CRADES, ON HAND. PRIDE OF Florida and L .uisiana unchantrprf Qi though the semi-official 'and trust wormy dispatches published below certainly leaves Tilden's election no longer in doubt. Our telrams fmm r. " " ' vnarieston say that the Republicans concede the election of Hampton, but tney have not given up the hope of 1 oemg anie to count the electoral vote tor Hayes. An offer to compromise oy giving the vote of the State to xiampton and Hayes, was yesterday rejected with that manly scorn for which the South Carolina Democrats are proverbial The Finest Millinery lEniporinni XKT 72S STATE. 3 be Ladies are Respectfully Invited .to 'Call at the CMTRAJL-.-ffl0f EL 1F, WHEEE THEY CAN FIND THE LATEST STYLES bF m r : FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS Fine Press Goods a Specialty, Such as all colors of Cashmeres. I OFFER TO SELL THE FINEST BACK CASHMERE AT $1.00 A YARD, Democrats In South Carolina Jubilant. The following special dispatches were received last night, and we give them as they were written : VJOLUMBIA. S. f! Nr.v TA Hampton fourteen hundred majori ty: The question is now before the supreme Court. The democrats - J A X 1. ..11 nicwiiuueiit t,nai, tn e law is on our side. Florida and Louisiana are cer tainly democratic. (Signed) T Stobo Farrow. The question before the Supreme uourt, as we understand it. has no re ferenceto the official count, as many nave supposed, but as to the iurisdic tion of the returning board at all, ex cept to announce the result as indica ted by the returns. It is understand that the returning board claims the J right of deciding the result by changing the count, where precincts, or counties are contested. This the democrats deny, and from the dispatches at hand we are disposed to believe that they will be successful. To say that this returning board, three of whom are candidates for re-election, can leo-iti o - - mately, or rather justly, declare their own election is an insult to the merest tyro in law. Ed.J ANOTHER DI3FATCH. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 14 "Louisiana is 8,000 democratic ma jority certain. tfinrMaoUO democratic majority, with four democratic coun ties to hear from." Our outlook here is good. The matter is before the Su- eranhed nnamrilav tk. a . " - - vc j . me ueu rsi. aopear to have about 8,000 majority ; the republicans however still oU they have carried the Slate and Pack ard will be the next Governor of Louisiana. The Hon. LQC Lamar teWranWl from here toa friend that the people of New Orleans, thoush nrofonndlv agitated, are quiet, and there is not the slightest purpose to disturb the public peace. The proposition to place the counting of the vote under thn supervision of honorable men of bath parties from a distance, naeeta th cor dial coLcurrence of the entire com munity. In addition to the eentl bjforo reported as arriving here, the following have also reached the rii v Ex-Govs Cunin and Bigler, Hon Sanvl Randall and M P Hardy, of Pennsyl vania; ColJuhn C Burch. Mni TO Conner, J M Keating and VV II Carrnll of Tennessee; and A Ottendorfer, of N. lork. ihe Democratic Committpp. have complete returns made up from duplicate lists of the supervisors, show- ing Tilden's majority in the State 8,107 oy which, majority they claim thev have carried the State. The city is very quiet. The politicians are anxiously awaiting the action of the returning board, which bv law is re quired to meet 10 days after the elec tion. Ana many other cheap thing. Shawls, ujan'iets, an J Hosing very low at Barringcr & Trotter's. r.ovlo Y.M.C.A. Meetings. j)IRLK READING, t the Lutheran u Uiurch. at 4 p. in. Preaching and eon wence meeting at the Methodist church, t ,:J)p. m. Topic: How to Study the mvlo lr M. A. BLAK. C. A. BLACK, NEW FIRM. WJX hrtve this day formed a co-partnersbie under the name of M. A. Black & Co and propose to enrry on a Wholesale arjd Retail Whiskey business, in ihe house late y occupied by W J Black. M A BLACK & CO. novl5 Im Notice. NOTTf E is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly of theSrateof North Carolina, at its ap proachirg sesiion, for amendments to the charter of the city of Charlotte. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, novI5 3t Mayor. rov!2 ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. o 1 1 O o o a CQ W o o o H tJ Q -J O x o W o S CO w H M w h U o si u a a a o c O ss O O w M O o H W CO h o CO CO W W tn o M 0Q S5 o o 3" o a - O" o CD CQ Q w W w o CO to CO CO H o O i-l Ph J eq W S5 o" o CQ m w n O M CQ w w w C5 CQ - H Ph CQ CO w n Q W o H a as ,o - w o o 3 . SB l-l to" I- M o l-l Pvi o hH H CO W O o H H O Cm CO (-1 O w O i i 1 C5 I 1 .5 CQ Pm 55 ?a ELIAS, COHE1T &; ROHSSLHB NEW YORK. New York, Noy 14. A Times' Talla hassee special says that Rutrer arrived yesterday afternoon, and has taLen command of the troops. WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C, Nov 14. The tone of the New York papers regard ing the result, is unchanged. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, Nov. 14. A Columbia special to the News and Courier says " - - "F'im i. lic iiBUB huu uourier savi preme Court to decide the legality of fKt ,v,Q r u j i fhe board of canvassers. Thgev " that th republicans had made a prop the board of canvassers. They meet mi next xnursuay. R M Sims, Sec. State Elect.' A Change in Business Contemplated. O IKJtfG TO CIRCVMSTA NCES, I HA VE THIS DA Y DETERMINED TO . OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OF I FINE AND iMEDiqM CLOWIING, TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STOCK OP ! Z, " EN T S ' F UllNI S HING GOODS, -A.T Jr3rPTT at.' rinorn i L M YTHEfSf!fNo5 w?rJ?. BOUGHT AT THE LOWE3T:PRICES. BUT HHPEHEn?P i.Hfi2" VIBW AND THR DE8IRR TO CLOSE OUT A3 A T A N D (B EL O W ST. 11,13 18 K0 DEyiCETO DBAW'TRADE, BUT AN ACTUAL PACTj AUDIF YOU .WILL) OSLYfAI.r. T wn r cnrruiMn vAnrruinTDHi cp GO O 1) S M jr., . 11 6 L D . KOOPMANNV-OLD STAND ON TRADE STREET.' CHARLOTTE.' N. C. TJi SOUTH CAROLINA. Prominent Democrats Present Republicans Concede Hampton's Election The Supreme Court Is sues a writ of Prohibition. Columbia, Nov 14r-The following prominent Democrats are here: Ex Gov Parker and Senator Randolph of New Jersey; Hon Montgomery Blair, of Maryland; Hon A H Stuart, of Va. ; Hon G V Cox. All quiet and the De mocrats are cheerful. - v ' Chableston, Nov 14The Supreme Court, full bench, issued a rulerequir ing the hoard of .canvassers to answer on Thursday why wriu of prohibition should not be issued restraining them from judicial functions and confining them to ministerial functions only'; Nothing has transpired since the ac tion of the" Supreme Court this morn ing. The Democrats' are cheerful; ev erything quiet.- The Republicans concede Hampton's - election. The action of the board of canvassers ren ders it impossible to get the figures of the returns. '"-.?. vii ,v.(- i r; '.vi '.-.I osition to give the State to Hamnton and Hayes, which the democrats re jected. Household and Kitchen Furniture. i T ' Vill expose at Public Auction in frontof I x TT . nT i . . j. tue voun nouseon w eanesuay. 26d inst , at II o'clock a m. if not previously depos ed of at priva'e sale, my household and kitchen Furir. linnii?Room and Ked Room Sets, camets t-, . r., . i . . i i . , . . . 1 la,i iuunges, i.iaceuesK ana cnairs. dishes, eookinu stoves, dc. A fine opportunity for housekeepers to supply tbeir wants cheap These articles must be sold, as I leave for ray home in Ohio early in December. Those wisDing to purchase pnvntely.oen call at mv icoiucurc IVL fl LHP I fir. 'fodhvtAio.n ehtirrh a arvnr to novl5 lw ARE JUST RECEIVING THEIR KXTT FALL AND WINTER STOCK, givtvfSA hP.fd will be sold at prices to suit the bard times. Our Bteckftf DRY GCODS is lull and complete. BJack Alpaccas and Mohairs at pric that will astonish yon. A handsome new lot of Embroideries very cheap. Dress Goods very low. ' Gents' Beady-Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department, ready for inspection aid the prices will defv itnrHnn a r,n t t. ..L j t : i ' J .Jur Jnpecucm taa " '"m '' w aim raun. riats, ana a gra- ciausew una jpianneis, extraordinary chtap. With A 9. TMr .TrtiAnnA sf w.Mu Arif..f.iL . ... - them to the satisfaction TidM.mWK "T be bIt to 411 n you can ana examine our Gocds we will make the prices te suit tbt timta . j . ' a ELIAS, COHEN & HOISSLlk A new and handiorre ot of fmu inEf 5 ' wsQu.k1 ju21 eral assortment of merchandise. Found ! WITTK0WSKY & B INT ELS, CHAELOTTE, N. C, SEPTEMBER 16TH, UT6. A Po9t.fT3ce Key. i)th a small single wir- i-t. tsu rineauacDea. nov5 if A ddIv at THIS OFFICE -O 0- For Rent F A L L c 1 CU LA E OF l 876. GEORGIA. Great Lost by Eire. Savannah, Nov. 14.-2,500 bales of cotton, twenty empty and 20 loaded cars of freights, were burnt by fire, un der the Central Railroad Warehouse The warehouse contained fertilizers, which were also distroyed. LOUISIANA. Invitation Extended by Democrats New Orleans, Nov 14 The demo crats assembled at New Orleans, have formally invited the republicans as senbied there at the President's re quest, to meet them for organizing with a view of carrying out the object desired. . .. -,j ? , Z'j. "Washington. I I-.Washikgton; Nov 14. A full cabi net to-day for the first time for several weeks. r Secretary-Cameron, Senator" West, and Caleb- Cushing called on the President to-dajv? , ;-Z.r IBE two stores occupied by Rotchschild A & Co.. and Mover, nn TnxAo atrat posite Wittkowsky A Rintels BURROUGHS & SPRINGS. novl4 4t -:o :0: o: Real Estate Agency. T Offer my services as a Real Estate Agent. m. jor lue saie 01 uanas apa nooses in the town of 'barlotte and the Piedmont region of North and South Carolina, I have on hand, for sale Town Lots Houses, Water Powers for Mill Sites, Gold. CODoer and Iron Mines. nH mann tKoiioar A acres of land adapted to Farming or fctock Raising, varying from $1 to $35 per acre. -it " - " J vujvo, ujitier of Tron and Fourth streets, a limited nam-. w w oiscKsmitns, wagon builders Wheel WrifchtH.Cabinpt-mnkprs inH Ri CT A IK ft n1 n can nnd employment in Murobv, Cherokee flAlint M fll I rvn til x -r a m Dovi4 lm end To the Trade and Consumers: gEING TOO WELL KNOWN TO THE TRADE, WE DEEM I T UNNECESSARY TO GO INTO A LONG DISSERTATION AS TO THE MAGNITUDE, QUALITIES and PRICES OF OUR STOCK THIS FALL, BUT HOLD IT SUFFICIENT TO SAY THAT OUR STOCK, BOTH WHOLESALE aaJ RETA 13 COMPLETE IN ALL DE PARTMENTS, AND TO WHICH WE INVITE YOUE ATTENTION. ' WE AGAIN STATE THAT THE B UfclNESS WILL. BE CONTINUID AS BEFORE THE DEATH OF MR RINTELS, BUT SHALL ENDEAVOR' TO DO MORE OF A CASH BUSINESS THAN HERETOFOpw ta wtott JjlJ'ilZ : Ji . . I ' 4 n-r..-'.,v!a.m vvi-orjXAlJLYIxryTnC ' Kemoval, Removal J thosewhh to avail themselves ofoppnw QN Tuesday, the 14th Novem I will VC 0AS.AKD m 0 w. uiwi, wuer x win aeep . juumhua iax uj DKESa OnfiTM rr vrrr. ;WE DESIRE I URTHER TO 8 AY THAT OUR .PUNCTUAL TiMETcUSTOMEia ARE AS WELCOME AS EVER. .n VERY! RESPECTFULLY.' ' A V: Stock oi FAMILY & PANCT GROCERIES,1: And wilt he nlonawi , " r--'w-wx ww un mj wii . . .u tiwiij uc n V1I69. promiaing to use my best erlins to please.- sept24

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