T. J V. - joDlPRiriTino; 1 year, (postpaid) la advanoa. 3 mn T '- ' ( 1 ' V" - . . i - ; ,- ;il , ii'i 00 4 00 : S 00 thoroughly mxj&tA with, even that, wad with the latest etXlM of Type. J1 mry m arner of Jeb "Worn earn nay be don r wltk neatnaaa, eUspeiak mmA eheepneaa. ' Weeaafarnlahaishortnottee ; ELAIfXm,XIIJiHXJLDa, r . , IJCTTJEBHXU3S,0JLKD8, . : TAGS,XBCXirTS,roeTES3, . FsoGTUmno, haxo bills, . tt PAMfgLKPa, CHierxa, to A VmtLX BMTIOB, eekly, ,ln the county in adyanoe, - $2 00 ' - ut f the county, postpaid, 2 10 6 months, .. , fc i 05 - Liberal redactions for clubs4. ' " T0k XIII. CHARLOTTE, 5. C, TUESDAY; DECEMBER 5, .876 NO. 2 407. TELEGRAPHIC NE VVS V WASHINGTON. rHE PROSTRATE STATE t 1 4 1 -DEALER IN liuuis, mues; A; LEATHER. 'rWM-m?e op.,,.. ( ,;v : FALL AND WINTER GOODS, All Eoots ana Mi E91M from Ills lie Warraniei as Representei B T E B B T , octl hi BURGESS NICHOLS. W HOLES ALE BED1ROOM AfVD PARLOR OF COFFINS OF ALL L isirl -iSllLV s JUST RECEIVED v . .. 1 ES. G. ROGERS, I HAVE NOW READY FOR THE Fall TraMe, a Fine Assortment cf FpiVlTlRE, , AT BOTTOM PRICES. THE ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW. d3 All are invited to call and examine my Stock. No trouble to show Goods. Fj ., ; OCtl i pnagsf Ceifier, DFALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, FAHCY ARTICLES, Of25 . i ,i . . THIS WELL KH0W1T it Y LOCATED IX CENTRE ra.SUlt PASSED ACCOMMODATIONS IIic Furiiif urc i s ' OAS kndf ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN We RROOM, : To rln viflid : v FloMdaVron: riM s for pJrainsa veling . .FOR ;PLElASURE, THIS HQUSP)) OFFERS 'EVERY' FACILITY . . - ia t t FOR- COMFORT. " -a r A " a-TER"s7;-06,r$2ij and.,$2.(xi per da'aWraingltolocaoa of, RoorniA' ,f?j l- ;f i - 'il C EQCLS, Proprietor. CE A'B L O T T E , 35t'. C- O E t A -13 It E. A, OSBORNE. &11ETAH DKALEK8 IX ALL KINDS OF BEDDING,&C. CHARJLO T.T E C. :es. SETTS, AND A FULL LINE CRADES, ON HAND. ! IN connection with the Furniture Businea8 of Mr E Q Rogers, at ray old 6tand on Bontb Trade Street, I will conduct the Un dertaking Business on; my own account, giving it my personal attention. I will keep a complete Stock, from the Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metalic Burial Case. Orders by'telegraph or otherwise, prompt ly attended to. Bespeetfully ' ; ; P. M, 8HELTON. Ctarlotte, B. C, Chemicals Oils; S ERFDMERYjrli BRDSHES. ' r vrfth. AND - LEADING HOTEL, OF -THE- CITY, OFFRjL HHmyif III mii TO" TUB TRAVELLING ?FUBLIC.Q I , t first-class, i&e Saizs is ar i ..... a i ehes. SOtTTS C AEOLIH A. FREEBOOTIiltS Aft I VAG A- IfBONDSniN THE SEATS," f OF TIIE CALIIOIXS ' - Land webstrs. TlieXe&ral Members F'jeeted by Vicious Direliiigs Barked 2 " by Gram's Bayonets. Tne Democrats Kettre in a Buldy, : tJDLtit&UDec 4i Soon after Uhe dual Houses being Ciilled to. order, Speaker Wallace then announced that as tkere were one bundled special con stables in the State House to Kject the Democratic members, and as he feared Such a movement would be resisted and bloodshed would- ensue, he ad. journcd the legally elected House to meet at Carolina Ha'l. The Demo- Fcrats in aHbiody-withdrew to Carolina Hall where they are in seret session. The Republicans then went into secret session in the State House. The town is full of penple. Great excitement prevai's. WASHINGTON. Meeting of Congress New Senators Sworn InGetting Ready for Work. Washington, Dec. 4. The Senate met at noon. Mr. Blaise of Maine, Messrs Chaffer and Teller the Senators from Colorado, and Price.thenew Sen ator from West Virginia, trice Carpen ter deceased, were sworn in. The new Senators from Colorado drew for their respective terms when Mr Chaffer se cured the long term ending March 4tb, 1879, and Mr Teller the shorf term end ing March 4th, 1877. Committees were appointed to notify the President and House of Representatives that the Senate was ready for business, and at 12:20 a recess for of an hour was taken. The Republican caucus of the House nominated Garfield. The cau cus of the Senate discussed the situa tion, but deferred action until the electoral vote ' of South Carolina, Florida and; Louisiana were decided. The House was called to order by chief clerk Adams. A motion was .nade to elect a speaker; .Banks ap pealed from the decision of clerk that the Speaker should b8 elected before new meuiuera wcie enuru, iug iuw is progressing on the motion to table the appeal. NEW Y0 Death of a Prominent Virginian Grant Vindicti v e To wax ds the South Thinks He Hat Acted According to the Constitution. New Yobk, Dec 4. A telgram from Cameron, Fairfax county, Virginia, announces the death in that place of Samuel Cooper, late Adjutant and In spector General of the Confederate army, in the 78th year of his age. The World's Washington special says the President ia his controversy with Mr- Hewitt talked at length pn the recent occurrences in the South, declaring that what be had done had been under the law and Constitution, and was far the bests interests of the people. In the course of conversation he expressed in a most decided manner his conviction that owing to fraud and intimidation there had been no fair or lecal election in Louisiana, and that "r ' the electoral vote of that Stale should not be counted. Hid -iglit Dispatches. MISSOURI Tlnrav Feelinjr Over the situation Call Schnrz and Others Write a ; Letttr.td the United States Senate : St. Louis", Dec 4. Ex Senator Carl Schurz J B Henderson and other prom inent men of this city for arded a. let tar io t;e Presitent of the-United States Senate the re'ative to.the counting, of the Electoral tote with request that he lay it Defore the United States Senate. They say. in the letter that the present condition of the rcountry calls lor Bome action - which shall settle the politiclidisquietude.: The clause in the' Constitution, respecting ine can vassing of the electoral qote is quoted and pronounced inadequate and liable to diverse construction. An attempt to canvass, the vote in the joint session bf Congrass is deprecated as certain to raise partisan issues and; develop a - $trife which may prove most disastrous. to the country.. The letter men pro poses as a remedy that the whole mat ter be transferred to the Supreme Court of the United States;-" It is urged that that is the only tribunal from which a fair and ncnpartiian : decision one which will satisfy - the whole people can be:ObtaigedvAThe letter., -dnelfi a IengthpoV ItewiidomT of rfirapTipg th is ihiportant'ni atter from a' tribunal likely to be effected to party atnie!5r:. Noon Organization of the Two Houses Th Same Old .Cowardly, Sickening Radical Wail of Intimidation Speech From Speaker ;&ect Ran dall Delegates From Colorado Ob jected to Committees Appointed togoSeuth. . . ; Washington, Dec 4 SiNATEf-After the usual formalities, Edmunds offered a resolution that whicH tfas laid on the table and ordered to be printe 1, setting forth that, ; ; ' ; Whereas. The Cot stitution nr-v provides for the method of electing Representatives to CoDgress and re cites who are entitled to vote f r tuch Representatives and whereas it is al- eged that m the States of South Ciro ina, Geofgia, Alabama. Louisiana and Mississippi, the rights of. many such persons were denied and abridged du ring th e late election, Therefore, Kesolved, That the Commi'tee on privileges andElections be authorized to enquire whether such rights were denied and abridged, and if so to what extent, and who have been affected bv such disnial and abridgment, and by whom such abridgemet has been carried on ; also that said committee inquire into the fact whether any Presidential electors in the late elec tion were disqualified and whether any of them have lbeen interferred with in their right' and qualifications, and whether there is any constitutional remedy therefor. Thatrsaid committee employ clerks and stenographers, and be empowered to take testimony and administer oaths. Adjourned. House. The members of this body met and answered to roll. The elec tion of a Speaker preceded all other business. Randall addressed the House thanking the members for the honor conferred, and calling their attention to thd fact that he was elected t the post on account of the death of Speak er Kerr, to whom he paid a high eulo gy, for the purity of his public and private life. None appreciated more than he. (Randall) did the great honor of being called upon to preside over the deliberations of the Representatives of the American people, and in the dis charge of his duties he should endeavor to be absolutely, fair and impartial, and while upholding all the rules of the House he should protect each and every member in his individual rights. The House stands now in the pres ence of events which in the last degree demand the most careful consider f. ion of every officer of the government. He expressed the hope that the repre- entatives of the people would act on- with a keen sense of right so as to carry out the just expectations of the people and to enforce the right. The credentials of C W But's, of South Carolina, were presented. Mr Morrison objected. They were laid over. Banks presented the credentials of Jas B Belford of Colorado. Springer objected and moved that the certificate be referred to the Committee on Judi ciary with instructions to ascertain and report if Colorado is a State of the Union, and whether the person pre senting the credentials was elected a member of the House. Banks address ed the House in favor of the admission of Belford. Credentials referred to the Judiciary Committee. The Committees to go to South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana, were ordered, 6 to Florida, 9 to South Caro- in and 12 to Louisiana. The Commit tee to South Carolina consists of Say- er of Ohio, Abbott of Massachusetts, Stinger of Pennsylvania, Edon of Illi nois, Jones of Ky, Phillips of Missouri, Banks of , Mass, , Lawrence of Ohio, Lapham, of New York. Cabinet meeting. A message from Ruger was read reporting the witm drawal of the Democrats from; the State House. The message and re ports of Secretary considered. The cre dentials of Butts from South Carolina were referred to Committee on Elec tions, under protest filed by counsel from contestants. ; ; NEW YORK. Statement That Grant Declared Louis iana Should be Thrown Out Denied Whiskey Smellers Captured. New York, Dec. 4. The Post's Washington dispatch says there is no truth whatever in the story that Presi dent Grant in an interview with Hewitt yesterday, said that'ihere had been no fair election in Louisiana, and its vote should be thrown out. The Post itself says : In Teply to our inquiry about this report from this office, Mr Hewitt telegraphs as follows r Washikgtojt, D. C, Dec 4. The President stated-ihat it was hot his province to decide whether the elections in these States had been fair or not. but assuming that Congress should decide tothrow out the electoral vote of Louisiana y in consequence of frauds in the returns. We discussed the effect of such action on the first result, and when it would necessarily throw the election of 'President into the House of Representatives, andqf Vice President into tne senate: " ' ' (Signed ) Abrah S Heweit, New Yojuc,-. Deo 4.-The marshal's in charge of Edward Heche's illicit distillery were captured and the liquor carried off by a crowd of men;i ri Joseph Youne. Jr.", jury cbmlmission- er for Spartanburg Countyjdisappearui ed and failed to draw a jury as,rrequirf ed by law. There : will be no cour next week, but Judge! North orp wil probably order a epecul term the week 1 after. , Bayonets Gleam in the Legislative . Falls M mbsrs Forced to Retire ; From Their Legal Seats A Once Proud Commonwealth Draggooned and Overridden by Tyrants and Thieves Tke Sword of the Usurper Upon the N ck of Liberty Free Booters and Cut-Throats Triumph ant. ; t'ptcial to the Observer. Columbia, Dec. 4. The Democrats have Left the Hall of Representatives and assemble! in Carolina Hall to prevent a ro-v and keep the law on their cide. Chamberlain had one hun dred co iftiliulary in the Hali to force Wallace frm the Chtir, . backed by troops as so in s the row would com mence. A'liong ti e Constabulary are sixty negroes that" "got up the row in Charles' on. 4 J. F. Hoke. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Mr. Y.J. Il-trrington, a prominent young lawyer of Newberry, died at his home in that lace on lant Wednesday. He was a grandson of Julge,J. B. O'Neil. In an altercation at Lewis Turnout, Chester County, on Tuesday night of last week, hetwen. Alexander George and McOaib'v, the former receiv ed a pistol h"t in the abdomen, from the ell'ecti f whi-h he died on the following day. Captain J. M. Davis, of Camden, Ad jutant of the Fifteenth South Carolina Regiment, was wounded at Gettysburg by a shell that exploded above his head. He recovered from the wound, which gave him no uneasiness until a few months back, when an abscess was formed on hi thieh. Doctor L. H. Deas examined the leg and cut into the abscess, taking therefrom a piece of the shtll that had been imbedded in the muscles for over thirteen years. PE(IAL XOTICEJ. Tt is cruel fjr pareats to let their children suffer with coughs and colds, which in so many cases lead to consumption and pre mature death. Give Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Remember This. Now is tr e time of the year for Fnturno nia, Lung Fever, Cougbe, Colds, and fata results of predisposition to Consumption and other Throat and Lone Disease. f Doschek's German Strcp has been used in this neighborhood for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure. 1 you have not used this medicine yourself go to your Druggist, T 0 Smith & Co., and ask I hem of its wocaeiiul success among their customers. Two doses will relieve the worst case If you have no faith in any medicine, just buy a Sample Bottle of Boschee s German fcyrap lor 10 cents and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents. Don't neglect a cough to save 75 cents. cctlO 11 it Possible To protect our children Trom Pneumonia or lung fever ? It i?, read the following : Friendsville, Blount county, Tenn., ) January 3rd, 1875. J Drs Greene, Lindley & Bentley : Gentlemen I am satisfied that I saved two of my children from attacks of pneu monia by a timely use oi Medicated Honey Very truly, UKOWW. NW ADTERTISEJnENT. ELEGANT and BEAUTIFUL Silk Hand kerchiefs 35 cents each and up ; Windsor Scarf (assorted) 50 cents. Y. M. C. A. Meeting REGULAR monthly meeting of the Asso ciation and of the Officers and Directors at 7J p. m. Pull attendance detifed busi ness of importance. , GEO B HANNA, deed " iTssiaent. ATTBNTIOH I I HORNET3 NEST RIFLEMEN ! I ! APPEAR at the Opera House to-night at 7i o'clock, in uniform, with side arms, with your wife or your sister, or somebody else's wife or somebody, else's sister., for the purpose, of attending the performance of Ingomar. By order of the Commanding officer. S S PEGRA.M, O. S. dec5 It ONE Visit of Inspection. will eiveyouan idea of our Genuinely LOW Prices. de3 ... ED liATTA DRO. OPERA HOUSE! TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7 5th, 1876. BENEFIT OF THE Hornets Nest Riflemen STJPPOBTXD BT , i Miss Florence Ricbcioud, , -Robert M. Sheridan, AKD OTHEE MBMBEBS Of B0ID,S'Sm..C0H?Al, ASEISTXD BY Seyeral Memli ers or tbe Hornets Hest Efie Co. ' On which occasion wili be presented Mrs Marie Lovall's GREAT HISTORICAL EO MAN PLAY, in Five Acts, translate from tneGerixan tr, . -. r. . j General admission $1 00 : Gallery 60 cents,' N extra charge for Reset ved Seats. Reserved Seats can - be had . at Koellsch's book store. ' - " 1 ' ' f 'r mHE Sslectiohi i we Coffer r are STAPLE fX NOVEL and CHOICB.v -KdeS ED L ATT A 4t HBO The Distinct Features Combined in our The Qaalitj and Texture of the Materials. OUR Superior Styles and perfect Shapes, our Steict ad herenec to . Tkuthful Representations, the Politi attention which our patrons receive, the Immense Facilities we enjoy, the Extreme Lowness of our prices, our Strictly Cash and One Price System, bur Satisfactory dealings with everybody, our Complete and Thorough system of business, and THEN ONE visit to our establishment, to SATISFY you of THESE TRUTHS ; ALL substantiating this ONE and Important Fact : that it is Unsafe to make purchases Outside of Our House. 1 . We are now prepared to furnish Clergymen, Professional men, Business men, Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers, with Winter garments, that will fully meet all the WANTS of their different vocations, and with our innumerable line and sizes, we are enabled to fit any person not exceeding 600 pounds in weight. Those unable to come to the City can order the style and price of Garments desired ; they will be forwarded immediately. Prices of low grades of Goods, in Suits, ranging from $6.50 to $10 ; medium and good quali ties, $12.50 to $25; from fine to superior (Custom-Department) $27.50 to $35; Overcoats (all wool) as low as $7.50,tothe finest Custom Goods of New York. Kules for self-measurement sent on application. Youths' and Boys Department COMPLETE in Suitings, separate garments and Kilts, at PRICES IRRESISTIBLE. 1 1 I HPFNT n 68 DOZEN 1900 Linen and WiMOTrA Mus- Jl-MJ 1 vfLIlL U us white Dress Shirta.embroidered bosoms. and we offer same at the extremely low figures of $1.50 EACH or $8 J5Q PER i HALF DOZEN. These Shirts cannot be duplicated in the New York Jobbing Market for less than $17.50, and we solict an inspection, for they are the GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE 19TH CELCIOR. All goods marked in PLAIN FIGURES. CASH SYSTEM Lakge Sales and Small Profits. We cordially invite an inspection from the public at large, feeling satisfied that we can make it to the "advantage of every one," to do business with us promising "satisfaction in every instance, or money retained." T. 11. LflTTA & "R"Rfl- . nov26 o CO , as D w n Sz; o Q W M O o w H H W CQ o a Eh' o o a 6 -3 P3 w 00 w H M N u u Q K o B 13 a o o o .JZ5 i I o CO 8 5 a "8 M O S CQ O CO o o q: o W o ELIAS, OOHB1T ARE JUST XICEXTIXa THEIR XXW FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Bought eetly and eheap, and will be sold at ' JJ& I UUUJJo 18 lull ana COmpieie. XJck. Aipaccw ua awnin txir that will astonish yon. A handsome. new lot of Imbroiderisa, very cheap. Dress Goods very low. . f Gents' Beady-Made Clothing and Furnishing the prices will oejy compeuon. a inn nne oi xcom uu duocb, jdm, u eral aEsprtment of merchandise. Blankets and Fltmnels, extraordinary cheap. "With a 25 rears experience of the wants of Mecklenburg we should be able le fill them, to the satisfaction of our customers and. if tou call and examine our uooas we win mBKe idc pncea i suit mmb". TTi " you . ... ELIAS, COHEN A ROI8SLXB. A new and handiome 3pt of Carptts justia. , W I TTE0W S K id J CHARLOTTE, N. a, FA L LCI 11C To the Trade BEING TOO WELL KNOWN TO THE GO INTO A LONG DISSERTATION AS PRICES OF OUR STOCk THIS FALL, BUT OUR STOCK, BOTH WHOLESALE and PARTMENTS, AND TO WHICH WE IN VITE YOUR ATTENTION'. ' ; " lf t - . ', . - "t . t ' -- -i ..... J . WE AGAIN STATE THAT THE B USINESS WILL BE CONTINUED AS BETOBS THE DEATH OF ME RINTELS, BUT, CASH BUSINESS THAN HERETOFORE,TO WHICH END WE SPECIALLY IHVITJi THOSE WHO WISH TO AVAIL TBMMLVES of the OPPORTUNITT of QXTTTVQ SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS for READY CASH, AND EI THIS 00JSrNECTlO2f WJI Eflr LEAVE TO SAY THAT WE HAVE LARGE JOB- LOTS OT' DRESS Qo6l)3? CLOTH ING AND HARDWARE W'HICH WE WDLL SELL AT A GREAT 8ACRIITC2. ' y. WE DESIRE FURTHER TO SAY THAT OUR PUNCTUAL; TIME CUSTOMER ARE AS WELCOME AS EVER.'. VERY RESPECTFULLY, CENTURY. ASK FOR THE "EX- One Price Clothiers, Charlotte, N. C. n o Pd H CQ (A O u i o d o CQ CQ o H CQ W a o 0Q a CO CQ w pq H - Q m H u o O a. cq H. GQ w PQ Q W w CQ w w W o g .a CQ - H O s H 5 CQ. o o CQ I t &c BOBSSLBB prices to suit the hard tunes. ,Ottr Bteeat el Goods Eeparlisent, ready for inspseuoa friends, . Y & R IN TEL S , SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1676. OF 1870. tOs- OJ- and Consumers : S ! bsi g , CQ W 2 - a D L A R TRADE, WE DEEM IT UNNECESSARY TO TO THE MAGNITUDE, QUALITIES aad HOLD IT STJITICHENT TO SAY THAT RETAIL, 13 COMPLETE IN ALL DX- SHALL ENDEAVOR TO DO MORE 0 J A