CHARLOTTE OBaERVER,A " : ' - . , "mlaBTm?m?B?Bm?J , I t U --" , '?f l.l , , 1 ' " '' . ' ' Tka Qnism Jw Da&uOzoa&l aa 1 V!!- 0 iu ' moil. ant, and wKli Caa laUtt atrlM Tjp, twj muMr of Job r am tarn OoaJ with aaatnaw, dUpalak a4 ahaapa WKfchV . BiMTlOK VWa taa fomlaa at aaort sotta BULHXS, BELL E3JLD3, . IiSTTKR B3 1X3. M e- is the oountyl in adtance. f 2 0(' ut. thr county, pontpaid , , 2 to months,' ' ' "'"" '105 Liberal redaction for clubs. vol. xin. CHABLOTTE. N C. SlTtJRDAY, DECEMBER 9, 18761 fit i NO. 2,411. FXPOHAUltXa, Bum mxum, : -J-tot : i .y-,' "iO H H O T All Id iNTlVll i." . 1 1 I " I II I I I1VN1 IviV A"lAJ5r. I II 1 VV , ; II III I 11 I H.vW : s T -: -srf-- . :' - :V advance. ' . . J J I li Mir il II HI... ll II I li 111 ill ill" III III Mr 111 III -llr "I If I II lrU I If ill lu-f . (T1N1 'Mr ill rflXVMV, - 1.!,:.;TT?iiBBIll . ' , BOOXS, SHOES A PULL FALL AN DlMNtEklGbOpS, AT LOWPRI CE9. All Eoots TE A IDE octl i 8TBEET. F U I ' W I X U U BURGESS NICHOLS. WIIOLESAJ.E BED ROOM AND PARLOR OF COFFIK8 OF ALL mar7 ,W rrOOBBl ai ShGGS EonttM fioi ttis Houig Warrkatea as T?p.nrRSRaiR(i i ; . ; , ' j 1 JS , G . EOG EES, I HAVE NOW READY FOR THE Fall Trade, a Fine Assortment of FURNITURE, AT BOTTOM PRICES. THE ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW. All are invited to call and examine my Stock. No tiouble to show Goods. s o 11 ' V )ring ;Ccrner, riEALERS.IN ! ; " r . - : : Drugs.i IWedicineSp iChemicals. Oils FAHCY ARTICLES; PERFUHERY BRUSHES; ' oc25 THIS WELL KHOWH ouuFiwuLnu.; -: . v aiMiii i . w LOCATED IN CENTRE OF THE CITY, OFFEE3 I TQ TIJE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. ' f ' . ...... TIic ruruUurc is firEtdass, tlic Kqusc' Is Car- GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS AREIN EVBBY BOOM. ; ? ;-jT To Invalids, Florida Tourists or Persons iTraTeling FOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFERS 'EVE BY. FACILITY ...... .... r, : . - . . . .., n r' : r ' i FOB COMFORT. ' , ' " : fir TERMS : -$3.00, $250 and 1 $2.00 per day accordmgVto location ."of Rooms. " . f HO ECCLES, Proprietor. Ab LEATHER. LING OP 0 f; OKA E. A. OSBORNE. & RETAIL,- DEALERS IK ALL KINDS OF F XJ JI H I T XJ jR B 5 BEDl)lSG,&a No 5. Vest Trade St., -CHARLOTTE, "H. C, ' JUSt RECEIVED f i i - A 3P TJ LI NK CHILDRENS CARRIAGES, iSETTS. AND A FULL LINE CRADES, ON HAND. HEW CrOOBB! IN connection with the Furniture Businea of Mr E G Rogers, at my old stand on ; Sontb Trade Street, I will conduct the Un ; dertaking Business on1 my own account, giving it my personal attention. I will keep a complete Stock, from the Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metalic, Burial CasM Orders by telegraph of otherwise, prompt ly attended to.- Respectfully . P. M.8HELTON. Charlotte,?!. C, ; AHD LEADING HOTEL, TELEOBAPHIC NEWS - Noon Dispatches. ' WASHINGTON. Disabled Schooners Proceedinffs U Congress. .-; Washington, Dec 8. -rln the Senate on motion of Norton it was ordered that three additional members to com mittee on privneges and elections be appointed to aid in discharging the duties imposed by the resolution of Mr Edmunds requiring an investiga tion into the 7 late . e'et tioh in various Southern States. House. Routine, no important ac tion ia expected until the return of the the Committees from the South. The Republicans of the Senate ' caucussed- an hour and a half thrs morning. They rejjqisy but a Senator says cheerful and harmonious. --If any action is taken it'hss not transpired. It ia un decided whether the sub-committees of privileges and elections will; visit the States or sit here. , The general political feeling finds no boisterous expression.' The Judiciary Committee of , the House met and agreed to report Mc Crary's resolution to appoint a com mittee of five from the House to act with a Bimilar committee from the Senate with the object of referring the canvass of the votes of the electoral college to some tribunal whose action will be final. The signal service observer at Cape May reports the two masted schooner Fannie KShaw, tonnage 296, from St Marys, Ga , bound for Baltimore, load ed with pine lumber, Capt John H. Balard, ran ashore opposite this station last night; seven crew, eight all told, safe. Assistance has been sent for. NEW YORK. Pools on the Election to Be Given Up What the Governor of Oregon Has to Say He Did It and Had Law and Precedents for So Doing. New YoEr, Dec 8, Morrissey & Co. have decided pools on a direct Presi dential result off. Gov Grover of Oregon telegraphs the New York Herald commencing as fol lows : "At your request I give some of the grounds of my action in grant ing certificates to electors in Oregon." TheGovernorstates at length that he has followed precedents, obeyed the laws and enforced the constitutional man date to the extent of his power. FOREIGN. The Wearisome Turkish War. Paris, Dec 8. At the Cabinet Coun cil MaeMah on urged the minister to retain their portfolio. They agreed to await full information as to the dis position of parliamentary groups. London, Dec 8. A Reuter telegram from Constantinople says, the argu ment between the powers does not seem impossible. Havana, Dec 8. The Span'i6h war ship has arrived with 1,000 troops. FLASHES. Cl3V eland, Dec 8. Tl e National Convention of base ball clubs unani mously expelled the .Mutual and Ath letic clubs. A lively ball to be used hereafter. Brooklyn, Dec. 8 The Coroner's report' shows 293 dead. $iid-iight Bispatcitfs. WASHINGTON. Grant Asked for Copier of his Orders to the Military Hoisted, With Their Own Petard The Ore gon tfaicenvre Tickles the Herald Fuming s Radicals. Democrats Fire Two Hundred and ; : Four Gans The Langh all on 13 -i j Our Side Now. Washington, Dec 8. The Pension appropriation bill passed. The reso lution offered by Wood of New. York, calling on the President for corpics of orders and instructions sent to, and of report received from military or civil officers in the States of Georgia, Lou isiana, Florida , and , , South Carolina since August last, was adopted. Ad journed till Monday. In the Senate Hr Edmunds of Ver mont moved to take up the joint reso lution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States in regard to the count of the electoral vote by the Supreme Court. Mr Mer rimon of North Carolina! objected and read 215 joint rule providing that un finished business . left oyer from one session shall not be taken up for action until after the , lapse of six days from the beginngpf the subsequent session. He made the point of order that unde the rule the joint resolution could ni be considered now : ; ? : - - - The Chair. Mr Ferry, overruled the point of order-aud announced the oint rules were not in' force, beside this abject was covered by the Senat rule 52, which he directed to he'real. It provides that at tcom men cement of a 2nd session business 'should be resum ed and proceeded with as if .no ad journment had taken place. - Mr; Mer rim on appealed from the decision of the chair, and said he bad no objection to taking up the joint4 resolution; if it could be dne properly but If the 21st joint rule was in ierce, as he believed it was, the resolution cpnld not be taken up. He thought that the rule contained a very wholesome provision Mr Merrimon . then argued that the rules were in force aud -it was not com petent for the Senate v to abolish them without a. concurrence of the House. Neither coud' withdraw its assent to these rules without the con? sent of the other. Thefdebate coi.ti..u ed all day and was of a" technical char acter. The only incidental allusion being made bearing ort the question of the electoral vote. Vote. finally reach ed. The question being on the appeal of Mr Merrimon from the decision of the chair. The decision was sustained Yeas 50; Nays 4, as follows ; Maxey; Merrimon, Windom and Wright. So there are no joint rules. Adjourned till Monday. Under the captain "the Oregon elec tors a checkmate and sL surprise!" Hie Herald prints a column and a half editorial concluding: By this astute manoeuvre the supporters of MrTilden have captured the strong hold of the enemy, and can turn his own battel ies against him. If one House alone can not reverse the certificates which bear the signature of the Governor and the seal of the State, the Democrats are strongly entrenched on the ground se lected by their adversaries. The rage of the Republicans at being thus hoist ed by their own petard is as amazing as it is natural. Full Cabinet. When the Republicans had fired 110 guns last night, an unfortunate man was -fatally injured by a premature discharge. The firing ceased. To-night the Democrats have fired 204 guns. The committee of the Democratic caucus (to prepare a policy of the party for the crisis) ordered last night, con sists of Messrs Hewitt of New York. Payne of Ohio, Wood of New York, Randall of Pennsylvania, Sparks of Illinois, Holman of Indiana, Warren of Massachusetts, . Stephens' of Georgia, Watterson of Kentucky, and the chair man of the caucuB Col Lamar. SOUTH CAROLINA. Arrival of Congressional Committee Chamberlain, to be Indicted as an Usurper To Visit Rugtr and De mand his Authority for Quarter ing Troops. Columbia, Dec. 8. The Congression al Committee arrived here late last night. They met this morning and organized, and soon after drove to the State House in carriages. The weather is cloudy and raining. The Mackey House and Senate are in session; their action is unimportant The committee appointed, by the Democratic House yesterday are now in the discharge of their duties, which was to call upon the officer command ing tho United States troops at the State House and inform him the De mocratic House ia legally constituted, ask the withdrawal of troops fron that building, and. if refused,1 demand by what authority the . troops , are re tain ed there. The Democratic House also instructed the Judiciary Com mit teee to employ counsel . to proceed against D H Chamberlain for treason able acts in usurping the government of the State. Also directed the com mittee to ascertain and report what counties are not represented in the House. ' .' . . "Is my face dirty ?1' asked a young lady from the country of her aunt, at the breakfast table of a Baltimore hotel, the other morning,- Dirty? No. Why do you ask?" "Because that insulting waiter insists on' putting a towel by my plate. I've thrown. three under the table, and yet every, time he comes around, he puts another one be fore me,'.' and, she held up the' last napkin indignantly. One night we were sitting out of doors in the moonlight, unusually silent, almost sad. Suddenly some one a poetic looking man, with a gentle, loving face said in a low tone : "Did you ever think of the beautiful lesson the stars teach us ? We gave a vague, appreciative mur mur, bu t s ome' soul less clod said: "No, what is it ?" "How to wink,"vhe answered, in a. sad, sweet voice. , - - HEW APVEirriSEMEJITg. ' : NEW ORLEANS M 0 L; A S : S E S , THE FINEST IN MARKET FOR YEARS, X , BY ' 11 M M & S C WOtFE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. 'dec9 For Sale Privately. TWO Houses and .Lots, and two vacant lots in Smitbvillej This property would be, sold j low for cash, or partiei desiring time could be accommodated at fair prices. Enquire of B Barnnger. Attorney, or D Q Maxwell. - - - ; j s . i ' dec8d2tw2t r " FBESE-mCAHONI ! j. it m ore's ' Raisina, . Mince Meat,! rretn uuron, Figs, Currants, Nut Shelled Aim ends, ' C R A N BER RIE 8, CHRISTMAS CAKES ati'Jj -at- ; , REDUCED PRICES I If 7oa want anv of the b ve Goods, be sure to ccme to; HEA1 QriTtTEEP, ANDREWS & JONES', - IS 1 HE IXlCE. X a J u u TOYS! TOY'S! Received and now opening A large & wdl Assortment or AUD- Fancy Articles for Christmas,- COME AND SEE. Canfe, Mi. Riisins, Onips. Bread,Cak'es and Pies-daily THE PLACE TO GET Tour CAKES for Christmas, S- We sell Goods at livinff nrices not less than Cost, by EH. mgler det.9 Real Estate Agency. I Offer my services as a Real Estate Agent, for the sale of Lands and Houses in the town of Charlotte and the Piedmont region of North and South Carolina,. . I have on ' hand, for sale Town Lots, Houses, Water Powers for Mill Bites, Gold, Copper and Iron Mines, and many thousand acres of land adapted to Farming or Stock Aaising, yaryicg irom i 10 per acre. . Upon application at my office, corner of Try on and Fourth streets, a limited num ber of Blacksmiths, Wagon Builders, Wheal Wriehts.Cabinet makers and Stone Masons. can rind employment In Murphy, 'Cherokee county. THOSE DRAYTON. nov!4 lm eod. :. c 1 i Ten Cent Column. Advertisements .will be inserted in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each insertion. Jo advertise ment taken for less than twenty-five cents. Eight words make a line. ' FOR RENT-A new and convenient Cot tage on Graham Street, Opposite Mr Burgess Nichols. The tot is large and well enclosed and has a good well on it. dec8d3tw2t R B&.RBINGER. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or depression . a weak zhauste feeling,' bo energy or " courage the result of mental over-work descre tions or excesses or. some drain upon the system, is always cured by HUM PBKEYS 1IOMGOPHATIC SPECIFIC. K. 28 It tones Up and jnyigbrates the system, dis pels the gloom and despondency, imparts trength ana energy, stops the dram and rejuvenates the entire! men' Been used 20 years with perfect success by thousands. Sold by dealers. - 'Price $1.00 per single vial, or $5 CO per package of five; vials and $&00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS HOME OPATIU MEDICINE: COMPANY, 562 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. . may9 -..r: v-. r;..!" j . ' Auction Sale I will sell at public auction '', at the Court House door in Charlotte. N. C..' on Friday the I5th of December, '76, one house and lot fronting on Myers street, the house has six room 8. ia new and has never been occupied. TEEMS Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars Cash; balance payable by installments with in three years, with interest. 8 per cent per annum from date. - ' WALTER BREM. decI2w , . ::r, ..vrrrv::: - ' Mrs. E Ml Mbyer WOULD - iraform the ladies of Cfi'arldtte and vicinity, that she bas taken the room in : the rear of :Mra. R. HcNelis mil inery store and where she would be pleased see her friends and customers,-vand,; will guarantee a perfect fit. .'All she asks is to give her a trial.. , , MRS E M MOYER; Lonier Miiliffiftis 1 -Tiril WE give notice to all' parties who owe us either Wholesale or Retail bills contrac ted prior to October 1st,5 1876,' will be placed in the hands of the sheriff of the respective Counties by - January 1st,: 77.': ;Don't blame us, we have waited until our patience is ex hausted. WITTKOW8KY ARINTELSf: j nov2Qevsu til janlst , ' fIS! STUDY VELLs WITH CAM The Distinct Features Combined in our The Qaality and Texture of the Materials. UR Superior Styles and perfect Shapes; our Strict ad herencc i to . Tbtjthpul Representations, the Polite attention which our patrons receive, the Immense Facilities we enjoy, the Extreme Lowijess of our prices, our Strictly Gash and One : Price System, our Satisfactory dealings with everybody, our Complete and TnoltoiTGH system of business, and THEN ONE visit to our establishment, to SATISFY you of THESE TRUTHS ; ALL substantiating this ONE and Important Pact : that it is TJnsafk to make purchases Outside of Otjr House. "We are now prepared to furnish Clergymen., Professional men, Business men, Farmers, Mechanics and. Laborers, with Winter garments, that " will fully meet , all the wants of their different vocations, and with our innumerable line and sizes, we are enabled to itt any person nqt. exceeding 500 pounds in weight. Those unable to come-to the City can order the style and price of Garments desired ; they will be forwarded immediately. Prices of low grades of Goods, in Suits, ranging from $6.50 io $10 ; medium and. good quali ties, $12.50 to $25 ; from fine to superior (Custom-i)epart-ment)$27.50 to 35; Overcoats (all wool) aslowas $7.50,tothe finest Custom Goods of New York. Rules for self-measurement sent on application. Youths' and Boys Department COMPLETE in Suitings, separate garments and Kilts, at PRICES IRRESISTIBLE. IIRT HPFNir n 63 DOZEN 1900 Li and Wahjuttx Mus- JUU 1 'WrtlltU utf White Dress Shirta.embroidered bosoma. and we offer same atjhe extremely low figures of $1.60 EACH or $8.50 PER J HALF DOZEN. These Shirts cannot be duplicate? in the Nkw Yoxk Jobbino Market for less than $17.50. and we solict an inspection, far thev are tha GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE 19TH CENTURY. ASK FOR THE "EX CELSIOR." All goods marked in PLAIN FIGURES. ' CA8H SYSTEM Large Sales and Small Profits. VVe cordially invite an inspection from the public at large, feeling satisfied that we can make it to . the "advantage of eery one," to do business money retuined." nov26 4 o CO o t9 u u Q 1-4 6 M M W W o o Q H -M O O Q W H M K H h5 fid Q CD O 3 i i O a 6 P3 O , o to - Pi W o 00 QQ w a w 5 ft o (3 o CO X o -a a i s CQ O 8 sg. H o o IE ABE JU8T 15 A SUPERIOR MINK SABLE FRENCH SEAL..... KAMSKATKA SEAL.. ALASKA SEAL FANCY GREBE f And a full assortment of INDIES and CHILDREN'S FURS, MEDIUM 1KD LOW GBADfS. Another lot of these Cheap : Call and see them. . de6 ., ., . (GEEAVf EST OF TPS J O Es3" With a view of reducing our immense RETAIL 8TOCK, to enable us to consolidate our two Houses by January 1st next, we, from this day on, offer to the publie . j ; UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITIES ! ! ! : -TO Supply themselves and their families with every thing Heedful for their comfort during the cold weather, and as the stock is too varied to itemize, we cte but few. . . - . , articles i ' - WEI.TE.BL Front $2.75, $4.00 aad $6.00 ; L A B I E S' From $3 60 to $15 W O O L E N ' D,R .From 121 cents upwards f I ' 1 J 1ST 5 '"'- J MILLINERY: 1 ; FANCY! GOODS) PT nnTTTATP Lower than the lowest offered in this maket.t OVERCOATS JlJJ X.JJ.11N IT from $3 1Q upwards. Gents' Furnishing Goods at the same ratio-.' In short our whole R&TAIL STOCK will b Sold off REGARDLESS OF COST. ' " - ' ' i RETAIL HOUSE will be consolidated with our present Wholesale House, u iui-: TPAP J PT?TT 1 Th 8tore now. occupied by us as'the Retail House is ft Ben ' x y it xiuii ,x-. ) alter tne 1st January, 1877. decs wiiii uo piuiuiaiug satiBiucuoa in evcrr msuince. or E. D. 1m A TTA & BROia One Prioe Clothiers; Charlotte, N. C. o 4 8 5S H CQ 8 i o O" O m Ah : CQ Q w H a o CQ OB 8 5 o H O B- oq OQ S5 9 - CO W W 8 w Q pa Via S n W o m .93 3 S23SE w f Sr1 i W W o QQ m H W mm 4 HDH O-.-i m OQ BXCEIPT OF i'' LOT OF B0AS AND MUFFS BOAS AND MUFFS ............BOAS AND MUFFS .......BOAS AND MUFFS ........BOAS AND-MUFFS and Superior Alpaccas, just received. ELIAS, COHEN & ROESSLER, .. ( Masonic Temple Building. WETTlUMfl THE - - EBTSy worth $4 00, $6.00 and $10. I iW-L;'a;HK:S:: J worth $5 to $25,: E S S G O O D S f- less than half price,' m v o.t j i. ., u AToALMOST.-ANY CHARLOTTE, K, C, n i- i;1 i ; if I II r: ; a'- ! a..4 t 6' 11: fl Mi i; I' i ft!" .

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