'I -he ... --.f . V , ... 'f ' St -r. Saturday December 9, 1876. T W "VX : i-fl PrllllEVABD MrnOWELt. Free from the doting scruples Aaat fetter oar or free-bonr reason." . 0 v INFLEXIBLE RULES. efftriSt' ti Alice anonymous comxnunlca- Atlons.' In all eases wa. require the-, writers , name and address, not for publication, but as a guaiantee of good faith. We cannot, undei-any -elrenmstances, re tarn y jested ceramunleatloBSi nor can We undm-tene o'pwserve manuscripta. K ' ' Articles written on both aides of a sheet of paper cannot be accepted for publication. 'Jilt I"-" i ' " i;,., ., . 1 ,t: mT -hir 038KRVATIQNS.1 r, -mil fcaiT ui lOA'i jiartsd odi ',.y I wry 10 teM'Wfr 0j IT?fM?;Hof clte man is o. mcues. . -r t .'. . j ' V I ? J "We can breed. horars. but not roeD." ssvs an Anglian paper. Adam wasnaturally a hungry man, .but isataive Einrtot V;1'" ""'irfffiewsh'ffiy times the milk of hnman 'to kmdnWisJuie a little skimmed over with 00 AMsss. Btat iaHgh&r of iTo'a J IBandelpIi I.Tuckeof Vai jWS5jraarried Thanksgiying f uay, to Air w jr Bnieies; o, Georgia, . T w , , t Jfew HavejnRtgisr 'v ,lfia4e ! Hampton' j rheslOj he granden? of ,tha situation , more 'C mpietely and empVatically than any man -J in iMs'Kejblio ; ' . ( d-l alinyngnsii tiaSei h! Aye7mpdels -'ahei;figurs kuade i'by :Frieli artists -1 fi,eW htthfitPreis makers. ' ;) . .. , r i M and -Us .WJTyis a jraiqyoiaBg lady Ukea confirm ed drunkard ? Becaase neither of them satisfied with a moderate use of the glass. is . . A.girl in pants created a. .sensation m , Jaleigb. the other iday,-. If ;she had, appeared l without: pants; UhjjfiensatiQn : might Jiave fcbcea. igreateyGreensboro- 'Patriot. y'h5.ofif&rep1c.beeeen a belle and a burg-, lar-r-ooe. has Sfulge locks an 1 the' other false r) . eys.il Jvj' 'O h Wheh' a mart expresses a desire to smoke. and his wire unlocks a chest and hands him a fiveoeaioigarr4here can fee no dotibt that the- average' 'American proper irabj ectionr " x ' hmbihd '4s under Qrint saysihat the,s-.vord U might ierthitn ihe ballot. ; Grant'-, sword is riuide of Zeal and that is why he be Ssos-trongly in is efficacy. 5 u Jvamberlaln says his lifeangs up- Tm:Mraiij tenure; Won't some good fizetlanrtUotdeath tookjng :for a; sub t downOn Ahatteriure -andanap itt:- Iv. X lamberlam grows veryi; pathetic ab,aptthe;close of; hjs so called inau fgurafj address, arid : sheds crockodile earj.a largeTfs fee average plantation nrse apple. Uatch them, somebody nogsnesd until vthe instru nrtnti fs iull. ?Then 'jput the carpet-bag Tconspirator in head feJmbst and-mark the package to his . i- . . . TP. ho n buzzard's Kay, Massachusetts wjberehe. was'taiaed . 3. We-will pay the freight. 9 What the South Carolinians Thinx S3L OSsXSStSeitort the ' Greenville Jftics who has just returned from a . trip to Columbia x proceeds to go IwrtustTioiirrioTriadepT of BoVidt nliis'ilnd; geftlewitnout' mercy. He says : 'Why South Care rlifcta, should be scourged. with theie i!yAOodTcriQ.wsrand weBUbmit yilLwi Ctfti'P conffd ehce ' th at in us. We nowtiuiniiidsif etormy and tempestuous times. The great ship of State that has successfully bat tled so many, threatening storms, now ojyM'ea; winds and raging -elem4nte-aeem- to -sing - the uiapasfp, jurtAJLsrJinajifO; .aDout ure-1 8oM".EMtJrvV tB: iiop explain Tilden's cbaiTCes and ' the manner in which he now stands in the electoral college; we hope to finishlhTaVovV editorial sqme tirnejiextweek provided we get rojingesfredjnl formation about Oregon by that time. TiEa.-CarnSchf4srafrriari of ''ttfitfy idio.yncr..ies,nl?u:t neyettheW hi. ing causes that are now fast merging this Jiepubhc into an absolute monarcny. j?or : instance, he cannot reconcile himself to the tight ofFeder al bayorleta gTe'amifig- in thec 5 Legisli: ture Ihalls of Southern i States. rri was i raisedjn, Gerrnnjr and., omehoit dragoorie'd t&fc wtev&&i slstent with his idea of a free govern ment jDarl generjtllyosays what- he thinks and he. cares very little whom it dUKeasTsT Hrfis'ai&publicanQd Wppohed'Hayes", but V cofnes out in a strong letter protesting'agaihst ) tire Radical policy of military interference. ltichard Rumbold remarked some two hundred Mri'.(j'ii ' r!"T could believe that Providence had sent a fdwirarferi ihtptht WdldreMj bodted and Spurred -to :-. ridi:anrP rJitU ready saddled, and, brldle.d to be rid den: ; "1 Rurtboid6uid be .very.much surprJsed'ifcouAd o witness the spectacle in thianunt.rvAF. a booting and spuring.tbemselyesio ride, and saddling and bridlintr m?n;.. J beriddenwithoul any assistance what- ? tom vi!e.nf CbttnVrrJbur- t?u Oid . . : h V nal. r t t a a j enV.Q iT-LixtfATibir TnRiLLhYGi.5r v ' DESCRIBED. Eel w;we 'give the, thrilling and telo- quenX iditoriaL of! the Indianapolis ' .'i .if i' I Sentinel upon the perilous condition of ine country, .e or grapuic uesuripwuii and burning, impressive eloquence, we have rarely ever seen it surpassed. It says i-Thevery latest advices from Washington feave no room for doubt or. confro?rersv. The United States of America are n the eye of, a revol tion. In South Carolina a decided ef forfw'armade byfthe Supreme, Court to maintain ''a government of law jigainsi physical fprcej jit hassignally failed. Fraud has triuoiDhedior i will triumph, if n ilitary -force caa avail. Grant's order to sustain Chamberlain UWnclusiverJ C&sar has issued hi edict. He has crossed the Rubicon.; he telegram' that conveys the informs tioh is the ' dealh-knelr or American iborty.; The great heart of the nation Ceasea its'pulsatkras while it reads and If tV istens. ere ever was a demand ! for crape,,riow is the 5ime, p Lemuf- fleet 'drums' beat the fune'r'sj march of 1irrt"'jr frrarlUdeeri.I-treinedltatd ' aad rUmning-rls guarded! by federal baVonets. k)nirU:elov8r&r0wLftw 1 lies;prostratebeniathf the iroa heel of a despot. Thatirpfris.now afchanaior calm concilsJff the cimntrV harm- vr-,""" r w - r- i IMibertV IS not Mlead it ShOUld DOW staudup a,nd: be strong If there aref PTfiat and prand wbrds toe sDoken: in nAm i-f k. nnidA. Ua 1 obligation, of a contract. -The provis S?? MfifB tered no- i ionaoi thisbUl would only apply! to IMS is not inejtime ior yaponng. Everyman in A;menca . should feel thai he is : aniroh4;lad ' patriot, a single t'urreted monitor tori ' stormy; 1 sea, watching to give one broadside for free dom' before:he sinks , forever'Jeut ; hi sight. , ; r The .couniry; demands! states manship now, Calm words, . earnest words, that wiU'sink down ' intou the i hv. ,'!. ..ii:i. MBlt9 V Uiwu tavu va auw uvaa 1 w -words that wilr germinate noble thoughts and- great deeded arid such aaef ittccs :!aa hare : distinguished "'"all lands and all men worthy to: be free. Grant believes that he owns;the. ceme tery where ,he will bury American free ddm but of eight. But rather" than that, let "cremation" be. the motto, thourh helt' bev trie oven; where" its ashes are urned.. i THE MOB WILL HAVE TO STARVE i -,i :" - 'OR STEAL.' The Radical party in South Carolina reminds us of the maddened rattle snake that ; strikes, at every thing it hears, until - in its! rage it buries its poisonous faiigs in its own body. . This miserable party has gone on in their blindness and ragej Striking at the just returps and the constituted Courts of I thefand until they alienated all deJ . . . i a i lii.i cent men, and have been left alone to reap the fruitful their rown folly and madness. They have assembled .as a body in-Lthe halls of . the Legls lature, inthe iacej bf the UCUHIUU. VI I the Supreme Court to 3ne contrary, and declared that Chamberlain is the next' (Governor of the State of South Carolina. It is a pitiable sight to see human beinesTri a 'civilized land act so much like madmen and fools. They are at best only a howling,, lawless and revolutionary, mob, and the highest Court in their State have so declared' No acl they pass can possibly haye any valirTitv in law: niar nan t'nav vr raise bv lialatian ona cent of taxation ta j e rm. 1 defiay their own expenses. They r bankrupt.in character as well as in ieana. No man will trust them for IlheirJboafd."-nd if 'the Democrats wiU only wait a few days they will either jKCrieJcut3h.e ; mofcar have Jialf jo tnem in lau lor stealing sometnintj to l-PJi .L-i. 1; S Vw va NOBLIT "vVORDS bFiANOBLfe MAN s -.1 . -t.. --a -ji When Hamptoq was' told , tnat ali i ' t si- '. . . ? r opposition te hia olaims a JGldvernor would be removed if he" and iaveral uvuci (jiuiuiucui uiiiicui ui hue oiulo would declare that they believed South! uaroana nad gone lor Mayes, the pure and noble Hampton rejected the in - . i j . . . L,m A. T ' " i - not. say uf even to p JtyeataentLhej can deprive him of the office to which he has-been chosen by the suffrages of I his people, and the hired incendiaries oi me f conspirators , may aestroy tne homehatgives'hini ' shelter but all the geld and promises of power they can command, will not buy from him his honor, gem far more precious to him than all the gold and rubies' this earth: canafford. The snn inhis whole course does Bot shine upon a braver here, a nobler man. and a truer patriot iariade Jfarnpori aKdVw harac- Viis.tanifa.nnft tfti nv- - r --.-i K ,;. , Mu- wh ft A form crrnwft. Whiter vnrf viTv the dark waves of corruption and de- moraliiation beat against its unyield ing sides. . fA;;"--' ..4 . . - . . - -TT7 - ... . l - HThe New York Herald says : "The last annual message of President Grant ityf etiejsti6!irtlt'6ftfie kind eversent; Cngrwfbrft it has the merit pf being short.' Wilt Dankis Ii. HiETFOED, Nov. 29. It is sineular how mtnt f!ftnn.tiftMt. mVi hiim. njersxiurniop in. thd. Bodthern trou- bles. tA fstr daya i ago I sent you a sa.ei.cii oi v xw.vj-- jTiLitui, me ijouisiana United States marshal. I notice now tnavrueneraiv uonrJtiennis turns . m k mi - - T . m s.- - s up as united estates marsnai m tsoutn Caralina. nViarrirl with i th. dntw.rtf .7 -- -D l " -- t -r-t -J "Iim ' that' nnni ilnitj rnnlilinTiiJ mKAttt7ZxXl hMIKZ-iTiA a3. . 7 r 00 , r y-"v.- cut, who haa gotten rich by plundenneft in "prostrate Btate.; tie was a Nor- wicn noy, wno went out in tne seventh Connecticut regiment as1 ca when the real work of the v 'ptaln.'ahd war began resigned and turned sutler. Having made money out oi tne soimers aunug young taay wno nau auowea me ien the war. he eot a brevet as general (for drills of her heart to 1 twine fondly what the Lord only knows, but brevets) were verv cheao? at i the close of the war), and since has been a prominent member of : the republican ring in South Carolina. If 4Bob Pitkin and John Dennisareto elect our President, . . i i .' .i we might as well give up having any Presidents. -7 j THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. V I ' -- -s r OeBSlOa OI 1040" 4i Condensed fromihe Ea'aigh News SENATE. - ' " FOFRTEEHTH DaT. . -.J'taii Wednesday. Dec 6. .M'J atlOj The Senate was call f to order o'clock. President Robinson, in the Chair.i -i r r, Ct a ;? Ci . Various reobrts were presented from standing committees. The following was presented by the Judiciary Com-: mittee: .. . .... f ' "The Judiciary Committee find that chapUrOTection W Battle Revi- L it5 . iii .mi t in. structed s on the part , of the State, of iNortn uaronna,to maKe, execute ana deliver: a;r contraciXfbrv: the i public printing,' and ascertain that such r.ontrar.t HalinH inH dnnrpnnrt. ma Ha hv Rfl.iH I committeersThe jStateilisTprohibited from passing; any law impairing the futlire contracts, ; and the committee see f no necessity for its passage and ask to bed:scriargedtroBa the lurther consideration of the bill and accompa nying memorials. - The conmittee was accordingly dis I charged :- BILLS. By Senator Cunningham : To regu- late the practice of dentistry in North (aroma. Jteierrea. i By Senator Liles : Bill to protect birdti-ndiciary. ?-T I'lEt Ii -i- "By Senator Troy : "A bill for the protection of paupers. Propositions and Grievances, ...... By Senator Moore, of Mecklenburg : To repeal chapter 15, laws of 1871-72,1 and to re-enact chapter z73, section 1, laws orl868-m Keferred. CALENDAR. Bill to prevent miscegenation. In definitely postponed. Kill to amend section 4, cnapter o7, of Rattle s Kevisal, so as to make aban- donment'on the part of a husband for three years without the consent of nis wife, a sufficient cause, for divorce, was passed over informally. Bui to commute and settle tne btate debt. Beferred to joint committee on State Debt. Bill to extend the time of the sheriff of Iredell county, was indefinitely post poned. Resolution requiring uierKs oil Courts to report to the. public treasurer r rvA tnrx rti- r at ' nnAa n rvn t rnrtAir tvTa for the past four years, was amended U V ( nillir 1ll V A AIXJV" t)U tVftWI VM by the committee and passed its read ings. Bill for the relief of tax payers .of I Worth . Carolina, ieives them until I .fliuurj it, 1040. bi icuccui iuui 1 . - - . . - ! j't.,.l . 1 o a m r 3 1 j oenawr juoore; moveu 10 suspend the rules and take up the bill intro duced by himself this morning. He stated that its purpose was to provide a special term of court Jor Mecklen burg county which it is proposed to have the judge of the ninth judicial district neia beiore the new laws go into effect and the judges begin . to ! rotate" - , Senator Polk rand Scales supported the proposition and the rules being suspended, tne bill passed its second Und third readings, and was sent jto I he House without engrossment. J s t Ke80iation in regard to the oppres sivenesi vof the revenue , laws, and urging our. Senators and represents tov8 So to secure a modification of these laws, came tip and was passed. Hy senator ltoy : A bill to incar cerate coavicta in the penitentiary for the period of one year and more until there shall be 450 convicts con fined therein. : Upon motion of Senator Troy, the rules were - suspended and the senate entertained the bill. ; k Senator 11 Moore, "Cel.", of New Han over, opposed the bill. senator Kobins offered an amend- I , Aftar some -debate the preyious Question was called by Senator Stan- ford and the call was sustained. r : J-neamenamenB-waa put ana iauea lne : question then recurred upon the original motion, and the bill pasa- ea, its second reacung. HOUSE -OF - REPRESENTATIVES. Promptly at IV o'clock Mr. Speaker Price called the House to order. . EEPOETS OF COMMITTEES. ., , Mr. Henderson. from the Committee rrivi10 nVl l?.lot.inn mtiHmiftoA ""-"""J "v'"'ivvv-" 1 . . . ' , . i . . . . . . . TT . . .. ft xuuuaui m Dnt . iu tun uuuig vi Bepresentatives as al member from New JIanover county. Mr. jvior in gr, from the same commit- tee, submitted a min claring -the election' the House of 'Eepresei ority report de for members of Bepresentatives in New Hunpver and.Fepder counties 1 illegal - Tiu - Li i Both of the 'reports, are .loner and elaborate and consumed much time in their readme. The minority reoort also i edntained a resolotibrr declaring that J. W. Dun- I UIIU . If UH . IlUb KI1L1L1BU. B.I111 L.I1H.E. : AA.al.J ..J il a Al election for members of the House sin I ew . Hanever, and rlender counties waa- illegal auu mercioro une Billing members irom tnese counties, Messrs. WilsonHill and Lloyd were not fairly I ' Both: reports were placed , on -the calendar -jr ; v : V HKS0LUTI0NS AITD BILL8, J- k By Mr. Cooper A -resolution i to rftafiira th Pridnt! f triAWmtarn Ct RaMroarl tn' nnnruha nPftl.rMa1the Msn8ion House. - Reference required .-iVi -.m .o " Placed on the calendar. r f . i f ? :By Mr. -Vaugban : j. A bill- prescribe ing tne duty of the clerk of the ou I breme Court iri "certain hasp.' Cam. a , . . r - . - mittee tin Judiciary;,1 " H ; Bv "Mr.McHea ; A h n "in I ItanfaV a mm. " kr amena i y"j v., vvi."vuiuiuuu,:owiol School T.o rmr;it. ..... .i; rvir" -V' their winter nw,, "T,."o .epr vi vub Committee, oa-Privileges and . Elec- tions, i majority , and -minorityj were taken up, made special order for Mon - day at 12 M., and ordered to be print- en, ii l . '. - -i . -Vf-l. - i An Affectikg Epistlk.t A beautiful around a strapping great' conductor on a horses-car. had her affectionate nature crushed by the j discovery that he was taking fara from here arjd dead-head - jng another girl who lived in the same street. She did not eat pickles and L . J :;, ,iv.: . . t pine away, but wrote him an affecting epistle, wnich read: "iou wantto knock'dowh enoflt-aTamps to buy me a &undav; 6c I will nnt an Awning aver that girl's Jfive the next time i meet her in Society A-You heer me FLOUR !; FLOUR ! liooo.W.': v M QOn Barrel .-Flour, : ,-?RV?": -rrf- - -i. tQQ .Buahels.Oats, A j : 200 SaleS'-' : ' hnrt Bb&? Indian Eock (Va). mm-. v ' Lime, - 1QO 100 'Bales Fodder, -Bales Shucks, 1 0 0 Eosendale Cement, ! SHINGLES. LATH?, LUMBER, ' For Sale by PEGRAM &' WARD, . IBuiroughs, (ft Spricgs' Old Stand. decS. -. - -.;.,:. . ' . C A M X V. T T T T O N" ' v jjj- - . THE BALTIMORE BRANCH C3L.OT3B IRTG HOtJSB offers better bargains in CLOTHING than any other house in town. ABE THE BEST Trade Street, adjaiaing McAden'B Store. decS . . .I THE SUN. 187T; "HEW YORK. 187 T. The differeat editions or Tas Sua dorine the next year "will be the same as during the year tnat nas just passed, ine aarly edition will oa week days be a sheet of four paces. and on Sundays g sheet of eight pages, or 56 oroaa commas; wniie the weekly edition dimensions and character that are already wui oa saeet 01 eigne pages ( tne same familiar to oar friends. Tbi Svv will continue to be the strenuoos advocate of .reiorm and retreBchntnt,.and of the substitution of statesmanship, w is- dom, - and integrity for hollow -pretence, imbecility, and fraud In the administration of public affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and for the people; as opposed to eovernment bv frauds in tne ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers a bady mow not far from a million of souls with the meat careful, eomplete, and trustworthy accounts oi current eveats, and will employ for this purpose a namerous and carefully selected staff cf reporters and correspon dents. v Its reports from Washington, es pecially, will be full, accurate and fearless ; 1 and it win doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not eiye them, while it wilt endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by -J defending the 1 rights of ' the people against the ncroachmtnts ; of un- lustified power. The price of the daily Sim will he 55 cents a moatb or 6.50 a year, post paid, or with tae tsunuay edition .79 a year. xne Sunday edition alone, ' eight pases, SL20 a year, post paid., '-v. The Weekly Sun, eight pages of 56 broad columns, will be furnished during I877, at the rate of $1 a year post paid. . - ihe beneht of tn:s large reduction from th nnTinnM rate mr thm Wpb-lr con h on. J joyed by individual subscribers without the necessity or maamg upciuos. At the same f exlendinr onr aircnlation. w shall he ifrate- fot ! them,; and every, such persen who senos us ten or more subscribers from one I txl.n mill , U .ni;!. tn rt. ,- i IWIAJI .V U1UIDUI miUVUW U.KV. AW dollar a year postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid : and. considering the Size of the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are: confident the people will consider the Weekly Sun the cheapest newspaper published in the world. and we trust also one of the very best. Address !s ' THJfi BUN, dec8 r ; ' New York City, N. Y. SquleriNeedlc Company. : yILIr'supply "parties ' and agentrwith i f :eedls for H5kindsr ox Sewing Ma chines at 1 west cash prices lines at lowest cash pnees.- - - For price list; address "f with stamp,) ' & y SOUTHERN NEEDLE ;CO r ' Lock Box 48, Charlotte, N; C. dec81m Wanted; Lady who is thoroughly COMPETENT and WILLING TO WOKtf t to Ulte I charge of the kitchen and dining room at Apply at the offlte of Mansion or address J Mc Alexander. Charlotte, N. C. dec7 tf I V . r i , t C i ,'tj it Coal, Coal, Coal. UEDUCTIO ft IN , I BICE I - TtTT-r t ' j.l nM.i l. . I I i auu receive in a iew uavs uuiuerirse U lot i of i Anthracite Coal, alt sizes: - To supply, I oner special inducements, toux in aualitv of coal and in Price.; kx:. j 5 AU ooal sold by us guaranteed to be of 1 1118 Dest quality and run weight. FRANK E. PATRICK. Office, Cotton Compress Co, nevl Tu) TT "H3 Villi S3 S : 8 1- - 'It'.' .1 1 V THE- rt it J CIIAJlPIOi TEA HOUSE; f, itvi 1 I i 5 J1 i-sjer .! I'iUJOF CHARLOTTE. FANCY FAMILY FLOUR.f Lrttle Pig Hams and Breakfast Stnpsv- ., ... ' i Boasted Coffee, fresh ' ' every day, Spioed Pips ' r : f.. Feet and Pickled' Tripe,: ; Loose Pickleo. very choice. v -1 - Uo. 1 Shore and Mess Mackerel, Piciled W bile Shad, " Choice Butter and Cbeese, . Gillets Cream Yeast for light 1 bread sad rolls, Pure Grotmd . -, ' 1 ! Ginger.CiBnamon.'Cloves, Pepper, Crosse & Blackwel.'s Chow Chow, Pickles,. : ' ' ' - I. Prepared Cocoanut, I w u , Crushed White Wheat,, ... -,r .,.. ,i Macaroni, Vefmicilli end;';" Tapioca; Pine Apple, Salmon' " i 1 and 24 lb- cans. 8ea Foam, Patapsco, Bumford and Royal i4 PARI KG POWDER 8. i ! nov26' , - ! 1 i-"-' ft trA : C, C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Chaklottb, Columbia fc Auaxtsta, B.B. Columbia, S. C., Nov, 18th, 1876 On and after Snnday. Kovember 18th. the following schedule will be operated on this road : MAIL " PAESENGEB TBAlN-rAILT ' GOJNG "SOUTH. ' Leave Air-Line Junction,. 10 35 p.m. Leave Charlotte, 10.55 p. m. Leave Columbia. : , 4 t0 a. m. LeaVe Graniteville, . 8 14 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, j 9.00 a. m. ..'. GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, 5.20-p. m Leave W, o A Ja n, sapper J 10 40 p. m. Leave Columbia, ll.uo p. m. I Arrive at Charlotte, ' 4.52 a.m. Arrive at Air-Line J unction, 0.10 a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, DAILY, Sundays excepted. GOING SOUTH. Leave unariotte, 3 15 a. m. Leaye Chester, breakfast 7.48 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, -' 10 24 a. m. 1 Arrive at Columbia, 2.00 p m. GOING NORTH. jueave vommma, " 8.00 a. m. Leave Winnsboro, 11.48 a.m. Leave mester, 2,28 p. m. Arrive at unariotte, e.ivp. m. AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leaye Augusta, at 6.50 a. m , and at 11 a. m. Arriye at Columbia, at 3 48 and at 6.45 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Columbia, 9 50 a. m., and at 12 noon Arriye at Augusta, 7.16 p. m.,and 9.10 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays. The Mail and Passenger trains make close connections to all points North, East and South. Sleeping cars are attached to this train. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l 8upt, A POPE, Geueral Ticket Agent. nov2S . ., I A T Rm Cl RailrnciH w" vuvn SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, . Charlotte, N. C. Sept 30, 1876. J and after Monday. Oct. 2nd. the following Schedule will be run over this road : GOING SOUTH ieave Btatesvine, tj.uua. m. 6-00 a Mooresville, D. College. 7.21 " 8.03 " 9.45 " Arriye Charlotte, GOING NORTH. Lieave unariotte: 2 43 p. m. D College. 4 32 Mooresville, 5.J4 Arrive Statesville, 6.S0 AD. charges must be pre raid on Freierhr onerea lor enipment to Bection House. Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldweirp. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the abote named "Flag Stations." shipment unless the name of consignee and No freight will be received by Agents for destination is distinctly marked thereon, J J GOKMLJSY, oct 1 Superintendent. B. & D. E. B. SCHEDULE. ;'! ; RICHMOND, VA-, Oct. 6, 1876. On and after Sunday, the 8th inst.. the following Schedule will be observed : ' -TRAIN NO. 1. Leave Kicnmond...... 7:50 a m Arrive at uanyule, ..... 2:57 p. m at Greensboro................... 5:30 p m at Sali8bnry......:y.-.....-i 7:55 p m at Air-Lino Junction,...-.. 10:15 p m atCharlotte,i..;.K:.;....10:4l p m .i TRAIN NO. 2. Leave Charlotte:"..;.....,....';:;.....;... 4:55 a m Arriye at 8alisbnry,.......MM.. 7:54 a m at ureensboro,....,M.. i):&0 a m ii 1 at DanviLe,r................12:27 p m . . at Richmond,....;............. 7:47 p m hviw, ' j r MACMURDO. ;Oct , . f ,j ; ; G. P. A. HOGS Vf L Bible has two car loads of Tennessee Hogs at Wadsworth's Livery Sta ble, , for sale. -; Call round and - buy your meat for 1877. i . dec5 2t ! : l. TIIACARONI..I. , . i 'A fine article bf fresh Macaroni,' juit re ceived at j ..'..: , SCAKU & CO 8, nov22 r ! v . . Drug Store. ' - - ' ' ' - ' Brick. A - Large lot Common and .Pressed Brick, il for sale, cheap by : - - ' ' ".KM MILLIR & SONS. Oct28v,7 V": - - - t " -i 2000 Pounds ARGE Hard Cabbaee Heads Juit Teceiv- JU edar. s! wmB Ni MITfl'io nOVlg , - I ' r (; JUST RECEIVED i - 1 ' i ''" ; ' At the MOZART SALOON. Imported Rhyne wine on draught, 1 -; " M oct!9 . FIR 2- 1 1U G " r ONDON Assurance fkri?rioaMMinsgara,'"6eoig'. flftme" "Kational" ."oh ' JJ North State" 'Lynchhrny Insuianoe and Banking Company" "Firemen's Fund' VBoyaiV North America.'' -. , NTS HUTCHISON A 80N, Agents, - ' V V v- Office 2nd Story Parks' Building, Tryon Street novl2 HAS IN STORE AFULL : ASSORTMENT OP GOODS. CONSISTTKrt IN STORE "AFULL : ASSORTMENT OF PART AS LL Grades of Syrups and Mjla?ses. SUGAKS Granulated, Crushed, C A Yel low and Demerrara. Coffees Old Goy. '.Javai Lagulra and Bio. Gift Edge Cheese. Craik- frr Kose Batter, Pearl Oyster, Soda, Ginger Comhills., Layer Raisins. Canned Peacbas. I Ground Mustard, Pure Candies Foriegn and ger and Pepper, Early Rose Potatoes, yery Cut Chewing Tobacco and the best brands of Lard and Sugar . All of which I am offering: at the lowest' prices ".'"""'if , j- i , ? I ... f, j til . (. Hvi . V ' V dec 6 Joo Many New Goods, TO mention, but call and see for yourself, and remember we are now next door above Brem, Brown Co. , . T COLEMAN & SON'S, nov26 Wide Awake Grocery. TRY OUR TEA, PRONOUNCED by all who have used it as -the beet for the money in the city. T COLEMAN & EON. nov2 THE MILD POIER CURES ; HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general use for twenty years. Iwerywuere proved tne mo&t SAlfc, iinpTirEjoo- WICAL, and EFFICIENT meli- cincs known. They are Just what the people want, so vine: time and money, avert in sr sc - nessand suffering. Each sins; e specific the well tried prescrip- lon oi an eminent physician. inos Cures Cents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 25 2 Worms, Worm Feyer, Worm Colic, 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fants 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, ; Billions Colic, 25 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting 25 7 Uoogbs, Colds, bronchitis, 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceacbe,. 25 9 Headaches,. bick Headache, Vef- tigo 25 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach, 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods, 25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods, 25 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 T.4 Salt Kheam, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 6; 15 Rheumatism, Kheumatic Pains,... 25 16 Fever and Ague,Cbill Fever, Agues, 60 17 Piles . blind or bleeding. 50 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Jtyes 50 S Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza - 50 20-' W hooping Coughs violent coughs, ' : i 00 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing, 50 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 50 23 bcrotula, eniaiged glands, Swel lings, 50 24 General Debility, Phisical Weak- , , ness 50 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions,...,. 50 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding. 50 27 Kianey-Disease, Gravel...... v. 50 28 Nervous Jebility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discbarges,. 1 00 29 Sore Mouth, Canker, ....i. - 50 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed,.;. ; 50 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms, 50 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc. , 1. 00 33. Epilepsy, Spasms, ft. vitns' Dance. 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, -. 50 35 Chronic Congestions and l-.rup- . lions, 5 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large " vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 i Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book , 600 VST These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address IllJMPIIRETS' alomeopathic medicine Co. Office fc Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agent, FLORIDA ORANGES E?oda , 55uit ei'. AND - 07STEH: CEACKEES, BY oct27 Toys, Toys, Toys. AND THE :r, 4 Ij arfj e s t D oll " In the State can be Seen'Free at C 8 HOLTON- & CO.,' . nov 4 . Opposite Market. Trunks! TrunRsl AN Elegant Stock of Trunks, at . , . , . , ALEXANDERS' . doc7 ' '-Xl ' -Boot and 8hoe Store. ENGIJ3H . U.' French and American Hair Brushes, an elegant auortment and newest styles, at nov22 4 SCARR & CO'S,. U R il HOE. GOODS, -CONSISTING IN FOLLOWS: Snap, Lady. Washington,-; Strawberry and Tomatoes. Brandy Peaches. Pickle Ranl;n J m - . - . 9 f MAAJ Domestic. .All-Spice, Cloves, Natmeg, Gin- fine, White Beans, Back-Wheat Flour, Fine Cigars Cured Hams, . GALL. : tBLUM'S salem Almanacs, FOR 1S77 BY THE SINGLE ONE, DOZEN or GROSS -AT TIDDY'S. novSO . DIAVIES, :-J- .7.,"... -." . ; FOR 1877 ' -AT nov30 Lost. A Young Red Game Cock strayed from my residence on 6th Btreet. Saturday af ternoon." Any person returning him or giv ing information leading to hia recovery will be suitably rewarded. uov29 F H ANDREWS. CRANBERRIES, FRFSH CURRANTF, f RAISINS, CITRON, NDTS, MINCE MEAT, FIGS, COCOAKTJTS, MILK CRACKERS, CREAM SODA CRAf KIRS, FULL STOCK CANNED GCOI 8, ''-at ' "' HEAD QUARTEKS, ANDEEWS & JONES. dec2 The Charlotte Heme aMfl Hospital. THI3 Institution is new open - for the re ception of patients; both male and fe male. Application for admistioa rosy be mae to Mrs CuretonMrs Jones, Mrs Wilke or Mrs Tan Landingham, all of whom are officers pf themid-aoety.rrr- Cases.of accidentwiil bereceived. at- the Hospital, at any hour of -the day or night. by the MATRON IN CHARGE. dec2 6t 2 3 4 12 13 14 Auction Sale I will tell at public 8 net ion at the Court House door in Charlotte, N. O, on Friday the I5ih of December, '76, one house Dd lot fronting on Myers street, the house has six rooms, is new and hasnever been occupiel. . TERMS Two HnndreJ and Fifty Dollars Cash, balance payable by installments with fn three years, with interest 8 per cunt per annum from date. . j , ; ; Walter brem. ' declfw- Mrs. E. IVI. Moyer WOULD irnform the ladies of Charlotte II and vicinity, that she bfs taken the room in the rear of Mrs. R. WcNelis' mil inery store and where she would be pleased see her friends and customers, and will guarantee a perfect fiV All she asks is to give her a trial. , ' :-i MRS E M MOYEP. Lonierlinlpce Ceases to be a Virtue. WE give notice to all parties mho evens either Wholesale or Retail bills contrac ted prior to October 1st, 1876, will be placed in the hands of the sheriff of the respective Counties by January lit, '77. Don't blame us, we have waited until our patience is ex hausted. WITTKOWSKY & R1NTEL8 nov26 ev su til janlst - : POULT. 11 Y . THE undersigned; is prepared to furnifh TURKEYS, GEESE, CHICKENS, Ac. from his Poultry Farm, four miles South of Charlotte. Having nearly one.5 thousand head iu Stock, he can furnish orders at prompt no tice. SAMUEL NHL o. noV24tf ,..-, 4 ; . 5 Crates, ONE Thousand Pounds Mountain Cabbage 1,000 pounds Sliced Tried Apples, fresh Country Butter and Eggi, at B N SMITH'S. OneTrial of our Tea IS ALL we ask--for we know you will use no other afterward.' Roasted Coffee; All grades of Sugar as low and as good as any body else's.'- -- -. . . i -AT THE WIDE 1W1KF) tNext door above. Brem, Brcwn & Co's. EALS, At all hours, at the - " M0MART SALOON. oct!9

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