if AnrY-r-OBSEIlVEIhH TODQn-JlFnillsqnDr-v; hTHE GEZrERALSSEIIBLYrr The English government has exist ed, under; substantially., the present system" of government, if we may ex-J cepi the Cromwell i usurpation,; fur -5 V I over a' thousand ears, and; the: dark Session of 1876-77. Rlaeigh Observer. Sunday December 10, 1876. GHAS, JONES,, -. i ' -F; BREVARD McDOVTELIi,- 4 s Editors A Proprietors ,Mr, Free .from Jhev doting, scruples fetter oar free-bora reaion. i INFLEXIBLE RULES. We wn not notice anonymous commnnlca 'Rn. v; In all ose we. require the writer's name ana aaaress. not ror punncauon, pro m a gnaian tee ot-good alth. J "- W annot, under any circumstances, re tain rejected communications, nor can we undertake to preserve manuscripts. Articles written on both sides, of a sheet of paper eannot be accepted for publication. "-; . TffB LA,W? JUSTIFIES A. MAJI IN n i nEttDHDEPra' hi&BtiLP1 When ATTACKED. The returns from Florida can be re v$rllla)dbe ?rUI..ef the people as expressed at the lallot box can be throttled at tbf 'bayonet's 4 jpbiit eight thousand legal majority in Louisi ana,, cfn beJ,hrown jnta the waste b&a- vlre'f and whole parishes thrown ou t and ignored. Ob, yes !, that was all pef- iitcnytxighi and just, say the organs of the Radical party. But when Govern or Grover of Oregon gives.thei certifi cate of election to one electors be est period of her history may be read in the proceedings of the Star Cham ber Court, where . Judge Jeffries with out' a jury, and under the fororTand ; I ' I guisa oflatr, executed the mandates cf o'clock r.hA k i nor in mnh a minnr an f.n a.IiAn. I ouair. ateJ the people from then government, and th us m ak e the obj ect of th eT Pre tender easy of, accomplishment. ' The rulings of this ' court led to the behed- ding of Charles 1st, and threw the ad ministration of the. government into chapi.jand Sat the 4 irighl moment Oliver Cromwell assumed the preroga tives of the King. Sir Harry Vane, Wentwortb,. Martyn,Lental. and other leading men of that day submitted qufetfy to the rule of the Pretender, and among all the English people, who have even been noted for their love of constitutional law, there was not found a siDgle man with firmness enough to lead the people into oposition against the man who had invaded the sanctity, of English law, and subverted the chosen government of the Briton, and whi9h bad Btood .the Jest ? of seven hundred yeafs. The reasob Tor this want, ,of. confidence in the legal gov ernment was apparent. Under the reign ofCharles 1st the rights o no man had been respected.' .The edicts of the Xing had been enforced without re? gard to the rights of the English citi zen"; the great right of the writ -of habeas corptp under the corrupt ruling fthe-Star 'Chamber Court had been SENATE. Thuksdat, December 7. Mr. xienaerson moved a suepensioa of the rules to take up S. B. M o. 5 U. B. N: 80, to amend an act incorpor ating the Dan River Navigation Com- ,pany,- Ihe motion prevailed - and the bill passed its several readings and was ordered to be enrolled for ratifi cation. ' . , ' - MESSAGE, Powell, for committee on public buildings and- grounds submitted a report recommending a resolution Mansion and erect a suit able resideuce EEPOETS OP COMlirrrXES. for the Govemnr nimn th I.tiH nw. substitute lor tde bill for the relief of grove, Sheriffs, and Tax-collectors in the S tate 1 ecom m ending its passage. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. Mr. Caho : Kesolution in favor of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Placed on Calendar. : MESSAGE FEOM THE HOUSE. i Transmitting the which were referred committees: H.B. No. 13, to prevent interlerence with property. following' bills, to appropriate malicious Mr. Staples moved to amend tho resolution by striking out the words "Attorney General-" Mr. Cooper moved to postpone till Monday next at 12 o'clock. Mr. Staples offered a resolution re ferring the whole matter Committee ob public buildings and g? unds to ascer tain whether the State can sell' the Gov ernor's Mansion and at what price, at what price a new one can be erected: and the location most su;table for the same. The resolution was adoDted III THE H. B. No. 35, to make gold and silver J?1 ?mtee U required to report a legal tender ' - UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Resolution introduced by Mr. Troy, providing that until there shall be received into the Penitentiary 450con victs, in excess of all that may be farmed out or. employed on the West ern North Carolina Railroad, all con victs sentenced - for the term of one year or more, shall be received into the Penitentiary Mr; Troy moved to amend the reso lution so as toauthorizetbe admission into the Penitential y of all criminals sentenced for oneyear a imprisonment. and strike out the clause relating to wnom tney snail be iarmed out. Dec 11,1876. Message was received from the Sen ate mforminr the House that the Senate had concurred in II. B. 41 in relation to printing the constitution and in the amendment to S. B. 91 of instruction to the committee on penal institutions; also mforaied the House of the passage of 8. B. 107 to authoaize the Superintendent of the Penitentiary to receive convicts under tentence for one year. The lules were sueDended lit i , , . auu me dim paisea its eeverai reaau gs ana was oraerea to be enryl ed tor rati- ncacon. A report fiom the Secrafarv of the State in relation to banks, was ordered to be printed, also a report from the CIIAMPI0A1 TEA HOUSE, OF CHARlX)TrE. FANCY FAMILY FLOUR, Little Pit; Hams and Breakfast Strips Roasted Coffee, fresh every day, Spiced Pigs Feet and Picalcd Tripe, Loose Picklfs.ivery choice, No. 1 Shore aDd Mess Mackerel, Pickled "White Shad, Cnoice Butter and Cheese, Ghlets Cream Yes3t for light bread ad ro'ls, Pure Ground Ginger,Cinnamon, Cloves, Pepper, Crosse & Black el 'b Chow Chow, Pickles, Prepared Cocoanut, Crushed W hite Wheat, Macaroni, Vermicilli and Tapioca, Pine Apple, Salmon 1 and 2J lb cans, gea Foam, Patapsco, Bomford and Royal BAKING POWDERS. nov26 5NTQITRA17CE. FIRS inrsuRAWOE. f I- ONDON Assnrance OorixniAa'' laHu, "Omo' a r . - w'vyMvx evil, AJCentfl Office 2nd Story Pajka Building, Trytm Str norl3 Street. R, B. ALEX4NDER HAS IN STORE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. CONSISTING in PART AS FOLLOWS: i , LL Grades of Syrups and Molasses. SUGAES-Granulated, Crashed, C A Yel low and Demerrara. Coffees-Old Gov, Java, Lagnira and Rio. Gift Edge Cheese. r. u ers-Rose Butter, Pearl Oyster, Soda, Ginger Snaps, Lady Washington, Strawberry and Cornhills. I L.yer Raisins. Canned Peaches, Tomatoe., Brandy Peaches, Pickles, Sardines round Mustard, Pure Candies Foriegn and Domestic. All-Spice, Cloves, Nutmeg, Gin ger and Peppe r, Early Ro,e Potatoes, yery fine, White Beans, Back-Wheat Flour,' Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco and the best brands ofikCigars Lard and Sugar Cured Hams, All of which I am offering at the lowest prices VE IMIIE -A. . CALL. dec 6 Too Many New Goods, - - I I I . tt I . J juoore, vcoi.; 01 .new Alanover, State Treasurer concerning the bonded . J vwv I UUllC UCUb. had a, perfect right to do, both by the laws of his own State and'the Constit utionof ib.o United States, they raise a yea iouu enougu 10 siarue toe ueni zena oft he lower world, and -exclaim, "it is the crowning infamy, it is the crnftt. frnnd nf iha aof I" TTor nn .. ? i 'r jr ' rr rzr't-' t rym. t there noiiering ; we love to bear your cries. tlje wctuow you are m pamv but : we do not feel sorry for you.. You get, a trapi to wound other's' in, and stumbling i :j J 1 J Li Je t J ..o.u l.uuluCuuUSCUu1iJUUuU nffered by the Senator from New were nuea witn good iionesf citizens Hanover, and said, while the Legisla who were denied justice. Iture did not propose to consult the n The admihistration f equal and convenience of convicts, he would say, o,a ir, on vao ih n his opinion, seven tenths of that in his them would rather hn nfnf. t n iho Pan. yoTner-stone. d me -government ei itentiary even for one year than be every civilized people. Without it f coufined in the jails and work-houses : is anarchv antf 'cnfaMoV. and that he was ready to admit that it was " , - Vt .t v51 n!a F o)?0A on reasonaoie to suppose mat some ,rf' -"v-v. .vw n,rsna vnl1M nrcfor o ,r.r I uiienupuiuu. parusaus prevail. ecluded confinement than in the ihtre;.: is' iLdeed iiuu lUMii mwu two years." uouse branch of loint committee .air. Aroy opposea tne amendment on theinanonratinn fifflov.rnnPvo - w I - .wm VI 1V-4..JW1 V Hill V was announced to be General W. if. Koberts, and Messrs. StaDles and VODD. AQiournea till to morrow o'clock, A. M. THE SUN. 187 T. NEW YORK. J87T. about in your drunken :bl:ndne6S, you have gotjour own paw. fastened m it You deserve punishment for your sins and now you are gett'ng- licked with law, no order, no and safety, society The difleremt editions of Thji Sun during the next year will be the same as during the year mat una just pas&ea. int aailv edition at 11 will ob week days be a sheet of four naees. ai d on Sundays g sheet of eight pages, or 56 I oroaa columns ; wuiie tne weekly edition : 1 1 I i . e 1 . , til u -rt . , "... .. .-vv,v. 'fc"" iSio ui Lur buiuu xiuriua xiemccrais appeal to Uanaall. dimensions and character that are already iauiuiar w our inenus. Thi cfn will continue tn hp the of ron nnn. Live Oir, FLORIDA, Dto 6 The advt cate of re orm and retrenchn'tnt, and democrats issue the following address us T to-uay . lmbeeilitv. Hud frnuH In lh uHmtniot...- w , . ui.A.aabi aii.ii fpO mention, but call and see for yourself, j. ana remember we are now next door auuve jorem, Brown & Co. T COLEMAN & SON'S, Wide Awake Grocery. nov26 left to take care of itself under the principles that might is right. The usurpation -of Judge Bond in Colum bia, in daring to set aside the mandates no I public Penitentiary, tut he thoucht . ia the sentiment of the majority should To Hon. Samuel J Randall, Washinaton of PQblic aflfairs. It will! contend for the TRY OUR TEA, Tl?nwnTTVPi?n 1 11 L , ... ... "i au wno nave used it as j- me oest ior tne money in the city T COLEMAN & EON. nov26 your own cow-hid?., and vill not r.icv n- . ji info rra unfil 1 A mN.n ! V..-. I m u jjoj Uiltll 11 10 nuill UUb. 1UU I j U U prevail, and for that reason, would favor the bill without the amendment offered by the Senator from Wilmine ton. The amendment offered by the Sena tor from New Hanover was voted down. a -"star Chanjber" Court in this coan- , were entirely above yourselves. ,Come m . . B . try, and tlat too, under, the beaming mad child. Actlike men, you know ,..,, . ... .. - iU . 6 fk. ; ; . ... a i , . light of the civilization of the nine- "SO Tf! teenth century. ;On the 26th of Nov vui.w jvu n &ic.iiui;pQu in a iaii u ii b upon grounds of .yor Qwn choosing. -aml beha ve yourselves like men. We had the "TaW Oh ou.r side and you didn't You were the aggressors and we only deeided Ourselves. That is al'. and the rteolution passed. CALENDAR. Bill to amend section 1 of chapter 97 oi uatuca itevisai, relating to contracts ember, Jude Bond issued a I writ of fo PubHc printing. This bill proposes habeas c0TVns in; the case of the State t; . fn?"r. ' D. C, Speaker of the House of time- in,ot the P1 tne and I" LUU K I h I ill I K i i . i iui ucwuic us uuuubra to government hv I - i i.itiuo in luc unnuv uua uu m i ue counting The undersigned, who came here to of votes, enforced bv militarv vioienr it. be present at a fair count of the votes will endeavor to supply its readers a bedy cast by the people of Florida, have had BuOW DOt far from a miiIion of souls with the grief to be witnesses of the count- t?I,fomple.te,,ln worthy ing out of the .Tilden electors chosen, for this purpose a numerous and celullv Mr iroy a amendment was adopted, and tfce counting in of the Haves elec tors rejected at the polls. We have witnessed the progress and the con. aummationof adeliberate,preconcerled ecneme oi iraud. Ihis scheme was first contrived for execution at the ballot boxes through out tne atate. Uavine there fu Men selected staff tf reporters and correspon dents. Its reports from Washin pecia'ly, will be full, accurate and ip&rlMs and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping wuBfc me jaw uoes not give mem, wnile it will endeavor to merit the confidence nf th puonc Dy delending the rights ef the Canvassing Board, who had been lm- $1.60 to $1.55 for ru'e and figure work "hort of success it was then continued people against tLe encroachments of on- pr.soced by the Kupreme Court forln amendment pending offered by auu Pruu,oieu oy Beverai county can- Ju"ucu Puwr , ., xt , , ;. Mr. Robina nronosPB tn rnpo if .tin vassmg boards, and was vesterdav sun- lne Pce of the daily Smr will be 55 cents wulc,ui;i- ue rcicascu ui? cuipnis . - r;-rr" " - i. -.i uj r n',.-r. a montu or S6 50 a ytar. nost naid. or with , Hit uiuivii k. fi.J0- :,: - -n - What Stjuth Cacol'xVa.: Bears fob NivTHJE Sakes;of PEACE.-Sereral weks : " have elapsed since the-malicioua burn C 'ingof OenHamptonV home, and we - hive waited paiiently to see whether. v Vm5erlain would denounce it thro1 - his organ, the Un ion Herald, but hat -paper has never uttered a singte word ; M denunciation-' ofihis mean and cow ardly revenge. We are. now satisfied that it was a plot of the Radicals to .god the white people of South Caro "11 ii.na to violence but this plot like all ';',oth.ers,.hav"e failed, arid the robber ?band are frenzied almost to destruG tloa beeause theycannot circulate the -repprt of the killing: of a few incendi "aries and thieves. When' we submit witnout resistance to the unwarranta ble interference ofthe mifiry an.d the malicious destruction pt-6vct property lor the mere sake of peace, it may be p, thafe tNorernrpeople wiHjdiscoyer fcuat we are opposed to bloodshed and but has as yet rendered no decision. In the meantime the prisoners are at large in defiance of the highesttribun al known to the laws "of South "Xaro liha. He barnot even deignedTto give' anlopinionas to whether he '1 had jurisdiction or not, but in releasing uiuic BiriiiiHg out 4o cents and in sert 60'cents for plain work and to strike out $1 oo and insert $1.20 for ruie ana figure work. Mr. Folk moved the indefinite post- . . i . ponerneni oi tne Dili. Considerable discussion ensued. Alessrs Folk, Nicholson and Graham spoke in advocacy oftbe motion, and the prisoners he has-reallv deo.idd Mr- Robins in opposition; finally, the " .i . I t: i - ;j.e..t T that the administration of thel law in Z m r n iy P8tPone th. .....r-ci.- ... , , . T prevailed by the following vote : v" 9 18 """ P61 J nim- AYESMessrs. Askew, Bingham, j.Mia ins aone in tne lace oi tne isoaaie eno, juoke, Crawford, Cun Supreme Court, and without a shadow i"Shrii, Folk, 5raham, Heilig, Holt, of law to suDoort him. and w dmnH P"' Je!c'r, oore, of Mecklen- his impeachment by Congress. ... Let us, teach such carricatures on the hu man race, reeking with pollution as they are, that'there is yet law to bring war, and are not the bloodthirsty PlevAdJ4vntPfV8 carpet-baggers and "(l.be.nladetonser r his crimes, iimmvo ooxri traitors ave renrepnfpd t - .ujbuwi, eueait- us. burg, Jcholspn, Roberts, Scales, Stickney. Short, Williams, Wilson and x oric "sz. Nays. Messrs. Albright, Do'rtch, xunn, nugues, icpiored,) Johnston, down tho h,VW nrimln.l i ", 8, MabSOU, TCOl- e. ix viiciauu, oredj Kebane, (colored,)1 Moore wboj dares to take the law in bis own (colored,) Robins, Sandifer, Stewart' uauus, as jqoge uond has seen proper Auorneana wynnej-lb. ; to do. If one man may overstep the '. ' special order. bounds of well regulated jurisprudence ; to make embezzlement of coun- tWecomplieh a partisan end, another tv j1? felony, was amended, and ... I , passed its third reading. -p'pr;-v"7"' ".r " cuu o provide for the reg-stration a.t once to all law and' security. -Let f grants, deeds and other instrnmenta him be brought to the bar of justice, f writing, was taken up under a sus pension- oi tne rules, and passed its third reading. On motion, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 11 o clock. thief of the land. ''ITmt&foMMe electors met. -dav : ,r6Jieh irL Sleigh, and cast i 7?-?; m Molina for Samuel '-'iPviPi foj-PresMent and Thomas A Hendricks for'Vice President. We do iiui. oei.eve tne people of North Caro 'WHEN I WERE IN THE LZOI8LA- . TTJRE.!! The Legislature adjourns onjthe 13th, and the "Honorables" of that bod v Una VGied for Tilden nnd Han1..-aU. Will be returning home dnnhpd with and sha riot believe it; until 'the Dm- s,:ck three story beavers, and leoking of the Vvll 7in " - '1olmn anf . " t-e grey boro North Slate. v r-ouna- urecn bearded owl which has just lost the , It makes very little differs. -K.t companion and mate of his youth. It - 'J X. - ' ..,-v nil.,! ,1, .. .- ...... th Stale th'.fC W .1 i ..... . " ue -v- .rrn". bbuui ws eiecwon, and inasmuch'asHtbat paper was net con 8 Metarning ,boardn North Carolina Us actioa in 5the premises is '"u uron witn tne-supreihest difference and contempt. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, Dec. 7, 1876. At 11 o'clock the Speaker called th House to order. f REPORTS 0F STANDING COMMITTEES. xtpse ior comm.ttee on cvunuea, cities, towjs, &c, suomited favorable report on S. B. 78 H. B 1 - a cratifvln thmichf. intk s ixuuoraoies in alter years to reflect agriculture, reported unfavorably on uut xney neipea to irame the laws nf -a. o. 44. in- RESOLUTIONS. r By Mr. Wi!sor, of Burke: Resolu tipn to ra:se a joint committee to visit the Western Insane Asylum to ascer tain the necessa.y appropriat on to be made lor that in8ti,ution. Placed on BILLS. Mu'f uiu iuiiK experience at the otate.uap.tol wUI be a frnltfuTtheme for conversation for rem aHne years of their lives. Twentv ....-. . ... -. . 1 : 1 . j wkvw a special to the Charleston Journal the :-ypnng Legislature of to-day in p cowmvfcoai Colambiasays peakf g to,hiamilyr,and, neighbors calendar, uovernar.-HiirnTrAr. aj-. ... ,..i 1 j .-ti. iti .-; . . o " K "3 wiar"t rH.'-Auu pyjne way, tnat ."ua iuauKuiii.inn vii icmin i mil nr inrnDihiniTihiit n- . . the hef.t f hi i..r ..... T JT! ; - JutV.mv .r- oingeitary moved a suspension i-'" ," " wuiu nave been eu wnen i were in tne 'Liegislatur in of the rules, in order to take up S. B :;V?WFi:we,jLemocrats. j ,The Consti- '76 and ."r.aM tho young ones f the VNo, ,65, H. B. No. 122, in relation to TOiion-prpride nhat "a'Govern'nr-in- cominif rtiratinn-ll v-iiiT. uu cjangmgthe gauge of certain rail 1 r w a vu rni - . . wuoi j. no uuut.uii orevauea. ana after beiae amended the bill passed it j second and third readings, and was 'Mr iifaK..i,na. - Kih.-. oraexea to oe engrossed, and sent to the -.r. -i- senate. . . rules and take up H. B. No. 113. tution prpvides nhat "a Governor can coming ' generation will listen hold over until his successor is elected, wender and awe. i by-taking afetW this ' provi.ion.but by his inauguration he for three months.' waived his right to holdover. An- bcrlain. Other pointadvanced ia, th.t th. ...WelCDanieL 1t.. i- JTT lAr'.f'i10' 01 uoone, .who nwore. Chaftberlain in, of .advice.: r- If . y0a' don't want that Moore county. The motion prevailed, expired m November. ' thread cut in two, you had better quit n4 the bill passed its several readings, - - m Ansi wa a ai a a L. & . . . Wh-..v;.1 , . IDiayine your tricks unon iust re. Sh I : rt1 ""-Meinncrats-m-washing- 1 m.-il 11. JTi7 r- -r sent 10 tne senate. h.V- Jr t."" ema orio nano sne Mr. Wi son. ? of i Bnrk.. holds a sword and it is sham enonh susnension ef the mips in t.nl' .iin KSi rti that thread "aione blow. rolutin to raise a joint committee to ! J riait U a XT...A1 T 1 a l mi ed,hat '1.- . : . L 4. i uo " Asyium. xne r t ; t 11 "i a ns iew jvnrin. istrtt mavm that v.j i . . . v . .- - on heard the nws fferh OregSnTtKei1 urea two hundred and fn, the gloriou. viAtn I. rv?3 that thread aTone bio w. - , . - . ...u 1U1U1JU" for J am satef'thehVto dy1orwSff qy iprthe night, he lay down to rest, c,u ? Th NeortKStcSBjh&t whsri tne .Democrats - in Greenaborb news -u from Oregon their was adonted. heard Mr. CoOner moved a arianenainn af shouts tue r.ules t0 take up H. B. No. 46, to t o4uire too r resident; 01 Grantfi can 'made -. ,1 al r 11 1 , .. w u r".-" f 1 .umDiiuu,-,: j.110 -luoiiou prevailed ei leu into the oneri riArinthlLSii-C'-ir scared than anv rithmr mni and the' rnlntinn S . . ...... " Kv'.U I J - u.u.v wWU bUv I . " uuov,u 1UI DCTClOl r-W.! Arfrleor inla. r . ,-rrrrTT lf"1?! W to be engro nouowatootb and nhwih,'t rrZJ Js.i. W!- ' I ' 1 , f "cu uu m.p me senate. ' p. SPECIAL ORDER 12 H. An obituary notice nf a. vwmw man w ded; n last tt)ghttor rinieijtidn H. BNo 9, to prevent and punish 7... siti'fB. fj,.; 1 Vri;:;.;4iV fTO10?tftCOPBidfng witthe yKmptstobttrn dwelUngs and other G6 GrcrVerii' tne Leonid a th'S H "W1? i,;.Vt.vi ' ' bouses, bemg.the special order for 12m.! . fought so noblvJI Eh: if. VyTtf. r jrohebeforetbe Betuml'feeVrrf khnV.a WM,uk.n UP Psed its second fljibeny.f. sir iui;r him.: 3: en- V. &.' !l . ' . -1 " j May ke b counted in. Uv.jm Jvwxofif Ji&prett.l .ana third' readings ' and Hr ordered to ; be engrossed and .sent to the Sen- ate. - '- - -- majority of the State board of canvass ers at lauahassee. It is manifest to every intelligent observer here : 1. mat upon tbe lace of the Lount returns the Tilden electors had a ma jorlty of all the votes cast. 2. That the Tilden electors had this majority over and above the Radical ceunt alter it had been swollen by many nunarea illegal votes throuch local frauds and false returns. 3. That the maioritv declared for the TT . . . nayes electprs is a factitious, false and fraudulent majority, whieh the two Radical State canvasseis manufactured by throwing out whole Democratic precincts and counties in ODen disre gard of facts and iwith flagrant viola tion of law. They did not even keen to the shrewder path marked out for them by the'r leeal advisers from the North. All alone their deviom trark the marks of premeditation, the foot prints of a shame'ess pumcs'e a-e un concealed. The Democratic otortnrs receiving their certificates of the true result from th member of the met to-day and cast their vnten fnr T'lden and Hendricks. The Radical electors, fortified with the false certi ficates of Gov. Stearns, met to-day and tae bunday edition $7 70 a year. The Sundav edition alone iiht Ta ere $1.20 a year, pest paid. lhe W eekly Sun. eight Daces of 56 broad columns, win De lurnisned during 1877, at tnerate of $1 a year post paid. The benefit of th:a laree reduction frnm the previous rate for the Weeklv can be en joyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. A t the same time, if any of our friends choose to aid in extending our eirculation, we shall be grate ful to them, and evejv such rerson who . ". .. seuus us len or more subscribers Ironi one place v ill be entitled to one copy of the paper ior nimfeil Wltbont charge. Atnno dollar a year, postage paid tbe expenses of paper ana priming are barely repaid : and considering the size of the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are confident the people will consider the Weeklv Sun the cheapest newspaper published in the world and we trust also one of the very best. Aaaress THE bUN, dec8 New York City, N. Y. 1,000 Sacksflouii J Q Q Q Bushels Corn, 300 Barrels Flodr' 500 Bui?hcls 0a!8 200BalesHay' 200 Bbls.Indian Rock (Va) Lime, 100 Bales Fodder' 100 Bales Shucks 100 BWs Eoendale Cement, SBlNGLEg, LATHP, LTJMBEE, Ac For Sale by PEGRAM & WARD, EBuiroughs & Fprints' Old Stand, dtcS BLUM'S SALEM ALMANACS, FOR 1877 BY THE SINGLE ONE, EOZENor GROSS AT- TIDDY'S. nov30 DIARIES, FOR 877, AT- T.I D D VS. nov30 Real Estate Agency. C 0 M P K T I T 1 0 N . e . attorney general, a T Pffel my serviGes 88 a Ef1 Estate Ag nt, TIot.t e n. ' 1- for the sale of Lands and Houses in the i 3. Th.;. "l:!!: tQwn of tbarlotte and the Piedmont region fPTIPD 1 T TIMnDP "DTI 1 HTHTT lUJIifUfiiilllUUllJli DQiillbll VT 1 1 . . .. 01 norm ana couin Carolina, 1 nave on nand, for sale Town Lots. Houses, Water Powers for Mill Sites, Gold, Copper and Iron Mines, and manv thousand cast their votes for Hayes and Wheel- 8Cres of land adapted to Farming or Stock xiaieujg, YurjiKgirom ji io$5o per acre. Upon application at mv office, rrrner of Tryon and Fourth streets, a limited nnm- her of Blacksmiths. Waecn Builders. 'V hel Wriphts.Cabinet-makers and Stone Masons, can find employment in Murphy, Cherokee county. TBOSF DKAYTON. novli lm ecd er. . Itis-fortKe Congress to judge and determine h ether this assault upon the right? and liberties of freemen thus far prosecuted under cover of the arms and the authority of the Federal Administration shall be crowned at the Capital with success. Geo W Biddle of Penn., Jos E Brown of Ga., Leverett Saltonstall of Mass., David W Sellers of Penn.. Mai enm Hay of Penn., John R Read of Penn., oamuei u j nompson ot Fenn., Geo W Guthrie of Penn., PMB Young ofGa., Perry H Smith of III., C Gibson of Mo., man ton Marble or JN. Y. A t'ard to the Public. Eeceived and now pening offcra belter bargains in -CLOTHING tban any other house in town. ARE THE BEST Lost. A Young Red Game Cock strayed from my resident e on 6th street. Sntnrdav .r ternoon. Any person return "DS him nr oi v. ing information Hading to his recovery will jc cuiiBujy rewaraea. D0 F H ANDREWS. CRANBERRIES, FRESH CURRANTF, RAISINS, CITRON NUTS, MINCE MEAT, FIGS, COCOAKFTS, MILK CFACKERf, CREAM 0DA CEACKIRS, FULL &70CK. CANNEF GC01 P, AT HEAD QUARTERS, dec2 A Is DREWS & JONES. The Charlctle HcmsaBfl Hospital. THIS lest tution is bow open for the re ception or patigcts, boih male and fe male. Anphcatioa for admlsiion may be macte to Mrs (Breton, Mrs Jones, Mrs Wilke or Mrs Van 1 Iandicgham, all cf whom are cincers of vbe aid society. Cases of acciaent will be received at the Hospital, at any hour of tbe day or night by the MATRON IN CHARGE dec2 6t 2 3 4 12 13 14 an or Columbia, S. C. Dec. 7. The following paragraph appears in A l&Tge & Fllll ASSOltmeilt u'a ji u ii vuamoeriain ne livered at the capitol to-day : 'The ' gentleman who was mv onno-. nent for this office in the late election has recently declared, as I am credlblv informed, that he holds not only the peace of th,s city and State but mv life I' V 1 T . . in d.s nana. 1 ao not doubt the truth ui statement, xseitner the pubhc peace nor the life of any man who now -.wv-vu vuv WliOUUl UIAblUll Ul Lil IT . . . V ISM l m7 AiUcte for ; Christmas, enforced that policy." , I . pronounce this statement in famously false. By my unwearied ex ertions I have, eudeavored to preserve the peace of the State, and I have thus contributed to shield from popular in dignation one who has proved himseif 'a disgrace to his rank and a traitor to his trust." His conscience may make bim tremble, but neither I nor the men with whom I act countenance the hand of the assassin. (Signed) -Wipe Hampton. POULTRY. TE underfed T1 prepared to furnish TURKEYS. GEESE. I HICK ENS. Ac. from his Poultry Farm, fonr miles S uth of Charlotte. Having nearly one thousand head in bloci, he can furnith orders at prompt nc- tlc- . SAMUEL MILTON. nov24 tf 5 Crates, 0N70USanJd ?onnd Mountain Cabbage y l.COO pounds Sliced Tried Apples, fresh v "-i j uuuersuu -Cgg, at oil 9 B N SMITH'S. Trade Street, dec8 adjoining McAden's Store. A married couple : were attacked in the y street by a dog. ' The: wife screamed and tried to run, but her hus band caught her by the e houldera and held herfirmly between the infuriated ast and h:s person, wh;:e he whisper in a hoarse voice : "Don't vou dare to let go of me, darling. I'll stand by you even if he does bite." Never'los- mg nis presence ot mind ror an instant, the daring man ;ba filed everv attemnt of the fierce brute to get at him." The owner of the doer interfered, and. aa the couple moved off, the husband was heard to say : ''If you had only let that dog bite fyou, Matildy, I , might have sued the city for $10,000 damages. But you never did have much sense." COME AND SEE. , lis, Raisins, Mwh Bread.Cakes and Pies-daily THE PLACE TO GET Tour CAKES for Christmas, We sell Good's at living prices not less tban Cost, . :; - ' " US. EI. Miglei?. M EAL0, At all hours, at the " ' ' '. , MOZART SALOON. octl9 . . . , . Southern Needle Company. VIILL supply parties and agents with if Needles for all kinds of Sewing Ma chines at lowest cash prices. - For price list., address (with stamp,) SOUTHERN NEEDLE CO, Lock Box 48. Charlotte. N. C. decS lm Wanted. A Lady who is ihorouEhly c6mPETENT and WILLING TO WORK, to take charge of the kitchen and dining room at the Mtn&ion House. Reference required Apply at the offiee of Mansion or address J He Alexander. Charlotte, N. C. de7 tf . Coal, Coal, Coal. REDACTION IN PRICE 1WILL receive in a few days another large lot - of Anthracite Coal,: all sizes. To. those who desire to parchase their winter supply, I offer special, inducements, both in quality of coat and in PrlceJW o . All coal sold by us guaranteed to be of' me Dest, quamysana mil weignt.- t - . f. FRANK E. fATRICK, OflBce, Cotton Compress Co novl. i -, . ; j'n-; JgENSON'S CAPSINE PLASTERS ; - And AUooek's Portus Plaster for sale at Mc ADEN'S -- P Y Drue Store. One Trial of our Tea TS ALL we askfor we know you will nse -L no other afterward. Roasted Coffee: Ail frrades of Sugar as low and as good as any body else s, J AT THE WIDE AWAKE, ext door above Brem, Brown 4 Co's. deel ' Blankets, Blankets! FLANNELS of every description. GIN lb' ALL WOOL SHIRTS, the brayiest i - . i in the Market. LAMES VESTS, Sjl.noi.o, ahty. MISSES1 KNIT SACQUKS AND HOODP, weSerEa7r,thiDg yoQ may nc,d foT cold dec3 BARRINGER & TROTTER'3. II -Hyacinths, -TJ4 ' &c- A choice "election of Flower ACulDs,-consisting of Hyacinths, Tulfpi ocures, direct from Holland, at New York Prices, for sale at : SCARE & CO'S, t . Dm H tor oet34 JjJNGLlSH Mushroom Catsup, at ( 0 ; ,3.'mJSA.ua. SCARR A CCS. .'".3.1.

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