" cSABLOflS OBSEEVEE' 'i J aop PRinTihb4 ' The Oxsxsvza lob Department aaa 'i -' tnoronslOy anpplled wiui tkt want, ana wita tae latest atriM of Trpa, ao4 every manner of Job Wora can now m ooq J wltn neatnesa, dispatch ana cheapness. We tan rornlsh at abort notlo r -BItAlTK8,BILLifiSAD3, IiETIXSHaOASSa, --i r TX6s,ssoxzrn,isTxsa,v -Vpsogbajoles, hand bzlta' . , . PAMFHUKTS. CHECK fto, n u 1 rear, (posrpeid) in advance. U 00 6 ma. " . 4 00 mns. it" 2 00 I won, , 75 WX1XLT XDIT108. Weekly, ,'in the county) in advance, $2 00 ,' out of the coaaty, postpaid , 2 10 6 month. u- 1 - 1 06 Bjr Libera) redactions for clubs. vol; JlHiv 4 CHARLOTTE N: C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1876. " ..." NO. 2,428. . ii 1 1 hi" i h in mii it ill TV iT i ' ' - v ' -r -5;- ' - ' - I 3 DEALER BQOimHOE 4 FALL AN D VVINTER , GOQDS, AT LOW ah Koois seq pyMypuiui iflisse.prrap as TRADES TIS BET , C octl F 6 K NIT U B E BURGESS iflCHOLSr W II 0LESALE BED ROOM AW D PARLOR ISETTS, AND A FULL LINE mar7 . - , '7 1 THIS WELL EHOWH AUD LEADIHG HOTEL, LOCATED IN CENTRE OF THE CITY, pFFEBfN ' UKSURPA8SBX) ACCOMMOjDfATIONS TO THE TKAVJXINQ PUBLIC. 21ic Fumituse is ar&tclass, t!io Sense s Car- i-- . U-i' ' ; ' GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN EVERY ROOK. To Invalid?, Florida TourMs or Persons Trareling FOR PLEASURE, TIJIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY FACILITY . - FOR COMFORT. M - e- ier TERMS : $3.00, $250 and $2.-00 per 'daj.iaccordingr.Or00 Rooms. H 0 ECCLES, Proprietor. R33D -ATr i - ,f . 4 , F U R N I T U R E - - ----:- 1 . . 4 -. ' v ..... ; i. very handsome aeWtment of GENTLEMEN'S eXSYCH AIRS. A FIN E STOCK - OF - LOUNGES. -A LL ? - ca - rte' declO HMff. XI A'i as DEALERS IN . MO v liuStit 'n 1 'twit'! 'ef f-iSJ FRCY iinTICLEB'PEEFuT4i2I17i 8 6 4. IN is " J - LEATHER; PRICE. I3CJL 12, 1,0 0? T 23 O , D E V caj s. E. A. OSBORNE. iTri rL'tnign. & HETAIL, BX1LEX8 13 ALL. KIKDS OF Furniture, PEI)DIlSG,&a No. 5. West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, JT. C., JUST RECEIVED -. - ' a i ill mi ii i I ?. 'Is I re i V .a J . o V4i V w WiA R E HO U S E. I TP'K TilO ASDJIAJ am'!!i- 6 . I i'v v"k If A T .4 1 1. .A . . . 1 f J 4 - PRICES, CHEAP SOFAS, CHEAP .tor.CHAMBERSUITS.&C - v , ?J p ;:AJ, N connection with the Fornltnre Business IXI-PIU- BLUU VMM I conduct; tbe Un-; my own aceQunt, giving it V personal atteption(J X Will m-ccjf v.." .7 - . lr.t.H CJheapestoodlfcffln to the. flsest MetaHq BariaLfiasaw I v , V i V , W t Orders 6y telegraph orpuierwise. prorapv ly attended to. EespectfuIIy - 'a 4.-2 -LU r --" tat:'- ,tit a ftt c TLLKOUArUIC KEWS. ehes. . F0S2IGK. . The Ei st em Cemplication Growing Horo Settled. Lckdon, Dec28 TbePosf in itslead ing article says the excitement created by the first alarming telegrams the East has. ben much toned by those which followed,' but we have reason to believe that eten the latter exaggerate the danger. WASHXITGTOK. . The Home will Exert Its fall IPower 1 to Force a Delivery of .the Desir- . ed Telajjrams Ferry to be ; - Bulldozed into Receipt ing kfor Replies Loaitia&a Ketarai Shipwreck. Washington, D. 0., Dec 28. The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections commence on Oregon to morrow. The Republican electors arid Secretary of State "of Oregon" are here. Speaker Randall, Judge Kieath and Gen. Hinton are in consultation ever the difficulties thrown in the way7 of the production of the telegraph dispatches clled for by the commit tees. The whole power of the House will be invoked to secure these dis patches: Its certain that Gen. Ander son did not deposit with Mr. Ferry the Republican electoral , vote of Louisiana whin be was her, on Christmas "day ; Judge Spofford is coming with the Tilden vote of Louis iana. There is dissatisfaction with Ferry lor withholding the receipts fcom the Republican i messengers, when there are Democratic contestants, and it is suggested that Anderson was ad vised to witnhold the Ripublican vote of Louisiana until Ferrjr was bulldozed into receipting for them, t The signal service reports from Kitty Hawk, N. C, say the English bark Tinto, Nm Glasgow, Scotland, to Baltimore, 600 tons burthen, crew 17, and cro coal, went ashore four miles North or that Station. The crew were all saved the crew of the Life Saying Station, n-ext morning. The vessel wril.go to pieces. FLORIDA The Land of Flowers Blooming for Democracy Draw ConnUd in by the Returning Board. Tallahassee, Dec 28. Gen Cocke, other members of the bosrd refusing, canvassed the vote yesterdayjmorning. His canvass gave Drew 497,' and Tilden 94 majority. This he filed with the clerk of the Court; subsequently other members agreed to recanvais and the full board assembled. In this canvass the order Of the Court was disregarded. Clay county was thrown out , and the contested vote of Burke county count ed ; this gives Drew 195, and Hayes 206 majority .s Cocke files this protest. The Court assembles to-day to review the action of the board. EST YORK. Heavy Failure Another View of the ' Eastern, Siinatioi Schooner ' Abandoned. ' NewoYork, Dec 2S. ChifmaD, Stone feCo,: 74 Pine street, and Yokohama, Japan, one of the largest firms engaged in the Japanese -trade has failed with hearjr - liahiiities,:'eBtimated.- at from $26O;00O to $500,000, the greater part of The schooner Trott King frem Sari Ltoniingo for Boston was aband.qped at sea and the. captain; died o ; exhaustion. A special from Paris says .' There is J the, highest , authority for statin ; that. notwithstanding the hopeful dispatch es rccentl received from Co natan iiob4 plei thereiiSiVbut a , single chance of teabr in the ' E as tr: Russia in apite of tne eqienBe aruor ui r uer. pcyjno wari hiay be obliged to- yield at the last 'tbri (beinlerectivei-theJ has y-been getter army" into a. condition lo strike with the greatest LpossiWe suddenness and; vigor, but jit iteema ; now . that het means of Etransportatioix inadequte to the task o( providing 'for, such, , a large army as wu um.; uuubi j u a aecxsive diow agaipsv -luj V;? -.Faid-NigDDispatthes. ; V 1 I 14 iv 1 Senate? and Actress Dead A XTnioa ,bLeagntr Absconds ,With Honey.' TiieatrV Damaged ly Fire-r ss . J OtheHtttwii ;' New Yoex, Dee. .28Ex- enator Jaa W N?e.s4s deach .'Mfss Amy Faw sitt, English, acress ;ia dead' 1 Otis.D, Bgln, broVer, Walt" street has 'disap-r,oTPAr-BefoVe leavinarrhe atftted that l-.he disappropriated the fnda had in ' ;ust for hisrother and sister. The Wro. ?unt lslitated tp'OOOAH js als- in ) efault for Are thousand dol- lars to the Union League CiuD ot wnicn he was one of the uogers.j5l.;;u t iui." Toby Pastor's theatre ;as damaged bsr far v - , i ' Fredericks tfc O'Neal's photogragh gallery, thirdstorjr with (valuable pio turer-J ?s been destroyed." Their loss is$80,(XXX r- - . Six thousand smuggled cigars con cealed in india-rubber Bags werejeized last night from Havana Station, Col umbus, by special agent Brockettt. ; , Roundout, Dc 28 Four hundred and fifty men'ef ''the-; Knickerbocker Ice House struck for wages.' They say this is . the beginning of the movement aong the entire river. About five thousand men usually employed have determined no ice shall be housed till companies return to old prices. WA8HIH BTOH. Cengressional Proceedings. &c - Washington Dec 28 A bill was in troducedin the House to-day, by Mr Douglass, authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to" purchase the Freed man's Savings Bank building in this city for governmentassistanU at a sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. Also authorizing the commis sioners now liquidating the affairs of the Bank.to boy in its own real estate where the price offered for it at public sale shall be too low. Mr Douglaes is Chairman of the Slect House. Committee on Freed man's Bank. ' Hooker intreduced a bill for the im provement of Pearl and;Pascogoula rivers in Mississippi. . A resolution of inquiry will be pre sented in the House Monday, whether the gentlemen requested by the Presi dent to visit the Southern returning boards were paid from United States Treasury. ALABAMA. Judge Wood Net Going to Florida, j Montgomery, Dec. 28. The United States Circuit Court Judge Wood is at his home in this city ancKfaas been holding Court until a few days ago. He is n,ot going to Florida, hi coirta not calling him'there. He knows no reason for going, and he has no present in tention of going. nr.w ADVJ HI KSFHTS. Notice, TREASURER'S OFFICE, RER'S OFFICE, ) bia & Augusta, R. R. V 3. C , Dec. 26, 1876. J Charlotte, Columbia i Columbia, 8. THE Coupons & Bonds of thiB company twhicb become due on the first of Janu- j ary 1877, will be paid at the Banking House of M K Jessnp Fatton & uo..w xorr mty; at the Safe Deposit Co , Baltimore ; at the First National Bantc of Charlotte, W. v.; at the Central National Bank of this city ; and at the Hational Bank of Augusta, Ga. JOHN U, a. bmixh, dec 29-31. Treasurer. REMOVAL. THE undersigned taks this opportunity to inform his frifnds and customers that he has removed his Tailoring Estab lishment two doors East of his old stand on Tryon Street, where he will be pleased to wait on them in future. JOHN VOGBjL, dec 29 tf. Merchant Tailor.. Charlotte Institute '- FOR ' YOUNG LADIES. via,". EXERCISES will be resumed on the 2nd of t January. 1 1nstruction: in ' Painting, Drawing, Musie, ; French, Wax-work, Ae., is provided for4-yonng ladies who do not wish to take tne Acaaemic course. iiThe Drawing Class aeets daily, the charge per Term is $10.00. ' For otaer lniormation. appiy 10 ; , : ii-i;;tifv -. -L -. f.r; RE V: tt T Ml RTIN,' dec 29-tf. --r- ' , Principal. FRESH ARRIVALS. i . -t ... 10,000 YARDS BA6GINQ. 20, I.B8. WHEAT BRAN 500 BBLS and SACKS FLOUR. ; . 200 SACKS SALT, . , 50 1 BARRELS MOLASSES. . . gQQ BUNDLES TIES. - . 5000-' LBS BACON. 1 : 2000 LBS HAMS." a; 50 BOXES CANDY,5' ; f PA BOXES OYSTERS. " 4? fr f e -.1 A A BOXES CHEESE - - , ',i nnn boxes crackers, : w boxes soaps. r () ' J '50 BA?S 00?fe 5layef?Rpss & Jones.; . dec29 - ' TO THE PATRONS OTTHB Charlotte Gas light Co. IN consequence of an adrance of fifty per cent in the price of Rosin. The price of uas ffjrmaned by this- company will be ironr Dollars per thousand feet after the 1st of Jannary 1877. By order ef dec 29 3t rr BOARD Of DIRECTORS, f A LARGE LOT 0T FINE DOLLS ! A-NTJ JUST MCETVED AT PUREFOY'S, decl7 NEW ORLEANS M O L AS SES, theJfineet'in market for yeabs, ' L, -BY- M, M & S .0 WOLFE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. det9 CHRISTMAS TRIX JVtt IK AD TO AR1IVK THIS MOEITIirO, ,. AT The Wifle AwsS8 flETQCOT- Confecttoiiery ..... PLA N STICK AKD DROP CAKDY AND KISSES. Cream Caromele, A, B and Royal Gam Drops, Q una Balls, imp. and burnt Almonds, French Mixed Candies, Crys't Fig Paste, Act. Triming Candy, & AW Jap Paste, Cocoanut Caro mels, ast. Tom Thumb Drops, English Mint Turkish Figs, Plain Figs, Tur'h Prunes Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Fine Korlbr em Apples, Raisins, i, j a whole, boxes, Dessicated Cocoanuts, Dates, Currants, Almonds, Walnuts, Palm Pea Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Chest nuts, &c, Sardines. Salmon, J oysters, Lozenges, Canned I Etc., Ect., Ecjt. Dried 8ugar Corn, Fresh Canned Tomatoes. GREEN AND BLACK TEA. IN CRACKERS. WE HAVE Ginirer8naps, : 1 Ginger Creams, Sugar - Jumbles, ? Lemon j snaps.:. i,emon ureams, Jtsosion .Biscuits, Boston Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Cr ckers, Nic Nacks, Cornhills Craiknells, Pearl Oyster, Best Soda, Arrow Root and Ciaokers, Ac, Ac, ; Horseford' Sea Foam and M&ssasoit Bak ing Powders. Our Stock of Oreceries is complete, and we will sell as low as the lowest. A trial respectfully, solicited. Ladies on'fc forget us -in your Christmas roands. Respectfully ' ''- ', T COLEMAN & SwN, . Next dor to Brem Brown & Co. decl3 ' - -;--- A TM ORES'- MINCE MSAT, A A von auu tuvvi ' - ' ' ,THE WIDE WAKE. attif Wilt f WilTOHHSj V1 E JSC (TTIV .51 v' .A I) JL TlW 'A i JleW i9WJ fiJ) t if w w m To Llalic Room - ? i I . i r lT'tlttT ntTT.-IWlVi t Am el ra ; w -'I'l iii-iii) ra I iiri' Mfr-T 7T--T. - . .deczo . ... "- ;o js : . - '-V " lllM M SM M r - - ! v y'li- vf'V--k fvvg; I n Supply hemselves and Ihelr families with eTery thine aeedful" for their comfort duriag . jT " I. A H C3s i a i . , the cold, weather'and as the stock is too varied to itemize, we cite but few: " VJ. W . W ; i I NJr ii- - ... .articles: . -t . . ..' f!'v-,r:!i - ZLSOOSJ.;. f -WH ITS ; B L'A'NEH'fTS'r; 5UUSmtafhericpTO .1 ; T., above during this week, by ' ' " - i - '-t - . , v, t-2 L " St . . -, Great PricesMany Say, but it is only: Our Usual Low Bates. HOT SURPRISING That our Business lias more: than doubled our Greatest Expectations, ' After Seeing oiir Goods and Prices,' and Learning the Points; in the Purchasers Pavori and-the-, , Great : Advantages" to e Deriveda ,v; I : : Our Elegant and Immense Tariety in Stock ; The Quality and Texture of Fabricand JIaterial Our Superior Styles and Perfect Shades :'; , 7 Strict Adherence to. Truthful Representations ; The Polite. Attention "Which our Patrons Receive ; The Immense'Fa- ilitiest we enjoy in Procuring our Goods; The x- j (rcine Lowness of our Prices ; Our Strictly -Cash and One Price System ; BOur Satiilac tory Dealings with Patrons y Our Com j plete and Thorough Mode of Conducting our Bnsiness. dWe solicit thepatroriage of the neighboring Community and offer J special inducements to Wholesale Buyers. o CO a (63 o h3 5 O I hJ ' 8 fa -O U o X o fS o a 0 O Ct5 1 CO -o M - X fc ' w "3 I HH o o or o B o , , -3 ELIAS, COHEN" AXX JTJST IX A SUPERIOR - '! '. .1;'":,' ' -'- ' MINK SABLE.i..:.....;.;.I..V...,..L;;r.. TTRTCNfiH REAL;...... ...... KAMSKATRA SEAL .......... ALASKA SEAL....n.n.. FANCY GEEBE ....,ML...i;.....,.......BOA ND;;MU?rs , And a fall assortment of LADIES and CHILDBEN'S FUES teh: . : J" Another lot, of those Cheap Call and see them: ' - ; ; - de6 '-. i'-'-'i'.-i ii! S3UBii;! (GHSMES1T; -OF s ; OSS I With a view of reducing ourlrmnense RETAIL STOCK, to enable' na to consolidate eat I tin TTnnBBH Ft Jmnnre 1f ntt i , r.. "-r-j-r- v UNPRECEDENTED f 5 L.'. v- V-- LWffl f Ai9L fftVV MU i WVrUl W, fOA'VMiU fivt vr . : - t r r. -f ..... v-.,- FromttEQtoil5i worth t5 to t25.i.l i r it : - ,3vi,i; ..tiinj .Kjrronizicwwupwaxcu lew Uian hail piiee. no;; 1 1 flirilil n I It tt ka nn..i. i la short, our whole RETAIL 8T0CK will - I m ' J V iL. T Break in-' - 4 fc. k" Sju. t "i 02 as o . a H H 4 H h m m- 2 o d3 boo 1 r H B S S.-3 S I ? S 3 rS T h T mH; i I 5 H iaSI w a 00 i -H tr1 Sr1 W uBS H cl. 0 E Ph SS MS 2 S -r h r 2 E fi 00 IJT. BSR 1 13 B0 a 2 8ti 4 o 3 tri - - H o 0Q a a o a Mm 5 C8 - 09 L J1 ii.J 0 ' & ; IKOrEQSSXmiEfc XZCKIPT OF A LOT OF PURG, I- ---i'fi f'O J -..'';7' Jjlfjiv t .....................:...;..BOAS AND MUTTS - ......;i.... ........ ....BO A3 AND" MUFFS .a m,m.m..mB0A3i AND MUFFS ": and Superior Alpaccss,'. just : received i ; ; ELLAS, COHEN-& BQEBSLEB,A5ao.l6 - -J MaSonic Temple Building.. r , . . IRlP(9EririDMllH THE- ... - - E O i ftn dT on. OffM to tbfl CUbll 5 C-J ii , - j : if A, li OPPORTUNITIES 111 fl . - . . i ... . n. Tnni;.. nnaa ulthm imi n tio. - - be sold ff SEGABDLKS3 VP ,rt " . . k i In .Kinil that OUT ' .I - 1- JJAI1 r? oc25

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