CKAULOTTI OESSXYEB. r . - - r- . 1 year,'(poetpaId) in advance i tv . (i . u 00 ' 4 00 2 00 ? '75 WV1CV IX BDfTlOlt ,'in tho county) in advance, $2 00 oul of the county, postpaid," 2 -10 6 months, ' " ; :'l 05 t'. Liberal reductions furVlufes. . ' - - at ft1 r r YGLXIIL OilAKLOTTE; N. CV SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 1876) 'i ' -if , r i f i npiit- -nf- nii'htnr t fifi ir j in in ii thji f i tij i n n i m - trr-win rrfi-B rrrriim-Y nrlwrTrmnli i n 1 -.1 m. 2,430. , i .. . . - , . - . : r : 15 " 1 . Ti3Crrrrr3 Jca rcrtrtaaest as: tt.tror;i7 -;;:i3l every nedef want, ana wua tne latssi ktrizt oi Type, ant very n&iL.:r cl JcO V'crs cn cow Mdoo j wlttt traize1", dlsrtUi and citapnezs. ' Te can fariiisi at snort notloe ILS 4X3, CARDS, tags, euchipts, rccxiirjj, , PSOGRAUMIZ3, HAND J3ILL8, ' PAJIiIlLET3, ClirCXS, fta, & W.1 lii.". BOYD TiLaUPHIO NEWS. DEALER IN. oon Dispatches. BO n S, SHOES ad LEATHER A I'Uti; LINE i)V FALL AND WINTER GOODSr AT LOW PniLE. All Mi aLi Sloes iiciilit froi this House Warraitei as Represented 1 E A DE STREET, OK AELOTTE, 3sr octl f U It T.'U.- Kj i l. as u s . BURGESS NICHOLS EH ., . E. A. OSBORNE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, DEALEBS 13 ALL K!ftD& OF FURNITURE, J3EIDING,&a tilft- til IJiaa KM IPS fNo. 5. West Trade 8t., C II AR L'OTTE N. JUST RECEIVED Si A OF- OHILDREriS CARRIAGES. TTS, AND A FULL LIKE CCD ROD hi Af D PAtrLT. ft or i cf r ins of hLL Gf?&DiiS, hand. FOREIGN. ' W f J! if ( Jf. f A Peacfol . Solnticn of th Er-stern , Qutstida Elore Apparent Esca- beda not Killed and now . With Diaz, London, Dec, 30. The Renter's Tel- gram Company have' the following from Paris .: It is officially announced here that the Armistice has been pro longed until the lstof March. Combtantistople, Dec. 30, At Thurs day's sitting of the conference, which lasted four hour?, it was decided that the Armistice should be prolonged until the IsL of March, 1877i tThe Turkish delegates submitted objections to several of the proposals made by the conference chiefly on the subject of guaranties. . - Dimi8Ru followed on those ques tions, in which Count Chandardyl the French plenipotentiary; took the lead ing part. The next sittings of the conference will he on Saturday and Monday, and it is expected that rapid progress will be with the delib erations. Apprehensions recently entertained of an unfavorable issue are now con siderably diminished and a pacific solu lion of the pending questions is antici patcd The British fhet has left Bisika Bay for the Piranes. The Pall Mall Gazet'.e of this after- -5, I nwtlAn nnfinn nf flirt .-. .v- in f I in ntnn n A by the Porte, and considers that this action adds much to the hopefulness of the situation. It believes Turkey has put forward a proposal that the police force composed of Turkish regular troops under European officers shall supervise the application of reforms in the provinces whether the Czr and his ministers will be content with it. The Prfll Mall Gazette seriously doubts, declaring it easier to believe the Russian army fight, unless its sov ereign can boast of far more obvious diplomatic victory than it 13 likely to obtain, thin that it will be ordered home by a government virtually de f- ated in the conference chamber. c. ; ' . 'WOw wis "rat ehowh m tEAip hotel, LOCATED IN CENTRE OF THE CITV," OFFEK3 UX8URPA8SBB ACCOMMOi)ATJONH TO THE TRAVELLING PUBLTC. GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN EVERY ROOM. running at a slow rate, and just as To liiTwlidt, Florida Tourists or Persons Traveling they had fairly crossed the high bridge FOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFEREVERY FACILITY : , . FOR COMFORT. ' OHIO. Ttrafcle Railroad Accident One Hundred People Killed and Sixty Wounded Miraculous Es- " cape of the Forward Engine. Cleveland, Dec 30. The unfortu nate train known afthe Pacific express, consi cd of six coaches, two draw ing room cars, with the Usua express and baggage cars and two engines. The reliet-traiu hence was two hours reach ing the scene, though drawn by two -engines, and distance only thirty miles. Daniel McGuire, engineer of the for ward engine, relates that the train was BgT TERMS :-$3.00, $2 50 and $2.00 per day, according to location. o Rooms. - - H C ECCLES, Proprietor. VIEGINIA. j Baiqus Wrecked- ' ' ' Norfolk, Dec 30. The Italian bark America for Baltimore, in ballast went ashore on, the night of the twenty fourth of December, 25 m ilea North Cape Hatteras near Life SavingStatioti; number nine.- She will pioye a total loss;' "",; -f - '- " Hhi-iVight Dispatches.; WASHIIf QT0N. ' ; . Senators Blaine and Conkling Will Abjure Party 'in the Interest of v a i"air Count. , , - ' - - ; "Washinto, D, 0.,' Dec 30. Coun terfeit half do'lars, supposed to have been east from dies capttired from the New Orleans mint, reach here from the South. - 1 The Alabama Claims count has istd journed sine die. . - . The House adjourned to-day till Wednesday without business. Senate No session. Mr. Ferry the President of the Senate had a long interview with Grant to day. ' - V '-v:- ' . Ul s Tne thousand dollar counterfeit bill is dangerous. One which found its way to the Treasury had been taken by a bank and paid out again. The Oregon investigation by "the Committee on Privileges and Elections develops nothing new. The Herald editorial under the cap tion "The pro.spects of an honest Count," commences: "A noteworthy Washington dispatch in the Sun's cor respondence strongly corroborates the intelligence which we received 6 or 8 days ago from our own source3 of in telligence. Our information was con fidential and we were only permitted to sha ow forth its substance without liberty to state details. The corres pondent of the Sun obtained greater liberty from his informant, and we are glad to find our private advices pub'ic ly confirmed frpm a source which we have many reasons for deeming trust worthy. We know that trusted Repub lican Senators were only waiting for a proper time to act, and the intelligent dispatch to the Sun partially relieves us from the pledge of secrecy respect ing names and details, by which our own correspondent consented to be bound. According to the information Strike cbf'Bailroa&Engifceerg.:' ToeontOj DecJJO. ThY long threat enei strike of enginemen in thV em ploy' of the Crrand Trunk Railroad last nigh t became an accom plished fact.: Pending the s making arrangements for resumption all trains - have been can celled.Z Freight trains all cancelled at 6 o'clock yesterday evening, iq 'antici pation of the strike.:NpBr;nb less than 15:of a them t :on jsiding between this city and Stratford.; Meanwhile every effort is being made ' ' to secure the ser vices'' of competent engineers to place the business on normal basis. The train from Montreal was abandoned - A few miles East of Coburg last night "" The passengers, 60 in" number,, were convey ed to? Coburg in sleighs.-i This morning the engines and cars j encumber the line, at intervals. 'There is said to be a large quantity of life' - stock in" 'the the. abandoned cars,' ,,The severe snow storm subsided this morning. If 4 J, 4 It Eff AD V EBT IS KM EWTS Anie-Staalic Flannel, White Twilled ELipEt, EXTRA HEAVY COTTON FLANNEL, ALL KIND3 CF GOOD, GOODS FOR . BAD WEATHER, AT BARRINGER & TROTTER'S. dec31 " Stolen, ON the 23rd inst., an Iroa Gray Mare, about ten years old, had a scar high .'p in front of one flank, i and a natural pacer, carries a low head, was stolen out of M M eiUoa'e lot in Concord. Any one deliver ing said Mare to the subscriber, or sending any information leading to her rtcovery will be liberally rewarded. Address D L PARISH, Concord, N. C. P S She had on a Morgan Saddle with the horn broken off and bolder bent down, old Btirupa covered with new leather, color of saddle black, with a star on both sides. dec31 3t. N Removal. I Take pleasure in anr ouncing to my friends and patrons that I have removed ray Insurance office, fiom my old stand on of the Sun Mr. Blaine as well as Mr. j over the Merchantsiand Farmere National dec3I Iw Conkling stand ready to abjure party Bnk-on Trade street. in the interest of justice, and neither of them will be particeps criminis to the counting in of Mr. Hayes, if it shall appear on a candid review of the evi dence tli at he was not fairly elected. This not only accords with our own in formation, but with the intrinsic prob abilities of the situation. R S COCHRANE. -AT- which is not more than 40 rods distant from the depot, he felt a Violent jar, and in an instant the coupling between the two engines had broken and the whold train was precipitated with the bridge into the river below. McGuire says his engine was pulled back nearly to the edge of the broken spain before the coupling severed, and it regained its forward motion barely in time to save itself. The bridge over the Ash- tabule river . was an iron truss bridge, and -had been in use about 11 years. The span is about 100 feet wide and th ough the space between flows the river about four or five feet deep, at this time thickly covered with ice. Into this space were the Hears and one engine and tender precipitated. The fall of sixty feet of course breaking through the icyl covering shivered the cars as if a magazine of nitro glycerine had exploded beneath them. The 7 passenger coaches altogether contained about 165 adultS',' besides a number of children. In the drawing room, car which was bound for Cleveland, were 9 persons; all of whom' are supposed to have perished by drowning or fire. In the 2 sleepers bound for Chicago, there A FINE feTOCK OF LOUNGES. ALL PRICES, CHEAP SOFAS, . CHEAP werd 86 passengers, and most ofthese CHAMBER oUlTo, &U. "' in forward oar are savea wun mjuneB, declO : .i - - . . " ' ' : - " " I mnr"p or less severe. Within. a very MASSACHUSETTS, 8harp Pr acti c A mong Cotton Brokers Boston, Dec SO. In 1873 Henry C Thatcher, cotton broker of this . city naiil itfi SHA nri H ra Ff a tyiuVIa bv "Dip.ltin- son Bros, of Memphis? Tenn. BilKof I Meeting Of S0Clill0l(lerS, lauiug abiauueu to uraita were ib aiiegeu For Rent. TWO Cottages on B street, near the Bap tist church. Also two rooms oyer my store. ); D M BUGLER. de3l . :. r. Dividend No. 2. TRADERS NATIONAL BANK, 1 ' Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 21, 1876. J . THE Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of five cent am, payable to Stockholders, or order, on amd alter January i;"is77. - .' U .N ti jsUXT, Cashier, . dec31It ' ... 4. 0f i f ,t: 3 Uf .v'Tf Great Break in Prices Many Say, tout it Is only Our Usual Low Bates That bur JBusiness'5 has more than doubled our fa i. ! - Greatest 'Expectations, ! - After Seeing our Goods and' Prices, and Learning the Points in; thoJ Purchasers Pavorand the ; v !;;: Grestt Advantages to bo Derived. : :r : Our lElegant iand Immense Variety in Stock"; The Quality and Textiiro of Fabric and Material ; J Our Superior Styles and Perfect Shapes ;; Strict Adberance to Truthful llcpreseiitaf Ions ) The. Polite Attention Which onr Patrons Receive ; The InimenseJFa ilitieswe enjoy in Procuring our Goods; The Ex- . treuie towness of our Prices Our Strictly : Cash and One Price System j . Our Sai ac- . ' tory Dealings with Patrons Our Com 2 "- ' " pie and Thorough Mode ot Conducting our Business We solicit the patronaee of the neichborine Commtinitv 'aEd offer! enecial inducements to Wholesale Buyers. ' t' ,. ' ONE PEIOSrOLOTHIBKSI' O o o 3 o CO Q o 525 a a? X' w P5 W M o S3 to- a as " a o M H - W- ;a & ' 8 - 8 . 0 0 W 1 co -M W Q- W a. m ' . to 4 O a a) o ! K'i! ; nr. Pm - o u 00 -1 CD H o a 9 3'. P; off " w 114 H 00 5 ' I ill'- 158-. - O . r i .. P4 O ts,t O g 'AS CQ SVg..g-58 t-H CQ O'S ggi Y- an M r .-ill-' eliS': ooEcasJisr ac fictitious, and Thatchir had the Diet' ineons arrested by Boston detectives on Mass nessee : the ground that' they cannot be tried in Massachusetts foran offence com mitted in Tennessee. TRADERS NATIONAL BANK, 1 Charlotte, N. C, Dee. 21, 1876. , A SUPERIOR LOT il tutu ui $ "f . ' , ' ' ' i .. . -.v.. - . ' Y . .' . '.",;, ..; ,,!r; :-.(,.;'' FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. 1 I have just received a fresh Stock, of PaHor'ttits'm Kaift'ClQtli. Peps 5s 5r A very handsome. Bssortment of GENTLEMEN'3 EASY CHAIRS. -" ' - " . s '.' ' 1 N connection witb the Furniture Busines few moments after the cruf - the .;--".,. : ...j . i t ,vi At m tr etui n.hiiu vu i rviaa n ttit. mir i kitti ii i iHiirijiiai v uuui fe-L.flf , Swn1 aunt; nearly every car.' .The latest statement rBwlrrrTonarattenon. , gives sixty wounded and one hundred .. ....-ir i '& 1- w nnncrnn O I BI. It'll I mil. .... Bnrial Case. C Wright, Nashville,, about baclc, ca be moved. Walter Hayes, r.7 ' -r. 1 . Order by telegraph or otherwise, prompt- jjexington; Ky. slightly. " ,1 , attended ,to,; KespectfuHy ; ;1 ,-XATER.,r ; missing deaddisfisured beyond recog il'.l 4 ? nition. AH "the car ders.v burned to cin J J?1C :.iU Epriiigs'lCciner, Charlotto, C, " ' ; It t : f . . c ' . r .. .. , i . . ..,. lints UnA itvi'.(l! j) '.!,- IrJ V": ' r. -X ftt- , Bruno, rIcdicr2co, Chemicals, Oils, 5 CT '.f "1101 r 1-' .. ' v Shipping in Distress, j NettYoek; De"c 30- The i . - O u- casian ashore off Long Island s'gone to pieces. '29 lost.' - . Craven Prince bo ght . i million, m specie. ". -,. ThebrigantineLilhans Cameron which -went ashore a few days ago, went to "-"'rr'f. f t e T?ftnnv . Aninrna nnnnnnnnv- nnusuhb. prowkcctowk; mass., Deosc-six . utivi i,jft auuuui ... a iiMUMty -; -i - , , . , . , , ;yj-i .iv..-;. .t't-' 1 -T'-.t ?-J!f r'-.'U ""'t'J' .'..' 3. x areauisit on issued bv Gov Rice of jfliajsnext annnai meeting oi ine ecoca MIKK'SABLE.:..i..........; ...liUAa AJNli Murro a requisition issuea Dy uov itice, oi j ho!d trs 0f this Bank .will be heldatits Lin?Trvr'TT ktat. . .-... - - : .ROAR ANT1 MTTFFS iachusetts. The Governor of Ten-1 Banking Uonse, on Trade Btreet. Tuesday f v xrair a txt k ota't""" TtrAa ATJT MTTFFR now releases me LicKinsons on rli .7. w rtttt p.r ALA SKA" SE AL : ,........ BOAo. AJN V . M UU JJ' dec31 It ' - i !'';' . i r aiux kxsseudsu... .,.,..vau aiiv v w s' 1 , : ",. j! ..I , - , I . V - -' ' LOUISIANA. r:. j -I M 1: a.: ' . uiviuenu police; 1 I ! f Dividend bf 5 per cent Joff 'It e Capital j 8tock of theCommercialrNational Bank , of Charlotte, haabeen declared payable on I and after Janaar 2nd. oroximO . - ! fi t ?sfiAnd a; full assortment of LADIES and CHILDREN'S FUBS, fodw -5iLi"i ..rr?';I .-is :"?!.(.- '.'? .':;.:-n f.- 'u;i'.; .li. iy i' MEDIUM A5D LOW GRADES.; .decSl, It. n Cashier. The Committee Still at Work Among thfi RnlI Dozers." New Orleans, Die .SO.-The Senate ' r Stockholder HCCiiOgf OOmmHieOH CHgagCU Hi CanuR xvc rnTTl?. annnai fnoptinir rtf tliA fif npktinlTB publican testimony in regard, to buU- LAofi tbe.Co'nrqerciaUNataoijaljBank of dozing sub-comm Baton House vestigation has abated considerably, J Another lot of thcee Cheap and f!o1l nnrl RPfViPTn' Superior Alpaccas, just received. ELIAS, COHEN & EOESSLEB, " " Masonic Temple Building. . in Ouachita and the Senatu Charlotte, will 'be s held at. theix -'Banking ' ; ' 4 - " ' ' , ' " . " . , - in yuacnta, and tne senate bV .Tuesday, the-fith of ".'jaaaaryl. J avqworhao lSi r V"v i txW " ' '! " -r s: aittee' in . relation to East 1877. J'i -'iaJj oiT :J i3;-'vT.?7T-vo-f';: -J.? -J -' - ' iuge. Thenterestia the iri- decSl It f j. ; - oaahier. : wt t b . t, f , , . ; ; - ..J 'HI 1 PublicrSalei i-4; rw e nnnfn - in.n J iU- T- I M m M I ..'.- " i f . r .- ."' ' -1 loi T ' " I lesumony.auu i.ue a-pjjiuaumii pwuS- r. jjrtTT KnM?r. to' rtht. tr. gle of the parties tor tne control oi me l.x day Of January 1877; .at my residence in State government ieckfenbnrrcouyV WtTftofWdi.i6tt rmense BETAIL STOCK, to enable to conwlidate c. FLORIDA.; , Congressienal Committee atlWoffcr-pgSSSfc ' -.-. id Airew. -i ', i-3U i it T'.n , ! , l,nt. acres,. more or i . . tvTiz : the plantation on which the aub scribershas liyed for the last -twenty: two orcnara. consistuig oi apples, peacnea, pears, l jsa- -ui.uvi ?.u i. .'"'j: -nn-r a - r- - 3rd.1 Deweese Tract 'Of .75 acresj more or f w :il.t- " u :in 1 -:m.1 -J ivi- I--inr 4t; m fnt-i nriti 4 :s i" !"': J jijiiifcf Vi-. :.(,) i " I Supply tueiuociyea ouu tiieir uiuuieb nuu eiraj. ""'"B '-i."'" w. , I .U.tV ..J .. tkaliV I. Inn nriul A lllffliM.' ffln Mil I nn . ii-l r 4fK TnnnstftriUt Af a snt-ftaJSt',., i , uu , v. . , Committee still ir sessioa"? here.: Ntf or jeSa . . it .t..;,..., h ,; important ' developments - The sub- Thj- dtr 1 . J B i L A jKT E B T 5! , returned-.The Republican Ieaders-'here Charlotte t.- w,fl ...jhoj. worth $4 00, $8.00 and $10.' : give up the State td Drew. ; .; .7- twentyhead of horses an, jnuhw- I r --r ..v.Vvi , . . ' , . ' : I v From $3 50 to $15 ;irortb. $5 to $25, the remainder; in Yirginia." Also' a pmall Dftc 30. Seven unknown "Krtft K,KAia km. fcni"!nf !rifB H---r " - k -rT.-T: '"-i ' I ii uj- n.ikn.i it h.v I ITT T .n "XT . . TV .T - .Til CI CI'- n A A'T O d wned. n b eakmg ice gorge i in ,. Twowag0n8,0ne ox cart, one buggy, One1 ' "? ' . , . - . 0 ; 4vS (,,!"',lVi P". ofdoub.e harness, and pole., a. iy-.?'-.tfs i ? From 12 J centa upwards ; less than half price. - l vne uub unrruw, inruiiug byu vuujnuu P 4 itADELPHiA, Dec 30The steamer der6euerallyX r.u . . - J nirTT T T"TTjT"7 "2 'UATAV ihrirkT.CJi AT ALMOST. AN Daianca m tnree equai msiaiimenia, wie i , r . t t- -?- .4 : - t od the 1st day of Jannarir1878. second , rvr AmTTTiTl Tr .hn f T inwont MTArrl the 1st -day of; January; 1879, and the! I jjJ I JjLllN XJ from 13.50 nowards. Gents' 7 -LbirGoda at the same ratio. Vi inia." hence for pairs. brok en her shaft and turned; fc-rre; fi od ft lst d of OD 1878 seond il sj at i . j a1 t toon rr;t-iA-. J- ... . . ... . M r Tire, n-n sn TKr irf no uiru Vli uo ?fc.UOJ Ui vouuoxj iooy. ln 6I10rt, our wnoie ail. csiuuii. win oe soia c ji PoTLASD, ME., Dec W ,---inere is no retained aIld boBj giyen... . All personal . From and after the lst of January, we wish our c i strike on i the .Grand Trunk Bailroad, property cash or negotiable note. ,f " t RETAIL HOUSE will be consolidated with csr rr:rt N. boles .. . , 1 ' m: '.'lii The subscriber "will "be on ' the. premises , t ( .. , Lower than the lowest ofrer3 in this saaket. OVESCOATB, Lhin Gaods at tne sai a " n t -was OF C03T. ber r in tolna tnat onr bolesalf House.. .-. this sideoi lsianaxon .. xraiu8iyi4j . - anuarv first until d avoFfiale,andwiU 14,,. .t ., th EetailCouse Is for usual..;, ,;,;, ?V.w;;M,i"i-T .tonferTanJ: rUlt, -XlililNl. after the 1st Janp-ry, 1877:": ' . - . ; . ,. . . , uch property, j-vJ li,UlLiiKlorJii!," s . - - 7 - Sx.Loui3; Dec 30.Drug Company's ZJ. j "K-; Dyidson College.' .-.-v.,, r:'.3 -7. 9 .4, Eent last nigh t's storm. " . oc25

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