j, -. ur .ST W- - 1 HI CHA8 R. JOWE8, F. BREVARD HeDOVTELL, nrff nr.. TO" "Free from the doting scruples Miat fatter oar freedom reason." 4 a .-" ui . iJ W eannot notice anonymous communica tions. In all eases we require ine writer's name and address, not tor publication, but M a ruaiantee of good faith. turn rejected communications, noriian srsZ Articles written on both sides of a sheet of ODSERVATI mist Kentucky boasts p: Ua.'lUO, DOIUJ f 21 7.000 enrolled mill IfOiJ II ft il l 010 ST , JT L. . V?H)rilito bedclothes, the modle or the cat-ioothing. f rv W m rTK Fj-i- U so susu4aMarrejUHaAiy WA?ifll10.c 15 J woman's friendship.' , r: .BpanishSefciI "Ah law fall oat, then w get the family f&i General Joseph E Jjn side permanently In Xuchmon ever cuff 3ta. ,li whom he emnloys I can by 15,000 majority had she not TTMlffillfi fmjt ft!1lfftplft fttltt&tfad'r ItBiit sals! 'tof rtate negroes fla.n ftinnaanA an A fnnrUMn cou nles were I ""w .w """cm 1M "-Kn '-lTIW I year. bake bread and knit stockings before marry ing 94UHM.Mi .!' f AVl'V Baltimore Gti&Vt Xnd ibeiiiH o,Eje dom shrieked17 when the centennial year fell dying at his feet. yMt..iot M The Louisiana couflils itosnfcumsataj ica xamy and will eventually damn any man or party that fath rs it. ThUaTlM Timlir" Witand-fiuufaf irtflhlMrpBtMsfi tens ion that have been kicked oa( of the church wheftTtney properlf bloaBcecn.exfs Fm day Night Talk. B klyn Argus :' Longfelw's npble h is still tbatchetll ofJrly white hair.' He never carried an altercation with 3?SSE? uX : X A iioxmon womalpiTias'arisen "to' defend polygamy. o'Give lerty,' sBe says, ?biga mv. triiS&V. a fifth or even the tenthtpart of a mranherfhaB-lhe slo deathof a female SeBbacy,? "Bat we do not think it H Q E entti bs gf 1)1 am bS ace no reap cti ofusnj-pel QubejatoriajL, di nitfe-Pneiitttt clptfra aaolci l old ?ChSmber!ain-. arid was Sned ten7 dollarrfohirmSea3Bn Toot rd. c - d i u i v T3- ' Eiyctpe MadY the huildirr ox the KprtSCalira aof great era frredi ssrt i we will onlgive theigexgood aadeheap county govern merg &lBh wl submit to a jght taxa4iCfor its completion. enatorFerry, jfresideni protein of me j unitea- states . senate nas. peen unanimously renominated aKMsiawrf successor, by a caucus oZtheQSjilei can members of the"Michiean Leeisla- nomination amounts to an election. A V Til David DpJliJQi N of the finetlTegai m mdsin just been elected to v Congress by a lrmc4it the-place of Smith mc4it the-place of Smith imAtmhtn,' Mayor of El crali'fciitl lAfcjaolitroiaAk and. is. an in timate friend of Gov. Tilden. - No one knows WaC'-a.'i-rAiy'bHng forth in Louisiana : the Republicans are mustering the militia undeV the! command of Longstreet, and the De- cheatjaiuA0f,heicfArjthey have hortatffcniroTJrrtth spark -teaycafAy its Aipa4btt W U , The Raleigh papers state on what they censider good authority 'Wit Judge Watte siwsendn his ignation . Jgleof .;:.fceJpefgF wounm xnat district, v Uharges ef drunkenness and also of corruption arTiv4inaV-himrind'& ntitifmhaa already .bfliStflnrtHHttrt. for his imneachmfnt. Wa honn iIia i . JAi 1 Mil ' A f rrri A- f .r ti report "a is true. R McBrayer, JBsq., Representati a nu ndred dollars fer oreanizine the constitutional Convention, $50 extra for services rerigrrenffrfrd ' in - Soutfi ;, WrofeatTwuponne uu cans but mccrayer bad names and styiepQt armsult to Judge Sett-Ve. Most merlSouldtegaixvheVtif PT?ln" offered jas n amend- $50 an insult for such a work. I Mr. Bennett was, carried into the ' fif wMKrfi4i.fedki"face iwaa i bathed: rHis Th r Ts MoHiciKSAttpr aridferBirl, We Ur&trtoW Stewart too known ' the Qam .kbsof New York have all passed away. Van- an estate that pfobably approaches the?.ttdlhritodjscI, half ahondred andsbyjcoaojar d-wdiisbcaipe one of the Rothtthild"6theWestern me aowment o w-j;- lis jjf jrr?. ' u" rWHEREUT HE BLUNPERED, Hampton aUd says that h fco be I. ! jffiHy elected.': that MaclSy wiir'natr-'authOt bim to speak to. Hayes in regard to the Fresidential election. We have always and iUlHlabetifeii&HampJionita bg STO of pe,nflblefF mJDd Pure8t Painoi;B in thmbtl$ i)ttPw - censure him for Thev could possibly do ne ire weak epiftlet any waji ELnkjfdfc seooSojlihe Ik&fk to Hayes by Mackey, for it justly sub jected him t the suspicion of pander We Miraitili itaa We4w for his people that made him pursue such a blundering course, still we do not HTMBzave eofeseeMMS him iniate with a laical iermapbde sis JiidcA Mackev who" professes to be half Republican and half Democrat, rWc&arte.nphfith'in the patriotism of I "ouftiefn Man who endorses the ad ministration" that has plundered and yrii.U people KiridSM: advent into power, and we merelore (fcfcidi-iHaiAplfcit&ir sending a docu ment to Gov. Hayes by a man who is flBupBflrfler filthy Mftal aminisfra. 2fcpreipkvsurp The Causk. or the Summeesault. ate for Vice President eras been inter ork tteraia. ne is op LpJ-aniiie; Jielfews hoth h and Hayes We,vWwilynder Tilden if he is elected br the House. Thinks - . , u i x.-. i.-u:i,i r thnia 1 r. i u n l nnvua rrl. WJrfetf wrl66MoaaJ6f their votes.) When asked about signing retJori'a'flVWRWfei fcliidb ihc He hp srrew nervous, became excited and ciafeEflhMl htiaM Viii!fctrTectly as honorable men. A Vice rresiaency Wtfelrfk'tf IsnedJtH'tmWj K man turn penditnres of the United States Senate period ten gallons of coiosne, thirtet gallons bav rum. one dozen and a half sboftlfes QtipiartiBU&ne srjilff for the &enaiea&beF,,'he hnndred pounds of camphor, besides many other arti lea fbrSblolii&and coitf enisle of Senators. Correspondence of Bait. Sun. , iArid this is Radlcaiiim. This total dwegarcjggf the people's money is one of the 'abides whicjT'broughtMibout a popular fiiajority of three hundred thsusandvotea foV-the Democratic ticketi at toe last election, and-such ex trivagandBl ought taysinkanyirty to trW bdttof of piliviwn. O fHerhiveth ubi th poor, lejid etb tcythe Lord g " rZ. &. fieanettr&siaalted . . . s, . Sr . v idcncfeayXj'iW TorfaJ ioi 4ftKe Qub iiowej-The meptkg'tand o NewSfc ork Sun 'Mr. Mais an athlete, and has an enviable repTitation-among club men as, a heavy-weight lifteTPTand as on who ia aboundautly able to care for jblimself JfipfBggTe?fres:?s very indjguant 4W6emu21fr. Eeliiett's treatment of Vi! aiatr . JCayftrare a long- -coat, an, find as he Btoodrnearth "failing ihilwenty-firafr strest several .friends passed, and notic d that he was much agitated, and that was witmn, enjoying reiresnmenis; ne was uncommunicative, and his ac quaintances noted!tb at h isiioirUr1 was aTtificial."He sent a messafed' for fiis' sleigh, and when it ai-ivd to'tbe ifliMrH Centra-Park.- He wore'll idng artI a iannrv mark ori-rl a ' crlrr1 i rl eillr VUU IS JMUUVJ 'L MUV4 W1VUV VtiA handkerchief was wound around his rieciri 'He deemed ?ritichn annoyed at the watchful glances of the club's peo pjei jH.e was to have sailed for England yesterday with his bride in the Russia, and the .subject, of the . breaking- off of the 'rnarHagebad beed1 dfstfussed i&'all the clubs and pritfdipal'riiotel bvthflLfriends and acquaintances of n Mr;4J in thd-l&T: house and started toward the street the dder opened wide for -him by the t attendant, who is employed to bdw persons in and out. Mr. Bennett vlowly descndeestaUcaefe an Juat ajeached sidewstlg Mi d Mr. Mav-, conirontea nim. Mrrruennett stepped backward, and Mr. May drew a small whip from his great coat.- With v B-fWch force- and irapjdiyrbe1stiiuck -Mr: T BeflnetE acrosd-thfe' 'lace'thrteoumes. Blood streamed from gashes under his esawarfsjny a f tf tore a nrnii then threw? himself upon Mr, May. Tey.clinched, but Mr. May being the more powerful of the two, forced him self from " Mr. .. Bennett's erasp. . At Sflm thJattafetTlel fsh'-'uTder and Mr. Bennett fell at full enerth on the sidewalk. Blood stained eSoow i fiSn tlSe TsicWalEWthe tvTi Attacnes or tne nnT house ai.d ians ran to Mr: Bennett's assist- aril Witfembvto stop M r Mav. ) who. with his hands m bis hands m his pecklts,iwalkfedlei8ttrelyt(wardFifth avenue.rvl.-i',,ll.;,:; gleieh was sent away and a cab was wa4 prdfefed. Thehjbe, aa Wfionid in Fmhfekvettje, herb; Hi was attended by, his physician. Ge6ree Stuart (whiteViand R . Kowena mond. were married in vvasnmg SflAuriayhvfiQuplf appbado the Hustiuffft court f-lWj &i$rlafrd MA,u ehistef fortnftrrfagBlifiene. afew days" eozandiwere &fused'- by'rthe clerkt bfach'of these 'eodrtsi' Where 1 upon , they journeyed to. the national cap5ta1,fendpUainea te's Jeceb4a'ry' 'h-",ib wnuuutuimcuiiy, ana were tutfiui made one" flesh that is. a combination of flesh. ,Whiff. t 4 1 ' 2 l "i in- - m u RoLfatdy We cemu-rX fetfifighted.laMg'ai- Wtffe- l 14 f x sk-i LJ Ki t? I t Z-S i- 'I hcesday, Jan. 4th, 1877. . IThe Senate was called to order at 10 o 'cloik,Xie u tenantXid verAor. Jaxxia inl INTRODUCTION Mr. Finger.- Bill to protide for the f r. the fetate of Jiorth AJarolina.i lie-. tbe(State .of Hortbf rCarolhuvn ferred rtoT: the . com m it'ee pp.. pro Molfc '"Bin Jt6d-enablerai roacT. ion latir iiscl, .jtseierrea ,,io ne ;3V Riitnerfvrd ana' artantmre'R&Wad oftheTwe i Judiciat . District. l R'e'-. com cisrv: " . V" . , . ,. . r I 'r!. tn Lt a11,(i.'lW fti'il IJilli f lilirt'nlifvn nrrtnrtstrwr fnraiRe'. iioint bibraiL'teeion 4he Statfe-aebtJ. -uPiace'd ent,T! Ba'fficfetcaiJse, , fo'di vrcy.' avorabiy ton tnia bill, Uonsidera drsc4isli6-ehsued-.:i,i;i '""i? Swrifor'l.'RobihsJrV kn'd''Mercer Jadvo- catied ' its passage: I'dtidWeBtto?1 Fblk; Sttykney and ThbVriespke iri pp'bii- tioh. Finally the tJiTrVrSi lost by voteiiofitooaU xrku i.Ml 3-utv: BiH te pre eat i th e aate o t : ; spiritou liqpors omtne Sabbatn; day, except on i jcertaficateo from) a i physician, passed itsisecond readinei -a ) u.u sru.U vtit Mr.! Hobiaaons movedi tbisnsptnd the rulekj and" n&ut the. btlli-dii I'Stsl'third reading.: which mot io n pre v a i 1 ed. J Mrj RDbih3ifn!ni6ved to ' anaiendv. the' bill bv!strikinffi6T!tti the clause author- izing the salo-of . liquors h-physicians' ceijttfioatefiAdipted."i"vr ,j, so uv MrSkndiferA offered - to i atnend-iby makiogi tthei'punisbmehti'forsa viblat tiouof'ltheiaw toothless than oQafine and inlprisoinroentiDot nord than (Vne' month,'wlhiohi'' yas 'lost; and? the bil paiied by v.oteol a to ' i i v k.i i ti ! V ttTtJEsfeAY,'-'Jatr.,4l7l 1 The hionse.was ,CUed .to.ordfT.at 1QJ o'clock a. m. by theSpeaker. ! PETITIONS AKD. MEMORIAL. ., By.tMr. .Staples , iA. jneworish iram the rnedical jiroftvsa-.on ,of. JWtflt AJarPf lini, asking for relief, by the passage 61 'a. law which win secure. ;to, them name nfearis to csTIect pay Tiit.. thear services. .... ByAlr. Staples: A memorial from 9. iM.i Dunn;illate Sheriff 'of Wake ourity, aiking'.'th rerea of' fcha'ptejr mi Of tne laws1 or 1874-70 trniety-dl xeated the Superior Court of jurisdic taon dver .uniademeaiwrs jn htiting to fJisti poll ' and-property ;and - for. 'Other pui-poKes.'' Thw ua-w d-pvd Sheriff Dun. r.of M.0b4ihis .XeeSw.and . Costa -which i -maiaa- u u paid becauseofK, i ta a. j IMPEACHMENT. y 1 iiut 'petition' f-JosiaH 'Turner. Jrl. feri Tthe "impenehment 6f-'ytrdiewS. Watt oMhe Sixth Judicial District forfhieh crimes and mideeaiHr iri ,M$d out' -of-office charging him k with - ijforery and-gift,and. bribe taking Lm Mr. .Rnsum stated, that he-was, re tiablvt informed', i fthajb .JudganWatti rSAiid,:in,ajfeiv days tender, hia resig f hation, and moved .tojay the whole imatter on wio taDie. W"iCiv, motion ne letter on tho table, whiclv. ffl Pkrfisti V )A oVed 'id fer special committee, ot hTe. which pre- ailect. .ahatHa5" Chkir nWoirited J '-ii U.--i.LU'Wi'J'i i "if ' J i J ' i-i'yti 1 SPECIAL OEPEB. H. B in favor of disabled Confeder wak takfin ll n. fr. Jaionng amenueu uy ctriKing ou the , wor-ds ''both' ejs' ahd 'insert 5 eHito';" 'Wbtil bVir "Wai Wen p; .entire evesient wnicn was adopted Alio uiit tt a iiicu pun upuu no second reading, and after six amend mints; one motion to postpone, one to tpaisi 1 fetecPanki fone ao uy ionithet table ill y!.wJ lu we-ixit ui, . The question being) on the final pas sage ofihe-bUI, Mr.- Bagleycalied.Jbr. the yeas and . navs..which call was not suitaineoi Snd?EhV 6f1fpasid indwas' ordered to be engrossed and sent to the pon a, 4all for the yeas and nays, Mr. Par- rish'orOrahge' spoke In an eloquent and, feelingtn1ahner'it, fatbr of 'the biHleipfessingMfhs upo'n'th'e record as one" of its"support? er. He, referred f totheigfeat luxury which surrounded i ;the federal sol diers, furnished by tbeeeveral? North erd States, and did not look upon this bill as a beneficiary, one, but more as a token of respect and acknowledge- m4nt Of,' th- brive'!ifid patriotic be chair ;aQnouhced,:4as, tH6u'e brimcjai jointiiQOfrnmittee on t public debt, Messrs. McGehee, Moring, Simp? sob, McCubbins, Harris and Russell. r. nnnix oy consent miroaucea theffQlUwuig.reshiJtiona,io xnenijpry. o( thelale iDcil; MWinckeBter m ember' from ? Koc lheoam couo w --.' IneialeiPf'' inchester, Ments J per from Rockingham cOuntyx . vVhereIs, fCf f I ttliQg of thfc present session of the Xjeheral As sejnbly; PuM-M W.Wf hesf erarj abjf, a jd efficients jrjetn pet pC ,tba iiQQ.sevp.f epresniativesgfrojKthe coaty ,f R$ekuiahmf9ha8eerH aCriekvn tby th han bf de wtftrst'iri the'' faith' ful discharge trjiigh and responsi bljrduties of A(siQf t R'HifeU: jW herxas, it is- meet and .proper t. ia --.tnis.rfiousevw--wm?a--ao was : a m'ember, sballlnay .thefllf ta respect tcl the memotf fiFoSfe1 V ho dcupied so exalted 5 position in ...the esteem of ie it resolved by.ihe Jiouse eftMepre- j nrntws"ihatnin- t&eieata e&tiUM Ute Dr. P. M. Winchester, the county of Rockingham, and the State of JTdrth Carolina, have lost a faith fu public servant, - and JthfiJHius CJt aiem ber .who stood ready at all times to furth er by Kit efforts th welfare nd-'prds p0rity..qf hiscptiritry.- iResotved)' That 'We recognize in - th i S5ntnfo3r'J tere-'eifrs ?6tUf wifcm COB! unf atdsoldiea,. providing for the payment toMVsucKw Coiafderate seWite- e!,,sGm1df ',! 1:1 . liliin I 'Hi! ac -ipnSi WjOica. ,y ouii Hous. miui evei: toil ili'-te fivii irtf5tJif.'.!:H- i 5!.'iA deceased ni:in whese character, was ree from stain Br rfiwroach: and wbdife 1 " private kfe ; wajLdistiriguished by? his Mue8iwMugTy aacoiprignjnefSi - - - ResolvcdM spread upJithgiifth1aHpbsei6 JjJ ad upihjthi fafiatdf tS1iHbjasv8St-gii: f thaMheMrlBaVyd iaMkfSh widow and fjmllv of the deceased a copy of the same, wiihtafi fxpresion PleattMtjyrn in their great bereaVemenT - ' vu vuo ucut-aseu, me nouse oi jepre sentatiresd-a Jiow adjo of,Dr. WinchstmUds6meieeling remarks. .-"ili:1--.--.-:- ''.v;:;":; Revnblds." dolbffid.1 "BrvHe fe!msiv'i regs rq ; 5i o -i ne l eceased ,f gtVrnetiiein leaxty concurrencenn Ui-reairuias Jir-r t. i - ry - i itri'e!State Treasurer be authorized to i mi uairv oi Rrpo a rpiiniiiLifiii i iihl My tb4raterxp8;.nxl-thos;of" cbnveyinsr th remains of the deceased I lo'hia home,- which took its place men Mr Stables'beihe iii'ffie0chair.iupon; patting the'- qdestior dn the iadoptiai rhembers. to , rise in voting. and:,th rtserutioha'were adopted" bnahimqus-" - i;;.--r-.Vj ilvO'- J -.'Jiii-.ti iU I ''-'-'-'--' - Ih jVlof ?!.-) SbEliSTlTlbN' ASDtTHxS5 BEooktirN Th eATRE -i-Th e i il!-fa,ted u ;i:Brioklyn t,h eater, ,Was'.f onstructed on th e, site t of Stj j Joh.n's0 church, which, (hadribeen. surrounded with? ." a cemeteryl 1 Mrs. pon wky;felt hervOos about 'the -place jronviTie nrst day it was -proposed, -one was; supemitiousirand: iearedtbe :deser Oration of hallowed ground. ,Frora the nrst ine piace lanea to pay. one iivea op. the Hoor above the? main entrance, and oftenF'-'ber superstitious i ; dread of the:pja?ecwa8 so great that , she would c and pass the meht at some hotel.- Whjat'adde'd to her teror and' dislike wasth fact that" she "beg'aii-" 'sinking tnopfey from the firstand little bv little 'HerismaU iforttiriej passed away- froriv neTr ..j Jlpen, ,-h.er ; jhusbaud. ded, .. .and. axn ppg nis last wpras was a.recommen- years (later J Mrs. Conway '.'herself ' wa stricken sicknew. :. When firsts: plated on her bed she said she would die. un less removed to some ot h er place. But she; was persuaded to remain. In her haUueinatiou -she fancied she heard bdries.ofihe dead beneath the .theater ! rattler in; their boxes. Dramatic -, lieics. :n fi i yu .Hojeyis ko Name Foe It. Chief 1 among the features of the' day is the qliye branch wich the Tietmblioans are balding out to the southern .dem crats Ttje organs of all grades aire full f it Honey is "no name for the sweetness of ,the sffdrtcive proniiies fothe 0utH ' J. : I . l :u l..i i . i . i eriiew ii iiikt win out, oacKi up ane re pubUqan plan of counting in Hayes by ipyviu,ujuirj t reiuniug ou a rua . an supreme1 'senate presidents,- cabinet places, a fair divide of all: the. offices, their j. sJatejjgQye.rnroenits,! ithft. Texas -Fadfic railrpadj, any . other .little, local jvba that are wanted,' and we are !ex ipefctiPgieVeryday tb seer ' the "JV ems Rivpr Canal'? through the o A llipgh any Mountains', :and the ;right;ito ,",wat!op tbeir ugg.er" as, of old thrown in by way of small change. Springfield ke- " H on. Aw H.iSiethens:,.: it is well known, received hia education throuch the aid' of, some ladies, who kindly lodne'd'hiirithe tnoney wnich he heeded. He paid it all ba?-k wifh interest. Be 'has: si ace - .educated :.50iyoung ixen in the same, -wajr,. advancing jenpney. fjox thehi. and they paying back' 'when they werable'.' "Every' cent thus 'advAhc.ed ba8been returned to him . In this way hei nas brtd ; ttie : pea8urej'f. doing,', an animense amount of godat airmail cot. LHpw little the ladies thought, when they were aiding the poor and friend jesalnd what graciooaiajtid far;raching results were to come from their small beh'efsction. Is it necessary to point outUhe moral? What ' Increases TJRukEKNEss.r-It Hs a curioxis- fact that 'great financial reverees and upheavals'6f ' 'society ar fekjlike, waves, iin . the, increase of pa tierjtei jinaH the .larger,, inebriate; asy- .v,..Qh'e,,Bia;ck' Friday' of Wall Street; the firej of Chieagd, and the preeen t ifinan oia crisi8j'with'atfl.sudden:'revolntioi)s haeand arestiU 4eve'oping thousands; (Of ipjibriat es all over the, land. The' better class'bf thkik titifbrt uhateS .co-npe to inebriate asylums, others- kuf' fer'kig mere severely,ppea4v4n insane i hospitals, and another, class drop to 'iUl... i 1 1 Ai.m.im.X (I! The merrv iingle of thd eleieh bel's. the'spafkfe of the c'rysti" snow id'" the lanibenK litht of the rrrOOfl,' and thfc edw tfidibg creaturet that nestles doe'ely; to hitd beneath the-butfaio.robeaT.tender-iy- clasping his left hand in hers while his!r4ght ihofds'the rfelnssconstiufe-the winter eight's poem thtj.is floating; through t he donglqyex'fiSQul.adjeave him in doubt whether to" let go long eno'ugh to get his handkerchief out, or araw nw coai sieeve across nia nose.J rL T.I A " . r '4lti-RIeialitlaiiii8Vun; ifl js;i'fif ltf'j:i 'nil' .t i nifs in ;.t i iiTwillcdFtyiSELi EX.T.EA JIEA y Jj:C0TT0tN ,f.LAN ...L,', s:nj1il Ll i I T4. 1 f ,tuij h ,1.) -. . . J 1 i i (t!i IJ -iivhI .( , ll,.' I Tji:oajt?1G',otod i t -yrsti U I'lii! , ,1. .lu-,.-l J I 6-M'IiSAiUit' BAD. WE A li.i i ... it f 1 1 1 v q-t Mill djiw b'iMl''i 'tlilstii ?p BAERINGEK & TROTTER'3. Mi 3 Dissolution mnt fArri GWGhklk,lCbl warf 1 seiTea.-annay. ;ut by-mutul oansepli, Mri i G W CAL1C. -LITTLBJOHN J L HARDIN, A -ii ill .-,)) "t il f Tilt lNW:'f1'f'lf ,B CdhTStie'As1 inshi'afifce offibel,i:5WheTe ' bla friends' anldmatrOrA tab ArM himirJ )tha rrr- 'i lt ifc.ii 1(4 l f) E'BBLS'SXX Orshges, Seledtedahd ap Cu ranted to ibe tbe fiaest fruit -yler offered to ilyai teadeiijWiiii eiaato-Bigata Call Wj. .1 hm tjuajnwfl WU1 ,be SpnpRf d,.as eretoj Pfnrp lindpr tho sanio noma anH ttulA Kit ft vJi buildine tormerlv ocenmea bv the old -J, ' ' j ,x ' JJfc."fti,iii ' JU k5f .Du.cMmtnf Uein. ; s, j,. m. j j "CI A C TJ iT TVT Q r J - iw Ai3iJt V CJW i ': ' i." .. . . f fK? - : J' A JlU. A R y ITTaJfiJI) ButtenckTs Ladies' Fashion Plates for o fJanuaryi just; wceivedffThf J9i : lowing paterri 'are in the ciir- f V. ' i i rentuumber: r 4699 . 4708 4705:? 4714 4688 4697 4684 4710 4711 47(6 4693 4683 4696 4607 4709 4703 W469Mo!4715i3Si?47I2 469fJ 4698 t V470Q v,470tt4704,; -, 470 4687 - 4991 ,. - 4685 4689 3686 ilrr addition t6 1 the above We have th oil sands of other- paterps of all kinds of wearins apparelifofTLadies. Misses andi Ciildren.( .Catalogue j.ftimished upon personal application, or sent Dy rgoail upon receipt of stamp: - h ,xU 1 u 1 TIDDX & BRO.v " Spl0 agentsrini Charlotte for iRutterick L n- -Vlif ( h fommence itte New Year BY v.i DischargiBff: Ycnr Duty. tl Nf LEA 8 ANT as the tatk is ta me. I am U under the necessity of telling the peo ple of Mecklenburg county; who - have not paid their taxes for; the : past year, and more especially those who are in arrears for the year 1875, that tuch taxes ... ; MUST BE PAID. 1 an: requ.Ti by the laws of Ctne 8tate to turn over tbese taxes by certain specined ccasioiis ' By a'strehnous' effort' 1 'have been able to lettle with the State: officers. but owning to the large amount yet jremain ins uapaid om the tax books. I have not been able to set tie with the (Jounty Treasurer oi mecounty., JUDer lnduigeoce, will not hf CPU mo on1 Inna. innlnon.. t A Of be given you. . . s . . Terson8;who disregard this notice, after a reasonable tinie, may eXm-ct to see their property -advertised for uie:i i ,..jan6tf . bitenfif Old Tag is Dead: ' Old Tag is dead, that good oi l: dog, We-ne'er shall see' him-roOre;' ' ;" lie used to. eat both lean and far, i j ' ' ' And lie upon the floor. 1 Out jn.lhe grove in. peace he lies, , ' Beneath a willow tree, i Whilst other dogs with weeping eyes,: ' , Cau; him no lunger see. .Through" taany battles has he furjght, t . And many viotoriw won ' 'Ife-ntveTcorjDprprjuisfs .sv'ght, ; ,, , Or tyer known, to run. !Heal.ways hart a peifec hate , . - ; " ' T tir brother Trotter s dog, Out in the snow wbukii;often wait; ' ' ' To raise, a raw With Qb. . UK ' " , Poor old Tais waever kind ; ' To tboso Joved so well., -u , : I' Hfe always wee his tail behind, jAnd; never cut a swell. ' : ' Fr 'meal7he never went in debt, AsTtfany peopFe wil'l, : n" ' :-; ;' He alwajs paid for what he eat,, , And r.eyer run a bill. j IBs yLrtpts let us f nanl&te :i; ,;,,. 'And never mn at wi:l, ' But always pay for whatlTe 1-a, ; i And never run abM 7.- H & n-l ! J. W ADAMP, Trj on Street Meat Market. ARE AGENTS FOR ;. Ml) KNABI'S FIBST.CLA8SPIAIS 0,i ii'A f CATALOGUES .1 U t .2 i t '.Sii j it ! FURNISHED-'ON APPLICATION ( U . i .-Jl TO 3lh 3 T1DDY & BROTHER. A W f ' 5 il' Notice. ! f 5 3 .'i! M i 1 J!)14B Ijlhti; ft .ft 1 mJlERK will be a meetine of . Farm firs at iue cuurt nouse jnit&nou,ou oaiur- dayi, January !Wtf(,J1877.'fdtAke1rrtoicriSid eraiiion the Agricultural jn Merest, of Meck lenburg county. A full attendance is de sired .from;evfry; portion of;th,0oqny -4l:; - jant not wit X TIDD Y1 & BUG.' I M I. I I I V. i A-n, M A 1.1 A td rid ,(janl Will t.Jl For Rent. ;B Aii ii n-i.idats JAd'f 1 JT WO Cottages on rB street) near the 'vjBap J, hist church." Also two rooms over my ' dec3i, .i . - , , j. ,. p.. -'.y-: i i .lif t I.- A.:Wii!Jaie2akidcr ftii 4(tftl 1i0B CASHiWilJijjiarinir.thft vmooUbbiiOf J? f October. November and December., put id getts of teWttf-$l0.M1 ,,w fl t u , nFillingslJoid.7ixHf6rL00iai)d nfh wards,.',-,,"-! VH)',lo'-t All work warranted to give enure satis- liolinn .iiif lit l.titfi- i i, " 'Office-win tlie jlexander oaBejCprnei; AJ'VU A viv VWW U? 'ili 1 Mil" !!..) ' il jm.M ; .' nj dradght; also3 UK. bottles- it 125 d 150 it 1 -iiy:Hl -Hi L-v.f .SlOXAKTJSALOQNi WE EigMJJarrolgl On rl fpsge College Street, next to jan3 OWING TO THE RISE 1 am compelled to advance the price BEND in TOUR ORDERS at OCE AND THE? WIJL be FltLEDatthe OLD PRICE j ..i--.;i-,8'io:ir! f-.aa -io:3 1j .3 'aoW i?i!:-ina hne'ti jjap3 ARE AT THE R. B. ALEXANDER : . t J5' ' a -j -2 .il' r. i -it --r WHBRE-THEY-W1LL FIND A NIOE-AND WELL ?ELECTF.DTDCt)F OOL& Kiit THAT WLLI. SLEAZE theMpST J:A8 TIDIOU8 r COysiSTINGFOFS ? i -A uiijU li: i. d GJX x.1.21 CI u CALIFORNIA Mince meat, CITRON. CURRANTS, BRANDY PjSACHES, SARDINES, . ' JJtUJNJCS, NEW1Y0BK: BU0KW H MCFLOM. ! : Vf J T f :n PE"CAN NUTS, ' ' ENGl I8H WALNUTS, BRAZIL .NUTS, ; .- FILBERTS, ALMONDS, RAISINS, IMPERIAL and OOLONG TEA, EX. VANILLA AND EX. OP LTTtfON MA CTB A Kr - t. - CINNAMON. i-v. is 'pH x jCSradeS cf Syrups and Molasses, BUG IRS Granulate Ciiishedjt fel low and Dpmirr.ro.. Onffpue nirlnnw. Toro T a rrrJ.A Ttf J 1 lAuij5'iil-' ts . - fZi?-S?e Batter! fr! y4ler. Sods, Ginger 8tisp-,;l4idy aphiogt6n Strawberry: and irtMlls,! Layer Rsisins. Canne Peaches, Tamatoee Brandy Peaches, Picklesj Batdines . Ground Mustard, Pure Candies Foriegn and Domestic ll-SpicefCloyesi Nutmee; Gin grid P?PP' Early RofePotatoes, yery fine, White Beans jKuck Wheat Fieur, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco and the best brands of Crsara -?H? V'tLJ,-- -.wj,-.ri Lard and SugapguHa AIT of which I am ; offering attlie-Jowost prices i;'i dclX HO! lORCOD.ioTi JAC03 DUL8', T A mR UTTI Ci JAfOBTTTXfr:: JACOB DULS'v JACOB DtJIsi III NORTHERN A PPLKS, MOilMf PLES, CHESTN OX v C iJ SOUR KRAUT, SA LTUIlickES,1 TRTPR AND PTfiS wlirr axo eerie fst MILK BISCriTS,;i)TSTER CRA KIRS LEMON CRACKERS: ' Wilsohs Cooked Cora Beef, in 2 and 4 lb cans, English Condensed Milk, Dry i'l 4 . i JUST RFC! lVED.lt ( aUST; iiECEiyEDI London Layer Raisins in whole and quarter , , Doxe?, t rfntp f ji-nPKs. Mpc Meat ' ' 'i in 5 r' und Butkets. I 'Mi Perries :Cbs1ig Fam, Srhoked Tongues, ' j " !8moked B H ' ' H i Buckwheat Flour, Bye Flour, Oat Meal. j AND MERIT. ! t . Best: Cream Cheese,. Neufchatel Cheese, sbmethiBg new, Edam andap8ago.' i . ass5- Goods deliyered Free. Call under the Traders' National Ba k and be suited. 1 gjj' -n jy -I V I- VYirH TV tATTSTS r- I AGEN T, dec23 I f t TT .-j r r s j i ATr Y0'J.wilFINDraVA& U,J "' -or- '' ti'tt it, 'ill it lHnl.lf ",rl ti- u AaUA'lA'". t 9 FJ' ? 1 t r If J J i f I "J MALAGA GRAPES, it'j? t.,t , is t MINCiE MEAT IN FJVE' " rOUHD'-BU CK ETSt For family .Use! P.TJRE!0AMDIES fflfCIWNthake ' m mttr met TOYS, Very Cheap. it "f ,- fo uiBiB uuy, oreaa, vases ana Pies. Come and see for yourselves, and be convinced, te j f dc2l , .T. , . 1irjKM nis customers that' hs caanot farnih any mpre buckets fer Oysters 4-, Ci FREE LUNCH I ' ':.. U1. .i.u i . ... " 4 Eviry flirkDiltf.trfll .o'xttct al ihel l f L MOZART 8ALOON. ii -Hi J XA KILLER'S 1 -: 'Jkaiidoa ivinrtn'm Arf.ii ,,,, ' riiaum :.i Burroughs & Springs'. S COAL AT NORTH here $1 per ton, afterTanuary 3 1, &77 3 ?ri flind tut IHVITEB TO CALL STORE OF HONEY SYRUP. GIKGER PRESERVE & ' PICKLES. CHOW CHOW. TABLE SAUCE. V.-.:-. 1 r. -1 MACARONI ' X , Lj TAPIOCA, , . & a ss s. J' ' i itDEZLST C3 - "5 -fti A $oWitoo mom AT axAOo.i . Ei iVl.' Mover If and vicinity, that she hss taken the Wrooife in j lhe; reari6f.dM!rst it, MIf ehs? ntil- mery Btore ana wnere 6fje would be pleased 'Mh p48 and customers, and will guarantee a perfect fiti All she ask sis to ffltAP a t.ri.alr, . ? Mf F MOEB.- COB H MiKDRL, ! A BACM 9A BT-'Sf'.' MAUTACTT7RR or -TV, en O A Ii H WHOLESALE OKALBKf IV TOAfXQ; stofv pipes; r. TRADE ST., CHARLOTTR. N. r:. OCtlJ , . . . , 4( REMOVAL W 3-H-UT I- Iri-fS .1-1 fpHE undersirned tak-s this opportunity u ? "l',orn is friends and customers that he has risnoye ; his TsiJoring Eftab Jushraent tw door, Fsl! of his old stand on Tryon Street, where he will be pleased to wait on them in fmture. . JOHN VOGEL, iMercbanTail)r i ' ta -..u t44 i Vj. Charlotte Institute -M--i miiJ SF0B 1 1 1 , r.iXQMft, LADIES., , n the 2sd oi Jsnmary. IastrueUea in FaitisL,-. Drawing, Musi, Freaci, tf ax-work, ... Ac., ?rTided yont ladies who do' ot twh te take the Aeadenji6 coorte. - , itr.Tlie Drawing Class meets daily, thseh'arie per Term is $10 00.: - - V- iv if or other iaforBciatioa apply t:v -' I v r-T XEY B T MARTIK. , I t-l. " .- v Prik1a KliCl Fowls ! Fowls ! LIVE. OR , DRESSED- POULTR . P.nraiKnd IresrectfiUlyMn foims'te A public that he has opened" a 15tore on' Tryon.strtet, in tkeold Clrarlotte Bank building, in connection wiih bis POULTRY yARM,ft)Br Aailefrm h city, and is now teady-TOlitplSly trtrryifb the citizens of 4 Charlotte, either Dressed or Undressed. Hehas now on hand a ktock of Thirteen iowla, and will be able to supply all orders. I In addition to the Prinltrv ruinine. he My WSEOn Will call at th hnti.c of rem- ' lar patrons, toudehver Milk. Butter orPoul- tryrffcaai f.ir TENSON'S CAPSINE PLASTEBS 4nallc()ckgp43lWter foTsaleaij, , " . . . AIcADBN'S, Z- V "'ft C-Tr ; 1 r (- 'y ' apr8 ' 10fW, C.ii jbttU 4Hd i.leili"? Drug Store. 1 tiL.If j. .

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