'ailt year, (poUt-patd) in advance, " 6 moa. 1 moa.;" " vim rcrrios. : , etkly, (in the county) in advance, i ' out of the county, postpaid, " v . 6 months, " libera) reduction for clubs. ' s 00 4 00 , 2 00 75 $2 00 2 10 1 05 Y0L. xni. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY U, 1877. NO. 2,4S9. V .4 - .- . r . - , ' 3 ' -'.-.W a :.- - ........... ., Trm.t.-..1tT -iT-rfl,j;--,!J--'''---v - .,.-&- J'LW .11 L. .ISCSHriWI&Jt' W -I H "'" 1 , mi 1 - T - . .: it' ..Vi 1 THE nndrftijined hare formel a partnership, under ttie firm name of feOYD t OVERMAN, and will continue the BjoI and Shoe business in the store oc cupied by W L Boyd. Tbey will always keep on band a first-class Stock of Boots and Shoes, suitable for both city and country tr.ide, They will BUY andSKLL i exclusively for ash, and guarantee to give their customers entire satisfaction in the quality style ' and prices of their gods. , W L BOYL W W OVER&IAN. F II B WIT U K f B 4 r, E R S BURGESS NICHOUS WUOLESAjJil & RETAIL, ( . r ' ' DKALEB IB ALL KINDS OF FURHlTURBj BEDDING, A CHEAP. BED3TEAD-, LOUNGES, PARLOR fc CHAMBER 8UIT8, rvMrvrvo r n TT-rvTi-kCi tt . Tn 1- No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. iminP ibis rimi jfHOTO 'mi.iiiaw! hotel, LOCATED IX CENTRE OF .THE CITY OFFERS ; UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS i TO THE TRAfllXINC? PUBLIC. . .-. . i. - - J : i&e Fninlliise Ss Srst.clQss, tho Houac is Gar- GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS ABE IN EVERY ROOM. , Te Iinalids, Florida Tourists or Persons Trayeling FOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERY' FACILITY - FOR COMFORT. US- TERES :-$3.00, $250 and $2.00 per day, according to location 0f Rooms. II O ECCLES, Proprietor. -AT- FURNI TURE WAREHOUSE. Ijlave just received -a fresh -Stock of- Parlor. Suits in Hair, hlath I Heps Atrery handsome assortment of GENTLEMEN'S EASY CHAIRS. A FINE &T0CK OF declO TnTTx-mra TT, PPTnTTS Y1TT"RAP SOFAS. CHEAP 1CHAMBER SUITS, &C. . . r . . - 1 Nconneotion with the Furniture Business -X of Mr E G Rogers, at my oiu South Trade Street, I will conduct the Un dertaking Business on my own account, I will keep a complete Stock, from the Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metalic . Orders by telegraph or otherwise, prompt ly attended to. ispecuuy gHELT0Nf TlvLEUUAPlUC NEWS. Kooa Dispatches. prf.Coer,:.CharlotleiJI. C, DEALERS IN Yamisix Glass, Bye-Stuffs FAUCY ARTICLES: PESFOnERY, DliDSIIEF. oc25 WASHINGTON. Grant's Order to Gta Auger Ortoa tto be Arrested .for Contfmpt fievr Silver Bill from Boston , Board of Trade. Washington, Jan 10.r-At the close of the session of the House yesterday a communication was "prfsented from me secretary oi war in response to the Douse resolution dated Dec 8, giv ing the disposition of the United States troops. -According to this showing the troops here include an ordinance detachment of companies A,C,E Faud G of the fiirst artiljery ; C, G and. I of the second artillery; A, D andE of the tliird artillery; I of thV fourth artillery and C of the fifth srtiilcry : in all, 51 officers and 82-:) men; total 841. The number of troops scattered through the Southern Sta'es excluding Texas, amount in officers and men to 3,6S1 of these 1,005 are in Columbia, S C, and a nearly equal force is massed at New Orleans. Nearly one half of all the troops in the South are within the State of South Carolina. The entire army roster is given at 27,C04i. This, city and the South include at the time of the return, about one sev'nith of the armed force of the country. The Secretary of War and the Presi dent were in consultation to-day about noon, upon the subject of the tele graphic information received here of ficially from New Orleans" through military and and other sources, and it was decided to send a telegram to the military commandant at that post, giv ing the exact position of the General Government in the matter. According ly the following was telegrapeed from this city : Was Department. Jan 10. Gen C C Anger, New Orleans: It is reported tnat the State House in New Orleans is surrounded by a mob; if this id so notify all persons to ; disperse, atsd compel compliance with your order. It is the determination of j the President to tee .that the Legisla ture is not molested. V hen he has full knowledge of ail the facts in the premises, he will decide which should be recognized. Signed J. f. Cameron, Sec'y War. In the Senate, Mr Boutwell present ed a petition of the Boston Board of Trade, asking Congress to provide by law for the -appointment of an interna- j tional convention to consider the ex pediency of remonitizing silver coin, and fix the value of the silver in rela tion to gold coin. Until such interna tional convention on the subject, silver shall not be made a legal tender for any sum above ten dollars. After 8me discussion it was referred to the Committee on Finance. Several bills of no public importanc were intro duced during the morning hoar. The Senate then resumed the consideration of unfinished business, it being the House bill to perfect a revision of the statutes of the United States. The Pacific Railroad Committee of the House is in prolonged session, all questions affecting the main stem are settled. The contest is over the branches generally, but especially the two from New Orleans, and the three from St Louis. The 'Judiciary Committee having under consideration the contumacy of telegraphers and the Louisiana re turning board, had no meeting this morning. House. Sayler, of Ohio, and Dur ham of Kentucky are having a spirit ed fight over' the Brid?e interests be tween Cincinnati and Covington. President Orton will report himself under arre3t to-day to the Sergeant-at-Arma of the House. The banker Dimond submitted his books to the Committee of Privileges and Elections, and they develop noth ing. It is transpiring that the Nation al Executive Committee retained law yers on both the Atlantic and Pacific slope. The lawyers got the money. A deputy Sergeant-at-Arma left Washington last night to serve on Wm Orton a writ of service for his arrest, and to.bring bim to the bar of the House to answer for an alleged breach of its privileges, and a contempt of its authority in failing to appear before Morrison's committee with certain papers or telegrams. . The Sergeat- it Arms has rit yet heard from hisdepu ty. - , SEW YORK. Arrest of President Orton Surgeon - of Bennetc-M&y Duel Sent to Jail ;ftr Refusing to Testify. ; New York, Jan 10. President Orton is under arrest and will - be ? taken i to Washington to-morrow. Dr Charles Phelps who was connect ed with the Bennett-May duel was sub poenaed before the Grand Jury to-day by the District Attorney to testify eon cerning it. He refused to,; answer al questions on the ground that he would commit himself, -and being brought before Judge Gildersleave in the Court b.f General Sessions, and still refusing he was committed to,, the city prison for thirty days for contempt of court, LOUISIANA. Packard and His Legislature Con flaed in the Stato House All Quiet and Peaceable- New Orleans, .1 Jan . 12. About 6 o'clock to-night the fNiCholls' militia about 5,009 strong had. a review on StJ Charles street, opposite Lafayette Square. As they marched through the streets they were cheered- by the men, and the ladies who thronged the galle ries waved their handkerchiefs. They were principally armed with Spring field rifles, with bayonets and cartridge boxes, though some were armed with carbine?, shot guns and old muskets and marched in a manner .that showed they were familiar with the school of the com pauy. "After review the com panies were v detailed Wr -duty and marched off to different points, some are patrolling the city to-night, but mp3t of them were disbanded for the night. All 8ge8, from 16 to 60 are rep resented in the militia, and all nations except Africa are represented. As they passed the Custom House this morning on the march to Jackson Square, win dows on old Levee street were fillad with United States soldiers. The mili tia brought, their guns to a carry arms and gave three cheers, which were re sponded to by the soldiers. At 9 o'clock to-night the agent of the associated pre-s attempted to enter the State House to intefview Gov. Packard, but was halted by the Nicholls police'and refused admission. Gov. Packard and the Legislature are in the State House, but the new police have refused to allow pro"isior.s to be carried into the inside. The city is perfectly quiet and with the exception of a few armed squards patrolling the streets, and the white ribbon badges of the Nicholls police. there is nothing to indicate tne events which transpired, yesterday. Not a single case of violence or disorder oc curred duriDg the nigbt as far as is known. There is no intentions of the gathering of the armed hosts of yester day. Both sides are exceedingly re ticent in regard to their intentions,and nothing is known of them outside of their trusted friends. Ssd-Nigiit Dispatches. LOUISIANA. Packard Anticipates No Trouble The Democrats are Satisfied With the Situation and Will ;Make so Further Aggressive Movements The Packard Legislature Elects Ex-Gov Kellogg TJ S . Senator for Long Term Will Probably Eoloct Lt.-Gov. AntonU for the Short Term. New Orleans, Jan 10. On visiting the State House this morning the wait er found a line of Nicholls'police on the South side of St. Louis street, and on the opposite side, a liue of Metropoli tans. The former permitted him to pass, but the latter halted him until word from Gov Packard was received to pass him. On entering the building he found the Metropolitians looking as if they had been on duty all night without sleep, and members of the Leg islature presented a similar appearance. Gov Packard, who had just returned rom breakfast, looked as cool and cbl- ected as on yesterday. He stated that there was no change in the situation since last evening beyond the fact that the House would have a quorum, which was prevented yesterday dy the ears of the members. The Senate still acks one to complete a quorum. Ex- Gov Kellogg, U S Marshal Pitkin, and others were pressnt, engaged in an earnest conversation. All were very reticent and declined to give any in formation as to their intentions. In its leading editorial on the affairs of yes terday the Republican also says : As we have at present no goverument in this State whose authority is undisputed and as there are two' or thee Congres sinnal committees trvine to find out the truth about the late election, per haps the President may deem it his duty to establish martial law until such time, if ever, as Congress eh all come to some conclusion and agreement in the premises. 12 m. There is no change in the sit uation, nor is there any trouble antici pated. The Nichols party assert that they are satisfied with the situation and will make nq further aggressive advances. 1:40 pm-The Republican Legislature inioint session has just elected Ex-Gov Kellogg to be U S Senator for the long term. The indications are that Lt-Gov Antonie will be elected to the short term. :. ', .'. . ... j . riiUlS is to inform the public, that the JL .Hornet Dire Com pan v has fitted up a Dray in first-class city style, has s-icured the services or a polite and careful driver, and now solicits a share of the patronage of the mercnants ana citizens generally, who so kiadly aided them in the enterprise. The undersigned have been appointed by the rresidtnt of the Company, a soliciting com mittee, and are authorized to make contracts for hauling : W RMtkrx, Je., RE Millie, itOBT K JSAY. I HAS X YAIICE. JOHK W Stiphiits, D C M allot. The Dray when unemployed will be fonnd at independence equarei janio at For Rent! Cottage containing fonr rooms and kitchen, with well is tha vard. on 3d tL Bear Trvcn. will be rested chearj to a goes taaast far tf?7. Asoly t T 8 AKVICTEA. jan5 Bt cr TMIS OFFICE. '.:; WASHINGTON. House Committee on Counting of Elec v toral Vote Agree on Two Points . -V ' Passagt.of Bills. - i -Washington, f D. C., Jan v.10. Mr, Spencer of Alabama, presented a joint resolution of the Alabama Legislature asking Congress to approve , an act of that, bodyi for the construction of a breakwater in the -bay and harbor o Mobile. Referred to the Committee on Com m erce., "vVithou concluding bil. forJ"?vision laws adjourned. v ' The House Cdbomittee on the Privil eges, Powers and duties of the House of Representatives on counting the electoral votes have so far agreed on only two points. Firt,the Presidentof the Senate has no power to count the votes ; second, that" the House has equal power w,ith the Senate in counting the electoral vote. The bill authorizing bridge across the Ohio river, between Cincinnati and Covirgton, without a pilot-draw was discussed for three hours, and then de feated. . : The Senate bill for the appointment of Commissioners to an International Conference on the silver qnestion,,was discuatfed for an hour without final action. XEW ADVEBTkSClBJEJfTS. ; 1 ; E. H. WHITE, INFORMS his customers (hat he m furnikh any more buckets. r C. O. D. orders promptly attended to dec24 r Great Bargains IN Miilinery and In Gccd. EHT1RE STOCK AT MB BELOW COST. AS Assignee in Bankruptcy of Mrs A L Bodfish I will jell the remainder of her Stock at and below cost ta close out. A good assortment of Gents' Fumishinr Goods A 11 these goods will be sold at TEN PERCKNT BELOW COST. decl9 tf R M OATES, Assignee. Tho Owucsxxb Job Department. s s thoroughly, supplied with ovexy Aoodol . want, and wUn voo latoat ccriea of Xxse. tv every maimer of Job Were ean aow Aoa J with noatneos, diipateh and Oboapneab -Wo tn fornlsh at short nottoe BILIi HBADS, LKTTKJRHJrt4JDS,CJLRrja, TAGS. RECEIPTS, FOSTES3, ' e ; FBOaaAJtMKS. fiAKD BlXIja, PAJraUBT. iUBOKS, O, 0 3 E. D. LATTA & BRQ'S, SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, TO THE PEOPLE!! f We have Decided to offer our entire Sio We have Decided to offer our entire Stock y. AT A AT A OF FINS GLOTHTJIG OF FIIIB OTjOTHIBIG LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICES ! LARGE RFJUCTION IN PRICES I ALL TRADES and PROFESSIONS ALL TRADES and PROFESSIONS a NOTICE ! i n rnrniniiinwiiiii n ' - W E S. 3E 3?1ET3D1 "'SP. Et-Jt A HEUIARKABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR P17RC1IA9I1VG A Ul.ITlAltliABI.li OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCIlASINa e ec o a t $ D nitai - P antolo one, FOR IilEH AIID BOYS. FOR tlbH AI1D BUYS. B- Parties from a distance, unable to visit ns personally, may rely vponltheir ORDERS receiving our BEbTand CaBEPUL ATTENTION, promising' satisfaction IN EVERT PARTICULAR or MONEY RETURNED. Oe D &cttQ G Deo., REPRESENTATIVE janll CLOTHIERS OP THE SOUTH: For Rent. TWO Cottages cn B street, near the Bap tist church. Also two rooms oyer my store. D si SiULBK. dec31 o Eh O SZ5 o w o o o CO Q 5 5 o CO o w PS w M a S CO -4 n u u 0 H d d O H a 6 a a a m ' 8 M e S 0Q o 3 M O o w M o 8 a H m o a m m w M 8 -of o o 11 H O to . 0Q 5 m H o m so o H -4 O i to ft O K m o a -4 n H 5 I 8 o o S H n 3 0 1 5 2: m r K s i IKS o5?S 5 1st Removal. S MILTON, the Poulterer, has leased the building formerly occupied by the old Bank of Charlotte, but more recently by R E Cochrane as h insurance office, where bis friends and patrons can find him in the future. janC tf AiF3t iu xxrrr ik mopt of a lew Inter ail Wood Yarfl. mHE undersigned have this day leased the JL Bock Islaad Factory 7 ard, and will keep constantly on nana a mil stoce oi Liumoer. Shingles, Laths, Lime and Wood, which they will sell at lowest market prices, whole sale or retail. -JB dAI(, j in9 tf WT BEAMON SUPERIOR LOT OF FDRO, " v r MINK SABLE...... ....BOAS AOT) MUFFS FRENCH SEAL. .........BOAS AHD MUFFS . KAMSKATKA SEAL ... .........BOAS AND MUFFS ALASKA SEaL.. .......BOAS AND MUFFS FAN OY GREBE ..BOAS AND MUFFS For Rent. STORE room in building of J L Morehead, 4th door from Wilson & Black's, Trade Street. Apply at office of KEITH, WALSH & CO. janIO tf And a full assortment of LADIES and CHILDREN'S FURS, MEDIUM AND LOW GRADES. J Dissolution ! mHE firm of Moore A Butler has been JL dissolved by mutnal .consent. H T Butler assumes all indebtedness ot the late firm, and is authorized to receipt for, all debts due by them. ilJSJNKX X iJUTLiJiiK, EIOHARD MOORfc. Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 6, 1877. Another lot. of these Cheap and Superior Alpaccas, just 'rsceirod. Call and see them ' ELIAS, COHEN it ROE8SLXR. , v de6 Masonic Toaolo laildiaj. . OF THE- ABOARD. Mr H T Butler having purchased my in terest in the late firm of Moore & Butler, I respectfully request for him the patronage so generously extended the late firm. I will sun remain win air uutier, ana win De pleased to see my friends when in : need of goods in Mr cutlers line. KIUUAUJJ moult k. jan7 tf Ten Cent Column. Advertisements will 6c msertea in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, for each msertum. Ao advertise ment taken for less than twenly-jiie cents. mght words make a line. , Withja view of reducing oar immense BETAIL STOCK, to enable s to consolidate ovr two nouses oy January 1st next, we, from tais aay on, oner to laepnone UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITIES ! 1 ! Supply tbemselyes and their families with every thine aeedfal for their comfort AttVilg the coia weather, ana as tne stock is too vanea to itemize, we nte am iew ; articles : V RE M OVA L Bob Lamb will be glad to see his old mends . at nis new stand in j McLaughlin's new building ! on College Steeet. ' " -" ' . -. ' : ' ' janlOSl ! ROOMS TO RENT Several! good rooms in the Springs building, at reasonable prices. A B SAVIDSON. jao9tf FOR BENT The J H Caldweli house. opposite-the Baptist Church. Apply to J W WADS WORTH. an6 tf ' v -TOR RENT Two stores corner Trade and NCRB. Also Charlotte Warehonse on favorable terms, A. SHORTER CALDWELL. jan6 it eod FOR RENT Two Cottages on B street. near the Baptist church. Also two rooms oyer my "store. D M RIGLER. dec31tf i . f . WHITE BLANKETS, From $2.75, $4.00 and $6.00 ; worth $4.00, $6XH) and $10. LAD I E S ' C L O AI S - From $3 60 to $15 ; worth $5 to $25, - - WOO LEND E E S-S G0 0 D. S From 12i cents' n jwards ; less than half price. - MILLINERY 1 FANCY GOODS 11 ALC3T - MtlCT. AH PT riTTTTXTP Lower'tbanthe lowest oftred in this maket. OTX: -Ai3, A J0.111 VT from $5.50 mpwards. Genla raraUhiar Goods at the r- raUo.. In short, our whole RETAIL 8TOCX will o soli oC KXQ ABBLCS3 OF CC- 2. ; - From and after the 1st of Janaary, wo wish oar enstoaers to or r la taiaa t oar RETAIL HOUSE will be esnsohdatod with oar present TTholoiale CoaM. - - v, ; v TriflP P TXTP I Tilt! BioT ow eccnpf by us a the Kotail nonso U fer tat a: j x. J. i after the m Janaary. v - A. . - Dec8 ' V. , v . ; t . . 1 EAILOTT154 jtft13 -.Si-' - - 3 - tif 'ft :- v: AM H-- Y- t .I V