a.: ! llOU k tit.. tt.WI The Or3S3vr Icb r : Lnent a thoronhly rn-2l v.'-i every aaed4 want, and wita taa latcit me of Type, aat every manner of Jo Won can now Mdon j witu neatness, dispatch and cnaapneaa. - -: Weanfarnilat8L.ort &oUo ELANK3, EUXi HZ AX 3, -. , y UTl'O gg X3, 0AKD3, TAG 3, IirCIFTS, POSTXia, PJSOaHAIiaE3 HAKD BILLS, PAMfllUliiTa. OHJBCKS, KK, 4 , 1 :: " . i euBacarrrioji bates. - ' e mos. " " 4 nn S,moe.tr i '.I YHATJ Al 330 1 mon, - M " ' 75 n , HA') aoa.3111 : , '. ' 1 - l c y f. lsf. '. ! rtSIT 1Q JTi, v.!. III ... . I I P . out oi tne county, postpaid, 2 10 VltllW 6 months;.! ol.UU .'MA :x !Q6; Liberal redactions for clubs. . . januaby go; i8w;-. :'.;;.-.. ' u,,!h6.- tMr . J.it ;i j ,ii.-ji;ui; y, f T T 1 mi tts tar .-i.: V .1 Ihe firm name of BOYD uuaiutsa in toe store oc- .'liymIflrTi?ey will alway keep on hand a first-class Stock of Boots and Shoea, snftable . t fStNSi.SSP.VT They will BUY . ,,:qo. ovsiTSiaeo J eUOiai t eAH TfcOM .! ij H f a. YHKOII AI, ,8i?:J.'IaO .k'Liai'Jll ?7 0H ') WOHO v , . . ,aoMwiAa : .ajIXIMiiAQ rriJAviiviAf FUUK1TU RE on Aft ' " ' ' .oisiAa . WTTOT S 1 I jan3 LOCATED IN CENTRE im i".t. .-, ''ii.. a i li, Wt v- i J t- 8 Q 9 j x X TTaiMAHD .OXlUJl'JaAa JAOIIAA lin j . pctcd RIC To InTalids Florida -A TOR PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE 00W 0T00.Q? lLOflloBcoMioRT.ib i EST TEEMS ifCO, 1 250' ''4K?l2at'l)iPflfi!yt 'Werdlr ?0tStt Booms. 35 3538 S itrb Cj iilivJLJL ".W.Vf- JELas( . 00 A 010111.14 ttOOA" "ii aiuic ajAci6aw, - 1 I ,153111 ,1WJS 'iJeciiifiiSto tTt.-54 2ZZQd!lJU& -4 .TT wa.vj .... - isi nil?! r-cs5" " ouwq -vmnt. nd,Vice, President. ca oniy-A 1 1 ? 'rjivin8it&yrrlam ' T , - I will kp a CriiiJfe6efctOTft,flfeth ,:tH nrt If pHSSnnrfr. itnV (, ijU" VTrf I fcMl ,5 . MTtJurial easel IJ VJl . uvy -- . - inreaia oi iiwcuw w y J" Mild WL.' .''HffiiUih or otherwaaeprofcpt- oufcthe ele;iorftl yote rf q-r-j iiiw fctia .t.T vioiOi ' AUAKS T TT" iGri ,tt. b r.9VMia - t' 9 'ii . , ', j k H-eilttlT T : ' """1 a- nfWT ft. . . r ..-r.f.fr. - $2A QKA .naSlT ,U0A f -f ' 'T ,tT D9 MlHtH'C"' I . - .jt- i Viv . K.AT?nV'!mAl VlI!i:Vi k ' ? l! 1 M. II . UliUiJi tTdVresaft Li on A OVERMAN, and will, . .0 .H .tJ tiii 38 ASJ'i JJ17 TAIir, HO'iLI AO llii fasaii .Ha br .TAau'aoziM DE ALER : . . ,ai jiaiAaii o lyT?rV ITT--' AAA Ja tlVili M V ' - 1 1T( 1 m f;VfcA 5: 1Mb " No. 5, West Trade 8t.,f , " a CHARLOTTE. N. 0. r I OF THE CCTT. OFFEES - r.T "' .- . . Llt . " 1 -iT Col- OUCO I t ?f r 1 nori:-1-w hii Uailirtl -IqqIQO. JOAAjjHf ffftftSTTeTSOUS KIAT OFfEmSRYACIMTY kn M x .Till 8HTOiEQaLESilProprie or.1 4- - ; QilUl , , intt .iaJo ,irLna .l'aiii . ALL PRieEft??!EAjf CHEAri t' msoiD JtoladalWiA . - oa 3Iim - iy atrtenqeq vu nrn.n-. n. .- TlT.ftiTff rJAirPR. nd furfW. i L f T 1 I . , . I ' ft. B ' I --f ... ,L'q 4?n Jj9 GXAJJ BATJiitfrys. ! 33DMAflO . ... L - . ' an. 9JX i The European Situation a Sized as a.iiTjerCtijjectiim' in to Enssia'i Ai .in Eou case American r rPrateflfAft t -BiakQp,jauggestedtlUthS:Tjecia ItllarimetiCiy iias shout uiuia-u!f xesoivca nemrantv in r CBraTJJi8la Xtf'18M& - only; ed down. The council beinffkiroftrii.i)i::: Li':'r-r's -V' . JiiJIWs opinion that the government! wWHot , .W. JT.l d-iLU cutitiru 10 ueciae sucn a mamnfcona question. It is rumored thaLMidhaJL , w- - - - whole business was rehearsed before :hafidt?toi'fetHTlMAC1Iitti:8tatl wild really 5fflgd tbfgfd. - i J-V : Londoit, Jan. 19. The rimes to-day duappint Ihaikihfcyjinay.havWeniievemftt the opening-of ihe new year. The iiefedtf of the Turks are naturally deli jtitfed sit I I mm. - f mW41' fflFflfyed by tion which has befallen the dipr?iatA ereign rights of theSultan.T WW will those jt9 dsqlaj themselves absolute ly certain that Russia will not attack7 mate astuteness in Gen Ignatieff's moderation and who will now eaV (hat beknew frdnj ,j:Ji firtihow surely the fanaticism of Constantinople would force the Porte to,, open, deSa'nco n inis supjecc we snail be content to form a judgment on events as tbey1 tion. ThereWn bono doubt thu.Rua sia is in "a moet difficult'1 position4 tetweewatliornwbTcKt can expect no pejmapen aavagev ai a pieage ifmch Tf not redeemed will be o( great discredit to ber. In any case it is not to be assumed that a decision for jeac or war - willrecessarily be maco, at, once. It is quite probable that 'weeks may pass, amid new diplomatic; over tures before Russia thinks it conveni nent tOj announce her finalresofution;; perhaps We dissolution of the confer ence marks, the. beginning of jaltfiew phase in which the Western, powers I the Imperial courf 4111 -"once (more concern themselves with the business. I ton WASHINGTON. ft. rik I1 1- The Executive Committet of the weitera union Telegraph Company 4 Ordir 111 Dispatckes of a PoUMcal Naturg t0 bt Prodnced-The'Joini Comrrtte2illXii:ely to Pan-a- jjaincs iiw urn jjiuueu gu. j Titiil Washington. D C. Jan 19 Wells and I Anderson are quartered at-Wilfard'iji No definite action will betakehlupi' lAft.fibS Ca48uave &ilr3, r ! bri The Executive " Committee of the Western Unjoa Telegraph Comparty anDeared before the House Committee on Privileges-and Powers, and, we: a. a i ctoceVftVerb'DOs'als. land the b'?et3 cif th,.Eorte',lecatdn I Turkey : there are those on aherother' ducing a resolution of their H-f'lhSail.d iLm aWa, to-v'para.ofl . . a t . !a cal character should be prodaced( 4, committee a hree were appointedtev act with a like committee of privileges ( aeeKCiiorrc)i inoeoaie, i crsni aew, luuiijwuuui r uMBBit patches. Telegraph superJuendenta; jrajarsnAjopejators-who Are pere tnTt"uTgi iriW appearance. The Hqus will ; pass -aituresolution discharging Barnes the New Orleans manager,iwfetf nam Fir, ts'i rrr xuuuii mo; pM- I donli'te oiitnouni the Joint . . i ing oft the Y3 .0.1 a! svlvatuaditpre&e&ted; dhQireiotiitSon re- th at the Certificates of, th e elect6ri fffdrii tba' vHuA.taUs'Are-.the pnsti-. I'tntionat evider3th6ote6l?o fpekiden imbTiti'rtitoi$ Utnd Lm J.mustbe connqd)ni?rdercd4abe ptuafJ ". Ted and lie upon the table. - a., r ocl sir u -Eoutwells Deftats4-IIoRr::tliiT! Sac Jri 10.-The fifth "ToiiSi bal u. "wr t - t il ea in noir b cieciipuvi.; mu 146. Boutwell 47, Abbott 62, Bullock !RT0aS? G!Iii- TAJ rrv f Via Kftnate. Mr (Jameron. ot t -Ksgiiature qeoJanngbatr.tha wlTtOf ' .tr ?wkard . : Dtnonnced "ai a : Public Bobber. u , t ' . V . - ' t- .f.. : - . i . in ; . - w AtstuauTOH, u. u. Jan. Nomination : John E - Hamilton, Attorney of the Kentucky diatrict. 4f The. first half a million was.Vwarded to (thetEadesf Jetties, 10 ,tt. ' x. nlj. -"pefore this Committee one Privileges and Elections Col. Pelton hacj no recollection-of sending a dispatch j Sena tor JKelly, , tfiati Oregon Irwould ,be de Rr en ner Before iJie'Com m i tteejpn Pil ilege, and Powers was i.confi4e4(to the manner Joi'nanaimg aispatcnes.'ne f o0U$ftr-Well Ahd iAndetson were presented at the bar of the House, but 'their' 1tseV. were" poitporfe'd itill the af- riTal of the other members of the board. The day was .demoted to private bills. I t tsATiTTA inlton was made to ad- jpun ,ta.AIqnday4 iJr.. Edmunds said ine-'oui repvrtca oy me oeiect. vom. 'mitteVVeerdiyshfould'I:b'ecemft the first sir.t In hW Ann nnAer itmnat .4ona,at weekdrom?. Ttfesdajf? ;!The Senate bhoulditak, the bill 4ipj to-morrow," so by next" TbesdaVf they Im'ight destroy It1' by VrnanTyblows, or pass it: AndnodestToy by BmotherfBg it or hopedthe Senate would not adjoura xyex. ThB' motion was withdrawn. The Louisiana affairs1 wa dflscusse'd' at great count of dembnttrations of I Applause, Sherra an defended 'the actieii' of the f eturn;intf5boafd' 'and quoted from' the atTmony. tot;showtliaV.jiolebce and , intimidation did exist during ihe can- vaas, and' the1 board was ' justified in tbrowing but1 icdrtain returns.' He ar gued Lihai jthe eia.testrmonyi pre- senUd by.the Senator i front Missouri, did mot show that Violence 'did ot ex ist'Th'r Senator,; Jlr. Rogy Ba spoken againsi 'Packari ; that was not right- Packard waa a man of r character and standing; what had he done? Had he murderedand robbed ? ' :A'r1, - 2j Mr,' Bogyr-He, , has robbed,- robbed, and done nothing Ise..?:''- ' fMrVSherman was surprised to hear such a remark foinlhe Senatort '.'I MriSogy saifUMBAracierof Pack ard in: New -Orleans was lhat of; an in- fanlcrak robber.1 (Great appla'uee in tbq galleryia on tKcTjightof-e chairman.) -: Mri Sherman: i alter regretting the neceksity'of clearing the galleries refer red tofLonisiina agairr,knd said lie did pot- know MKTackard, but tie had he'anJh.W spoken of as Aman of honor. When a Senator on the floor of the Sepajte a;rraig?d ji Governor oi a State as infamous-he abused his privileges as. a Seqatpr.i-3?.aA7 ! 'J 'Mi. Bogy-I dot.notjadmiMhat tie is Mrj'MortOti of Indiana, said he re gretted to hear the "Senator 'from Mis souri peak' as he did abbu t Go v Pack4 Vr-Hi(Morton),, Vaj( t'nt imder any peraoqanyr ponucai oougauons to GovT-a'dUrdsbutH h was somewhat famTliaf 'wiln Louisiana affairs. ! and he liad eVer.5beard himJipeteii 6ft W a rnanof bacnaractej; either'As a poli ticdanin sodiety. oriKbosinessi Amdng tne iops nearu xi -ra 'juouwiana uuring th'fe'plftsf'ftVeVearsVPacVa mention as in teres bed in any of .heml iinwr sr"" " p--- r -1 booia aril intota IflaOiitU OI TiCOU Jiu ctiyHv at. ' tun iili3nm?:unrrroainr s-tu we, are notsnreinthe-odecofLthe coubqU is;wiaea) The; proposals! had bes&redttced s far1 that 4t is "uncertain cusa th,epj,TbQ questlori nowiii, jwh'at will Raasiidoefied-byuIie "Porto 'AWrnmirifelnge anq. ?gau f f SWoS.--? ,T0-77 . U a- " ... Milk JM w . Va A. MA- tne aioacow apveou, nwtmsmwi um bilizediegiments iaad preserve peace? TJiRTrt Are sieris noiniinr in5thVt!'direC:, Uion. , tAU our,intelljgenco '.is to the' -jjg rfCUaV thVnthusiam) fox- wai lias oole&do wn ana an ai- xne pu ouo aro akBefttpio aselise 7f fhe"risks' or an invasion of Turkey. press .seem to oe prepariiiK vji ipwuiiui ietf act by reprbaentinglsthe ; failure1 of the conference -as a defeat, dot of Ra' sia. but pf England, ff. Possibly all; thia weakness is assumeeat ny . rate.it is 'ertaujtliatitheLWorkof mobilization shbwntbCkritfss:?15! lo aiNQFtoI,Jij?i- ?an ..l$.TTSeven teentliban'ot; Legan,?99;DPalme 7; Anderson!?; jHaine9,?t;"5Parish 1. t.- WMiecWwrjtKvhtermi on; the 13th ballot. 3 c- ?r U"s i r'-f ; . AnWiisfa1 Jan 19.1-The Senate Committee adjourned to-day to meet in Washington on Wednesday next. Spirited Debate ta Louisiana Affair. pended on'fbone tibte.ttlfillU ) Thr evidence , bt '';5up5eririte?ndent i reicri iu uj tun uuiiuuibm 111 ranLuauiii liExectttfve BeSSWiJ. rAdio!urnedl I'd.iorf'SCftns UsnferencsTThat eieWo-Ifili2 wu3 j 10I i CV EIdon;' Jitiri9.Te ra-ncfartf say a th'ey wodldTrotHave beenrthftri s6ft ettedhadHbe Porte1'' consntedC "cfi- t.alx 1 ,r -p; Third ; Last Stock i t . . . 4 ' ,. ' ; f . ,-.4 rftr ' O- il,1: i . Lol sin f- vjiU . u... " . SALEM ALMANACS, .1 '1 j jrr"-;j c -.Ji not t -s s , J ur'sT-;-'-'! N '"M?"! ' - 'i ' ' "V ; - u ' ?' -'S I DID YS. '1.-. v j S 'M jjJ i-.i-f 1 --. Sti FRESrfARRlVALS: I1! J ' i :i HI K1 .if ' n c f CAR LOAD HAY, lw , f . ji . - - .-T 1 CAR LOAD-CORK, 1 CAR LOAD BACON, g CAR LOADS FLOUR, CAR LOADS MOLASSES, ; gUGAR, COFFEE JAMS, SALT, ARD,RICE. 1 1 : im., -- , A ! '. - LOAV: FOR OAS H. .Tilt " c i ' tin i&i.'j'J': " 4 ' " r 'J i . J i i tf.-i"t .1-: i . . ' IVlayer,Ross& Jones. -i e'rift" f?j wll . i.i ';.i.. "a . cli' : jan20 tit MILL OWNERS AND PARTIES i ' t LWHO OWN WATER P0W1RS,; WiU fihd It to their i&teresi' to' call on the undersigned who has purchased the right and has on hand the Fox Patent 1 Turbine Wheel, which will be seld low for cash.! -iH . J WARTER BREM & M ARUNf n Jan2Qdlt2tw,oh r?frLi -II J -jMtx' IH I I .111 rilllMSNl IV 11. JUVAiJUV JK IVj UAia VliB (41 JM.. Edrelgn Literature ! j ' .... ' ! . I ... to;- . , THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. J : o:; fTTHE ECLECTIO Tewirit8 ' from all the A fori Qoarterliet,' Reviews. Maaines and iirnals. their choicest coatents. including Essays Scientific. Papers Biographical Sketches, Reminiscences of. Travel and Ad venture, -Tales, Stories, and' Poems; The field bf selection is very-large, and it is be KmmI tKftt the KcLaono presents " a ereater variety and ': higher standard of literature than any periodical can nope to uo uaat ap pends exclusively upon home talent. . " v AkBowledee ofthe current literature of OtrieT COuainea is inaupensiiuie wj u wuv would keep 'pace with the progress ef the hitman mimd i and the ' Ecxacno offers the best, and, tadeeo, ueoniy, opportunity .inr Obtaining- this Knowledge within a reason able coaa pass, and at a moaoraie pnee. ' Aatong the writers reprefted is recent nnrnbers of tae Actxcrio are i xne x noa W E Gladstone. , James" An thony Froude, Matthew Arnold; Charles- Kingsley; Robert Ttnchknan : Oe McDonald. Jonn - Knsun. AlfredTennvBonThornas Haghes, William I$lacx,!.Bl.lluiipnanv?AJM naxajr, hujimb MoiTia. .; Misa .'lnaCKerav. aira; Aiejurauar, Profs Huxley and TyndaU, Richari Proc tor, B. A., Trof Owen,rDr W B Carpenter, Uix Mnller. J Norman Lockyer, Herbert Spencer; and others equally eminent, i . Be- Sides tne regmar aruvies iu iub uwj - u mo magazine, taere are iour nginax Auivoruu nnartinents : Literarv rloticea. Fareien Literary rtotas, science ana ah, uu t axic- - - r a a i. -i j T-r ties. -,!'.' j ' . - r - - With reeard to the character of the selec- litifteJthe aim of the Eclectic ia to be in structive wnoueing ouu,ana entertain ing without being tnyaJL : w nue eacn nam? hr contains soaaetbics to' interest every member ! the family circle, it addresses it self narticularly to that great body or intel ligent readers who 'seek profit as well as amusement In solid : and nealthful litera- tnre. - - . J - - . Besides the 128 naee Jof readine matter. each number of the i magazine contains a Fine Steel Engraving usually a portraits- executed in tne most artistic manner, i ' TiBMS-Single copies 45 cents : 1 year $3 2 copies.$d ; 5 copies $20, Trial subscriptions for three moths $1.' . ' The EciicTiO and any f4 Ifagasine to one address $8J .13 a.':J ji u. '!'; Postage free to all subscribers. Address . ; jB B PAirurt, iuoiistier. janSO , - 2 Bond Street, N. Y. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION , T G THE .5 ft.IvJso t 5 Si' '-' 2 s We have Decided r WehjijDecidedi , j OP! PIHE' OF;FrLpji;ei.ra i AM"LAR6E REDDCTIONinPIUCES ! ! AT'A ' lARGE REDUCTION! IN fpICES ! ! i .ALL ; TRADES; aridrfROFESSiOt ;ALL TflADJ3S and. PROFESSIOXSow, 1 - V I.1. 'i.T . His t 4 A REITIARKABI.E OPPORTUNITY FOR PCTrCltASINO r A UItIAlAABL,E OPPORTUNITY FOB PUXtCUAtlWG s.-i v-T v? us run i.iiiii vnn rtctf . w : Parties from a distance, unable to 0RDER8 receiving Our BEST and CAREFUL -.SJ.- jSi. ... - :. REPRESENT AT I VEr .OLOTHI E'R 8 : 1 OP 1 THE5 : S 0 TH.: jaall c.4- 1 . ASE; JUST IS A SUPERIOR MINK SABLE..: FRENCH SEAL KAMSKATKA SEAL...1. ALASKA SE AL.... :. .:vV:..UB0AS AND' MUFFB FANCY GREBE . ;.....;.'...;.v..'.;..v..:.;M..B0AS AN1 MUFFS And a full, assortment of LADIES and CHILDBEN'S FURSr: 1 . Is i , ,'JJ 17.14 ".J - ill-fU ' ' ' V ifEMUil AND i ij-.l i .it t Jyf,!. ' & WE SHOW OFFEE,1 :s.-T 1fTT- TTt rtTSt1t5lYrhTT 1 UNPRECEDENTED,'. 5 i i f'f 'i-i v.-t r fT4 iT .' Supply themselves and their families with - JB" Another lot :of those Cheap" and Superior Alpaceas, just received. Call and see thenx f.j-.vJ . .fit'- 1 "JJ ELIAS," COHEN & ROESSLlR, de6 .,v-t -Iw.v.'i ' i';-' '"ifi f,Masoni Temple BaildiBg. It a ' weauef(-aHa as' the stoer-tt too yaiiea w itemist, wo .em aac wjs i,-. r,v.-,; : t " 1 articles p-'" i"" ' . - ..'..-r.i v From $2.75, $4.00 ad'$6.00 From 12 cents upwards Tlfl TTtT.T ATTilrj Y TS'.iTn A ATi l l Lm: "n; jtr-n,FjMm$3.5QJo$l5;,worwoxe $zo, o'.v .asee? IT 'AnrTTt"rvTi th'antheiowesr ffertd?ln thisVakeC-bTX'CAIi, I Jl A J Ltl 111 IT' from &rfiO anwardft-t; GUnta' Foraishlac Gds at the Mate rati In short; our whole RETAIL STOCK wiU he ? : From end after the 1st or January, wa wisn ear custemers to aer r im aaut iaa mux RETAIL HOUSE will he conselidated with ear present Wholesale leuse. X 1 . iV Deo3 O NS- H A"N DJ . ,"-.4' .v- s-'oi oi i ' f.; ' , : .-! f ii c J j rAND TO J 1 Ii 3 0 J SJ " Arrive1 Ihist Week ! ' 4 97 1AA Tons1 more of Arthracite Coal, all 1UV sizes, which I will deliver at $9J25per ton or $4 ?5 per I ton.; Weight and quality e uaranteed. will .in the. futur, . seep on and a ran suddIv.-; : P 1 Wr J Alnhonso Younei forraerlv with Mr Ch L Yandegrift, is now 'soliciting orders lor me, and all orders left wita ibim will be promptly attended to.-; Kv-ri.t n r J! I- F'E PATRICK,, , " Office oi Cotton Compress Company.', Dissolution. if rpHE Co-partnership lately : existing he JL tween the undersigned will be dissolved on the 1st . day f January,, aext, and cthe books, notes and acceunts ' will ,b turned ever to Mr D C If alley, far cellectiea aac sfttuement. v u alak, I SIMPSON. d PEQELEj ! ! offeottriontire Stock offer, our: entir3 Stock i 3fjfI,1Jii?ci' o hi s oil ti: siii."1.- CliOTESEJG aiiu iHip.r i . j t k . . hurt nhvci , . K iiticO t - visit' ns personally,' may'1 fely upon their ATTENTION promUing satiafaction IN aw ii Tj. ;3 tv . i o J J J Jj i ' SXOBXFT OP A J LOT OF FURS, BOAS AND MUFFS ..i...iw..:..BOAS,AND MUFFS .....;....B0AS ANB. MUFFS LOW GRAPES. 1 o , fc , -f -lUVii I WWW V" fniii Iiii'V IlIix;'.-! - odT j. ' , . -:...r .i r.J 'V TrrT TO HEjOTBJiJO I - ITk T mTTt t 1 fill 'tPi I I I ' . f-X '" I III every thing meedfu! Sat; their cemfart dariag ;7 worth $400, $6,Wand flO.i hd a S ; less .than, half prise., a ft0 - XA-t5if l fill I lU 1 AT" AJUMvar jl x sold 3 BIOARBLESa OX COST. - ;if : f!H AW.TiOTTfi.Jlf. O - 1 0 A R: P E T S , ' B L A N K E TS, Waterproof Flannels, DRY GOODS -AMI 'SHATLSATCOST, . t, f l-t - : k?7M -.'.0 BARSHTGXR & TROTTER'0. janl7;- ;r . - r,. -.!oi"? cf 'i'w ii i Mrs. E. IVl.T.loycr TfTOULD imforai the' ladies af -CLarlatte I V and vicinity. that! she has taken the room in the rear of Mrs, R. KcTTelis' il inery stare and where she wetli k flalsrd see her friends and custaners, aid will guarantee a perfect fit All she atk is to give hex a trial. 1XE3 S U LISTED I i 2, Seelye 1, Chadbourno l oc25 v i

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