...3 r charlotte gl3Rveii. i . I . 4i'i The 03iEVa Job DtrxrUaept tUoronlily iurplled. wxta every needed want, and vrita tae latest styles oi Type, ant every manner c f Job Worse can now be don J wltn neatness, dispatch ani obeapnesa. We ean fiarnlsb at ELort notice BLANKS, BILL HH1D3,, " LETTES HS KD3, CAKD3, .. i TAGS,HECEIPT3, jPOSTEKS, . C . PB0GBAMME3, HAND BILLS, , , - PAjaPHLKTST'CHBCKa, CKh, ;f T D 'jiV 1 jeaf, (pnerpaiC. in advance, oo b mos. :. : . '!-; v 4 00 3- nr ' - '.. ' 2 Oft J oon, ... , " v--; J 1 -.-To TintT tDlTlOK.. -W 'tly, (in the county in advance,' $2 00 out of the couaty, postpaid, 2 10 u , 6 months, - - i ' c Liberal reductions for clubs. yoLxni CUARL0TTE, N. C, SATURDAY,, JANUARY 27, 1877, NO. 2,453. ' li 1 i ill,, i ) " ii 'i ' " . - . t ' ' " - v ' . . , ' ,r. i ' r . - .", n r -. . . . ,- , , MmjM344 W.4M4W4g' I J I I Mill . , , - i - ' ' ' - . ' " " ' J - - i3- r - .... ' ' - . I j ' : r T " i 4 F T : . ,., .-. ' - (! - t - -7-'- : - v tu -.,,'i -r-i-v.-f-i--: ft- : ,. ,- - , .-, s. ,. ; 4 -. . I i . . ......,-'. .... 1 . ,-4,-... :. TT . ... T T T r: .- . . . , : ' ' telerapuit:news: FOREIGN; rpiIE twdrsined Fiayefornie t h parinerbip, under" 1 the firm name of BOYD .fe OVU-liMAN, nJ will continue the B ,tit end Shoe business in the store oc copied -by; 4 WL Boyd. ThW will alwuvHkt-ep on ., hand a fir.-t-c!ass 8t0( k of Boot ai.d bhoes, suitable for both city and country tride, . They BUY " r r ..and SELL exclusively for a'th.and guaranfeetogive I M their cuitomtrs entire satis'action in thequxlity,' Btyle " '. and prices oLtheirgOudJ, i. VV UBOYlL - - ' W W OVEKMAN. - 4 F IJ K R 1 1, lv K 14 ( L I U rg j,t... V I 'I j VH.OLESALE& RETAlLv v ,V.i4 . . yd 'Afi .scJ . v Vf! Yvxiv sjuiSKt Jv' 9.-i i'T TM'Vt J i,'"5 clause in tti"c!rical abuses bill makes V , V - " i U LMJ, (XL. itpenal't')' nbHeh'-wrfcir.g' ptoceed- '4 I VVfcHl' " - ' : "iJ , . ingtbeU'usof tie Suite. . Sneechesof I mum .44 -- v.--. . ri t, ii DKALXB IB . ,r.)!ALLKiriDS OF Thj Uourss Rassia Intsnsls Pursuing -lursy Kiiaiorciag. oa, tlia Ser- viaa FratiBrr-Ths Clerical Abuse Bill Obaoxiaos to CI -rifial Journals vBixr Jau..SeIt t is understood that after Ignalieff has . presented ; his report Rui?sia will address a' com muni-' cation 10 the Iow'ers explaining r her positionj and appvaling'tp lheir; eenae othonoi; to resent.the-arTrouts offered lo all' Europe by the J .rprte; either , by collectivu ac or 1 by. ' em pow ering ivussia to act lorjiiiem; .ir this' etiort faila tlusaia wUL lext'ap:peal"t " the al lied empire, a Shouli they not make satisfactory rrsponsejthen it is affirmed she will act afoueIf ; r" ' Yiii reponeq uutiKussia; hsa giteit orders ta preparajfor the ealUng of the third 'division ''6f "reserveV which in- cludes a'lFable b6diod.men.IvTarkey is reinforcing the Servian frontier.: 7 o ;Losdos; Jan 36.-THTe Alon 20. from. i Bull, River, has. arrived a'riymoutbji in a aaniagea conajtion. j. - u-rd - 7 The Woniooloofrom' '(Means is at Havana wit h-the -loss of her bulwarks. . OF j Ctl EA P B D3TEAI).-, LOUNGES: ) i -- n.n.n., . . ; the Pope areif evidently aitne4 'at in this provision1.' "Clerical 'journal "are furious. . -. i" ..'- . . .t .1 . WASHINGTON. 'Ci? COFFINS of alt KINDS on HAND. V. ? - '3 Nft. S WPRtTraapRt - ? No. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. jau3 f jiisiiiimni f -.-j-.KO Jll J . J :.. we -WELL H0WH; AHD LLEAmH&i- HOTEL,; , . ." LOCATED IN CENTRE OF THE CTTr, OFFEB3 , , TO THE TRAVJEIXINQ' FUBLIC. riiii 5Iic Eurniturc f Hzst'Class, tlio Kocso is 0az- petcd tUiGUglLOUt 1 GAS and ELECTRIC BELLS ARE IN EVERY ROOM. :i i ; t 'i H4f ? '( Probable , Report'tofT,t,h3fc. Louisiana Senata ; Committee-rAnother of : i ; ' unanaier s jrioriaa reiegrrams t ?Gov Dix on'the Electe-; C. , f"; rial Bill Lamar : l ; ' j . t Speaking.inFaYor - k 1 - of the Bill.' 1 jWahiiixgton, D. C, Jani: 26. i The fureehadowirg of the Louisiana Senate Committee's -report is that the v,;f4 I majori'yr will ,' claim s intimidation turning Board v regarding the electoral vote, but the board's action as illegal regarding State oftirers and , the Legis lature. The report will hold h it Jhe LegB''ture , should have heea organi zed by, me nib 2rs shown elected.by the face of tte returns." The r.eport may also suggest that Kellogg hold over till the n Legislature is organized on this basis, or recommjnd provisional mili tary government. The minority re- will show that intimidation did exist is more than offset , by the fraud and irregularities of the Returning Board. It is intinjated i that the 'Republican members regard Packard's government unfavorably, and will report specially. C II B'islv of Florida, telegrapher, testified that Stearns telegraphed Sec retary Chandler : "Bismark should be at or near Tallahassee im mediately .V Chandler; replied have seen the President and ' the Secretary of War, ; M h:f igfji g ?,pat eh es.; 4 r, WASHINGTON. i - Indian A flairs-- Settle Rewarded V t Passage f . the Electoral Bill' Ea nest Speech for and against 26.-The SPECIAL OriCEJ?. ". Electoral 'Vote WAsinxGtoN. I D C- Jan:' -ci it.,, t. - tl never .nas.iaiiea-une bottle at 75 Oents Electoral bill passed by. avo.ta of 191 tol with keep yonr whole tamilv well dnring iue wiukt-r. , i x wm Husea win relieve Buy case t - Scarcity of Money " f r There 13 no doubt but the present condition of all binds of business and industry is fear fully depressed, and it behooves every fami ly to jlook1 carefully J to -'their expenses. ATinter is coming on when children are lia ble to Croup,, Whooping Congfnv etc. Coughs and Colds will prevail every where,' aod C onsumption, with other, throat andflubg diseases, will ' carry off many. These disease- should not be neglected.. Doctor's bills are expensiiTe, and t we would advise our pecple to use Boecbee's GiSMAir Jstrtip. it never as lailed"' One; bottle at 75 cents E. , Dr EATTA : & BRO'S, 1.1 .t SPE0IAIC0IulilINI0ATI0N'; 8G, T. 'T ' t'flf . , r ' 8old in all towns in the United States, and 1 he Indian affairs srr ke from the by vourDruseist'T-CSmiih &Co: . -j. - Sioux treaty to the clause Vemoving the , r - Sioux to the Indian Territory. -1 t :i .t. n -Prompt Relief.1 T ...The reported, 'interview between the -Those who Euffet from Nkpbaj,gia, Eoia- President and Senator Ferry.regarding g the pending bill publistied this morn-; Njcpacqia BFEcirioit Is an internal reme- lng, is bogws t - t.-s-J dy, and uresfhese paintut- afftictioES, by 4A h yjtuuiaiioiJB ,:iiuusostiie;oi or in I otreo condiuon or which produces the ina, District Judge ! of 5 Florida :' d.15ea,,e- r..Go to your, druggist and get a bot- rt-r.. i l a , I - m ' ' 1 U6, It Will BCt like MAGIC. " ' rFlaudersv Assistant 'Treasurer, j- . ;. v i '- '''' - -r 1 -ti 't t Carol Benj New Orleans ; Jlarrii P llurnt "ColleC- - s'Those snfferiag froor Oovohs and ColpsV d- i r. 't.:I iJi I si pwvaleat now, wilt ' find i in AIepicated "U4 .vuwujb, eJi Jiivt. vutricb, Hmk.i, remedy tbatwill cure without Mississippi - JohnS -Braxtonl for the ntumabng or deranging the general system. Distr iff. ftf Prtani hVif hH ' NnrKnllr 6B" bc 41.. Virginia. , w ,.,,,Mf,a,,M', Confirmations,:', . Alexander :Sharpe, Paymaster of Aroiy' Glenn postmaster, Dalton.:Ga.' -"'';. 1 ' 1 ,r 1 !- ; .senate., ,-,'( v I r KM LARGE ": REDUCTION ;:III:: PIIICES I ! AT A LARGE REDUCTION IN PHICES ! 1 1 ;? '.i XEUVOliS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or depression I a weak .xhanste i feeling, no energy' or ' courage' the result of meutal over-work ! descre- ti'iUS or excesses, nr soni rirnin nruin tha Mr Japk rnlll 'tin ! hp x nptili'rin nfl system, is alwayscuredby UliMPHKiSYS' air jones canea up ine, petition oi iloiiioPATic specimCs Ko 28 democratic rresiuentiai ? Jbicctora f or It tones nj) and invigorates the system, dis Florida,' recently. : 'presented -i by him, Pels the gloom and despondency; imparts aekmg that the r vote be counted as reinvnati-th ntirp mn w na .i At vsrii Iwi the truei rettirn 1 irom that State, and years with perfect-success,? by i thousands. arltrA eri 'jv, ck.tt' f 1o'k; 'd by dealers. Price $1.00 per single vial, addret?ede Senate atjength in re- or $5 CO per package of five vrnls and $2.00 gard to the recent-election in that vial of powder. ?!fcent by mail on .receipt of State. rrirel'2 AdiirfRR HIJMHIIRIY.S' IIOMI, ' '"t, I tr at . MrninwR i-nMdi v ceo xnurman cailea up a bill to proviae-i BROAD vy AY, NK W YORK. a eiukina: fund for the Pacific Railroad.- -nia J i.r.x .- Adjourned to. 11 o'clock to-rmor-row.' . A HETIAHKAOLC OPPOUTI NITY FOR PURCI1AM1VG , A ltliTlAltltAlll.t; OPPOUIlJITYr UlrVUtUAlJ F0n UHII AllUJlJUYij. , - '-' HOUSE. ; ' ; The debate to-day r, on . the Com promise Electoral bill laBted from 10 id the morning till 5 this eveninff i It did .WW ADVrRTlSKiTSEKTS. ' Real Istale & Immitrration Aiency not abate in interest during the: whole I T?OE the 'sale of Land, ' and-proyidibg seyen Hours," frgm the"- opening to A om n tde Piedmont regiens ol Wertb, run i.icii iiuu uu i 3m bub sj tf-.o.s'j . . - ' f J,;'k - ' ,Y '.V-'-. 'i r.? mwT,U'W Parties from a distance, unable, to , visit us personallr;-iftyS felV':,,upon their ORDERS receiving our BEfeTand CAREFUL ATTENXION.,- promising! satisfaction IN EVERT PART lCULARof MONEY RETURNED. .... r- . ,4, i L . jan27 tf TH08 F DRAYTON, 'J .. Charlotts, N. C. What Man ! the adjournment -ofi the session, ' the galleries were crowded and many visi tors weie admitted to the floor. Black burn and Jones of Ken twckyM ills of Texas,' and Singleten and - Lynch of Mississippi, White Brown of Kentucky uiui. 1-11 1 r... .nnrfvio m nn at An m aar z : . . ; . - ' . . 4 v,. ""0"i ...v.u vaiu, i , . t . , . what isman. " '-' patriotic and eloquent apneals for its I If his chief edod and market of his time rvsiUawt. To tven laffor 6noxnKi Be butto sleepand feed ? A beast no more I ., . . - , , , Uf !'' -s " - Shakespeare. enthusiastically applauded, and it was J r ? -t- j : ' a notable -circumstat ce that just as I 'lis true, man was not only. made Hill concluded his neroration a tele v; To eat and drink, and slumber -; cram-was nut into his handamnnrmn. In gluttony and ease te pass inghis electi in as Senator. 1 Mr Speak er Randal exercised his I constitutional Man has a higher, nobler aim privileges in voting a3 a Rerresenta- Than "Inner-man's" gratification live from Pennsylvania, and gave his And "folding the arirs in sleep" alone- vote in favor of the Viil. The vote on '. .These things have their limitation. its passage was yeas .191, nays 86 all 0ne striveg to rcach the fcoTeted goal' I out lo oi trie negatives were given by jn the toilsome road of love- Republicans. Among the 18 were the 1 Others to gain fame's topracsi peak, following : , Blackburn, Durham, Jones, w H Pat forth their atmost power. Knott and Milliken of Kentucky, Brad- Jn Qf t and ford, Caldwell, Forney and V llhams of ;s :With vivid CIDectation.i ? - Alabama, fllUiS ot . lexas, feingleton oi Others explore he deepest seas Mississippi and Smith of Georgia. Ihel And make vast excavations. bill now goes to the President. Ad journed. A SUPERIOR LOT OP FURS, MINK-SABLE.'.V.....:....i.....V.-..M..U..w....i.:BOASxAN FRENCH SEAL..U .,.... BOAS, AND, MUFFS KAMSKATKA SEAL.......!..... U. BOAS ANDUFFS ALASKA SE AL:.:.: ....:..:.;:.;..'.i:::.:..::BOAS AND muffs FANCY GREBE ;Mv;.:.;.;.i..I.:.S-...:BOAB AND MUFFS And full assortment of LAl3lES an CHILDREN'S FURS ,H To dnorida ToaristVor" Persons Trayeling S. FOR 'PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFERS EVERt FACILITY , FOR COMFORT. m 'TFEMS;:(3C0, 0'd $2X0 rer. day,, according: location ol ndoning hi. . action, eaying: -Hereaf-Rooms ' ' . ' ' H C ECCLES, 'Proprietor. ter the Republican s party .knew where 2FS. -2ES 2i ; & O 2 3E2 swer whether .he had communicated this before. i - " " : Morton has a letter from ex-Gov Dix, -AT- E V. G-.'V-.i BL', ' S' M' S ere to lpok for its leaders, who do not quail in time of trail." . , t '. 1 . - house. . 1 ; , , Lamar is speaking" in ' favor ef the bill. . Mills of Texas, spoke in opposi tion to it. ' Ex-Gov Kellrg?, and Marshal Pitkin of Louisiana have had an interview with the President, OHIO. F; URN I T ORE WAR E H O U S E. f ... It A ?4 ,1 I have juet'receivcd a fresh Stock of j - Hayss on ths Electoral Bill. Columbus, Jan - 26. -In referring to the passage of the bill for counting the electoral vote, Governor Hay ts said to afiiend several days ago, who makes it public this morning: "I want it dis tinctly understood that I do not desire to influence the action of Congress one way or the other in the matter " of the electoral bill or any : other matter re lating to the Presidential election. The whole thing is in the hands of Con- 14 44.1 T 44 11 I". f .7 MATIOnf 1W t (".K if 3 " v. . , .... . - j . 4. . 'j, . 44 . - - ' 4 ? ' 'f .. . V . . t! I O S , U U It 4. O IX A 4 Vf O :- 4.yiA4,4.4H . III.H AVFINE STOCK OF LOUNGES. ALL PRICES, OHEAp. SOFAb, Uujajt action i . . .-; .... .... .... ... . v ..... :-s i; I ,-.". T7T iDUirs : - . . .. . ......... . r j. ' . i TN connection witn me Savannah, Jan 26.Mrs Mary Mar, South Trade Street, I will conduct the Un- shall, a wealthy and well known lady 7 - dertaking Business on my own account, f h- morning, -Aged . :giving it my personal at entien ' ' bf" , i --:A" t l 4 (I A very handsome tesortment of GENTLEMEN'S EASY CHAIRS. 9. i ' -i Will JJ-crjr c v.-... f T V' 11S , ' Cheapest Wood Coffin to the finest Metahc EWX01T N. J., Jan. 26. Ex G t . . BIT1 Ca.se . :, ' 1 ' vt mt- Danisl TTarriR i dead. . orders oy teieran ui n.v.. r. . ov. ly attended to. ' T?0MnfVt.fnllv .'. j. , F. M. 8 HELTON. ..f.r..o- -ii .'VV- ;; -- -, , v t ' . 1 i :-r,v.V ..-m- v - DEALERS IN ' - DruRo, KJcdicisacc Chemicals, -f 'I ir.ii ; J,' .' !. . 'aioisK: Glass-,-. DTerStttSs Vila, IJew Yokk, . Jan. 26. Baldwin ' & Kimball, brokers, have suspended. Medina. Jan 26. The McCormick's block coufiining tilegmph office, was burned to-day. Loss $50,000. Boston, Jan. 26. The thermometer on the 20th was 32 below zero throughout the States of New Hamp shire and Maine.. - r ' AdkIAN, MiCh.; Jan 26. The main building, and the Illinois manufactur ino- bnildinar has been burnt. -Loss $150,000. OuEEKsTtWK, Jan 20. The steam ship Somerset, fromBristol for New York, has put in herewith her main steam pipe broken. - San Fkakcisco, Jan 26. The Iglesas leaves in a few days for a friendly port in Mexico via New Orlears. SOUTH CAROLINA: i But when the toils of day are' o'er, Fatigue our energy quelling-- - " s Hew sweet and timely is quiet repose, . AH cares fr jm oar minds dispelling. i, Quo Warranto Proceedings DJjmissed Anfl v ihe body craves for food, ' rnT iTMrn .Tan 9fiThP Snnri.m .. How opportune, how propitious " " . AT -7 I i ... - . a j j - , - j . . i xo nave on Q&na a goouiy biovxl . , rr 7 . I v. ,i Of nutriment dainty, delicious-. i the quo warranto proceedings against ;r , . , he Hayes electors, dismissing the case But where can such things be procured? on the ground that the 1 proceedings were illegally presented on the part of the State instead of the United' tit ates. This technical; flaw disposes of the electoral caseof this State.; ' ' " Ann store, COMPLETE and pageant, Tis under the Trader' National Bank . . The name, now--JDUIi9, Agent. jan2 ... - . v . . SEW YORK; f DrlJav Before Grand! Jury-Coxnmit- : ; tee Appeinted. 4, r Ten Cent Colunin. Advertisements will be- inserted in this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per fan fnr mpjl insprtttm. . A a : lui-nerti&e New York, Jan 26. Dr May, father merit taken for less than twentv-five cents. of the duelist was - before . the f Grand Eight words make a line, - j. ina. : Jury. Could give no lnfermaticn. , ; : . tinjraobi.-.'tww TT Tt..t- n TT Si .n'.. I U14 KJSiNlv-A sir room dwelling on ion, dr., jyjin; ju , juacauiuy u walk of Fublic Square. - All necessary out- Marqua and R S Cutting, Jr., were ap: buuoings on me rot. -P1 MlTH ' pointed a committee to confer with the I t ;au25 tf ' " ' - At Smith fe ForbesV nnrarnnp nf A rlra nsaa fnr on rmitM I 1 1 .MM4.4.W..4.). .Vf, ,7 . adjustment of. the State debt. 'Senatorial Electiois.: janU tf..;; THIS OFFICE: i'i Wheeling, Jan 26. II G Davis was elected for the long, and Hereford, for prices th Rhort term.' , ' ' ' -iao9 lf ; i ROOMS TO RENT Several , good rooms in tha Springs . building, t at reasonable A iS WAVAUBUJN. A ATLANliuJan 26. Hill was elected . WANTED A House of .tcr.l2 i Senator. 1-- - Tnnq p tiravh WANTED A House of 8. to 12 rooms uished. Aply to THOS F DRAYTON. ' jan27 tf R. N. Littlejphn, J Youe Mother and Sisters are Wo- men. in ever use a iaay s name in an improper placet at an improper time, P assertions about, her that you think mi m (flj IJGlIlllSaOIl MCflgM untrue, or auuaiuua , wiuii .ewer lie: ecu r . would blush to bear. , . When you meet ;!' - rwikfdTTE- N o r 1 1. . . U J . . -4. ; ...... . . -. r I 1 . . . 1 .1 . ' Willi Ulcll nuu uu uueuupiC 'tu uec a wnm-in'a namfi in n. rrVlpsi manner i v t4.t orotino Mmomenisoruotton ana an Kinas 01 irro- dace sold to best adrantaee. 1 Cash orders memrers 01 me cuuiumuit, mu i for all classes of goods ailed on aocommoda- tu evei;Beuci;uUijui,,cij:CuuS ting terms. , . , U'u ' 5' ' "' of humanity. Many a. good and worthy j . Ordr3, consigno-.ents and correspondentj woman s character t nas.s oeent iorevefi solicited. ' 1, fnined and her heart ; broken bvi a lie. Office over G W Chalk & Ob's store manuiauiureu uv bume Tuiiiiii auu - 1 j- . . ...1 :l i u 1 I r " .! ', ' ' peaiea wuere n auuuiu uui . ue . uccu 1 ; and in .presence of. -.those , whose ' ; UlSSOl 1411011 . little iudment could not t:deter them. ' ' ir , . from circulating the foul and bragging J fyiHE Co-partnership' lately existing be renorfc .i'A slander issoon.nronaarated. I A tween the undersigned will be dissolved and the smallest thine derosra ory to a on the 1st day of. January ext, and the woman's character will fly on the wings Vift 0 li&?2d wi P n.uu 6-v b tt eraent. 4, , M AJibAWU, poor uncnscK)U" victim, a jsespeci me i - d name of woman. Your mother ana sister o-r'ownTnan and nRvnn' wmiln have their 1 1 i (ti4H vAtv.., . - fair name untarnished land their lives uueraumercu jr .oic I rTlWENTY-FlVE Barrels extra, choiee tongue, neea ine in : our wwu uiu A lare. sweet Oranges, new in store ; the may oiugupyuiue uhu,iub ocij finest eytr cnered on this mar feet. -or wife of some fellow-creature. New R M MILLER & SONS. 1 Orhana Picavune. dec ORANGES! TO THE PEPPER! ! T .i t; 1 We Iiave Decided to offer :otir entire Stock We have Decided to offer our entire Stock 7 . ZPw-2rJIIIIuC,SiSAi.i.a w.'. --4 f -.. i ALL TRADES and PROFESSIONS ALL TRADES and PROFESSIONS 1 REPRESENTATIVE CLOTHIERS 'OP.5 ,T H E fe'S UT H . ..jr.... Aii , .1.4 I1- MEDIUM AND LOW GRADES. j v v r Another lot of these Cheap and Superior Alpaccas, just" received Call and see them 'r ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER, de6 - '' ' 'i " Masonic Temple Building... ' Off TTTF 1 J)ji; r'-t-?'. 1 T-',iJ f 1 vl o.i (tl( 1 AVE 'NOW OFFER TO THE"P,UBEI0a UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITIES ! 1 1 TO- a , v '-f . ' P.-!l llVV.11i" ' Surply themselves and their families with every thing needful for their comfort dnrlag ine coia weainer ana as ut sioca is 100 varieu w neiaizc, we ciio out iaw .t ' -i -a, articles: irtnO'-'i'-V JJrt i.'l jftrA W H IT B B LANK BTS ; From $2 75; $4 00 aad $6.00 ; s worth f 4 00, $6 CO and $10. l a d i e s 5 c; l .o a:-:-k- s From $3 60 (0 $15 ; worth $5 te $25 , 5 v W 0,0 L E N p;;R;E S; S; G;0; 0 BJS .. From 12 cents upwards: less than half priee.'-' ''"V" ?V'J Li . MILLINERY ;l FANCY GOODS ATTMaf . T'ArntjTATln lwer than the lowest offered In thia maket. OTKEC0ATI, ULlU X XlllN VJ from $3.50 upwards.- Gents Furnishing Goods at the same rati, tn short, onr whole RETAIL STOCK will be sold eff REGARDLKSS OF COST. ' From and after the 1st of January, we wish our customers te ber r in miad that ear RETAIL HOUSE will be consehdated with our present Wholesale, House. 1 t j T?A13T)T?'MT The Store no "P11 by m u the .Retail' House is for'Rtat A VAi . AtJJiXl A 1 after the 1st January, 1877. -t U ' --i v;l J5ee8i j " CHARLOTTE, H, 6 qk BBLS XXX Oranges, selected and war 60 ranted to be the finest frnit ever offered U this trade. Will be in to-night. Call and examine - em.- - ' ; R M MILLER & EONS. decl9 " ' - - . 1,000 BOUNDS; fine Northern . Cabbage, j dst in and for sale cheap, at 1 . i ' ; - BN SMITH'S. 5 janl9 'M " '. " J - TOR EENT The J H Caldwell house, opposite the Baptist Church. " Apply to ' J W WADS WORTH. FOR , 8 ALE A comfortable two story Cottage, with- six rooms, will be sold to a man who means business, rn easy and ac commodating terms. Lot S9xl98"feet, capi tal garden, good swell, kitchen, servant's room, Elabies, and other necessary out-- bouses. I'ropertv well improved ana wiin in five minutes walk of Independence Square. For information appiy at janlitf THIS OFFICE. Great " Barnainc . , , '-.!-'" ."-A'i I its-' 1 Klillincixand Cry Gocils. V.; EiiTinn GTOcn AT AIID DELQU COST. 18 Assignee in Bankruptcy of Mrs , A L FL Bodrlsh, I will sell the remainder of her Steck at and below cost to close out.-, 1 ) -A good assortment of Genu' Fuinisb ing Goods. All these goeds will be sold at TIN PERCENT BELOW COST. dec!9tf R M OATES, Assignee. irTAITIICOZ)' . . " Vlcttms ef ynthfttl trmdenee. Who bave tried In Ttii ewr Uowo re , will loan of s ablatio presenMnm. i i oA j for the epeedy eur corroo debuity. i'i 4.i.n l ii I xwt nmnuwu, disorder broosrht mrt by excesses. Any oren8t Has vise lrierea.eBW. Ac itm .t ii t ' t " t h 1' ! i1 If - f I 1 i . ) ir oc25