DMiumsiiiuusn. a? nam aitc.. "TO foll6w&i"areHhesBchedulc8 now pb erved on 1 he various Railroads running into the eity : 5-T J'-w.-n..-. r- : 1 arrives.. ,m.10 41 p. ra AmVand Freight, arrivea,2 fjQ.a.m A i ' leaves,.. 8 00 n. m Mail arrives,.. 'tfllfWIlHti'l TV Vkleayes,.... 10 -03 p. nr. if 'felSlOTT, COLTJHBU ACGtraTA. .... tWO ' -tJ T " - - - j . ti" leaves..? i 56 p. m. Acoomm'ii wd Freight arrives - ' dally except Sundays... i.-..4 l p. m. Accom'n and Freight leaves,-.. 15 a. m. utov'HW4lfKatefn Division. . Mall: reavesdaUy- exceptSun'- " , ' " - 'days.v.;.v.v...M. .rvi.f-rr.rJ Jr Mail arrive3--7dp..... i.....w - y P caeX CTarmirWestern Division. Mallfcriiyes-flr.:...-.. 5 30 p. If aii leaves atr irmrrTrTr g w a.-im AnaaraoJ -rsirsfeftsfe ohio.H MailarTtvs....... i;;;.r..9 5 a. m Mves ..,. o Prro g i? f Th Weather To-Day. t or the 8uk Atlantic dt'horthJeast: winds riain07'f9ilweby barometer, in creating-, fCloudiness.'iHoht rains and Jnttrfr1' temperature ntt prevail , . , , .... ,,-, . , n MEW VUVisRlIrfiitETS, Thai jfollowing is the list of , adver 4:mnt. which aDDear:i'for the first 3 X: time this morning ; ,y - , u v: Announcement. Extraordiaary-E D T.atlAiferBro-doTible colutni 6a 'first First Gem of the Season WiUkows- ky inUii-Auble column on first page. jrr A Card H T Butler double column onlbartb tge, Dissolution of Co-partnership P- gramcVCo. Attention MusiciansF H Andrews, Sec'y C. C, C. Wl Ward Flour, Corn6U, Peaa, .raOK,OCAIi DOTS. Hayaey. f Thete-,w.Iu;;robaJbly be a pigeon ,,. f-' U i m J hooting match soon.. Thfl jdiaolatioa: of the co partnership of Wade k Pegram'is ahntiunced else where. At last we are able to answer the question, "How is Florida going ?" See telegrams.- ''" ' Betting on Tilden and Hayes is again in orderrCigajs ihdhatBare generally tne atackes. The importunate' seeker -lor news yesterday. Mnftinjjiy greeted us on every cerner. The newspapers say, there is a coun terfeit $1,000 bill abroad. Be careful how you take in small change. "Do be back by ten," is the latest songlt sells welf and is bought prin ci pally by married ladies. As yet, we have heard of no one who is going tp Mardi Gras in Kew Orleans on tbe l3th...iMopey's to scarce, this year; i 6J xil ifl t i h We have hitherto neglepted to con gratulate jour contemporary theSalis-burf-Watchmari on its new dress. It is aecided improvement. ? ,,:: , IlQCsQar hot-ija$le' fact that while th Hotels, and cars are fille-1 with' Balti more drommers very few Sew. York men't are; traVelmg. Can't tell why HU m any friends t hear that G40fge'Lum;kioj tox is alive and in the ci J&X wiu , reiret to her that(jbej bxijkehis fiuer '-junti forty- Valentines; take their name from '"St". Valenfiae,.-aa early ChristUn martyr, whose feitivaf i celebrated on Februa ry .e: custom ) of exchanging gifts anil bive messages on that day is variously ejplainedy ; j ::; ' ,. i: A blind man from South Carolina is manufacturing brooms in the city He supports himself and daughter in this way. It is said tht he makes ; a good and substantial article. He should be patr6peole.:, "J-?:t" i; . .. The hop? given by the Hook and Laddef Company to two of its I mem bers who -have recently - beenf rnarried,' cameoiGr:vat the German Hall'last night aad wai well attended and hear A festival gtetf jnrj ; 'byjiheype"4' people for the Du'rnose of for the benefit f the colored Methodist Church,' has been going" on for" three' nighfi2-eicj?estb'uaJ far' have amounted -lob&Tr 150 clear olf" all ' expenses; eisisiuaav fw vo.' rdim aiij la . "A correipendent" whosej hame is not given wrtes ti) say'thai there was a fire at CaldwelV-onr thtf A T & 0 R B, which amIvery near destroying the whole town, but he fails to give further particulars than .thatf u.uu. incendlaiUcjrlc brf thy morn ing of the 7thV ill the correspondent or some; one. eise ten more about it. For seme unacdofihtable teason th report f tjierogress of the .bird eater in Conooni)&ild to ireach us last night. -Yesterdar was fpr.the tweniv eighth,hir4.t We shall doubtless be able to givefiiil iirticulars to morrow.'Our ' printer .'had. eaten twenty fourj'.apd is not only stilL confident of success.but , yeiterday ;eiiVered intp ; a het that he could' "&$&n,moTfit Shafer isery anxiouBTto ' - undertake' the joU frlle thinks thlt 'the 'Concord m am has al-. ready failed ty his' inability toretain bis bird." ' . ,;rl' , - bw- l THE STATS GRANGE. UMWillMT'i if i-i r." fa- Proceedings of the First Two Days. Aar previously announced the Grange met in annual session in Goldsboro on Tuesday. The reports of the officers of the Grange for tthe past year I were called for; Master Muls anoV SeO tetary Lawrence responded , giving an' encouraging account and representing ii . .. j - p a ' r A: ' I J : . : The Treasurer was absent. On motion of Col. Polk a committee of five was appointed to confer with the committees' appointed ' by the Leg islature and bythe ,C Agricultural, Society r relative to establishing a ' De partment of Agriculture-." !Tbe 'follow? ing gentlemen compose the committee: L L Polk; J R Thigpen, Jasper Stow, J M McDowel, and Jas W Albright, - .i Col.; N B Whitfield, Chairman of the special committee on Agriculture, made an able and i instructive report which was receited and I ordered5 to be printed together with the proceedings of the Grange. : The Remainder 6fj Tiiefsday evening's session was chiefly aevotea to miro ducing resolutions and apppointing committees, &c. On Wednesday the committee on permanent location of Grange. Head quarters reported Greerisbore as the place, which was agreed to by the Grange. r T . , t - F V I Thev.repori of the Committee son County Granges was read, received and adopted. The report of the committee relative to asking a loan from the State of ( 16,000 was jd.efet4 aijepgtli; and tbevpte abb the 'question'" rsulted 80 yeas, 53J nays. Other interesting reports from vari- Us committees were read and received, after which AJr. A T Mial read a lengthy and iijkterestmg accottnt of ' the organi zation. The report of the committee on the Departni en t of Agriculture waa passed, but the section relativelo recommend ing to the General Assembly that fertil izers be taxed, created considerable discussion Messrs. Polk, Thjgpen, French, .iting Alexander ; and others participating in the debate. We shad be able to-gi ve a further re port of the other proceedings tbrmor row. I' .... ..i',- :': ? Talk of Rsorgaaiziiig ths "Ckarlotte Gravs" ' (-.J' KS'- "' ', .We learn tbatiriVffort will be made by the silivorsof the"oId "Charlotte Grays" toXe-ogaDWe" 'the company. There are onfjPa rhii of them left, but they are unwilling that "the organiza tion should be entirely forgotten. It is claimed that Charlotte can easily af ford two military companies. In fact it is argued thai the existence of two rival organization's iwpuld operate to the benefit of each, fitbh fact is proven by the aize and efficiency of our fire companies and the interest which the m t-mbers take in them . C '' ! ' ' l herhist()ry' of the latesrganTza tion known as the "Charlotte irays," is fam ili ar to aU ouvler . cipiens. It was formed in' the latter part of 1860, and was known as "the boy's company" as few of the members bad attained their2lst;ycar. They volunteered for an montns ana were engaged in the tbe battle of Bethel, being jUompany C in the 1st N. C. Regiment. The Capt of the company waa. Edward A. f Ross who was afterwirds promoted, and fin ally killed at the battle of Gettysburg. When the time for which the com pany volunteered had expired, there was a complete re-organization. Many of those who fim went out, .left the company and became officers in other companies and regiment. It was how ever recruited hymen from this coun ty, and entered the regular army in the 11 h N. ('. Raiment. It i said that there are now about twenty eight sur vivors abjut ten of whom are new living in ihii city. " No steps have thus far be;-n taken .towards re organiza tion, but. the thing is seriously talked of, and there is no doubt that the, effort will benadei 1 ,( , f , . . j , ',' The Law Breakers. Nothing of a startling character was developed in the Courts yesterday. John Kirkpatrick, a disreputable and impudent negro who is by no means a stranger in police circlei, was up for disorderly conduct at Wardsworth liveiy stable, and fined $3 and cost. John Kline and wife introduced their family quarrels into the Court yester day by the wife suing out a peaee war rant against the husband. ; It was the same old story. He had married her for mOrtwv and hnt.h wr hartilv tired Wieach other. The Madam Kline was a widow of a United States soldier who died in the Black 'Hills, and , left her -, consiaeraoie amount oi.? money, , au- ' !' ! . . . (L. saki Kline heard of her sad berevenient and came all the way from the Black Hills to comfort her. They were mar nea, The two souls nad many inharmoniousth'oughts, and the "two heads" kept up a seperate and distinct beating. "Hence these tears." In short they (had, many quarrels.. Johnathsn threatened her. He couldn't give the bond for living with her in peace, and jjfappentto jaiL" '.r i' .: : ,r- t . : An Era in Oaatonia's History. The ''"City Council" of Gastoniaheld its) first meeting . yesterday. :at itht Devega Hose (they do everything at the-DeVega House in: Gastonia,) and passed the city ordinances! Citizens are no longer jillowed to ridejtnd drive on the sidewalks ol;the ancient town, and tbe restive pig will no longer walk abroad in the streets A gentleman whb was present at xthe 'meeting says tha it was as dignified as any: parlia mentary i body,' and, everything, waa done in the most impressive manner, The lama gentleman. also says that the town is growing rapidly; -that business is good and that the Pevega House is an excellent hotel; Fashion Notes forjiadles Feather trimmjngQ are much used on ball dresses,. vFaihions wbichT" have yfeeertrvery popular through 'the -'winter will con tinue to be worn.during the early spring. . , . The frinetste polonaise, made to wear with ldng-lrained'' dresses is a!s6 Very long, and has to be looped with the un der dresswhen worn in, the street. i 'These ae what are ' fashionable in Paris u SUk'stockmgaTorparoenJed with lace insertion, stockings made of eilk and silver, and stockings .powdered with gold dust. A few years ago white cloakings were considerably used. At . present it is not alio wable to H wear a f whitewarj in the street.-1 s -i ft .-.f;. jt.i,rT Sacques made to be worn with walk ing dresses are the fame length all around shaped half . tight fit tirfg ana buttoned down ihafront,.- r, r . -t :., , ' i Many ladles when walking keep their dresses' frotn h groufnd by 'means 6f a patenVfllaap.ibihj sis suspended Jxom a chain at the side. . , ; , adopted by young ladies for fiincydresft. It is afr the style pj,a youngwpma.q in Miss Thackeray's novel. Young Jadiea show "partial Ky for the capote bonnet this sesson. .This has. a soft crown which is shaped pomething like a Normanda cap' and" fits closely around the. face over-a litse or lace rush. ' ' A simple way. ttnake sjloglffeeB short for wear in the st)re.etiW tto. place small brass, rings on the back hreadtha in a manner to slope like the train and then raise it by means of a linen tape or cord whicKis wnflh?paghleTn.j k JUtflegant recerAiotitJrV ss is6f bUcfck velvet analemon.corea The trainf taofcttre ail-, jmy long anc trjrii' medlrifti tnife"pTaitings. Black velve farms the apron and sleeves. Pipings of black velvet edge "ibe basque and rfvers around the neck. , f i T ' ''' i . Young dadies declare thai the bori netelbescomiue seaseill bo perfectly j lovyTT?their somethrftg ; fes? twceftoldTaslpcedT hat I and-ex ap,- -are'tnecomiogj toalnaost evejy lyl oluace-, ami coit them abOmlraMd fris: ess It te'a lamentable fact (hat, thousands re gard an affection of the throat or lungs, such as a cough, cold or , hoarseness, with, ex treme indifference. 'These complaints are often but the forerunners of consumption, and can be instantly cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. .. FI1NGIAL UD 'DMUEBCUL TKLEGRAPHIC MARKBTK. Ft sraary 8, Icnit. PRODUCE. Italtimure Oaii quiet and strady; South ern prim , 42; rye steady .rrovisiocs nrnier but quie;-e9Sf1al8. Bacon, shoulders. 7J; clear ribs, 101. Coffee dull. , Sobs 17i2& Whiskey dull at 9. Sogr 'active at UK Laulsvllle Flour steady; extra $5 00550; Corn quiet and unchanged. Bye steady. Oats firmer but not higher. Pork firm at 17al7 25 Bulk meas (air demand, sbunld- en 611: clear ribs 8; clear sides, 9 Bacon- quiet, shoulders 7i; clear ribs- 9J; clear sides, 10i. 8ugar cured hams easier 12J-13 . Lard quiet and unchanged.. Whiskey weak at 5 Bagging steady.' , . ... CQTTOM. , Galveston Quiet: middling 121; weekly net receipts, 14 197 bales; gwa receipts, 13,- 509; stocr, 8i,t47; sales, 4,nll ba es; . experts to. Great Britian; S.20CO; to the Continent, 4,630; to the hsnttel, 1,050; Coastwise. 10,- 002. '-', ' .i; i , JJ i ? ".a 'if--- 1 r - "Mrt4ik.-Lteadvm!dlinKl2ie: 'wfetly net reciDts."l6r;!tlr;56; salefSrpof ts to ureat finttan, 2.733; Uoastwme. 12.837 Paltlmore Firm tnWIdlinir, 12j; weekly net recetpts, 19V, gf a, Tf83; stock, 688; salts 1.490; spinji4rs.70 eap'jrts to Croat Britain 136; to tbMXnUnft-rt &5tr. US tbeuoast, 79a Boston- Qalet andWdy ; silddiirj: 2ic; Weekly net receipts' T18; pgr, Js 1500; stock, 8,503; sales, 293; exports to Great Brit ain, 432. Vf Umlngten Unchanged; middling), 12c; weekly net receipts,-2,500; stock, 7,074; sales, 33; exports to Great Britian. 1,081; Coastwise 2,646. PhiladelphiaSteady; middlings 123; weekly net receipts, 2,239; gross, 8,557; spin ners, 2,023. Savannah Firm; middling 121: weekly net reoelpte 8,477; gross, 8,492; stock, fe3,t?3; sales, '3,100; exports to Great Britain, 11,440; Coastwise, 2 712 Mew Orleans -Firm, held higher; mid dlings, 12; weekly net receipts, 6 ',880; gross, 67,827; stock, 259,731; sales, 27,600; exports to Great Britian, 29,307; Continent, 7,725; Coast wise! 5.582; France, 10,047; Channel, 2,470. M sblle Firm ; middling, 12c ; weekly net receipts, 11,892; stock, 67,859; sales, 5,700; exports to Great Britian, .8,302; Conttnent, 4,110; Chanoelf 1,870, Coastwise, 1 746, Memphis Steady; middling 12c; weekly receipu, 10,729; shipments, 11,361; stock, 52,- 163; sales, 6,200. Augusta Quiet and firm; middling. 112a 1-; weekly net receipts, 3,863, shipments, 2,765; sales, 2,921; spinners, 908; -stock, 11, 635. f Charlestoa-Qaist; middlinr 121a week ly net receipls.OTSj'sbck 48,063; sales'. 2.905; exports to Great Britain, 5,143; Continent, 5,008; Coastwise, 2,361. " W York Cotton quiet; sales, 165 balw ; mi5dlingt,l2lal3ciweeklypet receipt 9j589; Z-xisa, 2B.764; exports to Great Britaia, 12,318; Ooatinent, 100; sales, 8,899; stock, 268,199. UverpeolThe Liverpool Cottoa Assooia- tion Circalar In its view of the week ending last night says : ( The market has been ex. -reraely dull, and with the large supply offering, prices have again declined: Ameri can with a small demand and excessive sup- r ur oea jsj ana tne in 4uiry has been moderate at unehand t- Futures assumed with .large business, but wB-iaeraoie aeaire to sell at closing on Sat- J iuny t, Dasiness since hail hn mnalliianJ it.1 . jr. I- ?-r u uiwraet somewnat fluctuating'. The latest transactions show a : ,.?1Jn tor the week of 5-82. Po--Cplad-4)w--a4dJling clsusefT April and May delivery, 62d. . , .5:15 p m Futures, sellers offering at 1-32, decline from to-day ,fcighest.4Hces.TJp. lauds lo KiiddKHg, clans? , March and April drfhrfery 61 May 'and'Jnne delivery 6 1516." FUTURES. V New York Fatores closed strong; saler, 43,000 bales. mi Jfarch13Je.w ' April, 1311-32C May, 13ia7 32c. j June, J3 21-S2all-16cT t -U July,fc 13 25-32ai3-16c. 1 August, 13 27-32ac . September,; 13 l7-82a9 16x October, 13 3-16a7-32c. November. 13al3 1-32& December, 13l-32a . i r; r 'pME&Vfctt' offic. - "!Caoxts. N. C., Ftbruary 9, 1877. The Cetten Market. With angry msarf nd fSuickilerk of the head, the bnUBffsJted th ibeai an "4 to-day on all grades, nd at the close of Ihe day's work sijantained hjrictprioos,' with a firm attitude, and a good . demand amoBg "backers for frirtHertussiing.' The Lbnll bore the market at its close at the fol lowing prices : "': "u;i" '-; ' " Lower Grades , Low Middling.... Call in 111 Middling iod Middling-.. 12 Receipts for tbe day, 135 bales. " for the week (ending Thursday night) 1,096 bales. Total eonaolidated receipts. 40,774 bales. Shipments, for the week (ending Thursday Through 1,408 bales. Local, 19 bales, ' Total consolidated shipments, 40,176 bales. Stock, 598 bales. Receipts in all Ports, 27,076 bales Consolidated, 143.652 bales. 4 Stock, 896,871 bales. . RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. to 4,. f 10YNS' CASH STOBR Selling off at Cost all Winter make F room iorepnng moot. Read -Made riolhing Of the best quality and make, at Ccst for lash. 1000 Yas Dress Goods at 15 Cests. SINSERUNG & EDGING VERY LOW. NOTIONS and HOSIERY the best quality ever offered in this mar ket, at Cost. 10 pr Blankets Will close them out at Reduced Prices : Don't lose any time but come at OB 1 1 eon yince yoursel f. Pay Your Taxes ! ( oiaiumee the Xew Year -BY Discharttira YoDr Duty. tl't f -TNPLHJ 8 ANT a the u.k is te me, I am U under the necessity of tell ng th peo ple or Mecklenburg county, who have not paid their taxes tor the pa-t year, and nure especinlly those who ar in arreard for the year 1875 ti-at -Uch taxes : MUST BE PAID. I am'requTel by the laws of tne State te turn ovpfthese taxes by certa n specified occasions By a strenuous effjrt X have been able to settle with the. State officers, but owning to tbe large amount yet remain ing unpaid on the tax books. I have not been able to settle. yith the County Treasurer of the county. Longer indulgence will not be given rue and longer indulgence CAN NO T be given- you . . - PereoBwho disregard this notice, after a reasonable time, may expect to see their property advertised for sate. . - . MJ& ALEXANDER, jan6 tf , w Sheriff. ! r Warn L. THE nndeVfg'ealUhisOivtnoitj to inlorm his friends and customers that he has rfmoyed his Tailoring Estab lishment two. doors East of his old stand on Trydn BtreeV where he will be pleased to wait on them in future. ,. JOHNVOGEL,, dec 39 tf.41 ' ' 5 ; Merchant Tailor T t,W .'. 'I 1 A BAUMSABtrK. B M MXHDEL, J ACpB M. MEEL .yCOi i tir.. iiAirurACTiTBiBs ov' C X G A R S , WHljsaAllOKY t .' TOBACCO , SNUFF,. , PIPES,. &C TRADE' ST.,' "CHARLOT'TE, N. C. octl3 New. Lpmlier aDi ;Waafl;Tard.. THE undersigned have this day leased the Rock' Island Factory "Yard, and will keep consteritly on band a foXLstock of Lumber. Shingles." Lath?'"Llme: and ;Wood,t which they twill ' sell at lowest market prices, whole sa e 6r retail,,-,.-. -u , , E BEVAN, nov9 tf t , " 4i - W T BEAMAN nFKitecS,ale2 ici - ! AP1R8T.CLA88 'ANSOBTH ARDY PAPER CU TUNG, MACHINE, .Plough Knife in goodrder- This Machine will be sold ast very reduced rates, n Apply to or addres -'fehl t.v.iTi' if a - ; . OBSERVER. Real Estate &IfflfflMiii;ije:iii EWR the sale of ? Land, and proTidli homes in the Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina. l t v j , THOS F DRAYTONl 7 , A .Jan27tf - U J;" dhsriotte; N. C, f To!Ierchantst?htfipu S '-.2SS C3 O t THIS SEASON, AT AS LOW OR LOWER PRICES THAN THE FIRST STOCK COST.t4; CALL AND EXAMTNir OUR STOCK AND BE CONVIWfTRn - ' - VTTr; --ftlNE iVl 3-QT. RFnFIVFf 12500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, WUOI .ntytl YC-f-J 600 ROLLS Q. D. SOLE LEATHER.. OUR SECOND STOCK OP GOODS , -ffW VJW' XJiiVJjAXl xxi vr iuajuuui., a . t xuju aiuj ajav Ull JLXiVOVXxL Jill ACi X nUUKK IN I.J w U. - J x . WftRTH HI? RniTTTT r!PmTHi 3E N E W IRON FRONT BUILDING, TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, octlO FOR SALE LOW. COUNTRY BACON, PEARL GRITS, PEARL HOMINY, MAGNOLIA HAMS, CHEE SE.CR ACKERS. Mayer, Ross & Jones. fjb6 Sale Valuable City Property. BY Virtue of tbe power contained in a deed of trust executed to the undersign ed as trustee for tbe benefit of c rtain parties therein named, by tbe late Thomas W Dewey, on the 7th day of January, 1870, I shall expose at public auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday of the next term of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, be in; tbe 27th day of February, 1877, between tte hours of 12 tn., and 1 p. m at tbe Court House dcor, the following city property : 1 The lot in the City ot Charlotte known as tbe Banking House of tbe Bank of Meck lenburg and occupied by the fate Tbos W Dewey, extending fifty six (56) feet on Tryon street, and the same on Church treet, and extending irotu street to street. 2 Also one lot in Charlotte in the North ern portion of tbe city, fronting on Graham street, adjoin-ng the property' of M L Bar rnger, 396 by 297 fe t, comprising three frout and three back lots. J&& The latter will be sold in separate lota. JET Terms made know on day of sale P H DEWEY, Trustee. ja21 6t oaw Southern Hume. Democrat and New North State, copy tds. Raleigh News copy 4 times. Bills to be fen t to thi-s office. ains IN Alillinery and try Goods. ENTIRE STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. AS Assignee in Bankruptcy of Mrs A L Bodfish I will sell the remainder of her Stock at and below cost to close out A good assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods All these goods will be sold at TEN PERCENT BELOW COST. decl9tf BM OATES, Assignee, Charlotte Institute. flHE Spring Terms begins 'February 7th, J. 1877- Tbe Academic Course embraces thorough ' instruction in tbe English Lan guage and L terature, in Geography, His-' tory,, Mathematics, Natural "Sand Moral Phil osophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Physiology, Evidences of Christianity, Ac. Unusual facilities are offered in the : f ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES Young ladies not connected with; the In stitution can receive private instruction in any Department. , -t , Daily instruction in pencil or ' crayon drawing, $10 per term. w PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. . ' In response to the wishes of parents who desire their children to take a complete ceurse, without changing the system of it -straction, the principal has organised- a Primary Department for little children. They will receive special attention, and the charge will be $15 per term.' rv - : " ; ." . For other istorroation, apply to vH i REV 3 T MARTIN," febitf PrincipaL Dissolution? Pegr authorized to settle up tbe business of the ate arm. tie will continue business at tbe same Stand. - W W Perram takes an inter est with S 8 Pegram in the Boot and Shoe business. .. . PEGRAM $ WARP. rnHE Firm of Pegram & Ward is thisday X' dissolved, W W Ward having purchased WW Pesrram's interest' W W Ward is of Boot Houses, we rropose to sell tnelr SnT. 3n.,-,;-i3 ."I?- FOR THE SEASON. 18 NOW ARRIT1NO,' AND BOtTG-HT AS THEY WlCP t? NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA. ei : iia? tax FROM THIS DATE UNTIL THE 25TH INST., -I WILL SELL . TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, AT NEW YORK COST, v AS MY STOCK IS VERY LARGE AND I WI8H TO DECREASE IT.. H. T. BUTLER, Near the Court House, SUCCESSOR TO feblO BEST & VANDEGRIFi; GENERAL C0UUISSI0II UERCHAliTS, HAYE IN STORE AND FOR SALE LOW. 1 : ' ". ri -t -i nrx'i r:;-..: THREE CAR LOADS N0i 1 APPLES, .; -4 r'5A: '"r;-: '. TWO CAR LOADS NO. 1 POTATOES, (THE CELEBRATED EARLY UOf BAND PEERLESS.) 2 Car Loads of 'Virginia family Flour," 'TKN BOXES SWEET ORANGKS. " ; : . V'K; -' ''. ' .' CAR LOAD BOLTED "CORK MEAL, ONE HAY, FODDER, SHUCKS. Hominy Meal, Bran, JYHzod. Cotc Feed, &c. 400 POUNDS NICE NORTHERN BUTTER, ON CONSIGNMENT AND . FOR SALE CHEAP. Trade Street , Charlotte, N. C. febS ' ' , Baltimore Branch TRADE STREET, ADJOINING McADENS. GOMPETITIOH BEE'XEQ ;T I - In order to make room for ray SPRING STOCK", I will sell, for the next thirty days mv entire Stock of . s.:5 J ' 4e WlilllB Examine Prices & Convince Yourselves 3J. FHAXET, Props Mrs; E. M. Mover WOULD imform tbe ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that she has taken the room in tne rear or Mrs. H. McNelis' iail mery store and where she would be pleased see her friends and customers, and ' will guarantee a perfect fit. All she asks is to give ner a trial. txxss MOYER. Fresh Arrivals; I Have .Just received another supply 'of , Groceries, which have bees selected ex pressiy io sa our i&ecaii Trade.'. I make it a -soint to select only reliable goods, such as a wu warranT. 10 give Bauaiaction. ; . Sueh as Bacon aides, shoulders. Hams. Pore Leaf Lard, Butter, Eggs, Large Homi ny,. Grits I Fine. New York -Jabhage,; Moun- tainCablMMW,i.C!ahnedt Toiaatoes, Oysters and Sardines: x Goods delivered free Id ' any part of the cit: C: - '".B 8MITH, , febfi - ' - - ; T JvGER BEER. AND ALB ' ? On draught, also ia . bottles at 125 to 13 w-8, ,vW' r " MOZART SALOON ' Fop: Rent: fllWO or three comforUhJe rooms, corner A :Colleg and Depot street. Terms reason, w,''lj to the undersigned or at Obser er Office. Mj A GIFFOSD It and Shoes from Nartltern .4 - t xa lb e n N MOORE & BtJTLER, j j,.-4j-,a.M Clothing House, 00 - Mao SPRING IS COMING. If you wish to secure B A R G ;A I N" S it T.k -n- WINTKR dOODS, ' . r-;("BLANKMSL., . a . ' ' T ' FLANNELS, I U I X - fjrT r - l-r " -SHAWL8. f;hcabDressl Goods; " r. U ' i t J " WAY uy HEAv:&Q0i)s: OW .13 THE " .. Darringcr &Trctttr,s .1 iS vy. t