- -ft1"-" " F: is II T s citi 'Ym. Black,' Egn' a DrorntnWfc zen of Lancaster county and formally jcpicoeumuvc w lue COUntV in K, .uryiB mine, uicu un ounaay last. aia- . -"""6i v ,"u vomrn tinnpr nf Kno rtu tiHiitrr "... f. P . - r- - &i 10 onii aotrent A HA ....... J C . . . " nu uu juijr umwn iur .march term of cum i, wuocquciuiy mere, will be no tuui t. o: u..:u: , : oia ucyv uuuuii'gs re in course of construcuon in Amen. The workmei employed on thee are nearly all colored men, and yet the fat corres pondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser complains that the "poor nejro cannot iii,d work enough to iurnisn in am nun ureau. The At Person court bfgan on Mon dxy. The case Hgaiist the Greenville ai d Columbia Railroad Company for criminal careisness in J the Broads way horror Will very likely c.me up for trial et a ujLfyJLdroe'. Ei nit coui'sei have been empiqyeii-by both 8ide, and the case ill . be one of ui usu.tl importance. . -." . -w MARKET. Batter plentifa . Chickens-supply limited. Eggslight stock. Oranges supnlv Hf.t. - XJ W 'Oofhenatry' 12ial , 18a22J Geese. Docks, Chickens, Guinea. Potatoes-. i 90al 25 45a50 25a30 20a25 20a25 15a20 At Fi i.es snl.-o'i in Coljjmbinon Thursday night J. II. RunklEtq ex-b-li i or f tlie Coiuu-bi-i circuit comnn t. d suicide by shooting himself ir, V? ''omb. I2al5. .1... .w.i. ,im i.l a i- r 8Cits Oranges, ner hi iiij''w&" m ..... n nil a j"oiver. - . t .... 1. 1 . . r . ... iur nunKic ituJHji'unj "tan.abt.nt 30 veard m Bge, a native ot Ohio, and n. brother-in-law ot ex-Lounressnifln Hoge, ot the imid JJongresaional Dis rift - - i t i . "'K 30o40 20a25 1618 16Jal8 v ,10at2J f Sweety bnshel. 65a75 Tool.lO l.OOal 25 l.0a2 2 3a5 ; T. I a J T per i hat?i 6il0 12ial5 10ol2i L I IV THE ' GREAFSOUTHEM) ; VrI A CHARLESTONS. C. Irish. 3a Beef. ' : Veal, Lamb. rorkX Sansspei-nr.tnffWI, In I i 00ai5 per lb, btrained J3aift 5U4 00 BETWEEN CHARLOTTE ai ALL POLNTS NORTE and 'EAST. OHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Columbia, S. C., January 3ed,1i876. WlASfffSSlffW RAILROAD, i itt-At , WIIOLESALE 'ONLY f .- "-.-f . , tiK .jrf 'JKl C ' WE HAVE IN STOES. AND TO AEEIVE, A Full Stock of Goods, CONSISTING IN PART, OF port of 6HAlLroVLISA RAILWY, andns nngSTMSHirS ON, THE MANY ADVANxlGf 7. CONVERGING THERE- GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LIKE, nees. nr fm...i. II - " ' . J. V-VA .PTIli ma AnnicoKWv x ... o.u apples (t-rreen VI rn wrv - . With the A88DKANCE THAT TRANSPORTATION shaji.be. iia QUICK, RATES AS For rates, cia--ifica per quart, The Electoral Commission Dried Apples, per lb., r eniu.t, coantry, , Ski LlMraiugtpn 20 4a5 1.00 200 We clip the following teHgrni and items from the Constitution: ' ' special Atlanta GLOCERIK8--WHOLESALE. Corn, advancing itions and all mformation. call on the undersigae.i A.POPE General TWin-hf A ..a r . O B lUliY.... a, i;;.: . . . """"""S gent eiy Broadway New York JAS. S. DAVA NT, Agent 0. C. & A. E..E., Charlotte, N. C. aug20 - with an advance of lr Ttl ..ml, . . ... . Lard Extra Leaf, Ordinarw . Cheese TA . Mixed, Florida has gone glimmering. Dem ocratic indignation is fatigued, calm retignatitfu--ha8 come. The democrats now have no "hope but" Oregon and that is exceedingly slim. Having , sto len JMonaa, tne returning board will not hesitate onatechuicali'y. Plaisted 01 jaaiae, a. ieauing repuoncan could ee i no possible way of getting around throwing out one vote from Oregon. Blackburn, who was on the "Louisiana committee, says this evening, that there are two ineligible republican electors in Louisiana certain, who will be tnrown out under the ruling of the bonrd. I dropped inatCthe Tilden neadquarterato-nighfc and asked J Mr. Uooie wnat tne outlook wasl He re plied: -w e wnl whip the fight, there is no doubt ot it. 11 you find a de.m ocrat weakening, give us his name and we will pay his way home. He has' no business here- f at Whih Mr. Chas O'Conor laughed and exclaimed i bat's the way to talk!" A further talk snowed several contigencies under wnicn tne iiiden men hope lor victory but I must confess they are remote cnances. ine radicals are determined to hold their judges down to business. I am afraid Gov. .Brown will have to unwind nis red bandana and ?et on a peace tooting. - jtnere doenn't seem to be atjy luck in odd numbers for the -democrats teven is odd enough, but nine, in the prtsent emergency, would be odderand lucKier Florida has been wiped off the politi cal blackboard. Well, h Florida iun't much of a State anvhow 1 Gwt per bbl i -. i . ul icMat tue uarnet Da? nart r.t it. I vntAia ItHajes goes in, the-radicals can mat ! tr r ,i i m I. .U I. . 1 . jv.oi .j wnuii iuat iiicj- iiHve ainea on tne tragments ot the republic that is to fay they 8. it up. 5 j f t What the country needs is more im migration, more railroads, more hon est men and two more democrats on the naiional returning boards. We cannot help hugging the hope to ovif bosom that Oregon wii! prove to be the lion in the radical path. The majority of that commission, is a slippery crowd, and for that reason the radicals are much eel eight ed. There stands ,Cronin Lr them to crawl over. f ' We hnd supposed that the grand commission was a boaid in equity, or something of that kind, but ' if the nifmbers count in Haves w bhalj consider them aboard of irtkmitv. J ' A wf Salt meats l .... ""u w au, western iour, nrni and in good demand Sugar, dull md lower. wuCTj, BmaU StOCk r firm .r, ;A j , . recentsadHn-3 . .-..uu,UueiMu;to Hams, 'J, .. rwtKtast Btrips, v-iear kid Bides, WILMINGTON JORTH CAROLINA LINKS SEMI-WEEKLY Shoulders. HogRouad. per lb 14al4i llial2 91alOJ 12ial4 12al3 Fast Freiilt Route to all Foils Sostl aifl Easl. 16i 17ij 18J Factory, Cream, Selected Butter ' Couatrv - . ' 5 ftrtthon if SUGARS. ' -, Cat loaf Granulated and crushed A ExC r A 7". e1118. 'air to cLoice, t 60a70 VJu 44'JIOO csirap, 32Ja33J w Java, ao. Kio, 20ia24i ujacfc 50a7o Green. 85al .60 BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans porta tion Company Sailing from BALTIMORE wstlay an J Friday, at 3 PW. A1TD FROM WTLiHNGTOH lOialli WEiTESOAr AK SATURBAV. K3-?irs(R vfc 2 , I 1 - . . Ha. . - . v-J f.uu.T. H 13al8 31a33 13Jal41 13al3i 12ial2i 12al2i NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington i.lne from NEW YOP.K Tuesday and Friday at 3 P. HI. AND FROM WHJCTM ;TO BACON SmoS ad, Sugar Cured & Bulk ; SUGARS All grades ; COFFEES A full Stock; SALT Fine and Ground Alum ; FLOUR All grades ; MACKEREL bbls, I bbls and kits ; TEAS-AH grades ; SOAFSIn great Variety; CHEWING Tobacco and tnuff ; RICE and Pearl Grits ; SHOT. G D. Wattrnrrf t, X at ua Vdlpg """u,!,a ware and Brooms; HRAP. PISG PAPER ; SODA Crackers, Cheese Candy, Soda, Mustard, Cai dies, Blacking Blueing, Grain and Ground Pepper, Starch Pimento, Ginger, Axle Grease, Ink, Ac All of which we offer at low figures to th Trade. J0HX W. HALL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COLLEGE STREET, NEAR 1RADE. oct8 LATEST:;MiaiVAL . . - -, . NEW 6 0 0 D-f J.S PHILUPSii MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IX GENTS PURNISHING OOB8, j A EPJ t Huntera- iUB, i v.. on ine.A, X. A O; Railroad 18 nulea ;ortb of Chariot Said sxisa has been explored only 23 :fet, and tutor old miners .nave,exainind .thaxaine and ora and pronounce it very fine. AlwprofWO cointpn and Pref Hnn,of Charlotte, hara seen the mine and 'or? and i! , LIAS removed to one of the New 8torea rery fine. j-a. nnaer tne Central TTnfoi tw q. j.I tc7.i..ai - . . .. toU'5S-r d w brougUnp ire wm offer 'li' i . , .ttw w swot uuw this valuable property aala, incladlnf irM ?J ou -wmter 8toc of Goods o it cur. ann vnii mav. .v. .1 ' uiuo uieui UD ner, cheaper than xTTA- . oriana in and have ever been rffmii irT7v-T iT a "wus I o7, lDttiU oi wnicn mere are aonu y- ev offered in this market. i 20 or SQ.acres of Taluahla niaa timhsM Cff mile from a BawrmiU.. ,tl v 19 ItTT 1"' vxjownuing coses tpedmenaof aal lallj .; I J?'. do to: byr allinr, at out Office- Cutting and repairing done promptly. All 7 omething thaTS worth. lookineatT " 7 " " k" lor an ueiir- i - " ;"um uiiwrmauon. aaaren "M (auuueueatoaoacasrj hn .m J B PHILLIPS, a spec octl7 Jane 17 ;'f"Hunter8TfllB, N.a S TUP mti n unwPD 1UJ1 lfUHU lUlTIbU CURES HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general use for twenty yvurs. Jbvei yu herc pi overt 7hT most MTICAL. MMPLE t : ECO O- and LFFIJH:! ntedT cines known. They are just -o Fish Herrinsrs. MACKEREL. Bbls (fall weight) i bbls Kits " Floub s . Family, Extra, Super, Buckwheat, Rica Choice 8a8i eta. MAt--per bushel, 50a51 j per 1 b. 35a40 10.50al2 00 6 75a6 50 1.15al60 per bbl. 8.00al0 00 6.75a7.0 5.00ab.25 per lb. 4 GTVI Vf4 THDinfi tT dti t o rrx t . . ... PhiTr or.oriir..t toupd Fre ,eht, to Baltimore , J.,s, M.x,ia., uubiuu, rroviaecce. &it Kiver and othp? haptprn Mt AI SO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. Tl wv aUW KUUUCLiL ni VI lllllliiL I MM WITH rh1 1 n t- 1 - a Sr.SLfTSK.rr? "S" "Putlog Ko.d, offering ooeoaslled f.c.litiei for the romr,t tt S.Itiheom: rKonn T : 1 TTT I I 1 fi PhonmoH'om TU TT- 1iMm"I fj- nnmo T7A ii a i j . - ; , A.wuci uiac ioaou 's puiais. as me oteamers on tnese LiDes on arrival in Wilminir, I i.t ii l Hum a i p-c oil vi-vr nnA.a iL. ii r I . a . r-i l en.1 .iraasrerred under cowed ami,.- to cars without : - , Corn, by car load, in sacks. 780 jk:7'ZZ? LVTL f-"l re2gRt P.8 thLm.orDI. - .. . . i a.w uiavase 1 11 vv iifninirrnn nnn rn rmnntnm . ! : i n . .i -r . . . ""la., ultt(U nteoHoT.nUT V. . " a..c kuoi rrora wapons m bulk. ' 6065 ZT L 7 . .4,.. ao.y auJr.uloer Doa-a- "sses or Uvercharger romDtlv naid. Mark From Scores 6"" " iujiuSIuu lineB. 25 cts higher n""!!ftt!?n. 8PPy to ther of the uadersi?ned Asents of the Line 1 50 w 1XN r irAiVMALD. Gen'l Ao-L Rltimnr T.ino di du: "1.40 WM. P. CLYDE & CO. fWl Aor w t.5m d" , 'AZ-A A. 17. LAtiA U A. Afpnt, Kait.imnra anil Nam Vnrt f rr:i : --r . O A1 v " r AJIUO,, t uiillUglOC, i . U, wnat the people, want, savins time and money, averting s - ness and suffering. . Eacb sing e -s.c. Weii irica prescrin lon fau eminent physician. Cores' ' Cems severe, congestion, Inflammation, - rms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In fanta,. f 4 Diarrhcea, of CW.ldren""or'Adu"ts,' 5 Dysentery. GriDine. Bill inns fVHf 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting '. 25 wjugus, joias, croncnitis, 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,. 25 neauacnes, bici: Headache, Ver- rn SO,r...,,. 25 xu xyspepsia, ismious Htomach 25 11 Suppressed, or Painful Perirxls on to 117 1 ; . . . . 1 ' ' is vr mies, too rrorase feriods 25 io vroup, uougn, LHQicult Breathing. 25 25 25 25 25 A ALARGE LOT St V. C.; C: &;AeR.,,R. -OF FINE DOLLS ! AND JUST EECETVED AT PUREFOY'S, decl7 .GENERAL PASSENGER-DEpT 1 ?HAauiTTS, Colombia A a oeusr a. R .'r I ' .iumbia, 8.., att.VSrd.i 1877. J On and alter "WedBeniii Anna Mr 9 A W " followinjt acbedale will b road: ,..-.--,-,..v-. MAIL and PASSENQER TRAIN DAILY GOING SOUTH. . r . "r5 p. m. T . ... "" weave ixrauiiviue, Arrive at Augusta, GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, f i i. io u, 9i.jf2Q D m Arrive at Charlotte; ' : Vj'u ;; ! 4.5tfja. ACCOMMODATION 5lElGHT TRAIls 1 DAILY, Sundays exceptetL v 4 'iinrttio'iitoATfiiW'v;i Leave Charlotte, 78.15 a. m. 8.14 a. m. 9.00 a. tu. 7.48 TRAYELINS, PORTABLE UTD (i Stationary Engines, 8.00 a. m. a. m. 2,28 p. m. 6.19 p. m 1 25 1.25 00o65 55 1.00 TIT . T?i w a eat rrom wr tons oeeu wneac. White Red. Oats White., Black Rra 80o85 Peas- '. ' ,. Pure clay, l.OOal 10 Mixed, Kiai no hay i nnopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.40 '- - 1 i- ii .i Anuria uarouna, yy per sack Liverpool, fine table, 2:25o2.30 Ground Alum 1 25al.39 25 55 25 50 50 -tf. W. H. H GREGORY, Soliciting Agent. SiLT-- DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ine nin ers sweetheart had iiHed li.ui. xat: loaueu nis Kix-shoofer and wrote m undlady thia little missive 1 r ti ni fi fa A r.f Ii F. . J Hill. W1 iiit-,auu win oiow out my brairs in the cemetery to night. My rentispna up to the 8th. I do this because life hs become a burden ta if 'herKsetoutfr thecemetery which he had fix-d upon as the scene oi oicoa. un hi-, way he took a short cm across a thick ranch And W9II aft-arrAr- ed by a savage bull-dog. Tbinkine thatt uauciiuugu in nis six barrels for aen ana dog, be opened on the animal uut n tne twmKUng of the eye the owner of the ranch covered him with a shot gun. He fell en his knes, begged for hfe and made his most object apology far h's presence tbereiiis life was spared ! Instead? of hastening to the cemetery and blowing "out-his brains, he returned to the city, and lunching on beer-and sandwicJtjesUoId his landlady that he had ' chajgecLJkiB rnmd, and then took another girl to a Virginia City theatre.-iV. Y Tribu. ' It is relatedkil Judge) CUiVw f that mis circuit at lndmapolSs a lawyer """ aciwiuni was ready when his case was called but his onnnnAnt K.H sent word thatecott!d notrrise or iur an nour or two. Hetchum insisted on proceeding at once. Judge Davis remonstrated in lavor of the absent lawyer, Dut to no purpose." "'""Well " said he finally, ''yoVinsAst? upon going on jir. JHLetChum, -you have of course, tne technical right to do so but if I were you, I wouldn't urge the matter. Over tt Springfieldithe other day there was just such a case, the lawyer would insist nupbn going on with the trial, and .80 I had to look after the interest of the other party myself and d you know, curiously enough, Mr., Ketcbumi we beat him J" Mr. Ketchum decided t wait, , ; Poor Weak Woman. Miss Susan dipper, who lived hi'a small tenement, a lone womanTwas. quite flustered the other 'morning' by an early call from a What do yotV cbmh here Mth? eaid Miss Nipper. , ;v;:..r mh . . lcametJjorrow in atches,' h e i meekly Wjgfefljr '-"npf, -h - n MalcKesT "TtaVa a likely Btory. Why, don't -you- make a match ? I kn..w. .,hat 'J cam e JprVsaid I the ,exaepetatedijbU.Firgm.rhe backed the bachelor into a cornor. x'You came here, tcvugand.kisfli me '.nearly to death U ..But you shan't withodt you are the'fitrongestciawd fA iJSorci-fenoii's . uu tyou are i -;. . : , The superlri tend en t of the Davenport uowschQolsyis iaoiing woman, a teacher of long experience, and those eehools it is said 'were never in a rnore efficient state th ah under her rule. She na been elected President of the State ine maricet is in such an excited and flnctn 'tine condition: that these Quotation ran or'y be regarded as nominal, and sab tc w uany correcuorfc : , Jobbing Ratet.) Shibtikss W oodlawn 4-4 7J 7-8 7 3-4 6; Oleavland or Catawba 4-4 7 Sea Island 5al0 Bleached 5il8 ' ; ' Osnaburgs - lla!3 Brown Drills - 9 Jail Quilt Lining 4ja6 i"fiITS Wamsutta 6 Freemans 6i Anioskesg 6i Arnercan, Garners 6J All ofher prints will be advanced from 7Ja8cts. after the 14th of Febru ary. Ginghams rTT-Groucester 'C rT 'i LtHSKYS." . x ; . ' Half Wool " Whole Wool Jeans 1 i5t -Yarns per bunch TlCKIBG- " ; Ameskeag A C A Amoskeag A i Lewistuwn A WOESTED ' 1 Corded Alpaca's 20a21 A mures 22a24 10 14al5 16al8 10a 35 95al 00 19 .17 15 f ! WINES -AND LIQUORS. "Am pie supply, TigB't demand. (Wholesale Rate$.) Bbakdy Peach per gal. 2 75 - . Annie . " ; , i. 2 25 Rve " 1 25a4 CO Corn " 1 65al 75 WlHKS I Champagne, per basket, 20 00a25 00 i Port Maderia " 8cuppernong " blackberry , Claret Ale Porter " ' " ' i - J LEATHER. k ' gallon, " dozteH ".'. P D Hemlock, per lb G D Hemlock, per lb Good . - - 'fX White Oak" Stacgbt, per fb ' M America Oalfc i 2 i'3 2 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 to 7 50 2 75 2 75 21a23 .,26a27 30a33 40a42 STdei, Kips, , " Harness, r ' French Calf, Suser M Cornelian . n . r ". Baun Seville"; 65a75 35a37 1 75al 90 1 76al 85 1 90a2 00 T11 65al.75 Hi ill Tlntlma nt vrrathtal inmrndence. who have tried la vain ewry-Jtnown remedy- win leam ftc impi fescri piion, rittjii for tie speedy cura oi aarvona debility, TTematsird decor. km manhood, apa f j. laiaoraers orovcoc m dt excesses. Apy DATIDOjV A CO., 60 Maau St., 1N.Y VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. TV.Jo K a.ii- i . , . aaao aaxic uciug xuiiy equippea ior business, offers unequaled facilities for the; j.ransponanon oi J? reight. trom W TT.TMTATfJTn'V A VTl ATI VmimirT.v . GREEN VILLI,, SPARl ANBLRG, ALL STATIONON THE ' ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, A'IjIaNTIC TENNEfciSEE & OHIO, aoti WESTERN NC ; ' ' RAILROADS, as well as all pointa in 1 GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. XN&jjjR.israj jbjxrjji bates GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING LINE AND tfg- INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO 15 Rheumatism. Rh 16 Fever and Aarue.Chill Pever am 7 Piles, blind or bleeding,.. .' 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Jyes, co Catarrh, acute or chronic. Tnflnoriwa 20 Whoopine-Coueh. violent, enrich a 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing....... 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swel- lin?H 24 General Debility, "laical 'Weakness 25 Dropsy and scanty 8ecreUons,"...""! 50 26 Sea-Sickness, jsakness from ririi m tt; j trtr : "h. jv &i .laney-jjiseasTiravel, 28 Nervous Debilitv. Seminal wlir'. ness or mvoiuntarv rtishorcroo 1 aa 29 8ore Month. Canker,.. w ov unuary weaxness. wet.tiT.tr h bed: " 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms,.'.'!.'.'.' 32 Disease of Heart. nalnitAtirma cts. 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 35 Chronic Congestions and i-.rn ra tions n FAMILY CASFS Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials ana Manual of directions, $10 00 v,.o vaiurvuco; oi m large vials and S- 600 itf nese remedies nrv &on . the case or sin trie hv a ... ! me cuunirv. iim . - vuarge, on receipt of price. Aunresri HUMPHREYS' nomeODHtlliC ilferiic.in r Office A Depot, No 5(52 Broadway, N. Y. """ " an uru&rgists, T c SMITH A: OO.. Agents. FRESH U00DS ! Leaye Chester,' breakfast! ; " ( Arnye at Columbia, , t t , 2,00 p. m .x .pOING.NORTH. ; Leave Columbia. 1 !; Leave WinosboiOy., iLieave cnester. Arrive at Charlotte, AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING NORTH. Leave Augusta, at 6.50 a. m., and at 11 a.m. Arrive at Columbia, at 3,.48 and at 8,45 p. m. IGOING SOUTH'. ' 1 Leave Columbia, 9 50 ar m , aai at 12 noon Arrive at Augusta, 7.16 p. m , and 9.10 p. m. Runs daily except Sundays.3 ' ' The Mail and Passenger trafna make close connections to all oints Noith. Kt .nH Sleeping cars aire' attached to this South. train. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, ' jan4 A PQEML"' Geueral Ticket Agent. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 50 BOILEES, GEIST HttLS, SAW SUK&g, WOOD WORKING MACHINES TURBINE WHEELS, And all kinds, of Farming and Plantation juacninery. constantly on hand, at prices Office RFMOVED to South East Corner of irynn ana ourtb Btrtet, Second floor. Address PMnit AlMiiie Eailtay. RicHMOKr, & DAKvtUa, ' BrcBitoiA & Danvjllk R. W., N. CDmsior, 'dni North WssTKut N. P. R, yf. CONDENSED jME-ABIE In effect on and after Sunday,' July loth, 1876. j. ! ' ' n GOIKO N0BTH sTATioHs. -.KAW-: i xxntxas. Leave Charlotte,' 5 55am '2 15 am ; Air-Line J'nv ; v 612am -a 46 am Salisbury, , 8 30 a m .4 19 a m Greensboro, 58 am "617 am Danville, 36pm 84a m Dundee, 49 pm 9 01 am " Burkeville, 49 p m 12 45 p m Arrive at Richmond, . 9 86 p. m 8 19 p m QOIKO 80CTH. ' '' ' BTATIOKB. KAIIa, , . J XXrBXSS. Leave Richmond, 6 50 a to IT 0pm BureviUe. i-OOam 64pm ' Dundee, 39 p ni 05 p m ; Danyille 43 p m 8 J p m Greensboro, 4 35 p m 10 25 p m " Salisbury, 70rpml2S2am Air-Line J'n, 8Qp tu Z29am Arrive at Charlotte, j 9 08pm ,2 4 am jan3 ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. Charlotte, N. C. GREAT REDUCTION IH- QomO KA8T. QOWO WST. ST A TIOKS. MAIl ' 1 1 ' BAIL L'ye Greensboro. . 0 55 a m Arr 4 0pm L'ye Co 8hops, 2 08 p in L'Ve" ' 8 05 p m Arr at Raleigh. , : 3 38 p m Air :4L29 p m Arr at Goldsboro 6 20 p,m L'ye, ,2, 5am 1 ' 11 in 1' rid 'in .1 STATIOHS AOOOMMOAT10 TAA1 Leave Greensboro, 30 am Arr; 650 a m Leave Co Shops, 6 30 a m Lve,. 4 05 a m Arr at Raleigh, " 03 p m Air1 6 46 p m Arr at Goldsboro j 11 30 p at j Lye- i2 le p m ' . - 1 WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. septSO F W PT.APV Gene.-al Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. T T SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. in SAMUEL 0R0SE, Corner Tryon and Stonewall Streets. front of John W Miller's, CJIABLQTTE, N. C, DKALKR IN . ' SASH, Glazed and Ugazei, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS. NEWEL POSTS, WALNUT RAILING and; BALLUSTERS. . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BUILD- k ING LUMBER BOUGHT AND , SOLD. aug22 -. ., f R. N. Littlejohn, 'olton ani Frcflnce Cccmilssion Merclieiil - J CHARLOTTE, N. C St.?? r ; : i . Shipments of Cotton and all kinds of Pro duce sold to best advantage., Cash orders for all classes of goDds'plled on accommoda-; ting terms, : . . ; ; Orders, consignn.entsand correspondence solicited., -v y Office in L W Perdue's store, Trade street. , jam ly . . .. ; 1 Just Received 1 McADEN'S - DRUG ' STORE, ()f Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from the ? Springs 10 fckseaf- Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large suppiy of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs apre -r TT i" v ' f ' BENSON'S CAP31NE PL AS fERS -. ' - And AllcoclTB Porous Plaster for sale a McADEN S, Mrs. E. m. IVIoyer r w room inery OTJLD imform the ladies of Charlotte and .vicinity,, that she has taken the in the "Tear of Mrs. K WcNelis' mil- y .store and where she .would Jbe pleased see hr'- friends ahd "ctirtoniers, 'and will guarantee a perfect fit. All she asks is to give her a trial. MRS E IL MOYER. ' C L O TH I N G ! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT T A I L O R, Opposite Central Hotel, Trade Street, " CHARLOTTE1, N.'c. Hasjst received a splendid lot. of Fine Doeskins, Cloths and Cassimeres, which I Will rnftl?A nn ar nrinila c.:. . k I- . r ouu Lue uuies, ana (iuiuiuii DBusmuiuu 111 sryre ana nt ep!7 If You Want S OMK on ; sept nice sausage or Fork Stea Call i , t MUKCEIaLER BRO. J HAVE just taken Stock, and find I have more Goods than I want to carry, so I will sell one half off at C03T to suit the times. Pfacta; Toialces, Pears. 1 wiU Fel1 a fine Si!?er American Watch tot 112.00. I will sell Gold Chains attl.00 ner dwt. Watch Glasses fitted at 10s ear.h. ni everything else in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. " AT " J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE, NORTH WESTERN n!'c.'r. & (SaLKX BSAHCH.) T ii t . Ajeayc urreensooro, .. . . 4a DIE S 45; Arrive at Salem, Aave saiem, Arrive at Greensboro, SODA, BUTTER A CREAM CRACKERS Passenger train leaving Raletgh at Ii 29 a m connects at Greensboro; with to Southern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern cities'. ' AocommOdAtloft tmtn leaying Raleigh at 6 46 p m, oonaecU with Northern bound trains tt Greensboro for Richmond and all points Ease ' prfee of Tickets same aa via other routeav ftt bna - - Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 6 30 a m connects at Geldsbtro with . Northern and Southern bound Trains eh the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. T Lynchburg Accommodation leave Rich mond at 105 artarrive at Btxrkjtill 145 p m, leave BrtrkeTUJMa(mrjpM at Richmond 830amrx h,tsr!T No Ouuige of Cart Between 'CnarlptU aiidBJclinlond'.sa.liAAea.'0 t' -ts'i" 'A .a 9 i4.jf'rhj''i.fia f-.;" Papers that have , arrangements to adrer tise the schedule of this company Irlll please frint as abort and brwardeopie ia Genl ' For further inlbrmatlon address .. JOHNRHACMURDO, Genl paaaeogeraot; it Vfc jul28 fJlHE NEW REMEDY. Merrill's great Antebilions Hepafane" or Vegetable "iiyer Medicine for Dyspepsia, Neryous H eadache, Constination: tiillious Attacks. Hearthnm , Chronic Diarhcea, Sour Stomach, Loss of " I' i .V., ,1JV. U1 lAAj3K2HHB M. T 1 M I II IT TMm Al.a- ordered Llyer .Fpr,sale & sEr ? f . w . McADEN'S ; I aP1 Drugstore1 MIHCBMBATj In 5 pound Buckets nice for Family Use. CHARLOTTE, N. C. C( B M MKITSXL, A BACK9ABTJ1T. J ACOB M. MENDEL & CO.. A Fair Proposition t Respeafully invite' - THOSE INDEBTED a to me to can ana adjust their accounts in some way.,. I stand ready to. give you the most liberal ccmvrm1se,yyo4 cannot pay all we hope you will sljow a willingness to pay at least a part manv of yon J furnish ed faithfully ftrlprfl dadtoot have the ar ticletr ortlt-re-ri; -vrr,rifd go' and get them nn and send them to you. Now will you favor me just one time; men who are eflhe trqe grit are never locn.i wanting. - a ' iiyr01lrs,.&c., . a i . B N SMITH.' ".Small weekly or monthly payments would 80on settle the KAHtrrAcnrans or I G A R S WHOUCSAXX DKAUSS JM v1 13 A.. T. & O: Railroad. jazt ourllLKINTENDENTS OFFICE,-,, vl i.n. ' r m a i. .iLA vnarioue, n. v.'Bept w, ON and after r Monday, Oct,,2ad tht following Schedule Willie jun over this road:'c a, . ai. m ti-jmM u H i GOING BOUl'jBWfl b-a " Leave StatesviUe, 2a.. " lfooiwtlltt,-.,i': ; 7JI M z a u. tJOlfiejrej fwrneJJA Taotca. - Arrire Charlotte, . 'nA46 M - GOING NORTH. Leave Cbariotta,-r' vlT9l89Y 1.43 p. at. sftSrJBk"5'" - Arrive Statesville; 1 tti?r tt'9JSO. r All charges must be pre paid -ra Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Hen derson's, Alexandrlana 1 and 'Caldwell'a, These being "Flag 8fations,the1Cjpmpaiiy ' I -"""'ucu hbvc mis usr leasea n I ucr 11. in umoauea at eimeT 01 kDe' tbota . Mi' RI G Ia ER? S fhil fMoeywi wjl at lowest markatpnr TOBACCO, SNUIT, : . PIPES, W&C ' BREAD, CAKES . iJ AND PIES JRADE ST CHARLOTTE, N. C. day, at 'fc A' 9U Wn T I ocUS ! Kbw . LiimliBr and fWco4 Yari '1 r 9 t r! I"- vr I r 4,.. r, ft- i ' i I, f ' ... rian:; -tlu tJJ?I : --.. 4. ," . JGORMLKY. I .-'i?..?3.iV.oi. j; -rt .? :.ia