j! .si JU D A I L!S2 OBSERVE III ,sr r put W cJncs3ay.' February ! WW. U: U;.5?Th followifffc areine scneauies now od- r 5.; iTd on t he various Railroads running L& y. into the city; r.mv;?;'?y.. i " , I Mail leaves,.........- .- i - a. jn fi t'i.ccom'aknd.Ffeigbt, rrive,...,.2 00 a.m -"ATT L A.T LAVTA ' A' 1KEMOIB AHHJH DAIIT. , VV.ti leaves, ....... 10 8? p. m. : it eBAUOTn coitouia at;gusu- ; i ' ;. leaves, .....10 55 p. m. ,n s Accomm'n ami Freight arrives- v - v. :;; daily except 8undayB.;........6 19 p. m. i s Aocom'n and Freigal leaves.;.. ....3 15 a. m: ciaoitSA craBii.--l Eastern Diylsion.3 VMM leaveadaily except" Sun-i ; 4aya,l-MV"" a. m. ' " Mail arriyes dpi4!8 -.39 P- m- 1 caSOUHA ciHTBAi Western Division ilkmLiL 5 so P. ni Mail leave-o.;..,..i 7 uua. 7 00 a. m. MaiaVriW.1....... a. leaves 2 45 p m m AulA 4. Atlantic , JStutes, easterly winds, backing to colder northeast and north west with falling Jollowed by rising ba rometef cloudy weather followed by clear weather. HBvV OVfcRiI9EiHEJlTS, 0;Th following is the list ofadver , tiietnehts, which appear for the first tittie this morning : . .. . i ; Smitb AFjorbes-Bo3ta.andSboe9. Best &Vaodegrift-Se'ed Potatoes. Boyd .fcOvermanT-Bargain Counter Alexander, Seigle & Co Ruffs, Ac. . J'Dula Seeing . Believing. Andrews fc Jones At Cost. J J Mptt Notice. T W Sparrow Fruit Trees. J.Duls Fellow Citizens. LOCAL, DOTS. ; 'Lent.: Tu-ly is Ash Wedneedy. No VUy.or'a cout yesterday. There is a time for every thing. Just now nursery men are in order. These cold, dusty blustering days give ua foretaste of what March will be. T. W. Sparrow of Davidson C (lge aijent of Westbrook's Philadelphia nursery is in the city soliciting orders. Therailroad agents are forrainj a rtnc Oik a matter not app-rt inin t railroad busiueaj. ; In ts re ted prtie , IojK out fer fi cmptain. Tli e dearth af casei still continu$ in the Ju-ites couita, and ene of the dispensers of the iaw, declares a willing n - 6 shoulder a musket if that wt i better tiinf8 any. Yesterday developed more thn the tubal number of matrimonial appli cants , Eight marriage licenses wtrr tken from the Register's office; seven w lioes and one black. Look out for squalls I A gentleman just from Lincolnton reports that Maj A W Burton, the Mayor of that plat.;e wa dyinn from a paralytic stroke when he leftyesterdny " about noun. ' The Bare foot Chief report the , 1 V.ounjg-man-afraid- f-hiarSqu iw, as ab u a jntfropl he wigwam; arnl fear thnt ,a ' that he' Will sovui take his depa ture ta forj he happy hunting ground in the 1? '' Sfit majority beyond. v 'Irt;anoiher colurtin we t-ub'sh a communication repomn.enciii.g the retenthm of Dr. -lissom, hs g per- r: 'i lit- a & cs't- . r ?,.. :$uiteiiai!)tapj v)w In-iD As lu i h$ i Raleigh, an-1 1 Wou'd merely re'i ark en 'f.lpf':-thiih'9oiti '. .of ' the writei wi. -are wh. taken. s -Oar ister cities of Wilmingt-n, AC!flkrli'Alr!nliimhTa Alli.t 1 ., : fast, seem to have plenty of theatrical usemeti.jE relto,lhem.-,Oflate the dharlotte" Operi House, one of the prettiest in ibe' Sodtn. 'hnt been ocrn trt. Inly eemliujriair1 Why rA dtlJlSthUS? . f"?;t .,'rr ( . jC TidSly 's book' store was crowded pret i -tj n?uch;tb:e,('w hole day uwith young 't'MtdUW& Mhe'r yoitng bloods, en t:JKHi('lt most comic alnd - -'sentimental talefitmes to be found. fSta'zf festive, ' blushing ana notsy-cDetweenTnenntftryo fathers tii; tiMi'ZirsJzi - cTjtiirji ?r-s"s e"". .i aadruaUUltchafchs, s a season ; ol fastrngirfri ayer cpmmembrative of and continues t ilt Eter. It observance ;inoe rcetwS9raohiten bymost of u ijmcijwiv utnomiBairon!, r I nw'Trttierihip:''r "" ' j Messrs w R Burwell. and f.W iM ,m "'AcCorry Atttmpt .' tosrat a Bensa -'- . ,-1. ' --..'W--:-.-v-' .Hii-iii!'! ..'t?mA-4 . m .i oCa yesterday -eyenfafffaeVperijo r; afceig," "caused i toJieSposted jon id i ih OB3EfttfiiTbillefin;boar .eveiIIawolpOT be fth'extra ; f :lorda?vole -tie'giiaf? "" The so-called extra wasthe heading of r" "in ficlvertiipg Hrcuiar Ju it:nelther "a 'created aoynkthemerrimentori X dUmeSLtl V" the Papers wexeqaickly ' torn dovn and torn'to pieces. f .fctii&ftinJ illfAffPrtly , commence busines at the old stand r.' Burwell buys out Dn J. M. -Miller, and Mrl by. W. J. Black, in the firm of: iWilaon The CHirlctte Or era, 4- a ThVreorgam"24tion of thia oompany is progressing finely and from present appearances Charlotte will soon be able to boast of two military compan ies. (Forty members is thet .complement required for organization and some twenty, odd. .have obligated to ; join already? eleven Ibeingl old members. We wish them good speed. A Fractious Totith. ; Considerable excitement was caused yesterday in front of this office by the boisterous conduct of a drunken young man by the name of Henry Clontz, rom the country. He resisted the officers with all his might, and his fath er came to his rescue. .;. The old man was thrown, heavily to the ground by a bystander, and policemen Hit! and Orr took the fractious young man before the proper authority, where he was fined $3.50 and allowed to depart. ; Statesvill Items. OurStatBville! correspondent writing under date of February the 12th says : "Sunday was . a bright beautiful day, services were conducted in our various churches, latge c ngrtgtions being in atiendauce. The day was signalized by two 'runaway,' resulting very dis asiruualy io buggies, but fortunattly doing no lurther damage to peak of. 'VV ork on the new Methodist Church, which bad been suspended on account 1 the coid weather, is being rapidly pushed forward, anUJttte congregation looit iorwaiu to lis eany-oomp-euon. "Prof. Humphreys, late State En tomologist of Georgia, is stopping in our id ids t making collections in his line. He has already added largely-to Lis Vote, ill the ' way. of minerals, and pronchinccs this vicinity rich in miner al wealth. "Col. R F Armfield will deliver an address at the- Court House on Tues day evening, on education, its import ance &c. Mere mention of the CoL'a name will ir suie for him a large audl- ence. : "Severs! Northern gentlemen aie here looking atthe country with a view of settiibs, provided they are favorably imprYsed, "The merchants Complain of dull tim. s, atid the people geierally vote this delightful ; weather which we are having."" T St. Valentine's Day. Tradition informs us that on the 14th Ua ol F bruary, as one year succeeds another, thebirds mate, and old winter dons her Sprint; .garments. Wtiether this is true or not St. Valentine's day is always look eoT forward to by the t,e-ux andslasses of every christian country. Ori-inally it was the uuiver sal cub om, to exchange missives o wijkdnt(ssK. love jmd uttVctiou on this day, hut Ue .UsU)ui: has been ktradily dt chuii. g in itie higner circles of eocir tv, and at prt sint fit da only a slight recognition, except - for. the sending of comic or ridiculous sentiments. The missives are always sent by an anony moux person, ai d are ineffectual unless the hidden author can be' suts- quently discovered. The festival has descended rightfully to the children, who enjoy it wuh the hearty zest peculiar to them. Its ori gin is mvi ived in obscurity. It has been confer dtd thai it has descend--d from the old Romm s, who, during the m- nih of February, among other fes i vls drew ttie riHmea of young girls lr m a box; and that the church, find ing tttt the people clung t this pi ac tion, gave it a rel'gio' s dress ami placed it under the-pmro' ag 4 Si. Valentine. Ai other tluory, and probably the cor rect one is, ihat it is a rebc of the na ture re tpion wh ch recognize. I jthis tim as the season for nmting 'am one anins and I eiu e fanctified this time to tt-e eexe. The cuffom of devoting this day to ffioivities and interchange 'J g feelings was some time back very largely observed m England, Scotland, and on some partt of the continent. -Partus of lalies and gentlemen would as8-mb!e on the eve of St Valentine and write on pieces of paper the names of their acquaintance. These Jwere thrown , into a box and the nanus drawn out by those present, each draw ing one of an opposite sex, The person whose name was then drawn became the valentine of the person drawing, and so remained for a year. This rela tion was a sort of temporary engage ment which ripened into a real one. This amusement was very popular in the Fifteenth century among all grades of society, even at many European courts. It however fell into disuse, and the symbolic meaning passeu away; the era of glaring prints came with their burleoquH as well as sentimentali ty, and Ihe custom has been rapidly disappearing. It now lingers princi pally fes 'ajarmip9 ;sport forfthe little ohes, oris ayailed of by persons to in dulge in coarse builisques at the ex pense of others, -j ;. ; ) , , Icommdnicated Dr, Orlsaom. Messrs. Editors : r, As, much has been said 4n, . re garjd to lsi ui ioauiu o uiauagi;uicuii OJ... Hie 1 11- sane Asylum and the propriety 7 df his reiuuvai, i uesiio iu express wnat I believe to,eHtherseniiraents of the Democrats of this section at least. : I Aa rule, we are J of- those,rho be lieve in displacing those in power, who through the lone dark nicht. not onlv deserted us, but ; by their nositionland intelligence assistea tne more ignorant r iij-Ji!;.. tip. : i . . i . .. iu lurging oiaimsior our oppression.' North Carolina, disrobed ' and dia crowned as he has been, now that she is itf charge" of s herxjwn true sons, can UPsiFord to uphold the hands tof her despoilers. - But to this rule as to all, there are .exceptions, andil think Dr. Griesom - a most worthy one; In the first place hfi has never been a bitter hRrtisa.taoutth' Generally votiriar the tfepublican ticket, I know that in" th e lairt campaign he rf used to paytri hnt tn Cresar' to "throw inthe WW -w . - - j- I general corruption fund of the Radical party. or, said he "holding the posi tion I do it5is not right .thaw I should do' this thing." -Bat be his politics what they may, is a matter of small concern in this instance. " i The question Canst thou minister to a mind; diseased?'' is f grave im- ortance. and did r mere than make a point in a marvellous drama. Tbe Legislature, confessedly one of ability and fairness, should rise abave payty and . party t considerations,' and tnmK onrv ot those uniortunate leiiow- bei'gi, afflicted - with the saddest calamity that can befall our nation. ; JTor what is man, infinite, though he be in faculties, "in action like an angel, in apprehension like. a God," when the divine image charactered in the face, and mirrored in the soul, is shattered by insanity,. Insanity and intemperance its fore most proximate cause,' are the dark shadows, which follow our civilization, with an ever deepening gloom. Ihey appear at our firesides, our altars, our most sacred seats like the skeletons at the Egyptian feasts, as if to itiock us. 1 here are evils at work in our midst, which are paralyzing the energies of hundreds of our people,., mortgaging future generations to imbecility, insan ity and premature death. It would seem then one of the first and hightst duties of the Sute, to invoke her most skilhd and scientific men, to resist and check those calamines, which w eaken its strength bv deteriorating its citizen ship. While there are many eminent physicians in the State, it is generally conceded that Dr. tiritsom is better uited fr the position he holds, than anv of inem. tiis rnindis enriched with the treasures of a very, fnithful ex perience.' The ratio of deaih is less and the per centage of cures grea'er, among those under his care, than can be found in any siixiilar institution lh the country. This is shewn by statistics and ia not, a mere dictum. He.X?nect8 credit on the State, not only as the Superintendent of her Asy lum i but. as a gentleman of refinement andulture.Vwho' by careful research and study, ha thrown.-new flight on the peculiarities of insanity, the causes thereof and the remedies therefor. We are clad -to be able to state that such sterling Democrats and experi enced physiciana as . Drs. Burke Hay- ivdod.' R B, Haywood, Hill, Hiues, DlcKee of ISalelgh, Drs. Whitehead and Sutnmerreri 'or. Salisbury, De Rotseti of Wilmingtohand rJ endereon of Concord, and ' such true and faithful papers as the -iSfnfmeFayetteville Gazette, Gold- boro McMenger, Charlotte Democrat, Milton Chronitle and perhaps others, hoi bnly "endorse his past management, but insist that he is emphatically "the right man, in the right place." The tendency to draw everything into politics, is one of the greatest evils of the age. The State charades belong pre-eminently to the people. They are too broad in their philanthrophy, too elevated in their moral purp se, tos Catholic in their beneficence, to make the trusts connected with them, the rewards of partisanship. In the name of humanity, let there be one little spot, where the politician, in character as uch cannot enter. Let him look on its w alls of exclusion, more hopelessly,! ban ever the banianed Peri gazed upon the barred ga'esof Paradise. And let that spot b the domain of public charities. Respectfully, Morganton, Feb 12, 77. C. M. Iook out for cold westher ani don't catch cold, but if. you do, n-nbing will meet the requirements of our situation as well as Dr Bull's Couih 8yrup. ISABKIEO, (n las- evening at ihe resi ii-nce uf Mr. C W R'te-s, Mr E B.van of Wilaiington, tv Mi8tSa!lie Ashnry of this city, Rev. A A Boshamer nflBc ating Al-o by the sme minister, at Trvon Pfret M K Chuich, at8J t 'clock pro, Mr. John Russell of Ches er, 8 C, aud Miss Clara l'ough.ity of this city. DIED A the residence of Mr, Sam'l P '-ldeil, in ihis citv, on the rooming of the 13th inst ,. Mrs. Charlotte Gmgles, in the 67th year of her at?e. - She was a sister ol the late Dr. P ' Odd well and Hon O W aid well, former citiiens of this place. Her funeral services will take place at the residence of Mr. 8 P '"aid well corner f 8 b anjrl.tA krets, this morning ihe 14th at 10 aVlock. am. Tbe friends of the family ae reqne.ted to a'tenri. The interment wil be at tbe old cemetery. FIM1CUL W "GOKHEHtUL TKLEGRAPHIC MARKETS. February 13, 1817. PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats and rye steady. Provi sions and coffee steady and unchanged. Whiskey dull at $1.09. Sugar quiet. Louisville Flour firm; wheat firm, 1 4ox 47 for red; 1 50 for amber and white Corn dull; white, 43; nikced, 37. Rye steady. Oats quiet and unchanged. "Pork 'firmer, I7al7 25; bulk meats fair demand and steady; 6, Si an-' 91 for shoulders, clear ribs and clear sides. Bacan quiet and unchanged. Sugar cured hams llial31. Lard in good demand. Whiskey steady and unchanged. Bagging quiet 111. COTTON. Gal vest on Qniet; iniddlings, 12J; net re ceipts, 2,487; sales, 361 bales; exports Coast W.se, 988. Baltimore Quiet ; middling, 12; net receipts, 165; gross, 335; salas, 220 bales; spin ners, 170; Coast, 125. Boston Quiet and steady; middline, 13c; net receipts, 1,657; gross, 1,886, exports to Great Britain, 2,287. WllaingnDui: and? fedfajftnal; mid dlings; 12; net receipts, 315. . , Phi;adelphia.-Firjn; middlings 13; net ceipts, 1,165 ; gross, 1.165; spinners, 198; cx ports to Great Britain, 1,212. Savaunah Quiet and firm; micrdling 12; net receipts, 560; Bales, 500: export to Prance, 1,484. . new Orleans Very Tittle doing; mid anngs 121; low-middlings. 1U; good ordi. nary, ll; net receipts, 12,888; gross 14 046; iea, u; exports to Great BnUin, 8,330 rrauce, l.aw, Channel, 1,315. - j t j ; - f -" i - . " M.blleHbliday, net xeceipls:, 711: Coast wise, 1,216.' i4--'" - M.'.phls-HoUdaj, net reeelpts, 1.915: shipments, 1,263. . " , . iJ?11 WJlialSnetW ceipts, 600; sales; 620 bales. 7 " v. Crlestoa-TJnchangBi; raid f lsfc; htt Mipts, 1,088; sales. 750; expert. Cotwise, New Yprk Cotton doll; sales, 329 bales; middling, 12Jal5c; consolidated net receipts, r 63.824 ; :' exports to Great Britain, 64,?S6; France, 9,092; Continent, 5,876; Channel 1,315. FINANCIAL; NewYerk-Moneyeasj 2Ja3; sterling steady ii, gold $t.05jai; governments active and steady; new 5's 101. FUTURES. Hew York Futursa closed steady; talw, .r0,000 bales. Febrasry, 12 13-32ajc. March, 12 29-32al5-16c. April, 1& a5-32c. May, 135-l6all 32c. June, 13 15-52lc. July, 13 x9-32ic August, 13 2 1-3W11- 16c r Bentember, 13 ll-32ai3 32c. ! October, 12 2l-32al3c. ! November. 12 23-3225 32c. December, 12 23 32a 25-32c Often. VJb.K OFKlC. Cai,ott, N. C, February 13, 1377. The Cotton Market. No decline took place in cotton to-day, trt.nsactious being too light to establish a ruarkt-t; otherwise a very nHiceabie decline woaid have occuned. The demand being m wxcebs of the suppiy buoyed tie market up; but the closing was weak with a perceptible downward tendency. We quote as follows : Lower Grades... tall ijw Middling...... 114 Middling 11 fcmed Middling 12 Receipts for tbe day, 111 kales. Receipts in all Ports, 23,928 bales. Consolidated, 68,324 bales. Stock, 877,035 bales. Anthracite Coal. New supply of the very best Anthracite Coal, which we will deliver at $9.50 per ton Full weight and quality always guaranteed. Orders left with Mr J Alphonso Ycung, or at Cotton;Coinpres8 will be promptly filled. Thanks to the public for past patronage.g2 I F E PATRICK feha RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. TO i. W. LOTUS' CASH'STOSE. Celling off at Cost all Winter G-oo'p, to make room tor frprmg biock. itead)-Madc flolhing Of the best quality ard make, at C it for lash. 11100 Yds Drsss Goods at 15 Cents. INSERTING & EDGING VKRY lOW NOTIONS and HOSIFRY the best quality ever otiered in this mar ket, at Cost. Only 10 pr Blankets Will close them out at Reduced Prices. Don't lose any time but come at one and convince yourself. an!3 CTTJST IUST -AND- FOE SALE LOW. COUNTRY BACON, PEARL GRITS, PEA:RL HOMINY, MAGNOLIA HAMS, CHEESE,CRACKERS. er, Ross & Jones. feb6 i'&U:- Millinery anil I ry Goods. ENTIRE STOCK -AT AIID BEL0V7 COST. . j. j. ' i : ' ' A S Assignee in Bankruptcy of Mrs Ai-L ii Bodfish I will selt tbe remainder of her Block at and below cost' to close out t : A good assortment of Genta'Futnishine Goods. All these goods will be sold at TEN PERCENT BELOW C08T. Cdecl9 trSR M OATES, Assignee. CHEAPEST TO t&SF 32 O L. SI S A 1L US in. s N E,W IRON FRONT BUILDING, TRADE STREET,, CHARLOTTE, feW4 Pay Your Taxes ! (cmmriice the lcw Year BY Distorts: Yeur My. ITNPLKAfcA Ta ihe t!-k is t me, I am i under the neies-sity of telling tti jeo pie ol Mtckienburg com ty, who have not paid their taxes tor the past year, and rrore especially thos w bo are in arrears for the year 1875. tl at i-uch taxes MUST BE PAID. I am requ rei by the laws of tne State tt turn over these taxes by certa n specified occasions By a strenuous tffurt 1 have been able to settle with tbe State officers, but owning to the large amount yet remain ing unpaid on the tax books, 1 have not been able to settle with the oounty Treasurer of the county. Longer indulgence will not be given me, and longer indulgence CAN NOT be giyeii you. Persons who disregard this notice, after a reasonable time, may expect to see their property advertised lor sale. M B ALEXANDER, jan6 tf Sheriff. Charlotte Institute. fllHE Spring Terms begins February 7th, A 1877. I be Academic Course embraces thorough instruction in tbe English Lan guage and Literature, in Geography, His tory, Mathematics, Natural and Moral Phil osophy, i;lea)istry, Asrronomy, Geology, Physiology, Evidences of Christianity, Ac. Unusual facilities are offered in the ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES Young ladies not connected with the In stitution can receive private instruction in any Department. Daily instruction in pencil or crayon drawing, $10 per term. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. In response to the wishes of parents who dtsire tneir children to take a complete coursr1, without chant:tn tbe svstttn of it -strnciion, the principal has orar.ized a Primary Department for littie children. They will receive special aittntion, and the charge will e $15 per term. Fur other information, epply to 11 KV S 1 MARTIN, fel2ff Principal. I. 1.. FiLLETi E, Has just o re -I a XBW H T O H . CN Trade Street, undtr the Central Hotel, old stana ot E J Allrn, Where be Iff s a Choice Stock of Fancy Goods, consibtit g in part ot Zi PhYR ' IR UI AFP. for la- up, (very stylish: ZKPhYR INFANT'S s H I L- 1'KENVhA' K, (very elegant); Zr.PH YK SHaWLn lart-and small; L.CE and SILK TIES. BLACK. H-Nlill-H RAPE WHITE and Bt-ACK ILLU SION. KID GLoViti--, Wriirn a d COiOKKD. Ac Ac Ttie.-e eoi:ds have all teen selected with treat crf an:i comprise Hianv novel- ii-s Apent foriheC-le rted BmircLcmlt Kid Gl.-ve. tht PaEIIA FAVORITE. jan31 lw Dissolution. fTHE firm of V adt- & Peeram is this dav JL rtio vhi by inu i al consrnt, and the bus lit ss will be frett;ed by PEGRAM & CO , wlioare atitbr s-d to sign tl e i ame of ihe briu ui liquidation. H. U. VVAUE, 8.8 PkGKAM, February 1st, 1877. CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersijinrd nave this dy formed a co-parinership under the style or firm of PEGRAM & CO., for the purpose of conducting the BOOT and bHOE Business in all as brancnee ( all" and see us at the old stand of Wade & Pegram. 8. 8. PEGRAM, W. W. PEGRAM. First Nat Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. feblO 5c Democrat and Home copy tf Sales Valuable City Property. T)Y Virtue of the power contained in a J3 deed of trust executed to tbe ondersizn ed as trustee for the benefit of certain parties therein named, by the late Thomas W Dewey, on the 7th day of January, 1870, I shall expose at pubuc auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday of the next term of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, be ine the 27th day of February, 1877, between tbe hours of 12 m., and 1 p m at the Court House dvor, the following city property : 1 The lot in the City ot Charlotte known as the Banking Houce of the Bank of Meck lenburg and occupied by the 'ate Thos W Dewey, extending fifty six (56) feet on Tryon street, and the same on Church street, and extending from street to street. 2 Also one lot in Charlotte in the North ern nortion of-tbeity, fronting on Graham street, adjoinng the property uf M L Bar r nger. 39S by 2)7 fe- t, comprising three tront and tnree baca lots. The latter will be sold in separate lots. JSsS- Terms made know on day of sale. F H DEWEY, Trustee. ja216toaw " ; Southern borne. Democrat and New North 8tate, copy tds. Raleigh News copy 4 times. Bills to be rent to this office. Watches g Jewelry, VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's. - ' WK HATE A - ' . V 3LiA3RGJS STOCK AND "WILL, NOT BE UNDERSOLD. 'OB- All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted. ; . ; jan2 BE FOUND IN THE SOUTHERN d FORDS FROM THIS DATE UNTIL 'IHE 25TH INM, 1 WILL TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, AT NEW YORK COST, AS MY STOCK IS VERY LARGE AND I WISH TO DECREASE IT. H. T. BUTLER, Near the Court House, SUCCESSOR TO MOORE & BUTLER. feblO SEED POTATOES, EARLY ROSE, GOODRICH AND PINK EYE. We can supply any quantity BEST & VANDEGRIFT. febl4 400 BARRELS NEW YORK APPLES, AT NEW BEST & VANDEGRIFT. febl4 FLOUR, MEAL. MILL OEFAL. Grain, Hay, Fodder, Shucks, &c, &c, BEST & VANDEGRIFT. feb!4 Baltimore Branch TRADE STREET, ADJOINING MeADIKS. COMPETITION DEFIED T V -0 In order to make room for my SPRING STOCK, I will sell, for the next thirty days enure Stock of, ' Examine Prices & Convince Yourselves j 7 AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK -or HEART RENDING AT- TIDBY-MRO'S. Some of these will mak to get them, and some will make yea weep li you aon't get tnem. -feb8 For Sale; I hi.- it . j-HJl A ITRSTCLA.88 ANSON HARDY PAPER -Cl-CUTTING MACHINE, Ploiigh Knife in good order. This Machine will be sold aat very reduced rates. Apply to or addres ftW OBSERVER, STATES, AT O SELL PEERLESS, at the lowest possible prices. YORK PRPOl 8 Clothing House. O- HIT Proa, IMPERIAL SALOON U "keeps constantly on hand LAUER'S CELEBRATED LAGER BEEB, . ...... , By the dosen bottles $1.25, : : By the keg $4 25. SWEET OR SOUR; CLARET, and OTHE - Z'i - DOMESTIC WINE3, by the dozen bottles $3 by the gallon PJ 5tf. . i y7.1?." 3 ER ON DRAUGHT. : . ' OPEN DAY; AND NIGHT. REAL ESTATE i -raaD Immigration Agency. FOR the sale of Land, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina , THOS F DRAYTON, fbl2 tf Chariots N-C. REMOVAL. THE undersigned taks this opporlanity to. intorm bis friends and' customers that he has rt moyed bis tailoring Estab liahment two doors East of his old stand on Tryon Street, where he will be pleased to wait on them in future. - JOHN V0GKL, dec . 9 tf. Merchant Tailor