taa--' ? .' fn-r Y - -VUAS R. JONEX r.BaEVABDMcl "Pree trom tlie doUnif crupie ht I fatter our free-born reaioiu!! ; Uons. In ait cases we require ine writer's name and address, not lox Bubllcatlon.bnt ' m agtuuantee of good Caltn. Viininnt niulw m AlrntlTnatAnAAfl . re- tarjfrejeVel ocmfeinnicatli)n8, no oafa yrTT id;i5liTittn in botk-slflett of in Bheetpf paper cannot be accepted for oublicatioB. t The Ohio State Enate has paired" a com ntt'sorr education bill. defender jof State-rinhti, appears as coca st ent as a t e an whiskey soaker deiirerioa lsctoreoD temperance. '. - has invented a glass eye that will not water t-tbe, 1ieyf4aarwLis ar A , aV.'auiiiiiu 14 aww The Springfield BepqbiicaAiays: "If be he would only bekere it', the lucky man Is the onf "White Unay be well for us to remember here- . hare along spoon. Pette'ng'il SaysnhafMlIefiAr "refuug XtpfrJ'JjBfwhjeni hechas 'any recolltction was a.shinjle in th hands of bis father. The tafree father, erBd sbiqghgsed to bold s equent comnnneftmeetinssiB tneeaea: shed, but tbe returns came in bo swiftly that i irWt tsefunt watimpractieible.1 - - ' To what length mr tbt widow co when ske desiiflll patieClfer hlbBildreii ? She may go one step-father. Worcester GHttev." - . -A. modest younc lady sdestring ,a leg of chicken atlbe table. said : ' I'lf Uke s the part which ought to be dressed in drawers I" A young gentleman ppo3ie ilmediately said: "I'll ntte -tBerfrwhfcfr ought to . wear a bustle !'!, Qarts-born was immediate ly administered to the lady. Gen Fitzhugh Lee, "Gen Joseph John ston and J&tn.H iTjlaury are menoned as . pof siblepresidentA of a ewtch mond cinb te called the 'westm'orellnd"" fts mem bes will be ex-Coo federate army and nary officeA and profeasiunal m-i of brains. PROTEBTS AOAINST EST A BLISS INQ FRAUD AS A PRECEDlilf I. thn1theP!rieirs5 TUdta' signed I tne elect'Tal mil, tney went into me measure in good faiih believing that the commissioners would act legally and! fairly and bring peace and bar mejiy once more to a distracted land . and a discontented people. It isn-ed-I less to-add, that thybave-' beea uioet : Wofu5ydl ceivedifj ihirMiopes. " In not one instance has a single one of the Republican com nfissioners- shown i theleaat disposition t"act in a just and impartial manner. A 1 of the.n are men of the highest intellectual powers and three pfiiieKtwubcr JuJg-s.if the Supreme Court of the United S ate. It was tben expected that men who knew their duty as eli as they, would .do it.uJV't, so. . The, epalen, tliat t Jutft so eqiially. hoWls has oten Weigh- e l down with sordid self interest and gold ; tbe upright and onei have been shut out and the holy of holies invrMy eekfigwth per, jury anu irauu ana upon wnoae gar ments redt the stains of almost every crime knywn to the moral law. Tue, sacred traditions of cur fathers aVid x the protests of the patriotic and good -arkie? dpflgi jDM .tfajdpled un CSelfo'ol, Ini did alfatiLf Iitfty around which clusters the nations glory and Vyidfj has been dosotTModttd-pttl Ifd down by lude ai0 irtptt - Shall the temple oMhe1! becoiW a dn for jnoney changers and thieves? Ujilii&iknMf4t usi tice had become a receptacle for stolen . goods and a refuge for the guilty. whose forehead is impressed in mdeli . 4 t)ldJbtfa3tfer Abel. Jiidewus letters of chair in of the' past tWtfiAXiiiP.tthHrrend ' Hayes say, "this is a compromise you - ' have made, and it is your duty to sub mit :4bra;;Va& Such an assertion is as false as hell , itself, for while the Democrats submit - vpmuoyBver i agreea to acce pt a ,. compromise in whidr FRAUD was the mo-tsCTir featrfe,Tnd liankTEIeav ": . fPlofehajeVnjJ cciptedfttW a .-ccrro promise. ProUsts against the it rmyre ringing from one end of: the Union to the other, and the anurv de ; ; nunciations of W$aiidf indig nant people areherd Wm Vshores' j of the Atlantic to the .Pacific. - The v cry goes Jup from the people that FRAUD shall not be established as precedent in this .country if we can nrAVAdt it. : .. TuiT..iui,ireofOni ' I A. majoriky "1 r MW fp"") v . , . . , ... - taken the matter in hand and instruct ' .ed the Representatives in Congreas to tave off tbe counting of theelectoral " Tote, if possible, unfil after ' the fourth 'of March and defeat the fulfillment of reatest'tcnnieyer 'attempted ' ll J!fil :nurnaaiberty, and .pular -right.. We are glad to see such -A.xhibttions of patriotism amongst the ' i r. it.ahov" that sense -ol id fair piay si'iii 1 A - ;ftW?thesacred r.iV3 We,s7ainless, patrT6t8 ..-.!. .- - . . I themThere is clause iatWwtitiH tion that ona of thf greatest bulwarks of .liberty andkBhait&otW interfered withuTbe w vww-. :-: . r I t disposition amontj, the conspirators seems to be to Iremove even that aafe imard from, liber v. : No later than ft few days ago" jdid " the ; grand jury" in mRiDgt$jf City at the suggestion of me conspirators uaicv ivou uc!J miililWrotenarticreHnhicll he saiij that JfeVaif appealingjto Ihe peo PJe not-t tke iassaasma ,(e too aDDeal to the' people not to-Jet, the spirit of justice and virtue die out and iTfce iVuOufiiSiC ta iT pgWer that is ftedJudoni iii . byTFaAD, let no stain rest unon our actions. We do hot appeal 10 ' conspirators and .astas- t 1 " fVf SHo aud penitt ttftries 8lik1kHttfta& foi e"m-w!&nly to liberty-loving and homst men. JsejtorJBf araxi Lieiaajrem speaic a W 1 - ing of the action of the- commission truly said ; ''They may defeat us; t but tbey .cannot-' disgrace us. They may bnna us mibfortune, - but tney can t brisig us into contempt." I mhe eVbtican I party jbascSiljbleh evervthine it could, and now intends 9 - to close its career by stealing the Pre; sidency. 1 TneiSloTM rurrii.lfttion of the WesterNQhlAroJw-Rairoad hasl.Erer Com ri ,1j Aw ifr-Af. u r, mission hare by their action dehber- passeaoota bwhwsbswjwwwmv. THE GEHEBAL ASSEMBLY HOETH CAROLINA. 0? Senioaiof 1876-'77. 1 t Conaaaied. from the Kaleigb Obaeryer t , SENATE. ' .'&' - H Monday, Feb. 19. The Senate! was-called to- order at 10 o'clock, Lieut. Governor Jarvis in the chair. calendar. 3Bill to anthariier Rutherford county and other rrutneipal corporations to subscribe trt railroad stojtk, was taken up id pacsodjits third reading. ' ' On motion of Mr. Coke, the vote by which the Senate refused to concur wnh -the ilc-use amendments to the coufejy government 'bill was reconsid ered." After an exp'anation of the amendments by Messrs. Coke. Robin son and Foik.jthe amendment were all concurred jin by the Senate. The Senate then- ! amended one of the amendments, providing tht.t a majori ty of magistrates -may abolish the office of treasurer; in which event the sheriff shall execute the duties now pertaining to tbat office. Bui to incorporate the town of lun- tersville, in Mecklenburg; county, was taken up and passed its second read- i Bill to levy a special tax in Cabarrus county was taken up and passed its trnrd reading. ! Bul to amend chptr 19o, private laws of 1874-75, so as to extend to Ca barrus cou ty, watt taken up and passed its neve a readings. Also re- lu ion to incorporate the Wf!8iern Milling and Miiufcturn! Company. P Pirflpofitions and; grievan ces. r By Mr. Moore of Mecklenburg: Bill to al w Charloite three consia hle. Judiriary. Bill to .incorbrate Hickorv Lodze F. & A. M.f at Hick ry. was takeu up and pa-sed its, Several reading. . B"tto autborfz the.Clra of the So prtim! Coun tof ad'nimster oaths was taken up and passed its several read ings. ; B.U t s'lh'nit to the qualified voters ol'8 ielby the; qia i n of prohibition or n prohibition, was - taken up and pai-aed. j Bil to amndj chapter 85 of Ba't'e s R 'vi-al (abi!isH-s 'he office of Warden of ihe Penitentiary and diminishes the piyi ol cr aii other omcrtrs,) was taken up ahd passed its several reaO iuga. i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MondiY, Feb. 19, 1877. -The House -.met aod fwas called to order at 10:30 byMr. Speaker Pi ice. PETITIONS. MrrHarris Treented the petition of rivzns offCabarrus county, asking a prohibitory lawn certain localities in said county. Propositions and griev- "- Mr. McCtibMns presented the peti tion of certain citizens of R wan coun ty in relation to the passage of a stock l.rr4postiogs and grievances. i By Mr. Harris; A bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within two miles of Cedar Grove 1 church.' in '.Cabarrus county. Propositions arid ' grievances. By Mr. Graves : A bill to incorpor- ate tne xaaicin Aiver .navigation Company. Corporations. ay Caie. colored ; . An Lact to ap point a minister! to preach to the peni en nary convicts. .Propositions and grievances. - By Mr. Wilson, of Burke : An act to prohibit tbe a)e of, liquor in certain localities ot Bqrke r county. Proposi tions and grievances. ,. ' ' CALENDAR. :. KThe bill to allfwfthe Citizens of Wa tauia cirtJnty tofpass free through the toiiga gates oh thef Ca dwefl and-Watau ga lurpike, in Caldwell county, was taken up and passed .its second read ing Under; a suspension of the rules, the bib was read a third time and passed. The bill to amend section 1, chapter 71, 1874- 7o in relation to tbe Caldwell & Watauga Narrow Gauge Railroad, was taken up ;and passed its several readings. ."'!.,- Tbe bill to amend chapter ,262, laws of 1870 -'71, concerning the obstruction ,of the a8sr cif fih aiB the Pee Dee. Yadkin andUwharie rivers, wis taken inn anA noaaeH tin nnvAral read in 'a. ! "f r m . ' ' ' A resolution j to raise a committee to report a bill j; estamismng a normal school for the. education of colored leacners lur me puuuvj buuouio ui mis state was tatteq up ana aaoptea. V i s - ' SPECIAL ORDER, a i - . , , l ' ? The bill entitled "an act to raise I revenue," was taken up as the special order for 12i o'clock p. va ' ' Mr. Vaughnimoved . that the bill be resolve itself into the committee of the whole, which motion prevailed, and (inncinoron . ;iH i,iuui..wnirji' ninnnn 1 ohiiim v ii ! ... i r i ... i . , j i r . - ' . TV A -""V' euergy- nis tnuaence: his prevailed, W AA-Y-t-iA. re r 1 sentiment, etc., and finally mAhin K Rowland moved that the Houaa riaVt.",i r.7 .nna h'ni , - - . . . . , ... y -ijSi; ,i I'-.;,: !HfWllhm; till 7J o'clock tonfght, Tjhich amotion till 71 vaU1 n !l,t iU;aU m,linn I air. 1DQU. CI AHuc. lllflVFU LU aUIUUTIl I NIGHT SESSION. J-l-,.-, . 7 o'CLoacpm. The House was called to oider by Mr. Sprite Priced, J- . SPECIAL ORDXE. TklMr.i'm'rt-f H.r'AmaA soldiers was taken up giving fifty do 1- lar to;au uonieaerate soiuiers wno bave lost an arm or leg. by reason of tneir service mine late war. ; r; ;-Mr. Davis, of Haywood,1 submitted ant amendment that the provisions of the bill shall include these who have lost a hand. Adopted. , . The bill .to prevent live stock from running at large in the j counties of uuniu. vftuauu uu uvi mwu wi i Iredell was taken up and ? passed its third - reading .by, a vote of yes 72: nays 4. The bill to incorporate the rolic county Nrrow Aiaoge Railroad Com pany , was - taken up and passed us third reading by a vote of yeas 70 naya none. . , The bill tcT4ncorporate the town of Denver, Lincoln "county ,was takeu up and pasbeu its ihifd reading. , The bill io-.HitefKl tbe corporate umita of thetownxffali8bury, jaud to amend its charter, was taken up and passed its third 'reading. , -Toe ret bin tion hailing? with Joy the decision of toe Electoral UOmuussien was taken-tm r ? Carter of BuncOmbe,'.oflered the following substitute; atelv' sanctioned fraud, aud have vio la ted the spirit and letter of the act constituting it ; and whereas the direct result of their action in refusing to in quire into the fraud of the Returning Boards, is to place in tne omce oi rres ldeut of the united states a person who has no legal oil moral right to hold said omce, r in defiance of the will of the people and in opposition to a large majority of the Electoral vote legally : now therefore be it Resolved, That the General Assem bly, of .North Carolina do enter its solemn protest against the action of said Com mission and the Senators and Representatives of North Carolina in Ct ingress are requested to use all-law ful mean?, confining themselves within the terms of the act constituting tbe Commission, to resist tbe inaugura tion ef the person attempted to be illegally thrust upon the people of the United btates. Hi. Carter, of Buncombe, and Mr Rowland spoke in favor of the substi tute. ! Mr. Williamson (colored) spoke in his usual scattering way in opposition to the same. Mr Todd, of AsKe, moved to amend by inserting "a majority ol the com mission." Adopted. Mr. Todd then spoke in faver of the substitute. . Mr. Richardson moved to postpone the matter and make it the special rder for Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, which motion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Vaughn, the House adjourned till I0.-30 o'clock a. m., to morrow. Not a Ray of Hope Greets the Eye. Probability that Hayes will Recognize Hampton and Nich9UsHi$ Southern Policy Discussed.- Special Dispatch to the Atlan a Constitu tion. Washington, February 19. There seenu to be no hop left. It was ex pected that Conkhng would .. DENOUNCE THE REFUSAL of the commission to receive evidence, and perhaps draw enough republican senators with him to carry the senate 4gisi. the decision. He was not in his sett all day, however, and that hope failed. THE COUNT WILL PROCEED rgulariy to morrow. Have counsel and friends, called on Grant to-day and asked him NOT TO-:- INTEKFEKE -- &- in Louisiana er South Carolina affairs, j but to leave the settlement of those cast-s to Hayes. Tni u understood to m-an that Haves will recognize the democratic goverti men ts, and wants to receive the benefit of such action. AN UTTERLY BASELESS RUMOR that Ben Hill had been stricken with paralysis created some sensation oat- urday night. it can now be stated as a certainty that the policy of Mr. Hayes will be aeciueaiy conciliatory lowara tne south. All tbe rumors point that way. mm uittke uu a ubo ux uruoi. xi la apparent that the republicans ARK DSPHESSED OVER THEIR VICTORY, and. by no means enjqy their , dearly bought triumph. fCbnsciwtis that they have won through a glaring and wicked fraud, they are hlled with fear that the people wii rise up in judgment on their usurpation and sweep their party from tbe lace of tne earth. The realize the fact that the prescrip tive policy towards the south has been already condemned by the country, and that to continue it under the present Circumstances. BOLSTERING THEIR WICKED USURPATION, up with brotality and fraud, would be crving folly, .'& . But they cannot afford to go into the next campaign with the solid south against them. Hence their policy will be to disintegrate the democratic party ! in that section, PLUCKING THE WHIG HEART out of it, and building a new southern party around that nucleus Mr Hayes will oiler at least two places in his cabi- i net to southern men old whigs, now working with the demacracv inf elrence t6 1 republicans, If he can get I them 'He will, besides this', fill morel important local offices m the south - ....... WITH i REPRESENTATIVE . SOUTHERN MM. who will satisfv the -communities in - g. which thev serve. I-, A" 4nHir.fi t T I I ."wwiiiis w ituHjiuitivoc, i ie count a conversation that occurred to day between the Hon Milton A Cand Her, of Georgia, and a prominent Ohio i icpuDiican -one who is authorized to apeaic for Mr Hayes if any man is.' He approached Mr Candler and asked him uj age OI , r : i " THeHON riEHariTTiff. v . Mr Candler informed him. when h WMqaestwned very closelv unou hi. i. 4 . uu ninK no wouw ac cept a hlace in President Hayes' cabi- set r - . f i 1. -.-.I. t J IJ 1.1.. 1 " ?JuJ"?vt 11BTCU ICHI n WAS TAiriV BieCLPU. 1UU they could no consent ; ; ! l" )k yinl.l ..i ......l ! . .-i ! ': V v 'A(uxriCWJBr a www aw" ; y He was then ssked if Mr Johnson would not take a place npon ' the su preme court bencn. air handler re plied that he wis not authorized.: to speak for Mr Johnson, but he thought lt.posHiDie toai ne mign accept r3uqo a position s that, in which there was no pwtisan meanwfe. and in tne Diiinror whl9:.P?.??"? 1?$ can DECLARED 1ST THE MOST POSITIVE. m ann er that Mr H ayes' policy would be to give the southern people, the fullest control of their affairs and git e them the best local officers that could be found in, the rauks of either ' party. aauioK mi wify ne aetermineato buitd up a respectable 'party in the soukii. )!. . '-. i. -A I think that the greatest confidence can be placed in this statement. . It is as near fx cathedra as any .such state ment can be. ' ' " The most important , effect that in suggested from l his policy, is i: . THE SEPEMPTI05 OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND . t LOUISIAKA, , It. will be manifestly absurd for Mr Hayes to hope to win southern tolerance and or By m path f , by' parreling out a few petty thcers, while he-all0d two southern states to remaio in the hands Of,,: . ,: M: : , ! . USURPING THIEVES AND SCOUNDRELS ; His firnt stf p,;.if he is in earnest, will be to withdraw federal vuppott from the Chamberlain nd Packard govern ments, when they will be go pieces m a giny, and people ot tne states win again take charge of their affair, thus giving us a solid south, as far as pros perity, and peace is concerned. WHILE DISCUSSING THE OREGON CASE to-day, Fernando Wood remarked to Jere Black, "I have a little confidence in the integrity of Judge Bradley." To which Black replied : 'Integrity hell ! I have, the utmost confidence in his infernal rascality." H W Grady. Digest of the Saprrme Court Decis ions, Rendered at the January Term, 1877. r TFroni the Raleigh News.J Justices of the Peace have no juris diction of actions founded in tort. Nance vs. the Carolina Central Kail- way Company. Carnal knowledge of a married wo man, obtained by fraud in personating her husband, does not amount to rape. Therefore, when B. was indicted for an arsault, with intent to commit rape on a married woman, and the court charged the jury, that, it he intended to bare conLection with her by fraud in per sonating her husband, be was" guilty Held to be in error, state vs Brooks. When A died leaving Uet will and testament, appointing a and U his ex ecutors, "with discretionary power to settle mv estate as they sha 1 judge bts for the interest of my heirs at law:" Held, that the executors hd no power tm sell the lands of the testa tor. Skinner vs. Wood. To confer a poer to sell lands un der a will, plain and express words are necessary or the puwer mun be im plied by imposition of duties on the ex ecutor, whih cannot be performed ex cept by sale. Ibid. A cierk el tne superior Uourt, ap pointed to eel! real eetate in a proceed ing lor parti ion, acts in his official ca pacity, even tnough he is not designs ted at clerk m order of appointment. And the loss of m ney c llected bv him. in pursuance thereof, bv beii.gsto en from a safe in whi h it was deposited, s an official default and breach of bond for which tv.s sureties art liable Oov t's. Bl.ir. An anwer wmcn sets nut ' mat no allegation of tbe complaint is true" is inftuthcient. It i neC'-sry that the defendant shall separately answer ea-h mate ial alleg ition wf th c-imbliint by a general denial, either of the whole allegation, (not the whole comrlaint) or bv a ape'iuc denial of s nie selected and specific part of tne! allegation. Hoyer vs. Beatty. In a proceeding bef.ire a Justice of the Pace unrter'the. Landlord and Tenant Act,, (laws of 168 '69, chap. 156) a defendant who does not deny having entered as tenant of the plain tin is estopped irom 'sotting -no a su perior title existing at the date or the lease or subsequently acquired from a third person. Ibid. . t In an indicti ent charging an ftsault oh a peace officer, the official charac ter of the assailed need not be avowed. State vs Bek. The violation of a town ordinance, even in the presence of a policeman, does not iecensarily give him a right to arrest the offender. Ibid. : In uch cases, if the policeman is not known to be an officer, resistance, with out the use of excessive violence, is 1 inatified. Ibid. - ' The Debate in Secret Session on the Florida CasE; l am told ny a gentleman who was present during the discu8ion in private session on the cse. that it was intensely exciting Now that it is over, I suppose there is no wrong done in telling something that occurred; - Thurman and Abbott had the discussion on the Democratic side Morton and Garfield on the part of the conspirators The parties in the , heat of debate gftt somewhat beyond parliarn entry etiquette, The three decpnt old men of the Supreme Court, who not only refused to inquire into the charere of fraud in the so- called electoral return, bat endeavored to so frame the decision as to recover in advance the Louisiana fraud, were told in rather plain language, that thev were regarding neither law nor 'qnity in their haste to srd their party. Judge Thurman said that he had some knowledge of law and no little exneri ence in its administratiOh "." and had no hesitation in stigmatizing the -finding proposed, as simply monstrous, should such prevail, he said, there would be no sechritv in any relation of life call ing for legal interference. C It removed a;l barriers to wrong and destroyed the very foundation of justice. CinciniatU F.S0ARR & CO Druggists & Apothecaries, ..'.i.u ' ' v :; ?--'-t 't,.. - x, , ' McADEN'3 OLD STAND. ,. , , , j . . , i ' -s J jar; A611NTS FOR bir." PBIO '3 CELE BRATED FBRFUMERYr JAQEEr BES AND ALlfi - . : , On draught, also in bowles at 125 t VtfsA w. Al OZAKX SALQC a NOTICES. . -;A Wonderfiol; Sceeaav:'?i hi It is reported that Boschee's German Byrup has, since Us Introduction in - the Unitod States; reached tbe immense sale of 40.000 dciaen per fear. Over 6.000 Druggists hare ordered this medicine direct from the Fac tory, at Woodbury, N. J. and not one has reported a single failure, but every-letter speaks of. its astonishing succsbs in curing severe t oughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of tbe Throat and Lunja. M e adyise ny person tbat has any predisposition to weak. Lungs, to go to their DraggistsT C8mitb & Co. and get tiis Medicine, or inqoireabout it. Regular sise. 75 cents : Sample ' Bottle 10 . cents. Two doses will relieve any case; Don't ne glect your Uougb. - ; . ' ,ll ) . ' I ' Prompt Relief, v'v- ' Those who suffer trom kurlgia, Bcia tio. or Mti8ctJiAB -BHtTJJiATM, can bave rompt and permanent relief. ' by usina KiUKALGti rrKciric, it is an internal rem' dy, and cures these painful affections, by correcting the naids of the body, a disor dred condinon of which produces tht- disease. Go to yonr drnggist and get a bot- le, it will, act like Maojc Those stiffened from t'ouoHS and roLDS so prevalent now. wiJl find in Mipicatxv IIomt a remedir tbar will cure wunout nan?eat ng or deranging the general Bystem Alt -druggists sell itrUi ? is i-u '. Vital weakness or depression : "a weak xha'asfv-,..feeling,'no energy or . courage therefbU .ol mental over-work dna t re- lions or excvws, or some drain aptiri the system. is always cured by tllMPHHlYw It tones op and invigor tea tbe sybtem, dis pels tne gloom and despondency, imparts trengtb; ana. energy, stops ' the drain and rejavenates the entire men. Been used 20 years witn perlect success by thoaanaa ioid bv dealers Price SI 00 per single vial or $5 00 per package ot five vials and $2 00 vial ot powder bent bv niwil on receipt 1 price. A ddiew HUMPHREYS' IIOMB- OPAT C MEDIC I NH COMPANY, 562 BKODWAY, NKW YORK.. may a Still a Further Re duction. I -WW continue to sell Goods privately, at unprecedented low prices until tbe whole fctock is disposed of. KM OATBS, Assignee of A L Bod fish f.b20tf 100 BARRELS FANfJ FAMILY FLOUR. Eyery Barrel Warrant d. J! Bsrwdl & Spriajs. feb0 REMOVAL. THE undersigned taks this opportunity to iniorm his friends and customers thai he has r moved his Tailoring EMab liHhiuent two doors Kat of his old sr-and on Tryon Htrect, where be will be pleased to wait on. t hem iu miure. JOHN VOGBL, dec 29 tf. Merchant Tailor J ACOB M. MENOEL t OO., WAcrAirrusKtw or WKOI.CSALX DALBErt IJf TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, TRADE ST iKltlii HARlOTTIt N. AT D, M. 1UGLE It S . Oranges, -Lemons AKD- A FP LE 8. CiNED PEACHES; PIHE APPLE, . TOMATOES, CORN, PEARS, 4e. Fresh Salmon, Lobsters aad 9 Potted Meats A LARGE ASSORTMENT of CRACKERS. Breafl, Cte and Pies Bated Dally. CANDIES of all kinds FRE8H and PITRB. Taffies, Cocoanut AMD Cocoanut Cream : ' . , 1 '' ..." . Fruit Taffey, Also Molasses and 8agar Taffies, freih every . day. foM7 Notice, nHR co-partnership hsretofore existing I under the firm name and style of Culp & Caldwell, naa been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the iste firm will be settled up by Harris, McLeau A Co., to whom all accounts niust be presented, and who are alone authorised to give receipts in payment of debts.. , ; HARRIS, McLK ANA GO. - Mooresville, N. O., Feb 21, 1877. feb2l 2t , , . , Mechanics Attention. " ' '. THE Mechanics of tbe city are requested to attend a -meeting to ' be held at tbe - Court House on Thursday even-' ing next at 7 o'clock to take steps, to or gaoise a Mechanic's Society, and to take into consideration the; condition of work in their various departments and the. remedy fir-the depression which exsa in evey brannb oUuain&-s- Air the techanica are requested to attend. , ..- ... . '. i SPECIAL L. FILEETTE, NEXT TO THE OLD STAND OF MRS B0DFI3H, TRADE ST. JUST RECEIVED m C O LLAK"S F CCE -ti A BCFE s . - HE I HAPKIECHIEFS. Swki Quite Few, ELEGANT B LA.C K S I LK S, , , ; - f ; ,t- ' v - -' -f . ' .- ty1:.-.. . V - - ' . - i,., -: -. ,-...r. .a ScmetbiEg; very Hands ii Daiisl Talle Clotns aM Naptins, SHET IAN D SH A WLS, ciob: GLOVE S, SCARFS, sct, tc. Will Sell the Few Remaining Dresses of Spring Poplins at a great-reduction, as we do not intend keeping Dress Goods. Full Assortment of Colored Tarletan for Party Dresses, feb!6 ' RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. TO 1 1 . LOTUS' CASH STORE. 8elling off at Cost all Winter Goods, to make room for Spring Siocx. Readj-Made Clothiog Of tbe beat quality and make, at Coat for Cash. 1000 Yds Dress Goofls at 15 Cents. INSERTING & EDGING VERY LOW. NOTIONS and HOSIERY the best quality ever offered in this mar ket, at Cost. Only 10 pr Blankets Will close them out at Re laced Prices." Don't lose any time but come at one and convince yourself. anlS Seeing is Believing ! ! T13B PEOPLE Are invited to scrutinize roy Stock of Gro ceries an i examine prices which will convince them of the JUL IE JRj I. T of the Goods, aKd the REASONABLE TERMS upou which thf'y are sold. My HAMS, SMOKED BEEF, TONGUES, AC., are purchased from that justly celebrated House, F A FERRIS A CO., NEW YORK, (A sufficient recommendation for all who nave QBce tried them ) CANNED GOODS, are of the best quality. As in fact are all my goods, and will be sold at LOWEST prices. Orders from a distance promptly filled. J DULS, Agent, Trade St , under Traders Nat'l Bank, febU R N. Littlejohn, Cotton aol Mnce Conilssion MercM. CHARLOTTE, N. V, . HAVING increased my facilities for Stor ing and handling Consi n m en ts, I am now prepared to receive and 8ell,ot store Cotton, Grain, Flour and all kinds of Coun try Produce i Shipments, ; however small, receive prompt and careful attention; and are sold at once or kept on. the market un til disposed of. Returns made;mmediately. CiUisignments and correspondence lolicited. Orders for Groceries and Plantation Supplies tided at lowest market prices,"" Office in Juo W HU & Go's Store, Ban ners a uiacKweou a Duuaing. CAROLINA Knitting Cotton SEAL BROWN t t i .: ' AHD WHITE in HANKS, Jutt Rtcslttd, by Barringer & Trotter. ebl7 ; " " V-- 1877i CLElTIt KlAGAZlIVE OT Foreign Literature! THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE ECLECTIC reprints from all the for Quarterlies, Reviews Magazines and Journals their choicest contents, including Essays. . Scientific, Papers. . Biographical Sketches, Reminiscences of Travel and Ad ventures, Tales, fitories, and Poems. The field of etei tion is vtry; Jarre, and it is be- j lieved that the Ecueno presents a greater variety and nigber standard of literature than any eriodical can hope to do that de pends exclusively upon home talent. J- "A knowledge of the current literature o f other countries is indispensable to all who would eep pace with the progress of tbe human miad -r and the Eclectic offers the best, and, iodeedr tne only, opportunity for obuining this knowledge within a reason able compass, and at a moderate price. . Among the writers represented in recent numbers f the Kclxctic are : The Rt Hon W E Gladstone, James Anthony Froade, Matthew Arnold. Charles Kingsley, Robert Buchanau, tteo McDonald, John Rnskin, Alfred Tennyson, 'Jhomas Hughes, William Black, Mrs 04iphant Thos Hardy. Williaia Morris", -Miss Thackeiy, Mrs Alexander, Profs Huxley. and. TyndalL JRiehari Proe tor, B. A ; Prof Owen; Dr vf B Carpenter, Max Multer, J Norman Lockyer, Herbert Hpencer, and others equally eminent. Be sides tbe regular articles in tba body of the magazine, there are four original Editorial Departments': - Literary Notices, Fereign IJterary N tes, f cience and Art, and Vint ties. :--:t, - With regard td tbe character of th selec tions, the aim of tbe Eclectic is to be in structive without being dull, and entertain ing without being triyal. While each num ber contains sovetbing to interest every member xf tbe family circle, it addresses it svlfptrticurarly to that great body of intel ligent readers who seek profit as wll as amusement in solid and healthful litera tures -f'' ;' ' :r Besides tbe 128 pages of reading matter, each number )of tbe magazine contains a Fine bteel Engraving usually a portrait executed in the most artUtic manner Txtfi8 fii.gle copies 45 cents ; 1 year $8; 2 copies $9. 5 copies $ JO, Trial eubscriptions for three motss The Eclectic and anv 4 Maeaaine to one l-addrcp $8. - Postage freft to all subscriber. Adreis ; E R PILTON. Publiaher. jan20 25 Bond Htrret, N Y. Dissolution of Co partnership. "PHE: Co partnership hretofore existing: 4 under the firnr name of 8ten bouse, M cauay:dt 'o., is dissolved by the aeath of Mr K Macmald" Mr J K t-iten house, who will continue the Cot'on business on his ..twn account, is aa t horiz-d to ettle The affairs of t- e old firm, collect the debts, aod sign tbe eid firm name in liquidation. 8TJS- HOrSE MA' AULAY 4 CO. February 5th . 1877; The undersigned will continue the Cotton Shipping and Commission Business on his own account at the old stand, corner of Trade and Colleee streets, where be hopes to meet all his old friends and customers J K 8TENHOU8E. febC tf Anthracite Toai. New supply of the very best Anthracite Coal, which we will deliver at $9.60 per ton. Full weight and quality always guaranteed Orders left -with Mr J Alphonso Young, or at CottonJCoxEprcs will be promptly filled. Thanks to the public for past patronage. F E PATRICK. feb3 QORN.OATS, PSAS ffilMOTHY and N, a HAY, UODDER, 8HTJCK8, 3 '.: M. - . I JTO 1 INDIAN ROCK LIME, v QEMKNT, CALCINED PLASTER, LAND PLASTER, 8 H INGLES, LATH, Ac, Ac For 8 ALE at LOWEST MARKET PRICES vt". - - t.W. W- WARD'S, CORNER COLLEGE AND FOURTH BTS feblO Aim- , Immigration Agency. FOR the sale of iisnd, and proTldins; homes in the Piedmont regions fN rtb and South Carolina. - TH08 F DRAYTON, feb!2 tf ' CharloUs, N. C. One by no the conf tltutional rights

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