25 a,.- t vum. Col P Dorian, late 'of the TJali, Cm(;7 Vina lnldtn1 it XT - . -- air jonn unnetmas, on or the oM. eat inoRDuanis oi xiiuaooro, is dead. The revenuers and sbTdieVsc'at) tured seventeen Btilla and some pr. oners in Yadkin county recently. Commander W A Kirkland, now on the iSouth American station, has been ordered bade thfIIfiitedJStlJes, for home servire. wr; Greensboro - Patriot: The State Grange has selected Greensboro as its permanent place of meeting. The Mc Connell bui diDg has been leased, and ii benttep ;ia.vaf The smoke house of a Mr North in Anson county, wai broken into on the night of the 15th inst., and on that day a party of gentlemen going towards Cheraw on the hunt of a strayed horan were ambiiBhed-and .fired. infar by . gang ot negroes supposea to be high- ay robbers, ( t' f B'rFO' Wilmington Journal: A negro man, George Washington Nelson Wellington,' lived with a colored woman tome time ago. He burrowed some mney from her. she being under the impression that he was to bestow his distinguished RErAlt MARKET. m Batter plentifa'. Jf? Chickens-uppij ,-23--lieht stactk 'Orahgw-s-sonnlv ,,2;jH AppJesNorthernl l.tft,, . . good stock. mountain, Potatoes..Sweer t-j-l v "iou, very few i : : , " - - ! "3VAitiA.AH . . i i n market n nHllJ 12141" 20a25 wn 'ntcirens. izto a vs 8wpt a t.Jii , 1 CatJbw 1 f.wai.Z5 1.50a2.2 Fbush Meats--. ' i i 3a5 Bef iv perl "VI Sib-. . 40050 From stores. 90ol25 45a50 25o30 20a25 I5a20 WILfflNGTON NORTH;, SEMI. WEEKLY A LINES. feah Pork, v; Sausage, un-luffed, Beeswax Hohet k In L and euphonious title On her-boughf FauiTs-Oranges;: pelrhuadr a license with the money and married Lemons. W another woman T"He has since been consigned to the circumscribed limits of the Penitentiary. -al2 6dl0 12Jal5 12ial5 10al2i 12iol 15alC U0a08 00a25 rtAr IK Strained. 13al5 SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Lernon,' "uuuw'; 0004 00 , B o!,i1reen fountain). 3.00,13 sn v lauuernes, per quart. Dried Appleslper lbT Peanuts, country, negton, i 20 4o5 1.00 2.00 Col C. J. Pride of Rock Hill has been removed by Governor Hampton from the office of Trial Justice and Mr. S. M. Fewdl appointed in his place. Gfeen,viJlelTfil viWf iJistrCSrs were brought in last evening and lodged in jail at this place. They were cupiured m the mountain country yes terday by Revenue officers, aided by a detachment of United Slates troops. When David Spry (the 'colored man n ho rtibt ed ei-Seiator Oweijs) as sentewctd by Judge Corpenter to five years' imprisonment in the peniten -tiary, he burbtout crying, drew a knife and cut a terrible gash in his neck, but without doing serious irjury. The Judge, who is a very-maWfrrof-fact sort of si mtbodyjejid jthitJhe Court was not otten treated to such dramatic scenes doubtless, it would be better jor me communny u some or them were more successful. Columbia . Oneofjlie mojtiianiufly heart ing accidents occurred Friday night, near Aiken, South Carolina, which we have been called upon to chronicle for a long time Mrs. T. W. Cowart, wife of a good citiaen Of Aiken County; was in her room, standing before a bureau-glass, dressing her hair before leaving for a party, when her little daughter, who was standing near her. puuea a pistai irom tne arawer aud began haridling it, when It -was aeci dentallydischarped, the ball entering near the top of the hip bone of the mother, inflicting a supposed mortal ound. 4.ugu$ta Ccqitftfytionqljst 18lh, QBOCERIES WHOLESALE. Bu4ter scarce am in dematd. !.b T LI r 7V. ionci, , votitsc, srnu mock recent advance. Bulk BALTIMORE. , frtuf e d South Steam Trans portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 3 FJK. AKD FRO WnjnWGTOlT WEDNESDAVAND SATURDAY. WCDWDiPAYS ? ... c- NEVT YORK". Clyde's XVilmiugtoM t.. ; from NEW YORK. J f and Friday at S P. w . AJTD FROM WTLMIiWOWl and, T t; si i V8 THE MILD POf IR CURES HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATH I C SPCirir Been in chh-ih use for twenty yeara. Lvery w here ii uvea "thT most SAFE, MIC At. and cines what SIMPLE CO.0- l HCIE f mwli- kno ii They arc insi CMmZXJm OFLADING to all point. Vbilriditivi. ? bound Freight, to Baltimore I "- --i wu, i iwTiuence, an Jiiver and other Kaster: time and mnnrv. nTMim .. . specific the well tried prescrip. ion r an eminent nhveiotan NOS Rnn. 25 25 LATEST MIVAL ,or E W 6 0 0 D 8 J.S.PHILLIPS; in M.jrlb ted JSotitn m . Hies. -ALSO Liverpool, Glasgow, Bronjen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. firm and indemand; ic Lard Hams, Breakiast Itripa, Clear &b SidesJ Shoulders, Hog Round. per lb lialih Hiol2 12al .i 12jaI4 12al3 16 17i 18J 13a20 31a33 Extra Leaf, Ordinary, Cheese -J n Cfactory,! Q - v Cream, i .. t selected cream. Butter : Country Goshen SUGABS. 1 jGrmta0'InBj ExC I Yellows Molasses New Orleans, fair f uotaeu LlritK (syftip; Black Strap, WW mocca, 40 Java. 35. Rin niMi vv.tv. uiccu, ouai.ou -TheBe TJnM nnnnont n nRI:. i ... - - Eailroad WUinWon W0Mn n D TK0 ,the Wilmington. Colombia & Aagaata River i!SS ral Railway aad CapeW delivery of PreiBht to aTl ZZT. De3.!led tec,lit for promp, ton stop at Railroad tenor thVpTt Z Ia "oes on mr&l m filming. No drav i w;f-,:" : V:?"" Hr8 morning. anteed TiW i: ZL"?LUZ Ta lo ler Wilmineto.. South all goodTvla WnminltoLreaT - ' r 7ercfa For fnrthof iVrnn..!.1 i . . STTvf mn;T,WPIIw euner of tae undersisrmd Rates jaid- r mmrt-ltf Agents of the Liiie guar-Mark EDWIN PITTOTPTl a t n VT V. . , , . luX. uouersfy;n Agents of the Liae. WM pTKtofllWWtaftS Baltimore. A D PAZATtV0 I' I New Tork Lice. 6 Bowling Green, N. Y. A. D. CAZATJX, Agent Baltimore ami Nw y0f X4nP,, Wilmington N U W. H. H GREGORY, Sol iciting Agent. i nfth If ied 13al3 12ial2J 12al2J lOiallJ per gal. to cl.oice, C0a70 44a55 50a60 32ia331 Murder at a. Georgia Dance. The Atlanta Constitution gne the following account of a fearful murder committed in rickens County, in that State: "A dance was in progress at the hou?e of Mr. Hambrick, ihfefathcr of a woman who committed ibe crime. It was con tinued to a late hour before this diffi- luiy iuBe,auu ir.e presumption is that there were circumstances occurr ing during the evening ; cat;ulated to disturb the feelings and set a. blaze thejealous rage of Mrs. Suthard. She went to her father asked him tn Ipnd her his knife, tie asked her what she wanted with a knife, and ahe "replied that she desired to go out and cut her a small stick for a snufl-brush, and so believing, he gaVe ' her'Jho weapon. Shortly after getting r3oBesion of the Knne, wra.buthard sought a quarrel with Mrs. t'owart, as stared yesterday, and in a few moments they engaged in Uowr and A. strtgghT iflringwh ich vunwmm) K I) IOT.U6 TlOOr. Miied. Fish Herring MACKEREL. ' ' Bbls (full weigh O 4 bbla Kits ? Family ft C. . Extra, Sajer, Buckwheat. Rice CLoice 8a8J cto. Mkal rer bnshel, Gbitj per bbi Gbais j. i v Corr by car load, In sack. 7 o-0 " " bulk, 62ia70 from wagrons in bnlk, - 60a65 Wheat From wf nrons. ; Wmm 50o51 per lb i '3540 10.50al2 00 6 756 50 ; l.lat 50 .1 U (-Dei bhl. 8.00610 00' 6 75a7.0 5.00.25 Ier lb. 4 uood to prime 7a"i 75a80 5.25 Seed wheat. wane, i 25 125 25 cts higher ' " I 150 1.40 60o65 55 1 00 Red. Oats White., Black Rr . PEA9 ' - - rare clay. i.00al 10 Mixed, QOal.OO at uncbopped Timothy, per cwt. .- 1 40 North: Cirolina, " ' f 90 bvt ' per sack uverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 Uround Alam ; J 25al.39 VIA WILMINGTON, NOETH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. Tins line being Wly eqripped for business 0ff nequaled facilities f iransDortation rf Trot WlISrI?S?1AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN8 CHALOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEV1LLE RlTH FRffn Rmm GREJVIIXE, SPARTANBURG, ALL AnOMON THE ' ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LIN E, ATLANTJ C TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N?C RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. nsrsTJjLisrcE -jstid rates for the 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation, 5 nS,r?rm Feyer- Worm Colic 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of In- fants i 4 Diarrhoea, of Children" 5 Dysentery Griping, Billions Colic! o Cbolera-Morbns. Vomiting 7 Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis,?.'...'." 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,.' 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver- rn 10 Dyspepsia, BiUious Stomach.... l wressed' Painful Periods,.....' 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods .. 13 CrOUD. Coneh. Diffinnlt R-u: """ 14 SaJtBheom, Erysipelas, fcruptioniA 15 Rheamatism. Khcnmoii, M 16 Fever and Agne,Chill Fever,Aeues, 7 Piles, blind or bleeding 1 ' 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak JB-yes, co Catarrh, acute or rh 20 WhooDine-Conph 21 Asthma oppressed g 22 Ear Discharges. imn.i ' 1 vi 23 Scrofula, aSlar-lSESdriOT. Allien 24 General Debility7phi3lcaV'Wek" ness 25 Dropsy and scantv Hpoiin 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from ridine K Klnon Mlr y-i . oi no " -j iooct;, urayei, 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary r).-o,D 29 Sore Mouth, CtakZ. ' 60 -'"""' eaKnes8, wetting the bed, 31 Painful Periods, with Sms,.".'.'."' 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc. 33 Epilepsy Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, r; "iia, uiueratea sore throat. S5 Chrome congestions and .roD tions, EAMTT.V PASPa Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual nf A ! Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5Z 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 00 00 50 MERCHANT TAILOR' and DEALER IN : GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAS removed to one of the New Btorea under the Central Hntel Tv.o receiving hi voir, w I 'C Men's Wear llUr,Ut-W1v?!?0,ot short notice' intf,." ZZJ?EZ - ner, cheaper than toe srS of Qs hare erer been oflfered in thialoarket. PUOPIiniY F03 SAID. A NEWLY discovered mlae at HaoUH-' a' tb A T. A O. BaUAMtf IS milea North of Charlotte. 8ald zniae hat b explored only p feet, and msay old and pEonoonea it very fink Abo Prof W O Kerr. ot RUdeh. Dr O l!rTwr? ti " colnton and Prwf Hanna, of Chariotta. hava seen the mine and or and pronouno. u ' very fin. ... .? i . : . . : "TT ' With theee rconuaenliloi and Smanv mote that could b hmntht n TTA thia valuable property foraal, inclodlnc between 70 and 80 mcna of land in imi aroondtaid mine, of which then an aomT 20 ot acres of valuable pin timber, hST mile from a aawmilL T- ? - Any one wiihing to tee pecimens of aai mine can do so by tailing at ow Ofioo- -lSt!S P All yloethK 'th. Fad fWakM i.e. , w w m w wwrzauu)n9 laann Shirts a Specially. goods and work most be paid for on deliv cit, as i am compeUed to do a cash busiuess. oct!7 PHJLUPB. June 17 H. A HUNTXS. Hnnteziville. N.a A LARGE LOT BAXLUOAO GUIOC FINE C, C. & A. R. R. GENERAL Pllshrvan timM . ChASLOTTX. dOLDmi Jk i. f Columbia, 8. C. Jan. 8nL. Tm I ,?nd Wedaeadar, Janoarr fcd. Ih following achedole wUl b eperaS m DOLLS ! MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY AND Leave Charlotte, Leave Granitevule, " Arrive at Angnata, 10.M p. ..; 8.14 a. i 9.00a.i $10 00 600 the GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA ANY COMPETING INFORMATION FURNISHED UlON APPLICATION DOMESTIC i3RY GOODST nn . i -i wo otner women attempted to help w.o pjuouaie woman to ner leet, and :is iney am so Mrs. Suthard rushed The general features of the Dry Goods market seeming unchanged, all brands hold- infir firm At thm rppsnt ncarui nkil. . 9 - w . w UU f flilC DUllb' aeain udod her. hd niit ntontr .;fu linpnarp sfiii ftniUar;n i M one bloir unrrlp tn fotikv.; i ' higher. i " I i yh i Hpvort r i m as . w iu. a i a t i ni? . -" vaia ci3 1X1 I wuVMW CLAV1 oreasi, opening most ghastly and horr ible gashes, from which the blood Howed in tides of agony and death. The crowd B-ood paralyzed with horror at the dreadful eight, and as the wound i woman lay in her death agony her murderess stood desperately at bay One of the men present finally recover ed his presence of mind and asked hat no one be allowed to leave the room until the guilty knife user had IZ Vlfia$ hereupon theliustahd ofthejeahvus tigress came to her re lief He drew hlajpiatol and threat ened to blow the life out of any man who laid hands upon her. The house was then and there cleared and the women were taken in charge by their friends. Sheriff Lindsley, of Pick en? is said lo have aberrant ,ior Mrs. fcuthard, her;hosband and Uier; father, and will use every effort to bring th'em tojustice. Ttt T . w-. ' f ." a AUNfEss lKATH. in a. recent u.uuHy lecture at the Royal Institu tion Prof. Tyndall, speaking of the PHiea8 aeain by electricity, remark- cu mat rraniciin waa twice struck enaelreB by the ah'ock.,, He afterwards cui me aiscnarge of two large jars through en robust men, who fell to knowing what irad 1 happened neither pv."8 "wr;ieenng we discharge; and rrieatly, too, who made many valuable contributions to electricity, received the charge of tW jars,r but did not find it painful. Prof. Tyndall said this ex perience agreed with his own, that, in the theatre of the Royal Institution, and in the presence of an audience, he once received the discharge of a battery tlrtV' Uftlik, Franklin's x men; he aid U6t fall, butike them, .,f.f!2 ?othlng; fae was simply exting uished for a sensible interval. This m7 be regarded nn .Tmt-i proof that people k tied by lightriing auf- SL.f clTty ,fmanJr thousand times greater than the measured velocity of sensation in the : nerves. Hence the frf rrl cn,cu"ipn reaches the cen- ire Of life Without anv nnaaiM annnn. SSense of f k 3 V . v-w aounaant 'evmence that death by a rifle traversing the brain is for th aom s.i without couscionsness or pain. A rifle -.., "owever, is a tortoise cc me electric flash. (Jobbing Hales ) Sheettko abd Shiktikqs Rockingham 4-4 Stan laa l Woodlawn 4-4 j " ' 7-8 1 3-4 Other brands 4-4 Brown and bleached drills 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbl'd 5-4 Pillow casing-' ; ' Pbikts r Free mans -i : . if-' ... '" Amoskeag J c -f ' American. Rubies and biue fp-Ke All ytner brands in propor tion, r Jeaks akd Cottokades Hillsides Lincoln ':f "Bncksbir Illinoia Truck for Trowsers Dazes Goods , r-r-v " None oat yet. i 1 ? Ticking Amnskeag A C A Amoskeflg A Lewistown. A t . WOBSTEB : . i 'V; 1. Corded- Alpaca's -r Amurei 8c 7i 6ia6i 7ia7J 9ialli 33a45 19a24 6i 6ja7 'i.6fcrr 8 WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Aet., Charlotte, N. C. ' sept30 R. N. Littlejohn, Cotton 8Uu Pretoce CoumissioD Mercbant CHARLOTTE, N. C Shipments of Cotton and all kinds of Pro duce sold to best advantage. Cash orders for all classes of goods tilled on acconimoda- Mug ierms. i Orders, consignments and correspondence j Office in L W Perdue'a store. Trade Btreet. fcn9 ly . Just Received Tfcese remedies are sent hv case or sinsie tn part of the r.nnntfv cliarjre, on receipt cf price. address HljHPHRjEYS' Rvmeopathic Medicine Co. Ofhce Depot. No 582 Broadway. N Y for Sale by all Dr..,.. ' V M1TB & COM Agents Sales Valuable City Property. 1Y Virtue nf . . 0. trusi execuiea to the undersign ed as trustee for thebeaefitof crtain parties : """w, uy iae late "hom w I? ttt it . t tt Uewev. On the 7th Hnv rtf To . v Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. LINE, AND JUST RECEIVED AT PTJREFOY'S, oorwo Leave Aurnata. Leave W. C & A Ju'n, aapperl Arrire at Charlotte, decl7 TRAVELING, PORTABLE NORTH. ft w . at MTrxm. lfcM a. 4.40 a. m. ACCOMMODATION A FREIGHT TRAIN, DAILY, Sandari excepted. GOING SOUTH. Leave f!h?-lr.ff Leare Cheater, breakfast nriuniDoro, Arriye at Columbia, S.16a.. 7.48 a. . 10 JS a. m. 2.00 p. m ' AND GOING NORTH, Stationary Engines, 8.00 a. at. 11.48 a.m. 2.2S p. m. e.lt p.m TO ill i WiW44 flm CLOTHING!! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT TAILOR, Opposit Central Hotel, Trade Street, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Has j received a splendid lot of Fine ,ffeh!a.nd Cassirnerea, which 1 1 " " " P"ces to sun tne times, and sauBiaciiun in stvje and lit ep!7 " AlcADEN'S DRUG STORE, f)f Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from &J the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and .ium Mass irom tne Jordan Alum Sprints apr8 -"4 13 -Hi 20a21 "24 25a27 19 17 15 20a21 22a24 Edward Gronau, M JW K U 11 A N T T A I L O R, No. 1, St. Paul Street, Baxk cr Baltimore Buildikg, " " BALTIMORE, MD. Can be seen at the Central Hotel, for the next week. aniwilLbefiieased to wait on his friends, and show tbem the finest lot of samples which he has ever brought to Charlotte. He guarantees prices to suitUbe. Mines; - feblfelw . (Wholaale Rata.) Bbandt Peach per gal 1 Apple Whisht Rye . Corn Wikbs If! t H 215 2 25 25o4 CO 65al-.75 Cliampagne, per basket .1 M Port f0' Maderia Scuppernong " Blackberry " Claret " dczzen Ale " ! leather: 2Q(Xki25,00 flo 1 50 1 0 7 60 2 75 2 75 compared ! f J OFFICR IJi THE NSUriA, feb!8W cr: DU: t P- D Hemlock, per lb . G D Hemlock, per lb. -.' Good '' L' ' ! White Oak StaughCper lb liips, " Harness, French Calf. 8user " nnrneHan "t! D & R ; " " Baunseville", 1i 21a23 2Ca27 30a33 40a42 Iil0alj25 J 45A50 65a75 : S5a37 1 75al 90 1 75al 85 1 Q0a2 00 1 65al 75 fTe tried in rain every Known remedy will leant of a simple prescription, KHEE B "Peeuj cure oi perrgns ubuium, .PfWMtnre- ewr,' test tonhoodv aad oil Idisordera linuubi on Jt ajccwaxM.'" Anr (AvIIoN A CO., 80 Kfeaeau 8., W. Pay Your Taxes ! fomiiience (he New Year BY- If You Want .Vi inue oausageor Tork 8teaa, Call MUo 1 a LLE R & BRO. a J -j-owm VOl HI til LHP Superior Court of Mertlonh,.-., ing the 27th day of February 1877 oetween i u . ''. . 10J 'owing city property : M.h.p v n aUtTo! Charlotte known as tne Banking Hnnswnfth. n-v lenbarg aqd occupied by the late Thos W cAieiiuing nuy six (56) feet on Tryon street, and the same on Church itreet -- -- ...i., uuiu o Licet w Bireei. J nej?' in Charlotte in the North- w-u ui ,uc citv. ironcino on Dto - '"ui -"v, jum.ug me property of M L Bar- fmntluL l-- , comprising three """" "vi uih) uatJt IOCS. lnt The latter wil1 be 8old in separate j Terras made know on day of sale. r H DEWEY, ja21 6t oaw TrQ8tee' Southern Home. Democrat and New North I RmTtra .f'ue news cPy times. i f iu tuis omce. boilers, amsT imxs, AW HIet WOOD WORKING MACHINES- TURBINE WHEELS, Leave Colombia, Leave Winnsborn Leave Chester, Arrive at Charlotte, AUGUSTA DIVISION OOTWn vmt v Leave Augusta, at 6 JO a. m., and at 11 a. ' Arriye at Columbia, at 8.48 ud ati.S p.m GOING SOUTH. Leave Colombia, 9 60 a. m,, and at 11 noon Arnve at Aoguata, 7.18 p m , and 9.10 Rons daily except 8undayi. The Mail and Passenger trains make eloat connections to all wrin. kt..i. . . Booth. Sleepine can am k IT.. train. 7 w utm JAMES ANDERSON, Oen'l Snpt, A POPE, jan 4 Oeueral Ticket Agent. liiiit Airaiiie BailwaT; BlCHllOKD & DlXTILlM, Eichkokd & DarviLLi R W., N. C. Dmaiwr, ao Nosth Wasrman N. O. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. i876.effect 00 8undy. ooiaa kokth Greensboro, Mam irm iaee, 49pm 901am " Burkeville, 649pm ltUpi Arrive at Richmond, 9Mpm 919a onr iootb. BTATIOys. j JKAIL, I XXHUW. , Mercnaots farmers! , Fellow . Citizens I H Wri? t atere, -th fie,d of INSUR. AvK. I :woaJd-inform those desirin? their STOCK OF GOODS. RMTnSwSS? Ac. secured against loss or damage by FIRE that I represent KKI.IRr.w v t (such as the LY OMING of M if' hi i ss:i,at,0 o' Raleigh, N. C.) and will S.V, ?1e 1 1 se"e them at REASONABLE KAlJtJ. Further infrkrniatinn t.i. fen,' p0fllCe at my 8ore- onder Traders National Bank. J DTTLQ. A at. febl4 ' Fresh Arrivals. t tr . . , 1 ""c juai receiyea another supply of "i nuiw, u,,e ueeB seiectea ex pressly to 8tit oar Retail Trade. I make it - mj seieci oniy reliable goods, Boch as l can warrant to give satisfaction . Snchas ttacon sides, shoulders, Hams. "Ufc"ri -bbs, "rge .Homi ny, unts, me New York Cabbam M n.Li oi voooage, canned Tomatoes. Ovsters A-Ll kinds of Farmlng and Plantation tn..JTl 4.1 vl- DBl&mi7 on Hand, at prices I to suit the times. i Office REMOVED to Sooth East Corner of Address "n Btrtet Second floor. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS. unariotte, N. C. (i ii Burkeville,' Dundee, Danyille Greensboro. " Salisbory, " Air-Line Tn, Arrire at Charlotte, Warn w 00 am s9pm SO p XL 701 pm vucpa IMpa 8 00pm Iiopm iota am li n am 2 29am jan3 tain and Sardines Goods delivered free to city. febe GREAT REDUCTION any part of the B N SMITH. IK- AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Disclarpi Yonr My. UNPLE a 8 A!N T as he task is ts me, I am onder the necessity ofTelfifig the peo ple of Mecklenburg county, who haye not paid their taxes for the past year, and more especially those who are in arrears for the year 1875, that tuch taxes MUST BE PAID. I am requ red by the laws of tne State to tarn over fbese taxes Jbyi certain specified occasions y strenuous eflbrt I have been able to settle with ' the State officers, but owning to the large amount vet remain ing unpaid on the tax books. I. have not been able to settle with the County Treasurer oi tne county, longer indulgence will not be given me. and loneer mduleence CAN NOT be given yoo. - - Persons who disregard this notice, after a reasonable time, may expect to see their property advertised for sale. ME ALEXANDER, jan6tf Sheriff. HEART RENDING R. S. Gould, Jr., w v v. I 1 .ewara, . J., would inform his w "icuua ana customers that he has this oan "gement with Alexander, Seigle & Co, whereby their friends. as well B nio a nrvt - .o vnu, wu ai, an timet nnd a fall as sortment of the newest styles of Cloths and Cassimeres, suitable for gentlemen's gar ments, to do made lo order in the latest oijio, ouu at reasonaoie prices. By calling and selecting the goods, garments can be tv naiueuiu It lew OSyS. Mr Gould returns thanks for th i;tw.' patronage received and hopes the same may ' vicBoeu. a e can De round for several days with samples prepared to take measures for garments at Alexanner, 8eigle febl6 lw M " aoiag east. eewe wan. BTATTOOT. MAIL. JtAti,, L'ye Greensboro. 0 56 am Arr 4 0 pm 3 08 p m L've S 06 pa fSMt?1' WpArr Uzfpm Act at Goldsboro. 8 20 pm L'ye Stan BTATIOKl AOCOIUf ODATXOB TaAUT Leave Greensboro, B 30 am Arr tftOam LweCoShop., 6 30 a m Lve 4 (Warn f"1? 03 pm Arr 046pm Arr at Goldsboro 11 SO pm Lye 215 pm CTTJ AT TIDDY & BRO'S. -AND- VVatche (JeWeJryi -vbryJlow at rt H a I esriS Fa r r i 6 rTs . TTK HAVE A LARGE 8TOC3K, AND WILL7 iNOTi BE : DNDERSOLD. All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted -t. "I '.'sv .! ft. , . jan28 ttf-Mlt Some of these will mut fn nall. 1 - ... , J " I 6" kxjcuj, auu lume win maae you weep u you aon't getjthem. feb8 FOR SALE LOW. COUNTRY BACON, Saleof City Proper- PEARL GRITS, ty in Charlotte, pi a pt ttami mv ON Monday, the 5th day of March, 187", I X U U IU A , , will sell at public auction, at the Court luffe-aoorin unanotte. mat valuable City - dsSS!.&5,tofiK.?lS MAGNOLIA HAMS, CHEESE,CRACKER& Houre doorin Charlotte, that valuable Citv A a v on 659. Terms One third cash, balance in six and twelve months. E A OSBORNE, Assignee Bank ofLMecklenbore. rebll marl -r- . Mrs. E. M. Moyer Mayer,Ross& Jones. U70TJLD imform the ladies of Charlotte 1 1 1 ana vicinity. that she has taken Lha room in the rear of Mrs. R )cNeiin mil. Snery store and where she would be pleased ee-her friends and customers, and wilt feb6' .100 Barrels guarantee a perfect fit. All she asks is to EARLY S081t 8EED POTATOES, at give her a trial. , MR8E M MOYIR. . -11.,, l.B B ALEXANDER'S. aw a. v J HAVE just taken Stock, and find I have more Goods than I want to carry, so I will sell one half off at C03T to suit the times. I will Pell a fine Silver American Watch for $12 00. I will sell Gold Chin i no . vTa.w a.-j dwt. Watch Glasses firtpH ntinrt--v, j everything else in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITY n nnnna v - WAua WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, AT J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY STORE, NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. R. (Salxm Bk Aires.) Leave Greensboro, Arrive at Salem, Xeave Salem, Arrire at Greensboro. 4-45 pm 6 45 M 8 15 a a 0 " rassenger train leaving Raleigh at 1129 a m connects at Greensboro' with the Sonthara bound train ; making the quickest Omm to all Southern cities. Accommodation train leaving Raleigh at 6 46 p m, eonnecta with Nortbem bound trains at Grwasborv tor Richmond and all points East Prtoe ot Tickets same as via other routei. - - Accommodation Train leaving Greeneboro at 6 0 a m oonnectr a GeMabcio witA Northern and Southern bound Traina on tha Wilmihgton and Weldoa Railroad. - iynchburg Accommodation leave .Rich mond at 10.2ft a m. arrive at Burkeville 1.46 p m, leave Burkeville 5 20 a m, arrive at Richmond 8 80am. :t - I uy ro x, No Chang-e of Cars Between Cialott and BichTnond, S tSUm.- - Papers that have arrangement to jadver use the achedole of this eompany will pleeea print as above and forward copies to Oenl Passenger Agent - " For farther information siTTfi'' i JOHN R MACUURDO. Genl Passenger Agent, jul28 . T BJcTunond,Ta. A.. T. & o: Railroad. STJPERINTEN DEN T8 OFFICs! ' ) - Charlotte, N. C Sept 80, 1878. j IMPERIAL SALOON 0telim ,22 keeps constantly on hand CHARLOTTE, N. C. ja21 LATJER'S CELEB2ATED LAGER BEER, bj we aozen bottles $15, By the kez fk.zo. ayjs,KV OS SOUR CLAR- -ETr and OTHER DOMESTIC WINES, by the dozen bot- 1 -tlesSSOO, by tbegal- , ; Ion $1.50. WINE and BEER ON DRAUGHT. ALE PORTER, BELFAST AND DUBLIN -.1 ' . nrffnvB JOSEPH FISCKESSER. febll 6.00 a. K. 7 A " s.es 8.48 - road; GOING SOUTH. Leave Stateevffle, " f MooreeviUe, . ' M D. College, . , Arrive Charlotte ? - GOTNO wnwrw Ive Charlotte, 8.45 p. m, 2 College 4J2. " Mooremlle, : . , - fj - -Arrive BUtesville, . , . : : e.S9 a ' All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offered for shipment to section House, Hen derson's, . Alexandriana . and Caldwll' - - These being '.'Flag Stations,". .the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight ' ' after it is unloaded at either of the aboU named "Flag Stations." -. rT . .No freight will be reodred byArenaior shipment unless the name ofeoasae and deatdnation is diatinctlj soarkei tZrtonT J 3 CCILSY, 4'