'J t DAILY OBSERVED Snnflay, April 1," lTT. HEW ' fy.l ii! l ' A.-l : '''-V' A'-.'"-: H'4r.l faUowinfi "is" the list last this morning 1DVERTISEMEMTS, of adver- t tisamants, which appear for : the i UJUt UM wa ammj t: 4 r t . . i- M Fraley Spring Clothing.7 H.Q.C.D. W.N.O. Charlotte tiotei. first WpiTtim. To-Day. For 1 Atlantic and Eastern Gulf Statu, - -. :' At - 1 Tr 77 . .u.- V.177nSfee ana.iru unto rey, ina ttortinets and rain,xvMh touthwest southeast faindsand jcMng.oarMcter v and tfatfonary or flight rite in tempera? , . r;ture?fdt!owd Hn'fkt' wsterripprtion lf ihe Uh& uuy wring emnwyvniww t W colder northerly 'to westerly winds and ft' 'i3 LiJlLbJL.- ' -M ! IiOCAIi DOTS. Yesterday was a very quiet day for Saturday. The days ofpionics and "jiggers' are w. aewiy,!opoii,.us. , - And now the voice of the turtle dove is heard in the land. Rich tine Easter effrs was the fun o among the boys yesterday. ThA tizz oir the soda fountain will r K soon begin the land. gibing in the Courts yesterday ex cept a little sueing. " " The Hornets Nest Riflemen and the Cadets' of the C. M.I. will parade to ,., morrow. . . . . f The L & D Club meets to-morrow, .; (Monday) evening 'at the residence of Mr BBSmith. More kerosene lamps bought yes ter . day than for, many days. ; Rise in the ' price of gas, you know. Y. M, C, A. THE FIGHT FOR LIGHT. Meetings of Messrs Hall and Cree Work . tr the Association. -' - The consolidation of the two gas Companies which have been dispensing The Young Men'sChristianAss'n meet fwAwnra oaf . . nnraaaa :n ings held under the auspices of Messrs q hag fumished the iiaiiana Vreeareiocrcamxig iu tllArnt fAr ftn atninat nnnvpri The Conference . meeting yesterday morning and the. Bible reading in the ;Thefirst n)tice afternoon, were dow weu aiienueu uu sation within the past forty given eight of an proved of a very interesting .character. kne advertising columns of The Obser- xne principle meeung oi me oay and before ten-o'clock on that day however, was the union mass meeting little: else" was talked about, among at the First Presbyterian Church, at 7J business man. The impression seem PM. A large congregatipn was pres edto ,revailthat in thecansolidation of ent and all apparently took a deep in tne two companies that the peop le terest in what transpired. were in the-hands of a monoDolv. : After the usual opening services! We believe if the new Company, had delegates from Capel Hill, Ealeigb, the I stated the actual reasons for the con- North Carolina College, at Mou nt I sohdatien, and such other facts as Pleasant, and Due W est College, made I might have safely besn given to the pub interesting reports of the work of their j lie, that the opposition would not have various Associations, the .difficulties shown such a bold front. Those who which they incountered, Ac. , After this have been using the Centennial gas Mr. Cree made a short address on the at one dollar, could hardly realize that importance of the work' and success ajump to five dollars could be made which had attended the etiorts ot tne with any show ef justice. The cost of rganization for good. the production of gas was discussd at The appointments for to day's ser length, and the question was "raised vices (which aDDear elsewhere) were 'what is it to be done ? Hesides a t i then made and the congregation was street rumor that the two Companies dismissed. had consolidated, and that the price of The Reporter obtained from Messrs gas was summarily advanced, nothing TToll and fire t Mlrtwinfr iniftrABtinir Was JtnOWn. LocationoftheNoraalColoreiSchool- 4 T3 "D X TVT" f fT T? A "T Got Vamce Requested to Act as Del- J JlT . JLV JL , Xl, " ' JL , J-1 ' , -U-i . Smith. & PorlDes, facts concerning the work of the Asso ciation in the United States : " The past year, while one of unprece A meeting of the Chamber of Com- mevce was called and not a few of the members got off a quantity of gas dented disaster in business circles, has n ""s gaseous, question. j.ne action been one of unusal activity in Christian of the Chamber took definite form and AsRftoiation work. The International shape, by the appointment oi a com- T3vn. nm?r- from orfnllv mittee to confer with the authorities of prepared statistics, ehow that not only the gas Company, as published in this has there been a very healthy growth PP yesieruay morniug. xue iuhow in the number of associations, but all S letter was writen to the President over the country they have been Un- hf the gas Company : ususlly active. At the last Convention hakloxt, v,., mwu ou, . 5rht hundred and twentvone associa- a VAKSo, x-sq., rres i anoue tions sent in detailed reports, an in whether or not some compromise in the reduction of price cannot be effect ed and report to an adjourned meeting of this body. Without being authorized to sneak either for the Chamber, or the Com mittee, 1 believe that the consumers Gas Co.. Charlotte, N. C, crease of two hundred and sixty-six Chamber of Commerce, held at their over those reporting in any one year, ball tbis eveniDg, the following pream- A coat of naint has done much to Those failing to report would swell the ble and resolution was unammeusly imnrnvA the old huildinc iust above the I prand total of organizations connected adopted : f- - - - - io I tr . rrn, ru nu- i Charlotte Hotel. with the Executive Committee to over I " ".u iuiwvuiuu ui onn rini. I i.uuu. .Moiwunsianuinir tuc uusiucm ,n i.r i n H 111 u A' JJALllUBl . Ul M M lUklUU V I I I.I IH IIIH.1 I Lll in . M S I llll IH I IH1 III leeeis in the cityi and Iwill preach at depression,ixty buildings are reported rai8ing the price of gas, and thinks it . F It -aia. i i a. At nn nno I mi iZ i i the Second Presbyterian Church to- clear oi aii aeDi, vaiueu i,9,iw, wm do Duraensooie to consumers, and building lunaa aadea mamng me . x-.-i -I... Zt . i:. Resolved, That a committee ot five Tt. Mnr ci'H.t. fnr Mftvor lotai T,UB Jiwpi-jr, m,mh- ftf .h4. nh-mh h-o minted ad Aldermen; we would like to know of librarier, furniture, etc,, over $12,0(X),- t the proper autnorilies uuu. iiiic wuubi ciucuoco vi kuo o- oi iuc uew company, 10 ascertain sociations for the year amounted to about $450,000. Cue hundred and twenty general secretaries are employ ed, who give all iheir time to the werk. The aggregate membership of the As sociation is about 100.000. Over 10.000 letters giving men were furni&hed with employment will be willing to pay a fair price, and the coast, in jm;n th .r Twontwan stat. to the end that the matter may be . . . , ' . discussed, I have tne honor to ask yeu and provincial conventions were held to fix 8ome time pl&cej WQen and during the year, at which 416 associa- where the committee can confer with tions were represented by 1.517 dele-Lthe proper officers of the company, in . . 1 J . . U I .x -T 1 eatea. Nearly all the States have State re5"u. w w mwwr. iour eany executive committees, which act in v . r. t Chs R Jones. r company is very fine. 1 H ? ! f' mittee. and many of them employ effi- Fer the Core, mittee. A " The Charlotte fiotel has1 undergone cient State Secretaries. The following was received in reply a complete metamorphosis since f it J ; The growth of associations in the Chaklotte, N. C, March 31, '77. nosaed into the hands of. the . DreserftlSbnthera States has been very marked. Dear Sir We will be pleased to meet Wrnnrietor. It is much imnVSred in all At the time the visitati.n f the South 1. committee on Tuesday morning rrv: . ; . .: ' I at. 1 n A Al.r. A M ntth nffina nf tha ill appointmeau. -; ,, y i ana est was unaertaKen oy tne corn- Mr Walter Maffitt and family have mittee, there were but three associa- returned from a visit toWilmington. "ons south of Washington; they now Like ererybody els who visits "the number almost two .hundred, and p.!tv hv the sea he was charmed with I many of them are very! active. Some ' i i . m - . the hospitality-and kindness of its peo- of the State organizations are very representing tne siae ot tne uas torn nle. " efficient, and the future success of the Pany I ' I w : r t i . . The bull froff sintreth and is hannr association cause in the South is assur- amtobs ubsbevbb :-in explanation xa9 duii irog singem ana is nappy, f i of the recent . ct;on ftf th ( vm because he is no loager afraid of being cu panies, I deem it due to the consumers bulldozed inta his hole by the coldness I During the year the work among to state that it was done to save our and infilemennv of thm weather- for th railroad men. f whom there are ROO.- atOCBlhOIders trom any turtber loss in w w.,.w. - w I - - - ' 1 1 r. - i ri t . . WiWIW'tfWMtja .d Sg ii 00pmp!o7d ,pon over 80.0M mil,, SS i&bi. puvuug oi ii gr oi gren. i iijf , um..uwu lueasuraui bmu- production. In the last two years we I cessml. Keadinc rooms and railroad I have lrt. thnimnnrta nf dnlla th W8Bf7fl" r f . , n"on. associations have been established in benefits of which have been reaped by We were misinformed as to the time I mm? m th mf imnnrtant. ra;iroi you. for oriranixiojr a eolorcd .EDiscoDal Unt n;.w,n.K.in.,M We have made no "ring," nor formed rrt. i C i irnL ' s r iiJ-' t"uu"v"v''" any "combination" to extort irom our Church.? .Xhe meetmg for this purpose this year with the co-operation of the customers anv more than a fair nrica Requested egate. In Thursday's Obsekveb was publish i ed an account of the proceedings of a meeting held by the colored citizens of Charlotte, for the purpose of sending a delegate to Raleigh to confer with the State Board of Education as to the location of a normal school, for the education of colored teachers. .. ' -There appears to have been some dissatisfaction at the proceedings of this meeting, which was probably i created by the fact that the notice that uch a meeting would be held was net extensively circulated, and conse quently there was not a full represen tatior of the colored people of th'e city. On this account another meeting was held at the Court House on Friday night. J W Gordon was called to the chair, and S A Waugh and C W Ches nutt were appointed Secretaries. The following preamble and resolu tions were adopted : Whereas, There was a meeting held in this city, to elect a delegate to the State Convention to be held at Raleigh on the 10th of April, the proceedings of which meeting did not meet the ap proval of the majority of the legal colored voters and tax payers of the city, and Whereas, ihis meeting is called to reconsider the proceedings of the form er m eeting relative to the location of the normal school for the education of colored teachers, therefore be it 'Resolved, 1st. That the proceedings of the said meeting be and are hereby declared null and void. Resolved, 2nd. That as the election of another delegate might create hard reeling, we send no delegate to said Convention, but that we request Gov. Vance to act as our delegate in said Convention, and to State that we desire the school to be located at a point as near the centre of the state as possible, which is easily accessible and conve nient, where there is a healthy moral tone, and where the expenses of living will be as small as possible, always ex cepting the city of Raleigh, which we do not consider a suitable location. After which the meeting adjourned. 1.8,77 12 High Street, Boston, Klass.. and " Trade Street, hartotte, K. V. yB are now receiving in our CHARLOTTE HOUSE, a fall line of all grades of BOOT8 and 8HOE9. Faying ictr'ueed ( u BOOTS and 8HOE3 in the 8tates of North Carolina, Soath Carolina and Georgia, with success beyond cur expectations, we batv re csntly established a house at Headquarters, NO. 13, HIGH STBEET, BOSTON, MAS?:, which will enable as to fully con pet t n). other Jobbing Houses North, and to extend ear trade into other States. ; . ; f We sell only by the case from oar BOSTON HOU8E, and all orders forwarded there will rcceire prompt attention, an'4, if irrf.r red, be shipped and billed direct. The former reputation of our CHARLOTTE BOU8E, onsu-pisseJ in tbePonthf.-r the amoui t and rariety of its large Stock, shall be maintained, and we shall constantly keep on .hard in both booses a full line of a' I grades (. BOOTS and SHOES. Having made this arrangement we have no hesitancy in going into large towns or cities to show oar Goodi feeling assured that we are able to give to prompt paying customers as good te.nas as any other house North or South. We solicit your orders or personal inspection to either of the above houses. TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, and 13 HIGH STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS marl !day" how many suitable men wa have for "Can't afford to burn gas at $5" said . the family man. , "Well, you needn't expect me to do any work at hight 'X then,' said a member of the family. ' The fish dealers have t accounts of storms Von 3 consequence of which they did not re ' cei?i the usual supply of fish. . Of the first .twenty men of the Char lotte Greys who had their measures taken for the uniform, only four tell under six feet. The 'physique of the harmony with the International Com - Company, ' JasHCarook, Fres'tCG. L. Co. Col C It Jones, Charlotte, N. C. The President of the Company re quests us to publish the following as will take place at the Court House to night at 8 P M. The services will be conducted by Eev McKenney, colored, most prominent country. railroad men in the for the article we propose to furnish There is no place in the State where rosin pan is used that does not. nav 0m. .1 W"J Deacon of the Protestant Episcopal in vn- .n f ii,..!,,- itnM.. i iti ainn.rir, ?w i C if JJmted States and sent healthy progress, and -will be pressed P tnojigand fett i. the lowest figure jxoui -oy ine rreeamen e commission of Hnrinb- the, at wnicn can oe iurnwnea. 1 0. . ,t nrnnonAil nTrancAmonta nr A new feature of association work perfected by the stockholders of the has inst hen iindrtalrpn hv Rn fiftoltwo companies, rosin gas will be furn a a Uu A Ij' Vaka . v. JL nic uiiwHuu uij, tuc JEHicuuiiTc juui- i Irros t U. G. Li. (Jo. mittee, lonDe !Coiored young men or The following paper was circulated tne feouth. A most hearty indorsement during the day, and as will be seen oune wore was given py tne Virginia! pledges quite a number of consumers Mr OTA W A at s A vi mm M am S-vM v I i . o asixteen "column 1 wwciu, " t0 uiacentinue the use ot . gas unless weekly paper, bearing the above title Prosccuieu wl:lD eTcrJ Pr08Pecc OI BUC" there is a reduction in the price : UHABLOTTE, jx. u., March au, '77 We, the undersigned, in consequence Matnmenlal. . lor the recent eras monopoly and ad that church. . Ifev ttS'Bronson will address the : meetingron ' the : relations of the Pro. testant Episcopal Church to the colored race. All interested are invited to at tnd -f H iA,fei' t-er .f . Th9 "CharlottB Advertlisr " . J 'I hnirl ini!ifiii7. made iU MWarneOeterday morn' ing. It is ealtedf and published by Mr Harper J . E lam , a printer in the Owiivia office, andj Mr. Jamesl At Vogler, proprietor of the Charlotte Job Office.y:ItIJs r strictly ! an advertising j A,eea 8 othce, we nni tne list tor Marcn uon by said combination of the two MnHi' mi.A ,:li j:--:-j I smaller than for any menth in a num gas companies now manufacturing eras - . : i ir - tcTM t l , at i i . r i . I In looking over" tee .list of marriage Tanie jW.1" same, nereny pieage iV . . - .. . . .1 ourselves not to use or consume any Mwuwiiuu ,vuo ivcBiowci ga8 manulactured for sale or conaump contains a considerable amount of y, wnen . tne; numner oi demands of the times. reading matter, which is eotten un ml licenses issued was the samej There is This agreement to be iri force from young men who-Faveltin chargl are , , tever e?e may geplemb;rr -Perdue J. A worthy - and Tfidiigtrious members of 08 8a?-?I'lu.a-mie M ??n 6 68 Elliott, J WKem ley, Thos Beeres. Field r r"- vv(ito an iiUc , : encouragement, thwayof I "t g patrpnige necessary."' to' insure its success. " " - ' -. its success. ToDays Services. : episcopal ana - Uatholic churches to . .day. The Easter, Festival of ih Rnrt . " day School-of rthe Episcopal Church . will Be held at 4:30 P M . . efellewingare the appointments for the YM C A -meetings to dav a meetmE"PllyVforfthe members of s , the Associatioa at . 9:15 A .M, at tho First Presbyterian: Church: a general prayer meeting at the Methodist at 4:45 , P and a unioh'meeting at the Second Presby tTrxaSatySOTT ' V-" No preaching ini the FirsC Presbyte', t a is Jfresbyterian churches to . day. Sunday schools aa tioiial ; i " EeTjrLatitoerfills the pulpit of the Eecond Presbyterian Church - in the morning ighter The following are the names of per sons to whom licenses to commit mat: rimony were issued during the month just passed: - f ' " :; C. ;r, f ; . whites. - M E Beaver to Conelia Flow.. ; Wm L Bigham to Annie O Kelly. , Thes H Beatty to MenervaC Terrell. son, Spencer & Allen, Jno Brookfield, J Moyer, Kyle fe Hammond, J Lindy, R M White, Hoyd Overman, W J Black Myers Sumrow.Lone & Bro Alver. Koss & Jones, Smith & Forbes, Brown & Co.. J M Mendel & Co.. J T Julian. S T Black, K F Huneycutt, Kaufman & cro., Tiddy Bro., J S Snafer. W B J aylor, F U-Andrews, F Scarr & C.O M Fraley: G W Chalk & Co.. JM Sims F H Dewey, R tN- Littlejohn, John W -.,vr- ..w--v.-w. narrow: VV M I rnwe ,M.HrVo Mulcr. , ., , h s. . ' "s - I Wilson Bnrwftll Pptho V Snmnor T? Aleck Caldwell to Francis Sloan. Ezekiel Morrison to Sarah Caldwell. J ohn Boss to Comfort L Alexander. Emanuel Gibson! to " Harriet Wed dington. ' . Joseph Little to Susan Smith,; -Albert Bowman to Julia Still. ' , Albert Davis to Annette Hunter. Calvin Walker to Harriet Johnston. Samuel Cooper to Harriet Gaffoey. unarlie 1) Dickson to Addie Killian. 1 23 cents; large siss,.r50ients. - ! B Alexander. C Eoedieer. Walter Brem & Martin, except light at desk, T C We are informed that quite a num ber of other consumers will add their names to the above list, if the figh continues. T in the ; meantime we sup pose matter will remain in statu quo I1 11 ' i . . uuuu me Meeting reierred to above. The poor and humble, alike with the rich una powerful, find in Dr. Ball's Cough By. van trm -xA w.A - - i . Mecklenburg Presbytery a9 Is now in session at Wadesboro, hav ing convened on Friday. It will pro bably remain in session till Tuesday. The pastors of the two churches in this city are in attendance, as is also an elder from each. Gen WLT Prince, who now resides in Wadesboro, but still retains his connection with the First Church, represents it, and Mr J Alexander went from the ' Second Church. FINANCIAL ABB COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. March 31, 1817. PRODUCE. Baltimore OaU firm; prime Southern, 45. Eye fancy ' and actiye, 72a75. Provi sions firmer quiet and unchanged. CcSee nominal. Whiskey better, 8ai. Sugar fairly active, 1C . Louisville -Flour dull; extrs, 5 2ia50; family, 5 ?5a6 25. Wheat scarce, firm and unchanged. Com dull; while, 42; mixed, 41 Rye quiet, 75. Oats firmer; white, 40; mixed, 38, Pork quiet, 15a 15 25; bulk meats quiet; shoulders. 5; clear ribs, 81; clear sides, 8 Bacon quiet and unchanged. Sugar cured hams, lljt J. Lard firm; choice leaf tierce, 10aJ; do keg, 12. Whiskey firmer, 1 04. COTTON. Galresien Holiday; net receipts, 364. Weekly net receipts. 1,770; gros?, 1,786; ex ports Great Britain, 7,008; Coastwise, 3,418; stock, 47,692; sales, 4,277. Norfolk. Quiet and steady; middlings, 10J net receipts, 493; sales, 50; exports Coast wise, 93. Weekly net receipts, 2,955; sales, 575; stock, 11,514; exports Coastwise, 2,313. Baltimore Quiet; middling, 111; grass re ceipts, 79; sales, 95; exports Coastwise, 50. Weekly net receipts, 322; gross, 1;873; ex ports to Great Britain, 578; Coastwise. 756 stock, 7,08.1; sales, 1,385; spin Deri, 545. Savannah Firm; middlings, li; net re ceipts, 478; sales, 1 400; exports to Continent 775; Coastwise, 1,579. Weekly net receipts, 2,720; exports toCor. nent, 1,616, Coastwise, 954, stock, 29,425; sales 3,200. New Orleans Firm ; middling, llj low middlings, 10J; good ordinary, 9i ; net re ceipts 1,629; grrcs. 1,728; sales, 4,000. Weekly net receipts, 14,459; gross, 15,896: stock, 219,273,'sales 16,250; exports Coastwise, 2,489; Continent; 2,210; France, 11,318; Great Britain, 4,597. MoDlle Firm ' middlings, lOJall ; netre ceipts, 87; gales, 1,000 weekly nei leceipts, 2,026; exports Great Britain, 8,941; Continent, 413; Coastwise. 739 stock, 52 584; sales, 5,500 ' ew York Holiday. Cotton Exchange closed; net receipts for the week ending yrs terday 937; gross 6591; sales 7543; stock 270.39S consolidated net receipts, 3,672; exports to Great Britain 3 93; Continent, 775 . THE BALTIMORE BRANCH G Xj O T H I U G- H O TT IE . TRADE STREET, ONE DOOR FROM TRY ON FINANCIAL. New York Money 2Ja3; sterling higher 4J; gold 4a5; governments actiye and strong. New 5's, 101 States quiet and Bteady. Bank Statement : Loans increase i mil lion; specie decrease 21 million; legal tenders increase i millions; deposits decrease 2 millions; reserves decrease 12 millions. OBSERVER OFFICE. Caltt, N. C, March 31, 877 The Cotton Market. We can note no change in this market to day, the dosing being bteady at yesterday's closing quotations. The foUovnna Quotations are averaged jrom prices given by a mujurity of the cotton buyti$: titained oiaiu Tinged 10i"i Ordinary - 9JalO Good Ordinary iut ixw Middling 1019$ Middling lOiai Goo i Middling H Receipts for the day, 17 bales. Receipts in ail ports, 3,672 bales. Rtock, 724,147 bales. Ten Cent Column. Advertisements will be inserted ii this column at the rate of ten (10) cents per line, far each insertion. JSo advertise merit taken for less than twenty-five cents. Eight words make a line. A NICE Room'and board, corner th and College streets. Apply to marSl 2t N LITTLEJOHN. HARD CRABS for sale by the dozen (Saturday,) at the Lunch House of mar30.2t L W PIGOTT. FOR RENT The Store at -mint tccn pied by Keith, Walsh A Co. maril tf J L MO BEHEAD. ROOMS TO RfcNT-beverai good rooms in the Springs building, at reasonable prices. A B DAVIDSON. iaod tf FuK SALE A comfortable two story Cottage, with six rooms, will be sold to a man who means business, on easy and ac commodating terms. Lot 99x198 feet, capi tal garden, good well, kitchen, servant's room, stables, and other necessary out houses. Property well improved and with in five minutes walk of Independence Square. For information apply at janUtt T"LS OFFICE. AT. & O. Railroad. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, 1 S.J. Charlotte, N. C, Sept 30, 1876. and after Monday, Oct. 2nd, the J following Schedule will be run over this road : GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesville, " Mooresville, " D. College, Arrive Charlotte, GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, " D College, " Mooresville, Arrive Statesville, All charges must be pre paid He 6.00 a.m. 7.21 " 8.03 " 9.45 M mi offered for shipment to i 2 45p 4 32 514 ,. 6.30 " on Freight action House, Hen derson's, Alexandriana and Caldwell'?. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for loss, or damage to freight after it is unloaded at either of the abote named "Flag Stations." No freight will be received by Agents for shipount unless the name of consignee and destination k distinctly marked thereon. J J GGRMLEY, oct I Superintendent, A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL EARLY ROSE POTATOES. $5 PER BARREL. Peerless Potatoes, $5 a Shi. GOODRICH AND PINK EYE. $5 PER BARBEL. Brought from New York and Guaranteed to be Genuine and sound. Northern Apples at a small advance on New York prires ; 500 bushels White Bolted Meal, at 75c; 500 bushels No. 1 Seed Oats, at 65c; 20,000 lbs Shorts, st $2 per 100 lbs; 20.000 lbs Bran, at $1.50 per 100 lbs ; Sacks included in 2,000 lb lots ; 40,000 lbs N, C. Hay at 75c per 100 lbs; 20,000 lbs Maryland Timothy Hay, at $l v5 per 100 lbs ; 20,000 lbs Shucks, at $1 per 100 lbs ; 20,000 Fodder, at $1.25 per 100 lbs. Of all kinds and in any quantity, supplied on short notice. call. Don't forget to BEST & VANBEGRIFT. mar8 KAUFMAN & BRO., LATB OF BALTIMORE, Will Open their New Store at the Spriugs Corner, In the bonse formerly occupied by W. R. Butwell & Co., CONSISTING .OF ALAR G E AS SO R T M K N 1 roF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS A Uo, a Large Stock of LADIES', GENTS, MISSES AND CDILDREN'S BOOTS & H OES, OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, WHI-'H W WILL OFFER TO THE PUBLIC. AT WHITE CROCHETED SH AW LS, v tx AT- si? ALBJIillVrDEIR, SEIGLB fiSCO'S;: mar2S PRICES TO SUIT. THE TIM Call and satisfy yourself before purchasing elsewhere . -1 t 1 . . , - ; Don't forgef the stand. s. mart HEATING STOVES AT COST. TO MAKE ROOM FOR A. LARGE of COOK STOVES. I WILL SELL ALL HEATING 8TOYES FOR WOOD Afl.D COAl, A T O O 8 T . .H:;L BUTLER, Near the Court House, SUCCESSOR TOJMOOKE & BUTLER, mart