Th OlcLBachelor. ; An e'd bachelor is a man Who violates God's holy plan ; a nd lives a very lonesome life I , j 4 Too stingy to support a wife. ! ' 1 - He has no little children here, i To meet and call him papa dear ; Nor the smiles of a loving wife , , To cbeer him through his weary life. ; He liref, works and toils, all alone, i",' ; Yes for heirs that are not his own ; Who very oft; -will weep and sigh; And say, ancle will never die. And when to the grave he Is borne, ' He has no children there to mearn,.. Oniy jast his nephews and niece Eager w tear his will to pieces, " j; , On the Bridge of Sigha. f , .r tf i BT ELIZiBKTH BT0AKT IHELPS ! rhancetb once to every sonl ' W?hin a narrow hoar of doubt and dole. Upon Life's Bridge of sighs tostand, , Tpalace and a prison on each ; hand." Oh, palace of the rose-heart's hue. How lke "VT'jr the wam hght falls from you. . .- Oh, prison "with 'the hollow fires J Beneath your stony stare no flowers arise; Oh. palace of the rose sweet sin Bow safe the heart that does not enter in. ui..s nr'siTi wills ! how true The fnedom of the soul that chooseth you ! - STATE NEWS. Col Jere Holt of Alamance county is dead, iged eighty. wt- Dr Jame Davie, of Salisbury, in a letter to the Raleigh Observer, claims to be the inventor of the telephone, which he more than ten years ago named the "Phonetic Terepraph." Rev Dr. Haygood, President of Em ory College,' Oxford,-Ga. will deliver the literary address before the Greens boro Female College, on the 30th of May, and Eev. E. A. Yates, of N. C. Cenference, will preach the annual sermon. There will be twelve gradu ates. . ... :. ', : Salem Press: The Moravian bury ing ground at present contains 952 craves, and taking into consideration that it nas Deen m ensicuto wioi renturv. the number of deaths in our community w, comparitavely speaking. small, showing plainly that, , for a heallhy location, fcalem certainly ranks among the first Raleigh News: It is stated in this citv upon good Republican authority that Gen. Robt. M. Douglass, United States Marshal for the State of North Carolina, and Virgil S. Lusk, Esq., United States District Aattorcey for iV,o Wuttrn Tiatrift. nf Nnrth Carolina. ntios. It is stated that toe reason tor this is the fact that the bearing of these two officers and their, .subordi- nates towsrds persons charged witn li- licit trafic in whiskey -in the West has been such as to brine the Republican nartv into ereat disrepute, and that for this reason tne administration has de- .1: 1 1 termineu to mrow mtm overuuaru. The stockholders of theTayetteville fc Western Railroad met at Fayette- ville, unanimously reelected Colonel L. C. Jones President, and elected MefisrB. A. A. McKetham, E.J.Lilly, .Tnhn T). Williamn. A. P. Hurt and H. T. Scanlin directors on the part of the stockholders. Col. John A. UUmer, the State's proxy m the road, named as directors on the part of the State. Messrs. P. F. Duffy, and C. P. Menden- hall of Guilfore, L. D. Mclver, of Moore The .directors of the ' road held a .: v, w a Cfnimnn T?. ixiccbiug nucu xi. a, uiicuuiau, I was re-elected Treasurer, and John M. Rose, Esq., Secretary and Auditor. Tramgare now running on this road from Favetteville to Egypt. Chatham countv. The ; road has been craded three miles . beyond Egypt, towards Greensboro. The distance from the present terminus to Greensboro is 55 miles by direct line.. Acknowledged. Chemists and physicians say that Dr Price's Special Flavoring Extracts are the porest. They are daily increasing in popu lar favor. Housewives who desire the most delicious flavor in their cakes, paddings! and pastry, will get it by using Dr Price's .Extracts. A. W. LOYN8 JJEW SPRING CALICO AT 7Jc. JJEW SPRING CALICO AT 7cl. JJEWSPELVG CAIICO AT 71c MEWT1REAM AT 71c. A TEST STYLES AT 7c , JATEST STYLES AT 71c. T A TEST STYLES AT 71c ' A. W. L0YNS vi.v i- 16 ' ' i . . : 1" HAS LOWERED THE PRICE TO SUIT THE LADIES AND TIMES. ; The Best 5c Cigar in the city, at T C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. " aPr6 -"' Spirits Turpentine BY the Barrel or less, at ' . T O SMITH'S Drug Store. ap:6 . .. v -.v.- Pratts Astral Oil 18 perfectly safe odorless water white try it in your Lamps. T C SMITH, - -Agent. - St.SO'WiUBuy 1 AA CIGARS, at 1UU T C SMITH'S Drug Store. apr6 Wood Tooth . Picks JOE aprfi HOTELS, at . T C SMITH'S DRUG STORE, Pure .White Lead "LT LOWEST PRICES,' "DA1XY PRICE CURRENT. . RE TAIL MARKET. ; , Batterscarce and In demand. - f 1 Chickens supply limited. ' ' Eggs plentiful. . " . Potato-Sweet, warce; irfah, Northera; full stock. -'. Apps-scarce. Oranges small stock. &UTTXB " ! ''hcotry,(23o25 . . , 30a35 Goshen ."400 U"BTV From wagons. From storea. Aur.eyB. , Wa70 , , .90ol.25 Geese,. t 30a40 45050 Ducks. . " 20a2S - ' oKrt " Guineas, 16al8 12008 lOoll PoTATOS ' ' 30oS5 20o25 12al5 ; V: bushel,100al 25 1.80ol.60 ... IfMh,. l.aOol.50 1.7SO2.00 vauuage, - . Beef, " -V . Veal, , - Mutton, ' Lamb, -- J - Pork. . : Sausage, umtuffed, - ' 1 Sausage, sturTed, Tallow . Baaawax-..-,;.,,-...: .. Hojnx ; .;. ' In OomK 3a5 per 1 8at2i 19? 12iol5 16al6i O0o08 00o25 1 per id. Fbuits Oranges, per hundred, totrainea, xsaui I50o4.00 k m I riemons, &SSSiSSSSSSR v-rauuemfB, per quart, 20 1 Dried Apples, per lb 4a5 reannts, conntry, - 1.00 Wilmington, 2.00 GROCERIESWHOLESALE. J Corn, in fair 'demand. Flour, fair demand. Sugar, good demand. Coffee, firm with good demand. Salt, dull. Buxk Meats I 4 Clear Rib 8ides, , Long Clears, Shoulders, Hams ' 8 C Uncanvassed, ' " Canvassed, La as , Best refined tierce, " " half Bbls, ' Buckets dt Tins, Chkesk Factory, Cream, per ft 9a9i 7aTi 121al3 14al4 12i 12ial3 13al31 15t 16 17 22a27 29a32 Selected cream, Butekk ... . . Country Goshen "7tw 12al3 12ial2j llial2 llial2 Granulated and crushed A Ex C Yellows . - lOall per gal. 55o65 44a55 40a45 Molas8K8 New Orleans, fair to choice, Golden Drip (syrup; Cuba, Black Strap, 30a31 M . OnJii 50a51 FlgH Herrings, per box per lb. 25a30 mackjlkel. Bbls (fall weight) 9.50al0 50 9 uuia Kits, -r lJL5al.50 Fioxjb s a 1 ' ' '"' per bbl. ; Family, ' ,8.00al0.08 ' Extra, 6.757.50 ,u RrC1-ch01ce 7,a8 eta, Goodto prime 6a7 MiAi-per bushel, 67a72 Obits per bbl 5.W Gbaik i ; Corn, by car load, in sacks, 70Jo75 P . , " bulk' 68 62o65l Whiat Frogons. Seed wheat, White, 1.25 Red. 1.25 Oats White.. '' Black HT ' eoaoa From 8tores 26 eta higher 1.50 1.40 00o65 60a65 1.00 PEAS ciftyj l-25ol 30 Mixed. ' ll.0ol.l5 Hat TJnchopped Timothy, per cwt. 1.35 North Carolina, I SAtt per Liverpool, fine table, Ground Alum 2.25o2.30 1.15ol.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Though quotable, there is still little change. - Dry Goods have manifestly weak ened. x (Jobbing Rata.) Bhxrxhs abb Bhtetiiigb Rockingham 4-4 Standard 7e 7ia7 7 6a6 Woodlawn 4-4 7-S 3-4 Other brands Brown drills 7ia7 9al0i Bleached 8iall 10-4 Sheeting bld and unbl'd. 31a40 5-4 Pillow casing" 18a22l PBnrrs Pawnee ; s Wamsutta v v r r Freemana ' " Sprague & Kindred brands Other good brands; JKAJTS AHD CoTTOJrAM8 6a61 5o8 61 6ia7i 00a7 16al51 York Wittenden Oriental - Le in bach & Co i. ..Darco . . ' ' Lincoln . Table kocks - Ermine cloth Daies Goods-' " Carded Alapacas Plain Lustres ... Lawn's Pacific Parse Plaids Percalls ?14al5 16 22 12 15al61 22a24 30 ii 14al6 18 14a20 12a24 JPequets Tickiho Palmer Oakland : ? Conestoga . - 8a81 121 14al8 WINES AND LIQUORS Ample supply, lighl demand. Wholesale Rata.) Bbahdt ' Peach per gal. '. 'T ''. Apple ' 2 75 2 25 1 25o4 00 1 65al 75 xivasx.1 .. . Rye It - - . Corn , ChiimrAinie. Der basket. 20 00a25 00 . - ' Sherry , ' t gallon, ' Port.' 4 " " 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 1 50 7 50 2 75 : Maderia , " 8cuppernong " . , . Blackberry " Claret " doasen ' Ale Porter I 2 75 LEATHER. . ,P D Hemlock, per lb ' G D Hemlock, per lb. 1 Good j- - , . ' - 21a23 26a27 . 30a33 White Oak Stanght, per lb 40a42 1 10a! 25 American Calf. -' Sides,' . " Kips, -" Harness, French Calf. Suser it it i t 45a50 65a75 35a37 1 75al 90 1 75al 85 . " ; Cornelian" J " D&R M 1 90a200 Aim have tried la rain every known remeor will 1a. - ni. nMUrintimi. f RES tor tbe needy cure of nervous uebtutr-. J prematnre decay, loafc mnncH. wi u 111 F R E I mLMTOH NORTH SEMI-WEBKLYa Fast MeM Rome .. to BAXTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trana- , portation Company. . , Sailing from BALTIMCBE Tuesday and Friday, at . .... - . . aim non wnjcnraTOH 3 FBI. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GIVING TH BOUGH BILLS OP LADING to aU points in , North . and .South oarouna, ueorgia ana: AJabama. For Jforth Philadelphia, NewTorkJBoston, Providence, . - -ATJJO 1 " .-.a.,- . " -..-.el." Arl-v.l'.X; .'.-j--. Liverpool, Glasstow, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Lines connect at Wilmin&rton with River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, , , uuiiuKmu a tv ciuuu ikaurunu. Uv..,vij ui icigut i,u an puiuw, u tuc obcamers on wieee xdnes on arrival id w uming-1 too stop atBailroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars hwithont 1 delay; and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. - No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Rstee guar anteed as LOW m hv all goods via Wilmington Lines. J For fnrtber information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen'l Agt. Baltimore Line7 60 Sooth Street, Baltimore. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agt. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, U. Y. A. D. OAZATJX, Agent Baltimore and New York Lines, Wilmington, N. 0. W H. H C. C. EBISIPil'FCIHI VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business," offers unequaled facilities for the . . s nn . t a . TTi ' v . xramspuruiuuu WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO I GREENVILLE SFRTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLAliTAik KlCMMOWl T4SriiBissiSJS & OU1C4, ana w jasxiitiN jn. tJ. , RAILROADS, as well as all points in " " ' GEORGIA1, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. IISTSTJ A TTOB JJSTJD BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA TIME AS INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. Bept30 Just Received McADEN'S DRUG STORE, C)r Cases Buffalo Lithia Water, fresh from AJ the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water ; a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs apr8 Watches 1 Jewelry, VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior!s. WE HAVE A large sTacas: AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. J All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted. jan28 JUST ARRIVED AT RIGLER'S. A FINE LOT OF NORTHERN APPLES, I PREPARED COCOAKUT EUREKA CHIPPED DRIED BEEF, PREPARED COD FISH, FOR FAMILY USE. A "TV I I . I U f ' 1 ., r Of all kinds, French and Home-made. AFPIES, &C PRUNES, DATES, PIES fresh Etuij ln- ustr- fJANNED'GOODS. PINE APPLE, TOMATOES, PEACHES, SALMON, CORN, GREEN rEAB. ... aprftt A r real i moaio. -ir. A LARGE LARGE supply ot ruiUJii iiiwwjis. BEEF. PORK WnON f n4 VEAL, ays on hand at lowest market pnces,-at supply of NICE TENDER J3L always MOSTELLER BROS. maris Np.ur l.iiiiilifip anil -Wnoil Yari inn xjuiuuuA ' umi4 ii ; imm- afdhntloTi hand Shinsles. Laths, Lime and Wood, WhiCh thev will sell at lowest market prices, whole- Illl?:n , -tb ricvan. sa:e or retail. CMIOLUTA LI1IES. 1 - all Peiils . Soitk ,m,. East. ' ' NEW YORK, Clyde's Wilminffton Liiu from NEW YORK : : Tuesday and. Friday at, I P, jn. j - Ain tboii1 wnjmiaioir -'' -:ji - WEDNESDAYS andS AT V 11 DAYS or East hound Freight, to .Baltimore Pall Eiyer and otiier Eastern Cities. Bremen,' the Wilmington, nnlnmhia . Anmnta buu . jiiruiuiH ummi iu4hwhv mxtn it nr r offering unequalled faculties for the prcpttsicatarSaCTtTorS OREGOEY, SoliciUng Agent 01 xreigm, irom AiK-LLNJfl, ATLANTIC, ANY COMPETING LINE, AND GTJICE. UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilrnington, N. C, T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Dr. W. W Gaither, OFFICE IN THE INSURANCE BUILDING. All orders left at Wilson AfBurwell's drug store will receive prompt attention. feb24 lv ' i n 1,1.11 Till III T.ll f 1 1 I I T ,C. S. H0LT0N Invites the PUBLIC AND HI8 FRIENDS TO; CALL and EXAMINE HIS FRESH GOODS. Di WAIT AO nBAUnPC! TJPADO ijAflAfliiU UlLftlluM,' I MiiU Apples, Grapes, CanM Best ani Cained Fmits; TOO NUMEROUS TOjMENTION. Dried Beef, Bologna Sausage AMD G Ii e e s e n Alan "RnmomVinr ha "RATfRRV with BREAD, CAKES and CANDIES at Whole- I sale ana retail. u b rAUiiiun, AT THE RISING SUN, Opposite the Market. mar27 ? CO B M 1CKH9EL,; A.BACKSABXXS JACOB M. MENDEL A CO., KAiruTACTiraias or VC X Ok j5L. 3Et S . WHOLBSAXB DXAUEBS IX ' - TOBACCO, P SNTJFF, PIPES, -AO " 'TRADE ST, CHABLOTTE nTcT ocUS , - -t . Just Received. Jr- CHOICE Mountain Buckwheat Flour. An ' Extra article of Home-made Pickles. i Also northern .Barrel Jricaues, and juatuig Onions Another lot of Salt inlleta. 5 10 gallon Kegs New Prime Tar, i at - Also Northern Barrel Pickles, and Eating apr5 B N SMITH'S. Remember i - r.- . i' t y , .-' . i. I aUU JUB KUUTS JUMBi! WMJCU u, UUCaUM D -uTitad to come to get good articles at the lowest pnees.; n THE HILD POWER Fl JCURES . H U M PH R EYS ! f r 1 nOMEOPATniC ' SPECIFICS Been In genera lne for twenty yearsi Jbverywuere proved the most SAFE," fclMPEE ECOSo MICAI. and EFFICIENT medi cines known. They '- are-J usi what the people want, saving time and 'money.' averting scj -ness and snfleriner. Each slnir e specific the well tried prescript ionofan eminent nhvsician. uo vTirea jents 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation,' 25 - Worms, Worm Feyer, Worn? Colic, 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething, of In- - fants, ......... .. 25 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduits, : 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 25 6 Cholera-Morbna, Vomitine.... 25 7 Cougbs, Colds, Bronchitia,.....w 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceache. .. 25 9 . Headaches, bick Headache. Ver- 25 10 Dyspepsia. Billions Stomach. 25, II Suppressed, or Painful Periods. 25 Whites, too Profuse Periods,;.,.-.; 251 25 L3 Croup, Coueh, Difficult Breathine. x4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 6S 25 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 , Fever and Ague.Chill Fever.Azuea. 1 --60 1 Piles, blind or bleedine. ...M 50 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak . . - -m 60 50 50 'm wnoopmg-uongh, violent coughs, 2li Asthma, oppressed Bmthme....... 50 (22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 60 M ocro.luJa emarged .glands, Swei 50 24 General Debility," Phisical Weak- I 1 50 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions. 50 60 60 1 00 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth, Canker, 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 30 Urinary Weakness, wetting the bed ............... 31 Painful Periods.' with Spasms..... 32 Disease of Heart, palpitations, etc, 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance. J4 lnpntneria, ulcerated sore throat. 50 35 Chronic congestions and Erup tions,.. FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and uooE,;.........v;..,...........:...:... em VST These remedies are sent br I ine ease or sinsrlA rwt-r a nnv part of the country, free oi charge, 011 receipt of price. Aaaress . - - -. HUMPHREYS' nomeorathic medicine Co. Office & Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. ror sale by all iirngrgists, T C SIttJTU & COH Affeuts, Dr. John H. Mc Aden, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Hi H II ol allTOCS SL VST Sf, 93 A f) No. 1, Parks' Building; Next door to J. T. Butler's Jewelry Store "Vf 0 W offers to the trade an unusually large 1 and well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, C1LS and DYE STUFFS Our new store room is now -complete and we have ample room : three stories well filled with everything in . our line, . bought for Cash at the lowest market price. Uur old customers and mends, and the public gent rally are invited to call and see. as we will take great pleasure in waiting on tnem, and ottering the best articles for the least money, marl Demorests Patterns 821 MAIN STREET. 821 TVEMOREST'S PATTERNS for Spring l ma onmmer receivea original ana beautiful designs. Bend for catalog ae free 15c each. We have made special agreements with Mme Deraerest whereby we become her only general agents for tbe States of Virgin ia and North Carolina, and are now prepar- I ed to fill any order, large or small, for any patterns nanr.ed in catalogue. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., mar22 6w w4t Richmond, Va. Buists WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS of the crop of 1876, in papers and in bulk. at McADEN'S DRUGSTORE. marl 5 Cases in Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent t v article for invalids and those suffering I fvATn nannro I naKilirv or McAD t N s DRUG STORE. marl 50 Cases TTOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 25 cases Vine- 11 ear Bitters, 5 gross Simmons' Liver Regular, 6 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at MCAUJfiJN'S DRUG STORE. marl ... , . Fine Imported TH BENCH BRANDY, Sherry, Port and A Madeira Wine, and Robertson County Whiskey, the best in the world, sold strictly for medicine, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl 10,000 E INE CIGARS of all brands of the finest quality, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE. marl 10 Barrels T TNSEED OIL, "both raw and boiled, at JJ MCAUEWB JJRUGBTOKJS. - marl ' ' ' : ' 10 Cases p OCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, fresh ! lb from tne spnn jrs. lost received, at ? MCADEN'S DRUG B ORE, marl " 10 Cases BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, just '. ire- ceived. We have made arrangements to receiye- these Mineral Waters eyery -week right fresh rom the Springs, at - rom the springs, at . - 'MoAEtrs DKoa stoee. TTZ .. 1 marl Ommm4.m.mM Vdl dlUgdWUI 1 1 Igo T Charlotte, N. 0. We haye now in i n Charlotte N O We have now in AfX'&Sl'SSZS will have on drauaht all ;tbe season fresh will have on draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water on ice, as good as it is at tbe Springs in Hew X ork. marl: j Tobacco, unequalled in any market, . llt . 'mcADEN'S nRno utortc. ARIIWM, it- J. S. PHILLIPSj; ; J -sv -. MEBCTtAKT TAILOR and DEALER IK ' ' L GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, XT AS remeTed to one of the . New Stores I UL under the Central HoteLTrade Stand is reoeiTin g his- Winter Stock of Goods for Men's Wear, and will make them ;mT at I short nntinfl - -vww M"WiiAuuuuiy llinil- I OfiT. ChftanfiT than thA ftama loaa Af riiwa I r - - v vvw 1 K mva . iX J it.!. a 1 I HtiH A-nrH (1liin4fi n flnAa1i I UlUGidll OlUllS (1 OPCbidlU. i.; ? '-'.-.. t Catting and repairing done promptly. AU 1 gooas ana worK must De paia tor on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash business oct!7 A LARGE LOT -OF FINE DOLLS ! -AM) 1 JUST RECEIVED AT PUREFOY'S, decl7 TRAVELING. PORTABLE Ai-i- Stationary Engines, BOILERS, GRIST, HILLS, SAW SIIES, ' WOOD WORKING MACHINES- TURBINE WHEELS, And all kinds of Farming and Plantation Machinery, constantly on hand, at prices to suit the times. Office REMOVED to South East Corner ot Tryon and Fourth Street, Second floor. Address ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, Charlotte, N. C. jan3 Gity Property For Sale. T)Y Virtue of a deed of trnst to me execu- X) ted by W J Black and wife I will sell at the Court Bouse, door, in Charlotte, on . the 16th day of April next, at Auction, the following property to-wit : Four (4) lots on Tryon street, near the Lincoln Depot, known as the McCracken property and Gaither property. 4 lots each with a eood and nearly hew dwelling, en College street,1 between 8th street and the old Lutheran Church. That property near the S. C. Depot, known as the Exchange Hotel," and a brick store fronting on Col lege street, and now occupied by Saunders 0 summers. ; Terms at Sale. C DO WD, Trustee. mar 13 ey su tds ds CLOT KING! ! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT TAILOR, Telegraph Office, Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Has jost received a splendid lot of Fine Doeskins, Cloths and Cassimeres, which I j will make up at prices to suii the times, and I guarantee satisfaction in style and ht. T. O, S M I TH, DRUGGIST, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. Successor to T C Smith & Co. . api6 t '. ': i . -' ,..-'.'. ' ' ' Economy is wealth. " .l . - . . : , , - -.,..r " -: .. v . -"-U'-f't Zip- J;2".w.r "PRACTICE the firsts and secure the latter jiA'- by purchasing your Groceries from i -: ' j ; -'tRB ALEXANDER, L- by ,pr7. Opposite Charlotte Hotel. t v. i 2q6 a Mnhi i-$2 siYtot ' ' - rV:-"v I TI7 IDE AWAKE an illustrated Magazine I U for Young People; ia tbe very beat pub- lication ofthe kind in our country, as well as the cheapest.- For an agency, ssnd to I m - JZa iV. . S LOTilK?Vfc CO ?fT ft,h ' ffi ' 'Boston. For Sale or Rent. fifteen aires of land, lvintr in the anbnrha of at the town of Statesville. Apply to . vi - - : CHASR JONES, FC2 CALS CI5 HILTZ.- w QOIdOlIINS? A .NEWLY disooyered mine at IlunUa A Tille, N. 0., on the AV T. O. Railroad , 13 miles North of Charlotte. Said aoiae hae f been explored only 23 feet, and nany "kLn , miners hare examined the mine and ore '. and pronounce itrery fine. Also Prof W 0 ' Kerr, of RUeieh. Dr G L Ilunter: of Lh coin ton and Pref Hanna, of Charlotte hate ,. seen the mine and ere and pronounce uz nrr una. 1 '.With these' recommendation and many" mum that oonid be bronsht nn we now oflbr this valnahle nronertv-. for sale, including ?( anil tiA a lin4 In aim A -.. VOfeVfOCU. V fUlU W HAi VI souu AM r SMI 1 mmXA mIma rViar 'sta- sm Mviuiu nsiiu wtuot vi nuvu um cmv wviiw - ' m ..a a mile from a B&wmilL ... ; -i t vj-r, - r Anv nn a wifihinp tn baa siMcimctii of Ml tnine'ean do bo by calling-at tmrOffl;M iTiieu wo ht Bpucunou. irg nan wutw . jou something that Is worth' looking at'v: For farther information, addreaa - A June 17-.-.' ;;i .-,. Huntersville, N.C SRT REDU0TI0N- UI S . I HAVE just taken Stock, and flad I'havev-; more Goods than I want ta earry, so I will bf K'jM v.iSf H bU one half off at COST to suit th times. I will sell a fine Silver American Watch for ' $12.00. I will sell Gold Chains at$1.00 pec dwt.Wat everything else in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITZ 0? 5 GOODS . WARRANTED AS REPRESENTXD.Q AT J. T. BUTLER'S, CAROLINA JEWELRY. STORE, CHARLOTTE, N. d s ja21 IMPERIAL SALOON keeps constantly on hand LAUER'S CELEB SATED LAGER: BEES. Bythedczen bottles $1.26, By the keg $4 26. SWEET OR 80UR CLAR ET, and OTHER DOMESTIC WINES, by the uosen bot tles $3.00, by tbe gal lon $1.60. ; W INE and SEER ON DRAUGHT. ALE, PORTER. " DUBLIN AND BELFAST GINGER ALB, By the doien, $2.00. JOSEPH FISCHESSER. feb23 WE WILL SELLQ GOOD N. C. HAY. AT 76c PER 100 LBS. Mayer, Ross & Jones. fb27 Notice to land Holders. JOSEPH McCLURE, Esq., has been ap pointed by tbe Execative CemmitUe to receive the assesment of one cent pexaere from the landholders of Mecklenburg conn-. ty to build the fence between the counties of Mecklenburg and Union and Meeklen bureand Iredell, reqnired to be built by tbe Stock Law, recently passed by the Leg islature. - This being a voluntary contribu tion landholders are requested to . please , forward their subscriptions promptly. 8 B ALEXANDER - V JS MYERS, yCom. D P HUTCHISON. ) maro Home and Democrat copy. ; REAL Aim Immigration Agency. if; FOR the sale of Land,, and providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina. THOS 7 DRAYTON, - t feblStf . Charlotte, N, C. ' - i ' i i 1 1 I i iii 5,000 Pounds ST. LOUIS WHITE LEAD, the yery best material at short profit, at - ; - McADEN'S DRUG STORE, marl - ' ' ' - Fine ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICA! Juit received, at i . ' ,t SCARS Wl mar24 DrogStoar 400 ASSORTED : SACKS VIRGINIA FLOUR J TJ S T 'I N.? - ,n "D -tt 1 -4 " jer, Ross & Jones. .feb27 j.-.: '.". '" I 5 v BaDVlanCl 5 I TV.J?-rft. ! -if ,T; ARGEST PROFIT YET. Specimeq op JJ ies free. For an Agency wena to i D LOTHROP A CO. - feb25 60,000 Pounds 3 I --rn ORTH CAROLINA HAY, at ?5o iff I JN 1 nunumu pwunas, r or saie Dy . hi n 1 u If )! n I M t 'i ! 1:1 fc.' I- a ! I li 4- Ml i "I apr8 aov9sr S W T BEAMANf; i :J J marl marSB tf At this Ofiace. ; .marir ,5 1 TC SMITH, Drvggut

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