33 PE .1 it rT Tj r 1 r r j " 1 ' j,r 1 ,- - I JTha following are the Schedules now ob lao'Jfei .r; ita f to -lit-. - Aoaomjn a4:Frejgatj arrives,...-r u li Aafri&Ai. Ify n Reaves,-..., . ,Pn- AIB-UHS-rDAIlT. ;.. J.:l..6 20 a. m. TqMeet To -Night. , . . . The Relief Association will hold its second meeting lit the Court Home to night at 8 o'clock. We are requested to ask all persons who feet an interest in the efforts which are being rcade for the relief Of the destitute, to be present. The work for which the society was organized has been taken hold off in . r AMU. Hnij(lrM4M""" MUrrireft " i leayes,... A aonhim'n and Freight arrives - dally except Sundays.... CAaoypriEa tern , Division. 1 A Ci m '.v.4 25 m Mail Tes-failT except Sun Jsfti&aKKStttt Mairwnvr-uu; ..... . ...70Oa. m. .8-50 p. m f51 rrivp rin iJO P. m. Mail leaves do ...........7 30 a.5 ATLA.ICTIO, TZNSXS8SX OHIO. Mail arrives " leaves, ..6 30 p. m .3 SO a. m. HEW 1DVERTISEMEHT8, The follewinff is the list of adver tisements, which appear for the irst time this morning : ' Attention Hornets. Wilson & Bur well-'-Druggtsts. T-C Smith Druggist. : Wi JiJBoyd Reward i . ; Adams & Powell Beef. Uan Just Received. Thi Weather To-Day. For the &rutk:?Mlantic Bates, slighlly warmer and northeast to southeast winds, threat mingweather and rain with stationary orja jrtfffht fall ,tj temperature and falling barometer. IiOCALDOTS. Ralejgh is to have.an automatic tele graph. Verv auiet yesterday and no news stirring. Judge Cuon4 is deligb ting Shelby with ms winicisms mis wceit. The Hornet f Fire Company hold an important meeting at their hall to night. . The number of vagrants has grown beauiifully less jsince jbhe establishment oi me cnam gang. The Mayor being absent, all yiola tions pf the city ordinances are brought before Jhe Magistrates. , Kineld s pictures are 'postea in m any sbldw windows and other places It is said 'that they do great injustice to the original. The failure to. receive the Northern mails m" this5 city 'yesterday, was due to the fact that the, mail, agent was left at xuenmona. It is astonishing, but true, that eighty one deeds and mortgages were taken to thejClerk of( the Court to be proba tedyWeday-. : x ' 4 Late Ifeir Orleans Papers. We should ha'e stated yesterday, and not havio-g done so, take occasion this Jnorpng " to f thank ; our fellow townsman; J A Elh'ott; for files of late BTew. Orleans papers ; containing' ike proceedings of the monster .mass meet vjg held in "Xafayette Square, in that city, a few days ago, te give expression earnest, and already much good hs I to the will of the people, in regard to been accomplished, t . - I the i re establishment of civil govern Oaston bounty Still Ahead.,, r . , ......i.., The "model" county of Gaston is :nn .wVa winn- r h.in .imi usually in the lead, "and in the matter ndinntd iwMMaion of Ah. vcv,m .tn:J.i.:it.A ..A....:i. .r l I ....... r... . - . ... ouuiUK vuc H,. ment foutaide of -the old. Sterns tionsne is a goou xeng ways in aa Tr..i -p-v. vance pi ner ncjguuuia. xier latest effort is the production of triplets Mr and Mrs Leonard Olhs, being the hap torftir,-a!et; m!adhngs,'ieiaUi net r r ceipts, 275; sales, 100; experts Coastwise, 40. - Baltlraore-Quiet.-middliDt, 1U; Sross re-, ceipts, f2; tales, 105; exports Coastwiae, 3. ' tWUmlngtin-Unchaaed; taiddlings,10i; net raceipts, 4;aales. 44. PbUadelpbI-.Qaiet ; middlings, 11 1 J net receipts, 104; gross 112; spinners, 225; ex ports to Great Britain, S9L Saraaaak Quiet; middlings, 11 3-16; net receipts, S69; gross, 429; sale?, 200; exports coastwise. 617. - . n :"-'' py parents. Three fine boys whoever saw a coarse baby ? will bo in training for the next war. Gas Factory of His Own. The proprietor of the Central Hotel informs us that he is making arrange ments to purchase . a machine with which to manufacture the gas used m the Hotel. He thinks this can be done at a cost far less than the present price. Hitherto he has patroniied both companies part of the Hotel being supplied with the old and the other part with the new gas. Tlie Clarity Ball Last-Night. 'The Charity , ball which has , been looked forward to with so much in terest by the young folks, came off at the Central Hotel last night. The elegant dining room presented an animating and brilliant scene, and every one seemed to enter fully into the enjoyment of the pleasures of the evening. The attendance was not as large as on some other occasions, but there were oust enough present to make the ..dancing pleasant. The the name of "State House") and his triumphant "recognition r is only the question of a few days. v t . Arraigned for Shooting at his wife Levi Milton was brought before Jos. tiee Davidson yesterday for shotting at his wife. It seems that he was drink ins:, and his wife asked him for some money which he refused to give I her, whereupon she snatched . his pocket book from his hand and started out of the room. At this, he drew his pistol and fired at her, the bait entering the wall above her head. The wife having become reconciled in the meantime, swore in C9urt that she believed Mil ton was too drunk to know what be was doing, and Justice Davidson with out further ado dismissed the case, only requiring Milton to pay the coat of the suit, which he willingly did. It will be remembered that this woman is the same who ran off with a negro about six weeks ago, an account of which performance was published in this paper. . The devoted husband found her near Shoe Heel, N. Cif: and made her walk home for her faithless ness ; since which time, until the above mentioned trouble, they have managers did there part well and every been iivmg together as if nothing had thing went off as merrily s could be happened to mar the happiness ef Jiew brleaaa Quiet, middlings, 111 ; low middlings, 10; good ordinary, 91; net receipts, 917; gross, 947, sales, 1,600; exports coastwise. 2,307. - ' Mobile Quiet and : steady ; middfiegs, 101; net receipts, 28;. sales, 250; , exports Coastwise, 30. " '"' - ' .";"':' Memphis Dull ;' middiingf 16i; netw ceipts, 295; shipments, 359; sales, 300. .AnfBstaQaiet and steady; middlings, 101; net receipts, 99; sales, 202. Charleston Steady; middlings. 111; net receipts, 200; sales1, 500; exports coastwise, 8. '' W ' w V o r k Cotton ; -? uplands llf ; Orleans, 11 i; sales, 1,210; consolidated net receipts, 19,411; exports to Great Britain, 26,453; France 10,339; Continent.19,011; Chan nel, 1,10. , .. , , i ; -FINANCIA1 New York Meney 2a2 i; sterling quiet, 61; gold 5Ja6; governments moderately active and very strong. New 5s U. States steady. : desired. their conjugal life. FUTUBE New YerkFotures closed barely steady; sales 31,000 bales. April, 11 38 40c. May', 11 40-il. Jane, 1153 54c. July, 11 68-67e. August, 11 76 77c. September, 11 66 68c. October, 1153- S4c, November. 11 41 45s. December, 1142 44c January, 1153 54c. The Price of Reserved Seats. The discrepancy between the price of tickets for the Opera House on Mon day night, advertised in this paper, and that stated on the handbills, which were distributed 'on the streets yester Murder of a White Man by a Negro In Gaston. A citizen of Gaston county gives us the following particulars of the murder of a white man named William John day, is due to the fact that the. bill n by a negro known as Dick Met ill, poster distributed the wrong bills. A but whose real name is Minor McGill ; telegram fyoniMr ' : Jno A Stevens, which occurred in that county on Tues Manager Of the Henry V Combination day afternoon : The men in the neigh states that the price of reserved seats borhood had gathered together to work will be two dollars,' which is the price the road near South Point, fcand during advertised in this paper, and the price paid by all who bought tickets previous to the appearance of the bills. Not withstanding the price, the tickets are going off rapidly. .- 'The Charlotte Call," A monthly paper, conducted by Messrs Griffith &T Diuxmnt of this city, in the interest of immigration, is now ready for the press and will be distrib. uted among the advertisers on Satur day4 .fifteen hundred copies of it will be distributed in seyeral localities at the North. The editors have labored faithfully to procure reliable- informa tion concerning Charlotte and Meck- the day a quarrel sprang up between the two parties which continued dur ing the whole day. After they had all quit work and separated, the negro and white man began to fight, when the former ran into the woods, the latter following him with an axe in his hand. This was the last seen of them until a half hour later, when the negro appear ed at the house of a man who had seen the two run into the woods. This man suspecting from the negro's conduct that all was not right, went in search of the white man and found him lying dead near a branch, with his skull broken. The ax with which the blow had annarfintlv hpon inflicted warn l i i ..u:.... el rr J ' V W MVS enneiucui Qi fQUnd ft few gte from the b0(J There tbose Tvbo are known to be familiar 1 w.r. v,; t. Tseivi?" Jf tQe LaFayette Cornet with subjects upon which the inferma, ,n(6 fr f- j -n ja ii . ! i . .. .. I ayav, wu a-Ai xiii yi is vi uiau o ur;rj roT17?r " 1 br.Tr . "e snaa iaKe occa and hand were discovered in the sand the SeoJnS Battakon Band at the Offi 8ion to notice the "Call" together with on mithtr -dft ftf thA , Pfln , . thtt cers meeting in Wilmington on Tues its objects at greater length when it :fj. o.o.. aj,Mig.xf. j appears. There seems to be little hopes oi havrrkdEhe street! lighted asrain sobnT. The BWd&AlderoWn will decide fhe question atiheir next meeting. In the meantime," we are to have no liht Buying valuable books by install meata.and afterwards ha vine them boulsfeUinklaJbe very poDUlar. Johnston while he was stooping to drink from the branch. Several men went immediately to is to be a change of administration on Air Line railroad on Monday the 16th, though what changes are to be made is not ket known. The agents have been ordered to have their accounts closed by the 15th, so that the books can be Ah-agefct'wal in' the x city yesterday turned over to the incoming "bosses." seljpgShakespeare and several English ! It is generally understood, as foreshad publications in this way1; and met with J owed in the Observer over a month s :c ii .).-, ago, in at uoi J? oreacre, late of tno Virginia Midland railroad, is to become general manager under the new regime. A Change of Administration on the Air Line. It is now definitely settled that there McGill's house, but failed to find him. lie has not been seen in the neighbor first ratf. success. ; ruin t!.a -dtit ii .rf:i.' hood since. There is reason to believe that he has fled in the direction of South Carolina. He is described as decidedly black, i about 40 years old, nearly six feet high, weighing 160, and as being in the habit of talking loudly and rapidly. William Johnston the man who was killed, had just moved into Gaston from Union county, South Carolina. Both parties had been drinking during A IfuggestiOT; it is -suggested that the military and There is also an impression that Col the day. nry;pmpanies; appoint jattheix.nexl Jt;eck will do retamea as JSuperinten regular, meetings committees to meet dentj in which event, there will hardly Hiaith Notes. Statistics prove that ,TfVi 4 ?Ui4Ji, UL'i k; nVr;..i n I twenty-five per cent, of the deaths in oar "ssrsr , "lyuvtvri larger cities are caused by consumption and not steps should' be taken lnrreference ment of the road, and most, if not all when we reflect that this terrible disease in to the band. As the matter is one of of the old employees will be retained. considerable importance it is to be It ' H probable however, that as the hoped that lha companies will not fail Summer season is approaching, the to give itwatientioriy.ahd the sooner it is usual reduction in the force which its earlier stage will raadily yield to a bottle of Dr. Bull's Oourq Syrup (co8tinr5 cents). shall we condemn the offerers for their neg- nence, or pity tbem for their ignorance? done the better. Trestlo'to o jfflleoVini0 1 MlZXi Mr Ira T Sage, civil engineer of the AlXinB'railroad. -came !up from At- generally takes place later, will be made, when . the new administration 1VIABBIED, comes in. lanta a day or two ago to make arrange-; Important Decisions. The Baleigh : papers publish two de cisions of fotate Treasurer Worth in f5f;H ' the .p,r.ti.M .f .ch.dul, B 0B8ERYEK OFFIC. CaABXorr. N. C, April 12, 1877, The Cotton Market. The market declined 1 to-day on all grades and quiet at prices given below. The following quotation tare averaged from prices given by a majority of the cotton buyers : 8a9i 101a 9a9 101 lOiai 101a! 16 Stained Tinged. Ordinary Good Ordinary Low Middling.. Middling..... Good Middling Receipts for the day, 66 bales. " for the week (ending Thursday night) 208 bales. Total consolidated receipts, 44,995 bales. Shipments (for the week ending Thursday night) : Through, 231 bales. Local, 15 bales. Total consolidated shipment, 44.351 bales. 8tock, 644 bales. OPERA HOUSE ! ! M OK DAY EVENING, APRIL 16TH, 18 a, A COLOSSAL PAGEANT. GREAT SHAKESPEARIAN SPECTACLE Will appear the distinguished English actor 'George lUgooId, la hit Masterly Imfereocatien of HBMRY V- Supported by forty-five1 Dramatic Artists, together with all the costumes, armors, properties and battle drops from Booth's threatre, New York. One hundred people on the stage. BIGNOLDS RESERVED SEATS. .:, The annoancement on the hand bills dis tributed yesterday through the streets that the admission would be $1 : Reserved seats $1.50, was a misprint Mr u u Butler received a letter from Mr Stevens, Manager of Rigaolda' Henry V Company, stating Reserved seats $2 00. General admission $1.10. Reserved seats $2 00. Sale of tickets commences on Tuesday, April . lOtb, at Koelkch's Book Store. aprlO IT TlHE newest aha pes and fabrics are always i roajTejlhecitjJimits" This is a most exce ljMmojre. JJW16 tre3tie-taa9 substantial arid sate aff-any structures of this kind, yet at best they are an more OTiiiess aangerous, and not unfre'qUently areport that that they are unsafe, is circulated and excites very uncomfortable feelings, in the minds of (l&q lj ravOflf at el over bUClU KirX2.SU. A 'him WYSJl). Several A Qocxd Move: " i' : aesp.erate attrays having a. ie hotels ,and livery. stables. tesi jor mepassenf jo: In Providence Township, on Tuesday the 10th inst by A G Keid, Esq , J W Harget and Miss same tiarget. April 2nd. at Plymouth. N. C. by Rev 8 M Dayis, lion cnarles Latbatu to Miss Jm ma Polk, of B ridge ville, Delaware, Near Fort Mill, in York county, on, the 3rd inst., at the residence ef the bride, by of the Revenue act, which are of such Key Lindsay, Mr Wm- Davenport, formerly ;n,rl.n !,. ,,M;.V, j.n, s 2 """""i auu miss vorcas urauam, oi mil. first . in regard to the- tax on sewing machines, stoves, fcc, the Treas urer says: . -;.r. . i Peddlers of sewing ; machines and stoves pay taxes, the former under sec tion 21, the latter - under section 22, Schedule B,tt which your attention's calledi iTbe mere fact V of stoves being mentioned specifically in section 22 dees not exclude the idea of taxation of peddlers of sewing machines under The -taxes under scneduie o are in addition-to" the ad valorem tax on the merchandise tm hand 1st day of June, so' that in f addition 1 to peddlers' tax, found at Fashionable Headauartera I ap8 ED LATTA vfe BRO. SmitH "Forbes,- ft t - l:8;7:r IS nigh ftreel, Canton, na aiS4l TraUle Street, CUatUtU TITX are now receiving in our CHARLOTTE H0T82, foil line of all grades of B00T8 as4 S013, Having introduced on BOOTS and SHOES in the States ef Worth Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, with success beyond mr expectations, we have re cenUy established a house at Headquarters, NO. 11, HIGH STREET, BOSTON', MASS:, which will enable us to faUy oompeU witk other Jobbteg Houses North, aad to ex '- '-ffM-'f7' Wo sell only by the case from our BOSTON HOUSE, and all orders forwarded there will reodys promjt attention, and, if prefer red, be shipped and billed direct. The former reputation ef our CHARLOTTE HOUSE, tiMurpaaaed Jn the Bontb fotao amouBt and variety of Its large Stock, shall bo malntainod, and we shall constantly keep on hand is both heosos a roll line -of aU grades of BOOTS and SHOES. Having made this arrangement we have no hesitancy in going into large towns or cities to show our Goods feeling assured that we are able to giro , to prompt paying customers as good terns as any other house North or Soithl JB Wo solicit your orders or personal inspection, to either of the above houses. U Li H T P (J R DtSftO; TRADE marl STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, and 13 HIGH STREET, BOSTON, MASS A CHUSETTB. ts-t v-i 1 5 s-.r.i 9 THE BALTIMORE L O TU I HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF PEINGr CLOT Which it oners at indusments lower than els ee where, as it is the only BRANCH n o icr s nMIDFACTDRIIIG CL0TBIHG ESTABLISHHEIIT III CHABL0TTB. LATEST STYLES OF SPRING HATS ALSO ON HAND. CALL AND EXAMINE AND BE CONVINCED. T RIA D, E S T RIE E TJ, ONE DOOR FROM. T.RYO N . C, C. & A. R. R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. ChasjiOttx, Columbia A Auousra, R. R. Columbia. 8. C. March 11th. 1877 On and after Sunday, liareh 11th. the fol lowing schedule will be operated on this road : MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY GOING SOUTH No. 1. Leave Charlotte, 9.85 p. m. Leave Columbia, 5.50 a. m. Leave Graniteviile, 7.01 a. m. Arrive at Augusta, 7.40 a. m. GOING NORTH No. 2. Leave Augusta, Leave W, O & A Ja'n, Leave Columbia, Arrive at Charlotte, 8 45 p. m 12.35 a. m. 12.55 a m. 6.15 a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, DAILY, Sundays excepted-CHAR- LOTTE DIVISION GOING SOUTH No. 3. Leave Charlotte, Leaye Chester, Leave Winnsboro, Arrive at Columbia, GOING NORTH No. 4. 4.S5 a. m 9.10 a. m. 12.00 mi 2.43 p. m. Leave Columbia, Leave Winnsboro, Leave Chester, Arrive at Charlotte, 9.15 a. m. 1.15 p. m. 4,03 p. m. 7.53 p. aa. AUGUSTA DIVISION GOIKG SOUTH No. 5. Leave Columbia, Arrive at Augusta. GOING NORTH No. m. m. 6.30 p. 3.57 a . 6. 5.00 a. m. 2.23 p. m. stop at the Leave Augusta, , Arrive at Columbia, Trains Nos 1 and 2, will not following named stations : Smith's, Cornwall's, White Oakr Adgers, Simpson's, Stacks, Lexington, Borrs, Gil bert Hollow, Summit, Bacon's T. O., Adams, Miles' Mill, Baths. Trains Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6, will stop at all regular stations, and ticket offices will be opened for the accommodation of local travel. A POPE,EU General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, mar29 Ten Cent Colninn. PASTURE FOR CATTLE I have a good! pasture several hundred - yards from we city limits, and will pasture cattle at reason able rates. 8 J TORRENCE. aprl22t HAMBURG EDGINGS AND WHITE GOODS, cheaper than ever known, at BARR1NGER A TROTTER'S. aprlO ' f F M GOMMERGUl. TELEGRAPHIC HARKGTS. April 1. IS17. PODU(JE naltlaaere Oats firm, demand god; Southern prime, 43a46. Rye higher,' 80aS5, Provisions dull. rPork, ;i5al5i.' Bacon, Shoulders, 61; clear ribs, 9i; hams, 13al4i. youwould htvoto pay ad valorem tax f Lard refined, 10J. CofTeeunchanged. Whis- ati monninpi n v iirnvoa nn nann v. at i trmw nisi m r s mi. umm ins s ' - " I VU jlavu aXW v nwiw w mwuvi AUV VI I aa, r USIU A W2 VUKeU AAJCUCJ t 1VT, AilalrfeaUrb haUar,. ;T haT ndmored to armwr vnnr : ttTMwUTe, firm an4 higher! K M 1 "7" "t wv-w- a - 7. r I e r.Av A ..jt.. ArafnrT-ir,S0T?-At Jtn direct 'Questions in mine this Dlairi w ; wmjtww.J; wneat ex at the depl, wh'idh Are calculalied not oloen thtHf reoi of fueh scenes as were presented on Saturday and Sunday nights, but also to save the A. 11? 1 : m waveumg puoiw .jtrom-rrruichi annoy. ance from tbf rttde lcoriduct"arj construction f the law. I cited higher; red, 1 60a65; amber and white, The other is in retard to the time 1 75-. Corn fairly active, a shade higher; that taxes imnosed bvsection!2. Sched- wmie ! mixea, . Kye fair demand, 75. ule B take "effect. On this point the following decision is given ; "and disa- white, 43; mixed, 42. Oats quiet and unchanged. Pork in fair de mand, 14 75aI5; bulk mu'i firm;! shouldars, La.fn. ' ti?.t5iaSf oers, 6lai; clear ribs; 8.f ; cle sides', ffreeable clarnorinra of this p.lftM nf in. , . . ..1 Bngar cured hams fair demand. I01al2 amauais i,AU jexcent.ttie nortersoft The tax ot five dollars is duo from IT. . " ' i, the hotels are' forbiddeh , to get on the the 12tlr da of March 1877,' the date W.D" eaa' and cbanged. Bag. unon the arrival of lha train.' Vue.wnHon pi ne act,.iS.T)ayapie -r.- ,j , . , 'i annuaiiy, in aiso pay a Die Dy mer- frorriany one, of chants on commencement of business. u4uinptj! ue enflurea if other The tax of one-tenth of one per cent agents would enforce the same retrula operates from the 1st day of January. ti6hs,Hhepubiioi WuldJhaelieW nfl1877 68 tnftt '"wai the last date to which CalvosieH-Dull;; middlings, 101; net re- mnot.t4-.-Li'. ' .iw.ii t-.j . r j mernhanta listfid thAir tnrphwnHnnrtor I oeiDts. 124; nalM ;?iOft. . ...AUr n i: COTTOM. XKHillineryr a Fanpjr Goods ! ! I LADIES Will find jt opened and .rrowrealy at MRS QUERY'S am unusually lare! and elegant And all kinds of Fancy Goods, comprising all the latest novelties in Hats,; Bonnets, Flowers, Trimming Silks, Ribbons, Ornaments, Laces, Nets, Ac. In our Notion and Fancy Goods we have a large and full stock. " Parasols and San Umbre'.las. Fan, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars and Cuffs, Veils, Neck Raffling and Ties, and Ladies' Underwear ; in fact all the new and desirable Goods in my line of business. My stock is complete and will be sold at the smallest possible profit for Cash. I must repeat to my friends and customers that my terms are strictly cash, as my limi ted capiUl will not justify me to sell goods on credit. Lowest possible prices and cash at the counter is our terms. We except oar old customers Vho have been patronising us for many years and have paid their bills when presented. I am agent for Domestic Paper Fashions a fall stock always on hand. Call or send for Catalogue. . f ' r-; i$ '" 'fJOB tAVKZYgl J,. NEW FIRM. NO OLD ST 'NEW: GOODS. O'C K . GREAT EXCITEMENT at the OLD STAND of WJTTKOWSKY & EINTELS. H. MORRIS iMtti; 7 r HATE ARRIVED and are RECEIVING DAILY A FULL and COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE READY-MADE ' CLOTIIINfJ,, DRY GO O D 8 V BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, :.i V; : v? And Everything usually kept in a first-class Dry Goods Establishment, which tbey sue now offering to customers at bottom New York Prices. , . - . C WCi TTTT? T A TiT 17Q 1 We keep all the Novelties, and designaU oar LJ 1 HI!i Ll JlJjLlhD f Mammoth Store as the Palace of Fashion. Every bopy is invited to call. They will find a fall corps of polite clerks In attendanoo to wait on one and all.' For further particulars call in person and examine for yoartolf. aprlO TV T ooo- la i ' - i O bJ-viboi WWW BfJ. Sl?02:I?onODo 'i o- ' " .J.- ft i Si 1 i .if-3. 1 t 1 11 OF ; BALTIMORE, HAVE OPENED THEIR 8TORE, AND ARE IN FULL OPERATION. AT SPRINGS' CORNER, IN THEHOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BYRv BUR WBIX & CO., WHEREYpU WILL FIND A VERY LAEGeS i4?sH?j stock ofv r : mtiVrftfVM AilUliliSa OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND TIE3. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES', GENTS. HISSES-AND niLQREtfS BOOTS, ; SH0EST s"AJTER, j Which we will sell you at, the lowest rates to .he obtained -anywhere. 5n d TOlf before purehMlng" as It will be to' your interest i well as ours. , 4, t, . , 4 ; f ;, ( t , apr7 WILL BE A GRAND TIME a? o ,BJ7fiq "V'PSBA.P ; - GOODS AT THE ELEGANT STORE OP 5 t. a t'u ,tL. , . O - i..(t .a- , - . l IT IS CONCEDED BY EVERYBODY THAT WE HAVE THE PRETTIEST STOCK of DRESS GOODS in CHARLOTTE, and more THAN ONE LADY who WILI SEE THIS NOTICE WILT. TESTIFY THAT THEY are CHEAPER THAN can be FOUND ELSEWHERE. , OUR LADIES? NECK TIES CANNOT BE SURPASSED IN VARIE TY, STYLE OR PRICE. WE HAVE AN ELEGANT STOCK P K'S. LARGE STOCK LADIES' AND GENT8' HA.TS. REMEMBER MONDAY AND IN FUTURE, AS IN THE PAST, WE INTEND TO SELL GOODS A8 LOW AS ANYBODY. TRULY, , " - , : . Alexander. SeifjleJ&Cp. HEATING t STOYES AT COST. i 1 , ft. -..tK MAKE KAAYr A. A O CO A I. A f.nrnm . w i i ,?,?'v. ;.. ti l '. . 1 V Vi"i "!'i-: s- 0?:'s H. T BUTLER, ; Near the Court House, . mvic u wuuie anavannovanrw. i v 7 i : . . ' , -, "t :. " . iinHinrmRT unrj ? . . 1 1 k'fi aprS iw t r-- ,

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