CEAHLOTTE OBSERVER, ? -- . J - -.-.-.----it Tf ' .-" Wlttlft'; - : : - jc3 pnr::T:::a 't (I edy 1 year, (postpaid.) ta dvwi 00 k 4 00 V- oo ktMBDKuy err inia tT7 c: U2 ci r 7t v. K -;"k r mm. with ft tnet.Clr .0 wbxk.lt nmo. w (BTKlsh short gLAirgn,rrLL.rr: a tx TjLixi ca J3. c t r.rn. - TA.C3r'r 'mi to Ti' Weekly 3n the county) In adr&nee, $2 00 oat of the county, postpaid,! 2 10 6 months. . " - 1 06 Libnral reductions for clubs. TOL. XIII. 7c CHARLOTTE N C. THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1R77. NO. 20.7U im Mti fcvw t 1 - V UNDER THE NEW aii, mum QOTSsio HA8 been EeCurnisied' an ,Qfitte4 ,n JBttt Trsyelkrs ana Kesiaenw m i ciwjeui woie, at prices to Bttit the tiroes.-,; An active corps of waiters in attendsncer at meals, and no pains or ipmsesra edlo render guests comfortable. v" , f IVioclerafe'Te OUR MOTTOtIS aprl iT f I ,l Vr,5is.VBilTTEKTION Just Eeceivcd-Wl.kli they will sell lower Buyers please T?T T a O r-n U T? AT JDiljliiO, KJXXJJjn 0 itWJkJkJXJJJJit. . f comjrHk hinufetfaiid enable 4tOi com j,r . L ! mithisparty to the programme, and mar20 JPA'i WHOLESALE )an3 v IT T3, '.IS S Ti -AT- E. 3-. IS. it Vt4 I.W F U R N I TU R E' teR'E HOUSE ' . : CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, a0iIIT C.H I L D R E NM;Ail?iJlQS s I am receivirg a lowest prices. u s1i;.; , Call and luakejoar Beleeticn whil A . narU 1 N ennnectioii with (he Fumitfare FuBmecs Binecs X.6f ' Mr E Q Eccfw. at my Old ttard cn Pouth Trade Street, I will ct r.dpct the.Tn-. dertaking Busirees on"ti.y.,on account," i:) giving It my personal attention; ,71T.,, I will keep .a complete Stock, from' the- : $ CbMiMfit Wnnrf Coffin in thA fincKt Mt.lin . . . . .- I Burial Case. A Orders ly telegraph or otherwist-fpronipUy attended to.' RespectfiUly this m ; Momr-i . V ' " " - ' v- J ' . - 0 " JTo InValids, Florida Tourists or Persons trareling 2 3 rOB PLEASURE, THIS HOUSE OFFERS yfeRJ,L?TY!:.- ';; " F0R,C0MF0RT. v : ' . , r lil J ' ' 'A -u i ' .."' Ij ' 4 i ; VtB ' rDa MANAGEMENT OF - (ia83 styleand cisiinaacenenta to Yi suppnea with the best the market affords Bolardersri ;TO PLEASE. - J s r (T.J TO THETJt -1 than ever. Wholesale and Retail I examine. T AVCJQT T?P ? . !; '- v, .: - 4 3 C 4.U4 .a : I T I & RETAIL, q 1BAUCB ta , " I ALL KINDS OF FTJJHITTJR3Sin ATT TT'AT - CI 0 ClTCTf U V,! - means which the President will not 1 5, J JtS Jb JbUJ 1 iN br,OTJSe'i)iMap PiKrd fa powe5 'r A . 1? TJ J 1 Xi I NT 38 JH 'it, . iMinl "rHO i I'1.XHEAP BED8TEADS, LOUNGES. I .4 " i-i PARLOxR &C1IAMBIiBSTIIT8- fjCd"FIN8of all KIND8 on HAND, a - I - .- a Joo, wesi j.raue di.. " ' f TT A H. T. ft T T "R ' W . c GJ O O D S J IS IS 332. S, ,L.;-. X Ji"-'p ii'i fi t , the assortment is full. . ti , I - I : As- V J 1 f vt '49 jfZ:t-..j. pEmEf ' L7T-" - .- ' . ' . .J('- -j i"!vi-tl ut - -5 ; , ; !i .- ;.. "Rcirie WASHCfGTON I . THE C0MUISSI0N LIAKINQ BIO V . . PEOQEESS; -7 jh, HUMPREY'S BOND FAULTY, i Restored, to .She Commissioner h Finnic Utilising. Pay'yof AitBsllam. Miiil Contract; . ' - I'ls TTTT . if. i Government; Enplyem JProtest Against the ieiflloiir System. Vili 4 i i .) Secretary Robeson to be Indicted. -:WisfnirQTo:XprU, 18. ' Aavicea Jrom xsew Orleans, show tbat-thyNichoHs Xegialaturo adopted the program me for - redrganiiing j the IAlatnre onjthe face of the tjrigiwa ard by 4e Commissioners, and Pack ard thoaghtitanaiJniirable plan for ine democracy. Me was unwilling to edTronourejrX The" feeling here is, that th the Com- -lhiSon is making little progr&iaaThe lstralion seems ditDosed al- ; low the -Commission to find a i iettle- rneht inf ils ownwaf: and tolatoord it reasonable tiin e.but is settled lTLjU poli- cy of withdrawing both moral and bhysi- P.A.L flunnnrt from 5 IthrmMnitnn( should Packard refuse ttf make terms. "Those'rAcii; filia with? thfExeca tire Atind.' ars; nrfKt raItiT' in their "i'C wu, ui.a lugiicomcm niu allow the eoTernment of the State Cbremain ;NicholUV hands. It will reauire I;lltis Issertid tharthVbondofFC f Humphrey' sfas Collector ef Customs at Pensacola, Fla., is faulty, and may be fraudulent. There is some doubt whether Mr Humphreys will be allow- ed to make a new one. - Advices from Columbia, are to tbe effect that the offices and records, the custody of which depend upon legal vvvvuiukD, nui uiaLCiu m uuci ocas until a decision is reached. . In the Cabinet yesterday, Secretary Sherman opposed the reconsideration of the determination to conTene Con gress in extra session, June 4th. -and the subject seems to have been inform ally dropped. The proclamation may i be issued any day. , The very latest from New Orleans says : 'fhe Commissioners, it be stated, are very hopeful that an agreement may be made by the two parties. Until Mr Lincoln came into office, the Commissioner of Public Buildings acted as Master of Ceremonies at the White House. Mr Lincoln confined these functions to the Marshal of jftiae; District, but Mr Hayes has restored them to the Commissioner, who is now Col Casey, of the regular army. Midnight. Washington, lApril 18. Col Chambers, of East Tennesseels CJ Pride. , -- gixtn -Auditor McGrew. .to-day' be- sraTjr Bendingnout a - circular to .the chaVtsTbrpensatTo for; anje bellum maj service, incorporating the clause of the Sundry Cilvil Appropria- tionX Bill, ipprbpriation'- $375,000 for the purpose named, (the construction placed on it by the Solicitor and Sec retary of the Treasury) and 4the rules governing the filing of claims.? The sum appropriated is .insufficient to pay all these claims'. The'Auditor. estimates that at least $600,000 will be required. No money, can be. pai4. until all of the claims are received and adjusted. Tneorder given by President Grant, that i eight ' hours shalt constitute a .M diW work' for air government! wors:- suenV will be'revoked, afid no addition al pay will be allowed those who work longer than eiffht hours. A delegation 6f ' Government labor'- ;J ers .called on the President to-day 1o t J .protest ugainsf1 bein compelled to work ten hours The President received' the-Rnssian Grand Duke. to-day... The.visxt, lasted half an hour. No set speeches. The prosecution of ex-Secretary Robeson, for alleged misappropriation oFiunda of the Navy " Department, will be a leading feature of the Democratic .-!7-TJT-.rw , " - . ' policy, in , the forth coming session Qf Congress. f ,5 SEWTOillL Comins: to their Senses Indians SurrenderiDjf and Pleading for Schools and! Farming Imple ments. ; New Yoek, April 18.--A Red Cloud agency dispatch of April 17th, says: Five hundred Uheyennes unaer nieis , I standinElk and Dull "Knife, now here, are coming in lo surrender. This cuts ; off ; one of j Crazy Morse's moet important , allies, and makes' orer 2,000 hostile Indians Who have giyfen themselves op "at . the Red Goud and Spotted Tail agencies Ttithialherpast six weeks. : At the Spotted Tail agency yester-1 day, the carbines taken at the Custer massacre were surrendered, by Roman Nose's band. During the council this I morning, he said it was his proportion I of the arms captured. These Indians said they were tired : of making war, I and only desired to be allowed to live I here as Spotted; Tail's people Y live. I Spotted Tail himself made an eloquent I appeal for them, and for his own ' peo-1 pie, desiring General Crook to ask the Great Father to provide 'schools and I farming implements for them, and not I move them out of the country. " Since I the military authentic took charsre of I fat their hearts were good towards the white men. He desires that this man- agement may be continued, and that I Catholic teachers be sent to teach their cn nar en. , - The WorWt 'London special tele- graphs thatlhe 'opinion is general I among all the leading American bank- T . j t i . I " ruur1 ""f : tuo pxrouuucui. xngiisn nanxers wno aeai i in' American securities or are connect' eot.with American commorcA that thai nltifnatft ftcMtt of . ihm V.aatm Aamnli. ntiaJ.4. v -t.. ; . . - I cationg must be favorable to American securities. Atnresent everv thincr is I H ivn in thm i-fri.t. .tsj ih n.fm.n. . " Bwiuiww i nere; but two of the Very :; first authon-1 tied in thft finanrinl world Vir T-mroea I r7imT7rrrrr ww-.r.w. the present panic will be of a very brief I duraUon, and that e mercurrent win ; wuc ugr iura decisively. io i America. For a time these gentlemen expect lower prices, but the war must soon compel a more thoughtful consid eration of the whole field of finance, i and this must lead - inevitably to in crease investments in American securi ties. " - THE EATEBH MUDDLE uraiuupuuu u UVSUUUC9 iiiiuii i nent-rAnother Note from Bus- sia? to' the Powers Immediate I Mobilization of the Bonmani- I an Army Fosslhle. I v LoirpoK, April 18. The, Turkish at- fomnf in i-v!tiial wilt fiooi? I resumption of active hostilities between the Turks and Montenegrins. There is bare hope that some stipulations of 4 -tab ,"dto SS the Paris treaty , may yet avert war, Prince Gortchakoff has sent a new note to the Powers by special messen gers,' which is expected to be presented at the different capitals on Monday. Count Andrassy, the Austrian Pre mier, does not see the remotest chance for peace, though certain members of the Cabinet still hope. BucnABsT; April 18. Orders have been prepared with the view to render ing the immediate mobilisation of the Roumanian army possible. -, Much anxiety prevails respecting the designs Attributed to the Tnrks,of occupying Roumania territoryi near Kalafat, even before the 'Russians crossed Pruth. The government has .ordered all tele graphic dispatches announcing the movement of the troops stopped. iA AWol Kerini, Pasha; the Turkish Cknlriisader-ia.chiet' V Achmet Monday aad were to leave on Tuesday ot. Silestria. . Seventy Krupps have reached Jiustcnuic tor tne xurics The Russian Consul at Rustcb.uk has been ordered to prepare. to depart. The general staff of the Turkish army has arrived, at Varna, and are going to Rustchuk and Tultscha. Two more Turkish ironclads, making w , eight altogether, have arrived at the mouth of the Danube, :-i -.r.i-i ? e- Constantinonle are eznected at Kisch-1 neff, when probably they will have an interview with the . Czar ana ranee Gortschakoff, vrho it is stated will ao- .Amn.nv thn Czar. LOUISIANA. The Situation Undecided. ; NEW Oelkaks, April 18-Both houses of the Packard Legislature met in joint caucus at 11 o ciocjc. x nere were co members nresent. including Washing - tnr. on! Tirnnta: the the two colored " -" ' ;. ... A, v. . members recently cungviwuHiwi - alia house. Gen McMillan on the part of the executive committee, laid before the caucGi an official copy of the reso- lntinna nassed br the Nicholls legisla- ture yesterday; and which were receiv ed byhim from the Commission. He Called attention TO WW iouS suuhw fVt a members had undergone in the ef - state government, auu oaiu us ucpwi- ed the necessity for admitting that ther efforts had failed. He' regretted that repealed appeals to the President for I K-rlWn silently ienored. The! , , .conranmi of members of the Commis BUgiutM.... T . . sien authoritatively, if not officially given, that the President . would not recognize either government, ana rrtjiinlv withdraw the treons. " - brought them face to face With the in - evitabie. witnout me support oi inet general gOTernment their case was hopeless Under these- circumstances, what did sound policy demand ? Clearly, to look the inevitable in the face and make the most they could out the sit- nation, for those whose representatives they were, and in the interest of those who have sacrificed much to aid in maintaining' the struggle. Packard's people are disposed, as their friends here represent, . to take self govern mentby the horns and leave the Com mission to mind their own' business, whatever that may be. Gov Warmouth made a long speech, after which he introduced a - series of resolutions rejecting the " proposition of. the commission to compromise They, were adopted and v sent to the commission, t' ,. . .... - Misses.' Editors : Allow us to place before the voters of ftJfV0- SiaVtu IDG Maxwell and Dr T 7 Hoere, to be .An.i4k. K..AM;..;m. Mnw.. tion for Aldermen. NeitheTof these gentlemen are aspirants, but each have 6ee frequently honored by the people and in k consideration thereof we are satisfied they wiU serve if elected. Votkbs ow Ward No. 4. . MABBIEO, In Franklin county on the ithinst, Mr' Walter B Cooke; to Miss Mary K.. eldest oauenter oi uen j a uttueionn. jcev al a Vaughan officiating. - - rressly, Mr J L W augh andlliss Miia Kerr, " or ireueu. mttn i At Walkersville, Union cooaty. oa the vfigMg, HFSSSSS iq nis Z9th year. NEW i ADYBTISBXENTS. HEADQUARTERS IS THE PLACE TO BUY yOUR cent Cigars. Try the"Mmento" f- . - , j .... - lS 1 it ia TT van a ITiIIim) anil in,f nnlv Ki cn4s' New Btylei Croquet just received. Veiy cnoic Imported and Domestic Pickles and Sauces. A large assortment of Canned Goods, Petted Meats, Sugar, Bice, Oat Meal, French Prunes, Oranges, Lemons, TlL'"'- .-tit Ji P ANDRE WS,V aprl9 Agant. CANE MATTING 44 ail 54. HEMP CARPE1'. BeaitifBl MarMe Floor Oil Clrtl. Marble and Mahogony Table Oil Cloth. Oil and Paper Curtails, and all House Fur nishing QocdJ, best quality, at . BARRINGER k TROTTER. aprl9 I TJ A "tffjFS PTDTTTRR tht fineBt tneraTing of our Governor made, can be had at IKS HESS' GAU-EEY. ii o oosamon wood I cut but an elegant liaa by J 8 Tomllnson, and sold at the low price or oo cents, er framed neatly for $1 50. . - SEE IT BEFOKB BUYING ANY OTHER. aprl9 . as ion Like it. ANE car load Lynchburg's best Flour, one Vy lot line Irish Potatoes for table use, one lot best (eamCheeae, one lot select Goshen ! Batter one lot elegant Mountain Kit But-1 ter, and other articles belonging in a first- j class urocery. b& ukbu wuiju EleCllOn INOTICe. I "VTOTICB is hereby given that in pursuance -P ?f ?lectinYm.be held ?n XV oi law, an eiecuon wui do oeia on m i - - . - . KatasWiils,o.ii1r& of Charlotte for Mayor and a Board of Alder men . for said city, for the twelve months Ho.Vlea1strar-M C Mayer? I Inspectors C Sc jtt, F .-. H Dewey, W W r- v-0 :o;..'w w Inspectors L W Sanders, Wm Sloan, John 1 T Butler. ! - 1 - WAKD ao. 3.-riegisirar-i a. jacuinn ; Inspectors A H Urea well, MA Btauner, 1 j yj Miller. I "Wasd No4. Recistrar E K P Osborne; Inspectors-M L Bamngei , AB Nisbe Ja, , meAlmakdie, Sheriff. apr4 tde Notice. tt iVrwo rA that a rnort wm in ciiv 1 rL culation to the effect that the Mansion purpose to seep it up as nereioiore. fllC A I,Kaa n JLcixfc a KAJ. aprl8 lw. ttte are far in advance with superior styl H and larger assments than in ax es any I previous season - 1 J JU LATTA A 1SKU. I . i - .. Use SirhtTIOnS' I - I TTEPATI0 COMPOUND for the liver. 'I imiOMT Lnnnnrurt 1 . . , Wholesale and Retail Agent. apris :m, n large and yery choice selections in Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, AND Gentlemen -L & E. D, Latta aprl9 ATTENTION' LADIES ! ! :W: :A: 2000 -Y-JRT)S' , BMBROIDEKIBS AT SO CENTS ON ue , WILL OFFER FROliNDAYKieTH. -A LOT SE7EBAL THOUSAHB at lrom ffe to 99 per yard, WILL also GREATLY-REDUCE SEVERAL OTHER LINES OP. GOODS. . , D Come Quick and Secure Bargains. TWittko w sk aprlS Home Copt. TJ 8-E ;mmorisIIIIepaitic toappnad .1 iiioicsaje anu BR inn ALL & CO., GEHERMi SOOTHEBK LAUD AQEST3, '! , Will" shortly t ' t Pnbliah a large edition of their SOUTHERN GUIDE AND CATALOGUE For eeneral distribution mail parts of the United States and Great Brttian. All per sons having Real Estate for-sale will find it greatly to their advantages to rue tnis valua ble medium.. A limited number of advertisements will 1 bs received- Address I nn a wn T T JL. rf I No C07 Seventh St, Washington, D. C i, priocawtr 13 i -. - J - Furnishings. & Brother. :R:- THE DOLLAR. OP- TAEIS 3HBE0HEBIES, worth from 95e to Bl. -VP & liintels -m . -m r we 11, 5 r ' X iteiaii Ageais, V ' Ten Cent Colmn. LOST Near the city, oa Toesday after- neon, a black Cashmere Shawl, with a silk border. The finder will be liberally reward- ea oy leaving tnesame as ' - - aprl9 St; . . THIS OFFICE. FOUND A ladies Paraaol, which the owner can haye by proTiag prtptrty and paying for this advertisemenL m .r aprW It ' t -,.f ; :: Tl9Dt BEa GEEMAV or MILLS TT ICO bushels ft sale at reduced price. - ' , JAS F JOiirSTON, Opera House Eoilding, Charlette, IV. 0. aprl83t ir Si . AVERY'S Garden Plows Very eiilly worked Can be used by a boy or laij , Every one who has a garden should hsvs tze For sale by . JAS F J0HXSTC:ir Opera Xlouse Building, Charlette, ll, C. aprWSt . .:-v. ll ! i i I m i ii 7 ... ' ' ' ... . AX V iiVV 1

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