a itf. ' STATE NEW .. , ,;' CX1 8 i " ' J J Stewart has been nominated for U Ryor of Salibbury. -' "r The military post Afc'Eateigbi 'has been nb.iind ad the troops ordered to Foit MC,"n',Hl f ,? u The Rev Mr Farrow, of Winston, waa stricken with a third; attack tf paraly w on Sunday i.uht, and his condition is despaired of., v.... i; A valuable go'd ipinejia' been ,dis ' covered by'Wni Bailey on the land of aIpi Abernethy, some five miles east of Icard Station on VV N C It R It -hs been' rumored' tfiaV'J'M Mc Corkie, Esq, oiSauahury. is to receive the appointment of U S District vAt . i for the , Western t , District of Tsir.rth Carolina. There is no lawyer the iState better qualified ,fortie I in office. j ' , , j?;6icaZ Recorder : 'Tbe revival 3 at rhanel Hill continues. Up to Satur day morning, the time of Dr Pritchard's Ravine, 26 had made-arprefBsion ef flith 18eftliem students of-tho University- Among the latter were tw sons of Professor Phillips, one of them a member of the gtniprdsBs.... flmpttn-Butler. ThtXtntovhomltoah Carolina Owes her Deliverance. From the New Orleans Times Governor Hampton has ended the South Carolina case in a manner befit t na th man and the time..' He visited Washington because he tbeuht it best Mr th interests of the Com monwealth whose Governor he is, and that he micrht be able to calmly discuss with the Cabinet the question of his own title. , , . nnvpmdt'Hadhfetorr' fat this time oci .n.a 'n, norrimon riosition? He 'is 1 rmt a. pre&t man. according to the pop ular measure and standard. He makes nn Inner BDeeches. He tickles no vulrar vanities. Hewfnio the White House, not capin Bapd cringing for favors, nor seeklngTor a little weak newspaper notoriety, out wim me calm manner of the thoroughbred .genttemajUhat he is. He was easily .chief lB Btate thai has never been poor in statesmen, who dared to have ideas and express them, let who might say them nay. There was none of the ( hAmf diplomacy which mailer jer 'defightiin When Eainptofa went to see Uaviu HAanikftAa-ondhavinflf-the rinhk TTa had nn refios-nition to ask. 1 bicz&mmm Wbawp i T&rm, llfilhnAlrMim frwti lit s Thsl Nr4ere Urying to trade k something for nothing were amazed n thatithere -were ho secret? meetings nor I lAidoieit caucuses He rebuked the tendencies of this venal time. There was no craft in this. It was the ez- tnmo wiMnnHii if hftnestvr r-t is the r culminatKra orwisaoin. 1 nimigu wwi 1 bft. aleslcMff 0 laDftSryBft. arfeCflaeav,i.NOT(; onng to achiere a similar result. He gave uuuuujr i.Bub w enator-akpgiaiyetnod.l Hamptgaastnagi$celiilf,vi)BdicatedV his State for six generations Patter-1 onand CorbirUfM ! Dennisiave only made the proud old1 bfood more emi nent by comparison. Hot blooded, always brave and true as steel, some times wriufe.E fnelvacillatihff br weak . alfljb itvjhasljnnlv mkd crreater f because it hadihe fittest right, u,." CE rma:Botaifeved Mm-t 5lha 3 VfOernp.ui pttra) had many advisers. But when imparl tial liistory shall give to the , world the story of South Carolina's wrongs and her hnal triumph, chiefest among those who haveeseied well bf the nian has been,abused as he has. He fhas leeni called Hmsirg" Butler, baseless have been circulated far and wide. Under such persecution and trial as u is tne lot i nut lew men ever to endure, his motto was nobleste otZie. He has been Gov. Hampton's trusted triena. Jlis prudence in council has been as marked as was his fhat,4eobmitoh of .firbness and Tkf rtffh "Wh tfill "Opti" TlntlAT rtnoflOBsaa to an eminent decree, done hia Staii such service as in the trying times change. Dry Uoods have manifestly weak throueh which South Carolina has hist eued. sr?. passed. When the troops are removed Cham- berlainJffeS jpfsWef ri9if.it win I " fold their tents like the Arabs, t 'ifi Tl nfl n4 kilflnll' dfiol a wav ' . in eei Sol especial complication in uie oouin varounacase. , ida i;em- ocratic investigatich " committee de- k vcejf, thf cattle , there seemsvf woa. Skextihu asd 8Hiriiiee . . ltiam have already? decided 1 : JK Rockingham 44 naara nampton title to, -be perfectly: food. 1 t -nnuu- , clared that the State had gone for ab(pKr11 aMBayes ThWf people of UStefb The people of that State were in dead ? 9 1 OritlSYS?. W cause of every man who loved the peace anPproeMrityff of Ithis great wuu. it, irna uiiguty, aiiu uas pre- vauea. CAWBJEITTIHG 4-4' and L lUKMPlCA'RPET. i Jarlle.Floor Oil Cloli. Marbl(Bj;ndMah6gony Table Oil CJclh. Oil and Paper Curtail s, and all House Fur nishing Goods, best quality, at -" 5? " , i 1" ,.' : ' ft , . , i BaRrINGER & TBOTTERw apriO , "" , '' '" " As You Like It. ONE car load Lynchburg's best Flour, one lot fine Irish Potatoes for. table use, one lot best Cream Cbeeaa, ope lot select Goshen Batter, one lot elegant Mountain Kit But ter, and other,articles belonging in a first class Grocery, v. M MAS C WOLFE aprlQ tf . . Use Simmons' ' llLSONftBURWEEU Wholesale and Retail Agents. aprl8 :T.an n esse, Beef . is ,.'.fr P('" ' " . 2 lil A MOTHER arrivafof Tennessee Beef Oat- h, uuenuuiai. v,au anu aee lor your- self. . . ; ADAMS ft POWELL,. ne, one ana iat. can ana see lor your- 0.'" J- . RETAIL MARKET. . Batter scarce and in demand. 1 .?CklckensTery,tcar(.iV j Xl Egus Hgb t stock. - .7" ,: . Irish Potatoea-yery caree,., 4a . App es Bcarce. , Orangessmall stock.... : Cabbage none offering.' v Mutton very carc; goodemand. ; . Banana plentiful,; Preeh Couatry, 23a25 S0a35 Goshen " - : - -J - e.n in- n mnn uosnen ""''- w s- m-Kn ot,LTBTl , From wagons. From stores. . 1 Turkeys. 1 0a75'VAi . .90al.25 -. 30a40 45a50 i.K:. Ducks,;- jv 20a25 ;f4-n u.av'25a3Q Chickens, 25a30 30aS5 ; 'Guineas,:. 16ial8 r onoOK Eqg; PotAToi - r - .-. 4 ,r . . . , .7 lOlli ..rtrt i oweeo, fioushel,l 00al.25 1.50al.60 xrisn, ",. . l,25al 55 1.75a2.00 ' x "' Cabbatr. .ri: ' ' " ' 3a5 Fbb8h Meats Beeti;' :-' ' ? Veal, I Mutton, -"" " "Lamb, 1 ' " . - t) rPork, : , - J Sausage," uhc tuffed, . Sausage, stuffed . Per 1 6a8 6al0 ' 6al2J r 10a12i 1 12ial5 15al65 00a08 , O0a25 fr.t mf-4ti f 4 ; per lp . la Uomb. I2al5w iRt.r4nvl 1So1K -"g. Pr hundred, 60a4.00 Apples (NortbernVierlbl. . 5 fKWi .v Apples (Green Mountain), 3.50a.00 v-ranDemes, per quart, 20 - imea Apples, per lb;. 7a8J reanuts, country, 1.00 Wilmington, 2.00 Bananas, pr bunch, 2 00a3 50 v " . " dozen . . r 60 Cocoanuts , : I ; 1i.08a.l0 s." pr dozen .75a J 00.. GBOCEEIES "WHOLESALE. Corn, jn fair demand. . ;, , Flqur market excited 't&k niber J Sugar, good demand. Coffee, firm with good demand. Bait, dull Bait meats, strong and advancing. Lard, firm and advancing? 7 f. Bulk Miats per lb 9a9i Clear Rib 8ides, lx)ng Clears, . r , Shoulders, ' , Haxs 1 i ; 7 S C Uncanvassed, " Canvassed, Lard 8jod 12Jal3 14al4i Best refined tierce. Aalf Bbla, F Buckets ATins, Factory, aXiTZmM n " W- i. cOQJ1try Goshen 2a27 29a32 8UGAES , '. 1 x a. i ' . s CatloalT I i Ha. I ,121al3 Granulated and crushed 12ial2i A J-'1 ' ' ' A llal2 ExC . llial2 T . H MeiAss: Golden Drip (syrup; 44a55 40a45 rwpa,T ,Blaok-6Qa75, Green. 85al.50 FjBB y ntTrrrs0 Vf VSoSO BWs (full weight) 9JJ 1 fH't H ITrttSfm fFio vbbT Family, 9.OO0I2.OO 8.00o9.50 JBxtra, iuper,-A 'L lJBuck tSBuckwhat.t 4 i 14 ix Choice 71 to prime- 6a6 Gmto per$bi II QS2Tl t 1 Corniby car loldi s Mkal per bushel, 5.60 adtljTOia bulk. 68 SHTpvoni wneons In bulk 1 j" 2a65 JWhiai - - From wagons. From Stores 25 cts higher r- - 5,," , j-" ! SS?6 I4! Pf Black. - Rte . 80c5, J -4T i l 1.50 60a65 1.00 ST!?17, ilSll S ififSLj w ...''" Vs. v' Wmiina. " 7Ca80 1 oAIl1u. per sack Liverpool, fine table, 2.25a2.30 1.15al.26 Ground Alum ' H ? , - DOMESTIC BEY GOODS. Thoneh Quotable, there is stilt little Jobbing Rates.) U - 7Jc 7ia7i 7 6a6! 7-8 Other brands Brown drills 71o7i 9al0i 8iall 10-4 8heetingbrd ahd unbl'd. ' 5-4Pilldwca8ing, " 31a40 18a22 i Panrrs Pawaee ' " .f Wamauttrf, r . q - rndred brands . other good brands CorroAPES J.T q 5a5i 5a6 6a6 6Ja7i 00o7 15al51 Wittenden 'l4al5 15 I Orieptal ' f Leinbacb ft Co ; -r" " Darco Lincoln : Table koek-1 Ermine cloth , Daxss'GooDs-'.-p HU- ' Carded Alapacaa - Plain Lustres , . , Lawn's Pacific ' ; Parses Plaids Percalls 22 12 15al51 22a24 30 18a21 , 20a22 14al6 18 . . . i.OA -,., ' .P.equets f v . : ' TlCXIKO ; - Palmer" 4 Oakland ' y.i i " -' Conestoga - WINES ANTXIQUOBS. ' f : ' . .... 'i" f 12a24 8a8i Hall 2 121 a 7 pA.h nerval. I : Annie " WmsKT n v 25o4 Corn - - . Champagne, per basket, 20 ' Sherry " g4 ?n 2 50 Port MmlAria it 2 90 ti 2 1 Scuppernong ' 1 7 mrt " dowen Ale Porter tf H tt S 75 2 75 If White Oak Stauatot, per lb . 0a rr i mai SB vtm Hi I3al3i " 151 HIS wa i v .1 Huiaiii J I Jpereal AJneans-iaia ta cnotce,. aoaua 65a75 85aST i! v H 1 7flal French Calf, Snser . - J : , , J gal xiMrucps, 1 75al 7r tfIVE txyyi-CP J.-.mrm ill -.Sf o- Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans portation. Company. ,'v.-'.-j.'a Sailing from BlXTIMCitM l? Tuesday and Frldar," at ' 3 PW. x y ..'4 WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. GIVING THROUGH BILLS OF LADING to all Doints in , North, and . South uarojma,.ueorgia ana Aianeana.! 'or.Jqrt f biiadelpbia, New York, Boston, Providence, -ALSO Liverpool rGlasgoWBf dmen Antwerp and Other European Portsv i These Lines connect at Wilmingttitf with the' Wilmington,- Cblttmbift' Augusta Bilroad. Wilmington & Weldon ilirolini QeZyfr&m ttiver steamers, with their connectiDffRoads. delivery of .Freight ta ail pointa. as the 8teamets no these Lineon amtal is Wilminsr- ton stop arBaflroadetMt,' tbAjteiobi transfiBEBed rimder oered hedak tojnn fwithoof teiar, ana: forwarded by the FastJf reigbt iso arayage in anteed as LOW as all goods via Wilmingi For f nrther information EDWIN FITZGERALD. 4 WM. P CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Ae. Wilmington and to transfer from. Wilmington South. , Kslee, guar.pf TZ m-l!,-... t LeawCharlotte M,., .ijja, by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges bromntlv said; .Hark ,J?tZZiZ!iZ3 . 1 1 T l Leave Columbia. . r.8i80 a. m. l. x . vxja Lxi k vv., wen 1 xiew xors: iiine, 0 cowling ureen, at 1., . , A. D. OAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York lines, Wilmington, JT. a tf, W H. H G. G. () If I ? VIA WILMINGTON.'NOlWCAEOLINA. , Through Freight ffioute this lhle beirfe fiajly gulipei'fo'bu&ineas, ffers; trhequaled facilities iof Me WILMINGTON AND ALL iNOHTHEKNm AND IaERNCITIES TO DHETTK STATESVlLLSeFASHVlELl'RTITHlFOIl JPl f I ATLANTA & BICJHM0JOX MB4JlS'(AAS130r'v TENNESSEE &-OJ3IQ, and WESTERN N. a I m r i f BAILBQ ADS, as well as all points in o ! 1 .1 U I 1 ! GEdEGIA, ALABAMAjiaA MISSISSIPPI. , GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA III f INFORMATION FUBNISHED - w M A "MOODY: fjf 1 South Western Freight Agt., 3ra&.w.tA w n. septSO ' JustiReceived AT JM UG STORE,' IftfCasI enrinffs ViOses Rockbridge JIT WlClf A Will Alum Water $ a. large supply of . Iodine and Alum Mass rrom tbe joraan Aium opnngs apr8 Matches AJ ewe Iry, Halesu& Far ri6r:'s. WE HAVE i Trsx miTTOlrfcxSK; AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. in Alkworlt In theime neatly done, and Warranted.: A'-of. ' &.u i , A LARGMOT i. -OF MM -AND OTHER TOYS! JUST feEOEIVED fAT " t . i I I i-. 'li t - A i PURBFO'S, , decl7 CL P.T-H.I, N(G ! ! Pierre Dedroit, t)OliLS M imO HA NTT TJfl LORQ n w i Telegraph Office, Central Hotel. nnfrfi 00 guarantee satisfaction in style and nt. , .nil f' 501 -JTi. 50 T)BACTICE the first, and secure 60 X by purchasing yourGroceries,from,y 60 ' V R B ALEXANDER, apr7 Opposite Charlotte n.oxei. . t. a pmc ' ri'nnfvof NICET tJnWe! A BEEF, PORK,- MUTTON, -and- YE AL alwasS on'hand-ahdw'fBmarkel)rfces Mjt , . iVL- x aU&a M I mrr-ffl nnerafcrned have this day leased 45aou i Rock lsiana jjaciory xaru,auu ;u"f constantly on nana auu u.ct Shingles, Laths: Lime- and iWood.S which 90 90 th will aell attowest marxei pncea, wuuio- g they Useu owes BEVAN, ii S-7J, t rast -j i-a x .l .cema stD i nrioq 1 !art irt.' . ..f - ' ;!-(! Clyde?. Wilmington Line; ,52:,r. jhb& -.'i T V. '' ""It' ,EDNESDAS nndSATlRDAYS I 7; sktoH Baft Rivet and IptperEastern Cfttfltr " f ' fflfflSCiT. - " ! r ...vr -? i 19 rHeadaches,i biclc Headache, .VerT, , hwiisil. si;w iu w ;'j ' -iia-.j; -1 offenhe mieaualled faellitiea forthe nromnt toress that monOnir., . .. i, -1 New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, NT GEEGORYi Soliciting Agent. j;:?; . ' i' - AJt5TD BATES ANY COMPETING LINE, AND .vj '. -. ' -!!! ,tiift UPON ?PLATI0N TO ' 1 f -r W CLARK, , GeneM height Agt, Wilmington, N. 0, 8fi T T SMITH. - AgentC CBairway, Charlotte.' ' TJ 7 OFFICE IN THE . IN 8 U RANGE BUILDING All orders left at Wilson & Burwell's drug store will receive prompt attention. . feb24 ly .. , ,, , . . . , ATTEHTIOIl TO ALL I 0. B. H0LT0N, V A' ,t-U V.i.'ti-'V 'IaviteS'the 5 3D VJ PUBLIC AND HIS FRIENDS TO CALL T if : J and' EXAMINE HIS FRESH: GOODS. BABFAS; ORANGES, PEARS, A pples, Grapes,- ai'Caiefl Fruits; ?f f TOONUMEROUSTO MENTION.. Dried Beef, Bologna Sausage vi "' V !J 1 AMD LhW'l Alack Remember lite BAKERY with BREAT, CAKES and' CANDIES at Whole sale and Retail. u nvuxvn , . . "AT THRXISWJB buxi, . f", jOppositiVpe Market. mar2r COBS MENDEL, JL JfeAUMGABTKH . ST b if. mWdexT&coO ; u KAJTUTAOTUaSBS Of HI IV U'.iHtf'JHJHaK.ir, -51 WHOIiXSAUE DKALXBS IX ; lIJOiaXAUA'ltillfl-.- I TOBACCO, , f I i r.uu i STJFP, PIPES,: s&Qv onLines. r'' ' ' J,r w ' ' " ' l 7 V1"10,:- ' lveGmnitevUH;, t '.JiOla.m. , apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line 1 25.iDropsy and scanty Secretions, jLi.;r50rmat'"In?ta 7,40 a.m. Gen'l Act. Reltimnre Tiafk. fiQ RonUHtwt Rn.lt.5mop . 1 2SB SeaSickneaa. aickneaa trout iWh 60 H 1 iJ3"cGOING-iNORTH N0.: ' 2. ; irethelaElerr . TRADE ST- CHARLOTTE, N. C. . k yoka Remember '"TRi McADEN has removed from the old Xs corner on xryon otree building, a few doors below, tne A at THE best 50 cent Hair Brush in the city A at T O SMITH'S,. aprlS, Drug Stcra.; onri inafc lhnvn iuias. uonen a xtoesaier B. i - o-- - 01B meaium. , r where all are invited to come to get good Saratoga Water on ,icet goasitistattne . a limited number 'ofaiveVtisements will 1, rrT"V r- . . , v , .,r, r .McADEN .DRUG: BTORE. 1 "rr'" -rraMHAT.T. Am.".. : . i.' .1" ,linarT 1 .ef5v'. I" "o607 Seventh St., Washingtbtt,I),C. -1 rr i 3 V Will Cinrl I . w ill s iiiva nmillLBPOWli- n , - nwiiirnitiiio ,! nOMEOPATniC SPCCHTICS r -j: Been In general use for twentf years. livery wtiere proved tlie most SAFE, SIMPLE ECONO MICAL, and EFKiClEV medl- I cines known. 1'ley are Jasi IV bat. ttie 1 people r want, saving time and money, averting: ,--! f ness ana smieringr. Eaen single . "iWorms, Worm Feyer; Worm Colic, r 25 3 Crying Colic, or Teething- of InVsl Migoods and work muBtbe paid .fopion deliy- fants... i 25 1 5 1 s 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Adoife3 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, BiUwuaColic,- 25 25! 25 1 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods,. ...4.. ' . 25. i C1010?. Coigb Diffiooaj; Bathing, 1 v 25 S Bait liheam, .Erysipelas,. Eruptions, 5z RheumatiHm. Rheumatic Pains!.. 25 16 Fever and Ame,CMll Ft verAeues. 50 L fMJ"' 50 1 r.th nterrn-nhrhm iflnmw: sn t T 20 Whoopine-Coueh. viotent coushs. so I OK 1 81. Asthma, oppressed, Breathingiwi... A SOTvatt. anA parsenotcr TRATrllriATT.v ft arges, impau-ea neaqngr ? ou 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel,. 50 ff5 Cr?r:?' 28 ervousDebiUty, 5emmal .Teak- ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth? Canker,' 30 Urinary Weakness,' wetting the arfe nwtitwi 4 501 31. Painful Periods,, with Spasms 32 Disease of Heart palpitations, etc. , 1 00 Hfy;lpas1ms'!VitTO'.Ranc!,1 02 34 Diphtheriaulcerated flore throat, ' ' 50 35 Chronic congestions ; and Erap,i - - . tions, t. ....... '....v..-........ 5 FAMILY , CASES.' t:j I Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, ' - $10 00 1 case (Morocco) 01 uu large vials and - ' Tn femAi'we'entlay Prt, of, y the country, free . 1 vnarg-e, on receipt 01 price. Aadress ' - . - HUMPHREYS' . , , nomeopathic Medicine Co. Office & Depot, No 562 Broadway, 'N. Y. - For sale iy an Drug gists, ' T C SMITM d: CO., Agents, Dr, JOHN U. McADEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, I fll TV) W fll m W O OS , .. - No 1, Parks' Building;, Next door to T. Butler's Jewelry Store" "VT OW offers to the trade an nnusually large and well selected Stock of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, V. PAINTS, CI LS and DYE STUFFS. Our new store room is now complete and we nave ample room; tnree stones wen fiHed with everything in our, line, bought for Cash at the lowest market price. Our old customers and friends, and the! fKam o1 th. If J?thm least money, mi-mui uuu vmviiuh vtv Mvuii Vivivw v vmv marl Demorests Patterns 821 MAIN STREET; 821 TAEMORESTS PATTERNS ' for Spring XJ and cummer received beautiful designa,.6endforcatalogae-free Priceefi'tPortfollo'' andoWhat to, Wetf l5y:L mlA m-i,.3 We have made special, agreements with Mme Demerest iwherebyT we become hef only generaUgenisfor the.States of Vlrgifl. mar22 6w w4t Richmond, Va. Btiists- "llfARRANTEDGARDEN SEEDS of the . If -crop ef 1876, in papers and im bulti at McA DEN'S DRUG STORE. marl F.n.'nflftAftl1 "Si BfcPg jBgJPg u truta oiiuiuuun Liver marl Fine f rvi rrvcr ivi fc-vi . FRENCH kBRANDY, Sherry, Port find Madeira Wine, and Robertson County Whiskey, the best in the world, sold atrictly for medicine at "',,.". Mc ADEN'S DRUG STORE, 1 marl ' ' , 10,000 T?INE CIGARS of all brands f tb4 finest jl uuauvy, ni Mc AD EN'S DRUG STORE, marl..' - '4 ' . . iu Daiiuib .H T INSEED OIL,1 'both raw and Tailed, JJ if. i iiBHia . nnTTa Bmcn marl 10 Cases T3 0CKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, .fresh, F it- CI ! 1 1- ! J : -,' -1 1' jlv iruui iiuecLirius, juai rcuciyvuBb marl 3? , .1.- III r A Jrl n I T w l , ntJFFAL6J LITHlA WATER, 'iust-. I JO eeivaoV'-We havemaeavrangementsto I receiye inese Auneratyyaier.eery, weea right fresh from the Springs, at " marl. Sarntop-a borings pltrns named ta caSgue. i W?n ffmcjlvjyereon. III Burton's MaltHop,TQBiCn excellent r I s aiiitsieiui iiivaiius auu iuuso ouuuiug, I from general debility, at ? i ' t py. rXI ear Bitters. ; . I n ? Eros Merrifl Wfc bia Cffl '0 t. 51. 141 ; MCALl!iIJ'B,jyiiUU p y xUJi, IT removed from the old, , fis-t,-nt Jw'vaiir Street, to the Parks ASiSSvSLfaEa! 2. lelow.nexttoBuUer'ilWttonour , r-r . votnlinn A-anht all fha narm-JfTMTif l!""" 17 " . c-.. - , ChevyinTc; j UT Tobacco, unequalled in any market, ' , 1 . McADSN'S DRUG STORE. - . ...... j-f ti.:(r:!.i ,....-'7 v r. is. xnhvtfsit mh-kpnl 1 " ltEBCflAOT; TjiiLOfc' DEALBB .IN ,iit!:GEN FTJRNiSHlNG GpODS, I TTAS rpmnvod fn nna th Voar'Abumi I rxJ - unaef tneTe'ntral Hotel.Trade Stand is I receiving his Winter StoolQ f xGoods fot Men's Wear, and will make vhem up at short notice- hi the mctet fashionable man- aer, cheaper than the same-. lass r of Goods have ever; been, offered in. this market s r J.'" :-i .. j v l; Cutting and repairing done promptly. All I err, as x am compeueatoc 1 - J erv, as I am compelled to do a cash business. 1" 11 ' J S PHILLIPS - OCtl7;"'"j f5- ?:!l0i:;t GENERaY" PASSENGER DEFT: uhaelottk, Columbians Aug'dsta.'K. . Columbia. 8. C. March 11th. 1877 iniA n. ;n k nnarco n tvu road : , i' , , . r . ? t i 1, , GOING SOTJTH-No. 1. Leave Augusta, r n a : 1 1 .f s . , i 45 p. m Leave W, U & A Ju'n, . , s 125 a m. c, ;a:;r.!r: IT rotflLeaveCblutobiai : i 1155 a. m. Arrive, aumartottep.iiFa ;t r.oas a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRATfT. 50 DAILY, Sundays excepted CHAR- -50 LOTTE DIVISIONS-GOING , ,., ; t , SOOTH-No. 3, ' ' '3 ' Leave Charlotte,, , . Tj , . 45 a, in, Leaye Chester, - lT ' T 9i0 a, m Leave WinnsborO, 1 ' 12.00 ia, Axriye at Columbia, , . 2.43"tfisii ' GOING NORTH No. 4 Leave Columbia, - 9,15 a. m Leave Winnsboro, L15p.m. - A?c1kho biiiQ eii7.oap.m. AUGUSTA DlVISION-GOIN SOUTB Leave Colombia, ; 6.30 p. m. Arrive at Abgusa, " ! ! 3.57 a , m. t , s t ,.uujysu flUKin-jso. t. Leave Augusta, , .,5.00 a m. Arrive.at Columbia, ' ' 2.23 p.; m. Trains Nos 1 tnd 2, wilt ''not si6p at the following:.; named stations : ; : Smith s Corn n VfeiteGak Adgers, Simpson's, f "tacks, Lexington Borrs. Gil bert Hollow, Summit, Bacon'sT.O , Adams, Miles-Mill, Baths. . i,; 1 1 Trains Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6 wHl stop at all regular stations, and- ticket .offices , will be openedA.foF tbe accommodation of local travel. AW General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON,; Gen'l Sopt, , . ; -;. f mar29 . 'i t ' ' ' ' A,, T. & O. RiiR. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 ' ! f.i; Chariotte.'N. Cj April 6, 18f7. rs and after Monday; mprn 9th; the J following Schedule will be run over this road: - y ' GOING SOuTS. ,; 0 3.00 p. mJ 4.15 it. ! 4.56 n .30 " ; .1 .'. 3 30a,m. una - ' MOCe8Vj&0f v i I s TA rjnlk(yp Arrive Charlotteti' - 'i"-;4'li)t 1 if IuGOnfGsNORTH. ' "; 5.50 Arrive fitaEMvilta .1. x,4 7t---i i f 7 0(1 Uose conntion made at Statesvllle with trains over tne w. if. c. it. it. ; " '- , JfdZrMwi, iffyZinj te nolliafeleforlofflj; or &age freht aftes it4sSnnleadedat eithef 'fee 'above r,.mPA'''FW filaHniw i , eWSveay'iie for 1?S HKIM STOBE, I ... A ...It . ( r. 828 4 ARCH STREET,'' PHlLADEtPHlI. v' LiheTii 'Dress Goods. tJRspring importation of eholce printed iLLnan Jawns, Jias just peen received steamahip'Brittannia.", , : lUlES CA N, it A V. Hi SAM fj j j' XiAJUltWS. t.A SAMPLES H" ffiUe'Lains-Black nat- - l white ground tSsimfeta: patterns On white I r . m... .u i j . vMouraiogiiriaii Lawns Wbife patterns n blackroun(Lt vPlain black linen. lawn ; ou wuiu! gruuuu. iiaiu ivuiic jiiipu ianu,( i rniuco niuc 57 i i Kiaaa wniteuaen lawnrae mcnes wide. I . FoETraveilina Snits Plain Fiat ; colored Eineris; 34 inches wide, at 20, .28,- 3 r, 85 (and 40 cents' pef yard5 " ii(1ft ' Plain jSaVSD Uls linens. Wain Ulacfc LinepsheckedLioens natural flax colors. 4 Also Household Linens 6T every descrip- tion t Linen Handkerchiefs dee. Qualities always reliable, Prices always reasonable. i ! ' o mOMlLLlKEN fc SON. Linen Store, 828 Arch Street! -, , aprillm - f r .. . JPhiladelphia t ' N. B, A great variety of samples til the I above namedgoedi&ea&"beeen at Mrs i Query's Millinery Store, where orders for same will1 received and promptly attend- i .A . . . OA!nht,w Ao;Va at v. V W.eiLUte?b! licatibn of the kind in our country, as well sKlhecheapesit.: ToriiaMjsr, adtor so t a'l'1 .II.lAri-llLJ' ill eh251 ?fnBoston. BRAMIIALL& UOff4 re fll3?i X GENERAL -OTMNLSND i 9iiJ pgsit;e 'Mi m - CDS v'tiitycU,, JiUvJ7-9"5 iu b)Mi9S. ,;&fi7."i-J f f 111 BUVl 1J . . P ''Pablish'a large edition or.their SOUTHERN GUIDE AND CATALOGUE. -' UnitedStates and Great Britiaiw All per. A ' eons having Real Estate for saltf will finalt y totbeiraavantaBeatovueih.itValua- a Air KouciaA, iugi(tvuiir li ii urui ua uao at 1 1 Smoked Hogs 'OLES; 200 lbs ;- t Atu-CAojos. iJucKWfieat JTlonr; at '.,,. fc., .. ..-.,1. ,i-t SUA .V.I jlt'.-JTiqirrf-f ?r; ' "v A NKWLYdiav ha A T. O. RaUiead 2X. viUe,'N. C., on k. i-iotte. Bald mine has IS miles North of Cha. many oil been explored only S3 mine and or miners have examined, ; m Prof W O and pronounce it very fine. A - of Lin-1 Kerr, of Raleigh, Dr 0 L lluntA, . bav coin ton and Pref Hanna. of Charlot tt wnrr fin.' bcu iub uiuia uiu vrv sua prouOUJki. ' With" these recommendation1 4nd maar ooe that could be brought up we now offer this., valuable , property, for sale, including between 70" and 80 acres of land in and around said mine, of which- them are torn 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half milefromaaaw-mill.' Any one wishing, to see specimens of sal mine can do so by calling at our Office When we sav specimens.-we mean to show yon something that is worth, looking at. f wr turvuer wwnuauun, tuurew - - . ... J t-H. A I HUNTER, June If. : - "j :1s BanterrriUe, N.fl. GREAT, REDUQJI0N .tit VI 11 I HAVE just taken Stock, and find I hays more Goods than I want to carry 10 1 will .-, ;!,'.; 1 M -vi9u :' sell one half off at COSTiio suit the times. I will sell a fine Silver American Watch for mOT 'Twm sell Gold CTarnsatll.OO per , .-- Yi.fi-.yT SMi'Tt i if auT dwt. ' Watch Glasses Btied. aV lOireach, and everything else jn propprtiott, i WEIGHT AND QUAUTY.OF,. GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, (J ' AT J. T. LE CA R 6 L t N A JEWEL BY ST ORE, CHARLOTTE, & G. ja21 u. :,, IMPERIAL SALOON keet ?pa constantly on LAUEK'8 CELEB 3ATED, LA,G ER BEES, By the dozen bottles $1.25, By the keg $4.25. SWEET OR SOUR CLAR ET, and OTHER DOMESTIC ' WINES, " by the dosen bot- 1 ties $3.00, by tbe gal ' f, ... lOn $1.50. . ; . WINE and BEER ON DRAUGHT. 1; ALE, PORTER. DUBLIN AND BELFAST GIMGER ALI, . r s- By thedoaen, $2,00jrj JOSEPH mSCEESSER.' ieb28 . . ;, :7 l" 't'"i ,'l ' .... I '-.II J V ' "" WE WILL, SELL n s: GOOD ') N. C; H A1Y. , A.T 75c PSiR 40Q.LBS. ? Mayer; Ro&sf; & jJones. Jeb27 JOSEPH McCLURE, Esq., has been ap- pointed by the Executive Committee to receive theassesmcnt.Bf one cant per acre from the landholders of Mecklenburg coun ty to build the fence' betwten the counties of.Mecktenbnrg and; Union andtMeeklen burg and Iredell, required to be built by tbe Stock Law. recently passed by the Leg J islatore. This being a voluntary ; contribu- i tion lananoiaers are requeatea to pieaie forward tneir suDscnpuons prompuy. icripu 6 B ALEXANDER,- JS MYERS. Com. D P HUTCHISON. mai6 Home and Democrat copy.f .10-' REAL ESTATE Immigration Agency. FOR the sale -of ' Land, -'and "providing homes in the Piedmont regions of North J and South Carolina. . r - !TH0S P DRAYTON, febl2 tf Charlotte, N. a 5,000 Pounds ST. LOUIS, WHITE LEAD, the yery best material at short profit, at i . McADEN'S DRUG STORE. J marl ; i - i - - . - . ' "i FineSoaps- ENGLISH; FRENCH :;.ndMEBICAlCI Jnst receivea, at - n ? ' tt . r. --o 1 .1 400 ASSORTED SACKS VIRGINIA " 3 : J U S TI N'.iJSfca 1IAIER, H0SS A JONES. eb27 it ?Babyland." ARGEST PROFIT YET. . 8pecimenIeo- ies free. ,F"or an Agency send to , ,X r LOTHROP ft CO. feb25 ,.: -t,r7):ti nnj LiO-i Boston. I 60,000 ?P6iindo "VrORTH CAROLINA HAY, at 75e Ie -i. nunarea pounas. For aaie y h . v . - . ) hnrtlliw w Tf AX VAU TV JbAiAo marll A' ' r gT ' 1 ' f 1 m y i. iff A 1 J, 1 " if! M 1 - I "i" r? t . . . ... . : , ' : . j- . .. : m ,.r .,.a m . - - i . . ... - . . r

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