f T .1 i f JOLDlPniriTIKO. ; r i J. 1 ' Ina OBazayn Xob Sertttnteat ... -tnorovxhly iBTpllea wiy - Ttry adM .: want, and wua tn latest atTisa cx TTP . rvery zojuraer oi Joo Worr ean r om wltA neatrHwff, fflT" and enez. -cs. " V We tan foral&a at sort nouc . BIJLlS, BIUilCSAJCa, ; iiETZEBESra.cABsa, ; KG3AJtUS3, JlArTb.krLLB, ! ' ' PAJirSLKTa GHXXTKS. fta, f . -i 00 It..". nirift -klv thecountyjin advance,, $2 out of the county, postpaid, 2 oc 10 6 months, - 4 liberal reductions for clubs. 1 05 vol. xni. CHAEIXXTTE N. C, WEDNESDAY, APBIL 25. 1877 1 r .',rfJ f ,u;H0. 20,75. 1 - rf ' yrtfrffl v ifl .-.rtj.fi - L.-v,,; v..?. t rv -x- -! - - . - . : . - - . ' ' 11 1 " 11 ' ' 1 - ii " 3 UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT OF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. WASHINGTON ! What Hayes thicks of Blaine & Co. HAS been EeiurdsLed ar d Rtfitted', m firsst-cless tje, and offers Inducements to Travellers and Residents in its exceTent table, supplied with the best the market affords at prices to suit the times. An active corps of waiters in attendance at meals, and no pa ns or eFf Bl a,td ,0 render Bue8ta comfortab,e- Moderate Terms for IVIonthly Boarders. OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. aprl 1 1 HE DOE3 NOT FEAR THEM. Eeport of the Louisiana Commission. ELI AS. COHEN & ROESSLER, JSV11E ATTENTION TO THEIR ELI AS, COHEN & ROESSLER. Washington, April 24. Evarts has gone to. New York and Albany, and will be absent several days. f. Grant and Chandler were out-riding together. " Hayes does not see how " Wade, Blaine fc Co., can give force to their opposition. He says they could not dp it by thwarting any personal plans or prcspecta of his own, because he had none for them to thwart; and they could not do it by defeating his nomi nations in the Senate, because he never would send any name to the Senate, in ... . -11-11 1 - . 4 T M'tl 1 .,1 Ti1 I 1 r ,. ... . Just Received l'U 11 pJ" 111 itw 1 f Vl 1 l K 1 ' "IJU:rc,,v, ttim vcwwi wnose connrmauon ne had any inter- ? .1 hvnnrl that incnruol Kr VS Bin ers please examine. . . service. He did not see that they could do anything beyond to denounce hi3 ' : policy m SDeeches. Even if thev cohM find a majority in the Senate opposed A fresh aorply of AlpaceaE and Mil airs, sr.dthe laiResl Stcck oi Embroideries in to the Southern policy, the Senate ?! f ' ' , coma not unao what had been done; the city-very cbeap. i; thev could rrmtrrfstdre thfi tronn tn the State Hertises,-orjsould it re-establish the goverrtiewhich have van ished as JorSlistiaui Federal troops were witjrc m f: " their support. The Lo! pa' ' mission present ed tb eir J I to;.t ;. President, and remained an our Willi him and dined at the White fHouseMis P. M. The report.i.is simply a review of their pro ceedings. i Maj Stephens, Clerk of the Appro priationJCommitte ct the House, while herhas no doubt of a extra session be ing called, thinks it wi!l dispose of its business in fifteen days after organrza tion. - Two companies of soldiers are or dered, from North Carolina, leaving only one company in the State, at Fort Johnson. ' mar20 BURGESS it WHOLESALE & RETAII 4 SKALXS IX ALL KINDS OF PURNITURBj BEDi)ING,&a A FULL LINE -OF- CHEAP BEDSTtAD.-, LOUKGES, PARIOE &CHAMBIBSUIT8. SOUTH CAROLINA. ?lCOFFIN8of all KINDS on HAND, file Kew Order of Thiiijjs ihthc State. Private dispatches received in this city yesterday from Columbia, say that there is no doubt but that the Legisla ture, which convened in that city yes. terday,'v ill confirm Gen M C Butler's title to the vacant Senatorship from South Carolina. The associate press dispatches gives the following : Columbia, April 24. The Legisla ture met here.to-day, in extra session, pursuant to the call of Gov Hampton. In the Senate, the former Lieutenant Governor G! eaves, called the House to nrdsr an A modo a farpwpll flflflrPSS. in- F U R N ITU R E W A R E H O U S E sisting thathewas legally reelected; but tnat- iuriner resistance wouiu ce futile. -Mr Simpson then took the seat and delivered a brief address, urging har- N. 5, West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C jan3 FRESH G-OODS -AT- THE EASTJEKIt WAR. EW ADVI CTIsiftKXENTS; O REPORT OF TflE CONDITION Commercial Nati Bwk, AT CHARLOTTE, IN THIS STATE OP North Carolina, at the close" of business. War Gossfp-TheCzar Review -Grand Duke's Proclamation to Rou mania. . Constantinop, - April 24 An im mense crowd witnessed-the removal of .the Russian insignia from the portal nth of April, 1877." of the Embassy. . , LONDON. ADril 24. GortchakofTa 1 ' iResearcea, circular regrets tha. Russia finds her- Loans and discounts......... ......$287,492 31 selfnder the necessity of proceeding STBon' cingi handed to realize the wishes of Other stocks, bonds and mort-; . EvxnAs . bk X5y42 88 tt d . " ' Due trom approved reserve aeenta 2709i03 When the Rusiians cross the Pruth, jjQe flom uber National Banks, 8,291 OS the -ijpurks will send a large force of Keal estate, furniture and fixtures 6,268 74 Circasians to destroy the Railroads. 1! m 00 Count Andrassy now favors mobiliza- Checks and othr cash items 41 St tiori ' Bills of other Banks....:.. 46.718 00 mu . , " D'ractional currency (including . I he Austrian forces are sufficient to nickels) . 244 14 profect the Austrian interests. Specie....... , ,, 8 ti,1 tj . Legal-tender notes.... 30,000 00 lhe Russian army commences to Redemption fund with U S Treas- march to Roum'ania Wednesday. nrer(5 percent, of circulation).. 2,250 CO TVi , ... . Due trom U. 8. Treasurer, other The Russian naval authorities have than 5 per ceDt redemption fund, 600 00 suspenses navigation between tne Crimea and Caucassioa. Revolution in JL JL i-V4 i - . S-..T, . .J A ToTAt. .492,01C 82 UilHles, Russia hf s promised Roumania in uu wjfuye. : Capital stock paid in...... $200,000 00 iurkey - is bringing timber from I Surplus fund,-.. 6,600 to Transylsteiorblidge.o.h.Dan- jSSSS2SS5S3KS: 8 ' ft " t ' 'i Individual, deposits rpubjeet,. to There are only. 7,000 :Turk?sh troops .heck 35,191 51 i - j Time certificates of deposit 186,748 47 m Crete, and the . people are organized Cashier's ehecks outstanding.;... 12 00 for ah insiirrectioa.,. . . Due to othtr Mational BankB.. 9,258 67 ThoTtaliAtt squadron1 which sailed Total,; from Taranta under sealed orders, is bound for Salonica. ; , . : The twenty thousand Russians con centrated onth Pruth will soon bo ready to cross. r ."492,010 82 State of North Caralina, . 1 ; . . County of Mecklenbar, as ; . ( J t! . I, A. G. Brenizer Cashier, of the above named bank, do soltmmly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. ' A CI n R TT. VI 7ER Pahir St Peteestjrg, fApril 24. -Adispatch , !B-1. A w... .v. from Kischoneff, dated yesterday, ,nd 24th day of April, 1877. officially published to-day. announces C N VANCE, Notary Public. that at the review 'froopa iby the Correct Attest : at Tu-aspolimraVestorday, His 9 DO WD , V HW-2k&T 2aM.JL'$ .S$ -Lot .j J L MOREHEAD, Directors. MajesQr tddressingj the fhcers, said: K WHITE j "I felt e sirtohj field apr25 " as long as possible, hesitating to shed FIRST OF THE SEASON. your blood, but ntw that the honor of SKSS 1CB COLD SOM WATER A t 4 ii tJ 1- T -at WIL60N & BURWELLrS, Drug Stork. apr2g Pure Rye Whisky. dicate it. May God be with you: I wish you complete ?ucces3. Farewell, until you return." 1 . 0 ;A' formal declaration of war will be issued Wednesday, '. - The Czar's manifesto to the ' Rnssian army and the people, was promulgat ed to-day . Th e E m per or d eelares th at in view of the rejection of the protocol fPHIS ,fe 5 ih tKLJt . . , , x. - , .,"., I X analysed a sample of the PfeiflferWhis and the obstinate refusal of the Porte I key of Messrs Wm L Welfe A Co.. and to yield to the just demaods of Europe, found the same to be chemically pure and uutuuiteraitu. WILLIAM E A AIKEN, M. D. L. Prof. Chem., Ac, TJni., Md. -Tie above Whiskey iafer al by -r B N SMITH, Trade &t apr25 the moment has. arrivedifor Russia to act independently. - si Brew AEESfTspTil IShelCfjftrni a ian government in reply to the Turk ish Grand Vizier's dispatch requesting the Priuce to make arrangements with Abdul Kerim, Commander-in Chief of Fresh thP. Turkish nrmv In nrPVPnt t.h nas- l WMABh&tS Jiyery tncrim, Micu as v-- f r w .Khmm Tn - r il t y j l j" - sage oi lue ausBian army, uas ueciareu i Lettus, at that such steD is too Berious tolie de-1 apr25 miis. Onions, Radishes and U H BMlXll'S.ii G-. ROGERS, termined by- Executive power alone. I -Qyiy Ihe Roumanian (Jhamber will be as sembled on the 2Gth inst., to examine the question. The first Russian detachment, con sisting of 40 sappers and an officer, crossed the Roumanian frontier yester day, at Bestinak. One thousand men are expected to cross to day. Grand Duke Nicholas has issued a CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, nrnr.larna.tinn to the inhabitants IkUUiuauia, vJJUSiug mo jacsgs ui hid I ai25 3m 1877. SPRING & SUMMER. HH BL.; Lichtenstein, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS arrived and located over W. Scarr A Co., with a choice selection of Fine Cassimeres. Cloth 8. Worsteds and Yesiingi, which he guarantees tb make up in the latest styles. All garments warranted to give satisfaction, and at tne most reason a Russian army under his command to- nf I ble priees. Please call ' and examine his items. M. LECHTEN3TEIN, .i ; .Mi- 9 ll n.t. ltilo 1 OotbiDff. and (Seats' -IFdraitnDri COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTkENlis. $ 6 00 '8 00 10 00 ; 12 oo 12 to 15 00 THE Opportunities and Facilities which we enjoy, allow us to N AM E retail prices for hesie Goods that f Will most elftctualiylflis- taiice ALL COMPETITION : For further and more complete evidence we refer with pleasure to the prices annexed ; ; ! All Wool Cassimeres Frock and Sacks Suits........ Scotch Mixed Cheviot Frock Suits,. Mixed Scotch Cassimeres and Irish Freize Walking Suits, very nice, Handsome Brown Milans. Imported Fabric Neat Grey Block and Invisible Plaids (stylish and selectl..M,v. Very Elegant Choice Styles.Pmcheck and Stripes, 15 to 18 00 xuixeu xrencn cassimeres in large variety is to sa OU Black Broken Check French Caesimere Suits, SO 00 (These goods are the best French Manufacture and are not sur passed by any ordere4 Suit made.) i J c d English Worsted, Diagonals, and fine Drab de Tae Suitiogsv ( very elegant and the finest made,..... $10 to $22.60 Beautiful Fancy Cassimere Pants, $2 to $5.50 English and French.latest importations i u $6 to $9 Black Goods in all grades. v Boys' and Children's Suitings, and Separ ate Garments, handsomely made up, at lower prices than ever yet known. A visit of inspection cordially solicited from all. Prompt attention given to all MAIL orders. We are prepared to meet all demands from the Wholesale Trade, E. D. Latta & Brother, apr2I ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. ATTENTION LADIES !! -:W: :R: S E C OND ARRIVAL -OF- run n r r n ' q par R 1 vG E S. stands 15 Democrats to 18 Republicans, la . VI! A. ! t L. A 1, c.v ,o,t mTfii''o c a cm A 5FH 4.KikeafSUlib- and but One Itepunucan vutca uu lUc UNDER a deed of trust to me, executed by J Mc Alexander and wife, bearing date I em Tf ceivii e a full lowm prices. ' . f-i . Hff" Call and make year selcclicnwhil' the a990T ment is full. V t-." marU -1 III aisca an il I At Haw .--,l - -IrlM. rarri fnr fho rights . """. UUW ttUU UWl VI ptlO uiuut uu .v. -b' --o rBic vod nr nrp m fturv nnf.itir.At.inn. and privileges of all classes. . declared that it win vieid to force. Th "Rt'offiplH and Lsurens Senators - ana has atrectea its troops to iaii Dacic on 14tQ day of January, 1876, and duly to avoid a conflict. registered, I will sell at the Court House The Russians crossed the Roumanian SffiS. gS&Ik frontier near Urgheni at 5 o'clock this j feet on Trade street, joining the residence of Tvint-niti T I H T Butler ana otners, ana containing tne in tne npuse oi ixrus mis eveuiug, Alexander. Democrats, another is in jail, and the Senate is virtually tied. The Lieuten ant-Governor has the casting vote. The indications are, that Associate Justice Willard, a New York Repiibli- 1 N ccnr.eolioir with (he Furnitcre Tusinet s 1 of Mr E G BoeeiH. at niv old ireTusinefs Jl" 1 fturd m ff set the Tn- Yl - rn account, k Fontb Trade Street, 1 will cccdcct dertaking BusineES on my ow ?ivmg it my personal attention.' I will keep a complete Stock.' from the Cheapest Wood Coffin ta the finest Metalic Earl Derby stated that 17,000 Russians crossed the frontier last night. Count Schonvaloff, the Russian Am- TERMS CASH. C DOWD, Trutee. apr4 tds Cin, will be noninated for Chief Justice ba3gadorin communicating the Rus- THEY HAVE COME, by the Democratic caucus, and elected ia accordance with Gov Hampton s avowed desire. Bnrial Cw jQefljy felegraph or otherwibe promptly attended' to. 'jggLTQN LOUISIANA. Louisiana Elects a United States Senator Judge Spoffbrd, an Unflinching: Democrat, the Fortunate Man. New. Okleaks, April 24.-Gov Nich- olls has" issued a proclamation request ing the citizens of New Orleans to at. tend to their regular business to-day; The Legislature in joint session elect ed Judge Spofford United States Sena- sian circular to Lord Derby to-day, stated that a general order lo cross the frontier had been given. V TENNESSEE. '.' - - J Death by a Brutal Outrage. Chattanooga, April 24. A daughter of Christian Peyer, five years old died from the effects of an outrage by a negro, who escaped. -at- C.S. HOLTON'S. SPRING DRESS GOODS ' LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES OF L A DIES' STRAW HATS , Klillinery Goods, Flowers, Ribbons and Ties, IN ALL DIFFERENT COLORS. h:t.x All Goods will be sold at prices to suit the times. Come and convince yourself of the facts, before you elsewhere. W ittko w sky &d Itintels apr2i Home Copy. Wilslon fe 15 th r w el l , WliolesaleSand Retail ""f"nfci ii nwsy i0W this' v'Mwi' aot-'uaW' som Two Robbers Arrested Dayton, April 24 Fritz Dine and tnr --Manv Renublicans after patriotic J William Harrison, the two principals .nP.hP vntcd for Snofford. The bal- in the recent diamond robbery at Int. Btonrl. Snofford 140: Wlltz 1; bianK, rsa?nviue, were arresteu, auv uu.i ui 12; total 153 ' necessary to a choice, the property was louna on tnem. 77. GEOBGIlt As the Cathedraiciocjc strucic ii to day, a detachment of the 2rd Infantry AColored Mlirderer convicted under tnecommauu ui Siv1itt Anril 24norM Wil- Uolppe JiJrunKC, liiaivii; . nnlATPii. his hPPn" convicted of .. ' .TI4.1 fHi.rloB tneur eanxluiC.,pCu Ui, atep child by beating and . a. A I -mho a r v a a r ann nnr. 1 - street w ik..u .v- i tTo tn tMif. tn. . . V .1, .1 . 1 ik.n IVaOHUg MVt,.!-,M(ii."' v Louis Street to ine river, wu tucj . . . - embarked on a steamboat to their bar, raf a AbOUl one nuuureu meu f. Or.ater than Tletlon. enfs assembled on tne oppo- Yon are sallow, sick and peevish r your I street in front of the Or- see their comrades move, Vta infanfrir l-anfl hpffatl to nlaV. I "PrixcdAr ' Price 0 cents. GAR snrfTT?ri?Tr. BlPTTfi iBlf T lWKnY BOOM. wuc v, j , I ' , : A lew hunarea; person., Tbe Qnestion no longer agitaU. the pub- rrAml-. -sVll n.AVA1lnr the. atreeti along tbe.line oi maron, uk lic . nd. whU...CoiaeM'?. Ughtotog " AlllilllUJS JC1UI1UU J UltriSlS or JrerSOUa V ha .l.VhtRRt demonstration of any Unimentis better tnanauotnerummenw. norir.-ipuaiSRi.aa; rRE of the crnr, offebs , , .a'Vv.ii limv'.:; - ..... - , ., . . racks. AbouV TheFwitasFirsclassistlie House is-Carpeted - . ,' ,.r: I-" ' ' whfin the infat TO 'THE TRAVEIXDra PUBLIC. - THOSE CRACKERS, Raisins, Goshen Butter, Cod Pish, Oranges, Lemons, Canned Goods, Macaroni, Jellies, Sardine?, Bologna Sausage, Cheese, French Candies, Kut, Apple. Also a fresh assortment daily of Cakes, Bread . and Pies, Parties and Weddings ' supplied at ihcrt notice. Friends and everybody Invited ., to call and examine, n-. : i - , - Buy and be satisfied. "'N . " , THE RISING STJX1' . is yet opposite Market. , apr22 t liver needs regplating you aye ctiuis ana nn't fin enrpd nntil von use Tabler's Liver Porcelain Shades ND Paper Shades for Lamps, at A apr24 s for Lamps, at u : , ,T.O SMITH'S, . . . llrug itor. - TORLEASTJKE, THIS HOUSE OPFEKS EVERY FACILITY FOR COMFORT. We think it is the best Liniment f rheu- T7XJRKM DULLNESS w TEBMS:f3.00, 120 and U2".00-per day, according to .location oi ftooms., 5 , rn, grin rH 0 ECCLEST "r ropnetor. ; -f ' 0 1. T 2 kind. On the galleries oi ine ou uuuia .,iam nenraieia. sorains. bruises, tetter, uid Orleans Hotels stood a Efewof the 6tiff joints, Vnin: 1, looking at ""irJ: w47. : -n and keeps up the demand: 'WE ARE E DLATTA St BRO.Q i tft trwta below. 1 .--! cents. For sale .by an vraggiap. D R U G G IQS T S 1'. OFFER a large Stock of D.-ugsr Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnish atjlow prices Wilson & BurweU have in Stock 20,000 pounds PURE WHITE LEAD. Wilson & Burwell are agents for Dooley's Yeast Powder. Wilson & ' BurweU have a large stock of Kerosene Oil Lam ps. Wilton & ; Burwell have" their Prescription Counter furnished with the purest medicines. Wilson & Burwell have a large Stock of fine Cigars. , Wilson & Burwell sell C West & Sons Aladdin Security Oil, "best in use." "Warrant- , , . . ed to stand 150 fire test.' Wilson fc Burwell e , -'"'"flWtre agents for "the English Breakfast ', ' : Packet. Tea Co.", Cutler's Inhalers. . ,..: .. . f ,V Wilaon &, Burwell have just re- ' ' . . J ' ceivad a supply of Hons in , . " ' ' ,f . , .small packages, very mce ;.-' ' : ' . and fresh. Wilson :- - t , & Burwell have . . , ' " . ' - . in Stock all . . . ' J . - sizes of . .' ' . WI N D O W: G IL S S. WILSON '& BURWELL CAN FURNISH CORKS; n OF ro! ;a il ;.s iz e sriBJjN ; F iymE .GROSS, -75, .C'Sic BiA a. ipr2? - ? !" it': -1. J. i . n I. I'll .r

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