MEMORIES. BY FA1BVB KYAlf. The come, as the br- cciats oYr the foam, Walking i he waves that a-a4uking to 8'eep. , The Jaimt or memories iroru lur ; away The dim of facts Uymd the dark Thpy come as li e Mars con e out in the &ky, That shimmtr wherever the shadows may And ih'-iTbtei s are as soft as the sound of a 'Kn n vi V ' V' And 1 welcome them all while wearily eep. . . ; -- .rs-;, Tl ey come as a s hi comes out f the pasr, As loved mother murmured in days that are dead ...... Whese tones spiriMbriJIi.-g lue.ou to the last, - . i ::. '.Vhere the gloom of the hrart wraps " its gry oVr the he; d. Tlity cme nkeghwts from tht grass fchroud ed graves. ' " And they follow our footsteps on 'life's wind'ing way ; V - And tbey mutmnr around us as murmur the waves . , Thatsifeh on the shore at the dying of dy. , ... . -v... They come sad as teats to the eyes that are bright ; .,.' ' They come-rweet as smiles to the liis - that are pale ; . Tbey come- dim as dreams in the depths of the night ; . Tbev come -fair as H iwers in the lone, lovely ya'e. There is not a heart that is not haunted so Though far we may s iay fram the scenes of the past; lis memories follow wherever we go And the days tbat were firat sway the days that were last. The Moffett Whiskey Indicator A Protection Against Till-Tappirg. An imprc:-skn seems to prevail that the whiskey indicator will not be put into use for several months, or until a patent can be obtained for the device. This is a mistaken idea. The Auditor is now Ltisily engaged in making his arrangements to have it put in the hands of the commissioners of the revenue at an early day. He i9 pre paring instructions t be forwarded to these officers in relation to Iheir duties, how to make their returns, reports, and other information' that will be necessary for the etringment and faith ful encouragement efthe law. The idea that some have entertained, that if a atentt is not obtained on this machine it will necessarily make the law a uullity, is not well founded. Whether it is secured by a patent or not. it will, go into operation. The State in tbat case could attack a lithograph label or some other seal or mark of its own, and prevent the machines from being, duplicated. Senator Faniel A. Grimsley, of Cul pepper, who took an active part in framing the bill introducing this method of taxation, has been in the city for several days, and feels assured that there is no obstacle likely to pre vent the law going into operation as soon as the Auditor can complete the necessary preparations Jor isBiring the indicators Thf 4 i one feature about this system that has been overlooked by the bar-keepers, and it is one that furnishes the very protection against till tapping that these peop'e have long and vainly sought. Bar keepers have long complained that their assis tants do not make full returns at inight of the drinks sold during the day, With this protection in the bar there can be no longer any complaints ot dishonest bar-teepersi At. the close of each day's sales the proprietor has but to refer to the Moffett indicator and he can at a glance see how many glasses of liquor have been sold ; and by referring to the -machine used to indicate the malt liquors he sees bow many glasses of beer were disposed of, ana make his salesmen account ac cordingly. Delmonico, of New York, has re cently sent here and obtained the bill adopted by the Legislature at its last session. ana has had a model construct ed exactly like the Moffiett Dlan. A boy is kept in the bar, whose duty it is to turn it every time a drink is taken. The plan was adopted no doubt for the protection of the proprietor against till-tapping. lias recommendation of a law that the trade seem to think is such a bur densome one has not been noticed by the Liquor Dealers' Protective Asso ciation, composed of the boss liquor- men, ine scheme has generally been mentioned as- the lJpunch bill." mere is no punching apparatus con ;"ui.u lue jjian, ji is simply an indicator, and not unlike a low-water indicator attached to the locomotives, with the addition of an alarm bell. xtcrimond JJisjmtch. ' . AIR feTEPHES AND THE LADIES f.ev"al of the ladies who haveheen at the National Hotel throogh the! Win der, have been faithful nurses to Mr Stephens. He has been most appre ciative of their tender care, and one day said to one of them whom he was thanking for her attention : "You are the Onlv One nf rav nnmu has never kissed me." The lady (who is a grandmother)' immediately stoop ed and kissed him on the forehead. hen he ex pressed his pleasure,she said to him : "Mt 6tephens,:IQnder that ou, who appreciate women so highly, ae never married." "Ah, yes," lie w.fe "tut here's' story about UaK ,Tbu5 he 4d, not-toll, but intN .a.ted Je had a love affair in his youth which had caused him to remain un- -r--,-.. funatu,ral br'lge, far more wonder hh J that in virgihia. has recently been discovered in Elliott County, Ken- o S ' -ll 13 of solid 8tonV and forms f magnificent arch 162 feet long and 15 eet wide at the top, the river, the Lit "e Uhaney, rolling over 100 feet below. i LyaTda. abov the brige is a water- ,r l-eet ?!gD. and the view from the extrrmely beautl .UlvX1-i: He who knows the world will not be oasniui He who know himself noi oe impudent. K GARMENTS i 'if- t :i !Z,Ke!ca?Vle men- The knowing ones ort t Pt the high Custom Tail nr,i?.ake their Purchasers from our un quailed assortment. '-1. BP LATTA & BQv A K0XHER Barrel of Sparkling Cider, spS? pUt Up' ftt B W SMITH'S." W 2 are for m advance with superior styles rL and lar8er assortment this than in any revioua season. E 1 l.ATTA OIO, DAILY PRICE CURRENT RE TAIL. MARKET. Batter scarce and tn demani Chickens very scarce.- - .Eggslight stock. , -Irish Potatoes Yerv scarce. App'es scarce. t. , , , ; -J, Oranges--smallstoW " Cabbage none offering. - : - r i ;, , Mutton very scarce; good demand. .Bananas plentiful ,; " . BoTTIB ' Fresh Country, 23a26 Oosben 30a35 - 40a60 From stores. 90ol5 - ' , 45o50 25o30 ,30a35 20o25 16io20 ocmsy From wagons. Turkeys. 60a75 30a40 20a25 25a30 16Jal8 12Jal4 Ducks, - Chickens, Guinea. Eea Potato Ks 8weet, $bushel,100ai.25 Irish, " i 25al 35 Cabbasre. 1.50al.60 1.75a2.00 3a5 , per lo - 6a8 6al0 8al2J . 8al2J I0a12l 124al5 15al6i . 00a08 - O0o25 Derlb. Fassn Mkats . Beef. - ... - ... Veal, . Mutton, Lamb, Pork, . - Sausage, unMufied, Sausage. BtniTcd Beeswax Hoky -, In Comb. 12alS Strained, 13al5 Fettits Oranges, per hundred, 60a4 00 Lemons, 3E0 Apples (NorthernkDer bbl.. 5.00a5 fio Apples (Green Moan tain), 3 50a4 00 Cranberries, per quart, 20 Dried Apples, per lb:, 7a8J Peanuts, country, l.oo Wilmington, 2.00 Bananas, r buncb, 200a3 50 "I " dozen . . 0 Cocoannts '.08aJ.O pr dozen .75al 00 O BOCERIES W HOLES ALE. Corn, in fair demand. Floor, market excited and higher. Sugar, good demand. Coffee, firm with good demand. 8alt,;dull , ; Salt meats, strong and advancing.. Lard, firm and advancing. Bulk Meats per lb 9a9 8ia9 lalh 121al3 14al4i Hi 12 13al3J 151 16 Clear Rib Sides, Long Clears, Shoulders, - Hams S C Uncanvassed, " Canvassed, Lakc Best refined tierce, " half Bbls, l' - -- Backets ft Tins, Chkxbk v Factory, r iCreanv ' i . Selected cream, none B OTTER Country Goshen ' 22a27 29a32 t i 12Jal3 121al2 Hal2 . llaI2 lOialli 8TJGAB3 Cat loaf Granulated and crashed A r KxC Yellows yj't :f' Mouissis - per gal 55a65 44a55 40a4d New Orleans, fair to choice, Golden Drip (syrup) Cuba, Black Strap, 32a33 Corrix-Mocca, 40, Java, 35. Bio, 20o23i Tea Black 50o"5. Green, 86al.50 Mixed, 50a51 per ibi 25a30 Fish Herrings, per box MACKEREL. Bbls (full weight) 9.50al0 50 I bbls " 5 50a6.50 Kits " 1.15al.50 Floor - per bbl. Family, 9.00al2.00 Extra, 8.00a9.50 Super, 7 .OO08.OO Buckwheat, per lb, 4 Ric Choice 71 a8 cts. Good to prime 6a6J Mxal nex bushel. G772 Gurraper bbl 5.60 Corn, by car load, in sacks, 04o75 ' " bulk, 68 From wagons in balk, 62a65 Whiat Fromwegom. From Stores Seed wheat, . . , 25 cts higher White, 125 ; 1.50 Red. 155 , " " 1.40 Oats-White.. 60a65 Black 60a65 Rr 80o5 1.00 Pure clay. 125al 30 Mixed, ll.0al.15 Hat TJnchopped Timothy, per cwt. 1 35 North Carolina, " " 7ia80 Sat.t per sack UverpooJ, fine table, , 2.25o2.30 Ground Alum 1.15al.25 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Thouch a notable, there is still little change. Dr.Gpbd have manifestly weak ened. " S., ' .. " Jobbing RaUt ) ": SbEKTI KO ASP SHIRTIUGSr- Rockingham 4-4 Standard Woodlawn 4-4 - ; - 7S ; . r-- 3-4 Other brands ' Brown drills Bleached 10-4 Sheeting bl'd and unbl'd 5-4Pillowcasing" " PaiHTB Pawnee v Wamsutta :j . :' Freemans ' ' -.. - 8prague A Kindred brands ! ; Other good brands; Jbaks akd Cottoxadks York 7ic 7ia7 - : 7 6a6i 7Ja7f 9alOJ 84all , 31a40 18a22 5a6 6 Si . 6ia7i 00a7 15il5J Wittenden Oriental Lei n bach & Co Darco Lincoln ' ' Table kocks Ermine cloth 15 22 12 ,15al51 Z2aZ4 30 18a21 Dbsss Goods' : ' . Carded Alapacas -, Plain Lustres f , ' Lawn's Pacific Parsee Plaids' u Percalls ' Peqoets ; 20a22 14ai6 18 14a20 12a24 8a8i 124 Ticxme ; Palmer ., . '4 Oakland . Conestoga ; , - 14al8 WINES AND LIQUORS. Ample supply, light demand. ' ( Wholetale Rates.) Bkakdt v ' Peach per jr,al. Apple " Whiskt Rye " ' i - Corn " 3 Wivti . .. 25o4 00 65al 75 , - Chamnagne. wsr basket. 20 00a25 00 8herry gallon, Port - " Maderia . " Scuppemong"' ' Blackberry " - Claret " doszen . Ale , s4 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 50 150 7 50 2 75 2 75 Porter ! LEATHER. (Jobblna Rata ) The market is steady atpricy 1 1 given below P D Hemlock: per lb 21a23 G IT Hemlock, per lb. . 23a24 27a30 40a42 uooa White Oak Btaught. per lb American uaii. , L JOal 25 45a50 Bides, . Kips, ' (1 ii 65a75 - 35a37 I 75al 90 1 75al 85 1 90a200 ' Harness, " . French Calf, Suser " u - ' ". M, Cornelian " F R E I OUT UILmNGTON NORTH CAROLWA LINES. ' SEMI-WEEKLY. '. Fast FreiEht . Route ta BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Southern Steam Trana- ' portation Company. Sailing from BALTIMCKE Tuesday and Friday,, at 2P9L AMD rao wxucniaToif WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. - GIVING THROUGH BILLS OP LADING to all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. For North or East bound Freight, to Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern Cities. '-f. ALSO--' .. - V Liverpool, Glasgow, Bremen, Antwerp and Other European Ports. These Line8 connect at Wilmington with the Wi'lminirtnn. flnlnmhia Ano-nate Railroad, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and Carolina Central Railway and CapeFear River Steamers, with their connecting Roads, offering unequalled facilities for the prompt delivery of Freight to all points, as the Steamers on these Lines on arrival in Wilming ton stop at Railroad depot, the Freight transferred under covered sheds to cars without delay, and forwarded by the Fast Freight Express that morning. No drayage in Wilmington and to transfer from Wilmington South. Re tee guar, an teed aa LOW as by any other boats. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. Mark all goods via Wilmington Lines. v JLm tuer information, apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD, GenT Agt. Baltimore Line, 50 South Street, Baltimore. w J, r. ui, x uifi & tjy., uen'l Age. New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, N. 1. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent Baltimore and New York Linei, Wilmington, N. O. tf. ' W H. H ' GREGORY, Soliciting Agent VIA WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Through Freight Route to all Points South. This line being fully equipped for business, offers unequaled facilities for the Transportation WILMINGTON AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVILLE, ASHEVILLE, RUTHERFORDTON, GREENVILLE, SPARTANBURG, ALL STATIONS ON THE ATLANTA & RICHMOND AIR-LINE, ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO, and WESTERN N. C. RAILROADS, as well as all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI. , . IISrSTJRjliTOE JLlSTlD bates GUARANTEED AS LOW AS VIA INFORMATION FURNISHED WM A MOODY, South Western Freight Agt., Charlotte, N. C. septSO Just Received AT Mc ADEN'S DRUG STORE, i)f Cases Buffalo Litbia Water, fresh from mU the Springs ; 10 cases Rockbridge Alum Water : a large supply of Iodine and Alum Mass from the Jordan Alum Springs apr8 - Watches I Jewelry, VERY LOW AT Hales & Farrior's. WE HAVE A LAE6B STOCK, AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. All work in the line neatly done, and Warranted. jan28 CLOTHING!! Pierre Dedroit, MERCHANT TAILOR, Telegraph Office, Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Has just received a splendid lot of Fine Dotskios, Cloths and Cassi meres, wnicn l will make up at prices to soil the times, and guarantee satisfaction in style and fit. feDZS Economy is wealth. PRACTICE the first, and secure the latter by purchasing your Groceries from gpr7 Opposite Charlotte Hotel. Vance fimarai-Eet tie Best MESSRS. MAXWELL & SYMONS, of Charlotte, N. C, and native North Carolinians, will bring before the people of North Carolina in a few days, a splendid Line Engraving, 18x22, tsize of print, not of paper( of our noble and beloved Governor. It is in a style of art unsurpassed. It is not a cheap Lithograph, such as we see used for theatre and circus celebrities, but is a mag nificent wortc or art a genuine wne xm graving. it is a remarkable likeness, an artistic portrait, and portrays to perfection the cordial, tnenaiv, dui aecisiyeieamren i this great man of the people a man who pessessing the tenderest sympathies, is the friend Oi every mau, mm b10"" "v"ww A controller of a ereat corxi- monwealth. lt should be m the nome 01 IB VU . ' - jb every uaronnian, auu hijiivh; n.w it is offered places it within the reach of alL It would be cbeap at $5. Agents are want ed to canvass eyery town in this State, and liberal terms will be given them We com mend this enterprise to our peopic. aprl8tf . . ;- - . As Y(m Kkcflt ONE car load Lynchburg's best Flour, one lot flue Irish Potatoes for table use one lot best Cream Cbeeke,- one lot select Goshen Butter, one lot elegant Mountain Kit But ter, and other articles belonging infirst- Ldass Grocery. M Jufiou nuwa apritf w . . T en n esse Beef Cattle. A NOTHER arrival of Tennessee Beef Oat- h tie fine end lat. ; can ana see ior jrwur JJf. 1 ADAMS & POWELL, . -Tryon street,japposite City Clock. aprl3 LI WES gag. all Paints South an -SB; NEW YORK. Clyde's Wilmington LinV: : ; from NEW YORK , . Tuesday and 'Friday at 3 P. int. AKD TBOK WHJtEtaTOW . ... WEDNESDAYS andSATl.'UOAYS of Teight, from ' ANY COMPETING LINE, AND UPON APPLICATION TO F W CLARK, General Freight Ag't, Wilmington, N. C. T T SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Dr. W. W Gaither, OFFICE IN THE INSURANCE BUILDING. All orders left at Wilson fe Barwell's drug store will receive prompt attention. feb24 ly COB M MKKDEL, A BAUMGAETIN J A COB M. MENDEL A CO., MA.NU7ACTURKR8 OT CIGARS wholksah d Calebs is TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, dC TRADE 8T.. CHARLOTTE, N. C. oet!3 Remember D R. McADEN has removed from the old corner on Tryon Street, to the Parks building, a few doors below, next to Butler's and just above Elias, Cohen & Roessler's, where all are invited to come to get good articles at the lowest prices, marl You Will Find 11HE Debt 50 cent Hair Brush in the City, .at TO SMITH'S, aprl3 Drug Store. M Lnite ail Wool Yal THE undersigned have this day leased the Rock Island Factory Yard, and will keep constantly on band a full stock of Lumber. Shingles, Laths, Lime and Wood, which they will sell at lowest market prices, whole sa e or retail. E BEVAN, no9 tf W T BEAMAN Election Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of law, an election will be held on the 1st Monday in May, 1877, at the usual poll ing places in the several Wards 01 the Uity of Charlotte for Mayor and a Board of Alder men for said city, for the twelve months next ensuing. Waed No. 1. Registrar M C Mayer ; Inspectors C Scott, F H Dewey, W W Grier. Waed No. 2 Registrar W W Ward: Inspectors L W Sanders, Wm Sloan, John T Butler. i Ward No. 3. Registrar I H McGinn Inspectors A H Creswell, M A Stauffer, J W Miller. - . , . . Waed No. 4. Registrar E K P Osborne: Inspectors M L Barringer, A R Nisbet, Jas Hartv. Wm JoHBSTOjr, Mayor. " m m rm nt OB m J3 alkxahdeh, onenn. apr4 tde -- f- AT RIGLER'S A Fine lot of Northern Apples, Maca roni! Prepared Cocoanut, Eureka Chinned Dried Beef, Prepared Cod Fish for family use, Candies of all kinds. French and Home made, Taffies Arc. - Prunes. Dates. Bread and Cakes, Pies fresh every day. : Canned Goods, Pine Apples. Toma toes: Peaches. Salmon, Corn, Green Peas.' .' j-" '-"!-3 s apr20 . miscixlaiviious. TMfflyTOMfl r A rT TT"TTin HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS ' Been iw general nsc for twenty years Everywhere proved tbe most SAFE, - SIftiPL.E ECO VO MICAE and EFFICIENT1 medi cines known. - They arc Just what the people want, saving time and money averting se -nessand sufferinar. Each singe specific the well tried prescript on 01 an eminent physician. Nos ; . Cures , - Cents 1 Fevers, Congestioni Inflammation, . . ,'2S - Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 25 3 Urying vxhic, or Teething of In 4 Diarrhoea, of Children or Aduita, 6 Dysentery, Griping, Billions Colic, 6 Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting,.....M. 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ..:. 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache,.. 9 Headaches, bick Headache, Ver tigo . 10 Dyspepsia, Billions Stomach......... 11 Suppressed, or Painful Periods,.. . 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods,,..... 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, T.4 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains,... 16 Fever and Ague,Chill Fever,Aues, 7 Piles, blind or bleeding, " 18 Ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes,....;.. 5 Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza 20 Whooping-Cough, violent coughs, 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing, 22 Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 23 Scrofula, enlarged : glands, Swel lings,. 24 General Debility, Phiaical Weak- 25 Dropsy and scanty Secretions....... 26 Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 27 Kidney-Disease, Gravel,:...i........ 28 Neryous Debility, Seminal Weak ness or involuntary discharges, 29 Sore Mouth, Canker, : 30 Urinary .Weakness, wetting the " bed, ...... 31 Painful Periods, with Spasms,. 32 Disease of Heart, naloitations. etc.' 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5S 25 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 50, 50 50 00 33 Epilepsy, Spasms, 8t. Vitus' Danoe 1 00 34 Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 50 35 Chronic congestions and Erup tions, 5 FAMILY CASES. . Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of directions, $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large Vials and Book, 600 X3T These remedies are sent by the case or single box to any part of the country, free of charge on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office fc Depot, No 562 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Druggists, T C SMITH & CO., Agents, Dr, JOHN H. McADEN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Biff fig No. 1 Parks' Building; Next door to J; T. Butler's Jewelry Store- NOW oners to the trade an unusually large and well selected Stock of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, " PAINTS, CI LS and DYE STUFFS. Our new store room, is now complete and we have ample room ; three stories well filled with everything in our line, bought for Cash at the lowest market price. Our old customers and friends, and the public gent rally are invited to" call and See. as we will take great pleasure in waiting on them, and offering the best articles for the least money. marl Demorests Patterns 821 MAIN STREET. 821 DEMORE8T'S PATTERNS for Spring and Summer received original and beautiful designs. Send for catakgoe free Price f 'Portfolio" and '"What to Wear," 15c each. We have made special agreements-with Mme Demorest whereby we become her only general agents for the States of Virgin ia ana .North Caroline, and aie now prepar ed to fill any order, large or small, for any patterns nan.ed in catalogue. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., mar22 6w w4t Richmond, 'a. B (.lists" WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS of the crop of 1876, in papers and in bulk. at McA DEN'S DRUGSTORE. marl 5 Cases OF Burton's Malt Hop Tonic, an excellent article for invalids and those sufferine from general debility, at McADI N S DRUG STORE, marl '" " 50 Cases HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, 25 cases Vine car Bitters, 5 gross Simmons' Liver Regular, 5 gross Merrill's Hepatine, at JUCAUN o UfiUu STOKE. marl Fine Imported ilRENCH BRANDY, Sherry, Port and Whiskey, the besj in the world, sold strictly for medicine, at McADEN S DRUG STORE, marl 10,000 F INE CIGARS of all brands of the finest quality, at Mc AD EN'S DRUG STORE. marl 10 Barrels; LINSEED OIL, both raw and boiled, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE. marl 10 Cases ROCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER, fresh from the Springs, just received, at McADB-N'StDKUU B OJKJfi, marl .v'- -iL 10 Cases BUFFALO UTH1A4 WATER,: just re ceived. We have made arrangements to Teceiye these Mineral , waters every wee right fresh from the Springs, at marl tt -'i 'j:f,,"'UrfViVilf am.-14'- A T Charlotte, N. C. We have now. in 21- orjeration our Saratoga Fountain, and will have on draught all the season fresh Saratoga Water en ice, as good as it is at tbe Springs in New xort. - McADEN'S DRUG STORE. " marl Chewing; Tobacco. GROVELEYS' finest brands of Chewing Tobacco, unequalled, In any market.'at marl -' I ' i .. j; r LATEST ARRIVAL : ow Cl ll E W fil 0 0 DJS " 7 - - J. S. PHILLIPS; MERCHANT TAILOR and DEALER IN GENTS FURNISHING GOOD8, ? - HAS removed to one of the New Stores under the Central Hotel.Trade St, and is Men's Wear,' and will' maka them 'up at short notice in the most fashionable man ner, cheaper than the same class of Goods have ever been offered in this market , -! Orierei Slirts a Specialty. . . Cutting and repairing done promptly. All goods and work must be paid for on deliv ery, as I am compelled to do a cash bnsiaess. J S PHILLIPS. Octl7 C, C' & A; Rr;R. GENERAL PASSENGER DEFT, )EFT, V TA.R.R. 1,1877. J vmAEXOXTK, UOLTJMBIA ATjaUSTA. Columbia. S. C. March 11th. 1! . On and after Sundav. Harch 11th. the fol lowing schedule will be operated on this road: MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY GOING SOUTH No, 1. Leave Charlotte, - . 9.35 p. m Leave Columbia, 3.S0 a. m. Leave Graniteville, 7.01a,m. Arrive at Augusta, 7.40 a. m. - - GOING NORTH No. 2. Leave Augusta, 8 45 p. m Leave W, C & A Jn'n, 12.35 a. m. Leave Columbia, 12.55 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 6.15 a. m. ACCOMMODATION & FREIGHT TRAIN, DAILY, Sundays excepted CHAR LOTTE DIVISION GOING . . SOUTH No. 3. Leave Charlotte, J 4.35 a. m Leaye Chester, 9.10 am. Leave Winnsboro, 12.00 m. Arriye at Columbia. 2.43 v m. GOING NORTH No. 4. Leave Columbia, 9.15 a. m Leave Winnsboro, 1.15 p. m. Leave Chester, 4,03 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, 7.53 p. m. AUGUSTA DIVISION GOING SOUTH No. 5. Leave Columbia, 6 30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta. 3.57 a m. GOING NORTH No. 6. Leave Augusta, 5.00 a m. Arrive at Columbia, 2.23 p. m. Trains Nos 1 1 nd 2, will not stop at the following named stations : Smith s, Cornwall's, White Oak Adgers, Simpson's, tacks, Lexington, Borrs, Gil bert Hollow, Summit, Bacon's T. O., Adams, Miles' Mill, Baths. Trains Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6, will stop at all regular stations, and "ticket offices will be opened for the accommodation of local travel. A POPE, General Passenger Agent. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen'l Supt, mar29 MUKim LINEN STORE, 828 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. New Linen Dress Goods. OUR spring importation of choice Printed Linen Lawns, has just been received ex-steamship ,-Brittannia." LADIES CAN HAVE SAMPLES SENT BY MAIL. New Printed Linen Lawns Black pat terns on white ground ; Blue patterns on white ground ; CrimsOn patterns on white ground ; Lilac patterns on white ground ; Brown patterns on white ground. Mourning Linen Lawns White patterns on black ground ; Plain black linen lawn ; Plain white linen lawn, 26 inches wide ; Plain white linen lawn, 36 inches wide. For Travelling Suits Plain Flax colored Linens, 34 inches wide at 20, 5, 28, 31, 35 and 40 cents per yard. Plain Navy Blue Linens, Plain Black Linens, Checked Linens, natural flax colors. Also Household Linens of every descrip tion Linen Handkerchiefs, Ac. Qualities always reliable, Prices always reasonable. GEO M1LLIKEN & SON, Linen Store, 828 Arch Street, aprll lm Philadelphia. N. B. A great variety of samples of the above named goods can be seen at Mrs Query's Millinery Store, where orders for same will be received and promptly attend- a to. 20e-a-Nambfr$2aYear WIDE A WAKE an illustrated Magazine for Young People, is the very best pub lication of the kind in our country, as well as the cheapest. For an agency, mnd to , D LOTHOP & CO., feb25 Boston. BRAMHALL & CO., GENERAL SOUTHERN LAND AGENTS, Will shortly Publish a large edition of their SOUTHERN GUIDE AND CATALOGUE, For general distribution in all parts of the United States and ' Great Britian. All per sons having Real Estate for sale will find it greatly to their advantages to use this valua ble medium. A limited number of advertisements will be received Address' BRAMHALL & CO., No 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. : prlf dwtf I CAE M&TTIHG 4-4 and 54. HEMP CARPET. Beaitifal Marble Fir: Oil ciotli, Marble arid Mahcgony Table Oil Cloth. Oil and Paper Curtails, and all House Fur nisbing Goods, best quality, at . M ' BAERINGER & TROTTER; apr!9- : Bulbous Roots. LILIES. DAHLIAS, GLADIOLI, MADE IRA VINES, at . " 8CARR & CO'S,1 mar24 Drugstore. Fresh Meats. -i ' LARGE supply of - NICE TENDER xx BEEF. PORK, MUTTON and r VEAL, always on band at lowf st market prices, at PGOPCniYiFOrUJAtG. A NEWLY discovered miae at HunteS' JX viUe, N. a. on the An T. & O. Kalhrea 13 miles North of Charlotte. Eaid mlaf has been explored only 23 feet, and many old miners have examined thamin and era and pronounoe it very fine. Also Prof W O Kerr, oi R-Uelgh. Dr 0 L Hunter;, of ;Iia colnton and Prof Hanna, of CharkrU have seen the mine ? and art ; and pronooaoe U yery fine. -si -- - With these recommendation and maay nioie that could be brought up wa now oflar this valuable property for sale, including between 70 and 80 aerea of land ia and around amid mine of which there ara aem 20 or 30 acres of valuable pine timber, half mile from a saw-mill.' - ,J ' f.. Any one wishing to see specimens of sat mine can do so by calling at our CvSoe When 'we say specimens,' we mean to show you something that Is worth looking at. . For further Information, address - : - ' H. A. HUNTXBV June 17 . ; ? CJi i -Hnntersville. N.0L GREAT REDUCTION An ITS !"..,'( XT, At ' u : '1 J HAVE just taken Stock, and find I have 1 more Goods than I want to carry, to I will sell one half off at COST to Vuit'the times. I will sell a fine Silver American Watch for $12.00. I will sell Gold Chains atjl.00 per dwt. Watch Glasses fitted at 10c eecb, an4 every thing else- in proportion. WEIGHT AND QUALITY OF GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, J AT J. T. BUTLER'S; CAROLINA -JEWELRY STORE. ' CHARLOTTE, 1. ja21 C. '.a IMPERIAL SALOON keeps constantly on hand LAUER'S CELEBRATED LAGER BEER. Bythedczen bottles $1.25, By the keg $4.25.: SWEET Olt SOUR CLAR ET, and OTHER DOMESTIC WINE3, by the dosen bot-: ties $3 00, by tbe gal lon $150. WINE and BEER Orf DRAUGHT. ALE, PORTER. DUBLIN AND BELFAST GINGER AE, By the dozen, $2X0. , '.' JOSEPH FISCHEsMi. feb28 . ,; VANCE'S PICTURE, The finest engraving of our Governor made, can be had at . , TAH HSSS' SAtlERY, It is no common wood cut "but an elegant Lithograph, , Published in North Caro-! lina by J S Tomlinson, and sold at... the low price of 50 cents, or framed neatly for $1 50. SEE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. apr 1 9 REAL ESTATE urn ; Immigration Agency. FOR the sale of ' Land, and prdtKRBg homes in the Piedmont regions of Jerth and South Carolina. THOS feb! v F DRAYTON, Charlotte N. C. 5,000 Pounds ST. LOUI8 WHITE Li AD, the very beat material at short profit, at McADEN'S DRUG STORE. J marl GOLDEN MILLET RECEIVED TO-DAYv -3 SEND IN YOUR ORDER TO Bnrwell & Spring hi; ft J' apr20 PUBLIC 'NOTICE" IS hereby given that a general meeting of tbe Stockholders of the North Carolina Air-Line Railway Company will be held at the Central Hotel in unanotte, rtonn Caro lina, on the 15th day of May next, at ten . o'clock, A. M of that day, for the purposo of considering the consolidation agreement,, which has been entered into between the Directors of that Company and the Directors of the Georgia. Air-Line Railway Company and the South Carolina Air-Line Railway Company. 'n, . v - j-.f. Dated April litu; 1877. !ijti , O H PEIRCE. -S aprli tilmal5inc - Becretaryv - LARGEST PROFIT YET.' SpedmeJfoV iea free. For an Agency tend to A-I . feb25 "Boston,; - JUST EECEIVED-: 1 e A Lbs 8moked Hogs JOLES. 2 -lbs Choice Buck wheat Flour, at . aprl$ B N SMITH'S.